
Chapter 314

Chapter 314
Ji Guangchun carried Ling Tianchou and one person on each side to the corridor.

Fu Henghua appeared.

"Brother Wukong, how to deal with these three people?"

How to deal with it is indeed a difficult problem.

He has already defeated him. According to the sword fighting rules, he should be let go.

But Ling Tianchou has Li Gua inheritance on him, although there is only a little superficiality, but Fu Henghua still hopes to squeeze out something.

"Keep it for now until he wakes up."

Heng Hua draws three talismans and locks up the Niwan Palace of the three of them.

While Ji Guangchun was practicing his sword, Fu Henghua quietly used the secret technique of the heavenly demon to arouse the sword energy of the heavenly evil.

The sky turned clear and evil, and wanton and surging evil thoughts surged in the house.The three real rings of the holes showed their power at the same time, and the phantom of the three Taoists squeezed the Dao seal with their hands, and worked together to detain the evil spirit, ensuring that Ji Guangchun outside the house would not notice it.

Holding the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi in his hand, Fu Henghua pointed at Ling Tianchou: "Go!"

Heavenly Demon Zhannian Sword poured into the brain.The mysterious and evil sword energy imitates the illusion of the Seven Saints, pulling Ling Tianchou's consciousness in the illusion, and going back to the past bit by bit.

Ling Tianchou is the new generation of the orphan of the Ling family who grew up in Nanzhou, and his mother is a female disciple of the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

As a child, he remembered growing up in the Chiyuan Taoist sect.My father often reminded me of my family's past in Dongzhou, as well as my hatred with the Wei, Bao, and Cheng families.

Through the illusion, Fu Henghua observed the Chiyuan Taoism little by little, and learned about the customs of Nanzhou.

Nanzhou is famous for its Talisman Dao, and Shenzhou is far smaller than Donglai in terms of area, and is divided into three major plates.After the Chiyuan Taoist Jupai migrated, they took root in You Continent.They used the "method of moving mountains" to arrange thousands of mountains according to Chiyuan Taoism, and reconstructed the right continent into a human body map of mountains and rivers.In this way, the foundation of Chiyuan Mountain Law is maintained.

On the other hand, the comprehension worlds of the two continents on the left and the middle were in chaos, dominated by demon forces.

In Nanzhou, there is also the saying of "devil emperor".But compared to the Xuanming Devil Emperor in the Eastern Region, the three Great Devil Emperors in Nanzhou maintain the gold content of the Shenzhou era, and their realm is equivalent to that of an immortal.

There are 33 demon kings under the three demon emperors, and each of them has the realm of robbery.

Ling Tianchou doesn't remember much about the two continents in the middle left.He only went there once with some fellow disciples after the foundation was established.The rest of the time, they were in the Right Continent ruled by the Chiyuan Taoist faction.In fragmentary memories, those two continents are scenes where the people are struggling and the monks are domineering.

Fu Henghua watched his life bit by bit.

The Ling family was taken in by the Chiyuan Taoist sect, and the conditions and treatment were very good.With the help of a clansman who has awakened the wisdom of heaven, the Chiyuan Taoist school has completely completed the deduction of Li Gua and integrated it into its own Taoism system.

It's a pity that the Chiyuan Taoist sect has been passed down continuously.The defensive measures left over from China are still in effect.In Lingtianqiu Niwan Palace, there is a Chiyuan Danxin seal to prevent outsiders from prying into Chiyuan Taoism.

Although Fu Henghua tried his best to use the secret method of the heavenly demon, he couldn't get through his defenses, he couldn't spy on the "Li Gua" interpreted by the Chiyuan Taoist school, and he couldn't even analyze Ling Tianchou's route of action.

He can only know from Ling Tianchou's life story that the Chiyuan Taoist school completely integrated the Li Gua into their own Taoism.Integrating with the originally inherited half of the "Hunyuan Gold Medal", it is compatible with the Taoism of the mountain and the fire.

The mountain is defensive and the foundation of practice.The Chiyuan sect is a layman, and there are five skills of fortune-telling ordered by mountain doctors.The mountain is its head.It is self-cultivation and exercise, the fundamental secret of longevity.

The fire method is an attack, and it is a method of killing.Because Shanfa used the spiritual power of the earth veins, after leaving the territory of Chiyuan, the disciples lost the support of the earth, and their combat power was reduced by [-]%, so they had to use the fire method to make up for the weakened combat power.

