
Chapter 199 Dragon and Phoenix Blessings

Chapter 199 Dragon and Phoenix Blessings

The golden core cracked a gap, facing the thunder and blasted into the robbery cloud, and all the Daoist ideas were returned.

With a dignified expression, Fu Danwei tried his best to run the natal golden elixir, according to the "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Sutra" to give birth to the Nine Dao Ethos.

Cool wind, hot wind, cold wind, sky wind, secluded wind, gale wind, whirlwind, yin and yang wind, and four seasons wind.

This is the Fu family's improved Nine Winds Way, which perfectly fits the current Dongnae environment.

The thunder blasted down from the sky, and the nine winds rose from the surface of the golden core.

Borrow the thunder to refine the true form.

The Dao sword was running, and the nine sword intents gradually rose.

Using the Tao to defend the law is the fundamental philosophy of the Taoist Sword Sect.


The golden elixir exploded, and a group of yin gods wrapped the core elixir to shape the appearance of a child.

This moment is the weakest moment of Fu Danwei.

Heng Hua got up his spirits, while Bai Hezi, Fu Yongbao and others were secretly on guard.

The Desire Realm manifested from the sky, and several heavenly demons rushed towards them quickly.


The nine wind swords sounded, and immediately set up the "Nine Winds Returning to the Heavenly Immortal Formation" to kill the demon.

Fragments of golden elixir flew into the sword array, slowly expanding the sword array, protecting the infant in the eye of the array.

Thunder essence gathered in the air, turning into a pool of innate thunder.

The mysterious and simple avenue pattern surrounds the pool wall, and the five thunder gods are looming.There are countless thunder waters in the pool, each drop is a thunder of heaven and earth.

Lei Chi.

Don't overstep the threshold.

This is the conception of sentient beings on the way of thunder.

With the evolution of the ancient monks' way of thunder and lightning.Over time, an innate thunder pool really appeared in Donglai Heaven and Earth.This great supernatural power of Tiangang evolved from the "five thunders rectification method" has truly become the calamity of heavenly thunder that crushes Zhuxiu's head.

Purple air surged, white light shone, and countless thunder dragons and lightning snakes were bred in the thunder pond.

Qi Lei hid in Fu Liuhui's arms, looking at Tian Lei in fear.

Different from the previous episodes, it absolutely dare not absorb the thunder shown on the earth today.The two spirit swords in the body felt threatened and vibrated frequently to warn.

Fu Liuhui was in a similar situation, the sword intent was suppressed and he couldn't release the sword pill.

"The quality of the thunder of heaven and earth is so much better than that of the sword of the gods?"

Seeing Lei Jie, she suddenly understood her future path—to punish Lei on behalf of the heavens, and to suppress all living beings.

Fu Yongbao is about to cross the catastrophe and form an alchemy, and he feels the deepest.He has already noticed that his catastrophe is gradually approaching.

Heng Hua stared at Jieyun intently: "Uncle Wu, your Golden Core Tribulation is the Five Thunder Tribulation, let's avoid it for now."

Fu Yongbao didn't dare to neglect, and retreated into the hall.

The golden light is emitted from the main hall, and the breeze winds back slowly, isolating the space inside the hall from the outside.

But after coming in, seeing Fu Yaozhen also followed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm worried about Uncle Wu being lonely, so I'll come to accompany you."

Fu Yaozhen suppressed the fear in her heart, stood by the window and watched.

Thunder, a symbol of divine punishment.

She silently said to herself in her heart: Don't worry, I've seen it.My catastrophe will be two or three years later.

"Get up."

Nine winds surrounded the entire island, and a powerful mana force further activated the array of Dharma protectors on Panlong Island.

In the past, Fufeng Immortal Palace's palace formation was perfectly reproduced in the world, but the core concept was very different.

Back then, the fairy array used the wind in the center as its root, and the winds in all directions flowed and reflected all attacks.

But right now, there are nine spiritual winds with different attributes.

boom -

The thunder pool rang, the door opened wide, and tens of thousands of thunder dragons rushed towards the wind wall.

