
Chapter 427

Chapter 427 Wooden Dragon Prisoner
The man stood in the crowd, staring at Fu Henghua.

Impossible, how could he know my plan?

Fake, he is deceiving me!

At best, he can only speculate on my suspended animation, but he can't possibly guess the subsequent plan, the method of suspended animation, and where I am hiding!
Thinking of this, the man touched the book in his arms.

With the book in my arms, I feel a little more settled.

Thinking of the disappearance of Fanshu before, a shadow rose in the man's heart.

Heng Hua yelled to the crowd several times, seeing that Patriarch Fu refused to show up, he took out a black book from his cuff.

Seeing that book, the man's atrium seemed to be hit hard with a hammer.

Why a book?
Is this his magic weapon?
"Since senior refuses to show up, then—"

Heng Hua recited the mantra, and the innate red characters gushed out from the black book, spreading densely on the floor like insects and ants.

Seeing this scene, there was unavoidable noise in the crowd.

"Don't worry, everyone, this is just a spell to lock and find someone. It's only for Master Fu, and it's harmless to other people."

After Heng Hua explained, An Jingcheng took a look at him, and stepped on the Chi Wen on his own initiative.


Chi Wen seemed to have a spirit, bypassing his feet and continuing to spread in other directions.

When the man saw this scene, his eyes were extremely cold.

This kid actually knows how to get out?How could he know?In other words, he was indeed the one who played tricks when the previous book was stolen?

The dense scarlet streaks shuttle across the ground, but whenever they get close to people's feet, they will avoid themselves.

The man stared straight at the Chiwen spreading towards him.

Just as he was thinking about how to break the situation, Chi Wen bypassed him.


This spell can't find me?

Mr. Fu Tong looked at the crowd, and whenever Chi Wen got close to a person, he would leave by himself.

But looking around, Fu Henghua still looked confident.

After an unknown amount of time, a sigh suddenly came from the crowd.

"Oh—that's all."

A young man flicked his sleeves, and all the red scarlets that were close to him collapsed.

The young man smiled and said, "Since you have even used this kind of spell, I have no choice but to show up."


Everyone in the Fu family looked at the young man and were stunned.

He is a brother of the same generation as Fu Xuanxing, the son of Pavilion Master Tianjian.

"Hongyan, you—father..." The owner of the Tianjian Pavilion looked at his fourth son with a fluctuating expression.

"Fu Hongyan" smiled lightly: "Anxin, he's fine. The old man just borrowed his body temporarily. When the work is done, it will be returned to him.

"Little friend, since you understand the cause and effect, you should know what technique I used. Explain to them."

"It's just possessing spirits. When the ancestors fought against the East Sea Sword Sect, they also possessed the third brother."

The technique of asking God to possess one's body?

Fu Tongjun and Fu Yaozhen were quite surprised.

But Fu Danwei did use it against Fu Xiangfeng back then.

This technique does little harm to the descendants, but it can allow the descendants to take this opportunity to comprehend the mysteries of the Dao at a higher level.

It's just that this kind of spell is cumbersome to cast, has a high failure rate, and brings great trouble to the caster himself. Why did "Master Fu" use this technique to feign death?

"I noticed that your old soul had left, and the Nascent Soul locked itself. I deliberately left a slash on your body to lock the vitality, and sealed the mana and vitality with the Yang Seal. I will wait for you to finish before going back."

Heng Hua explained to everyone: "As we all know, the greatest danger of Grandmaster Nascent Soul lies in the sky thunder calamity. The sky thunder is endless, as long as there is a life brand in this world, it will not stop. One of the ways to overcome the calamity is to let oneself die , to escape the lock of the sky thunder. The idea of ​​senior Fu is similar to this. He took advantage of the existence of the Fu family and was about to pass the catastrophe. Whether that existence succeeds in crossing the tribulation, he can pass the tribulation smoothly."


"It's possible to do this?"

The guests looked stunned.

This can explain why a person commits suicide with ease.

Dare to love, it is to cross the catastrophe.

Heavenly Tribulation is a must for a cultivator.It is understandable for everyone to think hard about various strategies to overcome the catastrophe, and it is also something that everyone must do.

What is feigning death? There are still people who kill people, become beggars, and give birth to children just to cross the robbery.

"Senior died as soon as he died, and he refused to tell his children, and he insisted on pulling Fu Xuanxing to be a witness. Although I have some speculations about the reasons for this, I would like to ask you to explain it yourself, senior."

Why not tell outsiders, everyone has a clue.

Feigning death and possessing spirits are very dangerous things.If you really tell your children, the fake death may become a real death.

As for why Fu Xuanxing was called, everyone was indeed a little puzzled.

If Fu Xuanxing hadn't been brought in as a witness, why would Fu Henghua have made such a fuss?Indirectly caused his suspended animation to be exposed?

