
Chapter 45: Danqing's wonderful colors transform into the West Sea, and the jade girl transform

Chapter 45: Danqing's wonderful colors transform into the West Sea, and the jade girl transforms into yang and returns to yin
The spirit painter is one of the hundred arteries of refining equipment.

The refining tool is all-encompassing, including swords, guns, swords and halberds, wheel needles, sticks and rulers, carillon, drums and flutes, robes and jewels, picture scrolls, flags and banners...

The methods of making all kinds of magic weapons used by monks are completely different.

Swords, guns, swords and halberds are mostly made of spiritual gold, mainly refined by fire.

The qinse is a silk-stringed instrument, which requires a special art of chopping the qin.

The robes worn by the monks are spun from spiritual silk and auspicious clouds, and then cut to make the clothes. The technique is different from that of ordinary gold and stone refining tools.

However, the production methods of boats flying shuttles and palace gates are more complicated and profound.

In addition to the master craftsman who "knows one method, enlightens ten thousand methods", he knows a hundred kinds of crafts.Generally, beginners will choose to study together.

Spirit painters, that is, monks who make pictures and other magic weapons are collectively referred to.In terms of techniques, there are Danqing, carving, gold casting, flower stickers, Juanxiu, Shenlian and other schools.

Heng Hua stared at Ji Mingfeng's folding fan: "Are you from the Danqing school? That's right, but the Danqing school is full of elegance."

The lineage of Linghua Danqing was originally created by a master of Danqing in Fansu.One day, he drew a picture by the river and stream, and included the scene in front of him into one picture.

When the river map is completed, it will be blessed by the will of heaven and earth, and a magic weapon will be achieved.

Since then, he has become the original spiritual painter, depicting the world with Danqing.Draw pictures of treasures into foundation building, draw pictures of spiritual weapons into golden elixir, and draw pictures of immortal weapons to ascend to immortality in one step.

Because this line requires superb painting skills, most of them choose romantic and famous people from the secular world, and Danqing painters are their disciples.Henghua Guanji Mingfeng's literary spirit is timeless, elegant and peaceful, and he knows that he is a refined and famous person in the world who has entered the Tao.

But thinking back to Ji Mingfeng's request, Heng Hua had a headache.

The cultivation colors used in the superior treasure map and spiritual map are made of Wuhua Tianbao mixed with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.Where can Heng Hua find that kind of thing?How can he have that thing on him?

He is not a color researcher who specializes in providing color for spiritual painters.

After thinking about it for a while, Heng Hua reluctantly said: "You want to paint with color? Can you tell me more about it?"

Ji Mingfeng took out an unfinished work.

This is a vast sea map.Standing in front of Henghua, it seems as if you are in the West Sea. The sound of the tide mixed with the unique smell of the sea rushes towards your face.


A large whale rises slowly in front of it, spouting towering water jets.

Heng Hua quickly closed his eyes and withdrew from the spiritual map.

Looking at this picture again, the sky is blank and has not been filled in yet.

"Xuanwei School has 'Nine Faces and Clear Colors', the painted sky can reflect a variety of colors in addition to the original color, reflecting the meaning of the vastness of the sky."

Heng Hua heard the words, and silently communicated with Zhou Xiao.

Hearing "Nine Yan Zhan Qingcai", Zhou Xiao thought about it for a long time before nodding silently.

"The Xuanwei faction seems to have such a thing, left over from the Taixuanzong of the Shenzhou era. But..."

He glanced at Fu Xuanxing who was secretly talking to Fu Xiangfeng beside him.

"A few years ago, there were stubborn juniors who were ignorant and smeared with this thing. It has been used up."

Henghua learned of Zhou Xiao's reply from Fengzhong, and immediately informed Ji Mingfeng.


"Senior Zhou said so, it must be true. Thinking about it, what Xuanwei Sect can give is a prescription."

Ji Mingfeng lowered his face.

The production of Lingyuan Yancai is analogous to making alchemy, and the process is very cumbersome.Especially for high-quality colors, it takes several years or even decades of workmanship.

Ji Mingfeng asked himself, even if he got the prescription, he couldn't make it.

"But even if you have a recipe, you probably can't make it? Specialized color researcher, forgive me for my shallow knowledge, I haven't seen it before."

Ji Mingfeng sighed melancholy: "I haven't seen it either."

A color researcher is to a spirit painter, and a Taoist metallurgist is to a gold and stone refiner, but the situation is completely different.

Goldware, after all, is the main faction of the refining school.As long as you study utensil making, you will definitely dabble in the making of metal magic utensils.As big as a sword, as small as a golden needle, no matter what you do, you can dabble in it.

Keling painter is a partial in the art of making utensils.It is rarer than gold and jade utensils, silk and bamboo musical instruments, and cloud silk vestments.

Not to mention the color researcher who is dedicated to the spirit painter as a front-end.

If you meet ten refiners, there is a high probability that you will meet one or two people who are good at metallurgy.And if you meet ten metallurgical Taoists, you may not be able to meet a color researcher.

