
Chapter 425

Chapter 425 True and False Brocade Boxes
"Don't talk about him, how is your deduction going?"

She watched the tortoise return to Fu Henghua's hands.

"Viburnum, stars, and totems."

Heng Hua said perplexedly: "Just figure this out. Perhaps, we won't be able to find out until that day."

The Fu family claimed to have found a celestial viburnum and invited people from all walks of life to watch it.

But anyone with a discerning eye understands that at the moment when the Qionghua blooms, someone from the Fu family will subdue it and try to overcome the catastrophe.

The Qiongtian gift is not so much about viewing flowers, it is more about watching an expert cross the sky.

"How sure do you think the Fu family is?"

"That depends on what they call the Immortal Qionghua."

Qionghua is another name for several kinds of flowers in "Natural Mirror of Natural Resources".A certain branch of the Lonicera family is called Qionghua.Epiphyllum can also be called Qionghua.

Moreover, there have been more than ten kinds of these Qionghua-type fairy medicines in China throughout the ages.

God knows which one the Fu family will find, and how they plan to use it to cross the catastrophe.

"However, judging from the strength of Tiangang Island——"

Fu Henghua's complexion was a bit subtle: "His family's internal strife is so fierce, why is the luck prosperous and vigorous, and there is no sign of exhaustion?"

The same is true for Fu Yaozhen watching with the eyes of magic.

The Fu family sees no signs of decline for the time being.

So, are they really expected to have a Tribulation Immortal sitting in charge?
Although the Fu family and the Fu family are far away, how will it affect the situation of Donglai if a cultivator family owns Jiexian?

The two stared at all the living beings on Tiangang Island, with all kinds of life.

After a long time, Fu Yaozhen said: "It's windy outside, let's go back first."

"Unfortunately, this wind may not be able to avoid it."

Looking at the luck clouds in the sky, Heng Hua turned and went down the mountain.


The two siblings returned to their former residence.

Xiaoyu has prepared morning tea.

Bamboo bud clear tea, pine needle steamed dumplings, cypress leaf glutinous rice cake.

Heng Hua's eyes lit up, he picked up the steamed dumplings and observed carefully.

"I found this on the mountain after waking up in the morning. His spiritual wood is bathed in starlight, and the quality is very high. It can be used for cooking, and even ordinary rice noodles can have a touch of dao rhyme."

"Cleaning the mind and avoiding demons, can it maintain the effect of two hours?" After Heng Hua tasted it, he suddenly felt refreshed and the Lingtai was peaceful.Simply take advantage of this opportunity, go back to your room to meditate and exercise your skills.

Fu Yaozhen ate gently, and told Xiao Yu: "You and Qing Wu will prepare more simple vegetarian fresh fruits later, and keep them for Xuan Xing and the others. It is best to replenish physical strength and relieve fatigue."

The Fu family was busy looking for the "will", so naturally they couldn't drag all the children into the mourning hall.

So the pavilion masters decided after discussion that the grandchildren would take three shifts to guard the mourning hall, so that Fu Xuanxing could finally have some time to rest.

When he and Fang Dongyuan came back, they saw the fresh fruit and snacks left on the table, thanked Xiao Yu and the other two, and started eating.

While eating, Fang Dongyuan asked.

"How many people have you offended? I watched all night and saw three waves of people planning to make things difficult for you."

"Only three waves?"

Fu Xuanxing was surprised.

Is this too little?
Seeing Fang Dongyuan's eyes, Fu Xuanxing explained: "Because of being a 'disabled spirit', I was often looked down upon by people in the Fu family, and I often clashed with those cousins. I have been fighting since I was a child. Although I won few, but every time I beat a bunch of them. So, I have a relationship with many Fu family members."

Fu Xuanxing has rough skin and thick flesh, even though he is only alone.But the opponents are all peers of the same generation and side by side.

Fu Xuanxing lost a lot, but everyone on the other side will suffer, and there are a few people who will take care of each round.As the grievances accumulated, every time Fu Xuanxing came home, someone would come to make things difficult for him.

"Where's your father? Does your father care?"

Anyway, this is the only son?

Fu Xuanxing's eyes were subtle.

"Father...if it wasn't for the Fu family's rules, plus grandfather's orders. I'm afraid my father wouldn't go to Panlong Island to bring me back."

Compared with his son, Father Fu cared more about his wife's whereabouts.

When Fu Xuanxing left Panlong Island, he was not yet weaned.

But after returning, Father Fu didn't even look for a nanny, and ordered someone to feed him with pills and rice soup.

Take a look at it every morning and evening, and let the attendant take care of it.He was bored in the room alone, not knowing what he was doing.

Diet, don't starve to death.