"Fu Hongyan" sighed for a long time: "The reason why the old man brought this kid here is because he was not from Pavilion 33, so he won't be involved in family strife."

Looking at the sons and daughters, the young man's eyes showed deep disappointment.

The masters of Tianxiong Pavilion and Tianyong Pavilion looked at the brocade box on the table and silently lowered their heads.

"For this old man to fake death, there must always be someone to witness it. But this kind of thing, you can't bother outsiders, so as not to cause trouble for others. And these unworthy children of this old man... In order to avoid power struggles, we need to find someone from the clan with a clean background. And people who don't care about the rights of the Fu family. Furthermore——

"We still need a big backer. Even after the accident, the other pavilion owners can't convict him as a murderer."

Fu Xuanxing's master is the head of the Xuanwei Sect.Grandpa Gan is Donglai's famous master.Under the protection of both parties, members of the Fu family naturally dare not casually use him as a scapegoat.

"Just doing this will inevitably make the child toss."

The young man showed a kind smile, which made people look out of place and quite disobedient.

Pavilion Master Tianjian: "Father...Father, when will you leave Hongyan?"

"Three days later."

After the young man explained, he continued to say to Fu Xuanxing: "If your elder brother hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have known about it. This incident coincides with your hundredth birthday, and it made you wear sackcloth and filial piety, but this old man was incomprehensible. Looking back, You go to the old man's warehouse and take a look, and take whatever you like. Don't be polite to grandpa! It's your birthday present."


Fu Xuanxing was a little confused when the "youth" called himself "grandfather".

The cause of the Ganqing incident, the sixth brother knew everything about it, and Mr. Fu Tong also found it out, but I was the only one who was in a daze and didn't know anything?
Now that the words were handed over, Fu Xuanxing scratched his head: "What are you taking? I don't lack—"

"Of course you have to take the gift of apology from your grandfather. If you don't take it, you won't give your grandfather face." Heng Hua tapped his shoulder with a feather fan, and agreed for him.

"Senior, although we all know it now, the world doesn't. You'd better find a coffin to take shelter for three days, so that the spirit and soul can cultivate for three days, so as to prevent the world from discovering the traces of your catastrophe in advance. So, let's continue with the funeral."

The young man nodded: "That's the only way to go."

Looking at his group of children again, he scolded: "Father sees everything you have done in the past few days!"

His chest rose and fell, and he wanted to curse a few words, but in the end, he finally calmed down.

Looking at the two brocade boxes on the table again, "Fu Hongyan" looked a bit disgusted.

"The old man did leave brocade boxes in several star pavilions, just in case you were not prepared, and thanks to you guys who can dig them out. As Xiaoyou Fu said, this method is still useless, and it will be discarded later."

Are these two brocade boxes really yours?

The Tianxian pavilion masters were startled for a moment, and then saw the unexpected expressions of the two pavilion masters Tianxiong and Tianyong, and suddenly realized: This is an active cover for them.

After all, this is also his own son.

The guests saw this scene, although they understood it in their hearts, they still followed the words of the "youth" and defined the two pavilion masters looking for the brocade box to compete for the position of Patriarch as a misunderstanding.


Seeing his father's protection, the second pavilion master couldn't help but feel a little touched, and this father's cry was somewhat sincere.


In the crowd, the man stared at the young man pretending to be himself.

At first, he really thought that Fu Henghua could find himself with a spell.But the spell bypassed him, and another person later came forward and claimed to be "Master Fu".

The man quickly woke up.

The spell is fake, and so is that person!
However, in addition to being stunned, the man was even more panicked.

This kid wants to take my identity away!
——And, it has succeeded!

Seeing those children calling "Fu Hongyan" their father, the man was furious.

A bunch of bastards, you'll believe what this kid says casually!Why don't you check it out?
He was anxious in his heart, thinking hard about countermeasures.Suddenly I heard Fu Yunyao, Fu Yunrou, Fu Longye and others talking to "Fu Hongyan". They seemed to mention the past years unintentionally, and "Fu Hongyan" answered fluently.

The man's heart skipped a beat.


The few things Lao Liu mentioned in his words just now are all things from his childhood.Fu Hongyan was never born at that time, so he couldn't possibly know.

Fu Yunrou and Fu Yunyao also raised a few questions.Although "Fu Hongyan" didn't answer directly, he also picked up a few old things about the second daughter's childhood.

Obviously, this kind of temptation is invalid for "Fu Hongyan".

After being tested by your children, it is confirmed that this person is the father.

Whether it's the tone of speech, or the understanding of oneself and others.He is the father, yes.

The truth of the matter is that the father possessed a spirit and suspended animation to prepare for the catastrophe.

Knowing this answer, everyone quickly restrained their thoughts of fighting among themselves and seizing power, and each of them played the role of filial son and filial daughter.

While the members of the Fu family were enjoying their family relationship, Fu Henghua walked to Yin Yanqing's side.

