
Chapter 221 The evil water in the evil cave produces demons, and the evil tombs raise dead corpses i

Chapter 221 The evil water in the evil cave produces demons, and the evil tombs raise dead corpses in the shadows

Hengshou and Shu Tianci went out of the city together.

The "majestic tsunami" slowly pressed down from above the water.

Shu Tianci was taken aback, and it took him a while to realize: "Wait, is this a cloud?"

The dense clouds are like huge waves, and with the gloomy and dark night, it seems like a monster in the dark night is approaching step by step.

It seemed that in the next moment, the entire Aurora City would be engulfed by the cloud tide.

Hengshou stared at the ink-colored water surface. The waterspout was connected to Tianshui and was constantly rotating at high speed, bringing up water vapor around it and triggering thunderstorms.

"Let's go underwater."

He jumped into the water first and activated a water avoidance talisman.The air bubbles wrapped itself, sinking slowly.


The sound of falling into the water was heard not far away, and Shu Tianci was surrounded by three fiery red sword qi, and also fell into the water and swam towards the Ten Thousand Illusions Demon's Nest.

On the way, they saw all kinds of light and precious light approaching in that direction.

When Moku and Chang Yuezi came down, it was a different scene.The peaks and ridges are hundreds of feet high, and layers of neon clouds surround the mountain wall, constantly rushing to the water surface above, forming a strange waterspout.

I saw a monk rushing into a tornado from the surface of the water and flying down from the eye of the wind.Shu Tianci sent a voice transmission: "The cloud barrier in Yizhou is still there, are we going the wrong way, should we enter through the eye of the wind?"

"That's right." Heng Shou swam over first.At this time, several monks had already broken through the thin cloud barrier and entered the interior of the magic cave.

As for the people who flew down from the eye of the wind, although they were relaxed after entering the eye of the wind, they were covered with bruises all over their bodies. It was obvious that when they forcibly entered the waterspout, they were more or less attacked by thunder.

Hengshou looked at those people, and explained a rare sentence: "The whirlwind connects the sky and water, attracting wind and gathering thunder, it's not easy."

The Fu family is an expert in playing with wind, and Hengshou knows the tricks in it.

Putting his hand on the outer wall of the cloud, Hengshou activated [-]% of his mana to create a channel.


He entered first, followed by Shu Tianci.

There was no water inside the cloud, so the two removed the water-avoiding spell one after another, and chose a cave to walk in.

Shu Tianci thought brokenly: "It is rumored that the Wanhuan Devil's Nest is called Wancao Mountain. There are 1 inward passages, which can be extended with the rugged and curved tunnels. In the end, there are only nine correct roads that can reach the Golden Court, the core of the Devil's Nest. Be careful when you go. I have a green rope to lead the way—"

He saw that Hengshou had already started pasting "Wind Chanting Talismans" around the cave, so he stopped thinking about helping.

Hengshou walked all the way, sticking talismans all the way, so that Fu Henghua and Xiaoyu could find them easily.

Walking to the corner, the clouds outside the cave can no longer act as a light source.

"Flame Light Sword."

Shu Tianci squeezed the sword formula in his hand, and a bright red flaming sword light appeared above his head.

Suddenly, Heng Shou's expression changed: "Wait, turn off—"

A sharp strange cry came from the depths of the cave, and dense bats rushed towards the two of them with the cold wind.

The bat's eyes were red, its fangs and claws gleamed coldly, and a trace of purple could be vaguely seen.

Poisonous vampire bat.

Are they awakened by my fire?
Shu Tianci secretly regretted it, but at the moment he didn't care about other things, and the flaming sword glow quickly cut out.One divided into two, two divided into four, and in a blink of an eye, hundreds of sword lights filled the cave, strangling the flying bat clouds.

Hengshou looked at the bat corpse on the ground.

"A variant of the vampire, the ghost blood bat?"

This kind of blood bat can also cause hallucinations through sound waves when sucking blood and poisoning.

He took out two "Concentration Talismans" and stuck them on himself and Shu Tianci.

