
Chapter 398 Chi Haixian Can Write Heavenly Books

Chapter 398 Chi Haixian will write a heavenly book (three in one, ten thousand characters)
Taoist Bodhi did not pass through Yunjing, but came to the water from a famous mountain with roots, and rushed to Xuanyu waters by cloud.

Halfway through, I suddenly heard the sound of Luan Ming, which was refreshing and pleasant to the ear.

Stopping the cloud head, Bodhi looked up.

White clouds and mist, emerald light shining.

Yan Yuyuan straddled the green luan bird and was speeding through the clouds from a height of hundreds of feet.

"This luan bird..."

The Taoist was suspicious and watched silently.

Seeing Taoist Bodhi, Qingluanniao hurriedly communicated with Yan Yuyuan.

Yan Yuyuan looked down and saw Taoist Bodhi riding a cloud below, beckoning Qingluan to descend.

"Friend Bodhi!"

He jumped off Qingluan with a joyful smile: "At present, I can finally see you in the world."

The two had been friends for a long time, chatting and reminiscing about the old days, and soon became warm.

Bodhi saw the blue luan bird beside him and asked what happened.

Yan Yuyuan knew the identity of Taoist Bodhi, and looked at Qingluanniao, Qingluan took the initiative to say: "I am curious about human cultivation, please ask Fellow Taoist Yan to take me to Chihai to see the world."

This green luan is the incarnation of the tree king of the Eastern Forest, and the wood energy produced by the green mulberry tree is transformed into an illusion.

Bodhi Taoist saw that he was devoted to Taoism, so he would not be troublesome.

"Only fellow daoists? Other tree kings..."

Qingluan shook his head.

The Shenmu clan is a different species after all, and other tree kings are unwilling to have more contact with the human race.Non-aggression in Yizhou is enough.

Yan Yuyuan: "Everyone has their own aspirations. Fellow Daoist Qingsang has a heart for Taoism, and this time the Tianyan Tree Project can also participate in it."

He made plans for "Zumu", and these days he and Cang Lanzi walked more and more frequently, so it would not be difficult for him to be able to speak in front of Jie Xian and add an extra man.

Afterwards, the blue luan bird spread its wings, doubled in size, and carried the two to Buxianzhou.

Canglan Jiexian lived in Buxianzhou, but it was not built by him.It was entrusted by a friend of a fallen robber.In recent years, although some good people called this "Canglan Xianzhou", he himself never admitted it.

Chihai is a large lake on Buxianzhou.There are seven fairy mountains in the center of the lake, which are the mountain crossings where Canglan Jiexian walked in the past.With the settlement of Buxianzhou, these mountain crossings have turned into fairy mountains, a place for robbers to enjoy food.

Two people and one bird came here, and saw six mountains supporting one mountain, forming a hexagonal shape.The middle peak is extremely high and steep, and the other six mountains have their own magic.Looking between the inside and the outside, there are two low hills floating slowly.

Yan Yuyuan explained to Taoist Bodhi: "The two newly established hills, one is used to cultivate Tianyan trees, and the other is used to build animal gardens. It is said that Jiexian has a big move."

He looked mysterious, expecting Taoist Bodhi to ask questions.

The old fairy smiled and said nothing, gently shook the wonderful tree, descended from Qingluan, and crossed to the ferry of Chihai.

Lotus grows every step of the way, showing the demeanor of the fairy family.

Yan Yuyuan also jumped down, and beckoned the blue luan bird to be the size of a palm, and landed on his shoulder.

He chased after him: "Aren't you curious, what exactly is Senior Canglan planning to do?"

"I have participated in the plan, so why do you need to tell me?" Bodhi smiled, "This celebration banquet is not so much a celebration, but rather a pull for us to continue to work hard and start the next phase of the opening ceremony."

"That's also your chance, don't you plan to quit halfway?"

The water light in the air flowed, and an avatar appeared at the ferry.

Seeing Jiexian coming to meet him in person, the two hurried forward.

Canglan Jiexian looked up and down Taoist Bodhi, sometimes nodding, sometimes shaking his head.

"I can see the real appearance today, which is slightly different from what I imagined, and the appearance is a bit older."

"Skinny appearance, why are you so young?"

Henghua intends to let the three incarnations of Mumu, Tupo, and Jingong present the three postures of the old, the middle and the young, so as to understand the completely different human relationships and sophistication.Bodhi, naturally the older the better.

"It's hard to find a Taoist partner. I was still thinking about finding a few immortals from the spirit wood to help you marry. Now it seems that few female immortals like this appearance."

The Taoist ignored Jiexian's ridicule and walked into the fairy mountain first.

The ground is full of gold and stone, the clear water is shining, and the grass and Qiongshu grow everywhere.

The spiritual veins of the middle third rank, and there are seven of them.

Taoist Bodhi secretly marveled at the means of robbery.

If Canglan Jiexian is willing, a Buxianzhou can be built by passing through seven mountain crossings.

When exclaiming, there are bursts of wine and fruity aroma.Bodhi was startled secretly, and quickly used his kung fu to resist.

Then, he remembered that he was an incarnation, with the body of a wood spirit, not afraid of the smell of alcohol.

"This is Jiushan. There are twelve pools in the mountain, including Qingniang Pool, Hun'an Pool, and Tianchun Pool. There are also 24 springs such as Taojiu Spring, Meijiu Spring, and Bizhu Jiuquan. There are also 36 wells such as Yuliang Jiujing and Tianshui Jiujing. .”

When mentioning his own wine mountain, Jiexian is full of pride: "These 72 kinds of spirit wine are made by me when I toured Dongnae and selected famous wines from all over the world."

The blue luan bird was curious, and flew to a red spring not far away.

