
Chapter 550

Chapter 550

Fu Xuanhe paced around the sea of ​​flames, uttering inhuman words, and the fiery red fire condensed into a dragon snake, flying around him.The terrifying power of fire element bombarded and killed all demon cultivators in sight.

Dragon words.

And it is the dragon curse "burning the sky and boiling the sea" secretly handed down by the lineage of the Red Dragon King.

This is what they learned from a ruin in Beihai when they faked their deaths from Donglai to Nanzhou.

Fire dragons and fire snakes continue to flow, and as the fire expands, the number is also doubling.When Fu Xuanhe walked into the spiritual platform at the core of the "Heavenly Palace", there were only two masters of the evil way struggling to support him.

"Fu Xuanhe?"

The two blushed, and poured their evil spirit into the formation with all their strength.

"Unexpectedly, you are a majestic celestial arrogance, and you are in the company of a demon heir like Xingzhe Sun!"

Fu Xuanhe looked up at the sky.

After he and Wukong boy acted separately, the Moxiu stationed at Ikui Tiangong was divided into two groups.One group of people went to block Fu Xuanhe, and the other group went to snatch the entrance to avoid being surrounded and killed by "Xing Zhe Sun".

The entrance of Shengjing is the cloud sea and sky film on the uppermost layer of the cave.

The tianmembrane is gradually closing from the inside, preventing the monks from Wanhun City from breaking in.Obviously, that side has also succeeded.

"Being the same demon, there is a difference between superior and inferior. You scum, you are not as good as him."

With a hook of the finger, the bodies of hundreds of dragons and thousands of snakes are connected to each other, forming a vein of talismans.

"You two, let's go!"

Fu Xuanhe soared into the sky, turned into a golden dragon and flew towards the sea of ​​clouds.

When looking down, the sea of ​​fire with a radius of hundreds of miles around the Lingtai has become a talisman.

With the dragon and snake as the veins and the divine fire as the true essence.

This symbol is in line with the law of the cave, and the principle of heaven and earth.

"Thousand Snake Profound Fire Talisman Array."

boom -

Accompanied by the dazzling brilliance, the sea of ​​flames completely engulfed everything in it.

The mushroom cloud slowly rose, and all the demons died.

The golden dragon reappeared in human form, flung its sleeves and rode the clouds, and stepped into the sea of ​​clouds and sky membrane with its head held high.

The vast clouds and mist spread under the feet, like a layer of solid earth.Walking in, Fu Xuanhe's face couldn't help but change.

The demon cultivators with distorted bodies knelt in the sea of ​​clouds, posing in strange and strange poses.In the struggle, they kept cutting their own flesh and blood.

Roaring, screaming and begging for mercy came out of the mouth.

"My lord, I am willing to surrender."

"Damn you bastard, you have the ability to fight this uncle head-to-head!"

"My lord, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again, please, don't—ah—"

The dagger was in their hands, and in their wailing and struggling, they cut their flesh little by little.

But the boy with the mask is not here.

"That kid... this method is wicked enough!"

Above the heads of these demon cultivators, the flags of the emperor and demons fluttered.Even the sea of ​​clouds where these demon cultivators are located is covered by a strange force.

Fu Xuanhe carefully cast a few talismans on himself.

During the telepathy, he heard a narration.

"Seeing the young man walking into the sea of ​​clouds, everyone unconsciously recalled all the sins in their life. Inexplicably, there was a trace of regret in their hearts. When the young man said, 'Would you know your mistake?', at that moment, everyone 'plop' Kneeling, one by one began to cry bitterly and repent."

Hearing the narration, Fu Xuanhe felt a difference.

What kind of spell is this?Ling Ling?

But what level of speech spirit can control the actions of so many demon cultivators, making their bodies uncontrollable and starting to self-mutilate?
Fu Xuanhe silently urged the natal talisman, and a grand, lofty force of heaven and earth touched this strange field.


The magic sound echoed, and his probing power was bounced back by the "Tianmo Domain".

"Is this a heaven-level Taoism?"

