
Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Yuxia Mountains.

Fu Danwei looked at the "Bodhi Leaf" sent by Fu Bozhao and Fu Boluo.

After the brothers told about Lin Hai's experience, Fu Danwei threw himself into the green leaf with a wisp of consciousness.


Spiritual consciousness instantly entered the other space.

The blue light is faint and full of vitality.

"It's similar to Tianxuan Daotai, but not as complete and rigorous."

The space wall is very weak, and can only accommodate spiritual consciousness above Yinshen level.

Under the protection of good luck, there is no need to worry about mental loss.

"With the barren ancient forest sea as the core, put the power of the tree kings from all walks of life into the void, and construct a Bodhi Dharma Realm?"

Fu Danwei silently recited "Bodhi" several times in his heart.

"This place is somewhat similar to the Quicksand River that the third child mentioned."

In previous years, the third son went to Xuanwei faction to visit his adopted son.In a glimpse, you can see the mystery of Yuting Mountain and Liusha River.

But the master of Hongwen Pavilion knew the interest, and didn't have a deep understanding of the secrets of the Xuanwei sect.After returning, I only told my old father that Yuting Mountain heals the physical body, while Liusha River is related to the spirit and can heal mental injuries.

Soon, Fu Danwei saw figures of other monks appearing in the "Bodhi Dharma Realm", all of whom were Jindan, Yuanying and the like.

When he saw Sun Zhuoyun, Fu Danwei walked over directly.

Sun Zhuoyun was also very happy to see Fu Danwei, and the two chatted enthusiastically.

When Fu Danwei asked about his grandson's condition, Sun Zhuoyun smiled and said, "Which grandson?"

"Several boys talk about it."

"They're all fine!" Sun Zhuoyun first talked about the brothers Fu Xiangfeng and Peng Mingmin.

"These boys are very good in the Eight Sects Formation, and all of them are polite. It is said that Senior Hengyu has agreed to send Fu Baimin to Liangyi Dao."

Fu Danwei had expected this matter, but he didn't care about it.

"What about Xiao Liuer? In my family, this child is the most worrying."

"He? He's even stronger." Sun Zhuoyun praised Fu Henghua frequently, without any hesitation in his praise.

"You haven't seen that when the Five Elements Mountain, a super Taoist technique came out that day, it directly turned tens of thousands of monsters into vitality, and all the injuries on our bodies were also healed.

"When the two tiger kings saw him, they didn't dare to continue entanglement, so they turned around and ran away. There is also the Scarlet Flame Tiger King in front. Although he used my master's sword talisman, he made great efforts."

Fu Danwei nodded with a smile, asking a few questions from time to time.And in my heart, I kept an account silently.

Dare to fight the demon king?

Also indiscriminately cast the heavenly Taoism?
It's okay, I'll take it easy when I get back.

"Fellow Daoist, look for an opportunity later, please bring him to Yuxia Mountain——"


The bell rang in the Bodhi Dharma Realm, and a bright sun appeared in the sky.

Lord of Heaven!

The two stopped talking, and stood there waiting for Lord Tongtian to show up.

When the purple-clothed Taoist appeared, several Jiexians appeared one by one.

Looking at the Bodhi Dharma Realm, Meng Chenjie said in praise: "These tree kings also know the way. They have done us such a big favor, and we can take care of them when we walk in Yizhou later."

Acting Pavilion Master: "Just like the practice of spirit beasts."

The Bodhi Dharma Realm was originally built by the Bodhi Taoist in the ancient forest.

But now with the support of tree kings from all walks of life, the spiritual power of several forests is gathered in one place to form an illusory spiritual realm.Afterwards, the tree kings sent their wooden orders and leaf talismans to the strongholds of the major human monks.

Borrowing the secret treasure made by this kind of tree king, you can communicate with the corresponding Linhai tree king, and go to the Bodhi Dharma Realm under the guidance of the tree king.

The acting cabinet master saw the beauty of this move.

Not only at present, but also in the future, it will be very convenient for monks to move around in Yizhou.

