
Chapter 404

Chapter 404 Golden Wood Alchemy ([-] words)

Yanlong Waters uses the "Four Gates Eight Diagrams Fulong Formation" to suppress the Dragon King. In addition to the Fenghuotianshui Simen Islands in the southeast, northwest and four regions, there is also a Taiji Formation as the center.

The Taiji Terrace is located in the central region, and the water area affected by its spiritual power is Taiji Lake.

The principle of Tai Chi is contained here, and there is the magic of biochemical yin and yang.

For everyone to try to form alchemy, Taiji Lake is undoubtedly the best place.

At dawn, Hengshou set sail, but arrived at Taiji Lake at noon.

From a distance, there are monks guarding the water area strictly.

Heng Hua used "invisibility" to cover up the white dragon boat.

"The rules of the central region, each sect sends disciples to form a guard team to guard the Taiji formation. Hengshou, go left—"

The white dragon boat turned, but it wasn't long before it was turned again by Fu Henghua.

After repeating it several times, Ming Hengshou stopped and waited on the bank of an immovable reef.

Xiao Yu: "The young master is waiting for someone?"

Heng Hua: "We have some connections in Central Region, so it's not for nothing."

He applied the "Heluo method", and when he learned of Nie Xing and Liu Xu's patrol routes, he was determined: "Your fellow Daoist Nie and fellow Daoist Liu are coming, Xiao Yu, you go and meet them."

Liu Xu and Nie Xing led several disciples of Shenyue Sect to patrol Taiji Lake.Suddenly a dragon boat appeared in the field of vision out of thin air, and hurriedly brought people over to check.

Seeing the fish screaming at the bow, Liu Xu suddenly realized: "This is the spirit boat from back then!"

Liu Xu also saw the treasure ship Chasing Clouds, the predecessor of the White Dragon Boat.

"Brother, it's the car of Fellow Daoist Fu."

He sacrificed Taiyin Jianwan and boarded the white dragon boat first.

Heng Hua brought everyone out to greet him, and Liu Xu said happily, "You really are fellow Taoists, have you come back from the waters of Jin Fang?"

"I just came back today."

The two chatted enthusiastically, and seeing Fu Henghua present, Nie Xing took the other fellow disciples on board with peace of mind.

After asking about Fu Henghua's intentions, Liu Xu said straightforwardly: "Borrow the Taiji Dantai? It's easy to handle. Our brothers and sisters are about to go back to handover, you follow us."

Tai Chi Ze takes ten steps in a row, a hundred steps in a pass, and is heavily guarded.If there is no guidance from the Zhongyu sect, it is absolutely impossible to get close to Taijitai.

But Liu Xu has been favored by the head of the family in recent years, and has been appointed as the next head.He personally escorted the white dragon boat, and even though there was no guide, other patrolling guards silently let it go.

While marching, Fu Henghua talked with him about Taiyin Immortal Technique.

One of the most important reasons why Liu Xu was favored by the suzerain was that Liu Xu got the derivative fairy book from the Taiyin Heavenly Book back then.As a result, Shenyuezong has perfected the orthodoxy and is expected to be immortal.

Over the years, Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi have discussed the Taiyin Book of Heaven, and they have gained a better understanding of the law of Taiyin.Discussing with Liu Xu now, let him suddenly understand, and improve his cultivation.

After walking slowly for an hour, everyone came to a fog.

The golden runes flowed in the thick white mist.Through the golden light and dense fog, a high platform at the core can be vaguely seen.

There is the seal center of Yansheng Dragon King.

Fu Xuanxing silently manipulated the sword intent of subduing the dragon, and carefully guarded against the Dragon King.

And the Black Jiao King on Baimin's body felt the dragon's energy escaping in the mist, and also panicked.But compared to the threat from Fu Xuanxing, it was much smaller.

Heng Hua looked at the sea of ​​fog, and at the monks beside him who were repairing the "Seven Spirits Golden Light Demon Killing Seal".