"In the past few days, please trouble Brother Tong to play with Mr. Tong."

Yin Yanqing smiled: "Isn't her behavior all in your expectation?"

He looked through the account books of the Fu family and clearly realized one thing: it would be a huge and time-consuming project to set up a restraining formation near Tiankui Pavilion.If you were someone else, you still need to face the risk of a Nascent Soul Grandmaster constantly investigating.

Therefore, only Patriarch Fu himself has the ability and time to set up the formation.

Knowing this, Yin Yanqing naturally lost interest in investigating.

In the end, it was nothing more than a farce.

Fu Henghua asked Mr. Fu Tong to make a fuss, obviously it was his brother playing with his sister.

"You—you are used to bullying her like this."

"No way."

Yin Yanqing smiled without saying a word, recalling how the brother and sister got along back then.


Fu Henghua was very well-behaved when he was a child, and knew how to help adults take care of other younger siblings.

So, what is his way of caring?

Yin Yanqing went to Fu's house when he was a child, and once saw Fu Henghua, who was just over one year old, leading Mr. Fu Tong.

That was also the scene where he first met Fu Henghua.

Although Heng Hua has past life memories, his spiritual physique is limited.From the beginning of the baby's growth, Heng Hua also needs to go through the process of gradually unblocking the bones, limbs, and even the locked mind.

When he was almost one year old, Heng Hua was able to walk steadily.And Mr. Fu Tong can only crawl on the bed, but she is full of vitality, and she knows how to play without sleeping all night.

The nannies couldn't look at her, and couldn't understand her babble.Only Fu Henghua could understand her words in seconds, so Fu Henghua took on the responsibility of his elder brother.

When the two mothers were resting, Heng Hua took food from the nanny and maid to feed his younger sister.In order to prevent his younger sister from crawling around, Fu Henghua deliberately searched for a rope to tie her up.

The first meeting between Yin Yanqing, Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun was very shocking.

A doll in a flowered jacket was crawling on the ground, with a rope tied to his body, followed by a boy in a red jacket who was about the same age.

This scene was still fresh in Yin Yanqing's memory.

Of course, for Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun, this is all dark childhood history.This is one of the dark historical materials that Fu Liuhui used to discourage the two from quarreling.


Think back to the innocent, silly, cheerful girl back then, and the tall and beautiful girl not far away.

Yin Yanqing couldn't help lamenting that time is like water, fleeting.

"Speaking of which, this is the end of this matter?" Yin Yanqing smiled, "Although I haven't seen the whole situation yet, I still feel that you have something to hide."

"Have it?"

Heng Hua watched the members of the Fu family gradually dispel their suspicions.

The "personality" written in a hurry can generally be deceived for a few days.Next... let's see if you can hold back.


The man looked at "Fu Hongyan" and felt chills in his heart.

At this time, Heng Hua looked over and smiled at him.

He was silent.

Sure enough, this kid really stole the "soul book" in his arms, and used the "soul book" to find out my memory.

The soul book seizes the house, which is the practice of evil cultivators in the Shenzhou era.

Turn your own spirit and consciousness into words, and hide them between the lines in a book.When someone else reads it, the consciousness will cover it with memory, making the reader another self.

First memory, then consciousness fluctuations, and finally soul devouring.

In the soul book seizure, the soul of the reader must not be preserved.

Therefore, it is regarded as forbidden magic.

The man thought to himself: If my practice of sorcery is exposed, the masters of Tianyang sects will not let it go easily.Even if it is my own grandson who seizes the house.

And this move will also cut himself off from the Fu family, and everyone will betray their relatives.

This kid understands what I'm doing.That's why you purposely beat me in this way and take away my identity?

To vent your anger on your brother?
Is it just that simple?

He clearly intends to turn the entire Fu family into a puppet in his palm!
The man was filled with raging anger.But at this moment, because of the sorcerer's seizure of the house, he dare not show up to expose it.

Moreover, the man still can't figure it out.

In just a few days after the "soul book" was stolen, how could he rewrite a book?

The soul book can only be used once.

After the first reader has read it, the consciousness and soul have already possessed him.Next, the soul book is just a medium in the operation of the spell, and there is no memory anymore.

Why can he rewrite my memory?He shouldn't even be able to read, let alone possess another person?

Master Fu can tell that he is a master for many years.

"Fu Hongyan" is different from his current state.

The person possessed by him has no way to return to heaven, and he will undoubtedly die, and his soul is gradually merging with him.

But "Fu Hongyan" was only fascinated by "Master Fu's memory" for a while.Temporarily lost his true self, mistaking himself for "Master Fu".

After a few days, Fu Henghua's spell will be undone, and he will be able to restore his original appearance.

'This kid's cognition and mastery of souls and yin gods is still higher than mine? '

This is the only possibility Master Fu can think of.

