
Chapter 405

Chapter 405 The Wanderer Returns Home ([-]-character chapter)
Panlong Hall, Fu Danwei's Consciousness Transfer Platform, read the comments and influences of people from all walks of life after the change of the practice system.

"On the taboos of Taoism and Dingfa."

This is written by an elder of the sect who teaches the practice.

He advised everyone that Xuantai monks who are over seven hundred years old should not spend too much effort.Because according to his calculations, it will take at least 300 years to conceive and raise a first-grade elixir step by step from the Dao Ding Dan Yuan.

To this end, he put out all kinds of data that he spent one night preparing.

However, few people paid any attention to the Foundation Establishment cultivators on the Tianxuan Taoist Platform.

Most of the foundation-building cultivators of Tianxuan Daotai are heroes of the sect.They will reach the completion of foundation establishment in 300 years, and they are expected to form alchemy.Seven hundred years old?Even at the Dao Cauldron Realm, they can grind to the Golden Core.

On the contrary, Fu Danwei, worried about his family, silently read the elder's painstaking data.

After reading it, go to the next article.

It was also written by an elder of the sect who passed on the practice.

"What is the difference between refining a first-grade golden elixir in the Dao Cauldron Realm and a first-grade golden elixir with a perfect breakthrough in Xuantai? Instead of spending 300 years of hard work, it is better to spend a hundred years preparing and then try to form an alchemy once. Disciples of various sects have fairy books , there is a teacher to protect the law, there are resources to support, and now there is "Yuxian Zhenlu". The probability of getting a third-rank golden elixir is more than [-]%. The chance of a first-rank golden elixir is [-]-[-]%. year?"

His thinking is very clear: "The years are long, it is better to form a pill as soon as possible."

What are the advantages of Dao Ding Jing?

It's only about stabilizing the final product.

But this is traded for time!
Not worth it!

But his comment area was full of ridicule.

"Take another 200 years in exchange for a chance to secure a first-grade golden elixir. Isn't that good? There won't be anyone who chooses probability alchemy, right? I'm sorry, I'm young, so I choose this one."

"If you can form a first-grade golden pill early, who would choose another long road? However, our chances of forming a first-grade pill are not high. Thirty to five percent, to put it nicely, what if you fail? If you fail, you can't go The real ancient golden elixir has been taught."

At the beginning, the elder replied below:
"Don't you just think about it, you must succeed once? Looking forward and looking backward, without any drive, how can you become a great way?"

"So, a reckless man like you who fights against probability will definitely be able to prove the Dao? Senior must be a first-class alchemy?"

Is it a wise choice to exchange time for stability?

This is a matter of opinion.

Vodanwei went to read other articles.

At this time, the exclusive account of Zihuang Pavilion "Zisheng" posted three articles in a row.

The first chapter tells about the relationship between the Yuxian Zhenlu and the foundation building nine layers, and excludes the Daoding Realm from the Yuxian Zhenlu.Walking the way of the tripod, Yuxian Zhenlu couldn't help.Recognizing the nine-story foundation building is the orthodoxy of the inheritance of ancient methods, and the Daoding realm is a partial branch.

The second part talks about the advantages of Dao Dingjing, and praises the promotion significance of Dao Dingjing to today's foundation-building monks.

The third article points out that the original version of the Golden Elixir Nine Methods must be practiced by a first-grade Golden Elixir or the Supreme True Alchemy.But the way of golden elixir focuses on cultivating the mind, and one should not be obsessed with methods and techniques blindly.

"The Zihuang Pavilion is also fighting? It seems that there is indeed a problem with Jiexian's joint post last night."

Not long after the joint article was published, Master Erlong, the instigator of the dramatic impact, was the first to stand up and speak out.Even if the existence of Dao Ding Fa makes it easier for monks to get close to his original version of the Nine Golden Elixirs, Master Erlong is still dissatisfied with this hidden realm that appeared out of thin air.

Its existence caused a flaw to appear on the 27th floor of the three realms of Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, and Jindan.