"Someone came to offend Taiji Lake recently?"

"Fellow Daoist is not in Yanlong, maybe I don't know. The one at the bottom of the water has recruited a group of water monsters from somewhere, and they have frequently caused trouble on the water in recent years."

"Water demon?"

When Heng Hua used He Luo again, his face suddenly changed.

Fu Yaozhen stared at the water surface and also reacted.

The jade carp of Yizhou, no, is the water demon of Yizhou.

"Unexpectedly, back then, the mantis caught the cicada and the oriole was behind, and the old Dragon King took advantage of it."

Back then, the land monsters attracted most of the monks' attention.Although some monks were sent to eradicate the jade carp and the aquarium, the aquarium elves joined forces with the mysterious tortoise envoy sent by Yansheng Dragon King one step earlier.With the guidance of the Dragon King Yansheng, some of the aquariums hid in several ponds in the eastern part of Shenzhou, and escaped to the human world when they took advantage of the Tibetan Lingdao to land.

Although there is no demon king sitting in the town, there are twelve golden core demon generals in the Jade Carp Clan.Lead the tribe to sweep out the dissidents for the Yansheng Dragon King, and unite the Shui tribe.

In addition to the Central Region, the Northern and Western Regions are also often attacked by the Aquarium.

Seeing the solemn expressions of the Fu family siblings, Liu Xu comforted him instead: "It's okay. After we discovered the intentions of the Shui tribe, we asked the Xiuzhen families for help, but no serious losses were caused. It's just that the demon-killing seals around the formation are a little damaged. Let's repair them." That's it.

"By the way, you guys also have monks from the Fu family to come to support you."

Fu Yaozhen's spiritual consciousness was released, and he searched on the water with the help of wind sounds.

Soon, she said to Fu Henghua: "It's the oldest cousin of our family. Later, can I go and say hello?"

Fu Bozhao and Fu Boluo brothers.

"Let's get down to business first."

Heng Hua looked at the twelve surrounding platforms around the mist.These surrounding platforms absorb the power of Tai Chi from the heart of the formation, which can promote practice and increase the success rate of alchemy.For thousands of years, the various sects in the central region have guarded the hubs of formation platforms, and these alchemy platforms are also under their management, which is the reward for their hard work.

Liu Xu: "If you want to practice, you can borrow my Maotu Dantai. There are a few people on it at present, but it should not hinder you."

Heng Hua shook his head lightly, pointing to the fifth alchemy platform, Chen seat, and said: "This alchemy platform is making alchemy, who is it?"

"You want to be here?" Liu Xu was quite surprised, and smiled wryly, "Then you have to have a good chat with Miaoxian Palace."

Zhongyu Dazong, every sect is eligible to occupy a surrounding platform.Miaoxian Palace is a big sect of alchemy, and it also has a place.

Nie Xing said: "Senior Chi Jianzi has been in seclusion at Dantai for two years, so I'm afraid it's hard to talk."

"It's okay, I have an old relationship with him."

Fu Henghua jumped off the white dragon boat, and performed the "walking on water" in the 72 earth magic technique, the water surface was like walking on flat ground, and soon came to the Chenlong Dantai.

He didn't yell outside, but stretched out his hand and used the "wall opening technique" to open a door, and calmly entered the Dantai.

What came into view was a lifelike statue of a red dragon.

Heng Hua was startled for a moment, then looked at Dantai.

The height of the platform is nine layers, and there is a dragon made of a thousand catties of red copper coiled up.There are 36 craters in its body, and Dandings are floating on the blazing red flames.

"Tiangang Xuanhuo Cauldron?"

Heng Hua murmured to himself: "This is the alchemy cauldron that senior Chijianzi mentioned, the secret of the Miaoxian Palace. It was originally a treasure that was sacrificed by the seniors of a certain fairy palace to refine the Great Pill of the Infant. Could it be that..."

Heng Hua carefully looked at it several times, and then used the invisibility technique to walk to the alchemy platform on the ninth floor.

