
Chapter 222 Ruyi Golden Lotus Bears Golden Beads, 2 Heavenly Protectors

Chapter 222 Ruyi Golden Lotus Bears Golden Beads, the Guardian God of the Twelve Capitals

Yuanmingshan Tomb.

The two women searched the tombs.

Each tomb is guarded by a strong flying zombie leader Mao Zong.

Mr. Fu Tong sprinkled a piece of Gu, and after killing the zombies, he sighed quietly: "Sure enough, the Black Mountain King has cultivated into a ghost."

Without ghosts sitting in command, how could this group of flying zombies be so honest?

She turned her head and told Fu Liuhui: "Purple stiffness, white stiffness, and green stiffness don't worry about it. But hair stiffness and flying stiffness are comparable to monks, so you must not be careless. If you are separated from me, you will encounter flying stiffness or ghosts again. You guys, run right away, don't wait for me."

Fu Liuhui nodded in response.

The second daughter walked down a corridor.Suddenly in the middle of the road came across the corpses of two monks who had just died.

The hands of the two corpses pinched the seal formula, and the skin was gradually turning from purple to white.

Sensing that the two women were approaching, the corpse launched an attack brazenly.

Two "Humanoid Gu" appeared beside Mr. Fu Tong, swallowing up the corpse in an instant.

Seeing that Fu Liuhui was still not used to it, Mr. Fu Tong said: "This is a common example. After death, a monk is not willing to die, and chooses to live another life in the immortal way of corpses."

It is an unattainable dream that mortals build tombs in hopes of rebirth.

But for monks, living another life after death is no joke.By turning the corpse into a dead body and practicing step by step to the realm of ghosts, you can restore the memory of your life and become another self.

Fu Liuhui was puzzled: "After death, the soul returns to the stars. What remains in the corpse is nothing more than a little memory fragment. After becoming a ghost and then practicing the Yin God, there is no soul from before life. It is nothing more than a little memory. This is really still alone?"

Fu Tongjun: "Some monks believe that the physical body is only a skin for passing through the world, and the soul and true spirit are the fundamental self. Some monks believe that memory is the key to distinguish 'me' from 'others'. True spirit reincarnation, memory and this life Different, is that still me?

"There are frequent battles in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and they are on the verge of life and death all day long. Therefore, the monks here do not shy away from death. Turning corpses into zombies and having another chance, why not do it?

Fu Liuhui was in deep thought.

What Yuan Ming saw subverted her previous cognition.

She studied with Fu Henghua since she was a child, and the theory of soul and self she recognized was Fu Henghua's set of concepts.

The human spirit comes from the stars.When the stars condense a certain amount of power, they come to the world and become new life.

The three souls come from the innate, and the seven souls are born from the day after tomorrow.When life ends and spirituality returns to the stars.If you bring the seven souls back to the stars, you can increase your spirituality.In the next reincarnation, let your innate star soul become stronger.

But it is impossible to return to Xingtian completely.When the seven souls are scattered in the world, they become ghosts.If the power of the seven souls remains in the body, it will become stiff.

According to Fu Henghua's cognitive point of view.

These broken spirit memories are not enough to be called the self.

A person's true self should be the everlasting Shinichi after reincarnation again and again.

The way to cultivate the truth, what you seek and prove is the foundation of the true soul.

"Sister. As you said. Cultivator Yuanming regards memory as his core. So if one person's memory is copied many times, can multiple selves be born?"

Mr. Fu Tong was silent.

Fu Liuhui's words happened to hit her current practice problem.

She studied the method of bewitching demons, and deliberated a "Thousands of Bewitching Souls Mind Method".By distributing one's own memories among the Gu insects and refining them into "soul Gu", one can transform from the soul Gu into another self after one's death.

But is such a self still the self?
According to Mr. Fu Tong's scrutiny.In order to maintain her self-balance, she needs to refine six soul Gu, and cooperate with her own body to complete the sealing of seven souls.

But precisely because she couldn't figure out the difference between her memory and her self, she hesitated to act,

At this time, footsteps came from the corridor in the distance, and Mr. Fu Tong changed the subject: "Turn around, you can ask Fu Henghua. Let him explain to you."


Fu Henghua sat in the back garden of Chaoyin Zhai, meditating silently.

Fu Pengming sat beside him to raise his energy, while Xiao Yu took Fu Xiangfeng to find Liang Zheng, and borrowed the magic weapon for inspection and detection.

The boy stared at Liu Dazhuang and other water ghosts not far away.

The water ghosts knew that Fu Pengming was from the Fu family and was the grandson of Fu Danwei, all of them showed flattering smiles.

After staring wide-eyed and small-eyed for a long time, Fu Pengming asked Fu Henghua: "Brother, I don't feel at ease with the third brother's work, why don't I go and see it too?"

"Your cultivation base is so poor, what are you doing underwater? Sit and practice kung fu with me to raise your energy."