Afterwards, all the robbers expressed their attitudes one after another, as if the joint publication just now was just a last resort.

When Fu Danwei saw this scene, he didn't know what these Jiexians were thinking.

"It's really messed up."

Vodanwei felt a headache.

Realizing that Fu Ruiying was also watching, he sent a message to discuss the future of the Fu family.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, whether the fake pill can be purified before practicing, and wait and see in the future."

Fu Ruiying was more stable than him: "The Dao Dingjing is inseparable from that kid. When he returns, we will study it slowly."

Vodanwei remained silent.

Fu Rui responded: "He has done such a thing, and his talent is gradually showing. I think, there are some things, let us old people let go."

"Hmph, what he's doing now has caused controversy among various sects in Taoism and Taiwan. Who knows if it's the 'true way'?
"This move can only prevent me from chasing him for escaping and not being whipped. If you want to persuade me to let him continue to study the heavenly scriptures, you have to come up with a scripture."

Without the rules of the heavenly book, absolutely don't even think about repairing it!

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, how can I be worthy of my dead son and daughter-in-law?
In Fu Henghua's practice book, Fu Danwei refused to let go, so Fu Ruiying couldn't persuade him much, so he continued to read the article.

There is a master who has been harshly criticizing Daotai's behavior in recent years.

"Cultivation of the Dao requires a focus. Blindly adopting the law and working hard will certainly increase the combat power, but what about the Dao Heart?"

Many people commented and echoed under Lingyun.

In recent years, many monks can feel it.

The Tianxuan Daotai, which originally talked about metaphysics, became more pragmatic.First, there are some methods to increase combat power and improve the realm, and now even the realm itself has begun to be modified.

This can't help but ring alarm bells.

"Cultivators should take the heart of the Tao as the foundation, and should not indulge in the power of mana and become a puppet of the Tao."

The biggest difference between the Yanlong Cultivation Realm and the three major waters lies in the pursuit of combat power.Dao Xin is the key to enlightenment in the future, everyone knows it.But Yanlong is in danger, how can he care about the future?
Compared with the three major water areas, Yanlong Cultivation Realm is more pragmatic.This also affects the way of thinking of a large number of monks such as Fu Henghua.

"It makes sense, but it's a pity that my family's doom is imminent, and I have to pursue combat power to survive the crisis."

After Fu Ruiying's groping all these years, and the reminder from Empress Jinshenggong, he already understood.

The catastrophe of the Fu family is at the level of an immortal, no less than the catastrophe of Yansheng Dragon King getting out of trouble.

That's why he actively prepared his clansmen and planned to make friends with the immortals of the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

Taking shelter of the clansmen under the Chiyuan Taoist sect can protect one or two kinds of fire.

"The candidate has not been decided for a long time. It just so happens that Fu Henghua is coming back, so let him take care of it."

Fu Ruiying left the Taoist platform and ordered people to go down to prepare.

At this time, he heard the wind from the northwest.From Panlong Island, came the laughter of Fu Danwei.

"The kid is back already?"


The white dragon boat sailed into the Panlong water area, Heng Hua saw the shining clouds in the sky from a distance, and Fu Danwei led his family members to wait at the door.

Fu Baimin was flattered: "The old man came out in person? Sixth brother, do we have this face?"

"Is it Senior Chijianzi?"

The three of Fu Henghua helped Chi Jianzi realize the Tao, let him refine the elixir to perfection, and put the cauldron in his body.What followed was a ten-year-long training process.

Chi Jianzi planned to go to Panlong Island to meet Xue Kai and others to discuss alchemy together.

He came out of the cabin and saw the vision on Panlong Island. He was surprised and said, "Brother Dao greeted him personally? How...how did this happen?"

"Senior made alchemy for grandfather, so that he survived. Why not come to welcome him in person?"

When the white dragon boat arrived at the ferry, everyone disembarked and went to the island.