"A dream that turns into a butterfly, it's me and not me. Why did you confirm that you are the real Master Fu, and not someone who mistakenly touches the soul book, causing you to mistakenly think that you are the 'Master Fu'?"

Suddenly, Fu Henghua's whispers sounded in the man's ears.

He looked over suddenly, but Fu Henghua had already run to make fun of Fu Tongjun.

Does this kid really know where I am possessed?
The next moment, the man's expression changed drastically.

When Fu Henghua's words were mixed with the sound of the wind in the "spell power of the gods and gods", the man's spirit was shaken, and his self was confused.

I... am I the one who wrote the book, or did I touch this book by accident.In fact, "Fu Hongyan" is the real "I".

Wait - I'm me.not someone else.

He hurriedly guarded his mind, but at the most critical moment when the soul book is seized, the one who must not be disturbed or confused is the self who loses his way.

For this reason, he left in a hurry and concentrated on sorting out his own memory.


What a fool.

Heng Hua saw the man's departure.

For the evil cultivators in the Shenzhou era, no one would be stupid enough to make the only bet with their souls when they reached the level of a master.

Soul book?

The real way is to seal only the memory and part of the consciousness.Let readers become "another self" a little bit.Then activate the hidden ability of the soul book, prompting the reader to sacrifice himself, use the soul as fuel, and extradite the true spirit of the evil cultivator from Xingtian.

Putting the soul directly into the book of souls is what the lowly evil cultivators do.

Heng Hua inferred: Master Fu did not know where to get the method of making the soul book magic, and hastily sealed his own spirit and soul into it.This method is much less harmful to oneself than directly seizing the house.

Even if it fails, it will only leave the reader out of their wits.He can return to the soul book and wait for the next opportunity.Moreover, it can also absorb the spiritual power of the reader to replenish its own strength.

This method is inspired by the evil emperor himself from the "book spirit" and "book demon", so it is widely spread in evil ways.

But this is only the most primitive way. After thousands of years of improvement by evil cultivators, everyone already has an optimized version of the soul book.This kind of rough and primitive craftsmanship is also thanks to this person who treats it like a treasure and uses it blindly.

Heng Hua shook his head secretly.

He didn't really make a formal soul book, he just did some research on this technique.

His achievement is Soul Book Copying.

Even if the soul leaves, the memory is transferred to the reader.

Traces still exist in the book media.

The stars record everything, I can go back through the moonlight, and rewrite some content with the help of the shallow pen marks on the soul book.

Compared with the real soul book, Fu Henghua did not prepare much for "Fu Hongyan", and his time was too hasty.

Master Fu has practiced for thousands of years and has rich experience.But what "Fu Hongyan" knew was not enough for 100 years.It is even more impossible to understand Master Fu's perception of Dao in this life.

He was just fascinated by Fu Henghua's "false soul book" and believed that he was the head of the Fu family.

"Fortunately, it's Uncle Wu who came here this time. His eyesight can't see what I'm doing."

Looking at Xiaoyu and Hengshou beside him, Fu Henghua was secretly proud.

Even if the people around me don't understand the extent of their mastery of magic.

The ability to rewrite the soul book, since the two of them sued the old man and sealed themselves in the underground magic research chamber of the Langhuan Pavilion, they will not tell them again.

"As for the next-"

Looking at the back of the man leaving.

"Since you dare to mix Fu Xuanxing in, then I will teach you a good lesson. Although his surname is Fu, it is not up to your Fu family to make plans at will."

After all, Fu Xuanxing is the "godson" recognized by his father himself, and he has been friends with Fu Henghua for 40 years.He had long regarded Fu Xuanxing as his younger brother with a different surname.

Master Fu's design of Fu Xuanxing was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

The explanation given by Fu Henghua was just to facilitate Fu Xuanxing's compensation.

As for whether this compensation will become a "legacy".

Fu Henghua needs an explanation from Patriarch Fu.

Why on earth did you have to pull Fu Xuanxing into the game?
As long as there is a reasonable reason, there is no reasonable reason.Then the funeral will come true.

"Thanks to my cleverness, I directly helped Fu Xuanxing solve the situation and replaced him with Mr. Fu Tong..."

Mr. Fu Tong stared at "Fu Hongyan".

She vaguely felt that something was wrong, something was wrong, but she couldn't say it in detail.

"Some things, I feel like I'm still being led by the nose."

Fu Tongjun looked at Fu Henghua suspiciously.

boom -

Outside the Tiankui Pavilion, there was a sudden loud noise.

A black shadow sprang out from a mountain and lashed at the next mountain.


The rocks broke, the falling rocks splashed, and the smoke and dust filled the sky.

Heng Hua stared.

It's not Houshan, Huang Po Lingshen is still tossing with the third brother to unseal the totem spirit.

It's another place!

Everyone in the Fu family exclaimed.