Fu Henghua closed his eyes, and slowly waved the feather fan.

The ground cracked, and twelve golden lights emerged.


Fu Pengming cheered up, but saw a ray of buds slowly breaking through the ground in the center of the twelve golden lights.

The lotus leaves are stretched, and then a golden lotus unfolds, and the lotus heart has twelve precious lights.


With a wave of the feather fan, the raging fire burned towards Jinlian.The lotus seeds in the heart of the flower rose into the air one by one, but they turned out to be twelve wish-fulfilling beads the size of finger caps.

"The orb that Ruyi Jin sacrificed? Sixth brother? Do you want to refine it for yourself?"

"For Hengshou."

In order to refine treasures for longevity, Fu Henghua buried those tattered magic treasures in the ground at the beginning of the calamity of fire.With the help of the raging fire, the wreckage of the magic weapon was shattered, and Ruyi gold was completely refined.

After a few days of yin and yang fighting and turning, the Ruyi gold point turned into a pill.

The right hand urges the Eight Diagrams Furnace, gathers the twelve pills, and uses Liuding Shenhuo to refine them for three hours.Fu Henghua threw himself into the water and chased after Hengshou in the Myriad Illusion Demon Nest.

Fu Pengming cheered up: "Brother, can you still drive the magic weapon into the ruins of the magic cave through the air, and fall into the hands of Hengshou through many prohibitions?"

Fu Henghua smiled without saying a word.


Wukong's incarnation wrapped in the twelve wishful beads went into the water, and quickly rushed into the magic cave.

Sensing the homologous aura of Jin Gong's incarnation, the Twelve Wishful Beads charged straight over.

The incarnation of Wukong controls the Three Treasures Ruyi Ring Sword, and follows the induction to find the location of Yuwen Chunqiu.

Hengshou and Shu Tianci are fighting against three monks of Baizheng.

After the two of them entered the warehouse, the three monks quickly joined forces to kill them.

Hengshou took a step forward, golden light appeared on his body, and the approaching fireball and water blade collapsed without even a single scar.

He stretched out his hand to pinch the throat of one of them, turned it lightly, and the monk was killed on the spot.The soul escaped, and before he could escape, he was smashed to pieces by the golden demon on Hengshou's body.

When Shu Tianci drew out the sword, Hengshou had already crushed the second person's head.

"So weak?" When Shu Tianci was stunned, the third person also died.

Seeing the three corpses on the ground, the two fell silent.

Although I know that the monks in Baizhen Waters are weak.But are these full-time treasure hunters so careless?

Shu Tianci secretly thought: What's the use of practicing in Baizhen?Should I go to Yanlong to practice later?It is rumored that Fulong Sword Immortal has turned into a baby, and he can go there to learn the way of swordsmanship.

Hengshou gestured to the physical strength of these three people, and murmured: "The physical body of the real fire is so weak. I am afraid that the Xuantai level can't stop my palm?"

Abandoning the waters of the four seas, in the contempt chain of the inner nine waters, the three major waters, Yanlong, and Baizhen are in a delicate balance.

Bai Zhen is the weakest, and he is the target of Brother Yanlong's spying.Many Yanlong monks have achieved success in cultivation, and they will come to the land of Baizhen to seek supplies and development.Even the major families are thinking that one day they will swallow up the commercial firms in the Baizhen water area and plunder their wealth.

However, there are three major waters standing behind the Baizhen Merchant Alliance.Under the suppression of the three major waters, Yanlong's Nascent Soul Grandmaster and Jindan monks can only look at the ocean and sigh.

However, facing the threat of Yanlong, the Baizheng Merchant Alliance wanted to reach out here more than once, and repeatedly asked the three major waters for help.However, the Yanlong family guards the seal, and the three major waters are wary of the disaster of the Dragon King, so they are very cautious towards Yanlong.When their dogs bark at Yanlong dogs, they will put on the leashes to prevent monk Baizhen from messing around.

After all, it doesn't matter how many times you yell, it really pissed off Brother Yanlong.People like Bai Zhen didn't get beaten at all.

Three monks died.

Hengshou looked at the warehouse.

This is where the Xuanming Demon Palace seals the spiritual mine.

Here, he even found two empty bluestones the size of a baby's fist.

Hengshou's eyes lit up, and he immediately put away the empty bluestone.

Shu Tianci looked at the warehouse and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I am carrying the Qiankun Commandment. Collect these things first, and then go back to Chaoyinzhai, and you and I will share equally."


He stepped forward to collect the ore, and at this time another monk who was not open-eyed came in.

Seeing that the two were collecting spirit mines, the leading monk in red quickly took out a black pill and threw it in, then quickly closed the door and slipped away.


A punch shattered the door, and the wind of the fist rushed back towards the four monks with poisonous smoke.

