
Chapter 31 Tiantong's Wisdom Raises Dao Seeds, Impersonates Fu Tongjun

Chapter 31 Tiantong's Wisdom Raises Dao Seeds, Impersonates Fu Tongjun
Fu Xiangfeng's heart skipped a beat, and when he turned to look at Fu Henghua, he held back.

Heng Hua covered it with a feather fan, but he was also full of puzzlement.

How could even the Xuanwei Sect know his name?

Jinfang Waters and Yanlong Waters are separated by Yanshui and Baizhen.

So, he waved his feather fan and said softly: "Senior, do you know my younger brother? Under Fu Tongjun, he is about the same age as Henghua's younger brother. They grew up together since they were young, and they have the closest relationship."

Fu Xiangfeng, Xiaoyu, and Hengshou all fell silent.

Hold back, hold back, don't show cowardice, don't show your feet.

It's just that when Fu Henghua pretended to be "Fu Tongjun", the three of them were very angry and funny.

Fu Tongjun is the daughter of Fu Henghua's seventh uncle, born in the same year, the same month and the same day as Fu Henghua.But because of the sorting problem, they often fought and fought when they were children, and their relationship was extremely bad.

Now, he took the initiative to use her name as a lie?
Zhou Xiao: "I don't know. The old man only heard people mention it in the sect. He has the 'Heavenly Wisdom Heart' inherited from the Fu family."

Cultivating families can always benefit from bloodlines.In addition to the "Fengyin" bloodline secret technique that everyone knows, the descendants of the Fu family can awaken part of the talents of the predecessors from time to time.

In terms of Bai Huangtang alone, there are six categories: wisdom heart, sword bone, dragon language, phoenix language, spiritual vision, and double pupils.

Heng Hua said coldly: "Huixin? Heng Hua's awakened natal talent is Phoenix Language, commonly known as 'Niaoyu', which is not very useful on weekdays."

Fu Xiangfeng, who really awakened Feng Yu, felt offended.

What happened to Feng Yu?Although it's really useless, I can understand the words of all kinds of spirit birds, and I got a phoenix fate because of it.

"Little brother, don't be wary. The old man has no ill intentions towards you. Only three people in our Xuanwei Sect know about Huixin."

Quite a lot, okay?

Fu Xiangfeng lowered his face, secretly on guard.

Although there is no distinction between the six talents, the family obviously values ​​wisdom and vision more.

Huixin represents the root of wisdom and comprehension, and is good at acting and calculating, so he is an excellent candidate for practicing "Heluo Suanjing".According to rumors, if you deduce gossip from the Heluo Avenue, you can immediately ascend to immortality.

Spirit Vision is inspiration divination, seeing the past and the future with the eyes, feeling the stars and dreaming.It is also a good candidate for practicing "Heluo Suanjing" to deduce divination.

Among the sixth generation of Baihuangtang clansmen, except for Fu Henghua who possesses the heart of wisdom, only Fu Yaozhen, who ranks fourth, has awakened "spiritual vision".Also because of this talent, Fu Yaozhen was taken away by an outsider to practice early.

Heng Hua recalled that there was an elder Xuanwei sent over to accept disciples, and asked tentatively.

Zhou Xiao smiled and said, "That's the old man's senior brother, the head disciple of the Xuanwei Sect. The reason why I went to your house to accept apprentices is indeed for 'Huixin'."

"That's weird. Before that senior came to Panlong Island to accept disciples, Heng Hua spent all day in the library and never left the island. Where did your faction know about Huixin?"

The Fu family hid Fu Henghua's wisdom, and claimed to be proficient in "Phoenix language", and Henghua even learned some superficial bird language from Fu Xiangfeng when he was a child.

"He once helped a monk from our Xuanwei sect."

Is there such a thing?Why am I not impressed?Before that senior came to Panlong Island, did I meet people from the Xuanwei Sect?

Fu Henghua murmured in his heart, and continued to inquire without showing any expression on his face.

Zhou Xiao: "Dong Moyang, do you remember this name?"

Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Henghua looked at each other, and saw the blankness in each other's eyes.

Who is this, I don't know.

"Eldest brother?" Fu Xuanxing interjected, "Eldest brother, have you been to Yanlong Waters?"

