
Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Bai Zhen is good at business and likes to follow suit.

On the tenth day when the "Fu Bao Emerging Industry" suddenly appeared in Aurora City, various cloud cities and commercial firms started this business one after another.

Borrowing the method of incantations from the talisman master to bless the magic weapon, allowing it to have some special abilities for a short period of time.

For example, when exploring underwater, monsters appear frequently, so the "Golden Light Curse" is cast on the magic weapon.

Ghosts are causing trouble, so they prepare to "suppress the soul and refine the Yin curse".

Whatever you do, prepare the corresponding spells in advance.

At present, what Cultivator Bai Zhen likes the most is the spells of exorcising evil spirits and avoiding ghosts.

Therefore, some monks who are good at catching ghosts also started to set up booths to bless their fellow practitioners with spells.

However, these incantations cannot last for a long time, and their effectiveness ranges from a few days to dozens of days, and there are requirements for the materials of the talismans.

And because of the topic of "The True Talisman of Feather Immortal", the three major waters have been frantically buying talisman materials, resulting in the delay in reducing the cost of talisman blessing.

Coupled with the secret promotion of some people, on No. 20, the first workshop specializing in the production of Yancai came into being.

Caiyunfang, under the name of Luelou, provides dyes and pigments of various colors, and conducts training courses to recruit students who are willing to transform into colorists.

This advertisement spread through the newspapers and periodicals of Hundred Cloud City, and spread throughout the Baizhen Waters in just one day.

Zhang Ruyi came to look for Fu Henghua immediately after receiving the letter from Caiyunfang.

dong dong——

"come in."

Fu Henghua leaned over the table, carefully sketching a picture of a god general.

Shuiyun Wuqi General.

This is a deity evolved by Fu Henghua following the "Book of Canghai Chaoyun" and refining its Taoism and aura.

Fu Henghua completed the lines of his hands in one go, and looked up at Zhang Ruyi.

"Is something wrong?"

"Caiyun Fang sent a post, asking me to be a lecturer."

As she spoke, she presented a letter with both hands.

The letter automatically flew into the air and unfolded before Fu Henghua's eyes.

Seeing the little sparrow painted on the back of the letter, Fu Henghua's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "Since you are invited to teach the art of color, then go."

"But... Doesn't this mean that your skills, Master Veteran, will be passed on to the outside world?"

"It's okay, it's just some superficial techniques of the color researcher, it's not a big deal to spread."

Fu Henghua put down his pen, and said solemnly: "You have to understand that the prosperity of Yan Caishi's path of cultivating immortals cannot rely on one or two people. Only by making the related industries bigger and stronger, what is needed and what is needed What you want, your future path of practice will be smoother.

"There is no need to worry about those commercial firms that train colorists and even seize the business of attaching treasures."

After he started this industry, he didn't mind other people's competition at all.

Through competition, the key is to revitalize the industry of Lingyuan Yancai.

After all, it's about becoming enlightened.

Looking at the paintings on the table, Fu Henghua was lost in thought.

The path of acting as a mage must be broad and unified.

But how to attribute ten thousand ways to good fortune?

When Fu Henghua was repairing the magic weapon, he suddenly had an idea and picked up a certain inspiration from a while ago.

Draw the world and the earth into the picture scroll!
Similar to Master Ye Long who compared the universe to a dragon, the picture that Fu Henghua wants to draw is to embody the universe as a "god".

One way and one god, ten thousand ways and ten thousand gods.

And this inspiration combined with last year's idea of ​​wanting to draw the picture of heavenly soldiers and generals, as well as the picture of the gods in the heavenly court.

Fu Henghua has thoroughly figured out how to perfect Botian's path.

Explain the world and the myriad ways as gods, and put them all into my picture.

Xingtian manifests as the god of stars all over the sky.

The thirteenth water area embodies the Lord of Water and the owner of the island.

The winds from all directions and the nine real fires can all be gods.

When the picture is completed, all gods will come out, and all roads will move together.

If this magic weapon can be refined, at the moment when it becomes a golden elixir, I will have the help of all gods, even the Nascent Soul Grandmaster will be able to fight.

If you can embody all the Three Qing Emperors and Four Emperors and Jiuyao Yuanchen in Journey to the West as the gods in your own picture.So how powerful is this volume of my own picture?
Sanqing aside.

The four emperors ruled the stars and heaven, and controlled the rivers and mountains.As long as one of the four emperors is refined, the picture of the gods will have the power to control the stars or the earth.

At that time, didn't Donglai Tiandi let himself come and go?

However, constructing the Ten Thousand Gods Map requires a lot of spiritual energy.

What happened to Ji Mingfeng back then, now Fu Henghua has fully experienced it.