Before going to Xuanwei School, even if Fu Xuanxing started to grow teeth, he had never eaten anything other than rice soup and elixir.vegetable?never.

Later, when Fu Xuanxing grew up, he fought with cousins ​​from other families.Every time he came back from the lottery, Father Fu didn't ask any questions. He only asked his servants to help heal his injuries and continue to study his own things.

After learning that his son could not awaken the family blood, Father Fu sent him to the Xuanwei Sect to practice.

In Yuting Mountain, Fu Xuanxing ate vegetables for the first time in his life.

However, Fu Xuanxing didn't bother to mention this kind of thing, so he only said vaguely:

"When Dad was here, they didn't dare to go too far. Since Dad passed away, every time I came back to visit the grave, they were very ruthless. But this time—"

A group of people from Fu Henghua came back, and the children of the Fu family saw that this "lone star of the evil spirit" also had helpers by his side, so naturally they didn't dare to come.

"Speaking of which, didn't they make things difficult for you in terms of diet?" Fu Xuanxing turned his head and asked Xiaoyu.Every time he goes home, he never eats at Fu's house.

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "I went to the firehouse, but they said there was no extra clean water, and asked me to go to the mountain to fetch spring water. I went to find ingredients, and they also said that each had their share, and there was no extra. Let me find it myself.

"Others, it's nothing."

Xiaoyu was originally a Taoist monk who had condensed the "Ninth Grade False Pill".Except for the presence of the pavilion masters in person, how would those ordinary stewards dare to provoke them?
On the surface, according to the instructions of the masters, Fu Xuanxing will not be used.Secretly, one by one hinted to Xiaoyu, telling her where several spirit trees and mountain springs are.

"Anyway, it's just a few days, so let's make it happen."

Fang Dongyuan looked at the filial Fu Xuanxing and sighed.

If there is no such thing as Master Fu, what if the few of them randomly find an opportunity to help Fu Xuanxing beat up those brothers?

They ran to sue their parents, and here they went directly to Patriarch Fu.Putting up the signboards of Lingjie Cave, Zihuang Pavilion, and Xuanwei Sect, forcing Master Fu to do business.Even if those pavilion masters do bad things, they still have the confidence to deal with it.

But with Patriarch Fu leaving, Fu Xuanxing will be made things difficult again.Those uncles and uncles may not be willing to stand up for him.If you really make a fuss, you won't be able to please.

Furthermore, the head of the Fu family has just passed away, so the deceased is a big deal.During the filial piety period, they are also embarrassed to cause trouble.

"By the way, where is Heng Hua?"

"Master, are you practicing in the house?"

Xiaoyu secretly sensed the spirit of the wooden mother, and Fu Henghua was still practicing kung fu inside the house.

But what she didn't know was that Henghua was secretly running Huang Po Lingshen and began to search for it on Tiangang Island.


The man was walking on the island, and whenever the servants saw him, they nodded and bowed, saluting and saying hello.

With a sullen face, he put on a posture that strangers should not enter.But the servants around seemed to be used to this appearance, without any doubts.

"There are not many days like this."

Calculating the time for the Qionghua to bloom and the time for the Qiongtian gift, the man was both worried and excited.

If this plan is successful, then the Fu family—

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by.

The man ignored it and continued on.

But not long after he walked, his face changed dramatically.

Hiding in the dark, I looked into my arms, only a pile of dead leaves eaten by moths.

"The book is gone!"

The man had a gloomy face, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Who, who - no, maybe I dropped it by accident.

He immediately turned around and started looking for the way he came.


"It made me guess right."

Huang Po Lingshen appeared not far away.

Under the tutelage of Daoxian and Duoling'er, he can be called the next-generation successor of the Thief Heaven Alliance, stealing something without anyone knowing it couldn't be easier.

But he didn't expect that this first attempt would succeed.

"There are still a few suspects... Forget it, that's enough." Lingshen muttered, sent the things to the deity, and then followed Fu Xiangfeng's trail to the back mountain.



The man found his way back and saw Yin Yanqing and Yin Xiaoshu coming out of Tiangang Pavilion.

"May I ask how to get to Tiankui Pavilion? I'm going to see off Mr. Fu."

The man's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly left after pointing the way.

Looking at his back, Yin Yanqing stared at him thoughtfully for a while, then turned around and took the boy away.

"Master, Mr. Fu, this is..."

"Don't worry about other people's affairs. Let's go to worship, and then be our spectators with peace of mind. I took the risk to come here, and I can't waste time on these intrigues."

Yin Xiaoshu muttered, "So how about we just go directly to Guantianya?"

Yin Yanqing's purpose is to serve the Fu family's Tiangang Formation.

