
Chapter 554

Yulong Haize Country.

Around the central Stanley, surrounded by boundless wind and thunder, and poisonous flames, there are countless rock fragments floating and sinking among the waves.

A purple gold and red gourd drifted with the tide, carefully avoiding the mana of thunder and fire from the sky.

Those are the aftermath of the battle between the Devil Emperor and the True Immortal.

When the idle devil touches it, he will be killed on the spot.

A red light came out of the mouth of the gourd, the young man peeked out his head, and then quickly went back to the gourd cave to see Fu Henghua himself.

On a whim, Fu Henghua came to the Yulonghai battlefield to attack the Devil Emperor.

But the reality is very skinny.

Ever since he entered the inner battlefield of Jade Dragon Sea, he didn't even see the faces of the five powerful men. He was directly blown away by the aftermath of their battle and had to hide in a gourd for refuge.

Now the gourd is floating on the water, carefully escaping from the center.

Entering the cave, Helian Jin's head is still hanging in the Boxun Temple.But Huludongtian has a very different weather than before.

Today's Dongtian has two floors.

The lower layer is the boundless sea of ​​mortals, and in the misty ocean of red clouds, strange red lotus flowers grow one after another.At Lianxin, there are the marks of Situ Yin, Hong Xu and other demons.These lotus flowers are all imitated from the soul lotus of the Blood River Demon Palace.

The upper layer is the Heavenly Demon Boxun Realm, where wonderful sounds reverberate, golden flowers dance, and all the wonderful heavens indulge in fun, and the thoughts of six desires gather in Boxun Heavenly Palace, forming an emperor seat.

Wukong came in through the mouth of the gourd, but saw Bo Xun Tiangong cast a black bulletin.

The billowing black air is mixed with thousands of causes and effects, falling into the sea of ​​mortals below.In an instant, countless lotus flowers bloomed, and in the center of each lotus flower, a figure of a demon cultivator appeared.These magic cultivators are not in the gourd, they are still in Nanyan Fuzhou.

"This deity uses the means of good fortune to evolve the 'Ten Thousand Devils List' and arrange the mysteries of destiny. This method is more brilliant than my technique of Liuyu Tianmen."

A trace of image imprinted into Lianxin, and then connected with Fu Henghua.

It is said: Three thousand feet of evil energy soars into the sky, and it is destined to be destined to my Dao, and the fate of the red lotus blossoms.

Seeing this, Wukong was overjoyed.

"Now there are blood lotus body sculpting, and the demons are having fun. My gourd is expected to follow suit!"

Now he has turned into a spirit body to avoid conflicts with the Dao of the deity.Only by truly cultivating the gourd to become the "Emperor of the Demon Emperor" can he get rid of this shackles and return to his freedom.

Originally, he planned to concentrate on sacrificing gourds and making good use of this gourd cave.But the real deity was suppressed by the five great powers so that he could not show his head, so he hid in the gourd to help him perform sacrifices, instead saving him many methods.

The construction of the Tao of Good Fortune can be called the best in the world.

With a somersault, he returned to Bo Xuntian Palace.

Seeing a cloud of magic mist rolling endlessly, the demon soul of Xuanjun Jiuyin knelt obediently in front of the throne.

Fu Henghua was holding a bloody long blade, and was fiddled with the Jiuyin Yuanzhu in front of Xuanjun.

This Yuanzhu floated in front of Xuanjun's eyes, and wisps of yin energy helped him recover his demon soul.But the real control has fallen into the hands of Fu Henghua.

"There are two paths in front of you right now: the first one is to make the oath of the heavenly demon and hand over the natal soul star to my control. I can help you reshape the Nine Yin Demon Body. The second one is to disperse the Nine Yin Demon Body. body, and become the first celestial demon king under my seat."

Jiuyin Xuanjun sneered coldly: "The reason why you recruited me is because you can't bear my fighting power!"

The Celestial Man and the Devil Lord seem loyal, but because of the reversal of the fundamental path, regardless of whether they can improve in the future, from the perspective of combat power alone, they will also drop by [-] to [-]%.

That kind of combat power can't provide much help at the level of the demon king.

But if Xuanjun Jiuyin can sincerely surrender, and a demon-level combat power cooperates with the sneak attack of the magic gourd, the nine heavenly, human and demon monarchs will soon be assembled.