There are three craters on the top floor, one at Longkou and two at Longjiao.

Chi Jianzi sits in Longkou himself, brewing a pot of elixir, which is full of fragrance.

The two assistant monks next to him are in charge of refining the jade liquid and gold liquid.Right now, the two looked flustered. They could no longer keep up with the teacher's progress, and the mana in their bodies was gradually unable to support them.

The monks in Zuolongjiao kept throwing spirit jade into the cauldron to boil the jade liquid.Suddenly, his hands trembled, his face turned pale with fright, and the Dan Ding in front of him began to be out of control, spouting hot flames frequently.

"Fellow Daoist, let's rest first."

As the breeze blew, the monk moved away from the side of the Danding, and Heng Hua took the cattail fan casually, and stabilized the Danding again.

Chi Jianzi planned to suspend work temporarily, but seeing someone take over to help continue refining the jade liquid, he was moved.

"You came here so soon? I thought you had to meet Lao Xue first and help him sacrifice the poisonous Dragon Ball."

Heng Hua was worried about scaring people, so he kept using the invisibility method since he came up from the alchemy stage.Hearing this, he dispersed the invisibility method by himself.

"Senior, did you recognize the wrong person? Come here? Can you figure out my reason for coming?"


When Chi Jianzi saw Fu Henghua, he was startled.But his movements were very steady, and Yuan Ding did not move at all.

"It's you? I thought it was Old Yu. I'm going to practice the Great Pill of Transforming an Infant, and I need his help. But he said that Lao Xue is also preparing to transform a dragon and needs his help. I don't know if he can catch up." Come to me."

"That's a coincidence. Fortunately, I'm here to help you."

Heng Hua exerted the supernatural power of "boiling stone" and tapped lightly on the surface of Lingyu.One by one Lingyu automatically squeezed out the jade liquid, and poured it into the alchemy cauldron one after another.

Seeing that Heng Hua performed the evil magic easily and freely, Chi Jianzi nodded secretly.

He has friendship with Xue Kai and others, so he naturally learned the evil magic that Fu Henghua spread.

Boiling stones, gold and silver, taking food, making pills, medicine, and bigu are all helpful for alchemy.Chijianzi comprehended these earth-shamanic techniques and finally perfected his alchemy.After Xue Kai and Ge Liu, he became Yanlong's third doctor who practiced the path of the Master of Enlightenment.

However, his way is external alchemy and internal refinement.

Gold and stone need to be mined to reconcile lead and mercury.Participate in yin and yang, and set the barrier.

This project is huge, and it is difficult for him to succeed alone.However, a group of disciples were found to waste two years, and even half of the process was not completed.

Heng Hua happily boiled stone and boiled jade liquid there.But no matter how fast his progress is, the gold liquid next door is not refined enough, and it still cannot be used as medicine.

As a last resort, he used the magical talisman to help the alchemist next door refine it.

"Forget it, you are still the same as this fellow Taoist, go down and help. Here, I will help Senior Chi Jianzi."

That day Chi Jianzi was invited by the Fu family to help the old man make alchemy.Now Fu Henghua is happy to be a favor, and by the way, borrow a place for his family to practice alchemy.

The two alchemists looked at each other, they were still undecided.

"Forget it, both of you go down. Urge the disciples below to prepare all kinds of elixir carefully."

Chi Jianzi sent two apprentices to supervise the work, and asked Fu Henghua to accompany him to refine the liquid medicine.

From time to time, Chi Jianzi took some kind of spiritual liquid from the Danding below, and poured it into the second tripod in front of Fu Henghua, or his own Yuanding.

After each movement, Fu Henghua humbly asked for advice on pharmacology.

An alchemist breaks through the realm, and needs to make a tailor-made alchemy formula and refine his own outer alchemy.Then combine the outer elixir with the inner elixir to form the Yuan Ying.