The red waves are rolling, and the wine is fragrant.There is a grape trellis in the center of the spring, and thousands of green leaves cover many red strings and purple fruits.

It pecked at Honglang lightly, the smell of alcohol immediately entered its body, the whole bird wobbled, and hurriedly flew back to Yan Yuyuan's hand.

Seeing that Qing Luan looked drunk, Yan Yuyuan smiled and said: "Jiushan has been brewed for thousands of years, the smell of wine here is comparable to spiritual energy, how can the body transformed by wood energy be close?"

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and a few green leaves fell from the grape trellis, wrapped them gently in the Jiuquan, and then rolled into four leaf cups and flew towards them.Between the small green cups, there is a ruby-like liquid glowing with aura.

Cang Lanzi picked up a glass and signaled Taoist Bodhi to take a glass of wine as well.

Yan Yuyuan drank one cup and fed the other cup to the blue luan bird.

Bodhi hesitated for a while, and drank the cup.

The aroma is rich, mellow and soft, and there is a trace of aura circulating in the body.

Taoist Bodhi looked thoughtfully at the grape trellis in the center of the spring.

"Is this the spiritual root?" Taoist Bodhi recalled, "The red crystal grape fruit of Flame Valley, the fifth-grade spiritual fruit?"

Cang Lanzi nodded with a smile: "I found three plants on a spiritual island and moved them all to my house. One plant was used to make wine, and the other two plants were used to harvest fruit."

Qingluanniao cleared up the alcohol, took two sips of wine, and burped in satisfaction.

Jiexian glanced at him, although he could see the history, he didn't take it seriously.Only as Bodhi's subordinates, Yan Yuyuan's Taoist friends.

Three people and one bird walked through Jiushan, passing by Meijiuquan, Xingjiuquan, Litchijiuquan... Spirit trees were planted in the center of the three springs. Three or five monks sat beside the springs, took leaves as cups, and drank happily.From time to time, he talked about Taoism and told about his recent experiences.

"The method of robbing immortals shows the beauty of good fortune." Taoist Bodhi sighed in his heart, and passed on the wonderful scene in front of him to the deity.

Heng Hua got to hear the beauty of Jiushan, secretly amazed.

But after thinking about it, I am not good at drinking, so no matter how good the place is, what good is it for me?Setting up a wine mountain on Panlong Island is nothing more than the third brother's happy place, and they can't go there by themselves.

So he gave up his thoughts and continued to read the magic method of forming alchemy written by Senior Tianjingzi.


Taoist Bodhi drank three cups in the sweet water wine well, walked another hundred steps, and saw a well shining with moonlight.

"This is—Tianyuezhan?"


Jiexian took a spoonful and drank it in a big gulp: "This kind of spirit wine from the Fu family is clear and mellow, and it is most suitable for drinking at night when you invite the moon."

But how did you get it?
My family does not trade with outsiders, the wine seller.

Bodhi was secretly puzzled, and followed him into the second of the six outer mountains.

Fruit Mountain.

The fruit fragrance is overflowing, and there are many fruit trees growing all over the mountains.

The closest to everyone is a forest of red lanterns.

The Taoist fixed his eyes and saw pomegranates that were as big as rabbit heads and filled with red sacs.Danguo hangs down, and the crystal beads are exposed, just like a row of welcoming men holding red lanterns.

When it came to Guoshan, the green luan bird was refreshed and spread its wings to dance in the sky.

The fruit forests all over the mountain are like ribbons winding around the strange peaks.

The red ones are pomegranate and lychee, with thin skin and sweet flesh.

Orange is citrus, ripe persimmon, plump and juicy.

There are also golden bananas, pink peaches, brown coconuts, purple-black mulberries, emerald summer melons...

It flew to the mulberry forest, smelled the familiar aroma, and was shocked: "Sure enough, it has the same origin as those concubines in my family."

Walking through the depths of the mulberry forest, I saw five spiritual trees surrounded by trees. The trees were short with scattered branches, covered with black and purple mulberries.

The expression of the Green Mulberry King changed, recalling the past hundreds of years ago in a trance.

When the five mother mulberry plants saw the blue luan, they shook their branches one after another and turned into five fairies in green skirts.

A woman held Ruyi in her hand, wearing a flower on her head, and shouted excitedly: "But His Majesty's incarnation?"

"it's me."

The green mulberry king turned into a human form, and the five fairies immediately stepped forward to embrace each other, and told about the pain of separation for hundreds of years.

Cang Lanzi, Yan Yuyuan and Taoist Bodhi watched from a distance.

The two looked at Cang Lanzi silently.

Cang Lanzi raised his forehead and said, "Don't look at me. I didn't catch these mulberry spirit seeds from the forest of the Yizhou Island, but accidentally got them on a water spirit island."

Human island?

Neither of them believed it.

Looking at the appearance of these five mulberry concubines, they are clearly the accompanying mother sang of Lin Hai, where King Green Mulberry Tree lives.

If you don't enter the forest, how can you get them?

The eyes of the two of them looking at Jiexian became more and more wrong, and Yan Yuyuan had already imagined the scene of Jiexian entering the mulberry forest with a vicious appearance and breaking up the couple.

He thought to himself: No, Fellow Daoist Qingsang can't defeat Jiexian.If we quarrel later, Bodhi and I will try our best to resolve the conflict.If necessary, ask senior Jiexian to give some compensation, and don't delay the Tianyanshu plan.


After reminiscing about the past with the five concubines, the tree king came to thank Canglanzi together.

"Back then, Lin Hai was inspired by the great formation in the cloud realm, and part of the land was forced to rise to the land. My five concubines were also implicated. Thanks to Jiexian's care, they were saved from the suffering of the catastrophe."

