
Chapter 30 The Xuanwei Mansion under the Taixuan Gate

Chapter 30 The Xuanwei Mansion under the Taixuan Gate

"These pursuers are not all the way."

Seeing the chasing soldiers confronting each other, Heng Hua has a plan in mind.

Turn around and look at the old man on the boat.

He sat against the mast, breathing weakly.

Fu Xuanxing's face was full of sadness, and he stepped forward to take the elixir to heal his wounds.

The old man shook his head: "Don't waste your time, you keep this elixir for yourself, don't waste it. You will need it for the rest of the journey."

Holding the feather fan, Heng Hua frowned at the old man, hesitating.

Trouble, this trouble is too great.

Grandfather might not have been able to catch it in his heyday, let alone the current situation.Could it be possible to find Uncle Seventeen?
Heng Hua could tell that the trouble that Fu Xuanxing caused was the old man.

And this is a Jindan cultivator, his troubles are obviously beyond the hands of the two brothers.

"Xiao Liu, can you help him heal his injuries?"

Fu Xiangfeng came over.

"This senior's golden core has been broken, and he is on the verge of San Gong. There is no way to save it."

Cultivator Jindan?

Fu Xiangfeng's expression changed slightly.

He originally thought that this was a cultivator at the Mystical Embryo Realm who had failed to form an alchemy.

Fu Xuanxing looked sad when he heard Fu Henghua's words.Gritting his teeth, he directly fed the elixir to the old man to help him recover.


He vomited two more mouthfuls of blood, and vomited out the pill that had just entered his mouth.

"That's it."

Seeing the young man's distressed appearance, Heng Hua thought to himself: I think this kid is pure in heart, deliberately chose the road to the northwest, and planned to avoid us, and help him out.

"Xiaoyu, take my golden needle—"

Suddenly, Xiaoyu handed the needle bag to him.


Heng Hua looked at her puzzled.

Carried it directly on the body?

Xiao Yu didn't answer, and took another basin of clean water from the side.

How many years has she been with Fu Henghua, how can she not understand Fu Henghua's temper?

Seeing someone hurt, can the young master really be hard-hearted?
"Qian Wansi."

The genuine qi thread was wrapped around the old man's wrist, and the three golden needles flew up after feeling the pulse, and pierced the hidden vein acupoint in the old man's body.

The retrograde alchemy in the body immediately rushed to the three acupoints, and the old man's injury did not worsen.

After finishing all this, Heng Hua's hand holding the fan was even stronger, and his face was very ugly:

"Third brother, let's not interfere in this matter. This person is in too much trouble."

Heng Hua used the art of looking forward to look at the dark clouds above the old man's head.The bloody light suddenly appeared, and the murderous intent was endless.

The catastrophe brought by this senior is dangerous, and if you are not careful, the entire Panlong Island will be overturned, so let's avoid it.

"Cough cough..."

The old man spit out the last mouthful of blood, and his face softened a little: "Poverty Zhou Xiao, this is my nephew Fu Xuanxing, thank you two little friends for helping me."

"You don't have to thank me. It's just that my elder brother did it conveniently and brought the two of you aboard. The pursuers will retreat later, you two should run for your lives."

"Little Six—"

Fu Xiangfeng stared at Fu Henghua with disapproval.

"Brother Fu and this senior are not bad people. Although I don't have your eyesight, I can still see that they have no evil spirit on them, and their magic power is extremely pure. They are obviously fellow Taoists. And the three monks just now, With Wusha and demonic energy on his body, it is definitely not good."

"Xuanwei Sect is the orthodox sect of Xuanmen, the direct descendant of Taixuan. But even the Elder Jindan can't afford to cause trouble, where do you and I have the strength to mix?"

Zhou Xiao's face changed slightly: "Do you know the old man?"

"Fu Xuanxing's clothes can't tell the history. But the Liangyi huntian robe on senior's body and the flying crane ring around his waist are obviously owned by the elders of Xuanwei sect. When he was taking the pulse just now, the magic power of yin and yang attributes couldn't be hidden from anyone .”

In the past, when Taixuanzong's sect was promoted, some disciples were scattered outside and failed to return to the sect in time.The founder of the Xuanwei Sect is one of them. He opened up the Immortal Mansion in the Jinfang waters and passed on the Taixuan Taoism.

Fu Xiangfeng was silent.

