
Chapter 214 Bollworm innocently accepts evil sons, the flames are raging, the devil is fierce

Chapter 214 Bollworm innocently accepts evil sons, the flames are raging, the devil is fierce

Shopkeeper Zhang and others are preparing to find the survivors of Chaoyinzhai.

Suddenly the fire exploded and spread to other shops along the entire street.

They were shocked: "Hurry up, whoever has the magic weapon to contain fire and draw water, use it quickly."

Shopkeeper Zhang performed the water dragon technique, and the white water dragon rushed towards his shop.

Not far away, the lotus spurs the waves to generate water, and the treasure banners flow to make the tide... Monks from all walks of life have displayed Taoism and magic weapons.

A store ran out of the shopkeeper and a few clerks, and asked angrily, "Old Zhang, what's the situation at the canal?"

Shopkeeper Zhang drove the water dragon, and he had no time to reply: "I was locked up—for Chaoyinzhai."

The shopkeeper swears and swears a few words, and asks the guys to put out the fire and rescue them.

At this time, Liang Zheng got the news and led his buddies to come to help.

Shopkeeper Zhang was overjoyed and hurried over to thank him.

"Save people first, let's talk about the scene later."

Liang Zheng found a group of monks who were good at water art, and also specially brought a batch of magic weapons for fire extinguishing, and fetched water from outside the city.

Large jets of water sprayed into the sea of ​​flames, gradually suppressing the momentum.

On the other side of the street, because the canals and formations were intact, several shops had already attracted billows to block the fire.

Wumaqian and Chang Yuezi, who were secretly watching, breathed a sigh of relief.

If the fire is allowed to spread and affect the entire Aurora City, then the fun will be great.

Seeing that the fire was under control, Liang Zheng came to look for shopkeeper Zhang: "I heard that someone planned to set fire to the golden house, and came here to help. How is the situation? Are the immortals alright?"

Shopkeeper Zhang pointed in a direction, and Liang Zheng hurried over to find Shu Tianci and the others.

"Why aren't Master, Miss Xiaoyu and brother Hengshou here?"

"They have other things." Xin Mao explained vaguely, watching the fire in the golden house with concern.

Several shopkeepers gathered together.

"Now the fire is under control, but there is no way to eradicate it. It is still necessary to activate the fire avoidance array and the frost array."

A thin old man stood up: "Come with me, let's open the canal. It's one thing to make Chaoyin Zhai, but what's the matter if it affects us innocent people?

"Also, let those bastards from Aurora City rush to put out the fire. Paying them money on weekdays is not for them to eat!"

Several shopkeepers mobilized the crowd and led people to run to open the formation.

But the monks guarding the canal and formation had received bribes a long time ago, and each of them made excuses, saying that the canal was under maintenance and the gates should not be opened immediately.

The old man ignored them at all, pushed them away with a few shopkeepers, and rushed to the formation center in person.

Seeing that someone inside was replacing the old and new disk arrays, the old man said angrily: "I just changed the disk arrays last year, and all [-] of us charged renewal fees. Now you want to change again. The disk arrays can only be used for one year? Who are you cheating on!"

The fat steward wiped the sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly apologized with a smile: "No, no, there was an accident and the disk array was broken. This time we pay the money, and you don't need to pay. Tomorrow, no, it will be replaced in three hours."

In order to prevent Chaoyinzhai from extinguishing the fire, and not to take responsibility, they really got a new array for replacement.

Even if the higher-ups pursue it, it can be said that it collapsed suddenly, using accidents to prevaricate.


"Not good—this fire is not an ordinary precious flame, but a magic fire—"

On the next street, no one let out a scream, and black flames rose from his body.

Heavenly Demon Black Flame.

It is not the flame of water and fire, but the distracting thoughts of people's minds.As long as people have the seven emotions and six desires, they will live endlessly.

The land of Baizhen pursues the way of business and is full of material desires, which is the best nourishment for the demon black flame.

The entire water wall was penetrated by black flames, quickly igniting shops and streets.

Then, the third, the fourth.

In a blink of an eye, a large urban area where Wutiao Street is located was engulfed in flames.