Canglanzi likes to eat, but will not destroy the roots at will.

He collects spiritual trees to get fruit, which is different from the harsh requirements of the earth dragons.As long as some mulberries are prepared every year, the wood elves are allowed to move around at other times, and they are allowed to build their own fruit forest dojo and come to listen to the sermons in front of their seats.

Canglanzi was smiling all over his face, and after a few words of self-effacing, he looked at the Sangxians in thought.

Although there are eighteen Sang Jing under his name, these five Sang Immortals have the highest qualifications.The mulberries are the most aura and taste the best, and they are my favorite on weekdays.

If their family is reunited and they abandon this mulberry forest...

Just as he was thinking, King Green Mulberry made a request, hoping to build a dojo in Guoshan to accompany the five concubines.

Cang Lanzi was overjoyed when he heard the words, and readily agreed.

Leaving King Shu and Concubine Ai's warmth, the three of Cang Lanzi left in a hurry.

On the way, Taoist Bodhi mentioned something: "Mulberry trees are divided into male and female. If the female tree is to bloom and bear fruit, male flowers must be pollinated..."

He silently looked at Cang Lanzi.

Yan Yuyuan suddenly realized, and looked at Cang Lanzi more and more wrongly.

Although the marriage was not forcibly destroyed, but forcing the mother tree to remarry and give birth to a child, this... this... is degrading!

Jiexian looked embarrassed and ashamed.This is also the reason why he dragged the two of them away in a hurry.

"I... I just found some randomly. They didn't like it, so they used their own magic power to give birth to them. I didn't... didn't force them."

Yan Yuyuan shook his head.

It's also fortunate that King Donglin didn't think of this right now, if he bears a grudge...

"In the future, you can use the method of inversion of yin and yang to make some of these dryads change gender and self-pollinate. To avoid such embarrassing things from happening again." Taoist Bodhi shared his experience back then with "Taoist friends".

After hearing this, Cang Lanzi nodded silently.

"In the future, I will pay attention."

There are three hundred tree spirits who have become spirits from the fruit mountain.Therefore, Jiexian didn't care about the different origins of the "Bodhi Taoist".

Anyone who practices immortality is the same way.

Just thinking of what happened to the Sangxians, the three of them didn't want to stay here any longer.

In case I meet some other fruit tree spirits...

They didn't even look at the dried fruit table and candied fruit palace behind the fresh fruit forest, and the three went straight to the third meat mountain.

As soon as he came, Taoist Bodhi saw the cold light and the raging waves of fire.

There are also big trees here, but they are not woody, but made of earth, stone, gold and ice.

The trees are interspersed with all kinds of meat.In the meat grove to the left of the three, flames were blazing.

"Come on, come on—"

Jiexian adjusted his mentality and pulled Bodhi Taoist past.

"This is Huoyu Forest. I got the help of your masters and apprentices before, and I got the flesh and blood of the beast. After careful study, I analyzed the nature of the matter and enlightened it with the law of good fortune."

There are twelve cycad trees in Huoyu Forest, and each big tree is marked with hundreds of pieces of artificial cypress meat.Grilled with flames, the meat gives off a burst of burnt aroma.

Taoist Bodhi watched the fire and was secretly startled: this fire is not fire in stone, fire in wood, nor is it the fire of samadhi condensed by spiritual energy.Naijiutian Qiyan Zihuo was imprisoned by Jiexian with magic power.

The purple awns are shining brightly, and the flames are surging.

As long as a sky fire is released, the Golden Core cultivator can be burned to death.

Jiexian went into the forest, personally took out an iron branch, and put five pieces of longan-sized meat on a string, handed it to Taoist Bodhi and said, "A while ago, you asked me how to cook meat most beautifully."

Taoist Bodhi took the iron branch and tasted it, and it felt a bit like eating barbecue in his previous life.

The gravy is full of juice, and the skin and tendons are still attached.The skin is burnt with ghee and the meat tendons are moderately elastic.


so spicy!

Taoist Bodhi silently cast spells to eliminate the spicy feeling on the tip of the tongue.

"After repeated cooking, I found that the meat is spicy, fat and thin, suitable for grilling."

The mountain of meat is vast, and besides beasts, there are also dragon meat, phoenix meat, venison meat, unicorn meat, Baize meat, Anbi, leopard fetus, bear paw, swan, roc bird, water snake, river mussel, divine whale, etc. meat.

Those that fly in the sky, those that run on the ground, and those that swim in the water, everything that Jiexian has eaten will be reappeared with great magic power.

In addition, there are fire forests for grilling, wind forests for salting and drying, ice forests for fresh and raw food, soup forests for cooking broth, and so on.

As the three walked forward, they came to an ice forest.

Snowflakes are dancing and the air is chilly. There are all kinds of seafood on the trees, which can be eaten raw directly.

Taoist Bodhi took a few sips and asked: "Senior likes fresh food, don't you prepare sauce?"

There is no sauce for the fish carp, and there are no other spices for the grilled meat in front.

"Sauce? Of course there is, but it's not here. Come with me."

Down from the back of the mountain, through a steaming Tanglin.

Linneiju is a big tree made of clay, and there are gas pots on the tree, in which chicken soup and animal bones are simmering.

Go around it and enter the fourth mountain, which is Xiangshan.

Clove, licorice, agarwood, borneol, camphor, cardamom, witch hazel and other spice plants grow in the mountains.

The aroma is strong, like being in the flood tide.

As soon as they entered here, the three of them were full of energy, and the Lingtai was clear.

Bypassing the fragrant wood forest in front, Jiexian brought the two of them to Shannan.There is a large square pool here, with all kinds of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

"Here is the sauce Baichi, what do you want, you can make it yourself."