The Lingxuan sword, which symbolizes the whirlwind, suddenly flashed, and the power of the other eight winds was injected into this sword, forming a divine wind vortex capable of rebounding everything.

The wind and thunder clashed, and under the high-speed rotating vortex, all the thunder dragons turned into thunder arrows and shot at the thunder dragon and lightning snake behind.

Heng Hua's eyes lit up: "Third brother, take a good look. This is a further application of the method of spiritual rotation. Your future Tiangang supernatural powers will also start with "returning wind and returning fire."

After the fairy formation had been running for half an hour, all the thunder dragons outside the wind wall retreated.

There was a dull bang from the Thunder Pool, and the five Thunder Gods suddenly dissipated and twisted into a ball of Thunder Origin.

"It's the Thunder Pool projection."

Bai Hezi said solemnly: "This guy is the same as me, he has lured this thing down."

Since monk Donglai comprehended "mastering the five thunders" and developed the innate thunder pool supernatural power, the thunder pool has turned into a doomed calamity and has been engraved between heaven and earth.When some monks touch the opportunity of thunder, they will force the thunder pool to appear.

The Infant Transformation Tribulation is a preview of the three future tribulations.

The projection of Leichi is triggered here, which shows that the future Tianshou calamity will inevitably face the attack of genuine Leichi.It is equivalent to wrestling with the former ancient monks in person, breaking the opponent's Tiangang supernatural power.

"Thunder has yin and yang, and wind has yin and yang."

Fu Danwei felt that Yuanying was perfecting step by step, and stretched out his hand to recruit the Yin-Yang Wind Sword evolved from Dao Sword into his hand.

He still had the strength to smile at Fu Xuanxing who was standing on the side: "You guys have a good look at what is the Yin-Yang Wind Sword."

Lei Chi pressed down from the sky and attacked from the eye of the wind.

Chizi Yuanying suddenly felt the meaning of heaven and earth lore.

Suddenly, the yin and yang winds rotate, the hot wind is paired with the cold wind, the sky wind is paired with the secluded wind, the whirlwind is paired with the gale wind, and the cool wind is paired with the four seasons wind.The eight kinds of spiritual winds merge into Yin and Yang, forming a congenital Taiji diagram at the eye of the wind.


Fu Danwei let go of the Yin-Yang Wind Sword.

The Taiji diagram slowly rose into the sky, resisting the thunder pool falling from the sky.At the same time, the eight kinds of spiritual winds are arranged according to the principles of the eight trigrams, like a leisurely swaying curtain, covering Panlong Island below.

The eye of the wind faces the thunder pool, and the dissipated thunder water turns into a dragon snake again and rushes down from all directions.

In an instant, the entire Beaulieu Island fell into a desperate situation.

On the island, many monks looked at Lei Guang and closed their eyes involuntarily.

"Father, is it you? Can you block this attack?"

Zhu Zhengming hesitated a little: "Of course I can. It's just a little troublesome and needs to be resolved slowly with fire. It's best to be in the valley of flames, so that it is convenient to introduce thunder into the earth."

Ke Fudanwei had a completely different idea.

Tai Chi can be rigid or soft, and the celestial formation dominated by Yin-Yang wind transforms into one Tai Chi diagram after another when the thunder strikes the wind curtain.

The thunder blasted into the wind curtain, was turned back by the Taiji diagram, and scattered into the surrounding waters.

This time, the spirits in the water will suffer.

Listening to the thunder from the outside world, Yansheng Dragon King couldn't help but spit out a few cold waves, turning the entire eastern region into a world of ice and snow again.

But at the same time, a hint of crisis rose in his heart.

Fu Danwei's transformation into an infant is even more threatening to him.

He thought about stopping it, but the two auras of robbery immortals outside the seal suppressed a crowd of water demons.None of the golden core demons and dragon kings dared to act recklessly in front of Jie Xian.


"Yin and Yang, you can be rigid or soft. Softness can be rounded and unloaded, and you are invincible. Rigidity can gather all things in one point and destroy all beings."

Fu Danwei told Fu Xuanxing and Zhou Xiao about yin and yang, and suddenly the wind sword rose little by little from the eyes of the wind.