Yuluan was startled, subconsciously wanting to move the golden chopsticks.

"Don't worry, I'm sure, you don't need to make a move."

Fu Henghua pressed Yuluan, silently waiting for the best opportunity.

"Liang Zheng came to fight the fire. He escaped a death with kindness. It's up to his family."


When Liang was leading people to fight the fire, a shadow floated into Liang's mansion and went straight into Liang Yuchan's boudoir.

Liang Yuchan committed evil things, but it was her own child after all. Liang Zheng and Zhang Rong couldn't bear to kill him, so they were temporarily detained in the house.

You Ying said in a low voice: "The time has come, I will lead Liang Zheng and the nurses away. You leave quickly to find your biological mother."

Liang Yuchan was not surprised by You Ying's arrival.

Three days ago, You Ying came to him and said that Liang Zheng and his wife were not his biological parents.

"What you said is true?"

You Ying threw down a black jade pendant.

"Take this thing to Yuji City. Once there, everything will be known."

After finishing speaking, the shadow turned into a dark wind and blew away the fairy seals around the boudoir.

After Liang Yuchan got out of trouble, she didn't run away directly.Looking at Zhang Rong who hurriedly came to block the door, he said to You Ying: "Since you want to help me find my biological parents, why don't you help me and kill this old woman, so as to avenge my imprisonment for the past few days .”

After Youying weighed it, Yinfeng spit out a white jade bone staff.The skull at the top is eerie, with a strange luster of lavender.

"This thing can summon Baiyou Yin Demon. You use this thing to kill her, imprison the soul and slowly process it."

Liang Yuchan's eyes lit up, and she immediately took the bone stick.

"What are you doing out here, don't hurry back. If your father comes back—"

Seeing Liang Yuchan waving the bone stick, and the dark wind howling with Yin Demon coming, Zhang Rong quickly raised the three-foot white flag.

Shot hundreds of golden lights to sweep away the wind.

Zhang Rong felt desolate: After decades of teaching our husband and wife, did we finally raise an animal?

"Evil! You still refuse to repent until now. Forget it, just forget it. This time, your Dao foundation will be abolished, and you will be driven out to fend for yourself!"

Zhang Rong let out a long sigh, and held the white flag in her hand.

After ordering the maidservants to guard the surrounding area, she waved the white flag.

The vast white mist rises, and the mirage dragon slowly swims down from the banner.

"Come and save me!"

Liang Yuchan screamed and called the ghost, and many illusions appeared in front of her eyes.

The Thousand Illusory White Dragon Banner is a treasure that Zhang Rong bought with a lot of money.There is a mirage dragon Neidan inside the white banner, which can evolve into a mirage and summon mirage dragons to attack.

Knowing that she was invincible, Liang Yuchan retreated into the house with her bone staff in her arms.

Trash—how did Mother Yin ever have such a useless daughter?
Youying sighed in his heart, and shot out silently, locking Zhang Rong's whole body mana.

The next moment, there was something red in Zhang Rong's arms, and beautiful and heavenly peonies bloomed all around.

The wonderful fairy appeared above Zhang Rong's head, just like a peony fairy descending into the world, sweeping away all the evil energy.

"Spiritual diagram technique?"

Youying touched the red energy of Peony, and quickly returned to Liang Yuchan's side.

"Someone is laying around Zhang Rong, let's go first."

The shadow wrapped around Liang Yuchan and fled, when Hengshou just arrived, and secretly followed them with Jin Gong.

Zhang Rong's mind fell into the magic cave when Youying made a move, and suddenly felt that there was no life left.

After the peony map explained the disaster, she came to her senses and looked at the empty peony map.

"This thing has the ability to save people?"


The peony picture was activated, and Fu Henghua felt it immediately.

"Fortunately, I have already made arrangements, so I forgive the devil for not being able to make waves. Zhang Rong, it can be said that he has escaped the scourge of the cuckoo."

When Fu Henghua first saw the family of three, he realized that Liang Yuchan's life experience was suspicious.

In the magic way, monks often do this.Replace the children of the cultivators with your own children and let them spend their time teaching.