The owner of Tianxian Pavilion changed his face: "Hurry up! The second and third children, bring people to guard them. We must not let that thing have an accident."

Pavilion Master Tianxiong and Pavilion Master Tianyong looked at "Fu Hongyan".

"Fu Hongyan" was a little confused.

But Fu Henghua's virtual "personality" allows him to successfully imitate the "Master Fu".

"Listen to the boss, you are not allowed to fight among yourself at this moment. Hold this matter firmly for me."

Fu Henghua guessed what was in that position, but he didn't enter the "virtual personality".But "Fu Hongyan" himself just knew what was there.

When the "virtual personality" is confused with the main personality, when he recognizes himself as "Master Fu", he still retains the cognition of that place.

There, there is the immortal Qionghua sealed by the Fu family - Dragon Claw Yutan.


When the guests heard the movement, they walked out of the Yangxin Hall one after another, stood in the courtyard of Tiankui Pavilion, and looked at the mountains in the distance.

Against the backdrop of the sun, the huge whip shadow became more ferocious.

Then, two more long whips emerged from that hill.

The long whips fluttered one by one, and the aura of heaven and earth gathered crazily, and dark green vines grew around the long whips.

"Is this the root of a plant?"

Taoist Master Jin Talisman was puzzled.

"The Fu family has sealed a wood spirit monster?"

"Mu Ling, could it be the one from the Fu family?"

The golden core monks in Tianyang all know that the totem spirit of the Fu family happens to be an ancient tree.

The vines spread across the hills, and when Pavilion Master Tianyong and Pavilion Master Tianxiong led people to rush over, they had coiled up the four surrounding hills, and grew giant white flower buds about ten feet in size.

Those flower buds were coiled on the giant wooden roots, and as the roots swung up and down, everyone in the Fu family fell on their backs, and even the magic weapon was smashed by the roots.

"It doesn't look like a totem, does it? How could his family's totem guardian attack them? Could it be—could it be that fairy flower?"

The monks talked a lot.

The three members of the Fu family, Hengshou, Xiaoyu, Fang Dongyuan, and Fu Xuanxing also came out from inside.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, and listening to the people talking, Heng Hua's expression gradually became confused.

"Sister, Tong Jun, what did you see?"

Mr. Fu Tong: "The rhizome of a plant is rioting. Not to mention the roots, even the vines derived from the roots are as thick as a bowl-this is the fairy flower? I thought it was only the size of a palm, but it turned out to be a giant Lingzhi."

"What about my sister?"

"It's similar to Mr. Tong. It's just..."

Seeing the flurry of vines without fear of water and fire, and the two Jindan monks fighting in the past were not flattering, Fu Yaozhen had an ominous feeling in his heart.

"It looks like those wooden roots and vine whips are a bit like—"


Fu Yaozhen turned her head quickly, only to see Fu Henghua's expression was extremely serious.

"In my eyes, I can't see any roots or vines. What I see is a dragon's tail."

Tian Tong Hui Xin, straight into the source.

In Heng Hua's field of vision, the dark green dragon tail swayed freely, and the magic weapons of the Fu family shattered one by one when they touched the spirit wind rolled up by the dragon tail.The two golden core monks had to flee back in embarrassment when the dragon's tail swung up and down.

Fu Tongjun, Hengshou and the others changed countenance.

Compared with the group of monks in Tianyang, the Fu family from Yanlong waters are extremely sensitive to "dragon".

Regardless of etiquette, she stretched out her hand to grab the Pavilion Master Tiantui next to her, and asked, "That location is the Immortal Qionghua you found? Where did you find it? Are there any dragon corpses or bones around?"


Immortal Qionghua is a secret of the Fu family, how can it be told to outsiders at will.

"It's my family's forbidden area, and it's indeed used to keep Qionghua."

Fu Yunrou came over, tapped the golden stick, and looked at the members of the Fu family.

"I heard what you said. Do you suspect that the Qionghua in my family is related to the dragon species?"

"I can be sure that it is a green dragon."

Heng Hua looked at the aggressive dragon tail and chased after Tianxiong Pavilion Master and Tianyong Pavilion Master.Seeing this, the other pavilion masters flew to the sky to fight the roots and vines.

"Senior, this is a very important moment. Contact Zihuangge and Jianxianzhou as soon as possible. Judging from the specifications, this dragon is a bit troublesome."

At this moment, Heng Hua and Fu Yaozhen's perception is extremely clear.

The Fu family is about to give birth to a Tribulation Immortal level existence.

And the fate of this existence happens to be on Qionghua (Qinglong).

Ask for help from Zihuang Pavilion and Sword Immortal Continent?

Fu Yunrou watched the battle of the brothers in the air, and fell silent.

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid!" Pavilion Master Tiantui was anxious.

That was the opportunity for the Fu family!

After being found out by those robber immortals, can the Fu family still stay?
"come over."

