
Chapter 216 Nine Longxuan Water Plants Red Lotus

Chapter 216 Nine Dragon Xuanshui Plants Red Lotus

As long as Fu Henghua comprehended, the old man Aurora waited for as long.

The flames were gradually absorbed by the lotus until the flames disappeared completely, revealing the scorched buildings and gorgeous flower vines.

There were no casualties at all, and the cultivators couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Father, shall we break open the lotus and enter?"

"not busy."

Old man Aurora knew that the person inside was practicing and enlightening.

If he disturbed Fu Henghua at will and destroyed Fu Henghua's chance, the three masters would not be able to spare Aurora City.

But while waiting, he didn't waste time in vain.

Through communicating with Yuluan, Xin Mao and others, he has already learned the identity of Fu Henghua.

Fu Danwei's favorite grandson, and he is the one who teaches the exercises.

Such a person must never have an accident in Aurora City.Otherwise, the Fu family must not give up.

Taking advantage of the presence of the old man Aurora, the principals of other commercial firms in the city came to claim compensation.

After some negotiation, everyone reached a condition: the firm where the culprit of the arson was located should pay [-]% of the compensation.Aurora City paid [-]% of the compensation because there were guards taking bribes.

After a full day, the fire lotus gathered from the street to the golden house little by little.

When gathered, the lotus flowers scattered one by one, only the vines retracted into the golden house.

With the scattered petals, the spirit of good fortune permeated the scorched streets, gradually restoring the damaged buildings to their original appearance.


When the monks outside the street saw this scene, they all exclaimed.

Seeing this scene, the old man Ji Guang's eyes lit up: "Later, you quickly go to check the damage of the shops and firms. If it is not serious..."

If it's not serious, it won't be compensated.

The next moment, old man Aurora's eyes flashed sharply, staring at the process of the vines gathering.


The Wuma brothers also realized something, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

The fire lotus seals the sea of ​​fire, which is exactly the golden core field simulated by Fu Henghua.

As the lotus gathers, this illusory lotus realm is becoming more and more solidified.


When all the vines are gathered back to the golden house.A field as large as the abbot appeared in the back garden.There are 36 lotus leaves, twelve lotus branches and three red lotuses in bloom in the field.

This is after the entire lotus sea has shrunk, the vitality has condensed.

Fu Henghua stroked the lotus branches, and one of the lotus flowers gradually grew bigger.


With a leap, the lotus branch rose to a height of three feet.

He sits in the center of a three-foot-diameter lotus flower, exuding holy radiance all over his body.

Standing in the back garden, Hengshou and Xiaoyu looked at each other, seeing each other's helplessness.

Yes, start again.

The white robe of avoiding the fire fluttered in the wind, and Fu Henghua held the Shenluo Heavenly Book in his hand, preaching the magic of practicing qi into pills.

Ma Dongren's eyes lit up when he heard what he said.

"The example given by Mr. is exactly my "Book of Canghai Chaoyun"."

Gather water vapor, refine true water, and explore good fortune.

Under the current situation of Ten Thousand Islands, waterway monks occupy the majority.There are many such monks in Aurora City. As Fu Henghua explained the method of condensing true water, the monks calmed down and listened carefully.

Xiaoyu transmitted the sound to Hengshou: "Shall we jump up there?"

Hengshou looked around.

After collecting the lotus branches that blocked the sea of ​​fire, there were still twelve flower branches and three large lotus flowers left in the golden house.Fu Henghua sat cross-legged on one lotus, and two smaller lotus flowers were hidden among the dark red lotus leaves.

"Use golden male and wooden female."

Hengshou shot out a pekoe aura from the top of his head, and threw it into the lotus flower on the left, forming a golden-armored god of war.

Xiaoyu imitated the example, and also changed the incarnation of Mu Mu into a fairy in white, which appeared on the lotus on the right.

The two lotus rose up at the same time, accompanying Fu Henghua.At the same time, the gas of good fortune floating in the air turned into colorful lotus petals, flying in the streets everywhere.

Fu Henghua made a tactic with his left hand, and Xiao Yu's real water mask under the golden house fell into his hand.

