
Chapter 215 The spirit of the dragon horse and the posture of the sea and the crane

Chapter 215 The spirit of the dragon horse and the posture of the sea and the crane

"This fellow daoist's method is not simple. Such a big fire, and mixed with heavenly demonic energy, can be sealed in one fell swoop?"

Yuwen Chunqiu dragged Chang Yuezi to help, and he was amazed when he saw the red lotus entangled with the raging fire.

Right now, the flames are soaring, and the thousands of feet of precious flames soar into the sky brilliantly, dyeing half of the night in red.

However, the lotus branches are entangled like vines, climbing around the houses and bungalows layer by layer, firmly locking up the burning city.No matter how fierce the flames are, if the wind blows and the fire surges into the sky, it will be difficult to break out of the lotus vine.

In the sea of ​​flames, the neighing sound of the flame horse continued to echo.

Flaming horses took advantage of the fire to grow scales and cruised around in the sea of ​​fire.When meeting injured fellow monks, immediately kick the flames away and lead them away from the sea of ​​flames.

Seeing the flame horses leading the monks out, the relatives, friends and companions who stayed outside couldn't help but shed tears of emotion and thanked the flame horses again and again.

Looking at this scene, Yuwen Chunqiu sighed again.


Fu Henghua meditates cross-legged, and works with Wukong's incarnation to control the nine horses.

Three of them have been cultivated into the appearance of dragon and horse, and Fu Henghua controls them personally.The remaining six use Xin Yuan as the rein to subdue Yi Ma.

Until Yima turned into a dragon horse, the reins were dissipated, and turned into Fu Henghua's control.

When the monks were rescued one by one, and those monks were sincerely grateful, they blessed the flame horse one after another with their thoughts, and washed away the flame horse's own distracting thoughts.

"Dragon horse, the sign of holiness. The horse of the mind and mind is a step further, and it is the pure consciousness that cuts down the demons of restless thoughts."

Comprehending the principle of "the mind and horse return to the saint", Fu Henghua carefully observed all kinds of thoughts and emotions left in the sea of ​​fire.

Needless to ask, the most powerful strand of thought is greed.

Other firms targeted Chaoyinzhai out of greed and jealousy, and wanted to destroy Chaoyinzhai's business so that they could continue to make money.

"Although our generation of practitioners cannot completely get rid of vulgar objects, we need to exchange them for cultivation resources from time to time. But if we immerse ourselves in yellow and white objects, we will lose the true meaning of immortal cultivation."

The second strongest is fear and fear.

Worry about your own life, worry about money, worry about tomorrow's future.

Then came the grudges.Those firms came to Chaoyinzhai to light the fire, but they inadvertently affected their own firms.Naturally, they attribute this crime to Chao Yinzhai.

If it wasn't for Chaoyinzhai to grab business, why would we set fire to it?If we don't set the fire, how can it get out of control?
In addition, there are emotions such as love and adultery.

Some people take advantage of the fire to fall in love, while others take advantage of the fire to catch rape.

When a big fire comes down, all living beings are in different ways.

Fu Henghua was touched by this, and huge and beautiful red lotuses bloomed delicately.Huaxin interprets the various states of the world, and understands the seven emotions and six desires.

At the same time, the evil demons and fire crows born in the fire were easily eaten by the lotus, and the sea of ​​fire shrank little by little.


"This is no ordinary Taoism, this lotus—"

Outside, Chang Yuezi plucked a lotus flower.

The fire lotus flower is between reality and reality, and after a while, it disperses into a ball of vibrant flames.

As soon as the wind blows, the flames disperse and the spirit of good fortune disappears.

"good fortune?"

Chang Yuezi murmured to himself, feeling more alert towards Fu Henghua in her heart.

The Jade Sage Pavilion has been studying the way of good fortune.The "Jade Sage" they envisioned as the form of enlightenment is the supreme immortal who integrates all the natural creations of the heaven and the earth.

Chang Yuezi thought to himself: Fu Henghua's apprenticeship to Yusheng Pavilion, relying on his understanding of the principles of good fortune, his future achievements must be higher than mine.Therefore, he must not be allowed to worship in the Jade Sage Pavilion!
The Fu family has two clansmen in Yusheng Pavilion.The reason why Chang Yuezi has always regarded herself as the only candidate for the Fu family in Yusheng Pavilion.

It was because of his secret obstruction that he sent the other person to Beihai, and left him far away.

He did not allow other people to share the financial support from Bo Yusheng Pavilion.

Of course, for that distant uncle.Chang Yuezi was deeply jealous.

Entering the Yusheng Pavilion by oneself, there is no special expense in the clan.But I heard that when the boy entered the Yusheng Pavilion, the family specially gave Shu Xiuli, which seemed to be prepared by Fu Danwei.

Obviously, sending that kid to Yusheng Pavilion was the Fu family's special countermeasure against him, and it was Fu Danwei's beating on himself.