Lifting the blood blade, the icy blade slapped the devil's face.

Although it is a soul body, the Demon Lord can also feel the coldness and ferocity of the Demon Sword.

This is the treasure inherited by the Sword Demon Lord, the armor of Emperor Youxuan back then!
"Whatever you want, but time is limited. I have other options besides you."

Wukong walked in, went straight to Bo Xundi seat and squeezed up.

Although the Emperor Bo Xun seat is spacious, it will inevitably be crowded when two people sit on it at the same time.

Fu Henghua patted Wukong's incarnation lightly.Wukong took the initiative to shrink his body and was hugged by the deity.

Looking at the intimate posture of the deity and the avatar, Xuanjun Jiuyin's eyes flashed a little strangely.

"Are you a monk from Donglai Shenzhou? Are you a fellow practitioner of immortals and demons?"

"So what? Are you going to spread the word outside?" The young man raised his chin and said arrogantly, "It doesn't matter whether your words are believed or not. So what if others know? With my ability, unifying the Donglai magic way is only a matter of backhanding. .I can take the position of Devil Emperor in Donglai, and naturally I can take it in Nanzhou."

"My patience is limited." Fu Henghua pointed at the blood blade.

Helian Jin's head hanging outside flew in.

Heng Hua pointed at Jiuyin Yuanzhu with a smile.

"You have the body of a master, and you are not at the mercy of sensuality and lust, and you are a person with a firm mind. If you are willing to take refuge in your heart, I will use this pearl to help you become enlightened, how about it?"

"and many more……"

Seeing Helian Jin of the Lingsha Sect, Xuanjun Jiuyin immediately panicked.

Nine Yin Yuanzhu is the treasure of Yin Sha.It is not only suitable for his Nine Yin Demon Way, but also suitable for Helian Jin's Nine Yang Demon Way.If the opponent's yin and yang, demon and evil are united, it is expected to enter the realm of the demon king.

"Compared to an old-fashioned devil, isn't it better for me to train a devil with my own hands?" The young man clapped his hands and laughed, "Helian Jin, what do you think?"

His head floated in the air, and he glanced at Xuanjun Jiuyin who was kneeling on the ground.


"I swear by my natal soul star that I will be loyal to Your Excellency this life and will never betray you!"

Seeing that the road was about to be taken away, Xuanjun Jiuyin didn't care about other things, and quickly kowtowed to swear.

Not only the natal soul star, but also the birth date, even the devil soul condensed a soul orb for Fu Henghua to drive.

"That's right, everyone is friendly, sit down and talk slowly, everything can be communicated!"

Fu Henghua laughed loudly: "Your real body is damaged, and you can rely on this Yuanzhu to re-sacrifice. It will take about three to fifty years to recover your full strength? But I will help you with my grace!"

With a slap on the boy's vest, Fu Henghua stepped down from the throne.

With a light wave of the blood blade, twelve blood lotus flowers flew up from the sea of ​​mortals below, and went straight into Bo Xun Tiangong.

With a flash of cold light, those lotus flowers and lotus leaves were torn apart, pulled by a mysterious essence of good fortune, mixed with 36 lotus roots, and pieced together a body on the ground.

With a touch of the blood blade, the Nine Yin Yuanzhu flew to the chest of the lotus root man and embedded in the Tanzhong acupoint.

Heng Hua stepped on the gangster step, swung the blood knife to make a formula, and muttered something.

The degree of luck is innate and good fortune, and it is changed to gossip and nine palaces.

Seeing that the lotus root was born into a flesh and blood body, and gradually formed a demon body.

"If you don't return now, when will you wait?"

As Xuanjun Jiuyin made a great oath to hand over his natal star, Fu Henghua was able to control the power of his natal star.

Following a ray of starlight above Nanyan Fuzhou escaped into the treasure gourd, the demon soul escaped into the demon body upon hearing the sound, and once again became the real body of the Nine Yins.

"Many...thank you, sir."

After all, he was a little stubborn in his heart, and the devil could not say the word "Your Majesty" right now.

Heng Hua didn't care about it, but turned to Helian Jin.

"You should understand my current situation. In the past, I didn't want to worry about the Gourd Cave, but I will never do so in the future."

