
Chapter 201 The young girl is lost in the sky, drunk and insane, telling the truth

Chapter 201 The young girl is lost in the sky, drunk and insane, telling the truth (a chapter of [-] words, the end of this volume)
The first day of the sixth lunar month.

It is advisable to destroy the house, destroy the wall, and do not take anything else.

Avoid all things that are inappropriate.

Fu Yaozhen sat in front of Danlong Garden's house, surrounded by thousands of red candles.

The dark clouds covered the sky, the dark wind blew past, and the candle flames separated from the red candles and floated in the air around Fu Yaozhen, forming circles of fire ring after circle.

"Qianlong covering the sky and divination fire." In the dark, Wukong took the two incarnations of Jingong and Mumu, and the three of them lay in ambush and watched.

"Master, why is Fourth Miss doing this? Divination? She has spiritual vision, can't she easily foresee the future?"

"Foretelling the future and forcibly interfering, how many of them will end well?"

Fu Henghua: "Grandpa survived the tribulation smoothly, but the warning signs still linger in my heart, urging me to refine the 'Eight Scenes Resurrection Pill' as soon as possible. In the past few nights, I will take you on a magical tour of the whole island to watch everyone's fate."


"Don't worry, I just watched, didn't talk, didn't interfere, and didn't backfire."

Destiny is something that you can understand when you explain it clearly, and you don’t understand even if you don’t understand it.

In the world, there are masters who can predict the future 800 years, or even thousands of years.As long as you don't try to change your fate against the sky and leak the secrets at will, it's not a big deal.

"Sister is gifted with spiritual vision. Now she doesn't dare to use her spiritual vision to spy on her own fate. I suspect that she played tricks and forcibly twisted some things, making it inconvenient to use her spiritual vision now."

The candle flames condensed in the air, first turning into a fire phoenix, and then into a giant dragon.


At the moment when the giant dragon transformed into a black turtle, the candle flame exploded again, and balls of flame returned to the red candle.

Fu Yaozhen closed her eyes and kept turning the string of coral beads in her hands, realizing the inspiration caught at that moment.

Heng Hua was thoughtful, and quickly took the two of them back to the Langhuan Hall.

"Two years? The study of wooden talismans must be accelerated."


In the dead of night, with the gurgling sound of water, Fang Dongyuan sat cross-legged on the jasper lotus leaf, carefully watching the water demons haunting all around.

The huge lotus leaf can accommodate three to five people, and the emerald jade aura covers the lotus leaf so that the water demon cannot detect it.

Opposite Fang Dongyuan sat a man in black robe.

He slowly roasted the chicken on the lotus leaf.The lotus leaf is used as firewood, and the aroma penetrates into the burnt roast chicken a little bit.

His throat moved, Fang Dongyuan said: "You really are not dead."

He returned to Yanlong, not daring to reveal his identity, and looked at Fu Danwei from afar.Coincidentally, there was someone watching from not far away.

When he saw the double pupils in the opponent's eye sockets, he immediately realized the identity of the man in black.

Double pupils, the most special type of the Fu family's bloodline supernatural powers.

There is no need to wake up the day after tomorrow, it is decided from the moment of birth that there are two pupils in one eye.

This special phenomenon can be counted on the fingers of the fingers of the fingers of the hand in the Fu family, and even in the six Fufeng families.

As far as Fang Dongyuan knows, among the three halls and eighteen veins of the contemporary Fu family, only Fu Xuanhe has this peculiar phenomenon.

Fu Xuanhe was older than all his younger brothers and sisters, and he knew that his third uncle brought back a strange uncle named Jiang, who was adopted as a godson by his grandparents.

Passing half of the grilled chicken to Fang Dongyuan, Fu Xuanhe asked: "What are you doing back? Your identity, the Demon Palace will not give up."

"I heard about the old man, come here and see if there is anything I can do to help."

Back then, Fang Dongyuan saw Fu Henghua and the other three playing magicians on Fengmen Island, so he kindly went over and offered him a deal.

Originally, I wanted to take care of the "dry brother" and play house with the "dry brother".