He knew that the Fu family had acquired a site of the Longju civilization in the early years.His family's 36 Tiangang Xing Pavilion, as well as the adjustments related to the blood talent, are all skills obtained from ancient civilizations.

It was precisely by virtue of the skills of self-cultivation obtained from this site that the previous Patriarch had the confidence to carry out a "Fu Family Reform"

Years ago, when Henghua's father and friends traveled to Tianyang, they discovered the secrets of Tiangang Island, and casually mentioned it to their friends.Yin Yanqing's father remembered this and told his son to look for opportunities to come.It's just that I didn't realize it, just in time for Patriarch Fu's death.

The purpose of Yin Yanqing's visit here is to restore as much of the Tiangang Formation as possible before the Fu Family Jiexian was born, and bring back that part of the technology.

The two masters and servants climbed to Tiankui Pavilion, and after entering Tiankui Pavilion to pay homage to Master Fu, they went directly to Guantian Cliff.

But just after leaving Tiankui Pavilion, Yin Yanqing caught a glimpse of a woman standing on the Liuyun Terrace meditating from the corner of her eye.

"She is—Jun Fu Tong, is she also on the island?"

Yin Yanqing was very surprised, and then saw Sun Xihuai leaving Tiankui Pavilion and rushing to Liuyuntai, Yin Yanqing simply followed.

"Master—we're not going to watch—"

Seeing this, Yin Xiaoshu stomped his feet angrily, and quickly followed.


Mr. Fu Tong held Bai Yuhu, comparing it to Tiankui Pavilion not far away.

After searching for another morning, they still did not find the remaining two town objects.

"Where is it hidden—and, after spending so much effort to cover it up, the Fu family didn't notice it?"

The Gu worm on his body suddenly gave warning, and Mr. Fu Tong swung his sleeves and swept behind him.


The red sleeves were like clouds, Sun Xihuai hurriedly urged the breeze to blow away.

"Girl wait a minute—"

"It's you?"

Seeing Sun Xihuai, Mr. Fu Tong was quite surprised.

"Are the people in Shenkong City unwilling to live in seclusion in the South China Sea?"

It's nothing more than tossing around in Baizhen before, but now even Tianyang Fu's family is here?

Sun Xihuai said with a wry smile: "My Sun family and the Fu family are related by marriage. The Qiongtian gift book is also one of the purposes of my coming out this time. Miss, you... Lingtang's surname is Cui?"

Fu Tongjun looked at Sun Xihuai quietly, without answering.

Sun Xihuai was a little embarrassed: "Girl, don't get me wrong, Lingtang and I are old friends. The Sun family and the Cui family used to have quite a relationship."

Mr. Fu Tong still didn't answer, and put on a posture that was inaccessible to strangers.

Sun Xihuai felt ashamed in his heart, and left in a hurry after saying some scene words.

"If the girl needs help in the future, she can come to Sun's house in Nanhai."

Looking at his back, the few poisonous Gu hidden under Fu Tongjun's fingertips restrained silently.

Mr. Fu Tong naturally found out about his mother's past.Therefore, she did not have a good opinion of the Sun family.

But if it wasn't for the Sun family's messing around, how could his father marry his mother?
"My friend in the dark, should you come out?"

Mr. Fu Tong looked at the forest in the distance.

Yin Yanqing came with the book boy.

"Looking at you, you should know the past of the Cui family and the Sun family—don't be so guarded, you don't know me, do you?"

This person knew that I impersonated Dongfang Yunqi back then?
Fu Tongjun said with a cold face, "What are you doing here?"

Looking at Mr. Fu Tong, and recalling that naive and naive girl back then, Yin Yanqing couldn't help but lament that the years are involuntary.

The milk doll who followed Fu Henghua's ass back then has now turned into an iceberg beauty.

"I saw the Sun family came to look for you, and I was worried that you would suffer, so I came here to have a look."

Yin Yanqing put on a big brother attitude, and Fu Tongjun became more and more alert: Even though the Cui family and the Yin family belong to the same lineage, but we have nothing to do with each other, who are you showing this attitude to?Really think that the ancestors are old, you are my brother?

But in the end it was different from Sun Xihuai, Mr. Fu Tong looked at the young man with a smile, but secretly prepared the Gu worms.

"It's rare for my elder brother to take care of me, but I'm not afraid of a mere grandson's family. Besides, what happened back then was not my mother's fault."

The Sun family and the Cui family had an old marriage contract, but the three marriageable members of the Sun family kept pushing back and forth.When Cui Hongxiu came to the door with his father, he overheard the offense and contempt in the words of the Sun family.

So Cui Hongxiu tore up the marriage contract in public, and left with his father in anger.

