
Chapter 426

Chapter 426
What did Fu Henghua do?
Wait, why did Mr. Fu Tong come out to expose it?
Looking at the infighting between the brothers and sisters in the Fu family, all the guests felt that it was absurd.

Everyone in the Fu family understands: the Fu family is also a cultivator family, and there must be internal struggles!

"Heng Hua did it? Girl, do you have evidence for what you said?"

An Jingcheng looked directly at Mr. Fu Tong.

Infighting, how could this kind of thing happen in the Fu family!

Mr. Fu Tong said: "Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan have lost their memory. It is possible for the two of them to lose their memory without knowing it. What kind of method will the perpetrator use?"

Both of them carried the mysterious treasures of the Xuanwei Sect and the Zihuang Pavilion, and Fu Xuanxing even had the fairy sword scabbard for protection.To be able to succeed easily, at least two realms higher than them, right?
"Because of the memory loss of the two, we have always suspected that the person behind the scenes is Grandmaster Nascent Soul, and a master who can kill another grandmaster with one blow. But if they take the initiative to hand over the memory, Fu Henghua will seal it. Then ..."

The person who took their memory did not exist at all.

Hong Changyi stumbled and said: "This is just your family's words. Wait, you say that, why does Henghua want to take the memory of the two of them?"

"Of course it's to cover up the time of Patriarch Fu's death—let's call it 'death'!"

Recall Fu Henghua's speech that day.

"Murderer? Well... let's call it that."

Recalling carefully that he did not mention the word "corpse" at all.

From the very beginning, this guy saw everything clearly, and then hid aside and played tricks, misleading people in various ways.

Thinking of this, Mr. Fu Tong was furious for a while.

But what if you know the truth?

"Patriarch Fu died not when Fu Henghua entered, but before him."

"Nonsense—I have maids and servants in my house who bring refreshments and fruits. I can testify. Father's day——Illusion?"

"It's not difficult for Fu Henghua to confuse maids and attendants, just an illusion."

"According to what you say, Fu Henghua is not the murderer. Then what is the purpose of his trouble?"

"In order to cover up, Master Fu died in front of Fu Xuanxing."


"Fu Xuanxing?"


Fu Xuanxing looked astonished, and pointed at himself.

Heng Hua sat beside him, drinking tea slowly.

"Well, go on."

"According to my speculation, when Fu Xuanxing walked out of Yangxintang, the head of the Fu family had already been killed. He knew the seriousness of this matter, and he didn't dare to make a big statement. He could only come to discuss with you and Fang Dongyuan. You make a decision immediately and let the two of you deal with each other." Out of memory—mainly to prevent Fu Xuanxing from going overboard."

Fu Xuanxing was too simple, if he didn't take away his memory, he might have been tricked out of words by his character.

"After entering Yangxintang, you used illusion to deceive the servants of the Fu family. You also left new wounds on the head of the Fu family and completely disrupted the scene. You are to ensure that Fu Xuanxing will not be suspected by the Fu family. As for the will, the star curse , brocade box, it’s even non-existent!”


The masters of Tianyong Pavilion and Tianxiong Pavilion looked at the brocade box on the table and felt that everything was like an illusion.

"Impossible! The spell he gave us yesterday is indeed a spell involving Tiangang's luck and the avenue of stars."

"He is a sorcerer, and the study of spells and exercises is a specialty. Besides, his spell was conceived from Tiangang Island. He was in a hurry that day, and his spell may not be fully studied. There is only one beginning. But you Worried that he would leak the secret in public, he hurriedly interrupted him to continue reading. That's why he was able to cover it up——

"Of course, if he didn't interrupt him at that time, he would find an excuse to stop later, using the excuse that the secret of Tiangang should not be passed on to outsiders to cover up the star curse."

Mr. Fu Tong believes that Fu Henghua really perfected this "Tiangang Star Curse" the day before yesterday or yesterday.

Putting down the teacup, Heng Hua asked slowly, "So, where is the evidence?"

"You say these are all speculations, what about the evidence? Master Fu died after Fu Xuanxing entered? Who saw it? Who can prove it?"

"Currently," Fu Tong-jun said, "I have already dismantled the four-element array surrounding Tiankui Pavilion, but I still can't use the backtracking technique to find out what happened that day. This proves that there is another kind of force interfering. And this Power—where is your cloud axis?"

Mr. Fu Tong's eyes fell on the picture of Songhe Yannian.

The reason why she thought of Fu Henghua was because she found a flaw in this picture.

"Your cloud axis is the evidence. If you didn't mess around, why use your magic weapon to continue to cover the truth of Tiankui Pavilion?"

