
Chapter 313

Chapter 313

Wukong rose up in the form of a sword, and went straight to the Mingguang Jiange.

The bright light is also the light of the sun and the moon.

In the past, Fu Changqing and Fu Beidou were known as the "Twin Swords of the Star and the Moon". After meeting Lu Fengyang in Jianxianzhou, the three of them took the Three Swords of the Sun, Moon and Star as friends and traveled all over the world.

Now Lu Fengyang and Fu Changqing are Taoist couples, using the sun and the sun to enter the sword.The husband and wife are one, so the Jiange is called "Mingguang".

Fu Xuanxing and Hengshou were brought by Fu Changqing to participate in the sword fight, which was different from Fu Henghua in Che Chishan.

There are two group battles in mainline sword fighting.

Foundation Establishment vs. Foundation Establishment, Jindan vs. Jindan, shoulder to shoulder!

Whoever stays and puts the sword flag at the gate of the opposite Jiange will win.

Mingguang Jiange played against Zixu Jiange this time.

Two sword pavilions dominate the two peaks, separated by thirty miles.

Huang Xiaorang, the owner of Zixu Pavilion, is Lu Fengyang's senior brother, the second turn of Danxia (Jindan Zhongjing), who helped Lu Fengyang welcome his relatives more than 20 years ago.

But in the sword fight there is no respect for affection, Huang Xiaorang and Lu Fu fought, the purple sword glowed like a sea, and the two swords of the sun and the moon competed for the front.

When Fu Henghua came with his sword, he saw the purple air in the sky thousands of miles away, the brilliance of the sun and the moon pierced through the vast clouds and mist, and the sound of swords clashing could be heard endlessly.

Sensing the power of the sun and the moon in the sea of ​​clouds, Fu Henghua thought: Aunt and uncle really practiced the double cultivation method.

The double cultivation method is a special type of exercise.

Complement each other and speed up the progress of practice.But at the same time, let each other share luck.If one is damaged, the other is also affected.

In Fu Henghua's understanding, the double cultivation method is like a set of special formulas, substituting the data of both parties' exercises into it, so as to adjust it into a unique dual cultivation method exclusive to the two, binding the two together.

Even in the original state, the mana and true essence of the two conflicted.But under the balance of the dual cultivation skills, the mana of the two is also blended like water and milk, and they will not conflict with each other.

Even if the mana of the fire attribute monk is empty, his target is the water attribute monk, and the original mana conflict.But with the coordination of the dual cultivation skills, he can directly mobilize the water attribute essence without converting it into his own mana.

In the state of dual cultivation, the two have the same mana and share the realm of Dao and Fruit.

But this kind of example of binding with others is relatively rare in the world.

One person is enough to become enlightened, so why bother to share the fruit of the Tao with another?

The double cultivation of the Immortal Sect in the World is mostly a divine friendship, and there is no real binding of exercises.

Therefore, the orthodox double cultivation method is more common in the cultivation family.

Fu Henghua's parents and grandparents have all used the dual cultivation skills.But after giving birth to their children, the grandfather and grandmother gave up dual cultivation and went to practice alone.

For a magician, the research and improvement of dual cultivation skills is also a profound knowledge.This kind of performer is called "Hehegong" or "Xuansugu".

When Fu Henghua inherited his parents' inheritance, he was curious to study the double cultivation method used by his parents.But Fu Danwei immediately confiscated this part of the inheritance when he learned about it, and on the grounds that Fu Henghua was too young, he explicitly prohibited Fu Henghua from studying dual cultivation skills.

Now Fu Henghua found an opportunity to hide in the air with an invisible sword intent, spying on Fu Changqing and Lu Fengyang.

Staring at the two of them for a while, Fu Henghua murmured: "Look at the speed at which aunts and the others draw their swords, and the time it takes for mana to recover. It should be the double cultivation method left by grandma?

Apart from the "Heaven's Element Qi", Tiansu Palace's most proud method is the double cultivation method passed down by a certain generation of palace masters.But the double cultivation method was only at the level of the Xuan level, so after Fu Danwei and Mu Yutian had succeeded in cultivation, they were automatically unbound and practiced separately.

But for Fu Changqing and Fu Changqing, their sun-moon method is more suitable for double cultivation than Fu Danwei and Fu Danwei.

Yin and Yang co-exist, and the sun and the moon rotate each other.

I saw gold and silver shining freely in the sea of ​​clouds.

At the last moment, Lu Fengyang still used the Sun Sword Art to fight his senior brother.The next moment, his sword energy suddenly turned into the sun, and the moonlight and frost froze Huang Xiaorang's arm.

"The combination of the two of my aunts is enough to confront the senior of Jindan Rank [-]."

Fu Henghua looked down again.

Sword energy danced between the two pavilions, Fu Xuanxing, Hengshou, Shu Tianci and a few people guarded around the Mingguang Jiange, facing the twelve sword cultivators of the Zixu Jiange.

Not far away, a spiritual qi twirl slowly took shape, and a flying sword appeared from the lantern.


Fu Henghua glanced casually, then lost interest.

And seeing everyone in the two pavilions, this flying sword also appeared at an inopportune time.

Want it, but don't have time to get it.They could only watch helplessly as the flying sword floated away from the second pavilion battlefield and was enveloped by a black sword light in the distance.


Suddenly, the black sword light was defeated.The monk snorted angrily, and the pitch-black sword intent spread around like a dark world.