The Fu family brothers still looked puzzled.

Until Fu Xuanxing gestured and said: "Brother has a red Pegasus horse, he likes to wear colorful clothes, and his sword is called 'Yunli'—"

Heng Hua: "That lunatic who was naked and carried the Yunli Sword on his back and ran around Panlong Island three times?"

Fu Xiangfeng: "Brother, that drinking buddy?"

Heng Hua and Fu Xiangfeng suddenly remembered.

Decades ago, someone did visit Beaulieu Island.It is said that it was Fu Xuanhe's good friend, because they lost to Fu Xuanhe in a bet, they ran around the island naked and attracted many people to watch.

"It's him. So his name is Dong Moyang?" Heng Hua looked complicated.

"I remember him. At the beginning... Heng Hua had just started reading and memorizing mantras, and he once said something to him. Later, he suddenly retreated."

"Senior nephew Mo Yang had this chance to see the door of the golden elixir. Not long after returning to the sect, he forged the golden elixir of the Dao. It was also he who told Huixin that he asked his senior brother to accept apprentices. It was only the Fu family who blocked him and finally gave up. "

Zhou Xiaodao: "According to nephew Mo Yang, Fu Henghua has a high level of understanding, and the Fu family intends to cultivate him as a mage. If he hasn't wasted his talent all these years, and he has obtained a large number of infant transformation skills, maybe he can help Fu Henghua." Brother Dao created the secret method of transforming babies."

Self-deduction?Indeed, if there are a large number of Infant Transformation Techniques, it is not impossible to consider them.

Heng Hua got up suddenly: "Brother, you and Xiao Yu take care of Senior. I'll leave."

He ran to the stern, took out the red copper coins and started divination.

Zhou Xiao's realm is high, and there are monsters in his body, Heng Hua can't count his doom, but he can count the lives of himself and the people around him.

"He... what is he doing?"

Fu Xuanxing was confused when he saw Henghua's troubles.

"He is divining good and bad luck, but this spell...'Jiuxuan Tianyi Arithmetic'?"

Zhou Xiao had a strange look in his eyes.

Where did this kid learn Tianyizong's deduction method?

Tianyizong was also established by the disciples left by Taixuanzong.This lineage inherits Taixuanzong's secret calculation technique, and it is in the Jinfang waters like the Xuanwei School, which is famous for its yin and yang, true energy, and qigong.The two are still brothers and sects, and their relationship is very close.

Fu Xiangfeng stood on the side: "Xiao Liu'er likes to read, and has a very good relationship with... and Henghua, so what's the point of being able to calculate?"

Zhou Xiao thought silently: Tianyi arithmetic is really nothing, it is just one of the hallmark divination techniques of Tianyi sect.It is hoped that the "Taixuan Ding Xing Defying Fate Technique" secretly handed down by Taixuanzong can be used to change fate against the sky and bring the dead back to life.


Two quarters later, Heng Hua figured out something.

"The 'trouble' from senior Zhou Xiao must not be taken over. But we can walk with him for a while."

After taking over that trouble, Fu Xiangfeng and Heng Hua died on the verge of death.

But as long as Zhou Xiao is alive, he can resist the trouble himself.As a fellow traveler, the crisis is much smaller.

"If I go with you, before I bury myself in the turtle reef to avoid robbery, I will face several chasing soldiers—— Xiaoyu, bring me a bucket of corn!"

There was a spiritual sound in the wind, and Xiao Yu hurriedly fetched a bucket of corn from the boat.

Heng Hua scratched his finger and drew a circle with blood.Then he grabbed the corn and sprinkled it towards the sky, spewing out a mouthful of good fortune.


The corn was scattered with the wind, and seven grains of rice fell in the circle.

"Another weird fortune-telling device? It seems to have the flavor of praying and cursing."

Seeing Heng Hua's calculations, Zhou Xiao thought to himself: Is this kid really a secret disciple accepted by the Tianyi Sect?How come all kinds of weird fortune-telling methods can do it?Didn't it mean that the fundamental divination method of the Fu family is "Heluo Suanjing"?

Seeing the seven grains of rice, Heng Hua was still worried, so he scooped up a handful of clear water from the water and performed the "water divination technique".

It still shows seven chasing troops.

