
Chapter 551

Chapter 551

Ah, finally caught up with him!

Jiuyin Xuanjun smashed the counterattack of Wukong and Fu Xuanhe, and he was very happy.

Because the Zongmen was dug up, Xuanjun gave up the duty of stationing in the war zone, and hunted down "Xingzhe Sun" in the middle mainland.

This time I came to Wanhun City because I couldn't find anyone, so I was looking for a place to rest for the time being, and I wanted some "Human Pills" for a tooth-making sacrifice.

Unexpectedly, Sun Xingzhe is actually here!And Fu Xuan and that little evildoer are also there!
"Just right, just right. When killing the heir of the demon, you can capture Fu Xuanhe and send him back to His Majesty Chi Ling to vent his anger."

Back then, Fu Xuanhe beheaded Guo Mojun's body.Although the Devil Emperor resented his lover for kidnapping his apprentice and taking away his magic tome, but was killed by an outsider, he still wanted to help him avenge him.

Unexpectedly, that vengeance was returned by Fu Xuanhe.Under the protection of the Chiyuan Taoist sect, the Chiling Demon Emperor had no choice but to subdue his family.Later, when the Devil Emperor Puhe came to visit, she followed suit and responded to the great calamity.And it was announced to the outside world: If all the demon cultivators capture Fu Xuanhe alive and send them to Chiling Demon Palace, they will be rewarded heavily.

Nine yin demons surged in the world of Mingjing, and the demon king kept urging his bone claws to block the aura of nine suns and the black light of heavenly demon and six desires shot down from the sky.

"That day, Mo Xiaoer is nothing to be afraid of, but Fu Xuanhe must be guarded against."

Although he is the king of the devil, he is not proud of it.He understands that some Tianjiao have the ability to leapfrog fighting.

There seems to be a "virtual gap" between the demon king and the grand master, but if the grand master gets the emperor's treasure and fairy artifact, spends a hundred years arranging the magic suppression formation, and obtains the inheritance of the ancient repair power...

With all kinds of opportunities and preparations, the combat power can be stacked to the virtual realm, threatening or even killing the demon king.

Among these methods, Fu Xuanhe's talismans are more threatening than the Heavenly Demon's secret method.

The heavenly devil's secret method is aimed at the mind, and it seems dangerous and strange, but which demon king has not practiced for thousands of years?They are resolute, how could they be easily seduced by low-level monks of the Heavenly Demon Dao?

On the other hand, Fu Xuanhe, those talismans of his seal the power of heaven and earth.After the talisman is activated, it can arouse the great power of heaven and earth ten times and a hundred times.Even if it is a demon king, he can't foolishly go up to meet the power of shattering the world.

Suddenly, the Demon Lord felt a strange power surge in his heart.

He laughed loudly, and the terrifying flood of divine sense counterattacked along with that force.

"Boy, there is a big gap between you and me, do you still want to arouse my delusions?"


A muffled hum came from the pitch-black sky, and the power of the heavenly demon was fleeting.

Magic Mountain Confused God Art: Arouses delusions, and stimulates the arrogance and arrogant thoughts in the monks.While suppressing the other party's rationality, he used his magic thoughts to transform into Xiongfeng to suppress his spiritual consciousness.

It's a pity that the Demon Lord didn't have any arrogant thoughts when facing the two juniors.Instead, they regard the two as opponents in the true sense, and face the attacks of the two cautiously.

The Nine Yin Absolute Territory continues to expand in the Netherwell space and gradually penetrates into the "Soul Well".

Tens of thousands of ghosts were charged by the Nine Yin Demon, and streams of pure spiritual power were harvested by the Demon King.Thirty percent is for personal use, and seventy percent is sent to the well of death.

"This is too prudent, you know how to behave?"

The young man held his stinging head as he saw this scene in the world of Soul Well.

If the other party doesn't know what is good or bad, they can use the magic power of the demon king to harvest all souls.I can take this opportunity to activate the sword emperor brand in Mingjing to kill people with a knife.

But this guy didn't go directly to snatch the bait from the Devil Emperor at all.Instead, he took the initiative to help transform the spiritual power, and used a little part of the soul power in the process.

For such a knowledgeable and interesting Demon Lord, the Demon Emperor's brand will naturally not have any resentment.

"Even he did this, stealing power along the mechanism of the soul well. Even the protection and prohibition of the soul well itself cannot be activated. It is also impossible to use the power of the soul well and the well itself to suppress him."

While thinking about it, the Nine Yin Demon Sha has already corroded the living well, and a black lotus flower bloomed on the ground.