When he came to Fu Danwei and the others, Fu Henghua took a deep breath, knelt down in front of Fu Danwei with a plop, and assumed a posture of a wanderer returning home, unable to control himself.

As soon as he knelt down, Xiao Yu and Heng Shou hurriedly kowtowed to him.

Fu Baimin and Fu Xuanxing looked at each other, and they knelt down on one knee.

In the end, Fu Yaozhen shook her head, and knelt down to pay her respects to her grandfather.

The grandson returned home ten years ago with tears in his eyes, no matter how angry Fu Danwei was, he couldn't get angry easily.Stepping forward to help his grandson up, he patted his shoulder lightly: "The Dao Cauldron Realm, I already know about it, it's very good."

Sweeping to the back, flicking his sleeves to lift everyone up, he stepped forward to greet Chi Jianzi, Li Ruxin, Jiang Xiaoli and others.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, and looked at Fu Baimin.

The Black Flood Dragon King huddled in Fu Baimin's arms, even if Fu Baimin urged him to come out, he refused to show up.

Fulong Sword Immortal.

The Fulong Sword Immortal in the Nascent Soul Realm can really hack me to death!
This fear almost caught up with Fu Xuanxing's sense of crisis when he was three years old.

"Is it the guardian dragon of Senior Erlong?"

Fu Danwei glanced twice, and greeted the Black Flood Dragon King, but did not urge him to show up.

Fu Danwei is still clear about his own restraint on the dragon clan.

Li Ruxin had no choice but to apologize to Fu Danwei instead of the Black Jiao King.

"It's okay, you are all guests when you come to the island. Well... I have a Panlong tree in my house. If Your Excellency Jiaolong doesn't dislike it, you can go there to practice. But I have a fellow Taoist who is also there and is studying the way of transforming dragons. Just disturb him."

Ask Fu Baimin to greet the two, and Fu Danwei invites Chi Jianzi to the hall for tea.

As for Fu Henghua and the others, they had to wash and rest after returning from travel and dust.

"By the way, your birthday is approaching. In the past two days, people from various islands have sent congratulatory gifts. Some are for you alone, and have been sent to Hongwen Pavilion and Langhuan Pavilion. Go back and have a look."

Seeing that Fu Danwei didn't torment himself in public, Fu Henghua's heart slowly fell.

"Also, go to the ancestral Taoist hall tomorrow morning. There are some things that we, grandparents and grandchildren, can talk about slowly."

Still haven't escaped!
Fu Henghua's heart felt cold, Fu Danwei had already taken Chi Jianzi to the main hall to drink tea.

"It's over, it's over, we must find someone for help."

Heng Hua decisively asked the second uncle and the second mother: "This time my centennial birthday, will my grandmother return?"

Fu Yinggu shook his head and said: "Your grandmother is preparing for the sword fight, retreating to transform into a baby, how can she get out of the retreat? However, she sent someone to send congratulatory gifts early, and let some girls from Tiansu Palace attend the banquet on her behalf. By the way , Ms. Li's residence later, why not arrange it with those girls?"

Heng Hua frowned and said: "The people from my grandmother's side have always been resettled in the Dharma Cave. How can we let Miss Li go to that place?"

Chuanfa Cave is where several disciples of Fu Danwei lived.Later, when they achieved success in practice, the Dharma teaching cave was vacant.Sometimes when they came back, or when Mu Yutian's people came to the island, they would borrow the Dharma Cave.

After all, Li Ruxin is a Jindan cultivator of Liangyi Dao, so it is inconvenient to arrange him at the disciple's place on Panlong Island.

"Second Uncle, is there a lot of noise in Baiquanwu?"

"It's your two birthdays, and people from all walks of life come to join in the fun."

Fu Yinggu said: "There are more and more people in the past few days, so I know how noisy you two can be."

People from Zixuan Island and Yunlie Palace all came to congratulate, and Fu Henghua's unnamed disciples came from Baizhen. This is not counted as people who have heard Fu Henghua preach, and only have a few encounters .

