
Chapter 315 Xinglong's Destiny to Shi Shanyuan

Chapter 315 Xinglong's Destiny to Shi Shanyuan

Ling Tianchou woke up and found that the three of him were unconscious in a forest.

"We are..."

Recalling that he was finally defeated by that monk Che Chishan.

"So, we were thrown out?"

He sat up, and suddenly a sword light flew across the sky.


Not far away, a young man in white fell into a big pit.

Before Ling Tianchou could understand, the man stood up cursing and happened to see Ling Tianchou staring at him.

"What are you doing, haven't you seen a sword fight?"

He was defeated, and his heart was burning.An evil thought welled up in his heart, and he simply directed towards Ling Tianchou.

"Seeing how embarrassed I am, if I turn around and tell this person, wouldn't I lose all face?"

With a flash of cold light, the thirteen flying swords locked Ling Tianqiu Yintang, throat, heart, limbs and other important parts.

Can't dodge, there are still changes behind his swordsman!Ling Tianchou made a quick decision, and the Samadhi fire rose in front of his chest with a Taiji diagram.

But he soon discovered that only [-]% of the mana in his body had recovered, and the operation was obscure.

"Not good, I was thrown down at Chechi Mountain, and my mana has not recovered yet."


The Taiji diagram exploded, and the flames shot towards the surrounding mountains and forests.

A streak of cold light passed through Ling Tianchou's body, he resisted the sword in his chest at the last moment, and rolled on the spot to save his life.


Seeing two unconscious people in the distance, the young man in white drew his sword again.

Let's see if you can save people!

Seeing two cold lights flying towards his two unconscious guards, Ling Tianchou felt a war between heaven and man.

And the body involuntarily leaned over, summoned up the last mana, and activated a talisman on his body.

The red light turned into a barrier, protecting the three of them.

Time can only last ten fingers, but it can block the attack of the Jindan cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist, my brother is a Golden Core cultivator, not far away. If you stop now, I will pretend nothing happened."

Looking for a backer?
The young man in white gave a grin, and grabbed it with his backhand, thirteen cold lights condensed into a cold moon sword.

Kill you, destroy the corpse, and let the father cover it up.So what if Senior Brother Ni knows?Come to Sword Immortal Continent to seek revenge?Golden core monks, who doesn't have one yet!

The Hanyue sword kept cutting towards the light screen.


After ten snaps, the barrier shattered, and the cold light was aggressive.

"Fellow Daoist, show mercy!"

As the breeze blew past, Fengming rang out.

The Spiritual Sword blocked the Hanyue Sword, and Fu Xiangfeng arrived in time.

"It's you?"

The expression of the white-clothed young man changed: "What? You defeated me, and you still won't give up after getting that wind-fixing bead?"

Fu Xiangfeng made a salute to Feng Jishou: "Fellow Daoists and I use swords to decide the outcome, and when the sword is stopped, the grievances and grievances will disappear. This time, I saw that Fellow Daoists were wounded, so I came to send nectar to heal the wounds. Excuse me, what did these three friends offend?" Fellow?"

The young man in white saw Fu Xiangfeng take out a bottle of nectar, and knocked the porcelain bottle to the ground with a cold light from his backhand.

"You don't need to pretend to be kind, hypocritical—"

He turned around and fled in the cold light.

Fu Xiangfeng shook his head.

Senior Liu's family is unlucky.

He turned around and bowed his hands to Ling Tianchou:
"Follow me, Xinxuan, what do you call fellow Taoist?"

At this time, the two guards came to life.

Seeing Fu Xiangfeng, the two were on alert instantly.

Ling Tianchou hurriedly signaled them to stop, and looked at the handsome man in Tsing Yi in front of him.

Why are the Fu family here?Yes, they are related to Jianxianzhou, and they are here to visit relatives.

Then got involved in a sword fight and happened to save me.

Ling Tianchou's heart was pounding.

Fu family, this is the first real contact with Fu family.

Unexpectedly, he directly accepted a favor from him.

Ling Tianchou had mixed feelings in his heart, but he still thanked him honestly.

Fu Xiangfeng put away the nectar on the ground, and said to the three of them, "I'm resting not far away. If fellow Taoists don't dislike it, you can come to Lingyun Jiange to heal your injuries. On our side, there is a female cultivator who is proficient in medical skills."

Ling Tianchou lingered in his heart for a while, and nodded silently.

"I'm tired."


"Sow it by fate, and wait for another day."

Fu Henghua sat in Che Chishan, smiling and looking at the star Zhenlong who evolved from Shenluo Tianshu.