Unexpectedly, people from the magic palace came to the door.In a panic, he left the title deed to his younger brother and hurried on the road to escape for his life.

The original plan was to hide his name and then mix with a certain sect of immortals.

But halfway, Fang Dongyuan heard the sound of Fu Danwei's wind.Under the guidance of the old man, he went to Zihuang Pavilion to pay homage to Elder Liu, and took the initiative to explain his background.

Because of his own reasons, Elder Liu did not reject his background in the way of magic, but taught him carefully and taught "Ziqing Tiandaolu".

"It can only be said that the old man is worthy of being the old man. Crossing the robbery is going steadily, and there is no risk at all."

"A serious immortal family's crossing the tribulation should be like this. The situation is frequent during the crossing of the tribulation, and there is no preparation at all. What did you do?"

Seeing Fu Xuanhe's indifferent and calm posture, Fang Dongyuan sneered: "Who can be calm afterwards, I don't believe that the old man will cross the catastrophe, you don't have any worries in your heart."


Seeing that he was speechless, Fang Dongyuan thought about eating chicken for himself.

He was very witty and didn't ask about Fu Xuanhe's current situation.

Fu Xuanhe didn't ask about Fang Dongyuan either.

The two of them were not familiar with each other at all, they just met by chance and spent the night together to avoid the spirits in the water.

When there was a red glow in the east, Fang Dongyuan got up: "Just to remind you, your sister uses spirit vision a little too much."

Fu Xuanhe urged the lotus leaves, and the lotus leaves flew into pieces of talismans and scattered into the water, killing all the fish monsters in this water area.

"How to say?"

"She carries Niangniang Fu's magic weapon on her body. Relying on the magic of the spiritual weapon, she seems to have forcibly interfered with the secrets of heaven several times."

"God's punishment? Do you know the exact time?"

"I only have eight senses of Heaven's Mystery and Taoism. How can I tell when her Scourge is? But your family should be able to find out, right? They are all practitioners of Heaven's Secret. If someone is locked by Heaven's Scourge, can they not find out?"

"God's punishment is something that no one else can intervene in to help. But with my younger sister's character..."

Fu Xuanhe looked in the direction of Panlong Island and turned to Fengtong Island.

He knew the usage of "spiritual vision".

See the future possibilities one by one, and through a series of actions, cut off the unsatisfactory future, and let the future step by step move towards what you expect.

But the way of heaven is boundless, how can it be as one wishes?
"Grandfather's enlightenment went smoothly, and the Fu family is thriving. Although it cannot be said that it is all due to her, she must have interfered with the fate secretly and cut some unfavorable futures for the Fu family.

"However, the future she chose is very unfavorable to her."

This is also a helpless move.

Many people who divination the secrets and prying into the fate can only watch the death calamity approaching step by step, but they can't change it.

Because this is the future they voluntarily chose, and it is also the price for them to reverse the secret.


In the early morning, Fu Yaozhen came down from Danlong Garden.

Halfway through, I saw Fu Liuhui practicing sword in a peach forest.

After waiting for a while, the two went to Panlong Hall to greet Fu Danwei.

"Third brother is going to Baizhen tomorrow, have you prepared any presents?"

"I don't have much on me, just give him a few sword symbols, where's sister?"

"A few echo notes recorded with piano music. It can be regarded as some Taoism. If something happens, you can release it to defend against the enemy."

"Brother Six said that he is going to hold a banquet at Luogui Island to see Brother Three off today, and he wants us all to go there."

Fu Yaozhen readily agreed.

The two walked further, and suddenly saw Mr. Fu Tong being hung on a big banyan tree.

The old tree is verdant, and Fu Pengming and Fu Baimin are fighting ants under the tree.

"It's the old man again?" Fu Liuhui walked over, "Sister, now that the old man has transformed into a baby, he is having a great time, why do you bother to provoke him?"

Mr. Fu Tong snorted coldly and turned his head away.

Fu Pengming probed his head and said with a grin: "It's not grandfather, it's Brother Henghua. Today, Sister Tong went to the Langhuan Hall to challenge Brother Henghua, and then..."