The next moment, the Netherworld was shattered.A light blue sword energy flashed quickly, and it clashed with the black-clothed monk with thirteen moves.

"Invisible sword?"

No.13 move, the monk's skirt was cut open.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he quickly retreated.

Fu Henghua waited for a while, and a phoenix rose into the sky in the distance, and a female cultivator came with a flaming sword.

Pianran sword dance, like a phoenix dancing.

Tianqing's invisible sword rose again, and he repelled it with twenty strokes.

Hengshou glanced at the lantern.The lantern actually had a flying sword hanging on it, flying towards him flickeringly.

"Hangshou, you put away the flying sword. Don't be in a hurry to refine the twelve gold beads, give it to Fu Xuanxing, and let him warm it up with the scabbard before absorbing it."

During these years of cultivating on Panlong Island, Fu Henghua discovered a magical effect of Fu Xuanxing.

He has a fairy sword scabbard hidden in his body.

If a flying sword is inserted into the scabbard, even if it is only warmed for three days, the quality of the flying sword will be improved.

Therefore, this 20-year period.Fu Xuanxing raised the quality of the flying swords of the entire Fu family by himself.Even Mu Shansheng, Lu Fengyang and others sent their swords to be upgraded.

Fu Henghua was also asked to add treasures to some of the flying swords.

Now, the foundation-building monks in the lower two pavilions are fighting swords.Many flying swords use the handwriting of Fu Henghua Fubao.

"Speaking of which, the senior Juggernaut asked us to help attach treasures and improve the quality of the flying sword. It seems that no money was given? Or did the old man withhold it for us to keep it for us?"

Fu Henghua was full of imagination, and soon left from the Mingguang Jiange.

Hengshou heard his instructions and looked towards the sky.

Not seeing Fu Henghua's auspicious clouds, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I'm afraid the young master came in the incarnation of Wukong?We don't want to build a sword pavilion by ourselves, so he came here in person?
Thinking of this, Hengshou didn't want to get entangled with the group of sword cultivators in front of him anymore.

He performed the "pointing the ground into steel method", his body was as strong as Kunming Steel, and the twelve golden beads turned into twelve flying swords, spinning at high speed and cutting into the battle circle, tearing apart the opponent's siege in one breath.

"Help me!"

Hengshou carried several flying swords to attack, Fu Xuanxing seized the opportunity.

"Liangyi Xuanfeng!"

A gust of wind emerged from the wooden sword, and the wind of yin and yang filled the sky and the earth, and then Lihuo Tianlei blasted the way.The phantom of the Golden Palace swept everyone away, and Heng Shou took the opportunity to retreat.

Shu Tianci seized the opportunity, escaped with his sword to the opponent's Jiange, and planted the sword flag.

He immediately shouted to the sea of ​​clouds in the sky: "Brother, Mingguang Jiange won this match!"

In the sea of ​​clouds, the three sword immortals still refused to give up.

Huang Xiaorang didn't take the initiative to stop Ziyun until two-thirds of it was chopped off by the Sun Moon Brilliance.

Afterwards, Fu Changqing flew down and saw that Hengshou's face and body were covered with sword marks, so he quickly helped him heal his wounds.

"My generation's competition for the order of the Jiange, although it involves spiritual acupoints and sword pools, is more about a battle of spirits. Why do you have to work so hard? If there is something good or bad, how can I explain to Heng Hua and Mrs. He?"


Fu Henghua fled and did not return Che Chishan, but continued to wander in Jianxianzhou, looking for natural materials and treasures everywhere.

In Xianxianzhou, the rule is to speak with the sword.

Relying on the "Jade Cauldron Pill" and the invisibility effect of the invisible sword, Fu Henghua frequently snatched away treasures of heaven and earth.

When returning to Che Chishan, Fu Henghua completed another 200 million cycles.

The wind howled and the water filled the sky.

Seeing Ji Guangchun covering the mountains with sword intent, Fu Henghua looked at the foot of the mountain in surprise.

The flames were blazing, Ling Tianchou and the two servants activated their sword energy, trying to find an opening in the wind wall.

"Why are they here? They have nothing to do and come to the Sword Pavilion?"

Fu Henghua laughed immediately.

"Zhengchou has no place to study the 'Li Gua', so someone sent it here."

Fu Henghua has obtained the Zhenxun Kandui Four Hexagrams.

From the perspective of the four directions, Zhen is east, Dui is west, Kan is north, and Li is south.

Only the Li Gua is needed, and the Houtian Quartet Gua can be assembled.

"Those who practice the eight trigrams in the Fu family can transform themselves into infants by refining the four directions of the day after tomorrow. Therefore, Li Gua is a must for my family."

Fu Henghua's eyes flickered, he was not in a hurry to show up, and silently calculated and studied Ling Tianchou's methods in the air.

Today's Fu Henghua is no longer the boy who fought against Ling Tianchou in the East China Sea.

Over the past 20 years, he has conducted in-depth research on the four hexagrams of "Yitian Bajishu", and compiled half of the "Bajishu". His attainments have surpassed Ling Tianchou's.

After a cup of tea, he shook his head and said, "This person's Li Gua is only superficial, and there is no trace of heavenly Taoism! We still have to start with Yang Dai."

Seeing that Ji Guangchun's mana couldn't last, the invisible sword quietly stabbed Ling Tianchou from behind.

At this point in time, Fu Henghua had already calculated the cover of Ling Tianchou and the three of them.

With just this one blow, Ling Tianchou lost all of his mana, and his whole body collapsed to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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