Sun Cheng was a majestic immortal, and was scolded by a younger generation in public.The relationship between the two families was severed on the spot, but when they came back to check, they found out that the person arranged by the younger generation of the Sun family was apologetic again.

But it was a done deal, the Cui family's father and daughter left Nanhai directly to practice in Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and Sun Cheng was helpless.I have to tell my juniors to take good care of them if they meet the Cui family in the future.

"It's not a bad thing..." Yin Yanqing shook his head and said, "The Sun family and the Cui family are in a similar situation. Back then, the Sun family lost the power of their gods and was sparsely populated. They all relied on the Cui family for care for a period of time. Until Sun Cheng attained enlightenment, After the establishment of Shenkong City, the Sun family's situation improved. And the Cui family also followed the Sun family's retreat, and lost all the power of the gods."

"The Sun family is the Liuyang family?"

"He belongs to Liuyin, but his family is cursed by the heavenly maiden and cannot give birth to a daughter. Therefore, he cannot inherit the power of the divine veins. Marrying with the Cui family was originally intended to benefit both."

When the Cui family fell, Sun Cheng thought about his early love and planned to take care of him.

As for the marriage contract, it was an experiment by Sun Cheng.

If the Sun family let the child marry into the Cui family, although the girl born with the surname Cui has the blood inherited from the Sun family, will the divination talent of the ancestors be awakened?

At the same time, can the Cui family use the replacement of the divine vein talent to avoid the scourge of Gu worms?

But the younger generation made a fuss, and Sun Cheng's good intentions ended without a problem, so he put the matter aside.

After Yin Yanqing told Mr. Fu Tong about the cause and effect, Mr. Fu Tong looked cold.

"Thank you brother, I understand."

Sure enough, he treated me so politely.It was that day that I found out that I was pretending to be Yun Qi.It's just that they belong to the same family of Shenmai, so they didn't point it out.

"By the way, are you interested in taking part in an expedition to the ancient relics. In the West Sea, there are relics left by our ancestors."

Fu Tongjun is also investigating this matter, so he is unavoidably interested.

But looking at the young man, her heart moved, and she handed over Bai Yuhu: "Do you have a way to find other treasures?"

"Four images and four directions? It's a formation to cover up the secrets of the sky—are you investigating the death of Patriarch Fu? The murderer who killed the master, your brother can rest assured that you will investigate?"

elder brother?
Does he know Fu Xiangfeng?

So, is it still a friend that the third brother met outside?
Mr. Fu Tong's mind changed, so he naturally wanted to maintain Fu Xiangfeng's reputation in front of outsiders, and said with a smile: "Brother has always been anxious about public affairs and loves righteousness, putting others first. At home, he often told us, 'We must obey the orders of our grandfather, and be a hero outside the home. Justice'. It will not hinder me from finding out the truth."

"Does he still have the courage?"

Looking at the posture of Fu Henghua lying in the scroll, Yin Yanqing couldn't imagine that he was the kind of hero who defended morality.

"Okay, I'll help you."

From Yin Yanqing's point of view, the death of Patriarch Zha Fu will not abolish many things.So he readily agreed, and followed Mr. Fu Tong to the rocky beach in the south to check another formation.

Seeing the young master's actions, Yin Xiaoshu murmured aloud, but he had no choice but to follow.

Our business is obviously to watch Tianya and record the Tiangang Formation.


In two days, with the help of Yin Yanqing, Mr. Fu Tong successfully found Qing Gui and Xuan Huang.

With four treasures, she went back to her former residence to look for Fu Henghua.

Fu Henghua was writing on a book, and seeing her come in, he closed the book casually.

"Is something wrong?"

Mr. Fu Tong placed four treasures on the table.

"Oh? The formation was broken, but what did you find out?"

"After the formation disintegrated, we used the backtracking technique, but it was still ineffective. It seems that Yangxintang itself has no such history at all."


Heng Hua listened to her words, and suddenly asked: "What's the attitude of Brother Yin?"

"After seeing these treasures, he ran to the mourning hall to observe Patriarch Fu's body, and suddenly gave up on the investigation, and went to Guantianya to enlighten Taoism."

"so what?"

Mr. Fu Tong sighed: "I understand what he understands. I went to find the steward of the Fu family just now to ask for the account records of Tiankui Pavilion within three months. We can already confirm our guess."


"Arranging the formation of four images shows that the person knows that Tiankui Pavilion cannot stop the backtracking technique."

It is precisely because it cannot be stopped that it is necessary to form an obstacle.

But now that the formation is broken, it is still impossible to cast the spell.It shows that in addition to this formation, there is another heavy lock.

"Explain, that person is more careful, how prepared is he?"

"It's also possible that there is another real murderer."

Heng Hua touched the books in his hand.