He is in front of everyone.Taking the real water cover as an example, we can use the energy of the heavenly water to refine a piece of heavenly water.

After the real water cover was refined and sublimated, Fu Henghua changed the subject and talked about the "Scarlet Flame Cloud Dragon Sutra".Take this fire as an example, and talk about the practice of fire.At the same time, nine fire dragons appeared on his right hand, dancing and singing continuously.

This time, it was Liang Zheng's turn to shine.

"The Dao method taught by the master is the 'Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover Method'."

After a rough talk, Fu Henghua once again jumped to the intersection of yin and yang, and the convergence of kan and li.

Hearing this, Wumadan, Wumaqian, Jiguang old man, Chang Yuezi and others woke up at the same time.

This is the secret of how to reconcile real fire and divine water in the Xuantai realm, and how to condense the golden core.

When Fu Henghua was explaining to everyone, the nine dragons in his hands were entangled with the real water cover.The way of water and fire is combined to refine a secret treasure called "Nine Dragons Xuanshui Cover".

This thing can only be used once, and it can motivate nine fire dragons to kill the enemy.Because Baoyan is ruthless, the water shield will appear at the same time to protect itself.

Ma Dongren and Liang Zheng's eyes lit up when they saw this thing.

They are clear that this thing fits their skills.

If they get it, they can search for some materials and refine it meticulously, and then they can refine it into a real magic weapon.

Wumaqian: "Cousin, can you tell what this person's cultivation level is?"

"I can't see it. It's weird."

Fu Henghua has cultivated the Yima Realm to perfection, and has entered a higher level of "Participation Realm".

Participate in gold and wood, combine yin and yang, adjust dragon and tiger, and reconcile Kanli.

However, the sign of this step is the transformation of the true essence in the body into a higher quality jade liquid.

Fu Henghua's mana is in the transformation stage, and it takes at least seven days to complete this process.

With the improvement of cultivation base and Taoism, Fu Henghua's good fortune essence and even his own aura have completely disappeared.Waiting for a Golden Core cultivator to see through his realm at all.

Looking at him, one can only feel a mass of vitality, the appearance of nature.

Wu Madan thought for a while, and added: "Anyway, I can see that he has not formed a pill."

The two Jindan Junxiu watched coldly.After Fu Henghua finished his sermon, Lianhua returned to the Golden House.

Only then did Old Man Aurora take the people there.

The Wuma brothers looked at each other and followed the pace of old man Aurora.

Seeing this, other monks also went to Chaoyin Zhai to join in the fun.

When the old man Ji Guang walked into the back garden, he saw Heng Hua tap the "Nine Dragons Xuan Water Cover" with a flick of his fingers, and the glazed water cover turned into a water bowl.

Crystal clear, the outer wall depicts eighteen water cloud patterns and nine red fire dragons.


Heng Hua asked him to hold up the water bowl, and then inject magic power into the lotus in the back garden.

The tall and towering fire lotus branch gradually shrinks, and finally becomes a lotus root, a leaf, and a flower branch, only three feet high.

All the strength of the golden core domain is integrated into this lotus.

Heng Hua casually pulled the fire lotus into the water bowl.

Xiaoyu smiled slightly, and poured clean water from the Yunchao bottle, filling a bowl.

"Creating a lotus?"

Seeing this scene, the old man Aurora showed shock.

Chang Yuezi chased the crowd in.When I saw the fire lotus falling into the water pot and growing safely, my heart was like being hit by a giant hammer.

Golden core monks can use the "Fire Seed Golden Lotus Method" to plant golden lotuses from the flames.

Those who have advanced Taoism can make the flame golden lotus that they have transformed into a real thing.

But this is limited to some Golden Core cultivators.Other monks will not naturally master the most elementary method of creation until the Nascent Soul.

But how old is Fu Henghua now, and how much is his cultivation?Has already touched the fur of the creation, using this sea of ​​fire to create a fire lotus?

When Chang Yuezi was shocked and jealous, Yuwen Chunqiu clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Hey - you are not an easy elder. His mana attributes are close to our Jade Sage Immortal Law, do you want to try to recruit him?"

Chang Yuezi turned around suddenly.