Standing behind, Hengshou took out two more bracelets from the Sumeru burden.One was clasped on his wrist, and the other was thrown to Shu Tianci.

After Shu Tianci got rid of the bat, he found a cold light in the cave.

Looking back, Hengshou pointed to his glowing bracelet.

Shu Tianci quickly put on the bracelet.

The cold light illuminates the cave, revealing bloodstains and bat corpses.

There are still a lot of bats in the crevices and domes of the caves.But as the flame and sword energy disappeared, they returned to their original state one by one.

"There are a lot of Yin-type creatures in the Demon Cave, don't provoke them randomly."

After speaking, Hengshou walked forward first.

Knowing that he had little experience, Shu Tianci quickly followed.

"You have such a wealth of experience, do you often explore these fairy mansions and devil caves? Is there anything else you should pay attention to?"

Hengshou glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Except for the almost non-dangerous territory of the Huofeng Immortal Mansion, this is Hengshou's first adventure in the Immortal Mansion's Demon Cave.

In terms of experience, he is also a novice.


Yuan and Ming Dynasty, mountain tomb.

The three Nether Light Gu vibrated their wings, and flew slowly beside the sisters of the Fu family.

Fu Liuhui looked at this Gu worm that evolved from fireflies.

"The mountain tomb is very dark. Using this kind of cold light will not attract the creatures in the tomb to attack. Let's be careful."

Mr. Fu Tong explained to Fu Liuhui the taboos of mountain tomb exploration.

Fu Liuhui couldn't help asking: "Sister, in Yuan and Ming Dynasties, are there many mountain tombs like this?"

"It's very common. At the end of life, monks will transform their caves into mountain tombs, so as to ensure that their corpses will not be pulled out by later generations for refining."

The atmosphere of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties is different from that of Baizhen and Yanlong.

The monks unscrupulously searched and explored the former cave.Even when the monk was still alive, he only closed his own cave and used it for retreat and practice.There will also be other monks who will come to forcibly demolish the formation, kill the owner of the cave, and seize the natural materials and treasures in the cave.

This is especially true for monks at the Jindan and Yuanying levels who reincarnate and recultivate.Before they close the cave and prepare to return to inherit after reincarnation, a large number of monks will break the forbidden law of the cave and rob them of their property.

"If it is said that Yanlong is an order established by relying on the 'Dragon King Seal'. Bai Zhen established a seemingly peaceful order through merchant trade. Then the theme of Yuan and Ming practice circles is disorder. Whoever is stronger will have The right to speak. Abandon morality like a beast, and everything returns to the most primitive natural selection."

"Yuanming is close to Tianyang, so close to Sword Immortal Continent. Why don't they just ask?"

"There are rumors that the main altar of the Xuanming Demon Palace is in Yuanming. The chaos in Yuanming is driven by the secret of the Demon Palace. Although Tianyang Sword Master has a unparalleled sword, it is difficult to kill the demons of people's hearts."

Tong Jun stared at the corner not far away.She sensed that someone was ambush there.

"Here, all monks who enter the mountain tomb are your enemies. Don't hold back later, if anyone dares to kill you and me, just cut them off."

With a slight movement of the fingers, two poisonous snakes crawled over quietly.


The sword light shot from the corner, and the two poisonous snakes bit the other side instantly.

Lightning lights lit up beside Mr. Fu Tong, every inch of thunder covered the corridor, crushing the attacking sword energy from the opposite side.

The two rode the wind to the corner.When the two monks dealt with the poisonous snake, Jade Hand and Lei Jian followed one after another.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, Fu Liuhui was about to withdraw his sword.

Suddenly, the second monk's skin turned purple and then white.

When she observed it, it turned green again, and she was about to grow green hair.Fu Liuhui frowned and snapped his fingers, and two thunderbolts shot at the corpse.

The corpse screamed sharply and rushed towards the thunder.


With a flick of a jade hand beside him, hundreds of Yin Gus pounced on the zombie, quickly sucking out the corpse and Yin Qi.