He had also heard of the name of the Xuanwei Sect.That's a sect with digital infantry masters, and it is said that there is also a hidden world robber in the sect.Compared with the Donghai Sword Sect and Xuanwei Sect next door to Yanlong Waters, they are both slightly inferior.

My brothers couldn't handle the trouble that the Xuanwei faction couldn't afford to cause.If you are alone, you can still take risks, but now the three of Henghua...

Although Fu Xiangfeng likes to help others, he is not a person who does not know how to advance or retreat.

In the end, he sighed, cupped his hands and said: "As my younger brother said, we brothers can't handle the big troubles on the two of you. Later, after Xiao Liu'er heals senior, please leave senior."

Fu Xuanxing replied: "Brother Fu, don't worry, we will definitely not implicate you and your party. We will leave immediately when the uncle recovers a little."

Looking at Zhou Xiao's injury, the young man looked sad.

Not to mention healing now, the true energy in the uncle's body is retrograde, and the meridians are almost broken.

Zhou Xiao shook his head: "No need to heal. Give me a quiet room. Later, the two little brothers will send my nephew away and leave the old man's body on a reef in front. When the pursuers saw the body, they should It can be delayed for a while."

healing?I know my own affairs.The golden elixir has been shattered, and there is no way to return to heaven, so let's pass on the power to Xuan Xing as much as possible before the power is released.

"Senior, you want to use the wedding dress technique?"

Heng Hua suddenly became interested:

"Are you always good at imparting exercises?"

"Why? My friend, are you interested in this kind of spell that harms yourself and benefits others?"

Wedding dress technique, as the name suggests, is to make wedding dresses for others.While increasing the power of others, it will permanently consume your own mana and even lifespan.Most of them are performed for the descendants of the disciples when the monk's deadline is approaching.

"The wedding dress technique needs to be passed on from the same family or clan. Even if my predecessors pass on the wedding dress technique of the Xuanwei sect to me, I can't practice it."

The Fu family has their own blood wedding dress technique.Through the bond of blood, the power of the elders is passed on to the descendants before death.This way of passing on from generation to generation is also one of the reasons why the cultivation family has endured for a long time and has produced masters from generation to generation.

Fu Danwei once said that before he died, he would pass on his life pill to all his descendants including Fu Henghua and Fu Xiangfeng.

"The wedding dress technique is a secret forbidden technique in the sect and family. Only the elders and masters of the sect can practice it. Senior, are you the elder of the Xuanwei sect who manages the scriptures?"


Zhou Xiao endured the severe pain in her meridian, and forced a smile: "Little friend, want to ask the old man for exercises? After the old man got on the boat, he observed the two of you, and your two servants. Everyone has a solid foundation. Are you here to ask for the method of practice?"

Especially these two brothers, although the elder brother's kung fu is a mysterious Taoist technique, it is very good.The speed of cultivation has almost caught up with his own secret formula for becoming a fairy.As for the younger brother, Zhou Xiao couldn't even see through the origin of his exercises.But I can understand that this is a child who has not yet established a foundation.

Heng Hua groaned silently, holding the feather fan and shaking it slowly.Lihuo was mixed with traces of righteousness, which fluttered around him.

The elder Chuangong is also the magician in the sect.He must know more exercises than himself.If it is possible, maybe I can help the old man develop the infant transformation technique.

It's just that senior Zhou Xiao caused too much trouble.

Even standing next to him, Heng Hua couldn't restrain the panic in his heart, and felt the temptation of a trace of demonic energy.

This senior seems to have pure skills and orthodox Taoism, but there is a monster hidden in his body!

Therefore, Fu Henghua didn't dare to let go of the Xuanhuo Bird Feather Fan at all.I'm afraid that the monster will seduce the demons in the heart and arouse the demonic nature.

Speaking of which, didn't the third brother, Xiao Yu and the others respond?Or is it that they haven't studied magic arts, and haven't felt the call from the "Heavenly Demon"?

After thinking wildly for a long time, Heng Hua still didn't make a decision.

It was Fu Xiangfeng who came to his senses: "Senior, you are the elder of the Xuanwei Sect. Can you help me develop the Infant Transformation Technique?"

Deduce the exercises for grandpa!
"Yes. But if you need to tell the person's condition, it's best to see it with your own eyes. Otherwise, the attributes of the exercises here are different, and I'm afraid your parents won't be able to use them."