But in terms of aptitude, that waste who devoted himself to cultivating the "Changchun Jing" is still at the foundation level, so what qualifications does he have to worship in the Jade Sage Pavilion?To this day, he is still just a marginal disciple of the inner sect.

In the distance, Wu Maqian also sensed that something was wrong, and turned to Tan Yufeng who was on the bed and asked, "You went to Chaoyin Zhai to inquire, and you can see this result? Is it Liu Yuying who has this kind of cultivation, or that casual cultivator has this method?"

Tinder golden lotus method.

Wuma Qian asked himself the Taoism that he dared to try only after he had cultivated the golden core.

"I...I don't know."

Tan Yufeng tried hard to recall what she had seen and heard in Chaoyinzhai.

The two of them would definitely not be able to use such means?
Holding back her fear, Tan Yufeng asked softly, "What should we do now?"

How to do?
How do I know what to do?

Heng Hua realized the thoughts of all living beings, and several flame horses turned into dragon horses one after another.

Eight feet and five inches tall, it looks like a Luo with wings.

Cooperating with the original dragon horses, they danced and soared between the sky and the earth, constantly extinguishing the magic flames in the sea of ​​fire.

Only the two dragon horses stood quietly beside Fu Henghua, unable to transform into dragon horses for a long time.

Xiaoyu thought to himself: The young master often asks Mr. Longma for advice these days. He has already understood the true shape of Longma. Why can't he transform the last two horses?

At this time, a holy spirit hangs down from the sky.

Suddenly, Fu Henghua's mind came into being, and the eighth dragon horse took shape.

Fu Henghua felt something in his heart, and his spiritual sense spied Liang Zheng, Zhang Rong, Xin Mao, Ma Dongren and others in the distance.

"Is it the idea of ​​holiness they gave birth to?"

Holiness is different from merit.

Help a person, get his gratitude, accumulate good deeds, this is external merit and virtue.Refining treasures with many good thoughts is nothing more than a weapon of merit.

Only by setting up the Longevity Tablet and devoutly making offerings day and night can merit be transformed into holiness.Holiness is admired by all people, taught by sage kings, established sages and bestowed gods, and respected teachers.

Longma is the body of holiness, which can wash away impurities and change its true shape with the help of holiness.

"It's not the group of people I saved, but Liang Zheng and the others saw that I was supernatural. They also took the initiative to save people with kindness in their hearts. So, elevate me to a sacred position in your heart and silently pray for me?"

Fu Henghua's preaching and teaching, being respected by the world itself is an act of gathering holiness.


The ninth flame horse flew into the air, and with a thunderclap, it also changed into a dragon horse under the baptism of holiness.

The heart ape was out of control, and all the dragons and horses were under Fu Henghua's control.

With a thought of Fu Henghua, the Spiritual God automatically floated above the Heavenly Spirit.

"multiple star."

The sky full of stars flew down from the night, forming a strange star pattern in the sky above Lingshen, with ten dots on it.

The backs of the nine dragons and horses shone with starlight one after another, each showing a star pattern.They are one to nine dots, black and white.

Cooperating with the Dao pattern ten that appeared above Fu Henghua's head, it just formed the image of the river map.

Nine dragons and horses threw themselves at the spirit god at the same time, forming an illusory river map.


Rumbling sky sounds.

The nine horses returned to one, and the white dragon horse appeared, and the spirit turned into a fairy with immortal demeanor, sitting on the dragon horse, holding a scroll of river map in his hand.

Xin Yuan jumped to the side, holding the Shen Luo Tianshu and laughing at Fu Henghua.

"Heluo comes out, and the saints are manifested. I have accomplished the Tao."

Fu Henghua closed his eyes, and waves of majestic aura surged from his body.When Heart Ape, Dragon Horse, and Spirit God returned to their bodies, his magic power and spiritual consciousness were fully integrated, and they rushed to a higher level of realm.


"Why is it on fire?"

Wu Madan brought Lu Xin back from outside the city.

Seeing the fire in the city, the two hurried to the sea of ​​flames.

Knowing that the Heavenly Demon cultivator was secretly acting and causing a fire in the city, Wu Madan pondered deeply.

Bai Zhen, Tian Mo, someone suddenly popped up in his mind.

Suddenly, the sky lit up with a brilliant aurora.

The night sky reddened by the flames once again added a touch of greenness.

"Which Taoist friend practiced in the city and caused such a catastrophe?"

The blue light was rippling, and the surrounding area was pink, engulfing the sea of ​​flames bit by bit.

"Old Aurora has made a move."

Feeling the power of the Aurora Domain, Wu Madan murmured: "Although his alchemy is not as good as mine, his mana is much thicker than mine."

"After all, he has practiced for a long time, and he became a pill 300 years earlier than you and me."

Wu Maqian brought Tan Yufeng here.Looking at the aurora, his mind was very complicated.

Old Man Aurora's strength was beyond his expectations.If the matter of his fanning the flames is exposed, will the old man Aurora deal with him?
The aurora touched the sea of ​​flames, and the blossoming red lotus was destroyed by the aurora.

