
Chapter 287

Chapter 287

On the ninth day of the lunar new year, at Chen's time, Fu Henghua's sunrise map was finally completed.

Red sun and orange sea, bright clouds and bright wind.

The red-gold radiance swayed from the top of the mountain, as if another round of red sun was rising.


Fu Henghua made a formula, and the red sun map showed Fusang and ten golden crows.Under the watchful eyes of three people and one horse, Fusang and Jinwu turned into a god in red clothes and a sun crown on their heads.

Dongjun, also known as Sunjun, the sun god.

Fu Henghua closed his eyes and meditated.

Turning the Tai Chi Diagram with both hands is like reversing the other 32 hexagrams with 32 hexagrams in Wenjiantang.He ran the "sunrise map" in reverse, and a shadow appeared under the feet of the sun king, demonstrating the way of shadows.

A contradictory spiritual map then took shape.

Sha Jinchang was surprised: "Huh? Isn't the opposite of the sun the moon?"

Dong Moyang: "The sun is light, and the moon is also light. What really corresponds to the sun is naturally the shadow that falls under the sun."

He looked at the shadow.

The shadows change with the movement of the sun, creating a spiritual picture naturally.In the pitch-black scroll, there is a deity that symbolizes darkness and shadows.

"Drawing a picture can give birth to gods. And gods can also become spiritual pictures." Dong Moyang has extensive knowledge after all, and through Fu Henghua's operation, he understands his way of becoming an alchemy.

"It's even more difficult than his brother's idea of ​​collecting Wanfu back then. It really deserves to be in the same line."

Thinking of his deceased friend, Dong Moyang sighed.

Not long after, Fu Henghua opened his eyes and looked at the second picture.

The two pictures only have aura, but no color to paint, so he sealed the aura and painting spirit in Shenluo Tianshu, and looked towards the east.

The red clouds above the East China Sea were covered with fish scales, Fu Henghua murmured: "The atmosphere over the East China Sea has changed."

"Three, I'm ready, let's go."

Fu Henghua stepped on the white dragon horse, greeted the three of Dong Moyang, and headed for Sanyuan City.


Hengshou and Fu Xuanxing came out from Panlong Island and went straight to the location of the hurricane air mass.

Fu Xiangfeng was sitting in the middle of the air mass meditating.Compared with the violent wind belt around the hurricane, the center is relatively quiet.

Fengniao Tianqi stood on his shoulder, looking at the vast wind phenomenon naturally generated by the sky and the earth.

As the spirit of the wind, he is not afraid of hurricanes, and can also shelter Fu Xiangfeng in a storm.It's just that waiting like this is too boring.

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After he blessed Fu Xiangfeng with a phoenix language secret, he flapped his wings and flew out of the hurricane air mass.

Breaking through the vast water vapor and storm, he came to the sea not far away.

Phoenix doesn't like the sea, because this is the domain of Shenlong.In ancient times, when many phoenixes soared over the sea, they were caught by dragons and swallowed into the bottom of the water to eat them.Over time, this memory turned into the inheritance of the Phoenix family, making Phoenix with attributes such as wind, fire, and wood wary of the sea.Only water phoenixes and ice phoenixes of the scorpion family love the sea and feed on dragons.

Tian Qi soared vigilantly over the water, thinking to himself: There is a Dragon Palace under the East China Sea, and although the Dragon King of the East China Sea is dead, the Dragon Palace must have an inheritance.If there is a chance, let's find the family and destroy the Dragon Palace together!

As a phoenix, the grievances and grievances carried by the inheritance made him instinctively want to eradicate such a scourge as the Universal Dragon Palace.

"It's Tianqi! Brother Bird, look this way—"

Hearing Fu Xuanxing's shout, Fengniao looked over.

Standing on the jade scorpion, two figures came riding the wind and waves.

Blinking his eyes, the phoenix appeared on the boat in an instant.

"Jiujiu?" What are you doing here?
Although the two could not understand what he said, they could probably guess a thing or two.

"We're looking for Third Brother. We need his help if we need something."

The phoenix fluttered its wings, and the brilliance enveloped the two of them.

The next moment, the two of them entered the center of the hurricane with a bird and a jade dragon.

Fu Xiangfeng suddenly opened his eyes: "What are you doing here?"

Seeing that the jade cockroach was shaking, he asked Fu Xuanxing to temporarily put the jade cockroach away.

"There is an accident over there, and the third young master needs help."

Hengshou immediately handed over the hurricane map to Fu Xiangfeng, and told Bai Zhen about the ghosts and Fu Henghua's plan.

"Send a hurricane to Baizhen? How dare you think about it."

Fu Xiangfeng took the road map, pondered and deduced it, and then asked Tianqi.

"Brother Dao, are you sure?"