The devil appeared in Lianxin, and said with a smile: "The essence of cross-border battles is nothing more than borrowing strength. The right time, the right place, the harmony of people...not to mention the two of you, when I fought against the senior devil with the cultivation level of a master, it was the same way." A set of ideas."

Who is not a genius for cross-border challenges?

Will I let you follow my old path to deal with me?


Without hesitation, the shot is the strongest blow.

The Nine Yin Demon Claw shot into the sky, and turned into a sky-covering bone claw in a blink of an eye to shoot Wukong boy in the sea of ​​clouds.

"All demons are coming!"

The young man shouted loudly, and blood lotuses appeared under his feet, and all the blood demons worked together to run the treasure of the devil emperor.Behind him manifested the Demon Palace Dynasty under the rule of Emperor Youxuan in the past.


The ear-piercing magic sound pierced the sky, and the blood lotus shadows were wiped out by the bone claws.A trace of black air emerged from the bone claws, intertwined in the air, condensed into a jewel and flew towards the boy.

"Be careful!" Fu Xuanhe's face was startled, and he hurriedly reminded through sound transmission, "Use your sword!"

The bead flew into the air, and the boy Wukong planned to collect it with the magic gourd.

But a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and he heard Fu Xuanhe's exclamation again.In the blink of an eye, he hastily chopped out the Heavenly Evil Sword.

The mighty and endless evil thoughts struck down, and the weird Yin Qi and the evil thoughts clashed, and the two directly tore apart the living space!


Is this bead a fairy-level magic weapon?

"Ha ha--"

The bone claws attacked again, and the blood lotus, the magic gourd and the Tianxie sword all worked together to barely block the demon king's attack.

No, this Demon Lord is powerful!The difference in realm is a bit big, and my Heavenly Demon secret technique has no effect on him.

The top priority is to escape.

But now go...

He glanced at Fu Xuanhe in front of the glasses door.

It's okay to run by yourself, what should I do, brother?
For Fu Henghua, Wukong's spiritual spirit is certainly important, but it is not as important as the life and safety of his eldest brother.

"However... can you try to lure him away?"

The young man quickly made up his mind, swept the Heavenly Evil Sword towards the sky, and blasted a crack through the Nine Yin Demon Sha.

"Devil Lord, come with me if you have the ability!"

He shook the magic gourd and ran away through the crack.


Without saying a word, the Demon Lord poked his bone claws into the void, and moved his real body thousands of miles the next moment, catching up with the "grandson of the walker".

Seeing this scene, Fu Xuanhe frowned secretly.

Suddenly, a magic banner flew out of his sleeve, blocking the Jiuyin Yuanzhu that fell from the sky.

"Although fighting on both sides is somewhat disadvantageous to me. But——you two, I don't want to let go of any of them."

Dedicate Fu Xuanhe to the Devil Emperor, and he can get at least three divine pills.And by killing "Xing Zhe's grandson", he can get that gourd!

Why is the demon king obsessed with hunting down the "grandson of the walker"?
In addition to the great enmity of the sect, it was also because he saw in the "Xing Zhe grandson" his chance to become the emperor.

The Law of Nanzhou: When the great calamity occurs, a master of heaven must be born.

To put it bluntly, it is to gather the good fortune of all demons and immortals into one body, and become a person who should be robbed.

The more creations you plunder, the greater the chance of entering the heavenly realm.It also complied with the words Fu Henghua released at the place of the demon king Jin Donglai, and ascended to the emperor with the power of the nine demon kings.

After the research of the demon kings, this statement has some theoretical basis.

But for "Xingzhe Sun", he captures demons and collects good fortune, not gathering them in himself, but collecting them in the gourd of all demons.If he really survives the Great Demon Tribulation, the person who truly becomes enlightened and ascended to the throne is not the "grandson of the traveler", but the gourd of the myriad demons.

Those who hold the magic gourd will be blessed by the power of the devil emperor.

Knowing this, Xuanjun Jiuyin wanted to take the gourd away from the boy.

Of course, he also cared about the blood lotus of Emperor Youxuan plus another magic weapon.

Therefore, the real body of the Demon Lord is locked on the young man.Only the magic treasure Jiuyin Yuanzhu was left to transform into an incarnation outside the body, entangled with Fu Xuanhe.

Seeing the avatar left by the other party, Fu Xuanhe was secretly relieved.

Now, the odds are great.

"First... sir, what can I do for you?"

The nun spoke weakly.

Taking a deep look at her, Fu Xuanhe threw a universe bag to the sky.