Inside the golden room, Heng Hua, who was sitting cross-legged in meditation, was suddenly annoyed.

Coincidentally, Hengshou followed Youying and Tan Yufeng returned, and the three auras merged again. Fu Henghua pointed to the sky with the "Jade Cauldron Pill Qi".

At this moment, the fire in the sky merged with the lotus, forming a different kind of lotus realm, resisting the aurora for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, the aurora pierced through the lotus realm and pressed towards the golden house.

"Sure enough, the difference between the alchemy of the unqualified appearance and the golden core cultivator is too big after all."

Fu Henghua wanted to use the Three Treasures Ruyi Huanjian, but knew that troubles would follow after the Huanjian was exposed.

Wumadan is in the city.

"Howling fish."

Xiaoyu connected with him, and immediately took out the Panlong Token.

Fu Henghua threw it into the air, and said in a loud voice: "Senior, you set fire to my business in Aurora City, and accidentally caused the fire to spread. I am thinking of my comrades. I can't bear this unreasonable disaster for my comrades in the city, so I specially shot it with red lotus to seal the fire. .

"Right now, you are in a hurry to make a move, are you planning to kill me, and accuse this junior of harming your comrades?"

The Beaulieu Token was thrown into the sky from Chaoyinzhai, and the golden dragon pattern slowly moved.

Aurora was charged by Long Yin and collapsed on the spot.

"Golden Jane Jade Thorn?"

The Aurora old man mobilized his whole body's mana, and a jade plate formed in the Aurora field to welcome the Beaulieu Order.

Pfft, the next moment the aurora disc collapsed, and Beaulieu Ling went straight to the old man Aurora.

"Under Fu Henghua, the sixth generation grandson of Yanlong Fu Jiabai Huangtang, the ancestor of Fulong Sword Immortal."

After Fu Henghua finished speaking, the aurora in the center of the city suddenly disappeared.

The old man Aurora stood in the closed room, cautiously looking at the Panlong Token above his head.

Can't hold it, can't take it.

The white-haired and childlike face blushed, holding back his embarrassment, the old man Aurora teleported to appear outside the sea of ​​flames.

Beaulieu Ling followed closely behind, still floating above his head.



"City Lord."

The children, grandchildren and subordinates hurried over.

Hearing about Fulong Sword Immortal, Qiankunlou couldn't sit still anymore, and several stewards rushed to the edge of the sea of ​​flames.

Elder Aurora glanced at everyone, and asked coldly, "What's going on?"

He was startled by the fire in the city and rushed out of the customs. Seeing the red lotus restraining flames, he naturally thought that a certain comrade failed to control the mana, which caused the fire in the city.

He put out the fire with the intention of beating.After helping to solve the fire disaster, I hope that the other party will compensate the monks involved in the city.

But why did it turn into self-silencing?
A grandson stepped forward and hurriedly talked about the cause and effect of the incident.

"A commercial firm set fire to Chaoyinzhai? The fire got out of control and attracted a devil to secretly fuel the fire?"

The old man Ji Guang pondered, and suddenly asked: "Where is the evidence?"

"Chaoyinzhai caught a few arsonists and dragged them outside the east gate of the city to force a confession with the thunder method, and they are sticking to the gate."

This was Yuluan's idea.

She was worried that Aurora City would not admit it and put the whole matter on Chaoyinzhai's head.

Therefore, after some fleeing monks left the flames.She led the crowd to the outside of the city, and forced confessions from several men in black in public.

Naturally, the news spread.

Can't hide it?

The old man Aurora sighed.

Unlucky, who is not good to provoke, but Fulong Sword Immortal?I heard that he has been transformed into a baby.

The old man felt very uncomfortable when he thought that someone of his own generation had turned into a baby.

Back to this matter, the old man Aurora felt even more distressed.

Aurora City is not strictly governed, some people secretly acted in tandem with several commercial firms, in order to be impartial, I not only had to deal with it, but also had to compensate the monks in the city.

But if the victimized firm is a small business, the old man Aurora can just send some money and apologize, and he will be fooled.

But if he offends a Nascent Soul Grandmaster, things will be difficult.

Maybe Fulong Sword Immortal is far away in Yanlong, so it's inconvenient to come here.But right now, Bai Zhen is waiting for the two Nascent Soul masters, Bai Hezi and Master Liu Yang.

Sanxia wears a pair of pants, can he give up?

This time, it's going to bleed profusely.

The old man Aurora hastily opened his mouth, saying that everything was a misunderstanding just now.

But Fu Henghua didn't care about it at the moment.

When Hengshou came back, the three of them continued to comprehend the art of combining jade and alchemy, and pushed Fu Henghua to comprehend the realm of the mysterious fetus.

 I overestimated myself a bit, and it seems that the next update will not work out.

  There is only a [-]-word manuscript, so let's talk about it in the daytime.

(End of this chapter)

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