
Chapter 390

Chapter 390


Fu Xiangfeng and the others looked at each other.

"Did this kid commit a crime at home?" Hong Changyi asked confused, "When I left, wasn't he quite safe on Panlong Island?"

Fu Xiangfeng: "It's okay, he went to Xuanwei Sect to study safely. Didn't you provoke the old man?"

"Hmph—it must be his study of exercises, and your parents learned about it, and you want to punish him for his reckless mistakes."

Yang Dai came out from the ground, and leaned against Fengdao.

"He used a heaven-level Taoism. Although he took the golden core as the price, he was still alive and kicking here. Don't you really think that the Taoism he cultivated is so simple?"

When Fu Yaozhen saw Yang Dai, his eyes moved slightly.

Yang Dai's eyes lit up when he saw her.

This is the heir to the Fu family who has the power of "Xuan Guan"?If you please go back to the Chiyuan Dao Sect, maybe you can also help my family upgrade the Heavenly Book.If you marry a descendant of the Ling family, the talent of the next generation will be stronger.

Weird, he will be related to his brother in the future!
Fu Yaozhen's heart was surging, and the power of Xuanguan was fully activated at this moment.

She saw the development of her brother and the members of the Fu family in Nanzhou, and also saw that everyone was facing a dangerous situation.

The two looked at each other silently, and the people next to them frowned frequently.

Fu Xiangfeng took a few steps forward without any trace.Hong Changyi is obviously more.

He directly blocked Yang Dai.

Suddenly, Fu Yaozhen turned pale and spit out a mouthful of blood.


At the moment when Hong Changyi blocked Yang Dai, she got a glimpse of something about the Chiyuan Taoist faction and her brother in the distant South Continent.

The fragments are messy and intertwined, and there is a charming shadow.She seemed to be aware of her own prying, and her eyes watched over many spaces.


Just as Yang Dai was about to step forward, he was blocked by Hong Changyi's body.

Hong Changyi walked three steps in a row, intending to grab Fu Xuanxing's support before him.

Unexpectedly, a black shadow suddenly flashed beside her, quickly supported Fu Yaozhen, and put a golden talisman into her hand.

As the golden light circulated, Fu Yaozhen looked a little better.

Originally, Fu Xuanxing was by Fu Yaozhen's side and planned to help him.It can be seen that Fang Dongyuan took the first step, he silently looked at his outstretched hand, pretending to be indifferent, and scratched his head.

Fu Yaozhen adjusted her breath silently, looking at the talisman in her hand and Fang Dongyuan with complicated eyes.

Fang Dongyuan laughed and said: "You don't have to thank me, you don't need to thank me, it's just a favor. The magic talisman given by your parents said that you will act recklessly and boldly. There will be blindness in these days, so I will send you a magic talisman to help you out."

This so-called senior was naturally Fang Dongyuan entrusted by Empress Jinsheng when he was practicing in Jinsheng Palace.

Although Jin Shengniang is only a robbery immortal, she is not weak in her ways and deeds, and she is even a master of "foreseeing and divination".She knows that people like herself have always been arrogant and arrogant, and she will definitely not let her talent go for nothing.

And not long after, Fu Yaozhen will be robbed for offending the Devil Emperor, and asks Fang Dongyuan to send him a golden talisman.

I didn't intend to thank you.

Fu Yaozhen closed her eyes, recalling the crisis she saw.

Elder brother offended the Devil Emperor, causing the Devil Emperor to come to Chiyuan territory to seek revenge?
This catastrophe must be resolved by the Chiyuan Taoist faction.

Breaking away from Fang Dongyuan, Fu Yaozhen said to Yang Dai who was not far away: "Friend Daoist, I have something, can I discuss it with you in detail."

She glanced at Zhong Ionhan who was not far away, and whispered a word.

Yang Dai's eyes lit up, and immediately followed Fu Yaozhen.

The few remaining people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Fang Dongyuan said to Fu Xiangfeng: "It's rare to see her caring so much about someone."

"Maybe my sister saw something? By the way, thank you for your help."

