
Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Plum Blossom Island is located at the junction of Jinfang and Baizhen, near Yunlong Xiaoyaozhou.

Suddenly a sword light came from the north and landed on the reef area near the island.

Mu Shansheng stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the island full of plum trees and said, "This is where the Lu'e Building is located. Situ Lu'e has a domineering personality, so you should be more careful in what you do here."

Hengshou looked at Zhang Ruyi, Hu Boyan, mother and son, and thanked Mu Shansheng for sending them off.

"Do as you please. After all, I'm going to Jin Fang to seek spiritual soil, and I'll send you here by the way."

Fu Henghua sent Hengshou to accompany Zhang Ruyi's mother and son to Caiyunfang.

It just so happened that Mu Shansheng wanted to seek the spiritual soil of Shizhou for his apprentice, so he came to the three Buxianzhou in Jinfang.So Heng Hua asked the three of Heng Shou to accompany the Juggernaut.

On the way, Mu Shansheng also taught Hengshou a few sword skills.

"Your aptitude for fighting is better than that of the young master of your family. Practice hard, and learn from Tianci when you have time. Your two sword skills are very similar."

After all, the sword master walked straight into Yunlong Xiaoyao Continent.

"Senior Tianjingzi, Mr. Mu is here to see you!"

"This Juggernaut is a cheerful person."

Hengshou looked at Jianguang who was going away, and silently prayed for his smooth trip.

"Mr. He, let's go to the island quickly."

Hengshou glanced at Plum Blossom Island and nodded silently.Twelve wish-fulfilling pearls rose up, and the golden light enveloped the three of them heading for the ferry to Plum Blossom Island.

Plum Blossom Island has a strange scene, with Baizhen in the east, and the water is red and green.The west is located in Jinfang, and the water is blue.

The three of them came from the Baizhen Ferry in the east, and the surrounding water waves were glowing red, and countless red plums were falling.

Looking from a distance, there is a magnificent cloud city on Meihua Island. This is Wanmei City, one of the hundred Baicheng cities.However, more than half of the [-]-hectare Meihua Island area is located in Jinfang.Although Wanmei City under the rule of Situ Lue is one of the hundreds of cities in Baizhen, she has always regarded herself as a person from the golden side.

Because of this, Baizhen Waters has so far not had the backing of a Jindan master on the Tianling List.

When boarding the ferry, an envoy from Wanmeicheng came to greet Zhang Ruyi in person.

"You are Mrs. Zhang, right? The owner of the workshop ordered us to take you and his party to Wanmei City to rest, and then go to Caiyunfang tomorrow."

"No, go directly to Caiyunfang. I want to see Caiyunfang's preparations for the color researcher."

Zhang Ruyi bluntly said that he was going, but the emissary did not stop him, and obediently led the three of them to Wanmei City.


To the west of Wanmei City, there is a beautiful and magnificent group of pavilions in the central area of ​​Meihua Island.

Between Zhuliang and Biwa, the seven-storey pavilion is shining, and there is a plaque with the word "green calyx".

When the three of Hengshou entered the island, Situ Lue felt something in his heart.

She looked at the elegant scholar sitting opposite.

"The person you were waiting for didn't come."

Ji Mingfeng smiled: "His personality that doesn't like to go out, it's an anecdote that he came to see me in person."

With that said, he got up and went down to the ground.

"I'm going to ask for information. Let's play this game of chess when we come back. You don't have to hide it. You can ask more about your subordinates."

After dropping a chess piece and completely sealing off the lower left area, Ji Mingfeng walked away.

Fairy Lue looked at the chessboard and was silent in thought.

"This guy is free, so he went to study some chess skills!"

She gave orders, and soon two old men were welcomed in.

"Teachers, please show me this chess game quickly."

The two old men sat down, looked at the miserable situation on the chessboard, and shook their heads one after another: "This man has superb chess skills, sir, don't play chess with him again."

"I have lost three bottles of nectar and five bottles of golden elixir. If I don't win it back, how can I give up? Teacher, if I let you start playing chess again, are you sure?"