And Mr. Fu Tong hangs out in Yuanming waters all year round, and he also has a group of friends.When they learned about Fu Tongjun's [-]th birthday, they also came to support the scene.

"Baiquanwu is not enough now. People from the Outer Nine Veins were specially asked to build houses overnight. Miss Li is a Jindan monk after all, so it's not good to be with these mixed people."

In the past, Jindan monks were mostly Fu Danwei's guests, or older elders.Living on the side of Panlong Hall, it is convenient to talk to Fu Danwei.

Li Ruxin was the first Jindan cultivator who came as a guest of Fu Henghua at such a young age.

According to the rules, Fu Henghua should receive him.

And she is a girl's family, so the Fu family can't let her live with her in Hongwen Pavilion.

What's that like?

Now that there are so many guests, aren't you afraid of gossip?

"Is Liuhui back? If she comes back, Li Daoyou lives in Bixia Tower, which is also in compliance with the rules."

"If she comes back, why should I make such an arrangement?"

"Just let Li Daoyou live with me, second uncle, don't worry about it." Fu Yaozhen walked over with a smile.

"We were just discussing something."

"Go to Pill Dragon Garden? It's really clean to go to Sister's place, and only Sister is there. But, will it hinder Sister's clean cultivation?"

Fu Yaozhen smiled and shook her head, pulling Li Ruxin to ask.

Naturally, Li Ruxin would not object, she smiled and left holding hands with Fu Yaozhen.

"As for this little brother."

Fu Yinggu looked at Jiang Xiaoli.

Heng Hua said with disdain: "Those who come to find me for a meal, come back and live with Fu Xuanxing, there is no need to make more arrangements."

That is, live in your Hongwen Pavilion?

Fu Yinggu never intervened in Hongwenge's affairs, so he didn't say much.


After Jiang Xiaoli went to the island, he looked left and right, full of curiosity about everything.

Seeing Fu Henghua greet him, Fu Xuanxing rubbed the back of his neck: "Okay, hurry up, pack up your things and rest first, I will take you around the island tomorrow."

He knew that Jiang Xiaoli now was the same as himself back then, or even inferior to him.

In those days, besides Yuting Mountain, I was able to run around and play in various places in Jin Fang.But since Jiang Xiaoli was born, he has only been to three or five places in Jinfang's three continents and hundreds of islands.

"Another day, I'll take you to Fengmen Island. There are a lot of snacks there."

"Really? There's no need to change the day, let's do it tomorrow!"

"Not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow."


The two came to Hongwen Pavilion with Fu Henghua and three others, and two servants waited at the door for a long time.

Seeing Fu Henghua's return, he knelt down to pay his respects.

Under the twilight of Qixia, Heng Hua identified the two: "Honggui? Yutang? Why are you two here?"

"Young master's [-]th birthday, of course the two of us will come back to congratulate you."

These two servants were promoted by Fu Henghua when he was housekeeper.Later, when he was successful in practice, he was sent to shops in various islands for practice.Although there is no faction fighting on Baihuangtang's side, in the final analysis, it is Fu Henghua's people.

Fu Henghua took the key to open the door, and the courtyard was full of more than a dozen boxes.

He frowned and looked, Yutang hurriedly came up and said: "This is the old man's order to bring the congratulatory gifts of all the guests here first."

This is a beautiful young man with red lips and pink face. He said with a smile: "Little attention, I have already written down the list for you. Look..."

He took the list from his sleeve.

Fu Henghua saw that it was divided into categories, such as family relatives, guests, foreign friends, seniors, and sects.

"Your boy will come."

Heng Hua picked up the list and looked through it, then asked casually, "How are you two doing these days?"

"Thanks to you, we are developing well in Fengmen Island. I just miss you and always want to go back to you to listen to your teachings."

Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing: "You are doing pies on Fengmen Island. I have heard of it when I was at home. Don't use your way of chasing sisters and sisters to fool people. The young master doesn't listen to these soft words. Do you miss it? Are you here?" On the young master's side, there are no older sisters to play tricks with you."

