
Chapter 288 Crossing 3 Cities and Traveling at Night for 3 Yuan

Chapter 288 Crossing Three Cities and Traveling Three Yuan at Night

Four people and one horse rescued three cities along the way, and rescued sixteen monks from Tianyang and Jinfang.

These monks are all from sects, and they were warned by their masters not to go to Yanlong, but to come to Baizhen to practice.Unexpectedly, thousands of ghosts haunted them, and they were besieged one by one by the army of ghosts.Fortunately, the "four masters and apprentices" arrived in time and rescued everyone.

When everyone learned the purpose of Fu Henghua and his party, they also rushed to Sanyuan City with them.

At the time of You, everyone drove a building boat and moored outside Sanyuan City.

The dusk is over, the twilight is flying away, only the thick dark clouds are layered and pressed down.

The third ghost attack has come.


Thunder and raging fire were pouring out of the city, and the blazing fire and thunder full of destructive power were enough to make Jindan cultivators back down.But ghosts flew out of the dark clouds outside, rushing towards Sanyuan City fearlessly.

Sha Jinchang said with emotion: "Sanyuan City is the first city in Baizhen. The ghosts here are more ferocious than what we have seen along the way."

Here, it's not as simple as a few ghost kings.

Instead, 24 ghost kings came together.

In addition to the evil ghosts who had feuded with the cultivators of Sanyuan City, there were also Golden Core cultivators who had died in vain over the years.

At the moment when the life essence is exhausted, one can feel the vitality stripped from the body, and experience one's own powerlessness.Finally, they began to regret that they were greedy for pleasure and did not work hard to practice.

This emotional power of regret and lamentation was summoned by the "Yin Guitian Art of War" to form a fierce ghost king who hated the living and everything, and attacked Sanyuan City frantically.

But they are not the true souls of the group of Golden Core monks.Because with the return of the soul to the stars, the real soul has already been reincarnated.What exists now is just the remains of obsession.

Looking at the vicious ghost king, Zhu Xiu's heart sounded an alarm.

The difficulty of life and death is also known as the first difficulty of comprehension.How many monks can be indifferent to life and death?

At the last moment before death, I felt my own powerlessness and watched death approaching step by step.No matter how strong the Dao heart is, there will be flaws.

"In order for our generation not to fall into this situation in the future, we must work hard to practice in the future, and we must not regret it when things come to an end."

As everyone said, they started to do something to expel the approaching evil spirits.

After a day of integration, everyone has some tacit understanding.Sha Jinchang led some monks to exorcise ghosts outside the building, and Yuwen Chunqiu led another group of monks to activate the defensive formation inside.

Dong Moyang, Bai Longma, and Fu Henghua stood on the top floor, looking at the Sanyuan City looming in the dark clouds in the distance.

He nodded from time to time: "Brother Dong, the structure here is a bit like the Yungong Tiancheng, and the blueprints come from the golden side?"

Dong Moyang: "Using the blueprint left over from our Xuanwei Sect."

Yungong Tiancheng, the dojo of the immortals of the former Taixuanzong.A heavenly city means a true immortal.And this kind of true immortal dojo itself is also a powerful immortal weapon that can travel nine heavens and ten places.

"The blueprints here are incomplete, but the master came here to give pointers. The architectural pattern in Sanyuan City is in the same vein as Taixuan Dao."

The implication is that the city itself is an impenetrable formation.

"It is impossible for Sanyuan City to fall, we just need to wait for the evil spirits to recede and enter Sanyuan City."

Dong Moyang had a hidden worry in his heart.

If those ghost kings all came to kill him and others.There are only twenty people on my side, how can I resist?
"Brother Dong, don't worry. Before those ghost kings try their best to deal with us, we can rush to Sanyuan City. There is no need to enter the city, as long as we are at the gate of Dongcheng, the comrades inside can provide support. After all..."

Fu Henghua looked around.

These monks come from the three major water regions, and they are all true disciples of the various sects.

As the running dog in front of the three major waters, the Merchant Alliance dares not to save people, then wait to be beaten to ashes by the seniors of the three major waters!
And in the previous Yuncheng, Fu Henghua and Dong Moyang tried to use Yuncheng's communication formation to get in touch with the merchant alliance.

At the east gate, Ling Xianjun, one of the nine great elders, has already led people to wait quietly.


The clear water light opened like a curtain around the outer edge of the building boat, and the water ghosts killed one by one were scattered by the curtain, and all the ghosts flew into the "ghost gourd" on the bow of the boat.