The two elders looked at each other and shook their heads.

Fairy wondered: "You two are close to Yuan Zhi, are you not as good as him?"

"This person's hand-talking skills may have already become enlightened. His name must be on the gold list."

The Heaven and Earth Chess Game is the proud method of the Qixian lineage.

Following the fight between Duan Sijing and Sui An, the masters of the Immortal Dao have already seen the beauty of the "Heaven and Earth Chess Game".Many masters began to study enlightenment.

Therefore, many masters have also studied chess and added names to the list of chess immortals.But there are also some masters who hide their names on purpose, not in the lineage of chess immortals, but just learn the way of the chess game of heaven and earth, and increase their ability to deduce and plan.

The same is true for Ji Mingfeng, he dabbles from the sidelines, his chess strength is no less than that of a master in Yuanzhi Realm.

Fairy Lue sighed: "Forget it, I won't leave."

She messed up the chessboard and found out the "calyx map" that Ji Mingfeng prepared for her yesterday.

Looking at the beauty in the picture, Fairy Lue slightly shook her head.

Although I have a bit of a superficial appearance, I can't figure out the essence, and I can't help myself transform into a baby.

"Lord, it's time to take the pill."

A maid came to report, and Fairy Lue looked at the sundial, nodded and said, "Master Zhang, please come. By the way, please invite Master Yun. Ask my talisman how it is going to be in the near future."

The two chess masters left, and the alchemy cultivator in gossip robes came soon after.

He held up a box of golden pills: "Today the host can take two Qingyi pills, one Liuhe pill, five Xuanqi Taiyin pills..."

As he spoke, he also checked the pulse of Fairy Lue.

After the fairy took the elixir, he checked again before leaving the quiet room.

After taking the elixir, the green calyx fairy silently practiced the profound art, transforming the power of the elixir into mana.

As a figure on the Heavenly Spirit List, her way of cultivation is completely different from that of Fu Danwei, Fu Beidou, and even the cultivators of Jin Fang.She has brought the concept of "practice together" to the extreme.

The exercises are deduced by the exclusive magician, and they are repaired for themselves every once in a while to ensure that their exercises are in the most perfect state.He also used hundreds of medicine men in the Lue building to experiment and calculate the infant transformation technique for himself.

The elixir is provided by the enshrined elixir in the building.Prepare corresponding pills according to your own physique every day.At the same time, the alchemists will also start researching the exclusive Huaying pill for themselves.The same experiment was done with human medicine.

Even her tea and diet will be specially prepared according to her physical condition.

In addition, she also ordered the refiners to create magic weapons for herself.The medicine people swallow the mana every day to help themselves warm up the magic weapon.

Others have a natal magic weapon, which needs to be warmed and nourished every day.Fairy Lue has one hundred natal magic weapons, which are sacrificed and refined by the servants of the medicine man in the building.

After taking the elixir, Fairy Lue closed her eyes and calmed down until Yun Lan arrived.

"Master Yun, how is the progress of my magic weapon?"

"Recently, there is no problem with warming and nourishing. The landlord can take it at any time."

There is an extra dead branch of plum blossom in the fairy's hand.

Hundred treasures of jade plum branches, Situ Lue's natal magic weapon.Now there is only one dead branch, and the hundred plum blossoms on it are given to the people by the green calyx fairy.

One is to control the medicine people, and the other is to extract the same source of mana from the medicine people who have tried the pills to warm and nourish the hundred plum blossoms, so as to ensure that their natal magic weapon is improving every day.

"Very good. Master Yun will continue to watch for me. Three days later, I will fight the old thief Ximen. I will avenge Master Dong."

Yun Lan said yes, and left soon.

Fairy Lue closed her eyes and continued to cultivate Qi.

Not long ago, a Fuxiu under the gate of Lu'e Tower was bullied and begged in front of Situ Lu'e.

Therefore, Situ Lue has to fight with the masters who are also ranked [-]th in the Tianling List.

She must adjust her state to the best.

But there was no panic or anxiety in her heart.Because she didn't think she would lose.

