
Chapter 32: Greed, Anger, and Ignorance

Chapter 32 The three poisons of greed, hatred, ignorance and ignorance
"In addition to the mysterious method, how many methods of transforming babies do seniors know?"

"This old man has lived for nearly 900 years. I have collected 55 chapters on baby-changing exercises outside of my sect. It depends on how much you can learn. Apart from exercises, you can also teach you the secret spells of Taoism."

Zhou Xiao's will to die has already been born, and he doesn't have much thought of saving his life.

I just worry about that monster, and the safety of my nephew and teacher.

But looking at this confident young man right now, he suddenly remembered himself 800 years ago.

Acting as a mage, reading extensively, and deducing exercises.

A newcomer to Taoism believes that he has learned everything from books and knows everything.

Unruly, confident, high-spirited...

But in reality, not everything can be solved by just relying on the knowledge in books.

Therefore, he was moved to love talents and planned to teach as much as possible.

"Such a little doll is lacking in reality. He needs to be trained to understand that the knowledge in the book is only on paper. Anyway, it is only the last few days, so it is better to remind him of this truth. If possible..."

Back then, Fu Henghua didn't want to join the Xuanwei Sect, so he accepted his elder brother into the Xuanwei Sect, which was not too bad.

But why did this generation of the Fu family train two sorcerers?Could it be that these two boys are tinkering with themselves?Or is this kid more inclined to divination and deduction, or is he the intended disciple of Tianyi Sect?

Heng Hua and Zhou Xiao negotiated the initial conditions, and added: "Senior is a Jindan monk, if you have any ill intentions towards us, the four of us can't fight together."


Zhou Xiao's eyes were subtle, and she subconsciously glanced at the cabin next door.

Heng Hua's heart skipped a beat, and his face remained calm, pretending to be confident.

"I'm helping my senior heal my wounds. In order to prevent my senior from being malicious, I can only ask you to make an oath first. No matter what, you will not harm our party."

Zhou Xiao smiled wryly and shook her head: "The old man looks like this now, how can he have any means to target you?"

Of course!
Comparing heart to heart, replace Heng Hua. In this situation, there are at least three kinds of magic and two kinds of magic skills to get out of the predicament.

Heng Hua didn't believe that the elders of a sect who had read so many books in the Sutra Library couldn't get out of trouble.

Among other things, taking away Fu Xuanxing's fellow disciple, he can definitely survive.

Zhou Xiao noticed Fu Henghua's veiled eyes on Fu Xuanxing, and immediately understood.

He raised his hand with difficulty and made an oath.

"Old man Zhou Xiao swears here that if anyone on this boat has any evil intentions, the thunder will hit the top immediately, and the soul will be scattered."

As soon as the words fell, a golden list loomed in the sky, accepting the oath.

Donglai Gold List!

With a solemn expression, Heng Hua looked at the number one artifact on Donglaiwan Island.

The Jinbang God can cover the waters of ten thousand islands and gather all inspirations.Not to mention the Great Golden Core cultivator, even Huaying, Jiexian and the like cannot escape the lock of the Gold List.As long as the oath is touched by him, and if you try to break the oath, the golden list will fall immediately, and the punishment will come.

Today's various strength rankings in the land of Donglai also rely on the special effects of this gold list.

Seeing what the old man said, Heng Hua was somewhat convinced.

His words included Fu Xuanxing.

"When the little friend of the Fu family rescues and heals his wounds, the old man will teach him Taoism skills every day. If you violate this..."

"That's not necessary. The first oath is enough. For the others, I believe that seniors are human beings."

Later, Heng Hua wanted to make an oath, but was also blocked by Zhou Xiao.

"Forget it. If you really meet an invincible person, take my nephew and escape for your life. Old man, don't worry about it."


Heng Hua said with emotion: "Senior is indeed a gentleman. If my brothers are strong enough, we will definitely help each other with all our strength. It's a pity..."

I really can't beat it.They really couldn't bear the troubles of this senior.

"A mere mirage illusion, break it for me—"

Behind the spirit boat, a series of roars exploded, and the water surface was filled with huge waves, and the illusion that Heng Hua had set up was smashed to pieces on the spot by the huge waves.

Huge waves crashed into the spirit boat, and Heng Hua quickly used the "fixation technique" to stand still.

"The air of copper in the water waves? Is it—a magic weapon?"

Heng Hua looked back and saw a monk in black standing proudly in the air holding a bronze pot.

The innate copper energy continuously sprayed out from the pot to bombard the water surface.

The sound roared in Heng Hua's ears, making his brain buzz.

Not the real fire level, but a monk at the Xuantai level.No, no, this person is——

Heng Hua stared at the monk in black with the goatee.

After the monk appeared, six or seven other monks caught up behind him.One of them was the cultivator who performed lightning technique not long ago.

Li Nanxing held the bronze pot in his hand: "Zhou Xiao, today is your death day!"

Seeing the person coming, Zhou Xiao sighed: "Xing Nan, can you not let go of what happened back then?"

"Hmph, let it go? When you won the position of leader, you took that opportunity and successfully cultivated it into a golden core. As for me, because of the lost opportunity, I am still wasting my time building foundations."

Foundation Establishment Dzogchen is about to forge the Golden Core, but it has been stuck in this realm for at least 300 years.

Heng Hua secretly speculated, and seeing his angry face, he understood why he couldn't cast pills.

The obsession is hard to dispel, and the road enemy hinders.Although the magic power reaches the sky, there is no chance of enlightenment.

The only way is-

Heng Hua looked at Zhou Xiao silently.