Like a divine sword unsheathed, it will move the wind and thunder in all directions, together with the water of Yanlong and the cold wave.

"Dragon King. I was harmed by you in the past, so I had no choice but to choose the way of transforming into a baby. Now, with your power, I can cut through the thunder and end the cause and effect."

The Dao sword moves, and the Dharma sword follows.

Yuanying took the wind sword in his hand and slashed at the sky.

The strong wind, cold wave, and deep water on the surface of the water all soared into the sky, borrowing the power of the Dragon King to smash the projection of the thunder pool.

At this point, the Nascent Soul was just formed, and streams of new mana were injected into Fu Danwei's body.

"Grandfather becomes a baby faster than grand-uncle. No problem."

After the thunder, the calamity of fire rises.

Yuanying returned to the body to deal with the yin fire that burned the body.

This catastrophe arises from within and has nothing to do with the outside world.

Surrounded by nine mouthfuls of wind and sword magic, Fu Danwei concentrated on dealing with the Yin fire in his body.


The Fenghua jade ruler flew to the top of the head, and the inch-by-inch jade light shone down, suppressing the yin fire emerging from the body one by one.

Fu Danwei abandoned the ruler for his sword. This ruler has been sacrificed by him for a hundred years, and it is also a very miraculous treasure among spiritual weapons.And this treasure is specially designed to refine demons internally.

Above the jade ruler is the air of morality, the air of merit, and the air of holiness, forming three lotus flowers.

Seeing this, Baihezi nodded and said: "This guy, the treasure of enlightenment he sacrificed is no worse than my Baihe Jiutian Banner."

Morality, clearing the way and enlightening virtue.

The air of Xuanbai circulates endlessly, and the flower heart emerges with the innate Qi, the source of Tai Chi.

Merits and virtues are called Xuanhuang in Taoism, and good wishes in people.

Mysterious and yellow qi does not stick to anything, and gradually counteracts the yin fire.

Holy virtue, holy and virtuous inside.

Hetu Luoshu emerges on the outer wall of the lotus, and a mass of innate innocence emerges in the heart of the lotus.This is the root of all beings, the source of the soul.Relying on the stars, it rotates with all beings coming into the world.

Bai Hezi estimated the power contained in Sanhua, and nodded secretly.

They act chivalrously and accumulate external merit.

With more external skills, the gratitude and admiration of all cultivators to them will naturally condense the corresponding merits and virtues, which will become the foundation of internal training.


Sanhua suppresses Yinhuo, and soon the wind disaster arrives.

Fu Danwei resolutely used the technique of avoiding catastrophe in the "Fu Feng Xian Jing", combining nine swords into one, and using the wind to refine a talisman of natal and magical powers-Nine Winds Returning to Heaven.

It can return to heaven with the power of nine winds, which can not only block attacks, but also go back in time.At the same time, it can also turn itself into a wind, avoiding the lock of heaven and earth.

Fu Yongbao and Fu Yaozhen came out again.Looking at the supernatural power talisman, he didn't understand why, and asked in surprise: "Which kind of supernatural power is this, which one of the 36 Tiangang methods?"

Fu Ruiying came up from below, overjoyed: "This is a compound supernatural power, which combines calling wind and rain, flying sand and rocks, returning wind and fire, returning sky and sun, and is the fundamental great supernatural power inherited by Fufeng Immortal Palace."

36 Tiangang's great supernatural power, although it is the mainstream and general outline of immortal practice.However, many sects and families with profound backgrounds have passed down some special magical powers that have evolved from Tiangang magical powers.

It can be a variant of a great supernatural power. For example, the five-element escape can evolve into five-color feathers, five emperors canopy, five-dragon treasure wheel, and five-element mountain.

It can also be a combination of several great supernatural powers.Jin Xian'e's Three Mountains and Three Seas, and Fufeng Immortal Palace's Nine Winds Returning to Heaven are all in this category.

Fu Danwei turned his body into wind and danced around the Nascent Soul in the form of a phoenix.