"Sister Xiaoyu, you can't talk nonsense about this. I am a dignified gentleman on Fengmen Island. Who doesn't know? You can ask?"

Seeing Fu Henghua flipping through the list, he said with a flattering smile: "I'm outside, representing the young master's face. Can I still do whatever I want?"

Hong Gui stood aside and said solemnly: "It means taking five concubines and giving birth to two fat boys."

"You have a kid?"

At this moment Heng Hua suddenly raised his head and took a closer look at Yutang.

"Two. The big ones don't have much qualifications, but the small ones can be cultivated well, and they are expected to build a foundation."

Yutang was overjoyed: "The little one has exactly this intention, and plans to send that kid to the island to accompany...accompany you, young master."

"I don't need it. I haven't added anyone to your young master for many years. As for our island..."

Heng Hua went through it in his mind, and sighed: This is the way we are in this life, and there will be no more people.

The dead and widowed widows of the previous generation, the only healthy ones are the second uncle and the second mother.But those two have not heard any good news over the years.

But Yutang's child...

"Look back, when your son is older, he will be sent to the island to be a gardener and help me take care of Baihua."


Foundation-builder monks like Yutang and Honggui who came out of Panlong Island have the status of guests.They sent their children to Panlong Island, one for seeking asylum, and the other for seeking the island's spiritual veins and exercises.

Relying on his family education and talent, Fu Henghua never took practicing exercises seriously.Over the years, I have been hanging out with Zongmen monks a lot, and I feel that I treat fairy books like dung.

But back to Yanlong, at the bottom of the cultivation world, it is still difficult to find even the mysterious Taoism.

People like Yutang and Honggui used Fu Henghua's guidance to break through and build foundations back then, but they still don't know how lucky they are.But after being outside for a long time, I feel more and more grateful for Fu Henghua's kindness.

This is also the reason why Fu Henghua only preached on Luogui Island a few times before spreading his name.This birthday, the reason why many people came to congratulate.

The grace of imparting Tao is comparable to survival in the realm of comprehension.


Fu Henghua suddenly flipped through and saw the congratulatory gift from Yutang and his wife.

"Two Ruihua Longevity Trees and twenty Longevity Fruits."

"Ruihua Longevity Wood? Millennium incense?"

Heng Hua's eyes lit up: "Twenty, did you get it from a fairy mansion somewhere?"

"Yes. The two of us ran into a monk who was eager to sell it, so we tried to buy it and sent it as a gift."

"Where is it! Take me to see it."

Seeing Fu Henghua's expression of joy, the two of them felt at ease.

It's not in vain for them to put so much effort into preparing such a gift!
They hurriedly led the way to the back garden.

Fu Xuanxing and others naturally followed.

Jiang Xiaoli muttered: "Longevity fruit? It sounds like it is eaten?"

"This is not food."

Fu Henghua turned around and smiled: "You are staying in the Sutra Library, you should really read more books on weekdays. You don't know this stuff, be careful your grandfather beats you."

When they came to the garden, everyone smelled a burst of fragrance, as if they were in a sea of ​​fragrance.

Looking at its origin, it is actually two bonsai trees with red belts, green leaves and red stamens.

The second tree was one and a half feet high, and there were green fruits on the tree, and some ripe ones were labeled with the characters of longevity.

Without hesitation, Fu Henghua stepped forward to pick a green fruit, smelled the aroma, nodded and said: "That's the smell, the millennium incense that my father had back then, that's the smell."

Heng Hua told Xiao Yu: "Remember, I will reward them later."


When the two heard the words, they quickly humbled themselves and dared not take credit.

Honggui said: "I heard you mention it back then, and we happened to meet again, so we came here to send you blessings. It is because of your deep blessing that this Ermu was sent by the two of us."

Looking at the safflower and fruit tree in front of him, Fu Henghua was overjoyed, and his explanation to the two was also very useful.

"It's rare that you still remember what I said casually back then."

