
Chapter 397

Chapter 397
On Beichen Peak, Fu Henghua and Dan Quanzi sit under the elm tree and draw and paint star maps.

Suddenly, Heng Hua stopped writing and looked at Dongfang Sun: "Brother Dao, don't you want to go to Zihuang Pavilion to take a look?"

"There's nothing to see, Zhong Ionhan is doomed." Dan Quanzi stopped writing and looked at Ziweiyuan's star map with satisfaction.

Heng Hua sighed softly: "Yes, the outcome has been decided."

Since the birth of the Wuyue Chongfeng Sword, the outcome has been determined.

Unless the Zihuang Pavilion is crazy and really takes out the Zihuang Chunyang Sword.

But Zihuang Pavilion moved out of Zhenpai Xianjian, even if it wins, it will lose, and it will be ridiculed by Yusheng Pavilion for a hundred years in the future.

Dan Quanzi flicked a drop of ink lightly: "However, if you want to watch the competition, I have a way."

For these three days, Dan Quanzi came to Beichen Peak to accompany Fu Henghua.He asked Fu Henghua about "man-made dharma", and Henghua asked him about astrology.Although Fu Henghua has learned a lot, he is only a junior who is less than a hundred years old.In terms of special research, it is far inferior to Danquanzi.

The two got along very well and learned a lot from each other.

"Appreciate further details?"

Dan Quanzi formed a seal with his left hand and drew a circle with his right hand to receive the stars from the sky.

"This is the Xingtian Huan mirror technique, the secret of Tianyi Sect."

Heng Hua observed the method carefully, and suddenly it dawned on him: it was similar to the principle of his communication with Dongfang Yunqi.

The stars hang high above the sky, so they can naturally reflect the current battle in Zihuang Pavilion.

He looks at the stars.

Seeing the light of Wenqu falling among the stars of the Big Dipper, a mirror was formed in front of the two of them, and the scene of the battle in Zihuang Pavilion was played inside.

The water was surging, and dozens of water dragons besieged a strange and majestic mountain.

"Already fighting?" Dan Quanzi looked at it carefully, "It seems that Zihuang Pavilion needs to show some face."

"If you really take out the Purple Emperor Sword to deal with a Golden Core cultivator, it will throw away thousands of years of face. They will definitely not be able to do it."

Heng Hua put his chin on his right hand and looked at the battle in the mirror.

"By the way, Daoist brother. Who will keep Taixuanzong's immortal sword?"

Two Yixuan and one sword.

The sword of a certain Taixuan Sect Master once defeated the Patriarch of the Second Pavilion.

"That sword is not in our hands. If it wasn't in Taixuan Daze, it might have been taken away by seniors."

Danquanzi is not interested in fairy sword.

His Taoism comes from the stars, and through contact with Fu Henghua in the past few days, he found that, like his mother, he believes that living beings come from the stars, and all Taoism comes from the stars.

Moreover, her philosophy is closer to the retrograde faction.

There are many schools of thought in astrology.

Fatalists believe that astral light is essentially the radiance projected from the past.The starlight you see now was emitted ten or a hundred years ago.Since the stars control the fate of all people, you can see the starlight hundreds of years ago and use it to deduce the divination.Doesn't it mean that before the ancient times, all the fates of the present world were arranged properly?Fate cannot be changed.

The current school believes that the light of the stars is like the sun and the moon, and it is emitted at this moment.Therefore, spying on the destiny through the stars changes in real time.Since it changes at any time, it can be changed.

The retrograde view is similar to the fatalist view, and also believes that the stars come from a long time ago.But they think time can go backwards.Through the starlight as a bridge, it can go back to the past, change the original trajectory of the stars, and thus affect the future direction.

The ideas of the several schools are in conflict, but the basic Taoism mastered by each other is generally the same. They can all draw starlight from the sky for their own use, and they are more firm in their own theories.


On the east side of Zhongtian Fudo Island, there is a water area with a radius of [-] miles.

The golden light is the boundary, which circles the "arena" where the two fight.

All the onlookers stood on the Fudo Island, and Sha Jinchang was responsible for projecting the battle in the sky.After Fu Pengming negotiated with him, he also used the wind sound technique of thousands of miles to broadcast it to the two major waters of Baizhen and Yanlong.

Liu Xuanyi and Fang Dongyuan stood on a hilltop in the distance.

"This is the communication method proposed by the Fu family?"

Fang Dongyuan smiled wryly: "I don't know much about this, after all, my identity..."