Fu Yunrou found two nephews of the Fu family.

"Go and contact Jianxianzhou and Zihuang Pavilion."

"Seventh sister—do you want to talk to your father about this?"

"I know the measure of it—and—"

Fu Yunrou turned his head and looked, "Fu Hongyan" had disappeared.

Heng Hua's complexion changed slightly, it's not good!
Acting with the "virtual personality" at this moment, he shouldn't be so stupid as to actually run to fight the "Blue Dragon", right?


At the back of the mountain, Huang Po Lingshen, who helped unseal the seal, left with a whoosh.

"Third brother, first slowly use your power to wipe out the star power of Tiangang, and I will leave first."

Huang Po Lingshen went straight to where the fairy Qionghua was.

Seeing that "Fu Hongyan" came over foolishly to save someone, but was surrounded by several vines, he rushed to save him.

It's a pity that my avatar didn't take advantage of the magic weapon.

Huang Po Lingshen complained a little.

The incarnation of Wukong holds the Three Jewels Ruyi Ring Sword, which is both good and evil.

The incarnation of Bodhi sits in the forest and becomes the tree king.

However, as the "servant" of the deity, he sent him around at will, even refusing to give him a magic weapon.

With a thought, a large vat suddenly bumped into it from afar.

This Qiankun vat is not transformed from the three domains of Yanlong, Baizhen, and Jinfang, but is one of the seven vats in Tianyang.There are some models of Juxianzhou and Tiangang Island in it.

Huang Po Lingshen was overjoyed immediately.

He picked up the Qiankun jar and pointed at the vine.


The air of the wood spirit poured into the Qiankun vat crazily, becoming a touch of green on the archipelago in the vat.

And "Fu Hongyan" was also put into the Qiankun Vat by Huang Po Lingshen in the chaos.

Gently patting the Qiankun tank, Huang Po Lingshen thought happily: "It's worth my effort to fabricate this tank. In the future, I can use the Qiankun 49 tank as a magic weapon."

During the January in Lingjie Cave, Heng Hua realized the Tao with peace of mind.Huang Po Lingshen is responsible for bringing the territory around Tiangang Island into a tank, in order to deal with the Fu family's possible difficulties for Fu Xuanxing.

In the past few days at Fu's house, Fu Henghua has not been idle, and continued to finish the work.

Now this big tank has really taken shape.

Only the final spirit is left.

Huang Po Lingshen put away the Qiankun vat, but did not leave just then, but hid in the dark to observe the people of the Fu family fighting with the roots and vines.

Forcibly suppressing the Huixin Dharma Eye, Huang Po Lingshen observed the vines with divine consciousness.

The surface of the vine closest to him was covered with fine and small dragon scales.And nine white flower buds bloomed on the vine, just like clenched fists.

"Dragon Claw... is really a legacy of the Dragon Clan."

Look, Huang Po Lingshen went to look for Xiangfeng.


Henghua deity knew what Huang Po Lingshen had seen, and thought about it in secret.

Fu Tongjun quarreled with everyone in the Fu family, and Fu Yunrou simply told her an ancient document.

"You're right. When I found this fairy flower, there was indeed a dragon's skeleton next to it."

Just Jiaolong?

The Fu family looked out the window.

The thick vines were ferocious and wanton, beating a group of pavilion masters to flee in embarrassment.

How can such a mere dragon have such a powerful dragon prestige?

Fu Xuanxing covered his eyes and stepped back quickly.

Fu Yaozhen's complexion changed, and she motioned for Qingwu to support Fu Xuanxing, and she quickly used Xuanguan to spy on the secret.

can not see!
There is only a blue light in front of him.

"Heng Hua—"

She hurriedly shouted at Fu Henghua.

"I can't see clearly—Senior, does the Fu family have any more detailed information?"

Fu Yunrou: "I have already sent someone to fetch it."

"Give you."

Fu Nishang suddenly appeared from Heng Hua's hand, and handed over a copy of the picture.

Fu Yunrou looked at her niece with surprise in her eyes.

Heng Hua also looked at her suspiciously.

Fu Nishang explained: "I am very interested in that fairy flower. In the early years, I asked my father to leave me a copy of the relevant information."

Heng Hua flipped through the documents she handed over.

The picture and shadow were specially taken by the magic weapon, the scene when the Fu family found the fairy Qionghua.

Because of the age, there are not many remaining images, only three.

The first one, it was a keel without horns.There is a three-foot-high cyan grass jelly growing in the bones, with a pure white flower bud on the stem, which looks like a closed dragon's claw.

"Xianqiong of the epiphyllum system?"

In the faint blue cave, this fairy grass looks particularly magnificent.

Heng Hua carefully observed the bone part, where it happened to be the jaw.

The second picture shows the Fu family moving Xianqiong into a jade basin.From the background, it is a cave in Yizhou.