The cover is like smooth human skin, and there is still some warmth faintly.

"So, what are you doing here with me?"

"I want to ask you, is there any spell that can change a person's mind and make a person go to death on his own initiative?"

"In the Heavenly Demon Art, there are quite a few such techniques. But to control a Nascent Soul Grandmaster, I don't think everyone in the Demon Palace today can do it."

Not to mention Zhu Yu, Fu Henghua couldn't do it by himself.

"Where is Jiexian?"

"I haven't heard of any Jiexian who is good at this kind of Taoism. And Jiexian makes a move, why is it so troublesome?"

Unable to find the answer from Fu Henghua, Mr. Fu Tong had to leave.

When she reached the door, she suddenly turned her head.

"I saw you were writing a book, and suddenly remembered that Yin Yanqing asked me to ask you, 'Why hasn't Chen Guangrui made a new work for so long?'"

"Things like black history are not available now."

Heng Hua waved his hand and continued to pick up the human skin to write.


"Where are the books, where are the books?"

The man wandered around Tiangang Island, looking for his lost book.

But two days later, he understood something in his heart.

That book was probably picked up by someone, no, it was stolen!

"No, no one should know how to use that book except me. Besides, what can I do if I take that book away? I have already used the book, and it is only a medium to maintain spells. In the eyes of outsiders, that It’s just an ordinary steward’s account book!”

After another night of searching, he finally found the book in a pool of water when the sun was rising in the east.

The cover is smooth and delicate, without signature and title.

The man quickly opened it, and the contents of the ledger inside were still the same, as if no one else had touched it.

"Fortunately, it is indeed just lost."

As for why he couldn't get the book back even if he cast the "recall technique".This issue is out of the question for the time being.

For now, bring the book back.Then the initiative is still in your own hands.


The sun rises.

Fu Xuanxing lay on the bed, looking at the sun shining through the window.

According to the rules of spirit people, after today, he is also an adult.


There is no sense of reality.

When he was young, few people gave him a living, so he naturally didn't value it as much as the brothers and sisters of the Fu family.

Get up and wash, the aroma of food floats from the courtyard.

He subconsciously looked towards the roof.

Well, that's right, it's the Fu family.

He was still not used to eating at Fu's house.

"That's right, Sixth Brother and the others are all here, it's Xiao Yu who is cooking."

Pushing the door open, I saw Fu Henghua, Fu Yaozhen, Fang Dongyuan, Hengshou, Xiao Yu, and Qing Wu surrounded by a pot of golden spiritual food.

"You came just in time."

Heng Hua smiled and said: "It's your birthday, finish this stewed dish of gold, jade and eight treasures quickly. Remember, only after eating all of it can the effect be fully exerted."

"I'll eat it alone? It's such a big pot, how about sharing it with everyone?"

"It's specially prepared for you. Don't refuse."

Heng Hua knew clearly: someone was plotting against Fu Xuanxing secretly, and someone deliberately dragged Fu Xuanxing on this matter of the Fu family.Thanks to my astuteness, I helped this kid avoid a big scapegoat.

But next, the other party said that there was no other way.

When necessary, even Fu Xuanxing's method of feigning death would be used.

Stewed with eight treasures of gold and jade, which can save one's life, is used to pretend to be Fu Xuanxing's fake death.

Under his urging, Fu Xuanxing ate up the whole pot of soup, and Heng Hua nodded in satisfaction.

Fu Yaozhen observed with Dharma eyes, a wave of spiritual power circulated in Fu Xuanxing's body, forming eight diagrams and texts, covering the upper, middle and lower dantians, firmly locking a breath of yang energy.At the moment of death, lock the yang energy in the upper, middle and lower dantians, and the soul will not return to Xingtian.As long as the rescue is timely, it can be pulled back with the "Returning Yang Technique".

"My brother really broke his heart because of him."

After eating, Fu Xuanxing originally planned to continue to guard the spirit, but was stopped by Heng Hua.

"I said hello to your uncles, you don't have to go today."

Heng Hua said disgustedly: "If I let you go today, isn't this a disgusting person?"

"But grandfather—"

"Listen to me, you don't need to go today. Sit at home with peace of mind, and enjoy yourself honestly."

At this time, Fu Yunyao, the master of Tianwei Pavilion, came to invite Fu Henghua in person.

"Nephew. Now that the will brocade box has been found, please come to watch the ceremony with my nephew."

Heng Hua raised his brows: "Yesterday, I have already handed over the complete Unsealed Star Curse to the pavilion masters. You can open it yourself, why let me come with you?"

He stayed in the former residence for a few days, and the several pavilion masters restrained each other, unable to send people to contact him.