Among them, various medical principles and medicinal properties are involved, which is almost the lifelong knowledge of an alchemy master.

Even Fu Henghua couldn't see through the pharmacological knowledge of Chijianzi.

"Why don't you even understand this, kid? How did they teach you?"

While talking, he carefully explained to Fu Henghua that the medicine's property can suppress the disease.

Heng Hua listened carefully, and said with a smile: "Old Xue and Xian Weng taught me nothing but medicine, poison, and alchemy. How can the two of them compare to you?"

Several masters of Yanlong have their own specialties.

Xue Kai is good at survival, poison and human anatomy.

Ge Liu is good at pathology, medicine and bringing the dead back to life.

And refining alchemy into medicine, and cultivating to break through the realm, is naturally the highest inheritance of Miaoxian Palace.

"Heh - you said this in front of me. It must be another face in front of them."

But Chijianzi is quite useful.

This is Fu Henghua.

The founder of Earth Shajutsu.

"How could it be. It is the right thing for everyone to have their own strengths. Even Xue Laoliu will recognize your alchemy attainments."

"Tell me, why did you come to Taiji Lake?"

At this time, Heng Hua mentioned his intention.

"Borrow a place to practice?"

Chi Jianzi's heart moved, and he faintly sensed an opportunity related to him.

Heng Hua shook two palm-leaf fans, and continued: "Before I came, I had a sense of Taoism. I was forced to come to the Taiji Dantai to help them form alchemy. I don't know why. Now that I see you doing alchemy, senior, I know this is God's will is running, we need to help you."

"You plan to let me observe their inner alchemy to improve my outer alchemy?"

"It's right for us to repay your kindness for making alchemy for the old man back then."

"Repay, you kid is a ghost."

Chi Jianzi didn't say anything, but patiently waited for the elixir in Yuanding to turn into a calm period.

After half an hour, he nodded.

"Call them in, the idlers just wait."

Fu Henghua plans to help Hengshou, Xiaoyu, Fu Xuanxing and Fu Yaozhen make alchemy.He also wanted to give Liu Xu a chance, so he only invited five people into Dantai, and asked Nie Xing and Li Ruxin to take care of Fu Baimin.

The boy didn't like being controlled by his senior sister, so he found another excuse and ran to the kitchen to find something for the Black Dragon King to eat.


"Who are you!"

Beside the stove, a chubby, thick-headed young man was looking for snacks.

When Jiang Xiaoli saw Fu Baimin, his expression changed immediately.

Just when Fu Baimin was about to call out, he hurriedly cast the "Silencing Technique".

"Wait, don't call someone."

Under the silence technique, Fu Baimin felt his throat was bound by a band.

He immediately exercised his kung fu, broke free with Liangyi's true energy, and rotated the "Li Wei Huo" in the Eight Diagrams Palm with his right hand, and chopped down on Jiang Xiaoli.

Jiang Xiaoli threw out two spells in a hurry, and then sealed the fighting movement in the kitchen with the soundless spell.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I am a friend of the owner of the White Dragon Boat."

"Friend? Why don't I know. A friend doesn't live in a house, but hides in a wine barrel?"

Fu Baimin was not polite in his attack, Jiang Xiaoli saw his mana attribute after dodging several times.

"Hey, are you from Liangyi Tao? You came with Senior Sister Li? Can't you see the number of my exercises?"

Jiang Xiaoli simply stopped using Taoism, and his kung fu was just a punch.

Xuanwei faction, Liangyi Xuangang?

Fu Baimin turned into a fist with his palm, like a dexterous long snake, bypassing Jiang Xiaoli's fist and hitting him on the bridge of the nose again.

This guy, he's too bad!
Jiang Xiaoli cursed inwardly, and quickly turned her head to dodge.

The snake fist passed by, and one could vaguely feel the swift and fierce fist wind.

"You bastard, you are too vicious!" Jiang Xiaoli blushed with anger, took out a few witchcraft charms that he had practiced long ago, and planned to throw them at Fu Baimin.

