
Chapter 223 Yinmu Sophora flavescens Beast Talisman Method, Evil Heart Daozi's Demon Refining B

Chapter 223 Yinmu Sophora flavescens Beast Talisman Method, Evil Heart Daozi's Demon Refining Book

Wukong obtains the body of King Kong, and jumps happily in the magic cave.

After a while, he came to a garden.

Old cyan vines covered the ground, and red peaches were hanging from the branches.

The incarnation of Wukong took a closer look, and the fruits were like sarcoid tumors, entwined with strange black air.

Looking around again, the entire garden is filled with evil power.The old vine is like a dragon, with a triangular head buried in the ground, watching Fu Henghua.

He immediately spewed out the real fire of Samadhi.

The old vine whistled sharply, countless fruits suddenly opened, and the densely packed teeth shot out like flying arrows.Tentacle-like rhizomes shot out from the ground, blocking Fu Henghua's retreat.

Heng Hua sneered, the first golden ring of the Three Treasures Ruyi Huanjian lightly turned, and all the sharp teeth were taken away by the golden ring.

"Give it back to you."

Wukong shook the golden ring, tens of thousands of sharp teeth that ignited the fire reflected the vine demon.

While the vine demon was busy putting out the fire, Sanhuan drew out his sword and slashed down slightly.

Heavenly Demon Zhannian Sword.

Mu Jiao was about to attack with his body, when suddenly a cloud of foul thoughts surged in.

Joy, anger, sorrow, joy, greed, hatred and ignorance.

All kinds of thoughts pollute the consciousness, making Mu Jiao feel confused and lose the desire to attack.


With another sword strike, the Heavenly Demon Black Flame ignited on Mu Jiao's body.


The wooden flood dragon sprang out from the soil, but the Samadhi True Fire followed closely behind.Cooperate with the demon black flame to burn the wooden dragon, leaving only a three-foot-long wooden jade.

"Teng Huayu? Not only does this old vine look like a jellyfish, but it also has a thousand-year-old body?"

Wukong walked over curiously, and except for the blue wooden jade, the old vine was left with only a piece of ashes.

He used Heluo, and searched around, and found out the origin of the old vine.

Hundreds of years ago, the Temple of Hundred Beasts conducted experiments here.Lao Teng is one of the obscene monsters created by Yinmu.This is an improvement from the pitcher plant, which is specially designed to devour the sperm of wild animals for conception.

In its flower bud sac, the cubs of hundreds of beasts have been bred.

Heng Hua went to the stone house beside him and found the experiment records of the Hundred Beast Demon Palace.At the beginning of the war between immortals and demons, the Hundred Beasts and Demon Palace retreated in a hurry, and many valuable materials were not destroyed in time.

In addition to Baizitengjiao, there are also ways to create species such as flying-winged poisonous tiger, seven-headed demon dog, and six-winged snake centipede.

Seeing these materials, Fu Henghua couldn't help sighing: "Yinmu is indeed the legendary master of the evil way. If it weren't for the taboos of immortals and demons, she might have become the master of evil ways."

Evil way is a deviant way recognized by both immortals and demons.

One of its bottom lines is to prohibit the use of human consumables.

So the mother-in-law played side-by-side and used monsters as experimental subjects.

The subject of her research is the "artificial unicorn" project.

Kylin, sheep's head with antlers, elk body and oxtail.

It is like a collection of many beasts.Yinmu got inspiration from it, and wanted to collect the essence of beasts by herself, and build a unicorn army for Demon Emperor Jiang to drive.

In addition, the Temple of Beasts also has plans such as "artificial dragon" and "artificial phoenix".Back then, it was conducted by the elders of the Hundred Beasts Demon Palace.But with the battle between immortals and demons, the other two parts of the data were left on other battlefields.

The information Fu Henghua has obtained so far is a derivative of Yinmu's "artificial unicorn" project.

The Winged Poisonous Tiger, through blood refining and synthesis of the Eagle Demon, Snake Demon, and Tiger Demon at the foundation level, can obtain a powerful demon whose strength far surpasses the three demons.It can fly into the air and summon strong winds; it can also breathe out poisonous flames and activate fog;

The seven-headed demon dog cuts off the heads of seven types of monsters such as dog, wolf, embarrassment, jackal, raccoon dog, cunning, and fox.Then through the blood refining technique combined with the secret method of ghosts, after three years, it can be refined into a seven-headed demon dog.It is invisible and formless, like a ghost, but each of the seven heads has a kind of innate power.

In addition, there are several other types of synthetic monsters.

Fu Henghua is not unusual for the blood refining method.

However, in addition to the blood refining method, there are two types of synthetic methods for the Yinmu of Beasts, formation and talisman.

In the eyes of others, this information is undoubtedly something of a wicked sect and must be destroyed immediately.

But in Fu Henghua's eyes, he saw some thoughts close to his own, and also saw thoughts similar to natural history survey.

"In the past, I underestimated the Demon Palace of Hundred Beasts."

He originally thought that the Hundred Beasts Demon Palace was just to practice kung fu by slaughtering monsters and playing with some blood refining secret spells.

Unexpectedly, the cognition of the Yin mother of all beasts has already touched the "secret scriptures" system.

She created a "winged poisonous tiger talisman".As long as you draw the talisman and sacrifice three monsters, you can achieve the same effect as the golden talisman.

In addition, the beast talisman of "Seven-Headed Demon Dog" has been half completed.

Fu Henghua believed that at this point in time, the "Seven Demonic Dog Talismans" had been completed.Even the "secret curse beast talisman" held by the Yin mother of all beasts has formed its own system.

She is a pathfinder who is on the same level as herself and the person who opened up the secret mantra and golden talisman.