At this moment, the tree king and Renxiu seem to be mutually beneficial.Therefore, he is not stingy with taking care of him.

"Senior," a monk suddenly asked after everyone had arrived, "Now that the Bodhi Dharma Realm is connected, are we going to close the net?"

Lord Tongtian smiled and said, "That's right, with the help of Bodhi Dharma Realm, we can communicate with each other, and we don't have to be careful to guard against the sneak attack of the demon king."

The blockage of information caused the human race grandmaster to hesitate to act, and cautiously guarded the cloud pillars everywhere.

If you go out alone, if you encounter a few demon kings besieging you, wouldn't it be troublesome?
When the other masters got the news, they were blocked by the river of fire in the middle earth, and they couldn't go directly to save people.

To this day, in the face of the raging river of fire, monks have not been able to find an absolutely complete and correct path.

But with the "Bodhi Domain" provided by the tree kings, the masters can finally maintain contact, just like the Tianxuan Daotai in hand.

"Besides, Linhai tree kings know Yizhou better than we do. Bodhi Taoist made an agreement with us that the tree kings will guide us and ensure that we walk on the safe route of the river of fire and the wall of fire."

Yan Yuyuan suddenly asked: "Bodhi Taoist, Bodhi Dharma Realm. In other words, he is now the leader of the tree kings? Is he really a sacred tree that exists in China??"

Zhou Xiao and Tian Shuzi had strange expressions. Seeing each other's expressions, they looked at each other speechlessly.

Lord Tongtian nodded slightly: "Bodhi Taoist went to the ancient forest with Zhou Xiao, the elder of the Xuanwei Sect, and inherited the throne of the ancient tree king. Under his leadership, the Shenmu tribe and us formed an alliance to quell the chaos in Yizhou. "

Yan Yuyuan showed joy: Sure enough, my guess was confirmed.Friends Bodhi is really a tree spirit.

He doesn't discriminate against the heterogeneous, but has more confidence in Tianyanshu's plan.

There is a tree king, no, it is the whole Shenmu clan who helps.Wouldn't the success rate of the "Evolution Tree" plan by myself and others be greater?
The host continued:
"The monster clan performed the technique of blood sacrifice. At the cost of sending the clan to the five cloud pillar strongholds, they collected tens of thousands of demon spirits and built nine blood pools in an attempt to give birth to nine robber immortals in one go. Now, the location of the blood pool has been taken by my Zihuang Pavilion. The calculation is over."

"Later, Fellow Daoist Mu will take the sword immortals of Sword Immortal Continent to destroy the first blood pool controlled by the Tiger Clan. The location is..."

"The Jade Sage Pavilion is in charge of the second blood pool, which is owned by the Pengniao clan. It's in the Snow Peak of the Northland."

"Senior Tianjingzi led the Taixuan Daomai to be in charge of the third and fourth blood pools, the location is..."


Master Tongtian arranges the nine blood pools one by one, and let the robbers from all walks of life sit in command.

"When the major monster clans were giving birth to Tribulation Immortals and attracting our attention, they were also secretly preparing plans for the transfer of their clansmen. Through some rooted islands, their clansmen were sent to the human world.

"For this reason, another group of people is needed to strangle. Hong Xuanji, the escape route of the Fox Clan is at the Dayan Mountain, two thousand miles south of the Chiyuan Mountain Gate. You will take people to stop it later. Remember, just harass and force them to flee desperately. Human world. Next, it will be arranged by the people above."

Meng Chen clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "They exhausted all their energy to escape into the human world, thinking that in the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, the fellow Taoists above would cast a thunderous blow to completely wipe out their hopes."

The landlord nodded and continued to arrange tasks: "Yan Yuyuan, the escape route of the Suzaku clan is in the northwest direction, and you will lead a few Jindan monks later..."

The landlord called the names one by one, and those few Jindan monks came out one after another and came to Yan Yuyuan's side.

"You go to He Yufeng to stop him."

Then, several other escape routes were also broken by the landlord one by one.