Since you want to sell favors to the Ling family, you might as well do more.

He played tricks on Ling Tianchou and the three of them, and he has condensed the lives of the three of them.

While thinking, Fu Henghua attracted another sword cultivator who had been defeated by him.

Fu Xiangfeng took the three of them to find Xiaoyu to heal his injuries, and they met another monk on the way.

It happened that a treasure fell in the air, and several people quickly took precautions.

In the end, seeing the three people around him, Fu Xiangfeng voluntarily gave up this opportunity and let the monk take away the magic weapon.

Seeing this, Ling Tianchou felt a little guilty.

"It's just a flying sword, and I don't lack this thing."

Several people came to Lingyun Jiange.

Xiaoyu is healing the sword maids of Yuyin Jiange,

The outcome of Yuyin Jiange and Lingyun Jiange has been divided.

With the help of Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Liuhui and others, Lingyun Jiange successfully penetrated the sword array of Yuyin Jiange.And Sun Zhuoyun also defeated He Xianyin, another disciple of the Juggernaut.

Now, the two sides stop.

He Xianyin talked with senior brother Sun Zhuoyun on Taoism.

Her servants were treated by Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, come here and heal these three fellow Taoists."

Seeing the female cultivator holding the white jade bottle in her hand and casting spells to heal the injuries of the girls, Ling Tianchou's heart skipped a beat.

"Is it her? He Xiaoyu? So, Fu Henghua is here?"

He looked around, and although he saw Fu Liuhui, he didn't see Fu Henghua and another guard, He Hengshou.

Xiao Yulian approached, saw the large and small sword marks on Ling Tianchou's body, and lightly scattered the Yangyang branch.

The Sanguang Lingshui, carrying the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars, flew to him twinklingly to heal his injuries.


Xiaoyu suddenly felt something, and looked at Ling Tianchou carefully.

Suddenly, thousands of white lights appeared behind her, and a white jade statue faintly appeared.

Taking a photo of the three people, it can be seen that the Niwan Palace of the three people has been sealed up, and the meridians in the body have also been locked by secret methods.

Although this method has been improved, it has a somewhat familiar taste.

The Heavenly Demon secret technique will automatically disappear after an hour without leaving any trace.

Xiao Yu murmured in his heart, and swept away all traces with his hands.

The young master is here?

With his book-loving and quiet nature, the main body categorically refused to come out of the library.

So, Goku incarnate?With Jade Cauldron Pill?
Xiaoyu was angry and worried, after healed the wounds of the three, he went to the Taiji Treasure Realm to pass the letter and talk to Fu Henghua.

I thought silently in my heart, how to discuss with Hengshou later.

How did she know that Hengshou got the news first.But he thought she was thinking too much, so he didn't plan to tell her right now.


Fu Henghua was sitting in the mountain, and when he received Xiaoyu's news, he was immediately happy.

"It seems that the three of them have already passed. The next step is to try to lure them to Fengmen Island."

He wrote down his instructions, signaling that Fu Liuhui would remind Ling Tianchou later.

The note was sent, he thought silently.

"The Great Elder helped the Ling family to repair the tomb, so there must be other backers.

"Pick my family out, and make the Ling family feel guilty about us. It should be prepared from the past hundreds of years ago. Before the family is destroyed, the Ling family may form a relationship with our Fu family? The elder deliberately let the Ling family alone People provoke my family, let them make mistakes and then make things big——

"No, the Ling family is not stupid. The elder did not have the highest voice in the Fu family. So it should be a coincidence.

"Occasionally, something happened between the Ling family and the Fu family, and the Ling family was at fault."

Being in the Eastern Region, friction is inevitable.

"The Great Elder pushed the flames and made this matter darker and darker. If Ling Tianqiu came to question, why didn't the Fu family help at the beginning. The Great Elder brought up this matter, saying that the Ling family was sorry for the Fu family in advance. As a result, the Fu family was united in three families. remain neutral.

"Then say a few more words. Back then, I didn't expect the three families to dare to destroy the family, and put on a gesture of regret. Then I brought up the fact that I helped repair the tomb?"

Isn't it easy for a person like the Great Elder who has lived for a thousand years to deceive a young man?

Even if the Ling family doesn't agree, it doesn't matter.

When the news got out, the reputation of the Fu family was not hindered in the slightest, and people from all walks of life could win a lot of good reputation after learning about it.

After thinking clearly, Fu Henghua was completely relieved.

There are sensible people in the family who laid the groundwork hundreds of years ago, so what do you need to worry about?