Yancai master's cultivation is even more wonderful than spirit painter's.They believe that everything in the world is transformed by vitality, and each vitality has its own color.The color researcher enters the Tao with color, and seals the true essence and spiritual power in the color. If there is a battle, he will use the color of the corresponding attribute to fight against the enemy.

For example, blue, red, yellow, white and black correspond to the foundation of the five elements.Sprinkle red color, you can attract flames.Black color can attract mysterious water.

Ji Mingfeng has practiced for nearly a thousand years, and he has never met a serious color-researcher in his life.

In desperation, he had no choice but to learn Yancai technology by himself.

Heng Hua looked at "The Map of the West Sea" and pondered: "I have also read two books to study the color fairy method."

""Five Elements and Ten Thousand Color Spectrum" and "Spiritual Color Entering the Immortal Art"?"

"Yes. You read it too?"

Ji Mingfeng said quietly: "500 years ago, I spent my energy and effort to print [-] copies and sent these two sets of books to major waters. The purpose..."

Heng Hua looked at Ji Mingfeng sympathetically.I understand, in order to cultivate a colorist.But it's a pity that this is your industry's own death, and you can't rely on others.

When Henghua heard about the "Color Research Master", a wonderful practice method that uses "colours to enter the Tao", he devoted himself to researching it.

He flipped through the ancient books, and finally came to the conclusion that Yan Caishi was a group of monks who were killed by spirit painters.

Also as a class of monks who provide materials.

The metallurgical Taoist helps the craftsman to purify the spirit ore, so as to draw a commission.You can also sell the compound gold essence you developed to the craftsman in exchange for pearls, jade, elixir and other cultivation materials.

A Taoist metallurgist has dealings with dozens or hundreds of tool makers.

But when it came to Yan Caishi, they hoped to establish a relationship with hundreds of spirit painters.But if all the spirit painters of the Shenzhou era gathered together, they might not be able to find a hundred spirit painters.

Among these spiritual painters, the painters of the Jin Zhu lineage cast gold essence into iron coupons and carved them on the surface of the iron coupons.Painters of the Jinxiu lineage embroider pictures on brocade and silk with silk threads.The material providers needed by these two types of painters are Metallurgist Daoist and Yunsi Weaver Girl.

Only Danqingyanhui is the only one that really needs a colorist to blend colors.

In the Shenzhou period, this kind of spiritual painters could be counted by head.Without a market, the profession of color researcher would not be able to continue.Breaking the sky, Yan Caishi can maintain three or five people.

But the painters of Linghua are elegant and temperamental, and they can also make paints in their spare time.The technology is not as good as that of a regular colorist, but low-level materials do not need to be provided by a colorist.

Without low-level materials to practice hands, how can a color researcher cultivate successors?Moreover, the skills of the heirs they cultivated may not be as high as that of Danqingling painter.

Without the help of spiritual painters, the profession of color researchers gradually declined.When the last Master Yan Cai passed away, the entire method of Yan Cai becoming a fairy has been lost.

It was rare for Ji Mingfeng to meet someone who knew the way, so he couldn't help pulling Heng Hua to complain.

"You don't know, since I started practicing, I have only met eight fellow spirit painters. Among them, two are in gold carving, one is in embroidery, and two are from the Shenlian school. Although the remaining three are all us Danqing is of the same vein, but I haven't seen Yan Caishi either."

"I read many ancient books and recovered two techniques of cultivating immortals, but it has been passed down for 500 years, and no one has practiced them."

Heng Hua kept a polite smile.Nonsense, it is difficult for a colorist to enter the Tao, and it is even more difficult to become the Tao.According to the colors of blue, red, yellow, white and black, the five elements are used to make Lingyuan Yancai Chengdan.The time spent was even more troublesome than that of a Taoist metallurgist.

He nodded to show that he was listening, while studying "Xi Hai Tu".

Suddenly, Heng Hua pointed to a few shallow marks in the sky.

"What you are describing is the West Sea at night? There was a round of moon soul in the sky?"

Ji Mingfeng's expression changed: "Can you see it?"

The draft of "The Picture of the West Sea" was originally the color of the West Sea that he came to the West Sea one night and watched.But Ji Mingfeng couldn't come up with the paint needed to outline the bright moon.He was eager to complete this volume of "West Sea Map", so he slightly revised the draft and changed it to a scene of blue sky and blue sky.

"I have done some research on the art of spiritual painting."

Afterwards, Heng Hua added in his mind: It's just that I'm from the Sculpture and Divine Refining School.

But Ji Mingfeng's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"That's right, you guys are the best at reading books, and you have a wide range of knowledge. You must have studied our spiritual painting technology. How about it, help me think about it. How should I practice next, and help me calculate the power method?"

The practice of spiritual painters lies in their paintings.

Incorporating a scene of heaven and earth into the scroll can activate the corresponding power.The more treasure maps and spiritual maps created, the stronger their power.

If the volume of West Sea Map in front of me can be completed, Ji Mingfeng's cultivation can go a step further.When fighting with people, you can evolve the West Sea Domain.

"Help me find alternative materials, I will let you go, and all grievances will disappear in the future.