At this moment, a black tail swept across quickly, and those talismans returned to Jiang Xiaoli's sleeves.

"My family, my family, stop beating."

Seeing that Fu Baimin was about to suffer, the Black Flood Dragon King finally showed up.

He lay on Fu Baimin's neck, looked Jiang Xiaoli up and down, and said firmly, "You must have sneaked out."

When Jiang Xiaoli saw the Black Jiao King and then at Fu Baimin, he seemed to understand who he was.

But to the Black Flood Dragon King's questioning, he disliked and said: "Didn't you come out by yourself? I don't believe Master Erlong could let you come out alone."

This guy, who didn't show his face at first, definitely wanted this guy to deal with me on purpose.It's a pity that I still have to show up because I'm afraid of my witchcraft charm.

One person stared at each other with big eyes, and finally saw a familiarity in each other's eyes.

They turned around silently and began to rummage in the kitchen for food.

Fu Baimin asked the Black Jiao King in a low voice.

King Heijiao said: "Hengyu's grandson is with Fu Xuanxing. I'm a troublemaker, so don't talk to him."

"Brother Xuan Xing's friend?"

Fu Baimin looked at Jiang Xiaoli and let go of his guard.

The Black Flood Dragon King said brokenly: "He always likes to eat, he must have heard about your delicious food and plans to eat at your Sixth Brother's table."

Isn't that just like you?

Fu Baimin muttered in his heart.

In terms of dietary requirements, the Fu family is much more refined than the noble sects such as Liangyidao and Xuanwei sect.

The Black Flood Dragon King went out to play and planned to taste the delicacies of Fu's family.

As for Jiang Xiaoli, before Fu Henghua and the others left, he learned about the banquet standards of the Fu family from Xiao Yu, and immediately made up his mind.

So two days in advance, he hid in the wine barrel and hid in the white dragon boat.

For this reason, he also specifically stole a "Stand Upright Without Shadow" magic talisman from his grandfather.Even Fu Henghua didn't realize that there was another person on the boat.

but now--

Heng Hua stood on the Chenlong alchemy platform, his expression pulled down a little bit.

Okay, one is more worry-free than the other.This kid actually slipped out too?

Resisting the idea of ​​making a small report immediately, Heng Hua told the few people sitting in front of him the essentials of forming alchemy.

"The Dao Cauldron Formation Alchemy is different from the real golden elixir. Instead, it uses itself as the root of the dao, refines the power of yin and yang, and condenses into a group of illusory alchemy. This is used to simulate the fake elixir to enhance combat power."

It was the first time Liu Xu heard of "The Art of Dao Ding", and he looked at the people present curiously.

"Hengshou, Xiaoyu, you two come first."

The two of them have already had the experience of refining fake alchemy together with Fu Henghua.

They sat facing each other, and Fu Henghua secretly operated Huang Po Lingshen.

Jingong and Mumu appear above their heads, and cooperate with Huangpo Lingshen to form a "Jade Ding Realm".

In the field, an illusory white jade cauldron rises slowly.

Seeing this scene, Chi Jianzi's Dao heart was shaken, and he vaguely understood where his external alchemy was still weak.

"The golden cauldron cooks lead, and the jade furnace draws mercury. You two are careful."

With a flick of Henghua's fingers, the Jade Cauldron in the air shattered, forming two smaller furnace cauldrons on top of Hengshou and Xiaoyu's heads.

Inside the golden tripod, the heart ape catches the lead.

In the jade furnace, the wooden dragon pumps mercury.

The two soon incorporated the Dao Ding into the dantian, forming two balls of elixir that changed.

Heng Hua said to Liu Xu: "This is a new type of practice that was just implemented and finalized in the three major waters yesterday. Only Xuantai monks under the age of [-] are suitable for cultivation. It takes hundreds of years to cultivate the Dao Ding Danyuan, and finally it can be purified to the first grade Golden core. This is much better than probabilistic core formation."