"It's not convenient for me to control the direction, but the strength can help you."

"Then give it a try."

Fu Xiangfeng called Fu Xuanxing and the two to leave temporarily, and he and Fengniao joined forces to do the trick.


The ferocious wind roared in the East China Sea, and in an instant, huge waves were stirred up.Between lightning and thunder, huge sea beasts were torn apart by the storm.

Fu Xuanxing didn't like water at all, seeing the feng shui skyrocketing, he told Hengshou to quickly settle down on a nearby reef.

The dark clouds were noisy, like a troll swallowing the sun, the entire water area was extremely dark, and it was difficult to see light even in the land of a foot long.

"This is natural weather."

The two of Hengshou hid on an island, watching the hurricane air mass in full swing.

The two of them have been in contact with the Fu family for a long time, and have seen many Fu family members perform Gale Wind Taoism.But this is the first time I have seen such a terrifying hurricane weather with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Heng Shou murmured: "Young Master should be allowed to see this scene. Then..."

In the picture of the gods, there can be an extra "Gefeng Zhenjun".


Holding the Spiritual Sword in his hand, Fu Xiangfeng carefully created a "small hurricane" on the water.

How does that affect the operation of hurricanes?
Creates a small hurricane, forming a double hurricane chain.Carefully pull the direction of the hurricane air mass without being swallowed by the hurricane air mass.

"The distance is too close right now. If it weren't for Brother Tianqi, my mana alone wouldn't be able to support an independent hurricane."

The sword pointed at the storm, and the phoenix let out a melodious cry, arousing the power of the wind spirit between the heaven and the earth.

Fu Xiangfeng followed suit, and used the clumsy and convoluted phoenix spells he had just learned to cooperate with the phoenix bird to create a small hurricane and pull the hurricane air mass towards it.

The predecessor of the Fu family, Fufeng Immortal Palace, is the most profound school of Taoism in China on the study of storms and celestial phenomena.The Fu family inherited what their ancestors had learned, and Fu Ruiying and others had already made a thorough arrangement of the road map.

As long as the road is not disturbed by other celestial phenomena, under the chain of two hurricanes, the hurricane air mass can be pulled into Baizhen smoothly.

One by one, the waterspouts swirled on the sea surface, slowly moving towards the northeast.

Fu Xuanxing and the two looked at Fu Xiangfeng in the center of the hurricane air mass, and silently followed behind.

Suddenly, the dazzling sun shone directly down.

"Why is it so hot?"

The two looked at Donghai.As the hurricane air mass moved, the water vapor in the sky was completely drained by the hurricane, and now the sea area where they were located was clear and clear, and the sun was shining brightly.

"Let's go, let's follow. If necessary, we can go to the center of the hurricane belt."

"Forget it, it may not be cool in there. And—" Heng Shou's dabbling in the wind path is not enough for him to protect himself there.He didn't have a fairy sword scabbard to protect him, so he didn't dare to do anything foolish.

"Two fellow daoists, please stay behind—"

Behind him, a shout suddenly sounded.

The two looked at each other and accelerated forward at the same time.

The old lady told me that if someone shouts, don't pay attention to it.

Seeing the two leave in a hurry, and the auspicious clouds behind them slowly falling, an old man with a bamboo basket appeared and sighed softly: "Look at them, do you plan to find foreign aid if you want to come to the Fu family?"

There is a catastrophe for Bai Zhen, and there is also a chance to transform into a baby.

Above the four seas, monks who are proficient in divination have already noticed it.But they are not monks from the Inner Nine Waters. If they rashly go to the lackey Bai Zhen in front of the three major waters, they will only be jointly suppressed by the three major waters.

Therefore, it is the safest thing to use a pretext to go to Baizhen on the line of Fu's family.After all, Fu Danwei is expected to rob the immortal, as long as he is alive, the three major waters will always give some face and tacitly allow the Fu family to send people there.

The old man hesitated for a while, whether he was unwilling or not, he chased after him again.

Not long after, he saw Huang Yun rising from another direction, chasing after Fu Xuanxing and the two of them.

Even, a monk flew in front of Fu Xuanxing and the two of them, and the fisher girl was stopped by the water demon, calling them to go to the sea to save them.

"These people are doing everything they can."

As long as he has a relationship, even if he gets the second boy's life-saving grace for nothing, he can use this name to sneak into Bai Zhen to help.As for whether the opportunity to transform into a baby can be obtained, that is another matter.

Suddenly, Ziyun soared from the East Pole, caught up with Fu Xuanxing and the two of them, and quickly disappeared.

"Dan Xuanzi?"

The old man's consciousness was searching in the sea area.

But before he got close, he was blocked by an invisible force.

Dan Xuanzi's soft voice echoed in his ears: "Thank you for your kindness, please go back. This matter involves a lot, and you are the pure and loose immortals of the East China Sea, so you don't need to be affected by calamities."