Seeing Mr. Fu Tong throwing a Gu whip at "Songhe Yannian Picture", Heng Hua flicked it with his fingers.

Bursts of starlight appeared on the painting, and when Gu whipped it, the starlight rebounded its power, but it did not hurt Mr. Fu Tong himself.

"come back."

In the picture of Songhe Yannian, another picture of Songhe Yannian fell out.And the original vertical scroll picture flew into Heng Hua's hands, and turned into a scroll of cloud patterns flowing with starlight.

"The stars record everything. Therefore, although the Tiankui Pavilion and the other 35 pavilions form a top-level fairy formation, they still do not have the ability to prohibit the 'backtracking technique'.

"You can restore what happened not long ago just by sensing with the Taoism of the stars. But when I entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, I couldn't reproduce the scene where Master Fu was killed. Obviously, someone before me specially imposed the technique of confinement .”

"So, the murder of his father really happened at that time for Fu Xuanxing?"

Heng Hua didn't answer, he shook the cloud axis, and two silver light clusters flew out of it, landing in front of Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan respectively.

"I thought Mr. Tong could solve it in just one or two days, but I didn't expect to delay it for so long. Forget it, take your memory back. If I keep it for a few more days, I must take the initiative to expose it and help you get back your memory gone."

Heng Hua hastily acted, the memory could not be kept in his hands for too long.Sealing for a long time will cause the two of them to completely lose this memory.

Afterwards, he said to the owner of Tianxian Pavilion: "I will release the technique of confinement, and you can use the technique of backtracking."

Fu Yunyao took the lead in casting the spell, and the silver starlight shone in the hall, recalling the scene a few days ago.


In the dim starlight, it turned into figures walking back and forth.

The guests watched these phantom figures move around them.Although he knew it was just a phantom, he still got up silently, leaving the middle empty.

Obviously, this was the scene where everyone came to Yangxin Hall after the accident that day.

Fu Yunyao continued to practice.

Time moves on.


The corpse sat on a chair, and the young man stood in front of him, his hands slashing towards his neck like sharp knives.


Many people exclaimed.

They looked at Fu Henghua without changing his face, and added another wound on the corpse.At the same time, he also squeezed out the "Huanyang Seal".

But even though it was remedied in this way, a group of Fu family members were still dissatisfied with making a wound on the head of the Fu family.

Pavilion Master Tiantui shouted: "Fu Henghua, what are you doing?"

"Yes, you have to give us a reasonable explanation." Fu Yunrou, the owner of Tiangui Pavilion, blinked at him.

"It's very simple. There are 'compromise' and 'coverage' between spells and Taoism. I use the characteristics of the blood demon to create a state of 'bleeding and vitality'."

Powerful spell effects will override the effects of lower spells.And if the levels are close, the spell effects will compromise and neutralize each other.

Fu Yunyao was operating the screen, and after seeing Fu Henghua's attack, he said something to himself.

She immediately looked at Pavilion Master Tianjian (Sword): "You are proficient in lip language, can you see what he said?"

"He said, he said..." After reading the words Fu Henghua said to himself, Pavilion Master Tianjian's expression turned ugly, and he couldn't continue.

"Why, isn't it easy for seniors to say it? Then just listen."

Heng Hua shook the cloud axis star map, Fu Yunyao's backtracking technique became clearer, and the voice recorded in Tiankui Pavilion at that time also appeared.

"Your old man made such a fuss, and Xuan Xing was blamed for nothing. He will turn [-] years old the day after tomorrow, and it happens to fall on your first seven days. Heh—you can pick the time."

Hearing this, everyone in the Fu family looked unhappy.

What is the birthday of a mere junior?
Do you really think that everyone, like you Panlong Island, takes birthdays so seriously?

The Fu family has a population of one million and the family lineage is prosperous. Naturally, it is not comparable to the 30 people on Panlong Island.

Panlong Island can treat every little master's birthday banquet seriously, but the Fu family doesn't have the energy.

Furthermore, the Fu family is busy with Qiongtian gift.Even though I remembered Fu Xuanxing's birthday, I didn't have the heart to do anything for him.

Seeing this, Fu Yunyao continued to look back.


It was a corpse, and he sat quietly on the chair, staring wide-eyed at the front.

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and Fu Henghua walked in.

He seemed to have expected that there was a corpse in the house.

"Is this what Xuan Xing mentioned?"

The youth stood in front of the corpse and observed.

Everyone looked back at this scene, only to find that there was only one wound on the body.

A fatal wound to the heart.

Heng Hua walked to the side, wisps of silver thoughts floated from his sleeves.

An Jingcheng's eyes moved slightly, looking at Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan who were absorbing memories.

As Tongjun girl said, did they really hand over their memories on their own initiative?

