
Chapter 200 Zilu accepts cattle, Taiyin is determined to open the gate of heaven

Chapter 200 Zilu accepts cattle, Taiyin is determined to open the gate of heaven
In the dead of night, the full moon shines brightly.

Fu Henghua admired the moon on Jianlong Peak.

"Then... grandfather drew his sword out of its sheath, and ignorance and delusion vanished into nothingness."

Heng Hua gestured with his fingers.

Next to him, his Zhongshu official "Devotion to the Staff" is on the jade mirror, translating his words into words.

In a sea of ​​silver flowers, the girl is sitting in a wheelchair, holding a bright mirror, looking at the handwriting floating on it.

"Then, the old man shouted loudly, and the golden core rose from the spirit of the sky, smashing the Nine Heavens Tribulation Cloud.

"In an instant, the color of the world changed, Dao was furious, and thousands of thunderbolts blasted at Jindan.

"Grandfather is not in a hurry, the surface of the golden core is running the Nine Winds Avenue, and the thunder is blocked by the art of returning wind."


Dongfang Yunqi smiled: "Thousands of thunderbolts? How can there be so many? It's not a serious three-disaster thunderstorm."

"Doesn't this make you sound more immersive?"

Fu Henghua lay on the rattan chair, shaking it.

"Originally, it would not be difficult for his old man to transform into a baby. It's just that after the great battle, he was depleted of energy, so he needs to act cautiously."

The mana has fallen and needs to be supplemented by panacea.It is even more necessary to have perfect exercises, and not to act rashly.

When these two points are complemented, everything will come naturally.

"I can't, the old man has practiced for more than a thousand years, and he still doesn't know how deep it is. He didn't know how to calculate carefully when he crossed the catastrophe, so he squandered the effects of the panacea in advance?"

Heng Hua was originally worried: What if the effect of the panacea wears off in the middle of the tribulation, and the old man's mana drops sharply?
Fortunately, everything went well.

Heng Hua held up the jade cup casually, and there was a jade pot beside it, which automatically poured the juice.

"Speaking of which, the news of my grandfather's transformation into a baby has spread to you too?"

"The word spread. Yuluan went to Baizhen to buy it, and heard that many Yuncheng newspapers began to use this incident as the first page headline."

Dongfang Yunqi sighed, "That's Dong Xia. He has become a Taoist, and he has had too much influence on the world."

"Really? It's just about our Yanlong Eastern Territory. How can there be such a big reaction? Let's talk about the impact after the birth of Buxianzhou in our Eastern Territory."

"That's because you don't understand—Dong Xia is a role model. Those who gain the Tao will be helped, and those who do good will be rewarded. This is the meaning brought by Dong Xia, Nan Xia and Zhong Xia."

Dongfang Yunqi: "Father said that in this world, there are very few purely good people, and very few purely wicked people. Most people are self-sufficient. It doesn't matter if you are evil or good, as long as you don't involve yourself, Then you can ignore it.

"This is especially true for monks. Living in the mountains and cultivating, they are indifferent to the world of mortals, and the morality of good and evil is even more indifferent.

"Three Heroes do righteousness, that is to tell the world. As long as you are a good person and do good deeds, you will be rewarded."

Dongfang Yunqi had a newspaper copied by Yuluan by her hand.

This is issued by Nanyang Commercial Bank.

It tells the story of Master Liu Yang leading all the comrades who have benefited from Fu Danwei to ambush Xuanming Demon Palace.

"With precedents, future generations will help others with the intention of forming a good relationship without getting involved or harming their own interests. Even a small effort may change a person's life.

"The actions of the seniors are a virtuous act for the righteousness of the immortal way, and they have made great contributions."

Dongfang Yunqi is an admirer of the Three Heroes.

Ever since she got the news of Fu Danwei's crossing the catastrophe, she has been looking through the relevant information, and the manuscript at hand has been wrinkled by her.

"Zilu received the cow."


Seeing his unconscious words being written down with a brush, Fu Henghua hurriedly asked the brush to sweep away the words.

"It's nothing. I just lament the power of my grandfather's example. Good people are rewarded, and that's true."

Even if the latecomers do good deeds with impure intentions, as long as they can maintain this atmosphere, they can influence more people and create a well-ordered and upright fairy world.

But for Fu Henghua himself...

Fu Henghua looked around with satisfaction.

The rattan chair he was sitting on was woven from thousand-year-old purple golden rattan.Grandpa gave him a present on his [-]th birthday.