The third one is the remaining keel and a few fallen leaves on the ground.

After reading it, Heng Hua handed the picture to Mr. Fu Tong.

"You have also learned 'identifying dragons', take a closer look."

Mr. Fu Tong took the information, and when he saw the keel, he suddenly raised his head.

Heng Hua laughed: "The Fu family only judges Jiaolong and real dragons by whether they have dragon horns or not. You wouldn't do the same, would you?"

If this is the case, Fu Henghua should doubt whether the person in front of him is Mr. Fu Tong.

"Judging from the degree of twisting of the keel, he suffered great pain before his death."

"Can you see that too?"

Fu Nishang looked at the keel in the picture.

It's just a pile of dry bones, how do you see the degree of distortion?
Mr. Fu Tong ignored the Fu family, and only said to Fu Henghua: "I suspect that this is caused by digging out the dragon's horns."

"Pay attention to Ni Lin."

Heng Hua has already laid out the Shenluo Heavenly Book, and is doing calculations against the "Blue Dragon" outside the window.

Not only him, but many Jindan guests beside him began to deduce the secret.

After all, the golden core monks have profound Taoism, and all the golden core monks worked together to spy on an image of the forbidden area of ​​the Fu family.

In the spirit pond, which is ten feet long and wide, grows a tall fairy grass.

"Is it only this high?"

Fu Yunrou: "It's always been like this. We don't know why there are such thick roots all of a sudden."

She was also present when this fairy grass was dug.

The root system of this grass is very short, and a small flower pot can fit it.

The master of Tianying Pavilion came over and handed them a magic weapon.

"Look, this is an image of the forbidden area that I am monitoring in real time."

In the image, Xianqiong is still rooted in the spirit pool of the forbidden land, only ten feet high.

Fu Nishang subconsciously said: "Illusion?"

"I tested it, it's true."

Fu Longye didn't tell everyone directly that this was a video he took from the forbidden area with the loss of more than a dozen people.

"The fairy flower in the forbidden area has not changed, and the giant wooden monster outside may not belong to our family."

Heng Hua stared at Qinglong outside and thought.

"No, this is your house."

Mr. Fu Tong stared at the keel diagram.

"The viburnum you dug out from your house grows on the part of Shenlong Nilin. It is a piece of Nilin transformed into a fairy."

Taoist Master Jin Talisman shook his head and said, "True Dragon Nilin doesn't have this effect."

The real dragon is the same as the Jiexian.He has seen Jiexian, and he knows that a strand of hair and a piece of fingernail of Jiexian do not have such abilities.

"That's right, there are no true dragons at the robbery level. But what about higher-level existences?"

Mr. Fu Tong pointed to the rhizome of Qionghua in the picture.

"Look, there are scales on the surface of this part of the rhizome. But the color is different from the dragon scale grass around the keel next to it. Look here—"

Mr. Fu Tong pointed to a rock beside the keel.There is a clump of weeds under the rock.

"This weed is born from the broken scales of the real dragon."

The dragon is the source of life.

Tianyang and the others came into contact with the Tianxuan Daotai, so they naturally knew the "Natural Mirror of Natural History" written by Cang Lanzi and others.

The physical nature of the dragon is the way of life, so it can biochemical all things.

"The gap between Xianqiong and Dragon Grass is too large. Even if it is the gap between Nilin and Broken Lin, it cannot come from the same dragon."

"But the Xianqiong we found was indeed made of immortal medicine in Nilin's place."

"There is a possibility. This dragon accidentally got the dragon scale of a higher dragon species, and stuck the scale on its chin. Maybe it was the reverse scale of that dragon species? Maybe, the high-level dragon died? "

An Jingcheng: "The art of inheriting sloughing?"


Fu Tongjun looked at Fu Henghua.

On his Luogui Island, there was a Guixian who used this method to extend his life.

Perhaps, this real dragon is doing something similar?

Heng Hua didn't speak.

He was flipping through Fu Nishang's research notes on Xianpin Qionghua.

The handwriting is organized and summed up concisely.

Heng Hua nodded secretly.Such a person is suitable to be an assistant.

"Heng Hua, do you think so too?"

Fu Yaozhen asked her brother worriedly.

A dragon species with a higher standard than the real dragon.

Tianlong and...

"Tong Jun, you are wrong. This is not the art of inheriting, but self-sacrifice."

"This divine dragon tore off his reverse scale, and took the initiative to stick another reverse scale on his own dragon's chin. In order for the dragon scale to take root on himself, he took the initiative to dig out the dragon's horn—"

"Can't his dragon horn be cut off?"

"The immortal cut off the dragon's horn, and the root was still on the head. But now the Fu family believes that the keel has no horns, and it was dug out together with the related nerves. After enduring such severe pain, he ate his own dragon's horn for the chin. The reverse scale provides nutrients."