Seeing the attitude of the two brothers, Zhou Xiao speculates: The two brothers' clothes should be from the cultivator family.And Yanlong's secret method of transforming babies is scarce, presumably it is to prepare the method of transforming babies for the ancestors of the family?

Zhou Xiao joked: "Your ancestors can't practice water jue, shall I give you a fire method?"

"Then..." Fu Xiangfeng was about to speak, but Fu Henghua directly interrupted: "It is absolutely impossible to meet in person!"

"Senior is in trouble, we definitely can't take it home."

Just a joke, he still doesn't understand Vodanwei's temper?The old man was a chivalrous man, and he was proud all his life.In case of a good relationship with this senior, maybe he would risk his life to help.

At that time, Beaulieu Island will not be able to bear it at all.

"I can only tell you that the old man's practice is the combination of wind and fire, and he was good at swordsmanship when he was young. It's just that he hasn't used a sword for many years."

Swordsmanship, combined with wind and fire, and surnamed Fu?

"Your ancestor wouldn't be...cough cough..."

Zhou Xiao's eyes darkened, and the alchemy in his body rioted again, and he passed out directly.

"Uncle!" Fu Xuanxing hurried forward, ready to help him perform his kung fu.

With a slight shake of Qian Wansi, she swept away Fu Xuanxing.

"Fu Xuanxing, go on the sidelines. Your idea of ​​two instruments of true energy will not heal your uncle at all."

Walking over, Fu Henghua took a golden needle to do something on Zhou Xiao's forehead, and activated his vitality little by little with good luck.

As the name suggests, Good Fortune True Qi is formed by the good fortune of heaven and earth, and it is good at healing wounds and recovering Qi.

It's really hard for Heng Hua to deal with that devilish energy while administering needles.

Resisting the urge to throw the demon out of the old man, he suppressed the demon with the Xuanhuo Bird Feather Fan, concentrating on healing his wounds.

After a stick of incense, the old man woke up leisurely.

Looking at the seven golden needles on his body, he said clearly, "Seven Stars Fix Yuan Qi?"


It was rare to meet a senior magician, Heng Hua smiled.

Since going out, this is the first person who can see his tricks.

"Your zhenqi is somewhat similar to our Xuanwei Sect. Yin and Yang are unified, which is very good."

Infuriating?Shouldn't it be true yuan?

Fu Xiangfeng was slightly taken aback.Xiao Liu'er's foundation building is almost complete, and his true energy has already extracted his true essence and mana.Could it be that this senior didn't recover, so he said something wrong?
Heng Hua's expression changed slightly, and he was about to change the topic when suddenly the old man grabbed his arm.

"You two are surnamed Fu, who is Fu Danwei?"

"It is the ancestor of the family."

"Third Brother!"

Heng Hua was annoyed for not stopping Fu Xiangfeng.

Can this door be reported casually?Even if you use the name Uncle Seventeen!
"Beautiful Dragon Island... Are you looking for the baby-transformation method for Fulong Sword Immortal?"

Fu Xiangfeng: "Senior comes from the Xuanwei Immortal Mansion, and you are an elder who has passed on the skills, so you can't do it?"

Seeing his disappointed face, Zhou Xiao couldn't tell what mood he was in.

If I want to have this level, I am no longer a Golden Core cultivator.

He smiled wryly and said: "The name of the Fulong Sword Immortal, I have heard about it in Jinfang waters. He is a hero who has been on the gold list for three times. He is a person who has achieved first-class alchemy and is expected to be immortal. The method of transforming babies he wants must be earth For a super immortal, only the Didian Xianjue can melt a first-rank golden pill and refine a baby."

Heng Hua's heart was heavy.

He didn't think that his decades of experience were comparable to Zhou Xiao's hundreds of years of practice.If he thought there was no hope...

"Of course, the old man can't figure it out, because Jin Dan didn't dabble in the exercises of other schools after that. He focused on calculating the Liangyi Taoism of his own sect. Therefore, I don't know much about the inheritance of Fufeng Immortal Palace. But if you Fu family take your own as the criterion , to help him calculate, the success rate is higher than that of an outsider like this old man."

After thinking about it, Zhou Xiao asked: "You are the grandsons of Fulong Sword Immortal, there should be someone named Fu Henghua among your peers, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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