Changing places, if you lack a color in your pantheon.Will I run outside and desperately look for paint?
Fu Henghua looked away from the image, and encouraged Zhang Ruyi: "Go to Caiyunfang, it won't do you any harm. It is the property of Lue Building, and Lue Building..."

He smiled and said: "Next year's Mid-Autumn Festival, I will go to have tea with the landlord Lue. Don't worry, with my face, she won't do anything to you."

Fu Henghua took out the Wuyinlou keepsake, stamped the seal on the back of the letter, and handed it to Zhang Ruyi.

"Also ask Boyan to go and see the world. If Luelou dares to make things difficult for you, show this mark."

Lue Building, one of the eight buildings, is flush with Wuyin Building.

Zhang Ruyi was relieved by Fu Henghua, and his nervous mood eased a bit.

As for bringing Hu Boyan with her, she herself had this thought.

Hu Boyan is in the Hu family and in Aurora City, but he is just one of many young masters.But following Chaoyinzhai's side, he got guidance from Fu Danwei and Mu Yutian in just a few days.I even got two sentences from Mu Shansheng a few days ago.

On Chaoyinzhai's side, his son's future will be even greater.


Zhang Ruyi went down to prepare, and Fu Henghua continued to draw.

"Chaoyun Divides Water" was completed soon.

This picture is divided into lower-grade spiritual pictures, and there are some magical treasures.

And through the outline of the lines, it can also be regarded as a real book.And this true talisman incorporates his concept of Yuxian Zhenlu, and can be regarded as a Taoist method.


Gently blowing the breath of good fortune, wearing a water-dividing leopard moon helmet, wearing a five-qi chain mail, and holding a trident, the god will jump out of the picture.

Following Fu Henghua's instructions, the god will fly to where Ma Dongren is.

Ma Dongren and Xin Mao changed shifts, and ran outside Aurora City to inhale the spirit of water.

Suddenly the surface of the water was rippling and the golden light rose into the sky.A god-man dressed as a general came riding the waves: "You practice the way of water, and your heart is very sincere. I will give you a book of Taoism, so that you can gain enlightenment."

After all, General Fenshui threw the "Book of Canghai Chaoyun" together with a "Fenshui True Talisman" into Ma Dongren's arms.

Ma Dongren was at a loss, looking at the Daoist book and the real talisman in his hand with a dazed expression on his face.

At this time, he saw a few monks watching this scene and silently surrounded him.

Without thinking, Ma Dong Renshui fled back to the city, and hurried to look for Fu Henghua.

Fu Henghua smiled slightly, pointed to the picture on the table, and said with a smile: "That's the practice method behind "Book of Chaoyun". And the water-dividing talisman is made by me in the game, and I will give you protection. When you encounter a crisis in the future, you can inspire Water-dividing talisman, please help the water-dividing general."

This method is the art of inviting gods that Fu Henghua has figured out based on the Taoism of his previous life.

In his conception, in the future, all phenomena in the world will be manifested as gods, and then the corresponding Zhenlu will be studied.With my own permission, I can borrow the power of the gods after receiving the scriptures.

If you don't get the talisman, don't say send ghosts and gods magic weapon, even if it is Taoism...

Fu Henghua shook his head, extinguishing the dark thoughts in his heart.

Refining the Myriad Gods Map is in harmony with the way of heaven, replacing the Donglai Gold List, and completely integrates and dispatches the vitality changes of one continent and ocean.Without my permission, no monk can mobilize his vitality.

Wouldn't that be too much?
I don't want to be the Emperor of Heaven or the Emperor of Human Beings, why are you so decisive?


Fu Yaozhen played the piano and Qingxiu, suddenly "Xuanguan" started to operate automatically.In her field of vision, she saw a scroll of mysterious and sacred Dao map flying towards the sky, and the sky was filled with purple air that filled the thirteen waters, completely covering all sentient beings.


The strings of the zither broke, and Fu Yaozhen's expression fluctuated.

"Picture? Painting? Master?"

But at the next moment, Fu Yaozhen vetoed herself: "It's not Master's style, it should be someone else."

The picture covered the world, which reminded her of the appearance of a devil emperor.

"Ji Mingfeng. Could it be that with the recent prosperity of the Lingyuan Yancai system, it is really possible for him to refine his thirteen domain maps?"

Ji Mingfeng practiced the world as a scene, and he has recovered the cultivation base of Yuanying Grandmaster.

Next, as long as the scenery of the Inner Nine Waters can be integrated into the scroll, and combined with the Four Seas Map, it is equivalent to turning the Thirteen Waters into one map.

At that moment, he has the qualifications to become a fairy.

This is also what Fu Yaozhen met, the future path of Demon Emperor Yuheng - the magic map covers the world.