He clicked his lips, and Mr. Fu Tong was furious: "You boy wait, I will be the first to slap you when I come down."

Fu Pengming made a face, and pulled Fu Baimin to the side.

Fu Yaozhen and Fu Liuhui sighed at the same time.

"He has improved his cultivation all these years. Since you can't beat him, why don't you bear it for now. When you succeed in your cultivation, come and challenge him again? He hangs it up every day, so it looks good? Liuhui—"

Fu Liuhui shot out sword energy with his fingers.


The rope made the sound of gold and iron, but there was no damage.

"Huh?" Fu Liuhui stepped forward and looked, "Brother signed the seal on the rope. I can't break his mana."

The melodious piano sound rang out behind itself, and the three sound blades quickly slashed towards the rope, but returned in vain.

"That kid, actually used my brother's dragon talisman?"

Fu Yaozhen pondered for a while, and said to Fu Pengming: "You go to find Henghua, let him explain it, what does it sound like to hang someone up!"

Fu Pengming curled his lips: "I'm not going. Brother Henghua has put on airs of a master of Taoism recently. If you see me, you must ask about Baguazhang."

Fu Danwei transforms into a baby, according to Yanlong's rules.The Fu family will prepare several preaching conferences to benefit all walks of life.

The last two lectures were Fu Danwei and Fu Ruiying.But then, the two became impatient, went back to discuss the important matters, and handed over the preaching to Fu Henghua and Fu Yongbao.

At first, everyone didn't take this young man seriously.

But after Fu Henghua preached for a few days, everyone changed their attitudes, one by one summoned their relatives and friends, and waited for Fu Henghua to preach on Luogui Island.

Henghua, as always, presented various preaching visions.

Fu Baimin said: "Brother Xuan Xing will accompany him to mess around, catch koi and finless porpoise for him, and let him act. We don't want to go to him, otherwise we will be dragged by him to remind Xia Nongyun again."

The two women looked at each other.

"I don't like noise, and I don't want to go there to meet foreigners. Once you walk around, tell me what I mean, and let him send Xiaoyu to untie the rope. Otherwise, I will ask Fu Maiyuan to find him to settle accounts later. "

Fu Baimin won a game and snatched the two spiritual fruits from his brother's arms: "Fifth brother is not free, and he knows it. Early this morning, Brother Heng Hua invited him to discuss the Tao and have tea. The two were talking When he was on the rise, Brother Henghua went to pour tea for Brother Wu, and it happened that Sister Tong went to challenge him. The two fought and splashed hot water all over Brother Brother Heng. Brother Henghua was furious and accused Sister Tong of disrespecting her brother and venting her anger on Brother Five , specially tied her up, intending to hang her until the sun rises."

Fu Yaozhen and Fu Liuhui looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

"Hmph, that bastard purposely used the phantom array to cover up my brother's position, so that I accidentally poured tea over it."

Mr. Fu Tong hated his teeth itching.

"That kid has the most evil minds, why are you provoking him?"

Fu Yaozhen had no choice but to go to Luogui Island with Fu Liuhui.

When I first landed on the island, I immediately understood why Peng Ming and Bai Min were not willing to come.

On Luogui Island, groups of spirit turtles kowtowed in the direction of the pulpit.

The sky is filled with thousands of colorful clouds and ten thousand auspicious lights.Following the sound of Fu Henghua's sermon, finless porpoises and koi played on the water, building colorful bridges.

Fu Liuhui smiled and said, "Sixth Brother has always had this personality, he likes gorgeous things."

When the two went to the podium, they saw hundreds of monks gathered together, listening carefully to Fu Henghua's sermon.

Among them are metallurgist Taoist Mei Zhongtian and Sanxiu Xinmao, disciples of Yunlie on Dilie Island, monks from the Zhu family in the southern region, members of the Xiao family in the northern region, and Nie Xing and Liu Xu from the Shenyue Sect in the central region.

Today's "Jinmu Hedan Jade Dingshu" is a derivative fairy formula of "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong", which is not inferior to the "Xiaopin Tianxian Jue" that was once handed down to Li Nanxing.