Fenghua jade ruler tapped lightly, and three flowers floated into Yuanying.

Obtaining the innate qi, the mysterious yellow of heaven and earth, and the innate true nature, the nascent infant is three feet tall, and his appearance is similar to that of Fu Danwei.

Seeing this scene, Bai Hezi shook his head secretly.

Of course he knew that Fu Danwei condensed the Three Flowers in preparation for the Tribulation of Immortals.Using it early now is equivalent to the waste of hundreds of years of hard work, and it is necessary to accumulate Sanhua Debao again in the future.

The wind calamity is less dynamic than the previous two calamities.

Fu Danwei practiced the supernatural powers of life and death, and after the Nascent Soul grew, he passed it naturally.

"Is this the completion of the tribulation?"

Fu Pengming muttered: "The fire and wind disasters behind here look so weak."

"What did you say boy!"

When Fu Yifu heard his son's words, he put on a black face and wanted to slap him.


Fu Danwei recuperated his power, restored his physical body and merged with the Nascent Soul, and silently comprehended meditation.

Bai Hezi shouted to him: "This time it's all thanks to Xiao Liu and the others. You should thank him when you turn around."

"I understand." Fu Danwei woke up startled, looked across the Eastern Region, and looked at the border of Yanlong Northern Region.

Master Liu Yang was about to leave with a group of monks.

Get help and get help, although Fu Danwei has many enemies, but also has a sincere friend.

When the Xuanming Demon Palace was preparing for a sneak attack by an expert, Master Liu Yang led people to ambush him in the middle of the way, and solved a big problem for Fu Danwei.

Fu Danwei used wind sounds to communicate with Master Liu Yang through the air.

Master Liu Yang smiled slightly, pointed at Bai Zhen, and left in a relaxed manner.

Pirates said something to Fu Danwei, but Fu Danwei resolutely refused, and finally Pirates left angrily.Don't forget to make faces at him at the end.

In addition, there are many people who have made secret efforts for Fu Danwei to transform into a baby.

Xuanyu, Tiansu Palace.Shangguan Xiaoyue stepped forward and helped Fu Danwei avoid the distraction of crossing the robbery or saving his wife.

Sun Zhuoyun returned to Tianyang and reported to Master.Tianyang Sword Saint bestowed the sword and let Sun Zhuoyun hang it on the Fumo Cliff at the junction of Yanlong and the East China Sea. Anyone who wants to enter the East Region from now on will be beheaded by Jiexian's sword intent.

On the west side, Duan Sijing stopped a group of monks from entering Yanlong from Yanshui to buy time for Fu Danwei.

In the south, the Zhu family thanked Fu Danwei for helping to conceive the "Kowloon Secret Treasure", and also helped to avoid many troubles.

In addition, Mengchen Jiexian and Canglan Jiexian who went to Yanlong Seal to help him keep an eye on the Dragon King.

Fu Danwei looked around and sighed, "I have owed a lot of favors for becoming enlightened this time."

"What do you owe? You can get so many people to help you through the catastrophe. It is naturally the good result of your daily accumulation of virtue and happiness with others.

"But for Xiao Liu, try to help as much as you can later. His firm needs to gain a foothold, and it's best to have Yanlong's support."

Fu Danwei readily agreed: "Turn around, I'll ask Xiang Feng to take Peng Ming over there to help."

Fu Xiangfeng heard the words and quickly took orders.

Vo Danwei looked at the other three directions and thought to himself:
It's okay to wish the family, the two families are guarding and protecting the Eastern and Southern Regions, and there will be plenty of opportunities to repay favors in the future.

Fellow Daoist Duan received Xiao Liu'er's great favor, and helped the Fu family several times, one was the apprentice's plea, and the other was to try to return the favor.

As for Senior Sword Saint...

Tianyang Sword Master is the No.1 of Daojian Sect, why did he help Fu Danwei?

Isn't it for the sword fighting in the East China Sea 60 years later?