Heng Hua squeezed the spell in his hand, sealed the memories of the two of them, and turned them into two light clusters and sealed them in the cloud axis star map.

At this time, the maid came in to deliver refreshments.

Everyone saw that another Fu Henghua walked out of the phantom Fu Henghua condensed with starlight.

"Illusion—separation? Incarnation outside the body?"

Everyone was puzzled, watching this brand new Fu Henghua standing in the middle of the room, casting spells on the maid at the door, and using illusion to cover it up.

The deity of Heng Hua took out his feather fan and stood in front of the corpse, muttering.

"and many more--"

Hearing Heng Hua recite the mantra, Taoist Master Jin Talisman's face suddenly changed.

"Is this the resurrection spell?"

In the picture, the young man fanned his feather fan several times, and lotus flowers of five colors appeared around him, forming an octagonal formation with each other.

The method of returning yang is in operation!
There were dozens of Golden Core cultivators present, and they couldn't hide their shock when they saw this scene.

Although they knew that Fu Henghua had entered the Dao Ding Realm, and already possessed Dan Yuan with the same specifications as them.


He is only a hundred years old!

He hasn't completely formed the core yet!

How could he perform such a high-level Taoism by himself?
And when the deity was performing Taoism, his "incarnation" was still active, exploring the past with the technique of backtracking.

How strong is this guy's spell ability?
Hengshou and Xiaoyu were also surprised.

When did the young master lose his hand?
How proficient is he in performing Taoism?

They didn't know that the techniques of resurrection from the dead and the return of light involve the law of good fortune, which belongs to the field that Fu Henghua often uses and has been researching.Therefore, he is quite proficient in these Taoism.

Even though Fu Henghua is proficient in all kinds of Taoism, he still has the power of one person, and he still has proficient and unskilled spells.It just so happened that what he used in front of outsiders was exactly his common method.

"It's not a complete resurrection." Heng Hua seemed very indifferent to this.

"A small practice tip, the resurrection method is the highest healing Taoism, and it is also the highest level resurrection technique that can override the effects of low-level spells."

The three characteristics of bringing the dead back to life are restoration of vitality, return of the soul, and reversal of life and death.

To recite the complete resurrection mantra, the price must be paid.But incomplete resurrection can be used as healing, spiritualism and death spell.When this part of the function ends, it ends automatically, and the power of the law fails.

In doing so, there is no need to pay the price of "one life for one life".

"I recited the 'Back to Life Curse' widely spread by Donglai, in order to use its ability to summon souls, hoping to bring Master Fu's soul back for a question."

After chanting the mantra for a while, eight lotus flowers spun around Patriarch Fu, but they couldn't recall the soul.

The young man who was condensed by the stars started talking to himself again: "The soul is not in Xingtian, but it hasn't dissipated either. Is it imprisoned?"

Heng Hua took the initiative to withdraw his mana, and the lotus flowers around him shattered one by one.

He continued to stare at the corpse.

Not long after, he seemed to notice something, and quickly walked to the window.

At this time, a servant came in with a fruit plate.

Heng Hua's "avatar" continued to cast illusions.

The deity is watching from the window.

Everyone in the Fu family calculated the angle and understood that he was observing Liuyuntai.

Tianying Pavilion Master: "There seems to be someone there."

"Ah—" Zhu Yumei recalled.On that day, the two of them were taking pictures at Liuyuntai.Since then, Fu Henghua has noticed the two of them?
Afterwards, Heng Hua went to the window on the other wall.

Fu Tongjun's expression changed.

"This guy—he actually saw it directly!"

It took him three days to find the town of the Four Elephant Formation. He only took a few glances at the window to see the location of Chizhang in the south?
Then, Heng Hua went to observe the other two places.

After walking around the house for a few weeks, Heng Hua smiled softly: "So that's what happened."

Yin Yanqing raised his eyebrows: this kid, his reaction is quick.

He wandered around with Mr. Fu Tong for a few days and was convinced of the "murderer" after reading the account books of Tiankui Pavilion.

"Senior Fu, if you want to mess around, that's your business. But you absolutely shouldn't involve Fu Xuanxing in it. You also specially asked him to come to see you at this time. You will consider—"

Among the crowd, the man's heart skipped a beat.

The masters of Tianxian Pavilion and Tianying Pavilion saw this, and they also understood a little bit.


In the picture, the young man took off the picture of Songhe Yannian, hung up the cloud scroll, and cast a spell to hide the memories of Fu Xuanxing and the original vertical scroll into the star chart.

After finishing all this, Heng Hua went to the corpse.

Stretch out your hand and swipe lightly on the neck, using the Blood Demon Slash to create the effect of "continuous blood flow".At the same time, he also signed the seal of return to Yang, and moved the corpse to the table.