The second daughter heard Fu Henghua's words: "One point of true nature is congenital and emptiness, and the sincerity of heart is to discover the beauty of metal and wood. Participating in the sun and moon, subduing dragons and tigers, the moon's yin produces golden water, the sun prospers wood and fire..."

"Eh? He's talking about how to reconcile the dragon and the tiger Kanli, how to let the Xuantai monk form the alchemy? This kind of thing, the clan allows him to talk about it?"

"This is what the old man agreed to. The old man believes that Yanlong has evolved into the secular world, but he must not forget the foundation of the immortal family's practice. He intends to let the young master choose a method to improve the level of monks in the eastern region of Yanlong."

Xiaoyu came over: "The alchemy technique explained by the young master is different from the inheritance of the Fu family. It is the method of gold, wood, sun and moon that the young master has realized by himself."

"Jinmu Hedan Jade Dingshu" is the source of Xiaoyu and Longevity exercises.But there is no way to sacrifice the incarnation outside the body and cut out the wooden mother and golden male.It's just that with the help of the two qi of gold and wood in the body, it is in line with the sun, moon, yin and yang, regenerates the changes of water and fire, and uses the earthy yellow buds to form the Jade Ding Xuandan.

The steps and ideas are exactly the same as those in "Fate of Fortune". Fu Henghua preached the Dharma, and he also intended to use various cultivators to prove for himself whether the technique of Healing Alchemy is feasible.

According to the judgment of several masters of the Fu family: if you practice strictly according to the "Book of Jade Cauldron", you can reach the level of the third-grade golden elixir.But Fu Henghua only revealed some of the secrets of the formulas, at most people can conclude fourth-rank to sixth-rank golden pills.

If you want to go further, you have to worship Fu Henghua's sect and ask for the alchemy.

Fu Liuhui glanced at all the cultivators present, and suddenly his eyes moved to observe one of them carefully.The man felt something, and he smiled slightly at Chong Fu Liu Hui, beckoning her to keep quiet.

Ji Mingfeng?
What is he doing here?
Xiaoyu asked the two of them to move to a remote place and fetch the jade seal from their sleeves.

The seal is a coiled dragon button, one inch square, and the whole body is white and clean.

"The two of you are here for Miss Seven? Last night, the young master sent Yutu to inquire about Miss Seven's movements, and learned that she came to challenge today. I specially asked the fifth young master to talk about it and treat her well. Hang Shou and I have talked about him just now, and he I feel ashamed in my heart, so give me the seal, and please help Seventh Miss to solve it."


Fu Henghua?
The two women looked at each other.

They understand that Xiao Yu Hengshou's chanting, Fu Henghua always goes in his left ear and goes out his right ear.

Xiaoyu said so, just to give everyone a step up.

Right now Zhang Qiulan has gone out to Zhu's family and has not yet returned, the nun who is in charge of the island is Fu Yaozhen.

For her sister, Fu Henghua still respects her a lot.

Fu Yaozhen took the jade seal, looked at the Panlong button on it, and sighed again in her heart: It really is the "Pauil Dragon Seal" given to Xiao Liu'er by her brother.

The second daughter took the seal and returned it to Panlong Island.

Just in time, Fu Xuanxing burned the rope with Nanming Lihuo and let Mr. Fu Tong down.

Fu Liuhui: "It's a waste of our trip. I forgot that Fu Xuanxing's flame is best for burning rope."

Moreover, Fu Xuanxing was favored by the old man, so Fu Henghua couldn't care about him.

The two girls looked at each other, they went to greet Mr. Fu Tong, and took everyone to Panlong Hall to pay their respects.

Fu Danwei was in high spirits today, so he decided to test his grandchildren's skills in the hall, and only released them in the afternoon to go to Luogui Island to hold a farewell banquet for Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Pengming.

When the crowd arrived, they saw teams of turtles laden with fruit plates and delicacies, slowly preparing a banquet for them.

Fu Henghua pulled Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Maiyuan to sit together and talk.