Fu Xuanhe looked solemn.

Although at present, this Taoist method is still unable to control him.but……

"This kid has the highest level of Taoism and magic skills. Who is the hidden master behind it?"

Passing through the crowd, he saw the boy's figure in the middle of the sea of ​​clouds in Ikui.

In front of him was a portal shaped like a square mirror.

The door was slightly opened, and there was a vortex of five colors inside, which was constantly transmitting power and wanted to open the door.

And the young man made seals with his hands, and golden celestial magic talismans were continuously thrown into the "mirror door", causing the door to close little by little.

And beside the boy, there was a female cultivator sitting on the ground, silently watching all this.Her clothes were disheveled, and she was being raped by three demon cultivators before the young man came over.

Fu Xuanhe glanced at it: "Cultivator, you saved it?"

"Do as you please, if you like it, take it away."

Fu Xuanhe threw a talisman casually, and the talisman turned into clothes in mid-air and fell on the female cultivator.

"Thank you."

The female cultivator lowered her head and put on her clothes silently.

Fu Xuanhe didn't care about an ordinary and poor foundation-establishing female cultivator, and walked to the mirror door and threw out eight talismans.

"Eight Gate Golden Lock Talisman!"

Eight Dao Talismans stood in all directions, connected in series to form a golden gossip, slowly approaching the mirror door, prompting the door to close quickly.

Under the joint efforts of the two, Ikui's entrance to the outside world was quickly and completely closed.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief: "Next, you will sacrifice to the cave here."

Although this cave was opened by the Devil Emperor, it is also a large cave that exists in substance and has been running for thousands of years.If Fu Xuanhe can be brought back, it will also be good for the Fu family in Tianyu Mountain.

Seeing that the young man was so generous and gave up the cave to himself, Fu Xuanhe took a second look and thought to himself: Forget it, anyway, there are enough people in his gourd.It doesn't hurt to have another group of people.

Originally, Fu Xuanhe planned to kill all the demon cultivators in Shengjing.But now seeing the young man's actions, he simply pretended not to see them, acquiescing to the young man's transformation of these demonic cultivators into heavenly beings.

With this tacit understanding, the two looked at the female cultivator next to them.

"Since you are a person of the immortal way, you can go back and take care of those immortal practitioners."


Fu Xuanhe was about to nod, but suddenly he turned his eyes and saw the appearance of the female cultivator.


He frowned, thinking of many guesses in the blink of an eye.He looked at the young man again, seeing that the other party's expression was normal, he lowered his head and thought for a while.

"That's fine, I'll take care of it. You can do other things."

He sat on the ground, set up a few talisman arrays around him for defense, and concentrated on trying to refine the cave in front of the mirror door.

But be careful, you have to guard against it at this time.

The young man shook his head secretly, and went back to concoct the magic cultivator.

The female cultivator got dressed and knelt silently behind Fu Xuanhe and waited.

"Are you a monk here?"

The female cultivator nodded silently, and then said softly: "I was born in No. 260 Village of [-], and was brought into the Heavenly Palace by the 'immortal masters' to practice. But do you know..."

In order to reduce resistance, the Demonic Dao established caves to raise "low-level comprehension lambs", so naturally they would not teach the corresponding common sense and Taoism together.

These immortals can only cultivate mana, but don't know how to fight, let alone the difference between immortals and demons, the struggle in Nanzhou and so on.

But she has been raped by demon cultivators all the year round. Seeing the gestures of those demon cultivators, female cultivators naturally don't think that "Tiangong" is a place of bliss.

Especially when her parents were forced to be thrown into the stove and burned to death when they were 40 years old, she was full of anger.


So what?

In the Heavenly Palace, people like them have no ability to resist.Either it is used as a furnace to vent desires, or it is a lamb on the table.


Fu Xuanhe remained silent and continued to offer sacrifices to the cave.

Seeing that everything was running smoothly, an accident happened suddenly.

In the depths of the cave, a terrifying aura emerged from the well of the underworld when they came.

"The devil?"