This set of her practice mode allows herself to be at her peak state every moment, without fear of any enemies.

It's not so much that Fairy Lue is a master on the Tianling list.It would be better to say that the entire practice team headed by her is the No. 70 master on the Tianling list.

Facing the Zongmen forces headed by the three major water regions, Fairy Lue's practice concept is a brand new way.

As a combat force, she provides shelter for all weak monks.And those weak monks played their strengths.Provide her with elixirs, talismans, exercises, and even a master of celestial secrets who will do fortune-telling for her to ensure the correctness of every decision.

It is neither a sect nor a family, but a practice group that exists in the form of a team.


Hang Shou followed Zhang Ruyi to Caiyunfang.

Zhang Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw all the instruments and research materials inside.

Fortunately, since I am here to teach and teach, there shouldn't be any delay.

Here, even the painting tools for Hu Boyan's practice are prepared.

In the entire Caiyunfang, the only thing missing is Lingyuan Yancai.

After the three of Hengshou watched it, he said to Zhang Ruyi: "You have to give lectures here and cultivate more talents. Otherwise, this little beauty, let alone selling money, is not enough for the young master."

"Oh? Why does he need makeup? He practices painting on weekdays, and the general makeup materials are not enough?"

Ji Mingfeng shook his folding fan lightly, and walked over with a smile.

Hengshou looked around and asked him to come in and discuss in detail.

"This is a letter from the young master to you."

Handed it to Ji Mingfeng, he chuckled after reading it: "When did this kid pay so much attention to Lingyuan Yancai?"

Want to work with me to make Zhang Ruyi a master of color research?
Even took out the top makeup secret recipe that I have treasured for many years?
Didn't you say that you don't know much about Danqing painters?Secret recipe or something, don't you understand?
He also intends to ask Caiyunfang for dry shares, asking Caiyunfang to provide him with Yancai first, at cost price?

"This kid wants to use Yancai recently?" Ji Mingfeng asked intentionally, "I have some stock here, if he needs it, he can borrow some temporarily."

Hengshou shook his head: "Young master doesn't need it, he just cares about Mr. Ji's path, so he wants to help Zhang Ruyi get promoted and help Mr. Ji become enlightened."

"Oh—thank him for that."

Ji Mingfeng didn't believe a word of it, but since Zhang Ruyi came, it was indeed within his plan to help her become enlightened.

"Colour masters practice, they need to refine the five colors into pills. Red and black are easy to say, cinnabar and ink are enough."

Cinnabar, which is commonly used in drawing symbols, and Lingmo, which is commonly used in writing, are also included in the list of Lingyuan colors.The two are best refined, as long as there are materials, Zhang Ruyi can succeed.

"The Lue Building on Plum Blossom Island is very ingenious. It can help you refine the oriental Yimu Qingcai. I happen to use the secret recipe."

"As for the remaining Taibai Jinhua Lingcai and Central Wutu Huangcai, I know that the secret recipe is just under this piece of water. That's why I stayed here."

Is there color under the water?

Hengshou and Zhang Ruyi subconsciously looked at the ground.

"When the last Yancai master passed away, he made special preparations for this inheritance. He stored all the colors he had refined all his life in the ground. There is also an important secret recipe in his hand, which records Yancai's master Since the founding of Shenzhou, many masters have created secret recipes."

Ji Mingfeng aimed at this territory in his previous life.

But he was unable to succeed for a long time, and he didn't want to be noticed by the people in the magic palace.So he specially took in a junior sister, taught her the secret art of immortality, and asked her to open up Plum Blossom Island, and sit here to take care of the secret mansion for herself.

"That secret book is called "Collection of Ten Thousand Colors Mixing the Sky", and it dyes the sky with all colors in the world to refine the Dao."

I actually have the possibility of enlightenment?

Zhang Ruyi's heart was pounding when she heard Ji Mingfeng's description.

Although Yan Caishi's golden core does not enter the Dao, but as a golden core monk, he can protect Bo Yan.

With a serious expression on his face, Hengshou secretly wrote down this matter.