Originally, this fusion model was rather inconvenient, but the orphan of the Ling family brought part of the inheritance of Fufeng Immortal Palace.Among them is a formula that was born out of "Hunyuan Gold Medal".It was realized by the eight generations of palace masters when they went to Jinsheng Palace to observe the wordless stele.

Combined with this formula, the orphan of the Ling family became the elder of Chuangong, and he has helped the Chiyuan Taoist sect to complete the heavenly scriptures for a lifetime.

"The stele in the grandma's mausoleum?"

Fu Henghua's heart skipped a beat.

"Should I also find a chance to go there and have a look?"

Ling Tianchou's memories continued to emerge, but they were all trivial things.

Simply, Fu Henghua used the secret magic of the heavenly demon on the two people next to him, and began to dig out their memories.

These two are the sons of the Ling family.

Parents died while fleeing to protect the three orphans of the Ling family.Afterwards, the Ling family settled down properly and created the two brothers using the method of cultivation family secrets.

Except for them, the rest of the Ling family's servants and even the direct descendants were also born in this way.

"Do you hide the essence and seal the yuan?"

This kind of blood inheritance method also exists in the Fu family.

The principle is very simple, to preserve the essence of life for some of the clansmen.After arriving in a safe place, seal the seed of life into the spirit vein, and then a group of clansmen can be reproduced.

Fu Henghua skipped this paragraph and continued to look back.

The lives of these two Ling family guards are very monotonous.In addition to cultivation is cultivation.After cultivating to Foundation Establishment, they were sent to Ling Tianchou's side, and the three of them crossed the sea together.

Apart from avenging their ancestors during this trip, the three of them also had another purpose.

Dedicate the Xun hexagram of the Fu family to the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

Fu Henghua sneered: "I have already joined other sects. Even though I was the first of the Fufeng Six Clans, I am no longer qualified to be in charge of the Fufeng Taoism."

After thinking about it, Fu Henghua thought: Whether it is Xun Gua or Baji Shu, my Fu family will also fight for it.

The Bajishu is the existing heavenly book, which is most in line with the method of Fujiaheluo.

Looking at the three of them, Fu Henghua made a formula with both hands, and spit out a wisp of natal essence.

It is different from the true essence of good fortune that was used in the past.This true essence was conceived and nurtured in his body for 30 years.

Falling indoors, the dead branches of the vase will immediately grow new shoots.

One by one, the strange magic patterns were injected into the natal true essence, and refined into the Taoist embryo with the secret method of heavenly demon.Afterwards, the Eight Diagrams Furnace rose from under the Dao tire.

In the raging fire, the Dao embryo condensed into three black-purple demon seeds.

"go with!"

With a flick of the fingers, the three demon seeds were thrown into the three people's bodies respectively, and they were hidden in the three acupoints of Renzhong, Weilu and Yongquan respectively after circulating around.

These locations are important and private, and most people would never go to these three places to check.Back then, Fu Henghua used this method against Wei Xingyu.Bet that the spiritual consciousness of the Jindan cultivators of the Wei family would not look at Wei Xingyu's soles and crotch.And as the heavenly demon's strange energy takes root, combined with the gas of good fortune and the fusion of the acupoints, it will help the other party to practice.Until a certain moment, the heavenly demon's strange energy condensed into a demon seed, devouring the opponent's blood.

Of course, Fu Henghua's improved secret technique does not have that kind of lethality, it only has the purpose of monitoring and spying on exercises.But now that Fu Henghua is using it, he can ensure that Yang Dai, who has just entered the Golden Core, will never discover his own methods.

"After all, I lost another 30 years of lifespan in order to cover up the demon seeds. I specially used the evil way of 'shadowless method' to hide the traces of the demon seeds."

Looking at the three unconscious people, Fu Henghua secretly thought: It is also your blessing.With my good fortune demon seed, I can save your life when encountering a life-and-death crisis in the future.

The good fortune demon seed is rooted and alive, and can exist forever as long as it does not die.And at the moment of life and death, you can turn the demon seeds into life, leaving them with their last breath.

At the same time, Fu Henghua can sense the location of the monster.If there is time, they can rush over to collect the corpse.

Heng Hua continued to watch the memory of the three.