This is a spiritual material contributed by a monk in Tianyang.He comes from Wuqi Xuanji Island, his name is Hong Changyi, and he is the great-nephew of the Lord of the Five Elements.Because it is rare for our family to produce a soul boy with spiritual talent, the Master of the Five Elements brought him by his side to teach him personally, which is the reality of a master and apprentice.

Hearing that Fu Henghua wanted to refine a treasure that would attract ghosts, he donated the "Five Elements Jade Gourd" bestowed to him by his great-uncle.After Fu Henghua hurriedly rushed to work, he carved 360 five ghost-suppressing star patterns on the surface of the gourd, and refined it into the "Yin-Yin Myriad Ghost Gourd" that was passed on in Wuyin Tower.

This treasure specializes in collecting souls, which can reduce the slaves of the ghost gate.


The cold light pierced from outside the water curtain, and quickly pierced towards Zhang Dongyan.

He looked up, and just as he was about to make a move, Chi Yan burst out from behind his head, destroying the cold light.

"Brother Zhang Dao, your Tianshui true method is not good!"

The monk who took the shot joked to his companion: "Your water curtain is not bad against ordinary ghost pawns. It's still not good against this level of ghost generals."

While speaking, he drove Feijian out of the water curtain to fight with the ghost generals outside.

The ghost general was the soul of a monk after his death, and two days ago he was a famous nurse in Sanyuan City.The day before yesterday, he died in the first wave of ghost attacks, and his soul was taken away by the ghost gate. After transformation, he has become a gloomy ghost general.

After dozens of strokes, Lu Shaoying beheaded the ghost general, and urged the flying sword to meet another enemy.

In other parts of the building, other monks also showed their magical skills to clean up the besieging ghost soldiers.Until a ghost king saw the boat here and charged over with a ghost army.

"Henghua, use the Five Elements Mountain."

Dong Moyang raised his sword, and his mighty red light met the ghost king's domain falling from the sky.

Fu Henghua's thoughts moved.


In the sky, the five-colored sacred mountain appeared with a bang.

More than twenty rays of light enveloped everyone present and the white dragon horse.

Lu Shaoying beheaded two ghost generals who built the seventh floor of the foundation one after another, and his mana was consumed violently.But under the cover of the five-color glow, his mana began to gradually recover.

Seeing the Marble Mountains, his confidence doubled, and he continued to entangle with ghosts and enemies with his sword.

Zhang Dongyan used the "Heguang Purifying Water Curtain Method" to resist the ghost pawns, but with the continuous consumption of mana, he couldn't hold on anymore.Under the cover of the five-color glow, the mana he consumed was quickly replenished by the Five Elements Mountain.

Fu Henghua waved the feather fan, fully operated the Five Elements Mountain Method, and set up the Eight Diagrams Furnace on the top of the mountain, crazily swallowing ghost energy and Yin energy from all directions.After being refined by Liuding Shenhuo, the yin qi was transformed into pure good fortune essence, which was absorbed by Fu Henghua.

Then decompose it into various attributes and pass it on to other colleagues.

This is the fighting method that everyone has researched after several team battles today.

As a sorcerer, Fu Henghua is proficient in various exercises, and can transform his mana into the true essence of other exercises.Through this feature, he imparts skills to others, allowing them to quickly recover mana.

This approach is far more convenient than recovering mana by everyone swallowing the pill.

And Fu Henghua practiced the Taoism of Heavenly Calligraphy, and his mana power was pure and vigorous, and the quality was extremely high.When transforming into other attributes of true essence, when imparting skills to everyone.Everyone can clearly perceive that the true essence mana has been refined and becomes more pure.

Therefore, I am more willing to let Fu Henghua pass on his skills.

During several battles with Yin Gui, everyone worked out a complete fighting strategy.

With Fu Henghua as the center of transmission, he gave him all the qi recovery pills on everyone's bodies.Fu Henghua took medicine, activated the Five Elements Mountain, and then passed on the exercises to others.

The current Fu Henghua is like a movable mana reserve pool.

And precisely because Fu Henghua tried his best to pass on his skills and was unable to deal with the threats around him, Yuwen Chunqiu led some people to control the defensive formation to protect "Master from being captured by monsters".

But in Sha Jinchang's group, they were too exhausted and had to retreat to rest.The group of Yuwen Chunqiu can replace them, and the two groups attack in turn.

As for Dong Moyang and Bai Longma, the two Jindan masters specialize in dealing with threats at the Jindan level.

Under this strategy, everyone has beheaded three ghost kings today.

Of course, although Fu Henghua is inconvenient to move, he can perform the Five Elements Taoism based on the Five Elements Mountain Method at will.