"This is a common example in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. After death, people are turned into corpses with secret techniques in order to live another life. But...these two corpses turned into corpses very quickly, and it should be related to the tomb of the King of Montenegro."


The two of Hengshou went around two bends, and suddenly a dead body appeared in the corner with a cold light.

With the cold light shining, Shu Tianci observed carefully.

"It doesn't look like a monk who just came in. Looking at this costume, it seems to be the Purple Emperor Pavilion hundreds of years ago—"

Suddenly, the corpse opened its eyes, the whites of the eyes turned up, and sharp sword-like nails emerged from both hands to grab Shu Tianci.

Shu Tianci didn't have time to get out of the way, and when he was about to urge his sword energy to fight recklessly, the fire and wind blasted behind him, severely injuring the zombie.

Hengshou covered the flames with his right hand, pressed down on the zombie's head, and instantly dispersed the yin energy in the corpse.

A set of movements is crisp and neat, without any hesitation.

"Be careful."

Staring at the corpse, Hengshou posted a "Suppressing Corpse Talisman".

Shu Tianci, still in shock, looked at the fleshy wings behind the corpse.

"Is this actually a flying zombie?"

After going through the three stages of purple stiffness, white stiffness, and green stiffness, the corpse is upgraded to hairy stiffness.

Mao Zong has grown corpse hair, copper skin and iron bones, carrying corpse poison, which is equivalent to the ninth level of Qi refining.

Raw meat wings are stiff for flying.

It can defend against Taoism, flap its wings and fly into the sky, comparable to the nine layers of foundation building.

"Flying Zombies are nothing. This is the ruins of immortals and demons, and there must be a lot of ghosts."

From a corpse to a ghost, he is qualified to comprehend the righteous way of the corpse fairy, comparable to a golden core monk.

Shu Tianci looked awe-inspiring, and looked at the dark corridor ahead, not only a little more frightened.

"I heard from my master that there were no less than a hundred Jindan cultivators who fell into the Myriad Illusion Demon Nest. Perhaps many ghosts have been born among these corpses. You said, are they going to be promoted to Jade Immortals, or monsters? Or Feitian Yasha?"

Hengshou ignored him and walked not far from the cultivator in Zihuang Pavilion.

There is a suicide note carved on the wall.

It roughly tells that he passed out after fighting a demon.When he woke up, the magic cave had already sunk to the bottom of the water.

He couldn't call for help, and his injuries were too serious, so he could only leave a suicide note hastily, hoping that the younger generation would take the body back to Zihuang Pavilion for burial.

"Isn't it the true biography of the golden core that has truly become a master, but the eighth level of foundation building and the mid-level of the flying man?"

Shu Tianci came over, saw the suicide note, and looked at the corpse not far away.He sighed and said: "Master said that the battle that year was very tragic. The immortals and demons were angry, and the disciples of the major sects who had not yet left their masters were also forced to come out to meet the calamity.

"This fellow Taoist may not be much older than us now. Unexpectedly... hey... it's all God's will."

Listening to him chanting beside him, Heng Shou left a mark next to the suicide note.

"Huh? Aren't we going to help collect the corpse?"

"Young master comes in to deal with it." Heng Shou paused slightly, "He should see more information than you and I."

The two continued to walk forward.

On the road, I encountered zombies, yin vine demons, and centipede spirits one after another...

Finally, the two came to a fork in the road.

"Hey, why did you stop? Are you going to take a break? Wait, you don't intend to separate, do you?"

Even if you talk so much that it annoys me, I can't foolishly let two novices act separately.

Hengshou breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed: "You and Fu Xuanxing should have a lot to talk about."

"Hey? Who is Fu Xuanxing?"

Hengshou ignored him and chose the path on the left.

"Wait, are you sure this is the right way? Could it be that the right side is the right way?

"Later, we may encounter a ghost hitting the wall. Do you need to prepare a few more signs?
"By the way, I have several barrier-breaking talismans here, two of which are for you."

(End of this chapter)

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