"Okay, let's talk about this first today. Some words are still waiting for you to pass them back."

Ji Mingfeng patted Hengshou on the shoulder: "If they have time, they can also take a look at the upcoming event on Plum Blossom Island. Fairy Lue, one of the top ten beauties in the Immortal Dao, is going to fight with the Jindan master who is also on the list of heavenly spirits .”

After saying that, he turned and left.

Hengshou quickly wrote the note and sent it to Tai Chi Treasure Realm.

Not long after, Fu Henghua replied.

"I threw three drunkards over there, and you are in charge of responding. The four of you go to the bottom of the water for a walk. In addition, tell him again that dry stocks must be required. I want to get [-]%. Use Wanseji to invest in the shares."

Sure enough, I knew it.How could the young master's character be active in real life?

Hengshou complained silently, it would be great if he and Xiaoyu's incarnation could come and take a look.


Wanse set?
How does the young master use this thing as a stake?Could it be that he has a copy in his hand?

Hang Shou asked again.

Fu Henghua replied: Stupid, of course the four of you went to the bottom of the water to look for it.

After Heng Shou thought about it, he suddenly realized: Ji Mingfeng has been staying here for a long time, and he is still sure that the young master and the others will come.It was because the secret mansion restricted him, and people of the Jindan and Yuanying realms were not allowed to go down.Only monks in the three realms of foundation building can go to Master Yancai's secret mansion.Because the heir chosen by the other party must be someone who has not formed a pill.

So, he waited eagerly for the young master.

Another note came from Fu Henghua: If I guessed correctly, there should be a kind of altar in the secret mansion.You must protect that altar carefully.Whether Zhang Ruyi can get the inheritance and become a pill in one step depends on this thing.


The next day, Zhang Ruyi dressed up and took her son to Caiyunfang to teach.

Although the casual practitioners from all walks of life are not in the mood to learn the art of color research.However, major commercial firms have sent apprentice craftsmen one after another in order to bring the technology back to their respective firms.

Fu Henghua and Ji Mingfeng were very happy to see this.

Only when technology spreads and the industry revitalizes can there be innovation.There are new secret recipes for color, instead of sitting on the old books.

Hengshou finished his morning kung fu practice at his residence, and after Fu Henghua sent another message, he came to the ferry to wait for the others.

Seeing the strong wind blowing Ziyun from a distance, Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan came to Plum Blossom Island.

It really was these three.

Heng Shou stepped forward to greet him, Fu Xiangfeng snorted and said, "I'm sorry if you're being polite. We were caught by that kid and came here to help you. Why, there was a secret mansion born under the water?"

"The young master said yes."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go quickly."

Fu Xuanxing plunged into the water with a sharp stab.

Fang Dongyuan smiled helplessly.

If that kid hadn't come up with the debt list and insisted on making me pay back the money back then, why would I have come out to accompany you to this trouble?
He followed into the water.

Fu Xiangfeng greeted Hengshou and followed.

Ji Mingfeng stood ten miles away, watching the four of them dive into the water, and murmured: "That kid didn't come? He didn't come? Can these people open the secret palace under the water? That thing has an innate gossip formation Guardian."


Chaoyinzhai, the study room.

Fu Henghua is writing and painting a "Picture of the Jade Cauldron Real Man".

The "Golden Wood Jade Cauldron Alchemy" is simulated as a god, and it controls the changes of gold and wood, and the magic principle of making alchemy, which belongs to the ranks of real monarchs and Taoists.But without the corresponding Lingyuan Yancai, Fu Henghua could only make a draft and wait for Zhang Ruyi to supply it.

Xiaoyu put divination money, water mirror and other tools in front of him one by one.

Fu Henghua wondered: "What are you doing?"

"The young master asked the four of them to go, didn't he intend to command from a distance? They can't break through those formations, so they naturally need you."

"I've figured it out a long time ago. The secret mansion under the water doesn't need my action at all. If necessary, let Peng Ming come. He also has some understanding of gossip."

Fu Heng Huaman didn't care and said: "The secret palace under the water, that's the third brother's chance."

(End of this chapter)

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