The monks in the two pavilions spent many days carefully surveying, and repeatedly verified with the technique of deduction, and delineated the escape routes one by one.They also sent Master Yuanying to climb back from Lingshan, pass the news to the monks above, and block the exit.

"In addition to the feathered and embryonic generation, the evil cultivators of the frog clan should not be underestimated. I have contacted the hidden world robber. Later, the five heroes will go underground and eradicate all these evil cultivators."

Five Heroes?

Fu Danwei frowned, he not only saw Bai Hezi and Liu Yangshi in the distance.I also saw my wife talking with Palace Master Xianzao.In addition, it is the most mysterious Xixia, only a few people such as myself know his origin.

"Why did this guy run down?"

The man folded his arms and stood on the edge of the Bodhi Dharma Realm. Even the Bodhi Taoist, the landowner, could not peek into it.

"Who is this senior?"

Xixia's side is like a black hole, which can swallow other people's consciousness and hide himself completely.

"Immortal artifact? Spiritual artifact? Or secret treasure?"

When all tasks were arranged, Lord Tongtian said solemnly:
"Everyone, since the battle of the Demon Palace, we have worked together with Jiexian to build the 'Tianxuan Dao Platform' to prepare for the next battle between immortals and demons.

"But the Tianxuan Taoist platform has not yet been used, but there is a rehearsal of a human-monster war first.

"This time we are fighting the Yaozu, we not only want to win, but also to gain experience. You know, this is a completely different way of fighting from our previous ones."

In the past, the battle between immortals and demons was nothing more than two groups of monks stuck together, and various magic weapons and Taoism were bombarded.

But the Tianxuan Daotai is a mysterious space for spiritual connection, and the Jiexians have great expectations for it.

They believed that the immortal monks with the help of Daotai could easily defeat the Demonic Dao.

The crushing of intelligence, the reserve of countermeasures, and the protection of Yinshen.

Through Tianxuan Daotai, they can do many convenient things.


Hengyu, Hong Xuanji and others were all listening in the Bodhi Dharma Realm.

When Master Tongtian announced to shut down the net, everyone left one after another to go to their mission location.

Fu Danwei stopped the real Hengyu who was about to leave.

"Senior, can you hand over the wooden talisman to Henghua? I want to ask my grandson for a while, just make a phone call."

"Heng Hua? Only with him?"

"Those of my grandsons are the most assertive. I told him, and he will make arrangements with other brothers."

"That's true."

Hengyu real person is very reasonable.After leaving his consciousness, he took the Banyan King Wooden Talisman to Henghua's tent.

Heng Hua was planning the layout of Tongtian Master, when he saw the real person coming, he quickly wiped off the sand table, and warmly stepped forward to greet him.

"Are you in trouble?"

Heng Shou was behind, quickly transferred the sand table, and Xiao Yu put the tea set back on.

"Your grandfather is looking for you." The real person handed over the wooden talisman.

Heng Hua's expression was startled, and his mood was suddenly disturbed.

He took the wooden talisman and carefully watched the palm-sized secret treasure.

This is what he suggested to the tree kings to create, for the special status of the Shenmu clan in the future.

"Can you use it? Need me to teach you—"

Heng Hua shook his head lightly, activated the blue formation on the wooden talisman with mana, and said softly: "Senior Banyan King, please transfer to Fu Danwei."

The voice came to King Banyan, and the old Banyan King squinted his eyes, looking at the communication disk in front of him: "Fu Danwei? Let me see, that's the area under the jurisdiction of the Ancient Desolate Tree King. Well, it's fine."

He activated the communication disk and docked with the other disk.

Afterwards, Taoist Bodhi sighed and contacted Fu Danwei with a spiritual plate.

Fu Danwei held the bodhi leaf between his fingers and waited quietly.

When the familiar and cautious greeting came from the opposite side, Fu Danwei talked to Fu Henghua in a very gentle and caring tone.

Not good!The old man is going to kill me!
Heaven-level Taoism, isn't it handsome?Is the power strong?Is this young man very promising?

Fighting against the demon king?So majestic, so proud.Even the old man did it when he was young.Isn't this quite ancestral?