"It's about to be exposed," Liu Xuanyi said lightly, "The people in the Demon Palace are not fools. As you become more and more sharp, they will gradually notice you. Suppress the devil in the body."

Fang Dongyuan has a pure nature, Liu Xuanyi is not worried about his disciple going astray.But after becoming the devil emperor, the devil emperor casts a spell on his bloodline before he dies, and the inheritance of the devil seed is rooted in the bloodline.

When this inheritance is awakened, the personality can be forcibly distorted.

"The disciple understands."

Fang Dongyuan knew that Liu Xuanyi and Fu Danwei, the elders, took many risks for him to be able to practice in An An, the number one sect in the Immortal Dao.

If he became a demon, Liu Xuanyi, as a master, would also be questioned, and even find out Liu Xuanyi's relationship with the demon palace back then, and thus put this master under house arrest.

After all, Liu Xuanyi still holds the fate of the devil emperor.

And Fu Danwei guided him to come here to seek the Tao, and he was also his godfather.If the incident is exposed, Dong Xia's reputation will be damaged, and the reputation of the Fu family will suffer a fatal blow.

"The disciple has gained something in Jinsheng Palace, but he has not been able to integrate it into his own practice."

How to form a pill?

Fang Dongyuan was stuck at this step, unable to comprehend for a long time.

"The method of the Heavenly Book is difficult to understand. You can't study it thoroughly, as it should be. But you must work harder, because the inheritance in your body also comes from the Heavenly Book."

Emperor Xuan relied on the remnants of "Xuan Tian Shu" to evolve the magic strategy, overwhelmed the group of demons, and unified the way of demons.

From the purity of true essence, the total amount of mana, and even the use of the Dao of Heaven and Earth.Although it is not as good as the real "One World Book of Heaven", it has already surpassed many immortal books from the earth.

If the demon seed is activated, the demonic nature will press down on the Dao heart, and with Fang Dongyuan's current practice, there is no way to prevent the demonic force from forcibly operating in the body.

Enchanted, has become inevitable.

"According to my teacher's speculation, you can kill the demon seeds in your body only if you have reached the same level of Hunyuan Taoism and refined it into a golden pill. Therefore, Yang Dai's Taoism is very important to you. You need to study it carefully."

"The disciple understands."

Fang Dongyuan waited and watched the battle on the water.

Chiyuan Taoism was born out of "Hunyuan Gold Seal", and now it has become a heavenly book for a lifetime, and Fang Dongyuan's reference is of great significance.

boom -

Xiongfeng collapsed rocks, and every piece of spiritual rock fell from the air, crushing a water dragon.And when it falls into the water, immovable reefs will be formed immediately.

"Building reefs and turning them into continents?"

Seeing this, the discerning people on Fudongzhou became even more unfavorable to Zhong Ionhan.

Wanchuan Guiliujian is known as the number one water sword, and it has the best position in water battles.Therefore, Yang Dai's goal is to create a piece of land on the water for him to suppress Zhong Ionhan.

"The most urgent thing is to block his purpose, but—"

When Zhong Zihan activated the fairy sword, a strange gravitational force surged from Xiongfeng.

Layers upon layers of force fields, like spider webs, completely stuck him and the fairy sword in the force field quagmire.

"Competing with water?"

Zhong Zihan smiled at Yang Dai on the top of the peak, and pointed to the water under his feet.

"Kowloon Flooding—Start!"

Nine water dragons flew out of the sleeve robe and quickly submerged underwater.


Heng Hua's expression changed.

This method is very familiar!
"Nine-Dragon Water Purification Pot Method? Has this guy read my "Clear Water Cloud Dragon Sutra"?"

Hearing this, Dan Quanzi looked up at the stars.

"A few years ago, Zhong Ionhan, a servant went to the Baizhen water area to buy medicine, and accidentally got a Taoist book from the Shancai business. It should be the "Yunlong Sutra" you mentioned, right?"

After Zhong Ionhan read it, he was very enlightened.The Nine Dragons Water Purification Mantra was raised separately, and compared with the "Nine Dragons Navigating the Sea" recorded in the Zihuang Pavilion, a "Nine Dragons Flooding" was created.

Following Zhong Ionhan's actions, the water around Xiongfeng gradually receded.

Yang Dai's expression changed, and he quickly raised Xiongfeng.

The ebb tide is for the next step of flooding, or - tsunami!

A huge wave hit the foot of Xiongfeng.

Then, the second flower, the third flower...

The white waves kept beating in the water, and giant hands hit the Xiongfeng one by one.