Seeing his ferocious eyes, Yuwen Chunqiu's heart skipped a beat.

Looking again, Chang Yuezi had already restrained his expression, and said lightly: "Uncle Wu has contacted him, but he doesn't want to come."

"Don't want to?"

Yuwen Chunqiu's eyes widened: "Our Yusheng Pavilion, is there anyone who doesn't want it? Could it be that he prefers the Zihuang Pavilion?"

Zihuang and Yusheng have been entangled since the Shenzhou era.

There are rumors that combining "Ziqing Tiandaolu" and "Tiansheng Yuzhang" can reach the level of heavenly scriptures.However, because of the contradiction between the two pavilions, they refused to merge due to the views of the sects.

"Creation, he has already comprehended the skin of the golden core domain. The domain we saw just now cannot be faked."

The Wuma brothers whispered behind him, and Wumaqian immediately put an end to the idea of ​​being Chaoyinzhai's backer.

Such characters can only befriended, not offended!

Seeing the fire lotus, the old man Ji Guang immediately changed his face and stepped forward to congratulate.

"Fellow Daoist, is this lotus flower for sale?"

The old man Aurora is very experienced and knows the mystery of this fire lotus.

Conceived from the field of lotus realm, it is analogous to the body of Jindan.

If someone takes the lotus seeds bound by this flower, they can comprehend the power of that domain.Even the fire lotus itself is the main medium for making fake pills.

Fu Henghua smiled lightly and shook his head slightly.

When I finally create something, I always want to show it to my family.

He asked Xiaoyu to put away the water bowl and lotus, and asked about the arson.

The old man Ji Guang didn't think about it: "The shops and business owners of those arsonists have all been detained. Whether they are killed or redeemed depends on what the Taoist said. As for the evils in Aurora City, I have already sent someone to bring them."

Old Aurora looked behind him, and several subordinates escorted the guards and canal managers of Aurora City over.

"Your Majesty!"

Those subordinates looked stern and kicked the offenders down.

"Master, please forgive me, I will never dare again!"

"I beg your lord to be merciful. I would like to redeem myself with ten thousand pearls."

Everyone knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

The old man Ji Guang said with a cold face: "There is no rule without rules. You and others violated the prohibition of Aurora City, and indulged in Xiaoyu and set fire in the city. If it wasn't for Fellow Daoist Fu, how would this catastrophe end?"

As he said, he wanted to kill these people.

Seeing this, Fu Henghua quickly used a feather fan to support it.

"Wait a minute—"

Fu Henghua looked at several people, they stared at Fu Henghua, their eyes bursting with hope.

The young man sighed and said: "God has the virtue of loving life. Since no one was killed, why bother to take their lives. In my opinion, it is to teach a lesson."

"Fellow Daoist is too kind."

The old man Aurora was very satisfied when he saw that Fu Henghua was so upright.

Forcing himself to kill these people, the two sides formed a bridge.It's not easy for your business to hang out in our Aurora City.

But then, the smile on his face disappeared.

Fu Henghua ordered Xiao Yu to take out a few pills and feed them to these people.

"This is what I practiced in my free time, and it is dedicated to these sinners."


One knelt on the ground, clutching his throat.He could feel a strange breath passing through the twelve-storey building and flowing through his whole body.

Unconsciously, chicken feathers grew on his surface.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the man turned into a colorful rooster.


The big rooster crowed wildly and fluttered its wings.

The old man Ji Guang widened his eyes, looked at the rooster, and then at Fu Henghua.

Several others also gradually turned into roosters.

Fu Henghua said to Hengshou: "Put the 'Easily Shaped Golden Lock' on them."

Hengshou squatted down, took out several locks made of fine gold, and put them on the roosters respectively.

Fu Henghua reprimanded: "Your thoughts are not right, you leave your post without authorization, and indirectly contributed to this fire. I will punish you to crow the cock in the city. One is to announce the dawn, and the other is to warn the fire. Work diligently every day, and there should be no more slack. If there is, it will be directly plucked and thrown into the stove to be roasted chicken in the future.”

Seeing this group of big cocks, old man Aurora felt chills down his back.

What kind of person is Fu Danwei, how could he have such a descendant?