Hmph, you went to compete for the opportunity to transform into a baby, but you refused to let us go?In the world, how can there be such a good thing?
The old man narrowed his eyes, staring at the invisible air wall in front of him.He secretly mobilized to hit it with all his strength, but it was like a muddy cow falling into the sea, without any change.

What a profound mana!

The old man's expression changed, and he activated the magic weapon again.A divine whale flew out of the fish basket behind it and smashed it towards the air wall.

After flying out of the fish basket, the whale became bigger and bigger, and it was as heavy as a hundred feet in a blink of an eye.


Just like the gate of heaven is closed, the purple air rises into the sea of ​​clouds and turns into a thousand-foot Great Wall to suppress the divine whale.

On the other side, the sword, light and sword shadow together with a jade chime smashed into the sea of ​​clouds, still silently, and the sea of ​​purple air slowly curled up.

"Everyone, please come back."

Dan Xuanzi's voice continued to reverberate in the ears of all the Sanxians, and finally the ray of light stopped, allowing Dan Xuanzi to leave with Fu Xuanxing and Hengshou.

Seeing this scene, Chizhu old man felt angry.

"Your Inner Nine Waters looked down on us in the world of the four seas. Before the opportunity to transform into a baby started, you excluded us first. Good, very good. Do you really think that I have no masters in the world of the four seas?"

He turned around and ran to the South China Sea, seeking to meet a hermit immortal.


Dan Xuanzi wrapped the two of them and stood still in the sky.

After Ziyun dispersed, he looked at the direction Chi Zhusou was leaving, and sighed, "This one is going to the South China Sea, but I hope he doesn't go to Shenkong City."

Among the four seas, there are three Tribulation Immortals.One is from the Eastern Sea Sword Sect, namely Sui An.The other two are practicing in the South China Sea, one is Sanxian Qin Lin, and the other is Shenkong City Lord Sun Cheng.

Qin Lin does not accept disciples, but only accepts offerings from a few cultivation families.But Shenkong City Lord has three thousand disciples, and some of them often have superficial roots and do evil outside.And this city lord was very defensive and caused a lot of trouble.

Fu Maiyuan appeared, and after exchanging greetings with Fu Xuanxing, he said to Dan Xuanzi: "Master, let's go quickly."

"Don't worry, let's follow the strong wind. If the strong wind is in the wrong direction, we can still try to change it. You must know that the essence of the strong wind air mass is temperature."

The dramatic increase in sea temperature creates a thermal cyclone, which produces a hurricane.

"It should be noted that the gale air mass can not only come from the Xuanfeng and Gaefeng two systems of Taoism, but also the flames and cold winds can also produce hurricanes. The world is interconnected, and it is better to be like this."

Dan Xuanzi taught them how to generate hurricanes through temperature changes.Hengshou wrote it down silently, devoted himself to the Tai Chi Treasure World, and reserved it for Fu Henghua to do research on.


Ninth day, noon.

Fu Henghua and his party of four came to another cloud city.

Wangri Mountain City is located in the bay of Baizhen near the East China Sea.From the Wutu Building to the west, and passing through the three cloud cities, you will find the economic and commercial center of Baizhen, where Sanyuan City is located.

Right now, the four of them came to the first cloud city.

Although it is blue sky and white sun, Yuncheng still encounters ghosts.

"Three, continue."

After Fu Henghua greeted them, the three of Dong Moyang immediately rushed into Yuncheng to save people.

And Fu Henghua rode a white dragon horse, standing on the cloud head and watching from afar.

Inexplicably, a thought flashed through him.

Riding a white dragon horse, wearing mending clothes, and having a little master-student relationship with the three of them.

It's a pity, it would be more appropriate if I came under the identity of "Bodhi".

"Heng Hua, help stop the ghost."

"Understood." Fu Henghua held a feather fan and waved it lightly, and the gossip golden lanterns floated around Yuncheng.

"Five dragons and eight trigrams formation, get up!"

Combined with Yuwen Chunqiu, Fu Henghua set up a formation to lock up the group of ghosts.

Not long after, Dong Moyang joined forces with the monks in Yuncheng to slaughter all the ghosts.

Just when the obsessions of the ghosts were about to sink to the bottom of the water, Fu Henghua activated the gossip array, put the obsessions into the gossip, and locked them in a piece of spiritual jade in his palm.

Even if I can't compete for the ghost gate at the bottom of the water, I can't let these obsessions return to the ghost gate.Otherwise, after twelve hours of nurturing, the ghost soldier can be revived again.

The monks in Yuncheng came out to thank them and invited everyone to enter.

After Fu Henghua and others declined, the "four masters and apprentices" continued to the next stop.

(End of this chapter)

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