Because Helen Jin was a step too late and missed the opportunity of the Demon Lord, he felt regretful in his heart.

Hearing Fu Henghua's words, he naturally understood the meaning.

In the past, Fu Henghua would leave him alone.But it won't be so comfortable in the future.

Either surrender, or erase the mind, and become the master of heaven and man.

If Fu Henghua takes it seriously, his little resistance is simply a joke.

"Meet Your Majesty."

Compared with Xuanjun Jiuyin, He Lianjin is obviously on the right track.

Moreover, he witnessed the "Heavenly Demon Heir" picking the blood lotus of the Demon Emperor and snatching back the Demon Emperor's armor with his own eyes. He had more confidence than Xuanjun Jiuyin.

Perhaps, this person can inherit the orthodox lineage of Demon Emperor Youxuan, and become the emperor.

"It doesn't matter if you can't get the Nine Yin Beads. In the future, I will give you another chance to be a demon king."

The boy patted the throne, smiled and drew a big cake, and then looked at the deity.

Fu Henghua nodded slightly, without refuting the incarnation's promise.

Where is Helian Jin's opportunity?

On the magic book that Guo Mojun took to Donglai and brought back by their group.

It was a precious book treasured by the Devil Emperor, and it recorded a method of cultivating Yang Demons.Guo Mojun couldn't cultivate well, so his interpretation was wrong.But if he practiced in accordance with the orthodox exercises, Helian Jin would definitely be able to break through the realm.

"Before that, you go to Lianhai and gather twelve lotus branches, so that you can keep them warm."


Helen Jin was overjoyed, and his head flew out of the magic palace.

Looking at Helian Jin's head, Xuanjun Jiuyin couldn't tell what was in his heart.

This little devil's tricks are cunning, hey... I don't know if this move is right or wrong.

"Okay, now you can help me. Let's escape from the Yulonghai battle zone first. This place is really troublesome!"

Hearing that the other party was in Jade Dragon Sea, Xuanjun Jiuyin's face also changed.

Soon, nine skulls sprayed out from the mouth of the gourd, making a circle around the precious gourd, speeding up the escape from the Jade Dragon Haize Kingdom.

Their goal is the magic camp in the Yulonghai theater.

"Jin Donglai has a destiny with me, and now he should join the gourd cultivation path."

Fu Henghua held up the gourd and rode the cloud with Xuanjun Jiuyin.

When he was near the magic camp, Xuanjun Jiuyin took the initiative and said, "Since we want to catch him and make him a god, why don't I go in first and trick him out later?"

Fu Henghua pondered for a while, then nodded slightly.

It's just that six emperor and devil flags flew out of the gourd's mouth, and the spirit of Wukong floated on top of him for surveillance.

After finishing all these, Fu Henghua went to find a reef to meditate on his own.

Huang Po Lingshen took out the bowl of the four seas and silently refined the water of the Jade Dragon Sea into it.

Donglai Shenzhou can be a scene in the palm of your hand, why not Nanyan Fuzhou?

After seeing Huang Po's spirit and spirit, Heng Hua closed his eyes and meditated.

It's just that the spirit god was rather unwilling, seeing him close his eyes and concentrating, he kicked him, and then patted the bowl in his hand.

The attitude is very clear.

Not fair, so unfair!
As the incarnation of the spirit god, what does Wukong hold?What is he holding?
The status of the three spirit gods is equal, so why are they treated so differently?

"It's all one, with my whole heart, why bother about these?"

Huang Po Lingshen heard this and kicked him again.Then he buried his head in the water of the Jade Dragon Sea.

Heng Hua flicked his fingers, and the breath flew into the hands of Huang Po Lingshen.

"Since it is the body of the middle palace and the string of Taiji, the earth essence is used to distinguish between Jin Gong and Wood Mu. Then take control of Xi soil."

Only then did Huang Po Lingshen smile and work happily.

Heng Hua glanced at the avatar, and said silently in his heart: It should be given to him too, and it is naturally he who will model the three continents of the right continent, the middle continent and the left continent.

One time is enough for the meticulous work of making the model of Shenzhou.

Fu Henghua lost interest in this "manual work" after tossing Donglai.Let the avatar do the work.