Just look at the Jiange in front of you!

Fu Henghua holds the Jade Cauldron Pill, and also practices the Tianqing Invisible Sword, which is good at insidious people and sneak attacks from behind.

He fought many sword repairmen in Che Chishan, and finally gathered all eighteen tokens.

Eighteen auras rose from Mount Chechi, and the Jiange in the mist slowly revealed its true colors.

Colorful pavilions with emerald screens, vermilion windows with green windows, and bitter sword intent overflowing from under the pavilions.

"Brother Dao, the Jiange has come out!"

Ji Guangchun looked at the door excitedly.

Then he thought of something, put down the action of pushing the door, and asked Fu Henghua to open the door first.

"It's okay, if you want to go, fellow daoist, go first."

Ji Guangchun shook his head.

"This is the dojo won by fellow daoists, so you should come here."

The round-faced boy smiled, rolled up his sleeves, and pushed open the gate of the Jiange.

With a whoosh, three red, yellow and blue sword lights shot at Fu Henghua.

With one move of his hand, the three-hole golden ring quickly encased the three swords.

"Huh? Is this also sword energy?"

Like the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi, it is a spiritual creature that has been nurtured by the essence of the sun and the moon for thousands of years.

Ji Guangchun said happily: "Sure enough, this is the sword energy left by the senior brother. Brother Dao, the sword pavilion here was originally owned by one of the teacher's early disciples. He failed to cross the tribulation back then and failed to condense the sword fetus."

This refers to Mu Shansheng's disciple when he was young.At that time, disciples did not look at their realm or aptitude, but relied entirely on their emotions.

But there are very few of those disciples who can become sword immortals.Three of them stayed until the end, and they owned Jiange during their lifetime.Mu Shansheng sealed the Jiange and dragged it to these three lands for the monks who established the foundation to practice, which can be regarded as the end of some regrets in his heart.

"The three swords of heaven, earth and man are the way of the sword that my brother practiced back then. The sword energy here should be left by my brother before his death. The teacher has sealed it here, and left it for those who are destined."

"Has no one got this Jiange all this time?"

"Building foundation sword cultivators to compete for the sword pavilion is rare, and the winners are even fewer. It is said that when opening the sword pavilion, they need to meet a test from the owner of the sword pavilion. If they cannot pass, they will not be allowed to enter the sword pavilion.

"Is there another saying? Duan Xun didn't tell me?"

Mu Shansheng is partial to his early apprentices.

Although I want Jiange to welcome the new owner.But he refused to let the traces of the disciples disappear completely, so he left the proud methods of the three disciples in Jiange as a test.

If you can't get through, it's not that I stop you and don't let you settle in.

It's you guys who are too useless!

"Among the three sword pavilions, the one next door often changes hands. Because the test in it has been revealed, it is a set of ten thousand sword formulas. The cracking method is widely spread among the same sect."

Knowing that there is a lot of competition over there, Ji Guangchun came here.

He looked nervously into the Jiange, as if looking for the test of this Jiange.

Suddenly, Fu Henghua looked at the golden ring in his hand.

When the three rings locked the sword qi, three completely different profound qi emerged from the sword qi, forming a three-talented sword array to cover Fu Henghua...

Ji Guangchun was startled: "The test here is the Three Talents Sword Formation? No wonder those brothers who collected the tokens never mentioned it! They are afraid that they will not give up and plan to continue challenging this sword formation?"

The three-talented sword array looks simple and unpretentious, but in fact it is all-encompassing.

Coupled with Mu Shansheng's secret interference, the power of the sword array is no less than the full attack of a fake alchemy monk.Only by finding a flaw in the formation gate can there be a chance to escape.

When Ji Guangchun was worried, Fu Henghua suddenly appeared again, and the three sword qi were completely swallowed by the three-hole golden ring.

"So fast?"

From entering the formation to breaking the formation, you don't even have five snaps of your fingers, right?
Fu Henghua looked at Jin Huan who was starting to upgrade, and muttered: "Sword array? Playing array in front of me? Do you know who my son is?"

 It is said that there has been a monthly ticket activity recently, and one of the monthly tickets will open a special episode or something.

  Do you want to see it?
  If you want to read it, let me think about some extra topics that have nothing to do with the outline of the main text?
  Heng Hua sneaked around and played magic tricks when he was a child.

  When the old man was young, he used swords in the rivers and lakes.

  The boss went to Nanzhou to develop.

  The different styles of Tai Chi friends on the next continent?

  Only these four come to mind for now.

(End of this chapter)

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