
Chapter 213

Chapter 213
On the day of Liqiu, just after midnight, a group of men in black sneaked to Chaoyinzhai while the night was getting dark.

"Is the floodgate closed?"

"It has been sealed. The waterway is also blocked. It will burn later, and it will definitely be too late to put out the fire."

Fighting is forbidden in Baizhen Baicheng, but poisoning and fires are frequent with it.

Drugs are prohibited in each city, and at the same time, special water channels and formations are set up throughout Yuncheng to deal with the fire.

In addition, Aurora City has a dedicated fire patrol team.The guards will punish the arsonists with capital punishment.

But the regulations are like this, the following people may not follow the rules.

The various commercial firms are intriguing, and there are often commercial firms that cannot compete with each other, so they secretly set fire to solve the problem.As long as you manage up and down and bribe various departments, everyone can pretend not to see it.

This is also the reason why Baizheng Commercial Bank needs the backing of the three major waters.Without the support of the three major water bodies, small firms are the mainstay of big firms.

"I am doomed!"

Fu Henghua sat in the back garden.Hold the jade rabbit and eat snacks.

It was a cold cake shaped like a jade rabbit, as white as jade, sweet and delicious.Shake the silver plate lightly, and the little white rabbit shakes accordingly.

Feeling that the fire disaster was coming, Fu Henghua put the spoon aside.

Looking outside Chaoyinzhai, there are people who specially pile up precious wood firewood.

"Or sycamore wood? They are more willing."

Yutu saw the little white rabbit cold cake in the silver plate, and put on a flattering gesture towards Fu Henghua.

Knowing that Yutu is timid, Fu Henghua deliberately asked Xiaoyu to make refreshments in the shape of rabbits every day.Let Yutu watch him eat ten "rabbits" every day.

Yutu understood that Fu Henghua was annoyed that he had tricked him back then, and deliberately tortured himself in this way.

Hearing that the calamity of fire was coming, he quickly spit out a precious orb.

Crystal clear, the air of Taiyin slowly swayed away.

"Taiyin True Water Pearl? Tong Jun helped you practice it?"

Yutu nodded frequently, and entrusted the orb to Fu Henghua with both hands.

Help you to cross the catastrophe, and the grievances between us will be settled later.

Fu Henghua took it: "You caused me to drink, and I lost all face. Even if you give me the orb, it will be hard to atone for my sin. Looking back, I will be punished for running every day."

The jade rabbit showed a distressed look, and pulled down the rabbit's ears with its front feet, trying to pretend that it couldn't hear.

"You can keep this bead. It's just a calamity of fire, why do you need Taiyin True Water?"

Returning the orb to Yutu, Fu Henghua handed her to Liu Yuru next to her.

She is too young, only 30 years old, and has not yet started the second spiritual violence, and her mind is like a child.Naturally, Fu Henghua would not arrange much heavy work for her, so he asked her to act as a "rabbit slave" and take care of the jade rabbit.

"You take care of her. When the fire starts later, follow your sister and the others to take refuge."

"Then sir?"

"I want to practice the method of sitting on fire, just keep the Xiaoyu and the guardians of longevity."

As he spoke, smoke was already rising from the front door.

"here we go."

Fu Henghua came out of the flower pavilion and sat on the futon that had been placed in the center of the back garden.

Xiaoyu and Hengshou sat on the left and right, and when Fu Henghua sat down, the energy flowed among the three.

The practice of the two of them was originally born out of "Feng Hua Hui Yuan Gong".Based on the practice of the three of them, Fu Henghua also comprehended a joint strike technique from the "Jinmu Hedan Jade Ding Shu".

The main purpose of the Yuding Book is to refine the two gods of gold and wood, gold produces water, and wood produces fire. With the reconciliation of Kanli, gold can obtain the real fire of wood, and use fire to refine gold.The wood takes the true water of gold, and the wood grows with water.The golden male and the wooden female are combined to form a yin and yang jade tripod, which breeds the golden elixir of the great way.

Right now, Hengshou and Xiaoyu are like the two gods of Jinmu Hedan.Fu Henghua sits in the center and is the main god of reconciling Kanli.

He silently used the Jade Cauldron Alchemy method, combining the mana of the three people in one place, imitating the Yin-Yang Alchemy Cauldron.

The two incarnations of Jin Gong and Mu Mu unconsciously appeared behind them.

The majestic golden armored general, the compassionate and peaceful fairy in white.

The two injected mana into Fu Henghua's body, so that Fu Henghua's mana continued to rise.

With the help of the mana of the two, Fu Henghua's head was entangled with gold and wood, turning into an illusory ball of vitality.

This is the jade tripod.


Heart Ape escapes into the vitality mass and turns into the yellow bud that unifies Jingong Mumu, and forcibly controls the vitality mass to breed the golden elixir.

Xiao Yu stared intently at the Yuan Qi Tuan.

Not long after, a group of gold and green entangled golden core air clusters appeared inside.

"Qi is empty and indeterminate, scattered and formless, even inferior to the most inferior fake pills."

"Now that none of the three of us have stepped into the mysterious womb, it would be great if we can imitate the Jade Cauldron and Pill Qi."

Fu Henghua manipulated this group of Jade Cauldron Pill Qi, and his spiritual consciousness covered the entire Chaoyin Studio.

At this moment, countless heavenly secrets became clear.

He saw Liu Yuying and others sneaking out from the secret road to take refuge.I also saw the man in black who was on fire at the door, and also saw the people who were going to rescue from various shops not far away.