If you raise a person with good conduct, you will naturally not be able to let go of this blood relationship, and you will treat your demonic parents well.Even if they are jealous and do not recognize their demonic parents, how many people can kill their biological parents?In this way, there is one less enemy and one less danger.

If a person with a cold temperament is raised, let him kill his adoptive parents, cut off his ties to the world, and return to the way of the devil.It not only saves the effort of taking care of yourself, but also can have an extra help in the future, why not do it?
Fu Henghua knew that the lower-level demon cultivators took advantage of their infancy to kill the original owner's child and mix in their own child.

If you are smarter, you will revise the memories of your adoptive parents.

And the most exquisite method is to condense one's child into a magic egg during pregnancy for the pregnant woman to eat.After entering the abdomen, the magic egg eats the fetus and absorbs the mother's body into its own nutrition.

But after birth, there is no blood relationship with the mother.

Even when such a magic fetus is born, it usually kills the mother and carries out the last plunder.

After letting his adoptive father raise him up, someone from Mo Dao will come to welcome him.

Aware of Liang Yuchan's background, Heng Hua decided to go along with the situation and take advantage of the disaster to see the background of Liang Yuchan's biological parents.

"The demon leader who shot was not the way of the demon. But the arrow that was shot was the secret treasure of the demon. It should be something left over from the Yuanhuo altar of the demon hall? It was refined by the golden core demon cultivator? It is not easy for Liang Yuchan to come up with this thing. .”

Afterwards, Fu Henghua looked at the raging fire in front of him.

The demonic black flame absorbs the negative emotions of all beings, and the five streets are like a scene of purgatory.Yinhuo evil spirits breed in the sea of ​​fire and attack the surrounding monks.

"Good fortune, good fortune! Xiaoyu, look at the fire, it's about to catch up to Erlongjian, right?"

Seeing the fire ravaging Yuncheng like a dragon, Fu Henghua clapped his hands and applauded: "This fire combines the power of immortals and demons, and operates the three talents and five elements, so it is worthy of my fire disaster."

Xiaoyu uses the cloud tide bottle to produce real water and rain, and uses a water cover to protect the two of them, blocking the attacks of the fire crow and flame snake born in the fire.

She said angrily: "Young master, there are so many casualties in such a big fire, you can still laugh?"

"You and I are here, don't say that this fire can't kill people, even those buildings can't be destroyed."

Fu Henghua picked up the Xuanhuoque feather fan, fanned it seven times, and the phantom of Suzaku rose slowly.

"I practice the Dao of Good Fortune, you can see my means."

Suzaku flies in the golden house, while Flame Snake and Fire Crow are defeated one after another.As the wings fluttered, clusters of red light spots were planted into the sea of ​​flames.

In an instant, red vines grew little by little in the flames.

Wrap around the fire crow and flame snake, control the fire of the golden house in a blink of an eye, and suck away the fire and smoke from the sky.

At this time, flower buds appear, and red lotuses bloom enchantingly.

The Tao is self-contained, and good luck can be planted in the fire.

Fu Henghua waved his fan and chanted mantras, using the "Fire Seed Golden Lotus Method" to continuously give birth to red lotuses.

From the golden house to the opposite side of the street, continue to eat the flames with red lotus, and then continue to grow.


The fire spread across five streets, approaching the Aurora Trading Company's residence.

Such a big movement provoked the guards of Aurora City.

At first the guards saw the flames soaring into the sky and did not come to rescue, because they had accepted bribes earlier and planned to delay for an hour or two to watch Chaoyinzhai be burned.

Unexpectedly, the fire became bigger and burned five streets in one breath.

With such a big disaster, they knew they couldn't do anything about it, so they hurried over to put out the fire.

When they arrived, the fire continued to spread and had already expanded half of Aurora City.

"It's over, it's over!"

Seeing the monks in the city running out one after another, the guards felt a chill in their hearts.

When the city lord leaves the customs and learns that they indirectly caused the fire, aren't they devastated?

At this moment, the red lotus grew wildly from the original golden house, and countless lotus flowers circled the sea of ​​fire, stopping the expanding fire.

(End of this chapter)

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