Feijian returned to Tianyang, deliberately swept towards Yanlong Panlong Island, and his attitude was very clear: next time you fight swords, you must win!
Fu Danwei thought melancholy: I am not a real sword cultivator, so why did I get pulled over by the Dao Sword Sect and the Lingjue Sect, and they insisted on treating me as a Master of Sword Dao and giving me the title of Sword Immortal Master?


Transforming into a baby, Fu Danwei met with all the guests who came to congratulate him. After thanking everyone for their visit, he responded to Fu Rui: "Uncle, it is better to hit the sun than choose the day. Let's start the next step today."

"Now? That's fine."

Fu Ruiying swept away the five-colored auspicious light behind him, and the Xujutang of Fu's family and the people of Neijiumai tribe returned to Tianfeng Island.

Fu Danwei operated "Nine Winds Returning to Heaven", and nine kinds of divine winds enveloped Panlong Island, drawing the air of heaven and earth from all directions and injecting them under his feet.

"Promote spiritual veins?"

Heng Hua's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried to the next door to Luogui Island.

Fu Danwei said to the juniors: "Henghua's cultivation is not good, you guys go over and help."

Six generations ran to Luogui Island one after another.

When they landed on the island, there was a violent earthquake not far away.


Henghua used the Five Elements Mountain method to subdue Luogui Island to prevent the spirit veins from being forcibly taken away by Panlong Island.

Others followed suit, using Taoism and sword intent to help calm the spirit veins of Luogui Island.

Fu Beidou returned to the Beidou island chain, and the galaxy sword intent turned into a mighty galaxy, surrounding the island chain.

"Uncle and Uncle want to be promoted to the Spiritual Vein of Erdao to complete the pattern of dragon and phoenix correspondence. But for our Bai Yutang, Si Ruizhou's plan is better."

In the dragon and phoenix pattern, how could Bai Yutang have any right to speak?

Although now, in front of the two uncles and uncles in the Nascent Soul stage, he is still the third in command of the Fu family.But Baiyutang couldn't be weaker than the other two.

Seeing the five-colored phoenix flying out from Tianfeng Island, which is absorbing and merging many spiritual veins headed by Qingtong Island, the heart of Beidou froze.

"Forget it, isn't it the first-grade spirit vein? I'm coming too! Today, I will create Yulin Island."

He recalled everyone in Baiyutang, and called all the clansmen of the Outer Nine Meridians to run the Big Dipper Formation together, borrowing the power of the stars in the sky to fuse the eight inferior second-rank spiritual veins.

There was a lot of movement in the Fu family.The three islands were promoted at the same time, and the guests on the island were dumbfounded.

Especially Cheng Qing, Bao Liushu, and Yin Kangmin, seeing that the Fu family wanted to sacrifice two middle-grade third-grade spiritual veins and one low-grade first-grade spiritual vein at the same time, they were immediately overwhelmed.

Bao Liushu sighed: "If they do this, it will be difficult for our three families to compete with the Fu family in the future."

Yin Kangmin: "The Fu family is not the Wei family, follow them. As long as my family can have a few more Jindan monks, I will be satisfied. Besides, the revival of Fufeng Xiangong, our three families have the support of Xiangong, it is better than sending the disciples to the palace all the time." He sent."

Cheng Qing and the two nodded silently.

This is also the reason why they are willing to help block the Eastern Territory and provide convenience for Fujiahuaying.

The Nascent Soul Grandmaster of the Fu family is always closer to them than outsiders.

However, in order to deepen the relationship, the two Patriarchs still came up with the clichéd but effective idea - marriage.

Not only them, Zhu Zhengming also whispered to his son, telling him to contact the Fu family quickly to discuss the marriage of the two families.


The news of Mishima's upgrade lasted for nine days and nine nights in the Eastern Territory, so angry that the Dragon King Yansheng lost his temper under the water.

But this time Fu Dan was transformed into a baby, Meng Chen and Cang Lan came over to stare.Even if the Dragon King wanted to interfere, there was nothing he could do.

Nine days later, Yulin Island took shape, with Xinglin, the first-grade spirit vein.

The island is surrounded by thousands of miles, and there are eight high mountains on the island, corresponding to the Big Dipper and the Polaris.There are Flaming Valley, Cold Valley and many workshops for smelting and making utensils.