Taoist Bodhi shook his head: "The aroma is too strong, I'm already full after smelling it, let's continue to walk around."

Passing through the feed pool, I saw a lawn again.Cumin, pepper, etc. are all here.When the kamikaze blows, the fruit is automatically ripened and ground into powder, and piled into the barn next to it.

Bodhi sighed: "When it comes to food and drink, Jie Xian deserves to be number one in the world."

Entered the tea mountain again.

There are all kinds of spiritual teas on the mountain.There is a pavilion on each side of the tea fields, with a stove and tea sets inside, served by tea boys.

There is a stone forest behind the mountain.Write a poem on each stone pillar and hang a picture of dim sum.

Jiexian smiled and said, "Your wooden talisman and Yuxian's real talisman have enlightened me the most, and that's the real dim sum talisman."

He stretched out his hand and shook the bell on the other side of the stone pillar, and the corresponding dessert appeared automatically on the stone plate on the pillar.

When everything finds its essence, the process can be skipped, and the finished product can be made from materials.This is how Fu Henghua makes fox fur, and Cang Lanzi makes dim sum.

Taoist Bodhi stepped forward and gently shook the "plum cake" stone pillar.Immediately there was a plate of steaming five-color plum cakes on the pillar.

He could feel that at the moment when the stone pillar was activated, a spiritual energy poured into the stone pillar from the underground fairy mountain.

"Refining spiritual energy into food, very good, very good food."

Taoist Bodhi silently remembered that this method can fill the way of eating immortals.

Tasting the pastry, he frowned.Looking at the dim sum picture again, he shook his head and said: "The color and fragrance are complete, similar to ordinary people. The level of these pictures is not good, you should use the method of spiritual pictures."

Jiexian frowned.

These dim sum pictures were naturally painted by him himself.But his painting skills are really not high enough to perfectly restore the spirit meal.These tea snacks are just like human snacks.

"What do you mean, how many spiritual painters should I find?"

"Ordinary spiritual painters are not as good as you. Do you want to invite masters, or invite people from Sijing Mountain?"

"He's busy painting. Seems like he's tinkering with the lineage of painting immortals? He's also a master of tossing around."

Jiexian took the two of them to the last mountain again.

When Yan Yuyuan saw the Six Mountains of Spiritual Food, he was also very surprised.In the past, when I came here, I mostly went straight to the middle peak, and I never had a chance to observe the six mountains carefully.

The last mountain is Sushan.

Frying, frying, frying and stewing are all available.Opposite to Roshan, there are all meat, and here are all vegetables and leafy vegetables.In addition, the five grain crops such as staple food are also here.

After viewing the six mountains, the three came to Zhongfeng.

There is a sea of ​​flowers at the foot of Zhongfeng, and seats are being displayed to welcome guests.

Bodhi Taoist saw many acquaintances here.

Tianxuanzi, Linghu Danya, Sha Jinchang, Yuwen Chunqiu, and even Wu Zhengxin also came.

The incarnation of Jiexian returned to the deity.

Cang Lanzi, who was sitting in the middle of the seat, said with a smile to everyone present: "Look, Bodhisattva is here. This is the real body—come, everyone."

"Real body?" Tianxuanzi smiled, "Since we met fellow daoist, we haven't met formally. Come, come, fellow daoist, sit here."

never seen it?
This deity was watching the stars in Tianyizong some time ago, but he deals with you every day.

Bodhi declined the invitation and sat next to Yuwen Chunqiu and Sha Jinchang.

After all, they were a team during the natural history survey.

Yuwen Chunqiu thanked Bodhi.

He was able to cultivate the golden elixir, and naturally the contribution of Taoist Bodhi is indispensable.Even Wu Zhengxin came over to express his thanks on behalf of Yusheng Pavilion, and gave him a thank you gift.

"Three Lights Divine Water?"

This is the treasure of the gathering of sun, moon and stars, and it is higher than Xiaoyu's three-light spiritual water.Although there is only one drop, it can purify the spiritual water in the Yunchao bottle.From rootless water to a spring.

Bodhi's expression shook.Originally he didn't want to accept it, but this item was related to the upgrade of the Yunchao bottle in Xiaoyu's hand, so he still accepted it silently, and settled the cause and effect.

Sha Jinchang handed over a gold book.

"Look, what do you want? Senior Cang Lan's banquet is quite mysterious. As long as you tick the golden book, the corresponding food will automatically appear on the table."

He ordered a plum wine as an example.

With a flash of golden light, a wine jug and a wine cup appeared in front of him.

Taoist Bodhi seems to have realized something.

At that moment, he saw some kind of power appear.

Is it an earth spirit?wind spirit?Or five ghosts?
Anyway, he didn't believe that Cang Lanzi did all this alone.

After all, this is a Lord who loves good food and pleasure.Would he work himself that hard?

Bodhi opened the golden book and ordered four fresh fruits first, flat peaches, oranges, pomegranates, and apples.

Then bring up the four nuts of lotus seeds, pine nuts, fire dates, and walnuts.

Then choose four types of fragrances: borneol, clove, licorice, and storax.

Flipping through the gold book, I picked candied melon strips, osmanthus lotus root, pickled plums, and candied hawthorn.

When the dishes were served one by one, Bodhi nodded silently.

It is indeed an earth essence, who used invisibility to help us carry the dishes.

Although the earth spirit is not good in appearance, it is better than the five ghosts in carrying skills.And the elves bred by the spiritual veins of the fairy mountain should look pretty, right?

I ordered another cup of clear tea and four refreshments.He sat there slowly and talked with Sha Jinchang.

Soon, Dong Moyang also arrived.