"The masters in the Inner Nine Waters are like clouds, and they are not comparable to the land of the world. If he wants to practice the map of the Inner Nine Waters, he must gather the luck of all parties. How can the three major waters and our Yanlong make him successful?"

Moreover, there are tens of thousands of islands in the inner nine waters, how many years will it take him to complete?
Could it be that one island and one map can bring the entire scenery of Dongnae into the scroll?
Fu Yaozhen kept comforting herself in her heart, and silently repaired the strings.

"Speaking of which, the teacher's four paths are really powerful. The lineage of Qixian has the ultimate in the way of magic, and Xiao Liu'er has become the devil emperor. The lineage of Huaxian has the ultimate level of magic, and Ji Mingfeng has become the emperor. Only me and senior brother Ji Yunshu are the two lines -"

Just as she was thinking, Fu Yaozhen looked at a guqin with her left eye and flew into the sky.

Fifty zither strings are transformed into the way of heaven, and the laws of Donglai heaven and earth are refined into the magic zither.

The right eye saw countless congenital red text flying in the air, and then turned into blood one by one, flooding the world.


Could it be that the four extremes of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting can all give birth to a devil emperor?
Is the gold content of the Devil Emperor too low?
And how does that guqin look so similar to Fu's Jiaowei Fengqin?
It can't be my future enchantment, right?

But...if I become enchanted, maybe I can avoid the future of death.

When she got the gift of spiritual vision, Fu Yaozhen saw a future that was closely related to her.

In the future, his own death looks very miserable.

Originally, I changed my life many times, thinking that this future would never come.But with the trip to Jinsheng Palace, this future is more clearly visible.

"Perhaps, my future as a demon can avoid death?"


The next day, Fu Danwei and his wife returned to Panlong Island with Fu Changqing.

Fu Henghua and his party sent the three of them to the gate of Aurora City.

The couple said to Fu Yifu:

"My husband and wife are leaving. As an elder, you should stay here and take good care of these children. If something happens, ask Heng Hua to contact us in time."

Fu Yifu nodded again and again: "Son, save it."

Behind the three of them, Fu Xiangfeng stood at the door with a group of younger brothers and sisters, with extremely cute expressions.

Fu Danwei was not at ease, starting from Fu Xiangfeng to roll the roll, and everyone instructed them one by one.

When Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun were here, he said to Hengshou and Xiaoyu.

"Henghua has a weird personality, you must watch it. If something happens, report it to the old man in time.

"Jun Tong has a ruthless personality and is not a talent in the immortal way. If you do something wrong in the future, you must stop her in time and send her back to Panlong."

Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun's expressions changed at the same time.

But looking at the jade ruler on Fu Danwei's waist, he held back his rebuttal.

Why am I so weird?Do you despise me for studying sorcery and magic skills?I'm already very restrained, I can obviously study the Myriad Gods Chart to lock all vitality in the world, but I didn't do it either.What a character I am!

What's wrong?In Yuan and Ming Dynasties, if you are not ruthless, you will not be able to survive at all.Feelings, your old man has a strong body, so you don't have back pain when you stand and talk?

"Liu Hui and Xuan Xing are well-behaved, I am very relieved. To teach you swordsmanship, you must practice diligently. If you have time, go to the Sword Hall to learn more. Sword skills need to be learned to improve."


Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun thought about Fu Liuhui leaving home secretly, and then thought about Fu Xuanxing who ran out from Jinting Mountain alone to save his uncle.

Where are these two people more cute than me?
Although Peng Ming and Bai Min are also uneasy masters.But with their father by his side, Vodanwei was obviously relieved.

Finally, he encouraged Fang Dongyuan a few words, and the two of them left in a chariot.

Watching the chariot flying south, everyone unconsciously showed a relieved smile on their faces.

Finally free!
Including Fu Yifu, everyone cheered in their hearts, but they kept their expressions on their faces, guarding against the surprise investigation of the second elder's spiritual consciousness.

During the cup of tea, the chariot was completely invisible, and Fu Yifu took everyone back to Chaoyinzhai.

As soon as they entered the door, Fu Pengming and Fu Baimin immediately ran happily into the backyard.

"Let's hold a banquet tonight! Barbecue, barbeque, in my animal park!"

Fu Xiangfeng greeted Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan, planning to have a drink with the three of them.

Master Fu Tong felt relieved, and immediately ran to a house he bought in Aurora City to check the condition of those Gu worm babies.

In a blink of an eye, only Fu Yifu, Fu Yaozhen, Fu Henghua, Fu Liuhui and Hengshou Xiaoyu were left.

Fu Yifu's face was black: "These bastards! Father and mother just went back!"

Fu Henghua laughed and said, "If you can't see it, Grandfather Chuanyin, please ask him to come back to make an assault?"