He played with the thousand-year-old incense in his hand, and was intoxicated by the fragrance.

Fu Xuanxing and Jiang Xiaoli stepped forward and looked at the two big trees.

Jiang Xiaoli smacked his lips: "Aren't these two papayas? Longevity wood? You can shout."

"I don't know, little brother. In our Yanlong, old papaya branches can be used as sticks. Old people wear them to nourish Qi. Therefore, they are called Longevity, and their fruit is Longevity Fruit. The fragrance fills the room and lasts for a hundred years. "

"Wait, your papaya can't be eaten?"

Jiang Xiaoli silently withdrew the hand that was extended to Guo Ye.

"The papayas that are popular here are all for viewing and smelling."

Heng Hua patted the thousand-year-old incense, and said with a smile: "This treasure is a fourth-grade spiritual fruit. When you smell it, you will feel refreshed and refreshed, which is helpful for cultivation. The thousand-year-old incense is a treasure among the papaya spiritual fruits. The fragrance can last for thousands of years. It does not disperse, and the fruit does not rot for thousands of years. The so-called Longevity Fruit is a fruit that was unearthed ten thousand years ago in ancient times—"

Suddenly, Heng Hua thought of something, lowered his head to ponder for a while, and the smile on his face faded a bit.

If there is really a long-lived papaya fruit, it should be dug out by the father and the others, probably from the Zhugu people?

Forget it, don't think about that, anyway, I don't expect them to come to celebrate my birthday.

"Speaking of the uses of papaya, besides the smell, there is another one. Do you know the papaya book?"

"Papaya book? What is that?"

Jiang Xiaoli blinked: "I only heard from my grandfather that if the ancient monks were in love with each other, they would exchange papayas and beautiful jade as tokens."

"The book of papaya is something that was verified from the ancient Xiuxian mansion. When the millennium incense grew everywhere in China, all the immortal mansions had this thing. The monks used this to incense the mansion and played with it in their hands."

"Over time, it becomes a monk's carry-on. If the monk's inspiration comes, he will write a record on the thousand-year-old incense, and there is a so-called papaya book."

This is an important clue for ancient exploration.

Some very useful clues can be found through the text attached to the papaya.

The Longevity Fruit [-] years ago is naturally a clue left over from the previous civilization.

Heng Hua thought for a while, and gave a revealing spell to everyone.

"This is what my father taught me. It can reveal the handwriting on the thousand-year-old incense. If you encounter it in the Immortal Mansion in the future, you may be able to use it."

Everyone didn't know what Fu Henghua meant, but they still wrote down the mantra.

"Hangshou, take two papayas and send them to the ancestral temple, and then send four incense sticks to the grandfather and grandmother. Two to Erniang, two to elder sister, and two to Bixialou. Seven steps Ju... give me two. Keep them for Jun Tong and Aunt Seven.

Heng Hua plucked the ripe papaya from the tree, and Xiao Yu hurriedly took the golden plate to pick it up.

"I keep two, and the remaining four, the three girls will share one point. The last one, Xiao Yu, you keep."

Xiao Yu hesitated for a while, and nodded in response.

Heng Hua has already made up his mind, one is kept in the Xunlang Huanguan, and the other is played in his hands.

Looking at the other immature millennium incense trees on the tree, Heng Hua sighed and said, "The fastest one will have to wait another hundred years, but some of them are exhausted."

Millennium incense, this thing is a spiritual fruit that really takes 1000 years to bloom and mature.

Then the fragrance will last for a thousand years, and the fruit will not rot for a thousand years.If it is extended by secret techniques, it can be preserved for a longer period of time.

Fu Henghua suspected that the ten-thousand-year fruit that his father mentioned back then might be a special preservation method of the Shenmai civilization.

But even if there are clues in it, if the ancients grasped it, it has nothing to do with me.

Could it be that they would take the initiative to invite themselves to explore together?
 The Millennium Fragrance of Papaya, one of the important clues of this volume, take notes.

(End of this chapter)

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