Not far from Yulin Island, there is Fengtong Island.The island is three thousand miles in circumference, with undulating mountains and clear water.There is not only a spiritual mountain of practice and inquiry, but also a city of secular life.

The two are separated by large sycamore trees.In the center of Fengtong Island, there is a sycamore tree with hundreds of feet. The crown of the tree is lingering with the fairy air of the sun, and you can faintly hear the phoenix.

Another three days later, Fengtong Island completed the promotion, and Xuanfeng Lingmai was successfully promoted to the middle third grade, and Zhou Xiao personally entered the fourth real book.

To the northwest of Fenglin Erdao, there is Longgui Erdao.

At the same time that Fengtong Island was promoted, Panlong Spirit Vein was also upgraded.

The Beaulieu Mountains are taller and taller, but the island area has not increased.It's just that Panlongmu got a chance to grow three feet tall, and it gathered luck from all directions for the Fu family.

Luogui Island has not changed.

Fu Henghua was already very satisfied that he was not swallowed by Panlong Island.

"The Fu family has completed the dragon and phoenix layout. Next, it's time to get busy with Uncle Wu's promotion."

Fu Henghua helped Panlong Island to describe the fourth true talisman.

Through the resonance of Fengtong and Panlong's two islands' spiritual veins, a phantom of the fifth true talisman has appeared.

Fu Xiangfeng: "Is Fifth Uncle in a hurry to cross the tribulation? Didn't you say that it would take ten years for him to form a pill?"

"This moment, that moment. And the old man may not be able to hold back."

Fu Xiangfeng: "What do you mean?"

"I have the spiritual pulse, and the Nascent Soul Grandmaster. What do you think is the most important thing to do at home?"

Fu Henghua tapped the Shenluo Heavenly Book, and the turtle shell protruded out of the map.

Connect the four islands of Fujia into a square.

"Next, our family will sacrifice the natal totem."


Fu Xiangfeng was startled, and looked at Fu Henghua: "It doesn't hinder you, right?"

"What are you thinking, the old man will not sacrifice my blood. Their plan is probably to let me go to the center of the four islands to bury the spiritual stake. Then the two Nascent Soul masters will stand on the second dragon and phoenix island. Then two Jindan monks will Standing as the assistant of Guilin Erdao, we will work together to evolve Hetu Luoshu."

Heluo is the totem symbol of the Fu family.

And to perfectly create a totem, the Fu family needs at least one more Jindan monk.

"Then how long do you estimate that Fifth Uncle will need to prepare for the alchemy?"

"Next year. How about the next year? After seeing two Jindan cultivators succeed in transforming into babies without worrying about losing Panlong Island, his confidence will increase a lot."

In this regard, Fu Henghua is full of confidence.

The Fu family's thousand-year savings have flourished and are on the rise.

Under the leadership of two Nascent Soul Grandmasters, what are a few more Jindan monks?
In the future, the Fu family will still be able to produce Jiexian.


"Give back Dao Lingji, and then grab it back. Why bother."

In the Panlong Hall, Fu Danwei circulated the power of Yuanying.

The Nine Paths of Divine Wind circulated around him, and they took back the Dao Dao's inspiration from the heaven and the earth.

That's right, I grabbed it directly.

If Nascent Soul is divided into three stages.

The first stage warms and nourishes the Nascent Soul.

In the second stage, take the great inspiration.

In the third stage, Yuanying took the opportunity to conceive the real pill again.

Now Fu Danwei has entered the second stage with the help of Sanhua Debao, reaching the same level as the three masters of the northern region, the two immortals of Fengmen Island, and Zhu Zhengming of the southern region.

"In 300 years, no, in 200 years, I can try to trigger the Tianshou Calamity."

 Some people think that the old man's description of Du Jie is too hasty, so let's polish it up.

  By the way, I will change the description of the scale of the island.

  But the plot of Tiansu Palace is not yet available, so it is not worth the special word count. When it comes to Xuanyu in the future, it will naturally be mentioned.Just know that this is Grandma's place.

(End of this chapter)

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