The three sisters Sitong, Xiantong and Yuntong were sitting on the right side talking and laughing.

Seeing everyone coming together, Fu Henghua smiled: "I just guessed that the old man is in high spirits today, and he must find someone to test his skills. I sent paper cranes to find you in the morning and warned you not to go there today. Unfortunately, You didn't get it."

Everyone didn't believe Fu Henghua's words, and turned to look at the other five people.

Fu Xiangfeng and others nodded one after another: "It's true. We received the news and found an excuse to go out at noon and head straight to Luogui Island."

Seeing that everyone's clothes were stained with dust, Fu Xuanxing and Fu Pengming's faces were covered with bruises, Fu Xiangfeng and the others secretly rejoiced that Fu Henghua sent the message in time to save them from suffering.

Fu Maiyuan pulled Fu Pengming to the position where he was sitting just now.

"Farewell to you, you and the third brother are the guests of honor, and we are all accompanying guests. Come, Xuan Xing, Peng Ming, Bai Min, you stay with me."

Fu Yaozhen also took Tong Jun and Liu Hui to the right.

Fu Henghua watched the crowd take their seats, feeling sore in his heart.

If the eldest brother is still alive, it will be perfect.

After Fu Pengming sat down, Fu Henghua picked up the cup and invited everyone to toast together.

Fu Pengming picked up the white jade cup in front of him, sniffed it: why is it juice again?

Not only him, except for Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Maiyuan, Fu Yaozhen and Fu Xuanxing, everyone else was drinking fruit juice.Only the four of them drank the longevity wine in the old man's storeroom.

Fu Henghua carefully avoided the smell of alcohol from Fu Xiangfeng, and asked Xiaoyu to fetch a scroll of pictures.

"This is the Qianqiu map I took from the old man's warehouse. It is most suitable for banquets."

Heng Hua opened the picture scroll, and injected a good fortune essence.

A vast white mist emerged from the picture scroll, and beautiful and graceful fairies slowly stepped out of the picture.

Fu Xuanxing's eyes lit up, and he happily looked at the twelve fairies playing music and dancing in the cloud pool.

When Fu Liuhui saw the inscription of Qianqiu Zongle Picture, he suddenly realized.

Ji Mingfeng came here for this picture, right?
At the banquet, everyone was laughing and playing, and Fu Xuanxing and Fu Xiangfeng were fighting wine with jugs.

Mr. Fu Tong's eyes rolled, and a pale yellow bug crept out of his fingertips.

"Brother Six? Come, let me toast you."

Fu Xuanxing strolled over and poured wine for Fu Henghua with a jug.

Heng Hua glanced behind him, Heng Shou took the wine glass, and Xiao Yu replaced him with green tea.

"Why did you quit drinking? I haven't seen you drink since we met."

"Alcohol, a promiscuous thing. It hinders me, so don't drink it."

Fu Maiyuan and Fu Xiangfeng hurriedly said: "That's right, don't let him drink. Come, we will accompany you."

Fu Henghua drank a cup of tea for fun, and Fu Xuanxing was dragged away by his two older brothers.

Experienced people such as Fu Yaozhen and Fu Liuhui heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother, I'm going to Baizheng Trading Company to practice. What do you want to do? Divination for me?"

Fu Pengming twisted his body and leaned over.

"You learned gossip yourself, don't you know divination?"

Touching his little head, Fu Henghua sized up Fu Pengming: "No problem. Bai Zhen has practiced for 24 years, and it is only good for you. Go there and listen to Senior Liu's words."

Picking up a peach casually, Fu Henghua was about to eat it.

Suddenly noticing something was wrong, he looked at Mr. Fu Tong.

Mr. Fu Tong hugged the jade rabbit who came to the banquet, smiled and whispered: "Turn around, I will make you a jade pestle to pound medicine. If he refuses, I will help you practice the way of elixir."

Yutu's red eyes flickered and she nodded frequently.

Afterwards, Fu Tongjun looked at Fu Henghua innocently.

Fu Henghua crushed the peaches, and the fat Gu worms fell into the jade plate.