But this is an outsider's opinion.

To an old man who cares about his grandson.He would only be worried, how much damage would the Heavenly Level Taoism do?
Fighting against the demon king, did you get hurt?
He himself had to face the demon king back then, but he didn't want his grandson to face such a predicament.

In addition, it is generally practiced the true biography of the sect inherited from the fairy book.Heaven-level Taoism cannot be cast casually.After a heaven-level Taoism, the whole person has to cultivate for a period of time before recovering.

But Fu Henghua is still alive and kicking, which in itself is enough to explain many problems.

Therefore, Fu Danwei didn't need to ask about serious matters at all.

It was just a sentence of caring for his grandson, asking when he would come to the Yuxia Mountains to meet him.

"Your grandmother is here too. She misses you, so come and say hello to her."


If I go to the Yuxia Mountains, I'm afraid I will be caught and beaten by you on the spot?

Xiaoyu and Hengshou also looked at Fu Henghua worriedly.

Every time the old man speaks like this, it means that something bad happened.Because he has already made a decision in his heart, and he will never listen to any of your reasons.

No matter how clever the tongue is, the stubborn stone nods, it can't change the old man's judgment.

"Your grandmother's temper is still the same. She insists on talking about your marriage. I can't persuade you. You can persuade yourself. I'll help you beat the side drum."

Heng Hua's face suddenly changed.

What does it mean to speak for me?

This is clearly a threat.

If I don't go to the Yuxia Mountains, you will force her to mess with my marriage.Let me figure it out!
Hearing the meaning behind Fu Danwei's words, Fu Henghua didn't dare to act rashly.

The old man even brought up this kind of threat, but he was waiting for him to go to the Yuxia Mountains to be punished.

Heng Hua was trembling, and answered his grandfather cautiously, rejecting and going to the Yuxia Mountains now.

"I heard that the seniors are about to take action. I miss the seniors here in the Eight Gates Formation. If they are injured, I can help them heal their injuries. I will go to the Yuxia Mountains to pay my respects to the two elders after this matter is over."

"It's okay, it's not safe outside. You need to pay more attention to safety when you are outside. By the way, is Hengshou Xiaoyu here? Let them come over and talk."

Heng Hua quickly looked at the two of them with piercing eyes.

At this time, recognize your camp!
The two smiled wryly and walked over cautiously.

Fu Danwei did not make things difficult for the two, forcing them to take Fu Henghua to the Yuxia Mountains.

Just remind the two of them to walk outside, take care of Fu Henghua, but also pay attention to their own safety.

Hengyu was listening to a few people talking about their daily life, drinking tea leisurely.

"Your Bohuangtang family has a dignified and warm family style, very good, very good."

it is good?
The three looked at each other, seeing the tangle in each other's eyes.

It's over, the old man has decided that the young master is secretly working on the heavenly book.

If I go back now, I am afraid that I will abolish the heavenly book by myself and force the young master to join a certain sect to practice immortal art.

There is no way ahead!

This is the cognition of the older generation, and it is also the most naked reality in the past millennium.

Even if he barely passed the two levels of refining Qi and building a foundation, how will the next golden pill be condensed?

How long will this step be stuck?

Feeling the worry of Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu, Heng Hua silently returned the wooden talisman to the real Hengyu.

"Really, you will leave to eliminate the demon later, please be careful."

"Don't worry. The old man will return safely."

The real man waved his hand and left.

After he left, Fu Henghua's expression changed.

"Xiaoyu, pack your luggage. Hengshou, go and take all the trophies I have circled, and we will leave later."

"Leave? Now?"

"Yes, let's go to Marble Mountains, and then make a quick trip back to Yanlong."

While his grandfather was in Yizhou, he went to Panlong Island to clean up, and then ran to Yuting Mountain to take refuge before the other party returned Yanlong.

"This...you are not afraid of the old man's fire, and you will settle it later..."

"Let's talk about it after escaping this test. Otherwise, I'm afraid that I will really be taken away, and then I will be forced into the Zihuang Pavilion as a teacher."