"Such a talent, it would be a pity to turn around and kill him."

Yinmu of Hundred Beasts had many confrontations with Mrs. He in the past.Mrs. He told her son repeatedly about Yinmu's crimes.

Therefore, Fu Henghua did not intend to spare her life.

But facing the talent of Yinmu of all beasts, Heng Hua couldn't help feeling a little more sympathetic.

"Why don't you cut off her head and grow it in a water bowl as a flower? You can use her wisdom to comprehend the secret of the beast talisman."

But after thinking about it, it would be too ostentatious to do so.

When Xiaoyu and Hengshou saw each other, they might have burnt Yinmu's head the next day.

If you don't agree, you want to suppress them through democratic discussion.The old man will fall from the sky and beat himself with a jade ruler.

Thinking of the pain, Heng Hua's heart twitched: "It's better to deform it. Make it look like a lotus flower or a narcissus? Or, just find a snake, press its head on it, and say it's a beauty snake? Or just make it into a snake? Female ghost—by the way, I can extract her thoughts and seal them in a book."

Isn't it the kind of secret technique that evil cultivators engage in inheritance?

I uphold the family tradition and don't use it to harm others. Is it too much to just seal the thinking of a demon?


Hengshou got the wishful bead and turned it into a sword, killing the lives in the magic cave.

A large group of snow tigers cultivated by the Hundred Beast Demon Palace fell ill, and became the souls of the sword under the sword amidst howling.

"I thought that you would only fight in close quarters. Unexpectedly, your swordsmanship is so superb."


In the Fu family, who dares to say that he is good at swordsmanship?

Hengshou had a heart-to-heart discussion.

You kid is obviously a sword cultivator, why don't you have any knowledge at all?

I am not a Daoist swordsmanship, and I don’t have the sword art and sword intent, so I am ashamed to say that the swordsmanship is superb?

Forget it, take it upon yourself to praise me.

Hengshou walked forward sullenly.

Suddenly, he walked to a secret room and backed away silently.

There were bursts of mournful and lingering sounds in my ears.

Shu Tianci gave a shudder.

"No, there's a living person in here—a demon cultivator? Is it like the Sky Witch?"

Hengshou walked up to him and carried him back.

"Wait, since it's the devil, let's just subdue the witch—"

"Surrender! Look at the seal carved on the door of the secret room. It is obviously the seal imposed by the immortal master. In the battle between immortals and demons, it was the immortal who won."

The magic cave sank, and the remaining immortals had no time to escape.After the two Nascent Soul Grandmasters pulled other immortal remnants to seal the remaining magic cultivators one by one, they reincarnated.

Hengshou walked away, and pasted two concealment symbols at the door to cover this secret room and prevent other people from coming to break the seal.

Coincidentally, as soon as they left, Fu Henghua's Wukong incarnation came over.

Hearing the lingering voice of the Heavenly Witch inside, Fu Henghua was invigorated, and rushed into the secret room holding the Three Treasures Ruyi Ring Sword.

The secret room is closed to the master of the golden altar of the Mani altar of the Temple of Heavenly Demon.After being trapped that year, she forcibly transformed herself into the body of the formless demon in the world of desire.

It has been sleeping for many years to slow down the consumption of life.

After finally noticing the water coming out of the devil's cave, he planned to lure the monks to release the seal, but met Fu Henghua, the killer.

At the beginning, Wukong's incarnation showed the demon spirit, which made the demon girl whisper in her heart.

Heavenly Demon Supreme Mind?Is this the contemporary descendant of Heavenly Demon?

Just when she was wondering whether to seize the house and eat it or submit and cooperate, she suddenly saw the ring sword in the young man's hand.

The familiar and terrifying sword energy radiated out, and the Sky Witch let out a scream.

"Heavenly Evil Sword! You... you actually went to Chili Shrine to take this thing out?"

The Heavenly Witch was terrified, and quickly turned into black smoke to hit the seal.

"Chili Shrine? The shrine is really under the devil's lair?"

The boy's eyes lit up, and he used the Heavenly Demon Art to pull the Heavenly Demon Girl back.

"Come on, let's talk about the Chili Shrine—forget it, I'll see for myself." With a swipe of Tianxie's sword energy, the most evil and evil desires overwhelmed the consciousness of the Tianwitch, and forcibly looked through her memory.

Later, Fu Henghua felt that this method was not right.Simply refer to the sorcery, and refine the non-phase demon body of the sky witch into a book.

The content of the book is her memory.

Soon, he turned to the third to last page.

It mentions the Chili Shrine under the Devil's Nest.

The Heavenly Evil Sword is divided into three parts, and its body rests in Chili Palace.

All disciples of my Xuan Palace are forbidden to enter the Chili Palace!
This is the stele of prohibition engraved by Emperor Xuan at the gate of Chili Palace.

But to Fu Henghua, there was no threat at all.

"Heavenly Evil Sword? Interesting, it seems that I am destined to be here."

Putting the book into the ring, Fu Henghua continued to look for Yuwen Chunqiu.

Finally, he found Yuwen Chunqiu who was seriously injured at the bottom of a cliff near Chili Shrine.

And on the cliff, he felt a terrifying and vicious aura.

Wukong's body was terrified, and he only took a look from a distance, and then quickly fled this area.


The main body stood up suddenly, staring blankly at the direction of the devil's lair.

Ba is equivalent to a Jindan monk.

The devil is the evolution of the ghost.It is equivalent to Nascent Soul and Jiexian.

In the Myriad Fantasy Demon Nest, there is such a ferocious monster?Which Demon Cultivator is this whose resentment cannot be dispelled after his death, and the corpse has turned into a Demon?

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  Finally finished one!
(End of this chapter)

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