"Because the solidified dragon horn is one of the most indigestible parts of Shenlong?"

Mr. Fu Tong woke up.

The reason why this dragon did this was to use its own identity as a hotbed, so that Ni Lin and that upper dragon species could be revived.

Heng Hua looked at someone who sneaked back from outside Tiankui Pavilion.

Some creatures, out of selfish desires, would rather have their own sons' souls scattered, and feign death.

There are also some living beings who hope to use their own death to nourish Nilin, and to fight for a chance of resurrection for His Majesty/Father.

"Wait a minute. Ni Lin is resurrected. What do you mean, the Qionghua obtained by the Fu family is the resurrected Ni Lin?"

"That's right. The so-called Qionghua is just the state of the dragon's suspended animation. Or in other words, the juvenile stage?"

Heng Hua smiled at Tianyang Zhuxiu: "Many people here have read the manuscript of "Natural Mirror of Natural History". They should know it? Plants can transform dragons."

"We know this."

The person who spoke was the sect master of Chiyumen in Juxianzhou, the third level of Jindan.

His face was sullen and his heart was very heavy.

"According to your brother and sister's guess, this high-ranking dragon has a higher realm than Jie Xian?"

Mr. Fu Tong was silent.

Following Fu Henghua's train of thought, she vaguely guessed the identity of the dragon.

"This dragon species is a well-known existence in Donglai."

Heng Hua said: "Its name is Cang, and its direction is east.

"This is the Lord of the Azure Dragon, the Supreme Being of the East China Sea. One of the eight dragon kings who destroyed Donglai Shenzhou in the past."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea?

The crowd was in an uproar.

"No—it's impossible! The Dragon King of the East China Sea was beheaded by Litian Sword Immortal, and he was one of the earliest dragon kings to die. He... how could he still leave Ni Lin behind?"


In the distance, two more mountain peaks collapsed, and more wooden roots sprang out from the mountainside.

Heng Hua said to the Tianying Pavilion master: "If the scene in the forbidden area is true, then the immortal Qionghua in the spirit pond should be his true form. And these roots are just miscellaneous roots growing underground. Just send someone to Destroying Qionghua in the forbidden area will solve this catastrophe."

Put it lightly!


That is the fairy flower.

The Fu family was naturally reluctant to give up the opportunity to become a robbery immortal.

Heng Hua was too lazy to say much.

Anyway, when Zihuang Pavilion and Jianxianzhou learn about it, the Jiexians will make a move.

At this time, the person Fu Yunrou sent out to communicate hurriedly returned.

"Auntie, the communication device is broken. We can't communicate with the outside world."


Heng Hua looked over.

"More than that, we sent people to leave by boat. But for some reason, the Tiangang Star Realm even hindered us."

Hearing this, Taoist Master Jin Talisman subconsciously landed on the Tianxuan Dao Platform with his spiritual consciousness.

"No, the Tianxuan Dao Platform has been sealed."

As soon as he finished speaking, many people around him tried it.

In Tiangang Island, even Tianxuan Daotai, a mystical and spiritual place, can no longer sense it.

These people have been trapped on Tiangang Island.

Heng Hua quickly looked in the direction where the Fu family's group of pavilion masters were fighting.

More than a dozen Jindan monks led hundreds of people to clean the roots.

But the tree root was not cleaned much, but the Fu family was devoured by the flower buds on the tree root.Except for a few pavilion masters, the rest of the tribe were all wrapped in flower buds, and they could vaguely see the struggle inside the flower buds.

"What? We can't leave now?"

"Brother Dao, let's try together and see if we can leave Tiangang Island."

"What are you Fu family doing, quickly unseal the Tiangang Star Realm!"

The guests from all walks of life did not panic at first, because this is Tianyang.

The place where robbery immortals cultivate.

If there is a big trouble, Jiexian will take action.

But if Tiangang Island is locked, can the Jiexians get the news?

If they couldn't come, wouldn't they also be caught by "Xianqiong" and used as fertilizer?

Looking at the panicked people, Fu Henghua waved to Fu Yaozhen and Fu Tongjun, and whispered a few words.

Although Fu Yaozhen is a prudent person, but seeing these people's incomprehensible and disorganized appearance, she reluctantly agrees to Fu Henghua's suggestion.

"Be careful. If it doesn't work, we'll try something else."

"There is no other way. This is the resurrection of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. If he was successfully resurrected, how would the sword fight in the East China Sea proceed? For the sake of my grandfather's enlightenment, he can only be wronged to die again—forget about the revenge of the past. "

 Finally got out.Tomorrow will also be a [-]D update.

  One to say goodbye to the old and one to welcome the new.

  I wish you all good luck and good health in the new year.

  The rabbit is the moon, so there should be no more sun, right?
  I don't understand this month's monthly ticket activity, it seems that there are some steps before the lottery draw.If you are interested, you can study it.You can get some starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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