"Can you guarantee a first product?"


"no side effects?"

"It's just simulating the alchemy. If you don't lock the consciousness into it, you won't lock the golden elixir. What are the side effects?"

Heng Hua then asked Fu Yaozhen to try again.

After a little hesitation, she sat cross-legged opposite Fu Henghua.

She had already reached the state of foundation establishment Dzogchen, but because of the scourge of heaven, she could not try to form alchemy for many years.This time, with the help of the "Tao Ding method", she purified the thick and thick true essence in her body into Danyuan, and sealed it in a jade furnace.

Soon, the Dan Yuan solidified.

From the ninth rank to the eighth rank, and then transferred to the seventh rank.

"Sister's accumulation is indeed stronger than ours."

The seventh-rank alchemy was completed, and everyone vaguely heard the melodious sound of the piano emerging from Fu Yaozhen's body.

Daomiao Yuyin Pill, which uses the pill as a device, can play spiritual sounds.

"Sister seems to have a little bit of Jindan Dao..."

"I intend to pass on the mantle of Qin Xian to Master."

Fu Henghua smiled wryly upon hearing this.

All right, your family really intends to master all the four veins of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?

"Then there is no need to conclude the golden elixir. It should be the last step, turning the elixir into a piano? Combined with the spiritual consciousness-finally cultivate the dharma. You should study the way of dharma."

Heng Hua wrote down a book list for her, and then looked at Fu Xuanxing at the end.

It would be troublesome for him to form alchemy.

Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu are originally a system of good fortune, and Fu Henghua only needs to be enlightened by Huang Po's spirit, and the two of them will naturally enlighten.Fu Yaozhen's accumulation is already enough.Only Fu Xuanxing, his practice gave Fu Henghua a headache.

If you want to say that your aptitude is dull, you can just practice slowly according to the teacher's martial arts.But Fu Xuanxing's cultivation progress was not bad, Fu Henghua also tried to beg Master Hengyuan to let him practice the heavenly scriptures.

Because Fu Henghua believes that Fu Xuanxing is nourished by the immortal artifact day and night, and has the ability and qualification to practice the heavenly scriptures.

However, Master Hengyuan refused to allow it, and it was impossible for Fu Henghua to deduce a heavenly book for Fu Xuanxing alone.

"You follow the Xuanwei Sect's mental method first, and practice Yin-Yang Qi, and I'll take a look first."

Fu Xuanxing's qi refining level has been refining fire.But later, with the guidance of the master, he started to practice "Liangyi Snake Fist", practicing the principles of hardness, softness, water and fire.

He started alchemy from Kanli.It is a vain attempt to incorporate Kanshui and Lihuo into one tripod.

The young man closed his eyes, red air and water light circulated on his body surface, and the watery air between heaven and earth flew into his body automatically, combining with Nanming Lihuo.

Chi Jianzi looked at it for a while, then shook his head.

"Fu Henghua, give up. This kid can't practice pills. He has too much fire in his body. Although the practice of water method is good, it is still not enough to neutralize the essence of Lihuo."

Heng Hua sighed, and signaled to Fu Xuanxing that he could accept his work.

"Xuan Xing, let me ask you first, are you planning to change the court?"

"Betray the Xuanwei faction?"

He shook his head quickly.

Fu Yaozhen asked suspiciously: "What does my brother mean, other sects have Taoism suitable for him?"

"Under the whole world, the most suitable exercise for Xuan Xing is the "Chi Yue Ji"."


"The blood of the Yellow Dragon turns the earth into a mountain. Nanming Lihuo, interprets the Li Gua. Isn't it the most suitable for the Flaming Mountain Dharma?"

"Join the Chiyuan Taoist sect? I don't want to!"

The boy resolutely rejected it.

I would rather not practice the heavenly scriptures, and I would not directly vote for the opponent.

"If you don't practice the "Chi Yue Ji", then you can only get rid of the..."