And as the Xiongfeng swayed, the huge white waves approached like a wall.

"Slash Lanjiang!"

Yang Dai took a deep breath, held the fairy sword and fought fiercely.

The power of the five mountains and the power of the earth condensed into a giant sword of pure strength at this moment, cutting off the surging tsunami layers.

"Sword intent specifically for water techniques. Didn't you learn it recently, and you know it in Nanzhou?"

Danquanzi looked at the stars again: "The Chiyuan Taoism passed down, it seems that it was created by a Jiexian, and it was specially used to help them fight against the enemy."

"At present, Chiyuan is based on mountains and fire. When the disciples left Nanzhou, they practiced more fire methods. They specialize in the means of restraining water methods. The score should be good."

A powerful and domineering sword suppressed the tsunami, Zhong Zihan's cheeks blushed, and he tried his best to use his mana to activate the fairy sword to compete with the Five Mountains and Heavy Peaks Sword.

Two sword intents erupted on the water, and the thousand-foot giant sword confronted each other far away.

Seeing this scene, Fu Pengming quickly ordered his attendants.

"Quickly contact Bai Zhen and ask."

After the attendant communicated with Bai Zhen, he reported in a low voice.

"The content of the broadcast is very clear, and those markets ended an hour ago. There are more people betting on Zhong Ionhan."

Fu Pengming nodded slightly.

Although the outcome of this battle has been known for a long time, Cultivator Bai Zhen doesn't know.Someone with a heart secretly promoted, advocating that Zhong Zihan holds a fairy sword and has the Zihuang Pavilion as a backer, and this battle will surely win.

Therefore, there are more people betting on Zhong Ionhan than Yang Dai.

Gambling is prohibited in Fu's family, and Fu Pengming did not intervene in handicap betting.He just sold the broadcast rights to several big casinos in Baizhen, and got a bonus from it.

"Very good, I'm going back. You go to the major casinos and ask them to settle the money with Master Ben."

Fu Pengming was very happy.

Just for this broadcast, he earned no less than one hundred thousand bright moon beads.

Brother Yang will go to Xuanyu and Jinfang in the future, and the money...will fly into his pocket on his own initiative.


White House Casino.

"I*—this direct disciple of the Zihuang Pavilion, how come I'm about to lose? You hold on!"

"Haha——I won, and I knew it with my small gain!"

Ma Dongren sat on the second floor, drinking tea with Chi Junwang.

"Chi Weng, have you placed your bet?"

Chi Junwang shook his head: "This kind of thing, the old man has never been involved. But you, because you are a fellow practitioner of water art, have a tendency towards the Golden Core cultivator of Zihuang Pavilion, I'm afraid..."

"It's okay, it's just two thousand moon beads. I help promote the broadcast, and Jiu Ye's favor fee will be enough to cover the cost."


Yanlong Waters.

Fu Pengming also set up several relay stations here.With the help of monks from the Fu family, the broadcast was carried out on the four islands of Fengmen, Shuimen, Huomen, Tianmen, Taiji Island and Fengtong Island.

Compared with Bai Zhen who is obsessed with winning and losing gambling, in front of the six major broadcasting platforms, there is a Grandmaster Yuan Ying to comment and analyze.Disassemble and explain the moves and spells of the two Jindan monks one by one.

Cultivator Yanlong has the strongest desire for combat power in all waters.

Because, to live!

Zhu Zhengming and his son sat on the sidelines.

"Father, Fengwang of the Fu family..."

"You can agree. But the control of the wind network in the southern domain cannot be handed over to them casually. They are responsible for the operation, and we will supervise it."


"Also, send more boys from our family to the Eastern Region. Within three years, you must find me a girl from the direct line of the Fu family to marry me."

While watching the broadcast, the three Beiyu families were also considering Fu's proposal.

The Yang family and the Fu family have a covenant, so they naturally hope to promote this matter.But the Lin family and the Xiao family hesitated.

With the collapse of the Wei family, the Lin family lost their in-laws in the Eastern Region, and two Nascent Soul Grandmasters were born in the Eastern Region.

But over the years, only two offshoots married into the Xiao family.The Xiao family was not satisfied with the sincerity of the Fu family, and hoped that through this matter, they could marry a more prominent family member from the Fu family.

Compared with the cultivation families in the northern and southern regions, the central and western regions are much more stable.

The Fu family is booming, and the comeback of Fufeng Immortal Palace is unstoppable, just follow the trend.


Purple Emperor Pavilion.

"Zihan is doomed."