"Liquor worm? Unfortunately, it hasn't been refined yet. How dare you take out this little gadget?"

Fu Henghua drew a talisman with his hand and recited spells in his mouth.

Fu Tongjun's expression changed.

Hastily cast the law to restrain himself, not to be affected by the curse.

Suddenly, a burst of fragrance floated to Fu Henghua's side.

He was dizzy, and quickly turned his head to look back.

Xiao Yu's face was red, and he was resting while leaning on the screen.And at the lantern, there is a tuft of dry grass that is about to burn out.

"Oops, this little evil, she dares to betray the enemy!"

The last sober thought in Fu Henghua's mind was whether to make spicy rabbit head or braised rabbit meat later.

Yutu shuddered, and carefully looked towards Fu Henghua.

Mr. Fu Tong sent Gu insects to contact her to ask for some herbal medicines that have the effect of being drunk.

Mr. Fu Tong told her that as long as Fu Henghua slept for a few days.It can not only relieve him from the fatigue of preaching every day, but also smoothly enter the Langhuan Pavilion, where he can take various herbs and store them back.

In addition, Mr. Fu Tong wanted to give her a jade pestle, so the jade rabbit rebelled shamefully.

In order to prevent her from being retaliated against afterwards, she specially found Ryoma, Qi Lei and Qingfeng's mother and son.


Not far away, a wine jar fell down.Qi Lei hiccupped, staggered, and walked towards Fu Liuhui in a daze.

The girl's complexion changed: "Who told you to drink?" She hurried to hug Qilei, but there were several sounds around her, and she turned her head to see that Si Tong, Xian Tong and Yun Tong were lying on the table in a daze .

"how come?"

Fu Liuhui looked at the other side, and the white dragon horse was triumphantly in another corner, using his hoof to help them mix wine into the fruit juice.

Mr. Fu Tong suddenly covered his mouth: "No, this juice is mixed with Tianyue Zhan. You... Where did you get it?"

Jade Rabbit shook its tail and silently walked up to Qingfeng.

Qingfeng was fighting with the drunk Baimin and Pengming, so he slapped Baimin down with a small slap.

Fu Baimin looked at him stupidly, and picked up a peach to tease.

Fu Yaozhen's complexion darkened, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose.

"Tong Jun, you sent these little guys to mix Tianyuezhan into fruit juice, cover up the taste with elixir, and even prepare drunk vanilla to deal with Henghua?"

"not me!"

After Fu Tongjun finished speaking, he quickly went to see Fu Henghua.

Fu Henghua drank the "juice" in big gulps, and the true energy in his body circulated extremely fast.

Not good!

Mr. Fu Tong performed the technique of earth escape and ran away immediately.

"Five Elements Mountain Method!"

The mountain rises in the sky, prohibiting the five-element Taoism.

"What are you going to do? You dare to make a fool of myself in front of my young master with just a little trick? My young master will tell you today, why am I an elder brother!"


With a wave of his hand, he was not stingy with his true essence, turning all kinds of tables, chairs and benches into table figures, bench figures and chair figures.

They rushed towards Mr. Fu Tong in a swarm and started a chaotic fight.

Fu Xuanxing stared blankly at Fu Henghua: "Is the sixth brother's wine so bad?"

"It's not bad, but the spirit wine can enhance the activity of his true essence. When drunk, his combat power is unrestricted and can be super powerful. It is said that this is the inheritance of the third aunt."

While driving the three little girls away, Fu Xiangfeng said, "I heard that the first time Uncle and Aunt met was when Aunt got drunk and went to a devil's lair to kill all the devils. Then she fell asleep in the devil's lair. The third uncle didn't dare to offend her, and he was also worried that she would be harmed after leaving, so he acted as a night watchman by the side."


The Eight Diagrams Furnace hit Fu Xiangfeng from the air.

He pulled Fu Xuanxing to get out of the way.

"Henghua, this boy, was carried by his grandfather to meet guests when he was a child. Senior Bai teased him, dipped his chopsticks in wine and fed him."