Heng Hua paused for a moment: "First refine a Lihuo Dragon Ball. Then practice the Shuifu Golden Gate Method to condense a Water Dragon Ball. Finally, try to combine two Dragon Balls and slowly refine them."

Dragon Ball is analogous to the golden elixir, which can be used for reference to the practice of the dragon clan.

Fu Yaozhen disagreed: "There is a risk of transforming into a dragon, isn't it too risky?"

"His background, no matter what, he has to take a risk. And he is guarded by the Fulong sword, so it shouldn't be too difficult."

Heng Hua wasn't sure either.

If it gets out of control, it will be the fate of instant dragon transformation.

Chi Jianzi listened for a while, and was immediately happy: "The Dao Ding method, right? It's a bit similar to the outer alchemy. In this way, you can find the inner alchemy of a golden alchemy water beast, and then slowly fuse it with the essence of Lihuo—"


Fu Yaozhen's complexion suddenly changed!
"This method is absolutely not feasible!"

She has seen this method before, and this is the first step for Fu Xuanxing to become a devil emperor.

I don't know who came up with the bad idea, let Fu Xuanxing find a dragon beast inner alchemy of water attribute, and then use his own Lihuo to neutralize it little by little.

In the end, the dragon ball took shape, but the animal nature overwhelmed the human nature, and turned into a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex, devouring all the relatives and friends around, and there were not even a few bones left.

Heng Hua glanced at Fu Yaozhen, and also objected to this suggestion.

The young man in red sat there, watching several people arguing for him, he scratched his head and said, "Actually, I'm not in a hurry at all. If I can't practice Dao Ding Shu, I'll just follow the Mysterious Embryo Method with peace of mind."

"The Mysterious Embryo method is now the lower vehicle method. You don't want to take the upper vehicle way, but go that way?" At the end of the speech, Fu Henghua's expression became stern.

The eldest brother is like a father. After all, he is his own younger brother. How can he be allowed to abandon the right path and go astray?

"But Master and grandfather both use the Mysterious Embryo Method."

"What era were they? What era are we?
"After the overthrow of the continent, the vitality was out of balance, and the skills were incomplete. Most of the first batch of foundation-building monks started to form alchemy in 800. At that time, it took one or two hundred years for the monks to build the foundation.

"Going forward to the next generation, the time for foundation establishment and alchemy will be shortened, and spirits will also begin to be born again."

The Divine Land was shattered and destroyed, but the cultivation aptitude of the entire human race began to regress.

Until the Xiuzhen family used the spirit vein method to stabilize the blood talent, the vitality of the heaven and the earth gradually reached a balance, and the number of people who practiced gradually increased.

Fu Danwei is already a genius, but it will take hundreds of years for him to become a Dan.The time he spent building his foundation was slower than that of the current younger generation of masters.

But now the group of Yuwen Chunqiu has higher talent and better skills, and they can reach the alchemy in 300 years.

Times are constantly evolving.

With the development of Dao Dingjing, more and more young masters will conclude first-grade golden pills.There is even a probability that several supreme true pills can pop out.

Fu Henghua didn't want Fu Xuanxing to waste his talent and eventually become an ordinary Nascent Soul Grandmaster.

"But isn't it difficult for me to practice Taoism?"

"It's just water skills. I'll lock you in Xiaoyu's clean bottle later, and practice slowly. Don't worry, the future will last forever."


Heng Hua looked at Chi Jianzi's Yuan Ding.

"Xiaoyu, Hengshou, you two will help me to help senior Chijianzi make alchemy."

Jin Gong Mu Mu and Huang Po three Yin gods come out together, and the white jade celestial tripod reappears.

"Thank you."

Chi Jianzi seized the opportunity to use the opportunity of the three alchemy elements to highlight the Jade Cauldron alchemy, silently perfected his outer alchemy, and refined the quality of the pure baby medicine...

 After the opening of the third chapter, tomorrow will be accelerated.This volume will quickly enter the first plot

(End of this chapter)

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