"Help me complete the map of the West Sea, and help me break through the bottleneck. In the future, the little brother will be my friend. The Thirteen Waters dare not say, Yanshui, Yuanming, Tianyang, Huanglong, I will take care of you.

"If it can help me to become a fairy and step into the realm of robbery, I can follow Li Nanxing's appearance and call him a teacher.

"If I can reach the sky in one step and soar to the sky, Xiongtai will be my reborn parents."

Heng Hua rolled his eyes: "Fellow Daoist helped me achieve alchemy with the way of acting, and I regard you as my brother.

"Help me perform magic to become a robbery immortal, I respect you as my teacher.

"Help me perfect my own Taoism and complete my practice skills. You are my reborn parents."

The two looked at each other and burst out laughing, feeling a sense of sympathy for each other.

Yes, the road is bumpy, and it is not easy to go to the peak no matter what line you are in.

To practice as a spiritual painter, one needs to draw pictures of spirits and immortals, and the color requirements are extremely high.And playing a mage is equally difficult.

Because of reading a lot of books and distracting energy, the higher the level of practice of the magician, the worse the knowledge and experience, and the less energy.

Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Xuanxing were blowing the cool breeze, looking at the two talking and laughing on the boat.

"Brother Fu, can Sixth Brother Fu and the other party have a good conversation like this? Didn't you say that this is the third group of people who came to stop it? It seems that you can also retreat in peace?"

"Perhaps." Seeing the two of them talking enthusiastically, Fu Xiangfeng murmured in his heart: what on earth is Xiao Liu'er talking to him about.Can we go or not?If you don't leave, the fourth group of people will catch up later.

"By the way, I thought of a way."

After chatting for a while, Heng Hua had a flash of inspiration.

"Would you like to try a combination chart?"

"Combination? Present a picture in the form of a combined scroll."

"Yes." Heng Hua pointed to "The Map of the West Sea" and said, "You have excellent painting skills, and you have incorporated the entire artistic conception of the Western Sea into one picture. Therefore, you need the best colors to accommodate and record this artistic conception. But if you retreat Secondly, use three, five or even more picture scrolls to record the scene of the West Sea. Finally, use the "art of matching" to fuse the picture scrolls. In this way, even if the color quality is lower, you can still complete the West Sea map. "

Combined composition?

Heng Hua's point made Ji Mingfeng's heart pound.

When he was a mortal, he played with many combination charts.What spring, summer, autumn and winter, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, as well as Baimeitu, Baifutu and so on.

But as the painting becomes Taoism, I prefer to incorporate Wandao into one picture.

This is similar to the mage's concept of "exploring all kinds of ways and mixing them into one".

Integrating all into one has been the tradition of Dan Qingling painters for many years.

"Indeed, the environment is different. Back then, the master had a high-level beauty, which could accommodate Taoism. But in our generation, we naturally need to change."

Ji Mingfeng's breath changed.

Heng Hua watched helplessly as the "West Sea Map" in front of him was divided into seven pieces, turning into seven smaller seascape maps.The sky is also blank, and other places on the map are also left blank.

Ji Mingfeng flicked his sleeve robe, and a colorful jade lotus flower the size of a washbasin appeared.Each petal holds a spiritual color.

No need for a paintbrush, only Ji Mingfeng manipulated it with mana, and the colors automatically flew into the seascape, smearing out a series of colors.

The West Sea where the sun is shining brightly, the West Sea is quiet at night, the West Sea is full of huge waves, and the West Sea is calm...

Each of the seven sea charts has a different mood, and when combined together they form a complete picture of the West Sea.

When the seven seascape pictures are completed, the artistic conception of the surging sea is revealed from each picture.

At this time, Ji Mingfeng looked at Heng Hua.

Heng Hua recited the formula of the Art of Compatibility.

Ji Mingfeng cast the spell according to the mantra, combining the seven pictures into one.

boom -

A column of air erupted on the surface of the water, and the image of the West Sea slowly unfolded on the surface of the water.

"I'm done."

Ji Ming was full of ecstasy, and silently comprehended the meaning of Xihai.

It will take three days to refine this set of picture scrolls.

At this time, he felt something in his heart and saw a group of people flying in the distance.

The sleeve robe was rolled up again, and Cailuan Lingfang was lifted directly to the wave.

"Brother, hurry up and get on the road, the enemies are coming."

Mana sent Henghua to Lingfang, and then sent Zhou Xiao, Fu Xuanxing, Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Heyi, Xiaoyu, and Hengshou to the boat.With a hard push, Lingfang sailed to the north.

"Wait, my golden hoop—"

Seeing this, Xu Wenyu hurriedly chased after him without thinking about talking to Cheng Yuliang and the others.

Ji Mingfeng pulled him to his side: "Don't be in a hurry, go catch up tomorrow, and help me give my younger brother of the Fu family something to avoid disaster."

Xu Wenyu saw those figures in the distance.

In addition to the dense demonic energy, there are also several building boats with Wei family flags hanging on them.

Glancing at the people on the island, Ji Mingfeng said with a smile: "This group of people is not kind. After all, I have some karma with you. I will help you repel these people and keep Dilie Island. By the way, I will help you to block it There are people on this road."

 Next update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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