The jade pot and sapphire cup floating next to it are treasures that the old man brought out from a certain fairy mansion.Put the pulp inside, and the juice will flow out automatically, and it will not rot for 500 years.Drink it with a sapphire cup, the taste is the same as when you just squeezed the juice.

There is also a Zhenhai purple gold beam behind him.This treasure that can suppress spiritual veins was used by Fu Henghua to hang wicker chairs and make swings.

In addition, a series of rare treasures such as the picture of playing music for Qianqiu, the wind screen of Mingguang Dynasty, etc., were all moved by Fu Henghua from the old man's warehouse to his own small treasury.

Such as Fu Henghua's bold words:

If the old man turns into a baby successfully, then he will move all the things out of the old man's warehouse.

But just after Fu Henghua emptied [-]% of his stuff, Deng Lan came over to deliver a message.

Only allow him to take [-]%.Other things can be given to him to play with for a while, but after sunbathing and cleaning up the dust, they have to be sent back again.

"That's right. You, Xianzao Palace, helped to deal with Tiansu Palace's troubles. I haven't thanked you yet. What do you like? I got a lot of good things from the old man's warehouse, and I can give you a few."

Heng Hua sat up and looked around.

Behind Zijin Liang, there are dozens of things, large and small.There are cloud brocades woven by celestial maidens, immortal wines brewed by immortals, and jade ornaments carved by ancient Qi refiners in their spare time.

"You're welcome. My mother didn't help much when she went to Tiansu Palace as a guest. Palace Master Mu is enough to handle it. Speaking of which, why are Palace Master Mu and Senior Dong Xia separated?"

"There is no successor in Tiansu Palace, so I specially invited my grandmother back to take charge of the overall situation. Besides, my grandmother also likes to be busy with her career in Tiansu Palace."

"Then between their husband and wife..."

"There is no discord, five sons, two daughters, and a bunch of grandchildren. What else can the two old people toss about? If something happens, we will definitely persuade it.

"Besides, there is no rule that husband and wife must live together every day and cannot have their own jobs or careers."

Panlong Island sent things to Tiansu Palace every year, and Tiansu Palace continued to send things to Panlong Island. The two elders respected each other as guests and were very kind.

"But I heard that the Fu family has not visited the door in person for many years."

Hearing this, Fu Henghua's face suddenly changed.

"Don't mention it, Tiansu Palace is as rare as possible. Every time I go, the old lady will try her best to find a girl for us and force us to take over the position of Tiansu Palace Master. I suspect that the old man gave someone a few years ago. It looks like the habit of being a matchmaker was acquired by my grandmother."

Mu Jintian's favorite thing in his life is to be a matchmaker.She thinks that the girls in her family's Tiansu Palace are very good, and the fat and water will not flow to outsiders, so she wants to choose a Taoist partner for her sons and grandchildren, and by the way, recruit someone to inherit Tiansu Palace.

However, everyone refused.

"This person, being a mother, being a mother-in-law, and being a grandmother all have three attitudes."

Fu Henghua thought about it, but erased this passage.

After all, she is a grandmother, and she has to leave some face in front of outsiders.

Mu Yutian was so strong all his life that he forbade Fu Danwei to look for his concubine Ji.I hope that the husband and wife will raise their eyebrows and live in harmony.

But for the sons, the attitude is completely different.Even Fu Henghua's mother, who was so gentle and virtuous, was secretly made things difficult by Mu Tianming when she was in Tiansu Palace, hoping that her father would pick a few girls in Tiansu Palace and inherit Tiansu Palace later.

A few years ago, Fu Yifu was widowed.Mu Yutian planned to let him find a continuation in Tiansu Palace.The trouble caused Fu Yifu to refuse to visit the door for many years.

Of course, the old lady's attitude towards her daughter is that she hopes to find a son-in-law and treat her daughter wholeheartedly.It's a pity that Fu Henghua's fourth aunt died early.Sixth Aunt fell into love and has not yet escaped.

As for the grandchildren, Mu Yutian planned to choose someone to inherit Tiansu Palace a long time ago.

But for the grandchildren, Fu Danwei had already made arrangements.

Fu Xuanhe inherited Panlong Island and couldn't go, Fu Xiangfeng and the Yang family got engaged early, Fu Yaozhen and Fu Maiyuan worshiped outsiders, and Fu Henghua couldn't go because of Tiantong Huixin.

Although Fu Henghua said that his grandfather and grandmother had a good relationship.But he knew in his heart that there was still some temper between the two old men.

He had been to Tiansu Palace several times when he was a child, and he planned to persuade the two of them to make peace.But after Mu Yutian helped him choose a girl of the right age, and made things difficult for his mother many times, he stopped going to Tiansu Palace.