"Which is your turn to thank you? Unfortunately, the person involved doesn't appreciate it."

Fu Xiangfeng smiled awkwardly.

He once asked Fu Yaozhen why Fang Dongyuan had a strange attitude.

Fu Yaozhen didn't talk about it in detail, but he accidentally heard Fu Henghua and Fu Yaozhen talk in private, it seems that in some future, Fang Dongyuan's role is quite disgraceful.

But in the end nothing happened, Fu Yaozhen could only keep a respectful distance and stay as far away from Fang Dongyuan as possible.

Besides, Fu Xiangfeng looked at Hong Changyi again.

The so-called family has a hundred girls, and the younger sister has indeed reached this age.In the future, the threshold of the family may be stepped down.


"Girl, are you interested in practicing in the Chiyuan Taoist sect?"

Fu Yaozhen and Yang Dai went to a secluded place, and Yang Dai directly explained his intention.


The girl looked Yang Dai up and down, and sighed softly.

"Fellow Daoist, did you tell Xiao Liu'er too?"

"I invited him to go to the Chiyuan Taoist sect, but he hasn't replied yet."

Fu Yaozhen thought for a while, and said softly: "We admire Chiyuan Taoism, but this matter is of great importance, and we need to report it to our elders. If the elders allow, we can send a few people from our tribe to study in Chiyuan Taoism. At that time, we will Go with Xiaoliuer."

Later, she mentioned that the members of the Fu family might be exiled in Nanzhou, and hoped that the Chiyuan Taoist sect would take care of them.

Yang Dai immediately thought of what the elders mentioned some time ago, and readily agreed.

"Girl, please let me have a private chat. What is the so-called immortal artifact?"

Fu Yaozhen looked to the ground.

"There is only half of that fairy artifact here. You only need to get the other half, and you can defeat Zhong Ionhan."

Yang Dai's expression was shocked.

Is the power of Xuanguan so easy to use?
"Which immortal artifact?"

There are quite a few immortal weapons in my family, but there are not many that allow me to win the Wanchuan Returning Sword.

"Fifth of the Ten Great Immortal Swords of Shenzhou, the Five Sacred Peaks Sword."


The three of Fu Henghua rushed to the Five Elements Mountain and left along the mountain from the Cloud Realm formation.

During the climbing of Wuxing Mountain, Hengshou and Xiaoyu released two Yin gods.

The Five Elements Mountain is a spiritual mountain in line with the "Gong Hua Hui Yuan Gong".The exercises of the two of them are also in line with the avenue of good fortune. As the roots of the mountain rise to the surface of the mountain, they are baptized like fish leaping over a dragon's gate.


The three jumped out of a mountain spring.

Looking at the five peaks rising to the sky, Heng Hua was overjoyed.

He left Wukong's incarnation in the Marble Mountains, responsible for going up and down, connecting the two worlds under the water and above the water.

"Hengshou, hurry to Baizhen and escort my other incarnation over."


Hengshou looked at the direction, Shi Shui fled away.

Xiaoyu waited and watched the wonderful scenery of Marble Mountains.The peach forest is like fire, and the green spring is like a mirror. If it weren't for the wailing and screams that came from time to time, it would definitely be a superb picture.

She looked at Wu Xing.

At the burning place, the monks were burnt to coke one by one, running wildly on the fire path, and then returned to the starting point to start again.

At the execution place, the trees with human faces kept screaming and struggling, and the fat and white flesh insects kept biting the trunks.


"Okay, don't read it. Some nasty things, pay attention to what they do?"

Fu Henghua took Xiaoyu's hand, and the two of them took the wind and went straight to Panlong Island.

"Master, what else do you plan to bring back?"

"Look at it first."

Anyway, I don't have to worry about debts.Now that the old man is not at home, who can stop him on Panlong Island?

Let's figure it out, if there is something useful, then put it away first.


A cool breeze blows from Fengtong Island.

"Henghua? Why are you back, kid?"

Hearing Fu Ruiying's voice, Heng Hua quickly put on a respectful face.