On the Gaoge terrace, several elders in purple robes shook their heads one after another.

Afterwards, they stared at Fu Pengming and Sha Jinchang.

"What they're tinkering with is the plan recently proposed by the Fu family? It's easy."

"So, let the Fu family try?"

"Only for Bai Zhen, you can give it a try."

"What about the hot water?"

"Over there, can you and I stop it? The Yanlong Chamber of Commerce is secretly managing it, let them toss it. With the Fu family coming forward to suppress it, Cang Lanzi can't be partial to the Bodhi Dharma Realm anymore. He suggests that the Dharma Realm be merged into the Taoist platform and let the tree kings Come into the world one after another."

Several elders nodded.

"Also communicate with Yusheng Pavilion. The thousands-mile communication system must not be completely controlled by aliens."

This is the bottom line of Zihuang Pavilion.

Bodhi Dharma Realm can be connected with Tianxuan Daotai, but the influence of tree kings is limited to Yizhou.When the human monks went to Yizhou, they provided help, but the monks did not attack the Shenmu tribe.

But in the human world, it is not the turn of Bodhi Dharma Realm to intervene.

The Fu family proposed the "A Thousand Miles of Wind Sound" plan at the right time, passed it through Dan Xuanzi's father, and asked Liu Xuanyi to speak for him. The elders of the Zihuang Pavilion did not dislike this plan.

There is also the intention to use them to suppress the Bodhi Dharma Realm of the tree kings.

"The Fengyin system can't be dominated by one family. When Baizhen's business alliance finds a way, come up with a few more plans. It is the most ideal to rule by dividing the area."


Fu Henghua and Danquanzi lead the star to watch the battle.

When the [-]-mile water area was covered with earth and rocks, and Xiongfeng and the reefs became one, the victory had completely tilted.

Heng Hua couldn't help but smile wryly when he saw Wuzhi Mountains rising up on Ludao and surrounding Zhong Zihan and the nine flood dragons.

You fight back, what's the matter with my Taoism?

In particular, the power they display is stronger than that of the founder, Fu Henghua.

In the end it is lack of practice!

"Okay, that's all for this battle. With the power of the fairy sword, I can't see anything."

At the end of the battle, when Dan Quanzi was about to disperse Xingjing, Heng Hua suddenly saw Yang Dai making another move.

All the heroes in the middle of the sky were completely defeated. He stood on the majestic peak, with the aura of mountains and rivers surging in his body.

"No. Brother Dao, take a look at his life star!"

Dan Quanzi looked up at the sky.

The red light is like fire, and it is invading from the south to the northeast.

"The barbarian star moves north, and the luck soars? Strange, how can such a tyrannical luck increase after only defeating a few monks?"

Heng Hua observes Yang Dai in the mirror.

Those mountains and rivers flowed continuously, and finally sealed into Yang Dai's body.

"The luck of the ten continents, the truth of returning to the three mountains?"

Heng Hua murmured: "Yang Dai fights against heroes from all walks of life. He intends to collect the luck of the mountains and rivers in the three major waters, so that he can go one step further - transforming into a baby? No, it's the ancient golden elixir. He wants to use this to hone the three-turn gold Dan?"

He looked up at Dan Quanzi.

"Brother Dao, how sure are you against Yang Dai?"

Danquanzi rolled his eyes: "It's fine for Master and the others to expect me, but why are you like this? In terms of mana, I'm not even as good as Senior Sister Ruxin. She lost so badly, let alone me as an astrologer?"

As for the man-made dharma phase, Dan Quanzi didn't have too much expectation.

Li Ruxin and others can make a Dharma, why can't Yang Dai?
Could it be that his relationship with Fu Henghua is divided?
No matter how bad it is, you can still buy mechanism puppets from the Fu family!

"Then, Daoist brother can directly avoid the battle and do something in the golden waters."

"How to say?"

Fu Henghua whispered in his ear, and secretly taught him a method against Yang Dai.

After hearing this, Dan Quanzi was surprised and said, "Is that all right?"

"That's enough. I'll give you two Five Elements Mountain Talismans later. When Yang Dai comes to the Jinfang, you can prepare secretly. If it works, Brother Dong's chances of winning will increase by [-]%."

After Dan Quanzi wrote down this matter, he continued to draw star maps with Fu Henghua.

During the following days in Tianyi Sect, Fu Henghua was like an ordinary disciple of Tianyi Sect, watching the stars and drawing pictures every day, and experiencing the practice life of other sects.

