
Chapter 46: Danqing's wonderful colors transform into the West Sea, and the jade girl transform

Chapter 46: Danqing's wonderful colors transform into the West Sea, and the jade girl transforms into yang and returns to yin

The colorful luan spirit boat smashed into the water, and Fu He hurriedly threw out eight formation flags.The azure blue light supported the spirit boat, and it landed steadily in the water.

Holding the mast, Heng Hua quickly said to Heng Shou, "Go and find out the direction."

"Yes." Heng Shou ran to check the compass.

Heng Hua stared in the direction of Dilie Island, and performed "Jiuxuan Tianyi Arithmetic" and "Inspiration Mysticism."

Zhou Xiao recalled that Fu Xuanxing came to him last night to give him advice on the "mysterious technique of inspiration" and observed Henghua carefully.

"Inspiration and Mystery Technique" is an application chapter of "Taixuan Induction Method".

Taixuan Induction Method, Jiuxuan Tianyi Arithmetic, Dingyuan Xingxing Xinjue plus Liangyi Reversal Mantra.

Putting these four sects together, one can display the secret of Taixuanzong's "Taixuan Ding Xing Defying Fate Art".This method can change fate against the sky and revive the dead.

When Zhou Xiao saw Henghua for the first time, he speculated that he might be related to Tianyizong.Later, with the contact, I gradually dispelled this idea, and moved the heart of accepting disciples.

And now-

Don't be voluntary or not.

It is necessary to join Xuanwei faction, there is no second choice!

This kid can use his self-created fairy formula to activate the "Inspiration Communication Mystery Technique", which is equivalent to half of the "Taixuan Induction Method".If you add the two-form inversion curse secretly passed down by the teacher.Now, there is only one star prospecting technique missing.

A descendant who can perform the "Taixuan star-defying art", this is not Taixuan's direct inheritance, what is it?
The Xuanwei Sect had to accept disciples, and they could even unite with the Tianyi Sect to preach together.

This kind of talent is outside the Taixuan Taoism, it is not the Xuanwei faction, but the loss of the Taixuan Dharma lineage in the world.

Zhou Xiao has even thought about the art of star exploration.

Bai Yutang of the Fu family started out by surveying stars, and his family did not have a method of "consulting stars in the fixed yuan", and no one in the world believed it.

Zhou Xiao feels a heavy responsibility.

If this kind of disciple makes a mistake, he will go to see the master after he dies, and the master will beat him to death ten times with a whip.

"Sure enough, it's the Wei family. They have joined forces with the Demonic Dao."

Heng Hua calculated the number of people on the way, and negotiated with Fu Heyi and Fu Xiangfeng.

"Since it's the Wei family, there's no need to keep your hands." Formation monks like Fu Heyi also showed a bit of murderous intent when they mentioned the Wei family.

"Those casual cultivators and senior Li Nanxing from outside the region, we need to be more respectful. But the Wei family and Moxiu...hehe..."

Fu Xiangfeng also nodded: "They are struggling so hard, then find a place to ambush later—by the way, did Senior Li stay there?"

"Senior Li and Brother Ji are going to help us hold back this group of people."

Heng Hua calculated the fate of his party.

It seems that the group of Wei family can't catch up?

Ji Mingfeng stepped on the waves with his hands behind his back, Li Nanxing and Xu Wenyu stood beside him.

"You two, let's go hand in hand in this battle. Let's count our grievances." Although it was a plea, it had a condescending attitude.

When facing Fu Henghua, and when facing Li Nanxing and Xu Wenyu, Ji Mingfeng obviously changed his face.

Li Nanxing said coldly: "You just need to help my sister solve this trouble, and you plan to write off my business."

Looking at Moxiu in the distance, he slapped Chiyuan Bagua Furnace hard.A mouthful of flying swords slashed over there from the furnace.

"This guy's character is as extreme as ever."

Ji Mingfeng shook his head, then looked at Xu Wenyu.

Xu Wenyu couldn't beat Ji Mingfeng, so he had to acquiesce.

"Don't worry, it's a chance that you were lured into Yanlong by me this time. If I were you, I would definitely not let him take off the golden hoop when I met the younger brother of the Fu family tomorrow.

"You worship under his sect, even if you become a registered disciple, it will be of great benefit in the future."

Should I find someone who is almost a hundred years younger than me to be my disciple?I'm not Senior Li, who owed me the grace of preaching and saving my life.

Xu Wenyu rolled his eyes, but he was stronger than others, so he didn't dare to refute in person.

You kid is ignorant.

Ji Mingfeng secretly sighed, there is no chance after all.

Although he didn't have the deduction secrets like Zhou Xiao and Heng Hua, but Ji Mingfeng had practiced for nearly a thousand years, and he was well-informed, and he could always identify the level of the exercises in Heng Hua.

It started at the prefecture level, and it was created by itself, so it can be passed on to others at will.