A million detonators exploded in the air, and the flames were dazzling.He quickly took out the other two talismans and pasted them on the nun's left and right palms respectively.

"Go down and find those cultivators. Put your hand on them and borrow their mana."

Although these people have no fighting ability, their mana can be regarded as "battery" for Fuxuan and fighting.

As for the taste of the food, the skills of these immortal cultivators belong to the most moderate and popular category.It is also more convenient for Fuxuan and to borrow their power.

The female cultivator looked at the talisman in her palm with a puzzled expression.

"Go quickly."


The female cultivator hurriedly flew down, while Fu Xuanhe tried his best to deal with the Nine Yin Incarnation in the sky.

The talisman he lent to the female cultivator was called "Ten Thousand Immortals Vitality Talisman".It was an inspiration from my sixth brother when he was still on Panlong Island a hundred years ago.

By gathering the essence and mana of everyone, twist it into a force and launch an attack on the enemy.

This is the talisman application of the "Ten Thousand Immortal Formation".The only difficulty lies in how to borrow other people's mana.

Fu Xuanhe doesn't like the squeezing method of Wanmo Gourd.

After thinking about it repeatedly, Fu Xuanhe had an idea when he ran into the Scarlet Silk Demon Emperor.

The art of tonic.

Through skin-to-skin contact, on the basis of others voluntarily and actively withdrawing their defenses.The "Ten Thousand Immortals Vitality Talisman" he used in calligraphy and painting of the "secret technique of harvesting and nourishing" can extract part of the mana from other people's body for his own use.

"This talisman, combined with the special physique of this female cultivator..." Fu Xuanhe looked at the actions of the female cultivator below.

She ran to communicate with the immortal cultivators she knew, and borrowed magic power from them.

Fu Xuanhe lowered his eyebrows and thought: "Sure enough, it's the body of the furnace jade girl, or the Nine Yin attributes. Is it a coincidence? Or is it really a conspiracy?"

In the air, the avatar of the Demon Lord saw the nun move.You can also see the body of the Nine Yin Furnace Cauldron.

I can't help but feel happy.

Well, besides the two big prey, there is actually a third chance?
The body of Jiuyin Furnace Ding is also a rare Taoist body in Nanyan Fuzhou.Only one or two cases can be seen in a thousand years.According to the Demon Lord, apart from His Majesty the Demon Emperor of the Scarlet Silk Demon Palace and the two master masters of the Jade Maiden Palace, only his mistress back then had this kind of Dao body.

"Today is indeed my day of great luck."

Suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, he regained his composure and concentrated on dealing with the two battles.


Wukong Boy jumped out of the Mitsui Cave.A large group of monks from the City of Thousand Souls surrounded the outside.

"Go away!"

Sweeping away the group of demons with a sword, he hurriedly fled in the direction of Changming Mountain,

When he was about to enter the boundary of Changming Mountain, the real body of Jiuyin Xuanjun caught up.

"Changming Mountain? What are you doing here? Could it be that you were still a part of Brother Dao's death?"

The young man remained silent, quickly formed seals with his hands, and summoned the master of heaven and man to assist him with all his strength.

Seeing tens of thousands of celestial beings surrounded him under the leadership of many gods and generals, the devil's expression became more and more murderous.

Among these people, he saw many familiar faces.

Those are all disciples of my own Nine Yin Xuanzong!

"Good boy, since you choose to die here - let's go!"

Nine Yin Demon Claws swept out again.

In secret, the Demon Lord prepared another Nine Yin Curse: As long as this kid uses the magic sword to resist my white bone claws, then... hehe...


Out of nowhere, a gust of wind sweeps across the sky.

Countless flowers bloomed on the surface of the bone claw, and they were scattered in the sky in a blink of an eye.

Looking at this magnificent rain of flowers, Mo Jun was stunned.

"Heavenly magic flower? No, the vitality inside cannot be faked!"

The next moment, he saw five-color lotuses growing rapidly under his feet.

From the foot, to a radius of hundreds of miles, and even the entire Changming Mountain.

Ocean of flowers, field of vitality, heaven and earth of good fortune.

It's finally here!

When Wukong saw the incomparably gorgeous sea of ​​flowers, the big stone in his heart finally fell.

True, he was no match for a Demon Lord.Even his heavenly demon secret technique could not shake the mind of a demon king.


The Nine Yin Demon King's kung fu is in line with the way of Yin, death, and bones, and he refines nine evil spirits for his own use.

"The failure of "The Book of Six Desires" doesn't mean the failure of "The Book of Good Fortune"!"

(End of this chapter)

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