"do not--"

Fu Yifu's expression changed.

That would hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-damages.

Including myself, everyone will be taken back to Panlong Island by the old man.

The old man has a long lifespan, and it is rare for him to be free for a few days outside, enjoying the fawning of outsiders.

"In short, in the future, Uncle Lao will report more safety letters to his family. Don't worry at home, we people will naturally be at ease." Fu Henghua clasped his hands and laughed, took Hengshou and Xiaoyu back to the house, and continued to study the picture of the gods.

Fu Henghua's idea for the picture of the gods is to contain all the gods in one scroll.

But Ji Mingfeng didn't have materials of that standard, let alone himself.

The material that bears the aura of the gods must be a fairy artifact.

Therefore, Fu Henghua took the next best thing, and used the "combination method" that persuaded Ji Mingfeng back then.Draw a picture of "Taoist God" one by one, and then merge them together.

Although there are still requirements for the carrier material of the final pantheon.But he holds Shenluo Tianshu and Xiyang.The big deal is to smelt the two spiritual objects and use them as the carrier of the pantheon map.

The most important thing right now is to summarize the avenues that one has comprehended into gods one by one.

Now, Fu Henghua has completed the analysis of hundreds of Huang-level practice exercises, visualized a heavenly soldier, and made a draft.According to his estimation, only this part alone needs to draw at least [-] heavenly soldiers.

Mysterious-level exercises evolved into god generals and spirit officials.Currently there are dozens of drafts.But there is still a big gap between Fu Henghua's requirements.

The real Didian Xianjue has evolved into a true king and a righteous god.At present, gods such as Chang'e, the Six Stars of the South Dipper, and the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper have made drafts.

And the level of Tianshu is classified into Daosheng, Tianzun and the like in the map of the gods.The drafts include Taixuan Tianzun, Taiyin Old Mother, Tianfu Dasheng, Chunyang Emperor, and five elders.

As for the deity of Fu Henghua corresponding to the Heavenly Book of Creation, there is no need to draw a draft.On the day when the picture was completed, Fu Henghua's spiritual consciousness became the master, and he naturally became the master of all gods.

The lord of good fortune and nature, the ruler of all gods.

While continuing to draw, Fu Henghua ordered:
"Xiaoyu, I've been doing painting in seclusion recently, and you help me grind ink and make some ink. Hengshou accompanied Zhang Ruyi to Caiyunfang to see if Ji Mingfeng is there. If he is, please invite him to come. There are some things that we need to talk about carefully. Total."

It was only when the refining of the Ten Thousand Gods Map began that Fu Henghua understood Ji Mingfeng's suffering.

Insufficient paint is simply the biggest obstacle preventing me from realizing the whimsical ideas in my mind.

His picture of Donglai, and my picture of the gods, are both "paintings that are difficult for a skillful craftsman to be shameless"!


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew open the door.

Fu Henghua looked out.Clouds gradually gather.

"Go outside and have a look, what's going on?"

Hengshou went out and came back soon to report.

"Someone was killed in the next street. It is said that it was done by evil spirits."

Yuncheng forbids monks from fighting among themselves, but it has no defense against ghosts.

As long as the ghosts come by the dark wind, they can enter the city freely.

Xiaoyu: "Speaking of which, since July last year, Baizhen's ghosts have become more frequent."

Heng Shou: "There is a grievance and a debtor. Anyway, we have a clear conscience, and ghosts can't come to us."

Fu Henghua remained silent.

Not long ago, he calculated that the doom was approaching, now that he thought about it, if it wasn't for the sword of Heavenly Evil under the devil's lair, it might have been on the Yinfeng Evil Ghost, right?
Heng Hua thought to himself: Sun Wukong can ask for the Wind Orb when he meets the Yellow Wind Monster.I can't run back and ask my grandfather to catch ghosts, can I?Or draw a "Zhong Kui Picture" by yourself and create a ghost-hunting spell.

 The alien version of "True Spirit Industry Bitmap" is here.


  Ma Dongren, the founder of Canglan Sect.

  Get enlightened by Fu Sheng, teach and practice the true law, congenital red book, get enlightenment.

  Later, while practicing on the water, he met a general who claimed to be ordered by the Canglan God to guard Taoist scriptures and true talismans.

  After all, let's go as golden light.

  Ma Dongren obtained Taoist scriptures and real talismans, comprehended the art of diverting water and promoting rain, and the writings of wind and cloud, which can conquer ghosts and gods and cause thunder and lightning.

  Later, he obtained the Canglan God Lord and the Taoist Dharma Legacy, and established the Canglan School.

  ——"Red Talisman Ten Thousand Immortals Spectrum"

(End of this chapter)

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