The young man who was about to toss the magic cultivator made a quick move, used the gourd to pretend to drive away the group of demons, and then pointed the mouth of the gourd in the direction of the well.


Countless celestial beings are driven in the gourd, and the black torrent shoots out.

In the direction of the mirror door, there is also a fairy talisman that seals the magic power of the robbery and throws it into the soul well.

Tiangang Taoism, master the five thunders.

The thunderbolt of the gods shot into the well, and fell at the same time as the light of the heavenly demon and the six desires.

But in the well, a pitch-black skeleton claw rose slowly, blocking the attacks of the two.

"Hmph, kid, I finally caught you!"

Laughing wildly echoed in the well, and the evil breath of the nine yin demons passed through the soul well and the well of life, and approached the sea of ​​clouds where Wukong was.

"I'm sorry, it's Xuanjun Jiuyin."

The boy looked sad, and then glared angrily at Fu Xuanhe in front of the mirror door.

"It's all your fault. If you refine the demon king of Changming Mountain for me. Why should my gourd be afraid of this demon king?"

"If you didn't dig out his family's sect, why would he chase you so hard?"

When Fu Xuanhe saw the Demon King forcefully barging in, his mood was extremely solemn.

Although he got a lot of "Jianxian Zhenzhu" from the Chiyuan Daoist sect, his chances of winning in the face of a serious demon king are not high.

Unless, the other party can take the initiative to enter his "Nine Yang Talisman Explosion Formation".

There are three grades of detonating talismans: "Three Mysterious Detonating Talismans" are sacrificed by Qi-refining monks, "Five Spirits Detonating Talismans" are sacrificed by foundation-building monks, and "Nine Yang Detonating Talismans" are sacrificed by Jindan monks.

Whether it is Jiexian or Demon Lord, in the final analysis it is only the fourth turn of the Donglai Golden Elixir system.The detonating talisman that Jiexian sacrificially refines is also the Nine Suns Talisman, but with a touch of immortal energy, it can be called the "Nine Suns Immortal Talisman".

On this trip, Fu Xuanhe carried eight "Nine Sun Immortal Talismans" on his body.Each fairy talisman is combined with [-] ordinary nine yang talismans to form a "burst formation of nine yang talismans", which can destroy mountains and seas, and injure robbers and demon kings.

However, Fu Xuanhe had already used up the Five Immortal Talismans to stir up trouble in the Central Continent.At present, he can only deploy three "Nine Sun Talisman Explosion Arrays".

"Why don't you try that method again. Stack another Sanyang Kaitai?"

Ke Fuxuanhe knew clearly that his talisman technique could drive the "Nine Yang Talisman Explosion" to its limit.Every time the operator explodes, use the magic power of Jiexian to fight against the enemy.Even when he turned around, he needed to hide and recuperate for several days.Not to mention, continue to superimpose the formation of the three talisman explosions.

The attainments of formation and talisman are not up to standard.

Is there a chance of one in ten thousand?

While Fu Xuanhe was thinking, his hands didn't stop.

The Nine-Yang detonating talisman keeps being thrown by Mingjing, hoping to prevent the real body of the Nine-Yin Demon Lord from coming.

"You unblock it now, how about we fight out from the well?"

"Outside the Well of Life is the hinterland of Wanhun City. There must be many masters guarding and besieging it. I am not sure that I will leave calmly under the attack of so many demons. And—"

In that case, the opportunity is missed.

The mortals and immortals in this life well cannot be taken away.

"So, can we only try to suppress this one?"

Feeling helpless, the young man stretched out his hand to make a move on the Myriad Demon Gourd, and the Myriad Demon Ranking gradually rose.

He used the taboo "Jiuyin Xuanjun" that he had written at the beginning, and began to write his fortune.

But with my current means, I can only control the five emperor and devil flags, and there is no way to control the devil.Could it be that the sixth side was born forcibly?

Fighting for a chance of one in ten thousand is not in line with my temperament.

The boy encountered the same helplessness as Fu Xuanhe, and now he can only try his best.

(End of this chapter)

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