"Anyway, as long as Tiansu Palace is fine. By the way, I got a flower stick, I'll give it to you later."

With a move of Heng Hua's hand, he pulled out a branch of peach blossom from the large and small piles behind.

"According to my grandfather, this is a gadget made by a certain Nascent Soul Grandmaster. There is a magic power of 'blossoming instantly' is sealed inside."

Heng Hua waved lightly, and clusters of flower buds appeared on the grass in front of him.

Dongfang Yunqi was about to refuse, when words appeared on the mirror again.

"Don't refuse. You also said just now that grandpa and the others set an example for the world. If you do good deeds, you will be rewarded. Your family helped me with a trip to Xianzao Palace, regardless of whether it was helpful or not, it was a good intention after all. Besides you, I also prepared a five-colored cloud brocade and a pair of bracelets for the Palace Master. They are all from the old man's warehouse."

Dongfang Yunqi thought about it, and no longer refused.

Then, she took out a drawing.

"What you asked me to find, I asked my mother, and I have already got it. This thing is not uncommon in the three major waters, but the cost is a bit high. If there are too few people, it is not worth it."

Fu Henghua liked the newspapers and publications launched by Baizhen Yuncheng very much.

Just buy one copy and keep refreshing the content inside.

"Send it to see, if possible, I plan to promote it in Yanlong East Region."

Dongfang Yunqi: "That's probably very difficult. Due to the scope of the child-mother formation, it is generally limited to a city."

As she spoke, she passed on the principles and establishment methods of the newspaper, along with a few transcribed copies of Yuncheng News.

Those few pieces of news are all descriptions of the transition of Fu Danwei's baby.

Heng Hua roughly scanned it.

Fu Henghua couldn't understand how outsiders praised his grandfather, respected him as a unparalleled swordsman, and spared no expense in all kinds of praise.

In his eyes, the old man is a bad-tempered old man who makes sense all day long and beats up his grandchildren every day.

Soon, he put the news aside and focused on studying the "Picture of Mother and Son Huiling Formation" and various materials needed for the jade board of newspapers and periodicals.

The principle of making a newspaper is simple.

After drawing the picture of the Huiling Array, put the master version into the formation eye, and make corresponding sub-versions for sale.When the text pattern on the master board is changed, the content on the sub-board will also change.

Due to the scope of the formation, it can only rely on the spiritual veins to operate within a city.

Dongfang Yunqi waited for a while, and estimated the time when Fu Henghua finished reading: "Mastering involves a lot of things, and needs to be replaced frequently, which is very expensive. It requires a large number of sub-versions to subscribe to in order to pay back. Therefore, in The Xuanyu waters are almost unused."

This technique was invented by a Nascent Soul Grandmaster in Xuanyu Waters many years ago.But the cost was too high, so it was thrown into Baizhen waters.

Heng Hua read it carefully several times, and said with a smile: "It's okay, let's lower the cost of mastering later. With the help of spiritual veins? Then use our four islands to perform synergy resonance, and apply the scope of the formation to the entire Eastern Region .”

The brush paused for a moment, and another brush appeared next to it, wrote down Fu Henghua's words, folded it into a paper crane, and flew to the second uncle.

Fu Yinggu and Zhang Qiulan were about to exchange their husbands and wives, when suddenly a paper crane came in through the window in an unsightly way.

The two were startled, then Fu Yinggu went down to the ground and brought the paper crane over.

"That brat Henghua's Feihe Biography - he wants to establish a newspaper? In Yanlong? Can this thing pay back?"

Looking down, Fu Henghua proposed the concept of a living master.

Using the technique of Lingyuan Yancai and Chiwen, various colors and characters are recorded in the master version in advance.When the content of the article is changed, use the art of change to adjust the master content instead of replacing the new master.

In this way, the loss of the master plate is greatly reduced, and the cost is lowered.

Zhang Qiulan put on her clothes and came to take the paper crane: "Xiao Liu'er's idea is fine. Didn't the elder say that for the cohesion of the four families, we need to use more means to win over the three families and closely connect with our Fu family? I think this is the plan." It’s not bad. It’s good to be able to benefit other comrades in the Eastern Territory later.”

"Hmph - just get used to this group of juniors. This kid comes up with ideas every day, doesn't work, and stands behind dictating. You see, when the plan is made, he will make it himself? Turn around, why don't you throw it to the outer nine channels?" , ask Bai Yutang to supervise the rush work?"