Under his tinkering, the scene gradually became the scene that everyone saw that day.

Seeing this, Fu Yunyao continued to look back.

Before Fu Henghua entered, the corpse was just sitting there.

Going forward, Fu Xuanxing was sleeping on the chair.The corpse was sitting not far from him.

Seeing this scene, many people in the room started talking.

It's not that he doubts Fu Xuanxing, but that this kid is too miserable.Being involved in this kind of thing for no reason, according to Fu Henghua's tone, it will be a birthday in a few days.

It was a bad birthday.

The young man in red woke up in a daze, and was taken aback when he saw the corpse not far away.

The chair under him fell down with a bang.He hurriedly stepped forward to check, and then seemed to understand something, looking at the blood sacrifice stained on his body.

Quickly casting a spell to eliminate it, he hurriedly opened the door and ran out.

Heng Hua turned the cloud axis, watching Fu Xuanxing and the two absorbing memories casually.

"Next, he ran out in a panic to ask for help. Because he was worried that the situation would be exposed, he communicated with us through sound transmission."

This point is something that Fu Yunyao cannot look back.

Xingguang ran out of Yangxin Hall and talked to the two young men standing at the door.

Everyone also looked at the door, only to see three young men standing there.

Soon, Fu Henghua walked in by himself.

Mr. Fu Tong: "Have you noticed that someone is taking pictures on Liuyuntai? So, you purposely used the angle to block Fu Xuanxing's expression?"

Everyone recalled the few images that Zhu Yumei showed.

It is true that the expressions of the three people were not seen at the same time.

In the first few photos, Fu Xuanxing's face was deliberately blocked by Fu Henghua.Until he walked into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Fu Xuanxing and Fang Dongyuan were talking at the door.

Heng Hua nodded.Not only did he block Zhu Yumei from taking pictures, but as a brother, he also took the trouble to give Fang Dongyuan and the other two hints so that they would not easily notice if they lost their memories.

It wasn't until the Fu family mentioned Fu Xuanxing's actions at that time that they realized that they had lost their memory.

Fu Yunyao read this part, and continued to go back.

However, before Fu Xuanxing woke up, there was still a period of time when the scene could not be traced back.

During that time, only chaotic vitality riots could be seen, and the silver starlight kept dancing in the Yangxin Hall.

Everyone in the Fu family looked at Fu Henghua again.

Following Fu Henghua's casting various spells, they had a high opinion of this man's ability to cast spells.

Or maybe it was him again.

"This has nothing to do with me. It was the moment Master Fu died, the power to attack Grandmaster Nascent Soul was too strong, beyond the ability of Pavilion Master Tianwei to trace back."

"Then where are you coming?"

"I can't do it either, including all the Golden Core cultivators present, they can't restore that moment. Because that is enough to kill Nascent Soul cultivator. Only the existence of Nascent Soul and above can go back to that moment. .”

But it was impossible to go back to that scene and find the murderer.Only then did Fu Henghua truly believe that this was deliberately torturing Fu Xuanxing.

The technique of prohibiting backtracking is not to hide the murderer at all.But in order to make Fu Xuanxing speechless, he ran to be a suspect for a period of time and was imprisoned by the Fu family.

"So, who is the murderer?"

Fu Yunyao went back further, skipping that period of time.

Seeing his father smiling as usual, he chatted happily with Fu Xuanxing.

But afterward, Fu Xuanxing fell into a coma, and the picture was instantly shattered.

"Does it need to be said? Isn't Fu Henghua deliberately messing with all this for the person behind the scenes? Patriarch Fu committed suicide. Only by committing suicide can it make sense."

Mr. Fu Tong also suspected that someone would have killed Patriarch Fu in advance, and then pretended to be him to meet Fu Xuanxing.Then Fu Xuanxing fell into a coma and blamed him.

But if there is really a Nascent Soul Grandmaster hidden on the island, he can still move freely like this.It is impossible for Fu Xuanxing not to be out of the situation these few days.

Therefore, it is more likely that Master Fu committed suicide and used his own death to deceive his grandson.

As for why he did this, Mr. Fu Tong couldn't think of it at the moment.

So, she looked at Fu Henghua.

"So-and-so, you purposely made such a big circle for your foster brother, and even took the initiative to blame yourself. What did you notice? Why did Patriarch Fu commit suicide, and what was his purpose for doing this?"

"Suicide? The premise is that he is indeed dead."

Heng Hua looked at everyone present and said with a smile:
"This question, you can ask Patriarch Fu himself. Senior Patriarch, do you stand up by yourself, or should I force you out?"

(End of this chapter)

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