After the group members greeted each other, Dong Moyang sat next to Yuwen Chunqiu and asked about Yusheng Pavilion's response to Chi Yuan's successor.

"What can we do? Anyway, don't let him go to Yusheng Pavilion. Our plan is to solve this matter today."

Yuwen Chunqiu pointed to the crowd at the banquet hall.

"Look, in addition to our naturalists, many heroes from Xuanyu Waters have also come to this banquet."

He pointed out one by one.

In addition to several Golden Elixirs from Yusheng Pavilion who came with Wu Zhengxin, several sword repairers from Yuming Jianzhou also came, among them were He Zhenyu, whom Fu Henghua knew, and Xu Ziwen, an old enemy of the Fu family.

"Look, the true masters from several sects of Yuxianzhou are here."

Yuxian Continent is one of Xuanyu's four Buxian Continents. There are also Jiexian Continents on the Continent, and there are many sects.

"Yang Dai came to Xuan Yu to challenge, everyone knows the depth of his combat power. I don't want to delay any longer, I simply let him fight today, and then send it to your gold party."

Sha Jin smacked his tongue and said, "You all have to admit defeat!"

Yuwen Chunqiu smiled helplessly.

No way, I really can't beat it.

Zhong Zihan was defeated with the fairy sword.

What if it was replaced by a few senior brothers of my own family?Lend the celestial artifact, let him go to Yang Dai to say goodbye?
It's better to be soft and just send a true biography to deal with the errand, just pretend that you didn't use all your strength, and you can save some face.

Bodhi's face was calm, and he sipped the tea slowly.

This is all to be expected.Losing alone is embarrassing.A group of people lose, who cares?

As long as Yang Dai is set up and held up, no one cares about whoever loses.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and the teacup in his hand almost fell off.

But Fu Ruiying, Fu Danwei, Xue Kai and Ge Liu came.

The two masters of the Fu family were invited to help the Phoenix family improve in the late stage of the museum.

Xue Kai is also invited to help Tianxuanzi perform the way of a saint.

As for Ge Liu, it was just making up the numbers.But as a world-renowned expert in medical practice, coupled with the frequent bright words in the discussion of dragon blood body training, Jiexian also invited him.

Of course, Ge Liu's unnamed disciple treated many monks in Yizhou.Indirectly helping the medical practitioners in Yanlong Waters to become famous also made Ge Liu's reputation more glorious.

Bodhi silently recited a mantra in his heart to maintain his peace of mind.

The guests came one after another, and when they were all present, Jiexian tapped the jade chime lightly, and everyone stopped talking and looked at Cang Lanzi.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and there were one large and two small connected spheres in the center of the banquet.

A Natural Mirror of Natural History!

Everyone looked proud.

Seeing the achievements of myself and others, I am very happy.

Cang Lanzi toasted everyone.

"After finishing the natural history, we will complete another Tiangang method for Donglai's practice circle. In the future, all descendants of Donglai will learn about the 'transformation of the fetus and change form', which will get twice the result with half the effort."

He toasted to celebrate, and everyone stood up and raised their glasses to greet him.

After drinking, the wine is automatically refilled.

"Since Bodhi Taoist and I initiated the museum, we have spent decades to complete this project. Compared with the predecessors who made thunder ponds and moved mountains and rivers, the time is very short, which is gratifying."

When Bodhi heard the words, he was humble again and again, not daring to claim credit.

Jiexian smiled and said: "You don't need to be humble, this matter can be accomplished, you and I have the leadership. It will be recorded in the history books in the future, and it will be passed down to future generations. Your name and my name will be indispensable."

After that, he thanked the elders of various sects.If it weren't for the support of the classics of the various sects and the assistance of disciples, it would not have been completed so quickly.

In the end, it was the third cup of congratulations.

After three glasses of wine, the banquet will begin.

Bodhi removed the refreshment and fruit plate in front, and began to order cold dishes, hot dishes and soup dishes, a total of twelve dishes.

In addition to hot and sour melon sticks and stir-fried gold and silver shreds, Taoist Bodhi also took the opportunity to choose some foods that he had never seen or seldom eaten.

The same goes for other monks.

Dragon liver and phoenix marrow, nose and claws, meat and horns are rare, where do they find the parts of these mythical beasts?

Bodhi ordered the grilled dragon liver, braised scorpion, unicorn brain, and roc blood.

Sha Jinchang ordered fried Lin's tendon, stewed red bird soup, roasted black turtle, and calcined snake bones.

Yuwen Chunqiu ordered a dragon and phoenix soup, a plate of braised oyster claws, and the rest were spiritual fruits.

The reason why there are not many people is because although these spiritual meal ingredients are artificially created, they contain abundant spiritual power and need to be savored and digested slowly.

When everyone savored carefully, Yang Dai came to the door.

Canglan Jiexian knew that he was here to challenge the young heroes in Xuanyu Waters, so he directly set aside the unbuilt Spirit Beast Garden on the waters as their battle venue.

"Young people's battle of spirits, you can wait and see."

After driving away young people like Yuwen Chunqiu and Dong Moyang, Cang Lanzi said to everyone present.

"The natural history is over, but the follow-up is still not over.

"In the sea of ​​clouds, we have already mentioned the 'Evolution Tree Project', which is officially launched today."

He looked at Yan Yuyuan.

Yan Yuyuan got up and told about the plan he had agreed with Jiexian these days.

It was the first time for Wu Zhengxin and others to hear about it, and they were surprised.

But the people who were in the sea of ​​clouds didn't care.

It has been known for a long time, and they specially brought rare wood species on this trip to build a spiritual pool for the growth of Tianyan tree.

Waiting for Jiexian's order, the mounds in the distance rose slowly.