Until one day, he saw Tianxuanzi driving Lei Peng to the north.

"Master Uncle is going to Chihai for a banquet, and he wants to participate in the celebration party of Natural Mirror of Natural Resources."

Dan Quanzi glanced at it, and continued to immerse himself in the drawing.

Beside the two, five or six disciples of Tianyi Sect were also drawing pictures together.

Heng Hua's heart was moved: "I should leave too."


Several Tianyi Sect disciples were a little bit reluctant.Although they didn't get along much, they got along well with Fu Henghua and learned a lot of weird little spells from him.

With the help of Danquanzi and Fu Henghua, the accuracy of their star map drawings is also constantly improving.

Heng Hua nodded: "My trip to Jin Fang was to go to the Xuanwei Sect to practice. Now that I've been away for various delays, it has actually delayed my business. It's time to go back to study and cultivate with peace of mind."

During this period of time, he had already hoarded a large amount of "Ling Yuan Yan Cai", and had finished all the manuscripts of many star gods.

In addition, all the books that Tianyizong opened to him are backed up to Shenluo Tianshu, and he can continue to read when he returns to Xuanwei School.

Hearing that Fu Henghua was leaving, Tianshuzi personally came to see him off.

Fu Henghua was overwhelmed by flattery, how dare he let him personally send him to Yuting Mountain?
He repeatedly waved his hands and refused.

"I also have something to go to Yuting Mountain, just go with you."

Heng Hua's heart moved, and then he agreed.

Greeting Hengshou and Xiaoyu, they rushed to Yuting Mountain by cloud.

On the way, Tianshuzi took out a scroll and handed it to Fu Henghua: "Your grandfather was politely invited out by Xuanwei, but he is still dissatisfied with your practice. If you want to persuade him, you must take out a scroll during these years." The draft of Dandan.

"I asked a senior for advice. I didn't reveal your details. You should study it carefully after you go back. Maybe it will help."

Heng Hua looked back at Tianyi Sect: "Is it Senior Jiexian from your sect?"

Tianshuzi shook his head.

Heng Hua suddenly understood: "The Taixuan Dao has established the Yunjing, if you need help from the juniors, you can send them directly."

"So many people are busy working in Yizhou, it's not your turn, so let's practice with peace of mind."

He took Fu Henghua back to Yuting Mountain.

Soon, Taoist Bodhi moved from Yizhou and went to Xuanyu Waters to have a banquet.

  Daoist Wuyuan ran away with the daughter of the Fufeng family, looking for the trace of the Taoist saint.

  One day, to Xuanhu Fangxianzhou.

  Qianjin said: "My ancestors went to Jinfang to seek Taoism. There are many relics of Taoism here. We should take a closer look at them."

  The two worshiped Yuting Mountain, introduced the preaching platform of Cuiguang Pavilion, and then entered the former residence of Guan Taoist in Gutongyuan.

  Seeing that Daotong is familiar with the road, Wuyuan Daoist is suspicious.

  Daotong said with a smile: "where the sage lives, there are many people who pay their respects. It's not uncommon to see them."

  When he returned to Yuting and went to Tianyizong, he was also greeted by Daotong.

  Climbing Beichen Peak, you can see the two elms on the top of the peak, the stars linger around the emerald crown, and the golden light fills the branches.

  The boy said: "The sage realized Taoism under the two elms. Later, he arranged star maps and wrote star books with all the patriarchs here. It is the third of the top ten Daoist relics in the Jin Fang. The monks sat under the tree and enlightened, and they may gain something."

  The two heard the words and sat under the two elms.Seeing the circulation of stars, all Taoists talk about the law of stars, sometimes happy and sometimes sad, and their emotions come from their hearts.

  Daoist Wuyuan suddenly saw a scene where a group of people buried clay sculptures under a tree.

  Got up to dig, and found something.

  Asked about Tong Tong, not knowing why, so he saw Sect Master Tianyi again.

  The suzerain replied: It was buried by the patriarch, and it covered the great secret of the universe.

  The two were born of the Dao Heart, comprehended the map of the stars, built a boat and went out to sea, set sail from the south, and returned from the north.

  Everyone in the world said that the two lost their way and returned.

  Someone close to him asked in detail, but the two shook their heads and did not answer.

  After repeated questioning, Wuyuan Daoist held the clay sculpture and sighed: The sage observes the stars and understands the truth of the universe. His talent and wisdom are not as good as ours.

  ——"Donglaizhou Jokes about the Three Ancients·Five Elements Daoist·Excerpts"

(End of this chapter)

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