Three flying swords stabbed at him, Hengshou judged the sharpness, and he didn't block at all, he just stretched out his hand and pinched the monk who made the attack just now, smashed his head and soul with a slap.

The other three were scared to death.But their flying swords hit Hengshou, leaving only a light white mark on his arm.

"Physical repair?"

The three of them were about to flee when suddenly the ground under their feet was like a swamp.The three of them had just sunk halfway, and it was as hard as steel.Hengshou catches up and beats the three of them to death easily.

After collecting the ore in the house, Shu Tianci came out and saw the corpse lying on the ground, he was startled and said: "No wonder you don't use magic weapon, dare you, this is the way of body cultivation, you are the magic weapon itself, not fake at all?"


Twelve orbs flew over, Hengshou's eyes lit up, and he quickly took them.

Twelve golden beads the size of fingernails turned into a gold chain.After practicing the Hengshou Yungong, with a light shake, the twelve golden beads formed a straight line, gradually turning into a Dutian golden bead sword.

"It really is the character of the young master."

Change as you like, one treasure with multiple uses.

Seeing the magic weapon flying towards him, Shu Tianci consciously slapped him in the face.Come over to check the ground: "Fingering into steel? That's right, this method is very suitable for you."

Hengshou glanced at Shu Tianci, but said nothing.

Can only see the "pointing to the ground into steel" on the ground?You kid comes from Immortal Sword Continent, so you don't have much knowledge.

Thinking that he had used "pointing the ground into steel" dozens of times along the way, Shu Tianci only recognized this time, Heng Shou secretly sighed.

No one can see the means of my own research, life is lonely.

Turning the ground into steel is Hengshou's most proud achievement.

He doesn't talk much, but he's not really a fool.Could it be that Fu Henghua will only show him the success method, and he will not study "Jin Gong Tian Yue Shu"?

In addition to turning stone into gold, Heng Shou researched the practice philosophy of "Jin Gong Tian Yue Shu" by himself, and found that "pointing the ground into steel" is very suitable for him.

It seems that one becomes gold and the other becomes steel, both of which are metalized supernatural powers.The actual principle is quite different.

Turning stone into gold is to completely transform an object into another object, and completely change the physical properties.

But referring to the ground into steel is just adding a rigid state.

The most commonly used method is to turn the soil into steel, and put an end to the technique of earth escape.

When they were young, Mrs. He demonstrated the "pointing the earth into steel method" to them and warned them: "There are no useless spells in the world, only those who don't know how to use them."

Under Mrs. He's demonstration, "pointing to the ground into steel" can not only be performed on ordinary land.Harsh environments such as beaches, swamps, and quicksand can also be regarded as part of the "earth", turning them into areas as hard as steel, like walking on flat ground.

After growing up, Fu Henghua told him again.

"Don't be limited by 'ground' to your imagination."

What is "ground"?
What you step on is the ground.

If you take the water surface as a part of the earth, rivers and mountains further, you can also operate on the water surface.

Because the principle of "referring to the earth to form steel" is to temporarily aggregate into a steel phase through the power of gold (minerals) buried in the earth.

The water in rivers and oceans also contains "gold power".

This is Fu Henghua's cognition of "pointing the ground into steel", which can walk on the water as if walking on the ground.

This cognition has pushed the partial "pointing to the ground into steel" to a new level.

However, Hengshou has further carried forward the "pointing to the earth into steel".

According to the young master's consistent statement, human beings are the combination of water, soil and things.There are certain forces within the human body that are similar to those of the earth.So, what about using "pointing the ground into steel" on your own body?

Discovered after longevity test.

There are subtle similarities between "pointing to the ground to form steel" and the "vajra blessing method" and "invulnerability curse" that are specially cast on the flesh.

Therefore, at the beginning of entering the Myriad Magic Nest, Hengshou imposed "pointing the earth into steel" on himself.

See yourself as a part of the earth and make your body invulnerable.

He dared to use his physical body to carry the magic weapon, making others mistake him for physical training, relying on the mystery of this Tiangang method.

But Shu Tianci is a fledgling, compared to Fu Xuanxing a few years ago, he can't understand the mystery of Hengshou at all.

Hengshou's eyes fell on Shu Tianci for a while, then he turned away.

Seven strokes.

This silly boy has very poor knowledge, seven moves are enough.

In the distance, the incarnation of Wukong glanced at him, and saw the flashes of spiritual light on Hengshou's body, and he suddenly realized.

"Fingering into steel? This kid actually jumped out of my cognition and went to a further level? Not bad, not bad, good job."

With a sudden transformation, Wukong's incarnation casts "pointing to the ground into steel" on himself.Think of yourself as a spiritual stone bred by the earth, condense the surrounding gold energy, and condense a temporary body of steel.

With the help of the concept of longevity, Wukong incarnated to get rid of the invisible form, and ran wildly in the magic cave with a body of steel.

This application is a little more clever than Hengshou only targeting one's own physical body.

(End of this chapter)

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