The jade fence on the hill is surrounded by hundreds of feet, and the spiritual fluid inside is rolling, and a big tree is looming in the center.

"We will put the wood species we hold into the spirit pool to wait for the change."

Jiexian took the lead and collected wood species from Luoguo Mountain, Xiangshan Mountain, and Sushan Mountain.

The billowing kamikaze swept thousands of seeds into the spirit pool.

Afterwards, the Nascent Soul Grandmasters took action one after another and sprinkled the seeds in the sleeve robe into the spirit pool.

Taoist Bodhi saw that Tianxuanzi threw several solitary roots and broken branches of Tianyizong into the spirit pool.The grandfather and the great elder put thousands of plants of Yanlong into it.There are also several masters who put plants from waters such as Baizhen, Yanshui, Chigao, Yuanming, etc. into the Lingchi.

In the end, he shook out the wood seeds sent by the tree kings in Yizhou, and threw them into the spirit pool.

The spirit pond rolled up one vortex after another, and the spirit algae accumulated in it absorbed the life information of many wood species, constantly growing and changing...

This was a long process, and Jiexian immediately dropped the spirit pool.

He glanced at Bodhi.

Taoist Bodhi sat upright: Here we come!
"Besides the Tianyan Tree, I also want to do one more thing. Gather the world's rare beasts here and create a garden of ten thousand beasts."

Ten Thousand Beasts?
Fu Danwei looked at Tianxuanzi and the others, they also looked at a loss.

They didn't know about this news beforehand, did they?
"Senior, you... you established the zoo for..."

For eating?

"I discussed the Tao with Bodhi a while ago."

Taoist Bodhi saw all the eyes were cast, and returned a polite smile.

Linghu Danya smiled and said, "It's you two again? Last time you worked on the museum, what do you want to do this time?"

"The two of us explored the Dao, and occasionally realized the secrets of heaven, and got something." Jiexian raised his hand and pointed, and densely displayed thousands of red scripts, and talked about the magic of "Eight Nine Xuan Gong".

All the cultivators read the red text, each with a surprised expression.

Fu Ruiying whispered to Fu Danwei: "Physical refiner? How do you look at it, the intention is a bit weird?"

Wu Zhengxin also discussed with the brothers around him.

"No, a fairy book, why did the two of them bring it up for discussion?"

Another elder scolded in a low voice: "Are they crazy? Dare to move that idea?"

Tianxuanzi was puzzled, and discussed with Lu Jiang and his wife in a low voice.

Linghu Danya: "They worked together to create Taoism. This... is this going to play with heavenly scriptures? They are so courageous. Husband, you should learn!"

Is it possible that the method of letting Jie Xian revitalize the master and discuss it with them in a serious manner is simple?
Sure enough, Jiexian then attracted a purple sky fire.


The flames burn the red text, and those red texts are constantly circulating, forming a strange carrier between the virtual and the real, and they are not afraid of the fire of the sky.

Yan Yuyuan looked excited, clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "The scriptures are not afraid of fire, do you really want to create the heavenly scriptures, senior?"

This is an allusion from the Shenzhou era.

According to legend, the ancestors of the Chiyuan School conspired with the ancestors of the Liangge to go to Taixuanzong to seek the holy theory of Taoism.

When arguing with the cultivators, the Daoist threw the Taixuan Tianshu into the immortal fire.

Even if several immortals work together to urge the fire, it will be difficult to damage the Tianshu.

After that, Zhu Xiu realized that the Heavenly Book is not just a simple scripture, but a spiritual treasure created by heaven and earth.

Calcining the scriptures with fire is also a ceremony to aspire to the heavenly book and declare to everyone, "I want to create the heavenly book".In analogy, when Fu Henghua was practicing "mediation of good fortune", he deliberately bathed and purified himself, and set up a table to pray.

In ancient times, hundreds of people performed this ceremony, but only three of them succeeded.

All the cultivators were shocked, and Tianxuanzi hurriedly said: "Book of heaven? Senior, you want to create a book of heaven? Do you have the time to do this right now?"

"Yeah? You're almost over the tribulation, now you're messing with this?"

"So, I plan to invite all of you to study this heavenly book together. This book coincides with the magic of the Nine Turns, and has a total of 81 changes. Among them, nine changes are the testimonies of saints, also known as 'nine degrees of saints'."

When it came to the way of a sage, Tianxuanzi sat down silently and listened patiently to his explanation.

What Jiexian said was the last version discussed with Bodhi recently.

The nine of the saints become the vertical axis, and the eight of the search become the horizontal axis, and then eight promotion routes are listed, which finally include the changes of everything in the world.

This is a heavenly book with the theme of "change".

The monks thought about it, and then looked at the three spheres that Jiexian placed in the center of the banquet.

This is the heavenly book that goes with the "Natural Mirror of Natural History". They come to study it, and the success rate is indeed higher than others.

Seeing Jie Xian's gaze, Yan Yuyuan got up and asked, "We have completed the natural history and set a precedent for future generations. Now we can go a step further and create a heavenly book. Wouldn't it be more revealing of our generation's skills?"

An elder of the sect snorted softly: "The way of the heavenly scriptures is bumpy. How many people have succeeded in ancient times? We will never succeed in creating the heavenly scriptures."

"So what if you fail?" Bodhi laughed. "It's nothing more than accumulating experience and providing an example for future generations. It is also a good thing to let them avoid detours."

Jie Xian echoed: "Whether it will be successful or not, we have to try it out. Right now, let's talk about it. If everyone thinks it's okay, I will continue to open a sea of ​​clouds. If it doesn't work, let's just let it go, how about it?"

Seeing that Jiexian has made up his mind and the cultivators are not able to refute, they follow Jiexian's mind and discuss this book of changes together.