Until he saw a familiar face in the memory of a servant.

"Fu Tianer?"

That was a stranger from the Fu family who practiced "Heavenly Ear Lingtong". He was of the same generation as Fu Tiancang, and he came from Baiyutang.He was born with strange ears and could hear movements ten miles away.Therefore, it is called "Tian Er".This talent came from his mother, not the blood talent inherited from the Fu family.

"Isn't he dead?"

Fu Henghua remembered that he had died just like his father, mother, and eldest brother in the demon tide set off by Yansheng Dragon King 60 years ago.

But in this servant's memory, when they were walking from Nanzhou to the sea, they had seen Fu Tianer in Haikou.

Reminiscent of his own guess, Fu Heng Huayin realized something.

"Fake death? And the Fu family may not be alone?"

Fu Henghua urged the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi with all his strength, recalled the memories of the three of them, and observed them bit by bit.

In the end, it was Fu Henghua who couldn't hold on mentally and had to stop.

I only saw Fu Tian'er, but no one else.But if the guess is true, someone from the Fu family did go to Nanzhou.And, Big Brother might still be alive.

Fu Henghua went out to look at the sky and observed the stars in the night sky.

Be it Fu Tian'er or Fu Xuanhe, the stars of their natal life have all disappeared.

Even if Fu Henghua observes with his discerning eyes, he can't see the slightest trace of falsehood.

"At Fu's house, I can hide my stargazing skills. Unless the seventeenth uncle, grandfather and grand uncle personally do it. Grandfather...impossible."

Fu Xuanhe is the heir he placed high hopes on, how could he be willing to let Fu Xuanhe fake his death?

"With Uncle Seventeen's character, he can't do this kind of feigning death to leave a way out."

After thinking about it, Fu Henghua's suspicion can only fall on the Great Elder.

In addition to the matter of the Ling family, Fu Henghua simply took up a pen and sent a letter to the First Elder.

Remind the Ling family to snoop on the Xun hexagram without mentioning it. I seem to have seen my eldest brother and Fu Tian'er active in Tianyang.


Standing on the highest peak of Fengtong Island, Fu Ruiying was very dissatisfied as he watched the prosperity of Fu's family.

"Shuiyueyin's assembly line has been completed. Next, we can join the gold essence industry and fight a price war with Baizheng.

"The third sample of dragon blood has been completed, you can try to find someone to try.

"There is also the spirit boat. The Cheng family and the Bao family finally started to let go. The remaining two of the four ships are expected to be obtained."

At this time, he received a letter from Fu Henghua.

After seeing it, the smile on his face disappeared.

"See Fu Tian'er and Fu Xuanhe? Are you kidding me?"

The old man muttered to himself: "But this kid dared to speak like this, he must know something. The Ling family, Nanzhou. Could it be that the people of the Fu family were noticed over there?"

Thinking that the Ling family might anger the children of the Fu family, the old man couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"It seems that Ling Tianchou must be told earlier to get us out of that incident back then. If necessary, we can counterattack them."

After fetching pen and ink, he wrote back a note to Fu Henghua.

"Don't worry, if the Ling family visits, the old man has a way to deal with it. You can try to make them come to visit in a fair manner. If they refuse to come, let them go to Fengmen Island. There are things that the old man will help them keep."

Fu Henghua was surprised when he saw the reply.

Because Fengmen Island is far away, Fu Henghua specially sent a note to Taiji Treasure Realm, asking Fu Pingdao, who is currently on Fengmen Island, to help check it.

Fu Pingdao has now obtained the Liangyi Sword among the Fu Family's Nine Swords.

He searched the island for a week, communicating with Fu Henghua from time to time.Finally, I saw a tomb in a hidden cave.

"Tomb of Ling Tianyue."

"Tomb of Ling Xuanming."

"Tomb of Ling Xuankong."


The densely packed tombs filled the dark space, Fu Pingdao was terrified, and hurriedly sent a message to Fu Henghua.

Ling's tomb?

Obviously, the three families of Wei, Bao, and Cheng would not be kind enough to build a tomb for the Ling family.

And the only person who is willing to do this is the Great Elder.

"When the Ling family was wiped out, the Great Elder thought that there might be orphans in the Ling family. He was ready to sell favors and take the Fu family out?"

(End of this chapter)

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