Such a magic performer, dare not say how brilliant the state is, Jindan can always reach it.And the golden elixir-level magician will help you deduce the most suitable golden elixir method for you, so that you can become a third-rank golden elixir, with a [-]% to [-]% certainty!
In Ji Mingfeng's eyes, this is the most important benefit of being a mage.

Go see the battle in the distance.

The sound of killing soared to the sky, and the sound of swords clanked.

Li Nanxing beheaded several demon cultivators into the water just by seeing each other face to face.

As for the Wei family, although they relied on the whisk in Wei Chongwei's hand to block the attack, they couldn't last too long.

"It's a nice whisk."

Li Nanxing turned the Chiyuan Jin Qi into a flying sword, which was regarded as half a magic weapon.And with a light sweep of the whisk, all the flying swords fell into the water.

"Li Nanxing, don't use your golden energy to fight this man, let me do it."

Raising his hand and pointing, a divine whale flew out from the map of the Seven Views of the West Sea.With one tail, Wei Chongwei was sent flying.

Ji Mingfeng and Li Nanxing are not Yanlong monks, but they don't follow Yanlong's rules.

What not to hit on the water.

As long as you kill the enemy, get rid of the corpse, and then kill the water demon in this water area, it will be fine.


Pointing again, another picture raised a hundred-foot torrent, submerging a group of people.

Seeing Ji Mingfeng make a move, Li Nanxing retreated silently.

This is the serious golden core monk.

Moreover, this is the first time I have seen the method of the spiritual painter in the south.

Suddenly Ji Mingfeng noticed something, and took his natal album from his sleeve.

Quickly took out one of the pages of the fire avoidance map and threw it into the sky.

The gorgeous and charming woman floated into the air from the fire map, and with her slender hands she picked off a ball of magic flame that suddenly appeared in the air.

The magic flame started, and the woman and the magic flame disappeared at the same time.

The fire avoidance map is returned to the album.

"Which shameless dog from the Devil's Cult came out to mess around?"

The flame exploded with a bang, and the pitch-black magic fire spread over the Xihai territory.

"Tianmo Heiyan, Your Highness Tianmo, the master of Yuanhuo Altar."

Ji Mingfeng sighed, and said to Li Nanxing and Xu Wenyu: "It's a bit troublesome, I want to fight with him, and you should protect the people on Dilie Island."

The Seven Maps of the West Sea branched out to envelop the two of them, and flew to Dilie Island.

The other six pictures circulated around Ji Mingfeng's side carefully.


Heng Hua tried to calculate the situation of Dilie Island.But when Ji Mingfeng attacked with all his strength and the Lord of Yuanhuo came, he couldn't figure it out.

In the end, he had to give up.

I got up and walked to the bow, but I saw the breeze, the sun was charming, and the water waves were shining.

"It's another detour from the Burial Turtle Reef."

Ji Mingfeng's throw directly moved them from the east of Yanlong to the north of Yanlong.

"Senior Zhou's news spread from Jin Fang to Yanlong, and it must go through the west and north of Yanlong. In other words, our eastern side is safer, and the local people don't know about Senior Zhou's affairs. And the eastern part is the base camp of the Fu family. "

Heng Hua's face was full of sadness.

He already had a plan in mind.

The first few groups of people were monks from foreign waters, and if they showed the signboard of the Fu family, or accused them of not obeying the rules of the Yanlong waters, they could call in many island owners and aristocratic families for help.

But in the past two days, the news of Senior Zhou must have been known by the people in the Northern Territory.My party came here again, I'm afraid it will attract the three masters of the Northern Territory together.

Desires are sprouting, it's hard to stop people on this road.

As the fire surged up, Heng Hua closed his eyes, silently turned on the Bagua furnace, and threw Xin Yuan into it again.

Not to mention, Heng Hua felt that he was more proficient in controlling the gossip furnace after experiencing Li Nanxing's enlightenment.

Hengshou and Fuhe set off the boat.Carefully go around the waterway, avoiding islands everywhere, for fear of attracting the attention of the three great families in the Northern Territory.

But no matter how you hide, you will still meet the fourth group of people.

It was a burly man in black.

Standing on the water, he cut through the huge waves with a sword, blocking the Cailuan Lingfang.

Seeing this, Yu Jian flew over to Fu Xuanxing.

"This brother—"

As soon as he opened his mouth, a cold light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

"The waning moon!"

Behind him, the cyan wind sword shot rapidly, sweeping away the cold light.

But only after the aftermath fell on him, Fu Xuanxing fell into the water instantly.If it wasn't for the strong defensive power of the body armor, he might have seen blood.

"Your Excellency, it's too much to kill someone the moment we meet, isn't it?"

Fu Xiangfeng looked at this rugged man.

With full beards and a vicious face, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

"Damn him."

The man in black's voice was low and his aura was even more domineering.

Fu Henghua stared at the man in black from afar.