Soon, Jiuyin Xuanjun led Jin Donglai to the vicinity.

The idea of ​​defrauding Jin Donglai is very simple, find the hiding place of "Heavenly Demon's Hero Xingzhe Sun", and hope that the other party will help.

Jin Donglai and "Xingzhe Sun" had a hatred for burning the camp, so naturally they would not stop coming.But when he came nearby, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and he took the initiative to stop.

"Dude, are you sure that little devil is here?"

"He's nearby. Don't worry, I didn't lie to you." As he spoke, Xuanjun Jiuyin swore a blood oath, "If the other party is not here, I will be robbed by thunder and fire, and I won't make any progress!"

Such a heavy oath?
But thinking about Jiuyin Xuanzong being wiped out by that little devil, Jin Donglai understands somewhat.

If it were me, I would have to crush the other party to get rid of the hatred.Moreover, the opponent is holding many treasures, and it is not enough to find more helpers.

Thinking of this, Jin Donglai temporarily suppressed his doubts, and came to Fu Henghua's hiding place with Xuanjun Jiuyin.

Seeing the "heir of the demon" sitting on the reef to sacrifice the treasure gourd, Jin Donglai didn't think about it, and the sleeve robe was rolled up and burned with demonic flames.

"Damn it, damn it!"

Heng Hua opened his eyes, shook the gourd in his hand, spewed blood from his mouth and put away all the magic fire.

The devil emperor's blood lotus was shattered, and the remaining essence fell into the gourd, which was refined by Fu Henghua to produce various functions.

The blood lotus can defend against the enemy, can be absorbed, and can also be used as a medium for casting spells.

"The lotus of Your Majesty Youxuan."

Jin Donglai showed a greedy look.

With this thing in hand, if you survive the calamity of fire, you will have hope!
Suddenly, Yin Qi gushed out from behind him, and Xuanjun Jiuyin attacked him with a wave of his palm.


A layer of tortoise shell emerged from the demon king's body, and it held the Nine Yin Broken Soul Palm on his back.

"Sure enough—"

Although greed is at work, the Demon Lord has a thousand years of experience, and he will also leave a point of caution.

"Please turn around, baby."

Hearing this remark, he suddenly saw the "heir of the demon" stand up and bow to the precious gourd.

A nine-foot glow of blood flew out of the gourd, and a sharp blade loomed.

With a whoosh, the magic blade stabbed at Jin Donglai.

"Wait—this is not the one in the hands of the Sword Demon Lord..."


Wukong quickly appeared, and the six emperor and devil flags pinned down Jin Donglai.

With Xuanjun Jiuyin restraining him, Jin Donglai watched helplessly as the blood river blade pierced his chest.

Enduring the severe pain, he hastily urged the magic power to force Jiuyin Xuanjun back, and then quickly ran to the magic camp.

"Fellow Daoist has a destiny with me, please return quickly."

The lotus emerges from the gourd again, and there is an image of Jin Donglai in the lotus heart.

The tyrannical suction continued to flow from Lianxin, and Jin Donglai's figure moved there step by step.


Wukong flashed above his head, and the Tianxie sword slashed down hard, cutting off his left arm.

"Jiuyin, you traitor, you actually—"

"Hey—friend Taoist, it is your blessing to enter the Gourd Cave and enjoy boundless bliss." Although Xuanjun Jiuyin was a little ashamed at first, because the other party's scolding was too harsh, he was determined and cooperated with him. Henghua and Wukong became incarnations and joined forces to put Jin Donglai into the gourd.

Helian Jin excitedly sacrificed the blood-refining lotus, and seeing a demon king fall into the sea of ​​mortals, his eyes lit up immediately.

Without waiting for Fu Henghua and the others to order, he quickly greeted the celestial maidens flying in the sky.

"Go, go, your chance is here!"

Under his greeting, Situ Yin and the others rushed towards Jin Donglai with their changing voices.

Jin Donglai fell into the lotus sea, seeing hundreds of beauties rushing towards him, he was shocked for a moment.

What's happening here?
He was about to struggle when Heng Hua and others rushed in from the outside.

Means such as the emperor's devil flag, the three-hole golden ring, and the nine-yin skull rope were used one after another.Even Helian Jin forced a spell to activate lust in his body.