Fu Maiyuan pulled Shuyun and Qingfeng mother and son to a corner to take refuge, and said to Fu Xuanxing who also sneaked over: "As a result, he got drunk and opened his mouth like a ball of fire, which almost burned the beards of the old man and Senior White."

Fu Henghua seldom drank alcohol.But every time he drinks, he is not the one who is unlucky.

Xiaoyu was a little sober at this time, and hurriedly called for Hengshou outside.

But Hengshou saw that Fu Henghua picked up the flagon and drank directly, and quickly shot out various five-element Taoism with his other hand, and decisively pulled up Xiaoyu and ran outside.

"The young master messed around during the Qi refining period, so that the eldest young master who has already entered the foundation establishment dare not act rashly. Now that the young master has cultivated, can we resist? Withdraw first? Go find the adults!"

Fu Yaozhen and Fu Yaozhen pulled the three little sisters out.Only Mr. Fu Tong was picked up by Fu Henghua again to teach him a lesson.

Fu Tongjun was so angry that he threw all kinds of Gu insects at Fu Henghua, and even took out the Hundred Gu sword again.

But Fu Henghua used a hundred kinds of Taoism to easily take away a Gu worm.

"I'm God, I'm Heaven. Hicc—

"Heaven is merciful, so I am also merciful.

"As kind as I am, I allow some arrogant little girls to fight and provoke outside the red line. But you have to understand, all of this is God's mercy. Hiccup—"

"Fu Henghua, you forced me to do this!"

Mr. Fu Tong was sprayed with the smell of alcohol by Fu Henghua, muttering something, and summoned a black coffin.The surface of the coffin is covered with various Gu insects.

Fu Maiyuan carried Peng Ming and Bai Min to a safe corner, and when he saw Mr. Fu Tong summoning the Yin Coffin of Ten Thousand Gu, his face changed drastically: "Sister, what are you messing around with?"

He hurried forward, but Fu Henghua came to his senses and laughed and said: "Some people play Gu, and really think that the mere Gu Dao is comparable to the Dao of Heaven and Earth? Qimen, after all, Qimen."

He backhanded the five ghosts carrying method, forcibly snatched away the coffin of ten thousand gus and threw it at his feet.

Step on it.

"That's it? The treasure of the legendary voodoo lineage? Garbage! Xiao Yu, take it back and burn it in the kitchen as firewood."

Mr. Fu Tong was grinding her teeth angrily. Suddenly she saw that Fu Yinggu got the news and rushed over to help.

With an idea, she suddenly asked, "What do you think of Second Uncle?"

"Second Uncle?"

Fu Henghua was dizzy.

"You said, is the second uncle expected to be the head of the Fu family?"

"Second Uncle? A person who guards the family is a must-have. Our family is making progress, and the second uncle is the head of the family. It will only hinder us."

Fu Yinggu suddenly felt an arrow hit his knee.

Although he himself knew that he was not the right choice for the head of the family, but being said so, and——

"What do you think of Fifth Uncle?"

"Uncle Wu is devoted to cultivation, and he doesn't know anything about common things. He is the head of the family, but he is waiting to ruin the family? The last one who ruined the family, Master Liu Yang———— If it weren't for the old man and the white predecessors, Senior Liu I don’t know where it went.”

"Where is Sixth Aunt and Eighth Uncle?"

As Fu Tongjun asked, he took back the note and recorded it.

"One is in love, the other is mediocre..."

Hengshou sensed something was wrong and wanted to come over to dissuade him.

Fu Yinggu held him down: "What's the rush, listen to what this kid has to say."

"In the fifth generation, only the second aunt is a talented housekeeper. Unfortunately, the second aunt is short-sighted and not suitable for handling the overall situation."

"So, what about the old man?"

Fu Henghua let out a mouthful of alcohol: "Old and old-fashioned, he should be the pillar of the family, and the position of an elder is enough. His righteousness is so righteous, and it is just right to be a gold-lettered signboard.

"But you absolutely can't be the head of the family. The Great Elder must have thought so, otherwise he would have been allowed to be the head of the family... If the old man can be the head of the family, I will cut off his head and present him with wine."