"I met Chiyuan Taoist disciples in Yizhou, and I need to discuss something with you."

While ordering Xiao Yu to go back and pack his things, he discussed with Fu Ruiying about studying abroad in Nanzhou.

"Do you always think that we should send some people from here, or let the people from Nanzhou directly..."

Fu Ruiying was silent for a while.

"There are not many people in Nanzhou."

Undoubtedly, this is an acknowledgment of Big Brother and the others.

"At that time, let's pick some elites from here."

Fu Rui should be clear that if a cultivator family's delusion exists for a long time, it needs to divide the bets equally among all sects.

Today's Donglai factions are somewhat unable to satisfy him.The Chiyuan Taoist faction took the initiative to invite him, which was exactly what he wanted.

"Where's your grandfather? How is he doing?"

Heng Hua mentioned the upcoming big action of the masters.

"I can't help with this kind of thing. In addition, the Chiyuan Taoist sect needed an answer, so they came back first. Later, I will go to the Xuanwei sect, so I can be regarded as a messenger."

Fu Ruiying had no doubts, and Fengyin retreated silently.

As soon as he left, Heng Hua went straight to the old man's warehouse.

Looking at the forbidden law on the warehouse door, he swiped his backhand, and the forbidden technique secretly passed down by Thief Heaven Alliance opened the door.

But after turning around inside, Heng Hua didn't dare to store it casually.

"I go to Yuting Mountain to practice, but I don't need any treasures."

There is really something suitable for me. When I went to Xuanwei School, the old man had already prepared it for me.

Heng Hua turned around, carefully closed the warehouse door, and ran to Fu Danwei's study.

Here are the research materials of Vodanwei in recent years.

Heng Hua picked up a scroll, which was the structure diagram of the "Heavenly Rod".

"Father's Scepter!"

The Shenluo Heavenly Book was running and copied this information.

Go get another file.

"This is the old man's commentary on the Five Elements Transforming Phoenix? Wait, there is also the True Phoenix Taoism here?"

Heng Hua showed joy.

"The old man has indeed tinkered with a lot of good things over the years."

With a flash of inspiration, the tortoise shell backed up all the old man's research results, and then dragged Xiaoyu into the Five Elements Mountain.

Soon, Hengshou returned from the waters of Baizheng.

The white dragon horse neighed, and immediately turned into a long dragon and flew into the Five Elements Mountain.

Intentionally connecting the horses up and down, Heng Hua can perceive the actions of Taoist Bodhi in the ancient forest.

The incarnation of Wukong took the opportunity to return to his body and rushed to Jin Fang with the two of them.

On the way, he did not forget to joke.

"Of my three yin gods, only Wukong is left to protect my body. Next, you two must protect me, young master."

Xiaoyu was noncommittal, silently controlling the thousand-eyed master.

That's right, the means of transportation for the three of them is Xiaoyu's organ method.

The master turned into a giant ship for the three of them to go straight into the gold square.

Walking in from Dutianlou and Shengxianmen, Fu Henghua imitated Fu Xuanxing's posture back then: "Xuanhu Fangxianzhou."

Clouds swept across the sky, and the three of them entered the Fangxian Continent accompanied by a tornado.

Song Chunqiu felt that Fu Henghua and the three had returned, and was very surprised.

"Aren't you trapped in Yizhou, preparing for the Yunjing Project? Why are you back?"

"The three of us can't help much under the water, so we simply came up first, thinking of intercepting the monster army from above the water, so as to get some limelight."

Song Chunqiu was not aware of the entanglement between the grandparents and grandchildren of the Fu family, and only thought that Fu Henghua was planning to capture a monster.He counted with his fingers, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that Yi Zhou sent a message a few days ago that we have two channels for gold. Then you follow... and..."

After thinking about it, he found two inner disciples and told them to take Fu Henghua to join the monks of Tianyi Sect.

"You are practicing his family's deduction technique, so you are going to make a public appearance and meet Dan Quanzi, the chief disciple of Tianyi Sect today."

(End of this chapter)

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