Until yesterday when Fu Henghua ran to Tianxian Pavilion, Tianxiong, Tianyong, Tianying and other pavilion owners rushed to Tianxian Pavilion.I'm afraid that Fu Henghua has a secret agreement with the owner of Tianxian Pavilion.

In front of everyone, Fu Henghua handed over the star mantra formula to several pavilion masters.Then, when he mentioned Fu Xuanxing's matter, he came back again.

"No one has ever seen that brocade box, whether it is real or not, I need my nephew to appraise it."

Fang Dongyuan was speechless: "You have never seen it, and Heng Hua has never seen it. How to identify it? Besides, since you have found it, you can just announce it after opening it."

"If you only find one brocade box, you can naturally do so. But the second brother and the third brother each found a brocade box, and they both think that the brocade box in their hands is real."

Speaking of this, Fu Yunyao sighed: "Nephew, why haven't I been in touch with you for a few days, don't you understand why? Why did you insist on handing over the Star Curse to them yesterday? This... this... hey——"

Doesn't this make them go back and cheat?
With a smile on his face, Heng Hua shook his feather fan: "So, are you asking me to go there to crack down on fakes?"

Fu Yunyao frowned and said: "The second brother and the third brother are not good choices. Father will definitely not choose them as heirs. Therefore, the two brocade boxes must be fake. My nephew is well-informed and an outsider, maybe there is a way to distinguish .”

Therefore, a group of people were invited into Tiankui Pavilion.

Seeing Fu Yunyao take herself and others to Yangxin Hall.

Heng Hua's heart skipped a beat.

After entering, besides the members of the Fu family and other guests, he saw Mr. Fu Tong also there.

She stared straight at the "Picture of Pine Cranes Extending the Years" on the side of the hall, and didn't notice the people coming in at all.

Yin Yanqing smiled and nodded in the crowd.

Hong Changyi walked directly to his side.

"Come on, you're causing trouble, so let's settle it quickly. Don't let the Fu family fight again. After all the murder, you'll feel better."

"What's with me?"

Fu Henghua replied in a low voice, An Sheng sat in the guest seat prepared for him by the Fu family.

Well, this arrangement won my heart.

On the opposite side are the seats of the pavilion masters, and the members of the Fu family are standing in the back row.

On my side are the Golden Core monks who have learned their ways, and behind them stand the Foundation Establishment monks.

And Heng Hua's position happened to be slightly above the first seat on the right, close to the position of the main seat.

Apart from the spiritual position on the main seat, Fu Henghua's position is the highest.

An Sheng sat on his seat, and An Jingcheng who was not far away secretly sent a voice transmission: "You boy, if you announce that the two brocade boxes are fake in a while, run to us quickly. The masters of Tianxiong Pavilion and Tianyong Pavilion , are not easy to provoke."

It doesn't matter whether the brocade box is true or not.

The inheritance of the Fu family has always been to honor the victor.

The brocade box is just a name they use to declare their "orthodoxy".

But it happened that Fu Henghua went to teach the star curse yesterday, so they could make it, so they took the initiative to involve themselves in the trouble.

Heng Hua smiled and thanked An Jingcheng for his kindness, and then concentrated on looking at the people on the opposite seat.

nervous?Running away?revenge?

What to be afraid of, as the only one who knows the whole truth, what do I need to worry about?
Not only this side, but even the affairs in the back mountain, Heng Hua also pays close attention to it with Huang Po Lingshen.

He knew that Fu Xuanxing's birthday would definitely be difficult.

Since you have had a bad time, let it be the most memorable experience of your life.


In the back mountain, Fu Xiangfeng spent two full days, but he still didn't release the seal of Tiangang in front of him.

In front of him was a sea of ​​stars like a giant tree.

Among the giant trees, 36 kinds of magical powers of Tiangang are condensed into chains, which firmly bind the banyan tree in the center.

The canopy is luxuriant and can cover the sky.It's just that half of them seem to be cut off by life, and the whole tree seems to be split from the middle.

The banyan tree was tightly bound by the chains of Tiangang, and its momentum declined.

This is the totem tree of the Fu family.Since the first civil strife in the Fu family, the Totem Spirit has been suppressed by the previous Patriarch.

Fu Xiangfeng avoided the people of the Fu family and came to the forbidden area carefully.

In the past two days, I have been worrying about how to unseal the totem tree and stop the civil war in the Fu family.

Naturally, Huang Po Lingshen also watched in secret for two days.

Seeing the situation of the totem tree, Fu Henghua finally understood the whole truth about the Qiongtian gift of the Fu family.

The person who crosses the catastrophe is neither Patriarch Fu nor the original totem spirit.

Qiongtian's gift is the Fu family's plan to create a brand new patron saint of robbery from scratch.

That celestial viburnum is their confidence.