"Xiao Liu'er is in our house, isn't he just passing on the exercises and teaching the practice behind the scenes? Alchemy making tools and fighting formations aren't his specialty, are they?
"There is a specialization in the art industry, and that's what the Outer Nine Meridians do. If they don't come, who will come?"

Zhang Qiulan dressed him up: "It's important to get down to business. Anyway, when it's too ugly, you and I both have jobs, just get up."

When it's ugly!
Fu Yinggu wanted to say something, but Zhang Qiulan had already started dressing up, and was going to the Southern Region to discuss the alliance with Zhu's family during the day.

Your temper is about to catch up with your mother.

Fu Yinggu recalled his mother's behavior on Panlong Island.

That's a tough guy.My father never worried about common affairs, but my mother was very concerned about it.Under the mother's governance, Beaulieu Island is thriving.Lingfang, a shop under its name, expanded from nine to hundreds in one go.

As a result, Fuyinggu and his wife are currently in charge of industries outside the island. They are busy every day and rarely have time to get together.

Now that the old man has turned into a baby, the managers of various shops have come to the island to congratulate him, and the husband and wife have finally had a rest.In the end, the wife had to toss about the covenant with the Zhu family again, planning to take advantage of the old man's situation to finalize the matter.

Can't you just wait?What are you busy!

When Zhang Qiulan was putting on makeup, she did not forget to ask people to prepare fresh fruits for Fu Yinggu as breakfast.

"You have eaten, go there early. Today, you can't gather energy from the sun, so you can rely on these to support you."

The couple are busy, but they can't stop collecting qi every morning and evening.Sometimes when I am too busy, I will top it off with spiritual food and spiritual fruit.

"how about you?"

"I'll take a few pills on the way to improve my Qi. It's a long way to go to Zhu's house, so hurry up."

Zhang Qiulan ordered people to prepare the spirit boat, and left soon.

Watching his wife leave, Fu Yinggu didn't care about eating and drinking, so he picked up the paper crane and went to work on Yulin Island.


Seeing his second uncle and his wife leaving the island, Fu Henghua looked at the sky.

"The moon hasn't set yet? Are they working too hard?"

Without the self-awareness of the instigator, Fu Henghua ate snacks slowly, accompanied by fruit juice.

At this time, Dongfang Yunqi sent a foundation building exercise.

"You are this?"

"I deduced it recently, do you see if it is enough?"

"Are you going to build a foundation?"

"I am in a ruined body, but I can still forge ahead and transform into a baby in one step. How can a young man like me feel sorry for himself all day long. Lamenting my miserable experience, waiting for others to help me?"

She discussed with Fu Henghua many times about the foundation building method, but it has not yet been finalized.

As Fu Henghua once mentioned.It is far more difficult to make modifications on an existing basis than to start from scratch.

After Dongfang Yunqi followed the Qi Refining Chapter of the Taiyin Book of Heaven to lay the foundation, there was a single-plank bridge in front of her, which could only be advanced, but could not be retreated.

"I have discussed with you many times, and I am not satisfied with the Foundation Establishment chapter that has been revised several times.

"But trying with jade figurines and golden figures is not as good as experiencing it myself. So this time, I want to try it myself."

Dongfang Yunqi struggled to stand up.

Looking at the moon in the sky, write the last sentence: "If I fail, I will let Yuluan tell you next month."

 The starting point absolutely smoked last night.

  After I uploaded the draft to the starting point, I changed it into a finished draft piece by piece.

  But when I woke up this morning, I remembered the catching bugs in a few comments.The more I think about it, the more wrong I am.

  These few places, I have corrected them myself in the finished manuscript.Why is it still being discovered.

  There is also that Mu Shengtian. At first, I thought it was because the reader was reading the article while I was proofreading the manuscript, and there was a time difference.But after looking at the comment time, I found that the comment was later than the release time of my finished manuscript.

  I began to wonder if I remembered it wrong, and I didn't finish the draft, so I took out the document and checked it.

  I remember that after proofreading the manuscript last night, I specially copied the manuscript to the document again.

  This investigation, as expected.The document is the finished draft.And I got up at eight o'clock, and the uploaded in the starting point turned back to the first draft.

  In order to keep everyone's comments, I can't copy and paste the whole article and change it.You can only change paragraph by paragraph, word by word.

  Many typos and illogicalities have been retouched.

  ——As of 07/03/9:49, read it later, it is the finished draft.

  It took an afternoon to figure out the general direction of the fourth volume.The fourth volume is used as a transition, and there should only be two plots.

  There is only one update today, and I have to adjust the time difference back.Resuming the afternoon update.

  If there is no accident tomorrow, the fourth volume can be opened.

(End of this chapter)

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