Suddenly, he discovered something, and asked Xiao Yu in a low voice.

Xiao Yu froze for a moment, then nodded silently.

With Qingfeng on his body, Heng Hua hurried forward.

"What are you doing here?"

Fu Xiangfeng's expression changed, and he was about to protect him from retreating.

Heng Hua stepped forward to salute: "I'm here to help Mr. Tong, I've seen the fairy."


Fu Xuanxing, who was lying in the wind and in the water, was stunned.

The man in black slowly raised his head, and pointed his ferocious face at Heng Hua: "Can you see it?"

"Even though people have used tricks, there are still some traces."

Heng Hua looked at the embroidered shoes under the feet of the man in black.

The size is like an adult man, and the color is extremely dark, but according to Xiaoyu, these are indeed women's shoes.

Looking away, Heng Hua said with a smile: "The trace of vital yin in the fairy body cannot be faked."

"You have good eyesight. When I kill Zhou Xiao, I can save your life."

Feeling that momentum, Heng Hua sighed again.

Sure enough, greed, hatred and ignorance, the three poisons belong to the same family.Li Nanxing and Xu Wenyu are the cannon fodder who came to deliver food and practice their hands.

Who really came to hunt and kill Zhou Xiao, who wasn't a golden core monk?
"Did the fairy kill Senior Zhou to borrow the "Liangyi Universe Mirror" for Xuanwei Sect's promise?"

"Since you see my situation, you must understand."

can understand.Being cast a spell from a young woman to a rough man.This method of reversing yin and yang involves the "reversing yin and yang" in the 36 Tiangang great supernatural powers of Xuanmen.

Among the 36 supernatural powers, "reversing yin and yang" ranks second, second only to "mediating good fortune".

The reason why Taixuan Tianshu is so strong is because it has practiced to a high level, and naturally masters the supernatural power of "reversing yin and yang".

"What if I can help the fairy break the curse?"

In an instant, Heng Hua felt a chill.

The man in black bypassed Fu Xiangfeng and stood in front of him.

Fu Xuanxing quickly jumped up from the water and was about to swing his sword when the man in black slapped him into the water.

"Can you help me undo the curse? Just by you?"

A little monk at the level of qi refining?

"The real supernatural power of "reversing yin and yang", I naturally dare not. But since I can see the yin energy contained in the fairy's body, it means that the caster can't do it well. No, it may not be the supernatural power of 'reversing yin and yang', it should be a magic weapon or some kind of mantra surgery?
Heng Hua pondered, and raised three fingers: "I have three ways to restore the fairy to her daughter."

Not only can the curse be solved, but there are three ways?
The man in black looked at Zhou Xiao on the boat, grabbed Fu Henghua and flew over.

"Zhou Xiao, you have a way to undo the curse for me?"

Zhou Xiao looked at the situation of the man in black, and said clearly: "The Curse of Reversing the Two Forms can be untied. But it requires the Nascent Soul cultivator. Other than that, you need..."

"Your family's Liangyi Qiankun Mirror."

That is the fairy artifact left by Taixuanzong.

But if the Yuanying Grandmaster of the Xuanwei Sect wants to make a move or use the fairy weapon, it is obvious that the man in black has no face.

That's why she planned to kill Zhou Xiao and bring her back to the Xuanwei faction to ask him for help.

Zhou Xiao nodded, and glanced at Fu Henghua: "Other than these two, the old man has no other options. But—boy, what else can you do?"

The man in black: "Tell me, what is the third way?"

"Fairy thinks that the three methods I mentioned include the two you know?"

Heng Hua shook his head: "My family has inherited the collection of books from Fufeng Immortal Palace. I hang out with Heng Hua in the library when I was young, and know a lot about the past in China. The three methods I mentioned are three methods."

Seeing that Henghua can still maintain his identity as "Tongjun" and even refuses to call "Henghua's younger brother", Xiaoyu secretly feels the friendship between Fu Henghua and Futongjun.

This pair of siblings, who were born on the same day in the same year and the same month, have been at odds since childhood and quarreled every day.The young master has no shame in using her identity.If Seventh Miss finds out in the future, the two will fight again.


Thousands of miles away, Yuanming Waters.

Shi Shiran, a handsome young man disguised as a man, came to a restaurant.

"Heng Hua, is it still the old rules?"

"No, you help me prepare some food, I'm going on a long trip."

"Far door? Where are you going?"

The lady in red came out from behind the counter and said with concern: "The Yuanming waters are not stable right now."

This girl is a Gu cultivator who came from Yuanming Dynasty a few years ago, and she calls herself "Fu Henghua".

"It's okay, I plan to go back to my hometown."

"Yanlong Waters? Didn't you say that the Heavenly Demon Palace is about to face... Wait, you want to go back to Fu's house?"

"Fu Henghua" nodded silently: "Go back and have a look, if it's all right, it's best."

 Update on time, yay!
(End of this chapter)

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