Bodhi said: "The book of heaven is all-encompassing, and it is itself a piece of heaven and earth. The eighty-nine mysterious kung fu changes, and the last step is to integrate the ninety-nine kung fu, and then you can return to your roots and become the universe."

Cang Lanzi: "Therefore, the first transformation practice is the transformation of the saint. The saint is not only the foundation of the beginning, but also the fruit of the future. Every time the realm is improved, the body of the saint is further purified."

Tianxuanzi: "The other eight changes of each stage correspond to the eight promotion routes. We might as well decide on the top changes first? There are natural objects, and the top types are obvious, right?"

Everyone laughed.

That's right, if they don't understand this step, wouldn't they have been in vain all these years?

Lu Jiang: "Dragon, phoenix, black tortoise, and unicorn, these four transform into the ninth most beast-shaped transformation. In addition, there is also a kind of plant—the Tianyan tree?"

Yan Yuyuan: "Naturally."

"Jinshi should have one too."

Bodhi: "The stone is in the soil. The final form of the stone is inseparable from the soil. Should it be the resting soil? And the earth produces gold. The final change should be the earth change. The earth nurtures gold and stone, which is the foundation of all substances."

Everyone looked at the three balls.

Looking at the earth made of gold and stone, they all nodded.

Good, makes sense.


Another master who specializes in gold and stone museums shook his head and said: "Bodhi Taoist friends are reasonable, but the nature of gold is not the same as the nature of earth. The nature of gold is immortal, and its physical signs should be gold elixir. There should be a change left for the gold elixir to serve as the foundation of the world. The source of the golden essence. This is also the foundation of the golden talisman mentioned by fellow Taoists."

Bodhi was dumb, unable to think of a rebuttal for the time being.

Another monk said: "Let's put gold and stone on hold for now. Tell me, should ghosts be listed separately? There is also vitality. We survey and understand all things in the world and establish a natural mirror.

How can it be all-encompassing if it can change everything in the world, but it can't become Fengxia, thunder and fire, and it can't change ghosts and ghosts?
But if these are included, wouldn't there be a special Nether Transformation and Vitality Transformation?

Everyone started the next round of discussion again.

Although Wu Zhengxin and other sect elders also have their own ideas.But after all, he is not close to everyone, and he is not familiar with the habits of everyone in Canglan Yunhai.

Sometimes, as soon as they say a word, they are quickly drowned out by other voices.

And although everyone was arguing red-faced, they carefully wrote down each other's words, and used this to continue to study in depth.

Finally, after several hours of discussion.

Everyone summed up the nine transformations of the ninth level: the saint transformation, the dragon transformation, the black turtle transformation, the phoenix transformation, the unicorn transformation, the ancestral tree transformation, the star transformation, the earth age transformation, and the yin and yang transformation.

The first six changes cannot be changed, and the last three changes are all tentative.

The sky star becomes the ultimate change of gold and stone.

Bodhi and the others argued endlessly, and it was difficult for Cang Lanzi to distinguish for a while.

Suddenly, he had an idea, looked at the earth made of gold and stone, and blurted out: "This is the star!"

As if the Dao was natural, all the cultivators thought for a while.

Gold and stone make up the earth, and the earth may indeed be regarded as a star.

What is above the stars, earth, stone, gold and iron.

In terms of structure, it is no different from the ground under its feet.

In addition, the soul belongs to the stars.The change of ghosts is naturally also related to the protoss.Nether Transformation is listed as the fourth level of practice, and it is classified as one of the Nine Star Transformations.

As for the changes in the age of the earth, it was Bodhi Taoist who insisted on listing the fungi separately, and also used Tai Sui and other gods and beasts as examples.

The reason why he listed the earth change is also to classify those bacteria and fungi into one general category.

According to the textual research of Tianxuanzi's star method, "Tai Sui" and the star method of Tianxingbian seem to have a secret connection, but they are on the opposite side.Therefore, it is temporarily listed in the Nine Changes system.All miscellaneous categories that are not included in other changes are all classified into the change of earth age.

As for the change of yin and yang, it is to change all the vitality in the world.Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, water and fire, yin and yang, are all the same.

The Nine Changes on the top level were defined, and everyone set about setting up other changes again.

Qinglong Bian, Nether Bian, Tai Sui Bian, Tianfeng Bian, Xuanhuo Bian, etc. are listed as examples one by one.

After each change, there are also change spells that monks search for specially.There are records in ancient books, and some were written on the spot.Fortunately, there were a lot of monks present, and they asked for help outside the arena with their backs against the Tianxuan Daotai.

One day later, I finally enumerated the ninety-nine and eighty-one changes of the Eighty-Nine Xuan Gong.

And during the discussion, the elders of Yusheng Pavilion were very happy.

My family's heavenly book is expected to be restored!

They listened to the discussion of "Nine Degrees of Saints", and suddenly had an idea.

Saint, Jade Saint.

It is still the evolution and transformation of saints layer by layer.

Just mentioning the "Nine Degrees of Saints" is a fairy book for holy practice!

And this heavenly book can just supplement the concept of Yusheng Pavilion and restore their heavenly book in this era.

Wu Zhengxin and other elders had an epiphany, and immediately sent a message back to Yusheng Pavilion.From a distance, I invite all of you to help each other and deduce "Nine Degrees of Saints" together.And with such hard work, they also indirectly helped the saints in "Eight Nine Xuan Gong" to become perfect.

The Zihuang Pavilion lineage is based on the method of change, so it does not have a good opportunity for the Yusheng Pavilion.

One elder lowered his head to study the True Yang Transformation among the Nine Star Transformations, and the other elder studied the Xuanhuo Transformation among the Yin and Yang Nine Transformations.