I died for hundreds of years in Jindan level one.

The old man absolutely refused to accept such trouble.

"Why don't you find some elders and try to intercede with the old man? How about senior Zhou Xiao?"


Heng Hua smiled wryly.

"I'm still afraid that he will add fuel to the fire!"

How did the ancestor of the Xuanwei sect die?

Zhou Xiao and himself met together, and now he has begun to think about whether he should continue to study the heavenly scriptures.

After the collapse of the continent, after Taixuanzong and Chiyuan faction left, the two pavilions, which lost their vitality and lost the immortals but had complete morality, became the most outstanding forces in Donglai.

Under such circumstances, Patriarch Xuanwei and a few surviving members of the same sect could open up the golden waters, and under the pressure of the two pavilions, establish Taixuan's various sects of Taoism.

One by one is by no means an easy generation.

Especially Patriarch Xuanwei, as the leader, is definitely second only to the few successors of the Heavenly Book in the contemporary true biography of Taixuanzong.

But such an existence failed to create a heavenly book.Even because of his obsession, he didn't even have a chance to react, three bodies died, and the true immortality fruit was scattered.

With such a precedent, Zhou Xiao himself can do nothing.He would let Fu Henghua, a young man with a bright future, crash into the "dead end" of Tianshu?

"Tell him it will be worse for me."

In the past Zhou Xiao was willing to cover up for herself, but that doesn't mean she is still willing to help herself now.

"Now the only one who is willing to help me and understand that I continue to walk the way of the heavenly scriptures. Only Daoist Hengyuan."

Therefore, for the time being, we must take shelter in Yuting Mountain.

"Until the time you return home at the age of a hundred?"

"Almost. During this period of time, I must try my best to come up with a manuscript on the alchemy of the heavenly book to appease the old man."

And for this, it is even more necessary to ask Master Hengyuan for advice.

"Okay, don't be dazed, get ready."

Heng Hua urged the two to clean up, but instead he sat down and took out the talisman to write the talisman.

After the two finished packing, Heng Hua opened the tent and went out, pulled Hong Changyi and Fu Baimin aside, and handed the talisman to them.

"I have something to do, I want to leave for a while. You hold this talisman, and if you see the nine-tailed fox that bit me, throw the talisman."

"Brother Six, this is..."

"Grandmother descended to Yizhou, I can't go to pay her respects, I can only present a fox fur as a token of filial piety."

The nine-tailed fox knocked off Fu Henghua's head, this hatred, Fu Henghua will not wait for hundreds of years to care about it.

This magic talisman was specifically aimed at the Nine-Tailed Fox.

After Heng Hua finished speaking, he glanced at the ground again.

He hated the efficiency of Yang Dai and others, but he obviously couldn't care less about it at the moment.

Then he went to Fu Xiangfeng to give some instructions, Heng Hua put away the tent, and hurriedly left with Xiao Yu and Heng Shou.

The excuse is that Master Hengyu has ordered him to go to Taixuan Daze to meet Fu Xuanxing and Fu Yaozhen to do a secret key thing.Although Dong Moyang wanted to go with him, he was rejected by Fu Henghua and asked him to guard the eight-door formation with other Jindan monks.

The three of them left, and after a while Lei Guang Zi Dian rushed to the Eight Gates Formation.

Fu Xuanxing yelled at the door, Dong Moyang and Fu Xiangfeng came out to have a look, they were immediately suspicious.

"Didn't you join Xiao Liu'er and the others to do something important?"

"Brother Six? Didn't you see him?"

The boy looked puzzled.

Fu Yaozhen came over, asked a few questions carefully, and immediately understood the cause and effect.

"The old man is scaring the snake, why don't you just come and arrest him? Seeing that the limelight is not good, this kid may have already run away."

 A new volume is about to be opened. The current idea of ​​the new volume needs to change the title format.

  Now seven characters have been used, ten characters have been used, and traditional characters have been used. Is there any new format?

  In terms of numbers, isn't it a bit too out of place?
(End of this chapter)

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