Mr. Fu Tong secretly rejoiced: You kid is dead!

Hengshou gestured to Fu Xuanxing frequently.

Fu Xiangfeng also felt that something was wrong, seeing his father's gloomy face, he bit the bullet and beckoned Fu Maiyuan to stop him.

"So, what about our peers?"

"Peers? A bunch of trash—"

Fu Xiangfeng and the two stopped, and held Fu Xuanxing who was going to cover his mouth.

"In our generation, only the elder brother is better. It's a pity that the elder brother left early, and the rest—"

"The third brother looks like grandfather, isn't it good?"

"Too stupid, so stupid, sooner or later I will be deceived."

Fu Xiangfeng: "..."

"Sister Bingxue is smart, Huizhilanxin..."

"It's too sentimental, and I'm sure I won't be able to survive the catastrophe of love when I look back."

Fu Yaozhen looked at Fu Henghua with a smile.

"What about brother?"

"Him? Whose turn is it? It's not his turn. Regardless of his background, just rely on his talent—his talent, talent, God..."

In a daze, Fu Henghua faintly felt a little ominous.

Subconsciously, he used the Five Elements escape method to leave.

Before leaving, he did not forget to fish out Heng Shou and Xiao Yu who were waiting for news outside.

When I woke up, it was already noon the next day.

Seeing the two of them guarding him, Fu Henghua's face turned dark with sympathy.

"Why don't you persuade me?"

Heng Shou: "Can we persuade you?"

Xiao Yu: "I heard that the second master borrowed the Seven Star Flood Dragon Whip."

Fu Henghua pinched his fingers and said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and pack your things."

"It's already tidied up."

Xiaoyu and Hengshou understood him too well.

Fu Henghua didn't hesitate to think: "Then hurry up! Tudun, no, Shuidun, no way. The old man is by his side... First use the technique of returning to dreams, and I will come back to pick you up later."


In Panlong Hall, Fu Danwei noticed that Fu Henghua had left.

He was not in a hurry to catch up and continued to play chess with Zhou Xiao.

"Grandson is messing around, let fellow daoists see a joke."

"It's not surprising that children speak nonsense."


Vodanwei laughed and shook his head.

Of course he knew Fu Henghua's plan.

He looks down on other people being the head of the house because he wants to be the head of the house himself.

Yes, I will give you this opportunity.As for whether you can grasp it, it all depends on how you act this time.

"Fellow Daoist let him leave on purpose, is he planning to let him go to Baizheng Trading Company?"

"Xiao Liu's side is more troublesome. Heng Hua is smarter than Xiang Feng and Peng Ming. I can rest assured that he will host in the past."

 The ancestor of heaven taught the Dharma in Luogui Island. There was Sanxian Xinmao who understood the alchemy of the jade tripod and established the Jade Dingzong. He claimed that he was the second of the twelve dharma lines of creation.

  He said to his disciples in private: "Twelve direct descendants of the patriarchs, I was the earliest acquaintance with Master Fu."However, the old thief Chiyuan is too old to respect him.

  ——"The Chronicle of the Fu Family · The Biography of Fu Henghua"

  "Golden Wood Jade Ding Picture"

  The third of the Ten Pictures of Fusheng was painted by Ji Mingfeng.

  Thousands of turtles worship on Luogui Island, and the bright clouds are flying.Fu Zu preached "The Book of Golden Wood Hedan Jade Ding", and there were 120 monks in the audience.The later Sect Masters of Shenyue, Palace Master Yunlie, and Patriarch Yuding are all listed here.

  Some people lament that the twelve dharma veins of good fortune are prospered from this.

  Jade Dingzong claimed that this picture was the first of the ten pictures of Fusheng, but it was unanimously contradicted by the world.The real Chiyuan has ridiculed for thousands of years.


  I suspect that I have a fever and something is wrong with me.

  As soon as I caught the cold, I shivered all over, and kept trembling.

  It doesn't feel right, go to bed early.If you have nothing to do tomorrow, upload the testimonials again.

(End of this chapter)

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