Seeing that Lu Shaoying didn't notice for a while, a hawk-bodied monster sneaked up from behind.With a thought in his mind, the Bing Vulcan Thunder fell in the air.

"This is the Eagle Wing Demon Ghost. Fellow Daoist, your Taoism is useless to him, replace him."

The Five Elements Mountain moved Tudun, and Lu Shaoying switched positions with another monk.Without saying a word, the monk threw out the gong in his hand: "Come on!"

When the gongs were joined together, the power of thunder and fire was activated inside, and the harpy monster turned into ashes on the spot, and another ghost flew into the "Ghost Gourd".


Although there are only 20 people and one horse in the building boat.But the cooperation between them is comparable to hundreds of monks joining forces, no less than the full strength of several Jindan monks.

Soon, they broke through the ghost army all the way, and even the ghost king was killed by the five spiritual weapons flying out of the building boat.

"It's all true heirlooms with family background."

Looking at those magical treasures shining with spiritual light, even though Fu Henghua has the Shenluo Tianshu, the Xuanhuo Bird Feather Fan, the Three Treasures Ruyi Ring Sword, and Xiyang, he still feels envious in his heart.

These sixteen true disciples possess hundreds of magic weapons and eighteen spiritual weapons.Also, everyone has a protective talisman given by the master, which can hit the full blow of a golden core monk.

If you count yourself, the three of Dong Moyang and Bai Longma, the number of spirit weapons in this building is almost equal to that of the ghost king.


The ghost king with a tiger head led a group of grotesque ghosts to kill them.

After the death of the spirit beast, there is also a spirit.

"Ghosts and Heaven's Art of War" is not only aimed at human races, but also water monsters and spirits, and all the residual obsessions that died in Baizhen are all turned into "ghosts".Right now, the ghost army along the way is the land monsters that have been killed by Sanyuan City over the years.

Tigers, leopards, bears, deer, sheep, apes and dogs... These ghosts have more or less limb incomplete features.

For example, Xiong Wei loses his limbs and only has a cloud of yin energy.The ominous ape's skull was shattered, and Yin Qi and ghost blood kept floating on his head.Yingou and Guilu were covered in blood, and their private parts were blurred.Clouds of yin energy floated around Xuanbao, full of leopard-born baby spirits.

Seeing the ghost army all the way, everyone's expression changed.

Fu Henghua smiled wryly: "Bai Yan is greedy for pleasure, and there are many monsters who died under the lust of appetite—hey, if they have the ability, they go to Chihai!"

With a wry smile, Dong Moyang greeted Lord Yinshan who was in the middle of the ghost army.

This is a well-trained tigress.

Before he was alive, he was captured by the three golden elixir monks in Sanyuan City, and his bones were dismantled and cramped, and the inner alchemy was dug out. His death was extremely miserable.She was also one of the first batch of ghosts whose souls were gathered by the "Yin Gui Tian Art of War".Because of the preservation of spiritual intelligence, Lord Yinshan hides in the dark, and uses the gate of ghosts to summon the spirits of monsters and beasts that have died tragically in Sanyuan City for hundreds of years, specifically for this battle of revenge.

"Although you are pitiful, it has nothing to do with us." A female cultivator in white stood up and played the emerald jade bamboo flute. broken.

Immediately, Yin Ling threw himself into the gourd of all ghosts.

Hong Changyi pulled out the five-color flag and jumped down from the air.

"Five Elements Formation, open!"

The formation is in motion, and the power of the five elements turns into a phoenix and rushes towards the army of ghosts and beasts in the distance.

It's just that the five-element phoenix he summoned is illusory, while the green luan and the phoenix are acceptable, and the phoenix symbolizing the fire element has been unable to give birth to a form, just a hazy cloud of fire.

"Fairy, do me a favor."

Zha Zhenhua pointed the jade flute, and the fire phoenix threw it into the five-element formation, making the fire cloud condense into a solid body, and together with four companions, they destroyed the army of ghosts and beasts.

Seeing this, Fu Henghua secretly taught Hong Changyi a "Five Elements Heavenly Phoenix Formula".

This formula is specially for the Five Elements Transforming Phoenix, which is opposite to Yuwen Chunqiu's Five Elements Dragon.After the great achievement, you can turn the five phoenixes into domains, and cultivate the same five-element great escape variant magical powers as Fu Ruiying.


Ling Xianjun stood on the east gate, watching the battle of the building boat.

"As expected of the students from the three major water regions, all of them are highly skilled in Taoism, and there is no need for us to take risks at all."

However, when he saw the Five Elements Mountain above the Louchuan, he showed a little thought.