Of course, this is only on the surface, and it is also the "truth" that the pavilion masters have learned.


"Third brother, step on the seven-star step, pass under the third star tree on the left, then advance five trees, and then go around on the right."

When the sound of the wind came, Fu Xiangfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked back.

"Heng Hua?"

"It's me, it's just a divine thought right now. You unseal the totem first, and we'll talk about it later."

Heng Hua already had a premonition that one of his opportunities on Tiangang Island was the totem spirit in front of him.

Although I don't understand what the opportunity is, but if you want to become enlightened, you must rescue him first.

As for the plans of the Fu family, it depends on whether the people behind the scenes can sit still?



After all the people from all walks of life expired, the head of Tianyong Pavilion stood up.

"Everyone, I found this brocade box in the woods to the west of Tiangang Pavilion this morning. Nephew Fu Xian, come and have a look, is this brocade box real?"

Without Heng Hua getting up, he sent someone to deliver the brocade box to Heng Hua.

"Oh? A box made of dragon-grain wood, 500 years old...the second-grade, no, first-grade spiritual wood."

Heng Hua recited the star mantra, and saw 36 stars shining on the surface of the brocade box, and then turned into bubbles and dispersed.

He took out a letter from it, which was the last letter of Patriarch Fu.There is only one core sentence in this gorgeous parallel prose: After my death, the second child will be the head of the family.

After Heng Hua recited in public, there was a lot of booing.

The master of the Tianyong Pavilion swept behind him with a calm expression, and all the voices of the Fu family's children disappeared.

The owner of Tianxian Pavilion said softly: "Nephew, do you think this letter is true?"

"I haven't seen Senior Fu's handwriting, so I can't read it."

Heng Hua then happily looked at the Tianxiong Pavilion Master.

This scene is hilarious no matter how you look at it.

"I heard that the pavilion master also has a brocade box?"

The owner of Tianxiong Pavilion laughed, and ordered someone to pass the brocade box to Fu Henghua.

"This is what Quanzi found next to Tianji Pavilion."

The young monk who brought the brocade box smiled shyly at Fu Henghua.

Heng Hua still used the star spell to open the brocade box, and inside was a piece of golden silk.

Compared with the gorgeous rhetoric of the letter, here is much simpler, there is only one sentence to pass the position.

After Heng Hua announced it to everyone present, he put the two suicide notes in front of the main tablet.

"Senior—" Heng Hua asked the owner of Tianxian Pavilion, "Don't you have anything similar?"

The owner of Tianxian Pavilion shook his head.

"Anyway, I didn't find it near Tiankui Pavilion. Nephew, do you think these two brocade boxes are real?"

"I think……"

Heng Hua drew his tone and looked at the two pavilion masters Tianyong and Tianxiong.

The two pavilion masters confronted each other with a sneer on the corner of their mouths.

It doesn't matter, he said it doesn't matter who is true and who is false.

He said I was a fake, so I immediately refuted your collusion, then raised my arms and went to war!

The position of the Patriarch of the Fu family can only be obtained by typing!

The guests next to them cheered up silently and secretly connected one by one.

They are not stupid, and they also know that everyone in the Fu family is putting on a show.

There will definitely be a fight later.But when they fight, it is us who are affected!


finally understood!
Mr. Fu Tong looked away from the "Picture of Pine Cranes Extending the Years", and she looked at Fu Henghua in front of the chief seat with hatred.

This bastard, messing around so much, and pretending to be nothing, is too creepy!
Standing in front of the chief seat, Heng Hua announced on behalf of Patriarch Fu: "I think these two brocade boxes may be real."


Behind him, Fu Xuanxing didn't support him, and directly lifted Fu Henghua's seat.

"It's all true? Sixth brother, don't talk nonsense."

Pavilion Master Tianyong and Pavilion Master Tianxiong originally aimed at each other, but the aura of climbing to the top came to an abrupt end.

"Yeah, what are you talking about, how can two different wills be true?"

"Boy, take a closer look, mine is the real—"

The Tianxiong pavilion master wanted to go forward to grab Fu Henghua, but was suddenly swung away by a wave of momentum.

The mending cloak on Heng Hua's body shone with aura, and Fu Xuanxing beside him quickly sacrificed Nanming Lihuo's scabbard to protect him.

"Think carefully, everyone—"

Heng Hua said loudly: "The most common situation in the Xiuzhen family is that in the power struggle of the head of the family, who is the opponent?

"Is it the brothers of the same clan? No, it is my own children. After becoming the head of the family, in order to prevent the heir from assassinating himself in advance, he must be careful of his heirs.

"In this case, leaving a will in advance, wouldn't it become a reminder for me early?"