The way of change is not that useful to Zihuang Pavilion.

Cang Lanzi looked at the expressions of the elders of the second pavilion, and thought to himself: "The Jade Sage and the Purple Emperor are both the true nature of the Dao. But one emphasizes changes, and the other emphasizes invariance. They are similar but different."

Looking at other people, following the deduction of "Eight Nine Xuan Gong", they all gained something.

What Bodhi is most concerned about is undoubtedly the changes of the stars and the changes of the earth.

The Two Changes of Heaven and Earth involve the evolution of Protoss and Tai Sui.

"Sui, Sui Xing, Tai Sui, time, sixty Jiazi, the dark side of the star? Xingsha?"

Heng Hua faintly felt that this seemed to involve the evolution of the Pantheon?In addition to the gods of the mountains and rivers, I need to set up some demon gods to symbolize the earth evil?

But isn't there Earth Sha 72 Star God?Do you need an extra Earth Sha Demon God?
Heng Hua pondered over and over again, and suddenly had an idea: Wait, Earth Sha, 72 changes.

He dug out the idea of ​​the little supernatural power system in his early years.Combined with the 72 transformations beyond the nine degrees of the saint, he tinkered with a transformation spell that is suitable for longevity practice.

Fu Danwei and Fu Ruiying are most concerned about Tianfeng Bian among the Nine Changes of Yin and Yang.When discussing with various cultivators, use the wisdom of the masters to deduce the changes in the sky.

The wind is invisible, and the movement of the yuan is also!
Fu Danwei and Fu Ruiying communicated through sound transmission, carefully deliberating on their own "Fu Feng Xian Jing".

If the Fufeng Immortal Sutra wants to elevate its level, it must start with the change of vitality.

In addition, there is a master who comprehended the way of the Three Jewels from Tianfengbian, Xuanhuobian, and Zhenshuibian, refined the principles of water, fire and wind, combined with his own skills, and created a "Golden Book of the Three Treasures"

A master comprehended the changes of the four auspicious beasts, and compiled a "Book of Changes in the Five Insects", which was dedicated to changing the image of the feathers and scales, a genus of five insects.

The heavenly book is the tree, and the dixie is the branch.

Each heavenly book is an independent system, from which many fairy books and Taoism can be derived.

Even if Canglan Jiexian's "Eight Nine Mysterious Art" has just started, everyone only saw a general outline, and they got great inspiration from it.Combined with what I have learned, the perception of Dao becomes more and more profound.

After a total of three days of research and discussion, Zhu Xiu inspired more than [-] fairy books and created five complete fairy books.

Cang Lanzi put away the manuscript, smiled at Taoist Bodhi and said, "You are a lucky star. Before you, I have gained something from exchanges, but I have never been as diligent as I have been in the past 30 years."

The masters nodded silently.

After the initial collision of thoughts and learning from the Tao, Tianxuan Daotai gradually entered a period of calm.Without new people to stimulate them, they cannot go further.

Until a few years ago, Taoist Bodhi was born.

Some of his whimsical ideas made the calm lake alive again.

Yan Yuyuan said to the people around him: "I think there is still one more revision to the "Natural Mirror of Natural History". Bodhi means wisdom and wisdom. Bodhi trees must have a physical nature, which is related to wisdom. In the future, we might as well plant more Bodhi at home. A tree, it can’t be said that it can make the Lingtai clear and increase wisdom.”

Everyone laughed, and even Tianxuanzi came over and hooked his shoulders, looking for Taoist Bodhi to ask for branches, planning to go back and plant trees.

 I wrote from nine to nineteen in the morning, so tired.



  "Museum Tianjian·Tenth Edition·Excerpts"——

  Bodhi tree, a tall tree, belongs to the same species as Banyan, with thousands of air roots, and it can live immediately after cutting.

  Like light temperature, humidity, flowering and fruiting, monoecious.

  Fanmu is a treasure for a hundred years. It produces light of wisdom, clears the mind and refreshes the mind, suppresses demons and suppresses evil spirits. It can be used as a medium for casting spells.

  Another two hundred years will be the second-grade precious wood, and another two hundred years will be the first-grade wood.At the age of seven hundred, it can become a spirit tree.A thousand-year-old, second-grade spirit wood.Fifteen hundred years old, a first-grade spiritual wood.In another thousand years, it will become a fairy tree again.

  Chapter [-] of "Tianyi Yixian Zhuan" has a record: Bodhi, the head of all trees, the king of thousands of wisdom.The origin and flow of Taoism, wisdom produces all kinds of veins.Back then, Patriarch Bodhi made a great wish to open the way with his body and save all immortals.

  Since then, all Bodhi woods that come out of Donglai have the effect of enlightening wisdom.This kind of wood is commonly found in caves and caves in various fairy houses, and monks can get twice the result with half the effort under the tree.

  It is heard that the bodhi trees held by various sects today are all left by the Bodhi ancestors.

  "Donglai Jianji" contains: "The museum is complete, and the monks of Tianyizong asked for a branch of wisdom from the ancestor of Bodhi. Later, it was raised in Fangxianzhou, and Bodhi Garden was established. It is called Dahui Bodhi and respects the "Holy Tree King". All Bodhisattvas Trees are all of this origin. The world regards the distance of the offspring as the most precious.

  During the disaster of bones, Fang Xianzhou was in a catastrophe, and the Bodhi Garden was on fire, and Huimu and the red lotus sword, one of the ten demon soldiers, were destroyed together.

  Afterwards, Bodhi Garden was rebuilt.Cut off a Bodhi branch from the second-generation remnant on Yuting Mountain, and renew the wisdom tree, which is the third-generation Bodhi.

(End of this chapter)

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