Use the magician to accommodate the mana of the monks of the same clan and clan, and use himself as a spiritual pool for mana transmission.

Similar methods have already appeared in Baizhen and Yanlong.But their research results are far inferior to Fu Henghua's.

"Perfectly transferring the skills of 20 people, this is the mystery of the Didian Xianjue?"

The business alliance gathers information from all parties, and naturally knows Fu Henghua and many of his information.

It is said that he practiced a book of immortal formulas carrying the Taoism taught by heaven, which is the fairy book version of "Changchun Jing", which was tailor-made for him by Zhou Xiao, the elder of the Xuanwei sect.

"The Changchun Sutra is one of the most moderate and peaceful exercises in the world. It makes sense to imitate all kinds of true energy. But—"

In the distance, Hong Changyi was scratched by two ghost apes for rushing in.The blue peak of the Five Elements Mountain was suddenly cut by three inches, and a "Sweet Rain Curse" fell on Hong Changyi, completely healing the injury.Afterwards, he threw out five swords and beheaded the two ghosts and apes.

"Tong'er, is it recorded?"

"It's recorded," the boy in the Shuiyue robe next to him said respectfully, "I'll hand it over to the people in the magic hall and let them perform the deduction."

"Send another copy to Liangyi Dao. "Five Elements Changchun Kung Fu" can contain all kinds of true energy, and engraving the Five Elements Dao method on the mountain peak, Taixuan Taoism can naturally be used."

In Ling Xianjun's mind, if a sorcerer of the Taixuan Dao lineage made a move and evolved a Taiji diagram above his head, wouldn't he be able to use the energy of Yin and Yang to pass on mana to others?Moreover, the Tai Chi Diagram can also record the Taoism of Yin and Yang in the world.

Although Ling Xianjun is an elder of the Shangmeng, he is also a Jindan cultivator who once practiced in Liangyi Dao.Therefore, he was strongly recommended by Liangyi Dao and promoted to one of the nine elders of the Shangmeng.He is loyal to Liangyi Dao and is always looking forward to the revival of Emperor Taixuanzong.

Moreover, Ling Xianjun had a premonition that after the emergence of the method of Yuxian Zhenlu, there would be frequent disputes in the three major water areas in the future, and fighting methods would be indispensable.

Although there will not be an army battle with tens of thousands of people, such as the next scattered team battle of 20 people, it may be staged frequently.In this case, the significance of performing a mage will be highlighted.

"A character who conducts skills for the whole team, and understands various Taoism, helps restrain the enemy, and may become the soul of the team battle."

 Spoof game version:
  Team battle dungeon, ghosts invade Sanyuan City.

  The goal is to successfully enter the east gate of the city and complete the task with Ling Xianjun, the elder of the business alliance.

  20-player map, unlimited spirit beast mounts and magic weapons.

  The whole regiment carried [-] groups of red and blue medicines, which were temporarily stored at the head of the regiment.

  Elite players of the whole group, ranging from level 70 to level 90.

  Head (commander) Fu Henghua, deputy head Dong Moyang.

  The commando leader, Sha Jinchang, has eight members.

  The captain of the patrol, Yuwen Chunqiu, has eight members.

  There is a building ship, and the mission is hidden to ensure that the building ship is not destroyed.

  At the beginning of the game, the team leader activates the skill "Five Elements Mountain Method".

  The mana of the whole regiment comes with a recovery state, which restores 10 points per second.

  The whole regiment comes with five elements to absorb 100 damage.

  The whole regiment comes with a damage bonus of 50 for the five elements.

  Side Effect: The leader is in a weak state and cannot fight.And it consumes 300 mana per second.

  The leader activates the chain skill "Bagua Furnace", and the mana rises by 200 per second.The gossip furnace is not destroyed, and the Five Elements Mountain is not broken.

  Remarks: The Five Elements Mountain is in a growing state, and the maintenance time is six hours.Six hours later, the Five Elements Mountain collapsed, the group status was lifted, and the "Five Peaks Suppress the Top" was cast on the entire group members, all five elements escape methods were forbidden, and no responsibility was taken for life or death.

  Re-note: A brief ranking of combat power (the lower limit of Jindan is 300)

  Dongmoyang, the highest attack power is 400+50.

  Yin Shanjun, the highest attack power is 327
  White dragon horse, the highest attack power is 480+50
  Fu Henghua, five elements and eight trigrams chain state, immobile, combat power?
  Shajinchang, the highest attack power is 200+50
  Yuwen Chunqiu, the highest attack power is 280+50
(End of this chapter)

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