Only by killing Zhou Xiao and getting rid of the obsession in his heart, can Li Nanxing cast the pill smoothly.

Among the seven routes, this route is probably the most difficult to deal with.

As for the group of monks next to Li Nanxing, Heng Hua was not at ease.Their clothes were disheveled and their real energy was messy, obviously they were not disciples of any great sect.

Fu Xiangfeng has already stepped forward at this moment: "Fucking Xiangfeng, why do you want to ask senior why he chased and killed Senior Zhou Xiao?"

"Without him, the enemy's ear."

Li Nanxing looked at Fu Xiangfeng coldly, and then at Fu Henghua who was standing beside Zhou Xiao.

"You are not his disciples. If you are passing by, leave quickly. Otherwise, if you fight later, your lives will be lost."

"Thank you senior for your love."

Henghua Shiran came over: "The two of us are monks in the Yanlong water area. When we went out to play, we accidentally rescued senior Zhou Xiao. He is an elder of the Xuanwei sect with a respected status. The senior is entangled with him, and these comrades are chasing after him. If you don’t let go, aren’t you afraid of revenge from the Xuanwei Sect?”

"Haha..." A smile appeared on his stern face, and Li Nanxing shouted, "Zhou Xiao, didn't you even tell these two children what you committed?"

Behind Li Nanxing, the cultivator who cast lightning shouted: "Friends of Yanlong Waters, this person is an outcast from the Xuanwei Sect. Don't be fooled."


Fu Xiangfeng's expression changed.

The reason why he acquiesced in the deal between Heng Hua and Zhou Xiao.It is clear that Xuanwei faction is standing behind Zhou Xiao.Even if you meet enemies, you have to be cautious when facing the golden signboard of Xuanwei Sect.

But if you are an abandoned disciple, then...

"Uncle Master is not an abandoned disciple!"

Fu Xuanxing stood up: "Today, if you dare to treat Master Uncle like this, in the future, my Master will come to the door and settle accounts with you!"

"Fu Xuanxing, I'm afraid you forgot. The killing order was issued by your Xuanwei Sect. Your ancestor, Master Hengyuan, personally said 'life or death'. Even if your master came forward, so what? He dares to follow the same path as us all over the world Fight?"

Heng Hua shook his feather fan and looked at Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao's face was pained.

Yes, this is an order from Master himself.Obviously, because of what he had done, the old man was extremely angry.Forget about 800 years of master-student relationship.

Heng Hua thought to himself: Xuanwei Sect is the orthodox sect of Xuanmen, a big sect in Jin Fang Waters.Even if a scandal happened in his own family, he shouldn't be so fanatical.They must have deep meaning in chasing and killing their own parents and elders.Could it be related to that monster?
"You two friends, this person is an abandoned disciple of the Xuanwei Sect, and the Xuanwei Sect will definitely not protect him. You should leave early, so as not to cause trouble to the Fu family."

Li Nanxing saw the imprint of the Fu family on the Cailuan Lingboat, and guessed the origin of the two brothers Fu Xiangfeng.

Eastern Yanlong, a disciple of the Fu family, he is still unwilling to offend this local snake casually.

"Xiao Liuer, I'll come forward to buy time. You let Fu Xiaodi and Senior Zhou Xiao leave in a boat."

Fu Xiangfeng noticed Li Nanxing's cultivation, and knew that the two of them were no match for each other.But he didn't think that Zhou Xiao had a bad mind and couldn't bear his suffering.I can only help as much as possible and send them away.

But Henghua heard that he was going to use a boat, how could he dare to accept it?

Fu Heyi was sleeping on it.

Therefore, Heng Hua Shi ran forward: "Senior, are you a monk from the Jinfang water area?"

Li Nanxing: "Exactly. I don't want to embarrass you local cultivators, so I retreat quickly."

"Senior has rich experience, so he should know the rules of Yanlong Waters. Don't tell me, you want to fight on the water?"


"Senior Zhou Xiao died alone. It's okay. He is a golden core monk, and his flesh and blood scattered into the water, which strengthened the water goblin. In the end, it will still be a headache for us in the Yanlong water area. Please think twice, senior. Find another place to fight. "

At this time, Zhou Xiao said slowly: "Li Nanxing, you have to settle the old grievances with the old man. Why don't you find an island and have a good fight. But don't make it difficult for Yanlong Waters, otherwise the things under the water..."

Li Nanxing subconsciously looked at the sparkling water.

He knew the reason why Yanlong waters had such strange rules.Not only to guard against the water demon, but also because there is a "monster" locked at the bottom of the water.

The body of any Golden Core cultivator can be restored by sinking into water.

Therefore, the monks are fighting in the Yanlong and Huanglong waters, and the corpses are strictly prohibited from sinking into the water.

"Of course I know Yanlong's rules."

Li Nanxing vibrated the bronze pot, and the innate copper essence turned into a giant hand of vitality to capture the Cailuan spirit boat.

Hengshou quickly opened up the defensive formation, and golden light rose from the surface of the spirit boat, forming a cocoon-like protective layer.

Yuan Tong grabbed Cailuan Lingfang with his hands and threw it viciously at Fufu Reef, fifty miles away.

"It's right here. Zhou Xiao, I will fight with you in a fair and square manner, regardless of life or death."

The Lingfang galloped through the wind, and Heng Hua looked at Li Nanxing's mana, his face turned black: This is not the mana of the ninth floor of foundation building, it is completely golden elixir, right?
 Well, by this chapter, I finally ran out of manuscripts.

(End of this chapter)

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