Finally, a crabapple flower was taken from the house and tested by the method of flower divination.

"Seven people, it's confirmed. And I'm entangled with my foundation building calamity, good or bad."

Life and death each have half.

Do you want to fight?
At this moment, there was an ear-piercing roar from behind Lingfang.

Heng Hua looked up, the purple thunderball was flying like lightning, and it was about to catch up with Lingfang.

With his right hand drawing a talisman in the air, Heng Hua pointed at the water.

"Water mist is illusory, and the dew falls to the sky."

The water light suddenly rose, and the hazy mist and dew formed a big net, blocking the thunderball.

At the same time, Heng Hua used Tianfeng Sword Qi with the other hand.Softer than Fu Xiangfeng, the completely non-aggressive sword energy clings to the fog net.

The cultivator inside the thunderball stopped quickly, carefully observing the mist and dew net.

He could feel that there was a trace of Gangfeng sword energy hidden in the water net.

"Although it's weak, the power of the wind spirit attached to the water net is extremely pure. If you accidentally bump into it, might the sword be piercing through your heart? Be careful."

The monk appeared and watched the water net drop into the water, stretching endlessly, gave up taking a detour, and used all his strength to blast away with the Thunder Jue.

"Open it to me!"

The thunder light is like a fierce tiger, tearing apart the water net with one claw.

so easy?Wait, what about the Wind Spirit Sword Qi?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.The broken water network rolled up a misty mist, and three identical spirit boats sailed in the water.

Seeing the three ships, the monk hesitated.

He could see that it was an illusion, but which ship was real?

"Mirage illusion."

Zhou Xiao looked at Heng Hua who was doing it at the stern, and praised lightly: "Use the mist and dew of the water net as a medium, and use the opportunity of the opponent to break the water net to set up the mirage. My friend has a clever timing and knows a lot of spells."


Heng Hua returned to the bow of the boat: "Senior's injury has not been healed. Of course, I have no ability to heal your injury. All I can do is to relieve your pain and seal the scattered elixir in your body into the hidden body. One set The process will take about three days. After three days, the seniors can keep the foundation, perhaps in the real fire state. No, according to your Jinfang Waters, it floats between the third and fifth floors of the foundation."

The demarcation system of each major water body is different.

Yanlong waters like to subdivide the nine foundation building layers into three realms, while Jinfang waters prefer to use one to nine layers to divide.

"Of course, if you have any secret method, you can keep it until the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, and you can restore the golden core by yourself, as if I didn't say it."

Zhou Xiao smiled wryly: "If there was such a secret technique, the old man would not have ended up in such a situation."

Looking at the golden needle on his body again, the old man pondered: "Seven-star fixation energy recovery method is indeed exquisite, but it can only help the old man lock up the qi, but it cannot help me truly heal my wounds and prolong my life. The old man's situation is more serious than my little brother imagined. "

"Understood. The meridian is cut off, and the dantian is destroyed. Fortunately, the senior is a golden core monk, and the Yin God has become. Now it is the Yin God who forcibly controls the physical body, otherwise he would have passed out and waited to die."

Heng Hua: "To hurt you to this point, it's either a golden core or a transformed baby, in short, we brothers can't afford to provoke you.

"But in these three days, we can walk with you. After three days, I have another way to help you survive. Basically..."

Heng Hua reckoned and said: "Nine days, it can be done."

"The old man is a dying person, can you forcefully continue for twelve days?"

"The shortest is twelve days."

Zhou Xiao lowered his head in thought.

On the [-]th, it was enough to go to Huomen Island to destroy the monsters by myself.

But, can this kid really help him live for twelve days?Even if the direct disciples of Tianyizong come, they can't do it, right?

"You are so troublesome, what request do you have?"

"I helped my senior perform acupuncture for three days, and my ancestor taught three secret methods of transforming babies a day, a total of nine. I will pass it on to Henghua, hoping that with his talent, he can deduce the exercises for my grandfather."

Heng Hua was very comfortable putting on the "Tong Jun" vest, without showing any flaws.

"Three articles a day?"

Zhou Xiao shook his head: "Too little. Anyway, this old man will teach you as much as possible in the past few days. How much you can learn is your ability, but I won't teach you the core method of Xuanwei Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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