The master of Tianying Pavilion understood a little bit: "Then what do you mean..."

"I read ancient books and found that in the Shenzhou era, some rich men would prepare two or more different wills in advance to ensure that their family property would not fall into the hands of the child who murdered them. Whoever harmed themselves, or did not agree with them. Just at the moment of death For a moment, choose another will.

"Perhaps, these few wills are all buried by Patriarch Fu early in order to prevent his son from assassinating him."

Heng Hua lamented: "The old Patriarch doesn't know that the reason why this method has not spread is because there are too many mistakes. Regardless of the confusion before death, it is impossible to judge clearly. Even if you leave your last words before death, others can come up Another will, isn't it confusing?

"Now the old Patriarch talks about the west pavilion, but we don't know which pavilion it is. So..."

Even if it's true, we don't know the attitude of Patriarch Fu.Therefore, neither counts.

Seeing that everything was back to the original point, Pavilion Master Tianyong and Pavilion Master Tianxiong immediately became anxious.

"Wait a minute—"

When Mr. Fu Tong saw Fu Henghua's flamboyant appearance, he immediately became upset.

"I think your words are just imagination, these two brocade boxes may not be what the old Patriarch meant."

Heng Hua looked at Mr. Fu Tong who came out of the crowd, showing a rather deep smile.

This girl is hooked after all.

The owner of Tianxian Pavilion saw Mr. Fu Tong coming forward, turned his head and asked:

"Miss Fu has been running around for the past few days, but what have you found?"

It was inevitable that the Fu family misunderstood, and in order to ensure the third brother's reputation, they helped Fu Xiangfeng cover up his whereabouts.

Fu Yaozhen mentioned to the owner of Tianxian Pavilion in advance that for the convenience of walking on the island, her younger sister would temporarily use Fu Xiangfeng's appearance to investigate the cause of Master Fu's death.Because at this moment, Fu Xiangfeng has already retreated.

Although the owner of the Tianxian Pavilion is busy competing for the position of the next Patriarch.But there must be an explanation for the death of his father.If I send someone to investigate, those younger brothers and sisters may not agree.Maybe there are still people who are thinking of throwing the blame on themselves.

Therefore, the Fu family intervened, and the owner of the Tianxian Pavilion was happy to see it succeed.In the past few days, he secretly ordered the disciples of Tianxian Pavilion to cooperate with "Fu Xiangfeng" in the investigation.

"It has indeed been found out. I already know the truth about the cause of Master Fu's death. At the same time, I can also judge these two brocade boxes, and even the issue of the heir of the Fu family."


The owner of Tianxian Pavilion signaled Mr. Fu Tong to go up.

Mr. Fu Tong came directly to Fu Henghua.

You - go down.

Heng Hua smiled, lifted up the chair that Fu Xuanxing had fallen on, and sat on it slowly.

On the stage I prepared, please start your performance.

"First, we look back at what happened that day."

"Patriarch Fu died. When we arrived at Yangxin Hall, we were unable to use any retrospective spells. At the same time, we also found that Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan lost their memory.

"Therefore, we suspect that the person behind the scenes has the ability to kill Grandmaster Nascent Soul and quickly erase his memory."

"But these things can be taken apart. The death of Patriarch Fu, the memory loss of Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan, and many things that happened afterward were not done by one person."

In the hall, Mr. Fu Tong's voice clearly spread to every corner.

"In addition, Fu Henghua is seriously suspected in the whole matter. This point must be corrected."

The owner of the Tianxian Pavilion coughed lightly: "Girl, I said that day that no one in the Fu family suspects nephew Fu Xian."

Several pavilion masters next to him nodded.

"That's right, we never doubted Nephew Fu Xian at all."

Fu Yaozhen sighed melancholy, and seemed to understand what Fu Tongjun wanted to say.

She looked at Fu Henghua with a very delicate look.

You see, you make trouble every day, and now trouble is coming.

Heng Hua was impressed, and raised his teacup to signal to her.

"No, it's not a suspicion, it's him who did it. The person who left the blood demon on Master Fu's body and took away the memories of Fu Xuanxing and the two of them is Fu Henghua!"

Fu Yaozhen: Sure enough!

Hengshou: That's right!

Xiaoyu: It should be so!

No one in the Fu family doubts Fu Henghua, but everyone in the Fu family doubts Fu Henghua!

Fu Henghua is the person behind the scenes!
 The update is over, I finished writing with great difficulty, and I haven't had time to check the typo in the end, so let's talk when I wake up tomorrow.

  Do you still remember that it was mentioned earlier that Fu Xuanxing bought food in the Fujia mortal area and ate all kinds of food?

  This kid really hasn't eaten much.

  A baby raised by pills.

(End of this chapter)

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