Under the control of Fu Henghua and others, he was used by the group of celestial girls to perform the method of nourishing and double cultivation...

Three days later, the first celestial demon king appeared under Bo Xun's seat.

As for Jin Donglai's own sanity, it was suppressed in the depths of the lotus sea.

"Wonderful, the karma of the past is now the same."

The young man sat on the throne, looking at the expressionless Heavenly Man and Demon Lord next to him.

He jumped over and patted the other person's face.

"Be happy, let's enjoy ourselves in Bo Xun Tiangong, and we don't like you like this."

Driven by him, the celestial beings and demon kings also transformed into twelve images to enjoy themselves with all the celestial beings in the heavenly palace.

Seeing the three men and three women and the horse, deer, eagle, snake, fish, turtle and other postures, Xuanjun Jiuyin sighed in his heart.

It would be too miserable to fall to this step.

I have to say that my decision that day was very wise.

I would rather be an accomplice than end up like this.

Watching the young man excitedly pick up the notebook and record the gestures of the Demon Lord having sex with others, Xuanjun looked at Fu Henghua next to him.

"Upgrading the Heaven-Man Dual Cultivation Method. Think about it, if there is a local-level dual cultivation skill, you can practice well here."

Prefectural-level dual cultivation skills?

Jiuyin Xuanjun was startled.

Looking at Nanyan Fuzhou, the only known prefecture-level dual-cultivation magic art is in the hands of the Scarlet Silk Demon Emperor.The double-cultivation method claims to be the same as the ten thousand demons, and go hand in hand.Walk with the fairy monster without damaging the foundation of both parties.

Even the cultivators are greedy.

"It's just an idea, let him toss about it."

"So, for the purpose of studying the secret art of double cultivation, you specially made the body of heaven and man?"

Fu Henghua did not refute.

To create exercises, a large amount of experimental data is bound to be required.

It can be done through figurines, or through more practical practice.

Why is it that the magicians of the double cultivation department are more difficult to talk about in Donglai, and can't be put on the bright side?
Because they have too much experience in double cultivation.

Whether it is the actual experience or playing figurines and puppets.In Donglai, where the atmosphere is more conservative, an experienced dual cultivation master will always make people look at him differently.

Fu Henghua is currently taking a group of heaven and man to make records, researching advanced dual cultivation skills, and the future will not be made public.Either let Wukong play the role, or replace it with Huang Po Lingshen.

Anyway, he himself will definitely not interfere in this matter.

If it gets out, it will damage the family name.

"About the matter here, you and my incarnation should be more staff members. Capture a few more—it's not in a hurry, first arrest the two from Blood River Palace and the five Heavenly Demon Lords. You are slowly thinking about the remaining places. .By the way, the master should also do more. The Nanzhou Demon Dao has fallen, and they don’t know the righteous way. Then we should let them listen to the righteous way, and Lianguan is at ease.”

After finishing speaking, Fu Henghua took a step forward and went back.

But Fu Henghua didn't go back directly to Black Moon Reef, but thought about Fu Xuanxing and his party, and planned to go to Tianyu Mountain to take a look first.If the immortals in Donglai had no other preparations, then Fu Henghua would use the "Great Chiyuan Pill" in his body to detoxify Fu Xuanxing with 24 immortal qi.

Because of this guarantee, he was not in a hurry to heal Fu Xuanxing.

What is more important is to calculate whether those people in the sky can interfere with Nanzhou.

If not, Ah Jie and Xuan Xing will have a much better life in the future.

As for whether the incarnation of Wukong would backfire on the deity after he left because of the increase in mana, Fu Henghua was not worried at all.

He integrated the Demon Emperor Blood Lotus into the Myriad Demon Gourd.Outside the Heavenly Demon Avenue, the outer wall of the gourd is cast with the Great Blood Demon Curse.

The purpose of this layer of incantation is to isolate the inside and outside.Even if "Wukong" cultivates into a devil king and devil emperor in the gourd.Under the shield of that layer of blood curse, it can also ensure that Fu Henghua's main body will not be infected.

It will not affect the deity's enchantment.

"However, my Dao heart is upright, and all dharmas are transparent. How can a little evil or crooked thought shake my Dao heart?"

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