The shopkeeper Zhang on the opposite side of the street thought about the friendship of the past few days, and called the staff to open the fire escape formation and fire extinguishing canal.

But when he learned that the array and the canal were locked, shopkeeper Zhang immediately understood: Someone has attacked Chaoyinzhai!
He sighed: "Muxiu is bound to be destroyed by the forest wind. Look nearby, has anyone escaped from Chaoyinzhai? I remember that when Lao Liang repaired the shop, he secretly left a secret passage."

Suddenly, a bell rang in the firelight.

The golden shadow of the big clock held the golden house, allowing the red flames to rise, but it did not damage the golden house at all.

In the distance, Wuma Qian sat on the bed and cast a spell, and saw the fire in the golden house through a mirror.

"Although this fire is driven by mana, it uses precious wood as firewood. But it is not a real precious flame. There are two foundation-building monks in Chaoyinzhai, how can they not extinguish the fire?"

Putting on her coat, Tan Yufeng said softly: "We want to settle in Chaoyin Zhai, and we must not damage it too much. Just teach them a little lesson."

"I see."

Wuma Qian flicked his fingers, and the Samadhi fire shot into the sea of ​​flames from the air, adding fire to Chaoyinzhai.

In an instant, thousands of flames burst out from the sea of ​​flames.

Groups of cyan flames bred firebirds flying in the sea of ​​flames, constantly impacting on the gate and walls of Chaoyinzhai.It caused the golden bell to vibrate frequently.


The three of them used the joint attack technique, and the two of Xiaoyu could also follow Fu Henghua's consciousness to detect someone who was casting spells in the distance.

"Don't worry. The three of us cast spells together, no less than a Foundation Establishment Dzogchen monk who is about to form alchemy. What is a mere treasure flame?"

Fu Henghua signaled Xiaoyu to fetch the Yunchao bottle.

With a light flick of the finger, a drop of nectar rises from the jade bottle.

Throwing it into the sea of ​​fire, it immediately turned into a swan bird and pecked the firebird to death.

Suddenly, another gust of wind blew.

The fire that had just fallen into the downwind rose a lot, and fire snakes scurried about in the sea of ​​fire.Horns and dragon scales are born by the power of fire.

"I knew that Chang Yuezi couldn't sit still."

A star board appeared in front of Fu Henghua, and the movement of each piece appeared.

Chang Yuezi found out that Tan Yufeng was going to Chaoyinzhai, and found out that Wumaqian was doing it secretly.Immediately came to mind.

Wuma Qiang is a Golden Core cultivator, so he can't beat him by himself.But it can drive away wolves and fight tigers, and lure the Fu family Jindan monks to trouble him.

"Since he wants to attack Chaoyinzhai, I will help him."

Chang Yuezi drew a gust of scorching wind, and the fire intensified by three points.

Yuluan and the others went out from the secret passage at this moment, looking at the fire surrounding the golden house, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Bingling Fire, Samadhi Fire, Nanli Fire, Sun Fire, Earth Lung Fire. How cruel are these villains!"

"It doesn't matter, catch them later and throw them into the sea of ​​fire." Shu Tianci flew into the air with his sword, and started searching in the air.

Xin Mao muttered something, and sacrificed the bamboo basket Henghua gave him.

The purple light soared into the sky, and the bamboo basket became bigger in the air, shooting out a few beams of spiritual light to fix the people who wanted to escape in the distance.

"Friend Shu, I leave it to you."

With a turn of Shu Tianci's sword light, those men in black fell to the ground one after another.


In the sea of ​​fire, the sound of Qingyue sounded.

Fu Henghua circulated his profound arts, and nine fire horses walked around him.

Italian horse territory.

First turn the mind horse into a dragon, then turn the fire dragon back to the fire horse, and finally the fire horse will be transformed into a dragon horse.

Dragon and horse, the essence of heaven and earth.With a body of a horse and scales of a dragon, it resembles a camel with wings, and it never disappears when it jumps through the water.

In the Fu family, dragon horses, like black tortoises, are auspicious omens.

Now among the nine fire horses he has manifested, three of them appear as dragon horses, with dragon horns on their heads and dragon scales on their bodies.The other six horses were still running through the fire, using the fire to sharpen them.

Xiao Yu and Heng Shou looked at Fu Heng Hua Yungong, and nodded secretly.

This fire disaster is not difficult, even the young master's tricks of suppressing the bottom of the box can't force it.

Just as the two were thinking, a black arrow shot from the air.

Suddenly, the black flames raged, and the billowing demonic energy gathered desires and greed from all directions, triggering a catastrophe of demonic fire, which overturned the golden bell cover.

"not good!"

Xiaoyu and Hengshou got up and stood by Fu Henghua's side.

Facing the overwhelming flames, Fu Henghua calmly cast a spell to draw a real water shield.

The water was sparkling, holding the three of them together like a golden bell.

"It's a bit troublesome. Hengshou, you go and track down that person. This person started from the Liang family. You should observe in the dark and don't attack him."

Liang family?

Hengshou responded and left in a hurry.

"Young master, this fire will not hurt you or me. But absorbing the dust and turbidity of the world in Aurora City right now, I'm afraid it's not just targeting us at Chaoyinzhai."

The demon arrow exploded into the sea of ​​flames, and flames shot towards other buildings on the street.

In a blink of an eye, the whole street was set on fire.

And as the crowd panicked and panicked, all kinds of emotions turned into firewood for the magic flame, which intensified the fire again and spread to the next street.

This fire is going to burn down the entire Aurora City!
 There is only one update today.

  Weekend activities, just sat down to write.

  The rest of the manuscript will be published tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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