He is definitely a descendant of Dong Xia, not Xi Xia or Bei Xia?
Among the five heroes, Dong Xia Fu Danweiyi and Bo Yuntian, Nan Xia Liu Yang Shizhai is kind-hearted, and Zhong Xia Bai Hezi is compassionate and kind.As for the remaining two, Xixia has the most eccentric personality, while Beixia has the most violent personality.

Seeing Fu Henghua turn people into roosters, Brother Wuma also changed his face.

"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. If he behaves like this, he might as well kill him directly!"

Chang Yuezi stared blankly at the rooster, recalling the group of fish and shrimp in the East China Sea.

Suddenly, his shoulders sank, and he heard Yuwen Chunqiu say in a heavy voice: "You elder is cruel enough. But, isn't this really a sorcery?"

"No, it's the use of Chang Yuezi's shape change," Chang Yuezi said in a low voice, "This spell... I didn't expect him to master it so quickly."

The East China Sea can only last for a few days if it turns into fish and shrimp.

But now it can last for a long time.

Obviously, Fu Henghua gained a lot from Dan Xuanzi.

Fu Henghua looked at the group of big roosters with satisfaction: "You are called Chongming Guards, and you will take care of Aurora City in the future. After sixty years, I will allow you to get out of trouble."

After finishing speaking, Fu Henghua looked at Xiaoyu.

Xiao Yu smiled and wrote it down.

With his young master's disposition, he would put this matter behind him decades later.When the time comes to unblock, it will be either himself or Hengshou.

Afterwards, Fu Henghua looked at the principals of the arson firms.

He showed a self-confident smile.

Immediately, several principals knelt down.

"Master, please forgive me!"

Seeing a group of roosters, all their original calculations were forgotten.At this point, what money do you care about!
It is important to save lives and protect human rights.

"You are not the guards of Aurora City. You are not petty officials who accept bribes and abuse their power. How could I use such means to punish you?"

Fu Henghua helped them up with a smile.

Several stewards did not dare to be careless. After standing up, they bowed their waists one by one, not daring to be a head taller than Fu Henghua.

"How much I lost in Chaoyinzhai, ten times the compensation, isn't it too much?"

"Not too much, not too much."

"this is necessary."

"In the future, everyone will compete fairly in business. Don't use such small tricks again, can you?"

All the stewards nodded.

Fu Henghua didn't bother to look at them: "Then next, you talk to my shopkeeper."

he yawned
It is too tiring to take revenge on these people. They have involved many companies this time and caused public outrage. There is no need to take revenge by themselves.

At that time, their commercial shop can't keep it, so they just buy it at a low price.

Then, Fu Henghua said a few words to the old man Aurora, expressing that he would abide by the law in the future and follow the rules of Aurora City.I also hope that Aurora City can abide by the rules, and that there will no longer be some petty officials who think they are in power, abuse their power, and act recklessly.

The old man Aurora readily agreed, and after drinking a cup of tea, he left with his descendants.

After dealing with Liang Zheng and his wife, Fu Henghua couldn't bear it anymore, so he returned to the house to rest and sleep.

Too tired, tossing all day and night.Suppressing the sea of ​​fire, and using the art of creation, Fu Henghua's spirit finally couldn't hold on.

Go back to the house and fall asleep.


The following is not counted.The question is off topic, except for the friends at the starting point and the main station. QQ Reading, Hongxiu and other websites under China Literature, can friends see the supplementary recordings written in the author's words from time to time?
 Supplement: "Donglai Dizhi Kao": Hualian Pond, one of the most prosperous scenes in the dynasty, is famous all over the world for its thousands of lotus species.

  The magic flame red lotus, one of the top ten famous lotus, can detoxify fire poison.

  According to legend, Fu Zu was preaching in Aurora City, and some treacherous officials set fire to do evil.Fu Zu Huohai planted red lotus, relieved the misfortune of all cultivators, and demoted treacherous officials as Chongming birds.

  Later, a wooden mother collected the red lotus and kept it in a clean bottle.A hundred years later, lotus seeds were introduced into the world, and they became the lineage of red lotus.

(End of this chapter)

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