
Chapter 555

Chapter 555

Misty drizzle drizzled in Tianyu Mountain.

Walking on the muddy path, Fu Henghua looked at the stone monuments erected on both sides.

Starting a family business is far more difficult than keeping it going.

For hundreds of years, nearly a hundred steles have been erected in this cemetery.

Everyone who died here was a direct descendant of the Fu family.

Fu Xinyi, Fu Haiyue, Fu Lianqiao, Fu Jiangli...

They are all tribesmen that Fu Henghua has never heard of or seen.

Apparently, it was the new clansman who was conceived by the spirit veins after Fu Xuanhe and his party came to Nanzhou.


In the center of the cemetery, he saw familiar names on the bloody steles.

"Even if I escaped from Donglai by feigning death, in the end I couldn't..."

Seeing the broken sword in front of the stele, Fu Henghua sighed softly.

The owner of this tomb came from Baiyutang, a member of Fu Beidou's favorite clan, he was proficient in swordsmanship, he also went to Baihuangtang to ask Fu Danwei for advice, and he was an old acquaintance with Fu Henghua.Although his seniority is one generation lower than Fu Henghua's, he is a hundred years older.


The dull thunder sounded across the sky, Fu Henghua raised his head to look at the dark clouds, and then turned his gaze to Qianshan.

"Oh? Are there any bad guests coming to your door today?"

He came from the Central Continent and did not meet the Fu family. Instead, he "invisible" with the magic power of the earth, and went around Tianyu Mountain to investigate.But seeing a large group of monks gathering at the foot of the mountain, can he still watch the Fu family being bullied?
Still moving "invisibly", he came to the front gate of Tianyu Mountain.

On both sides of the Longjiao Gate stands the Tianlu Divine Beast, and Fu Tianer leads a group of young people from the Fu family, confronting the Wang and Hong families of the Xiuzhen family.

Fu Henghua listened incognito, and soon understood the cause and effect.

It belongs to a medicine field.

The medicine field was bought by Fu Xuanhe 50 years ago, but no one knows where the Hong family found a land deed thousands of years ago, claiming their ownership of the Tianyue Linggu next door, and sold the medicine field to the Wang family by themselves.

Naturally, the Fu family refused, so the three families quarreled, and now there have been several fights with weapons.

The title deed from thousands of years ago...

After the trip to the mainland, when Fu Henghua heard about "a thousand years ago", he would naturally think of certain sects.

"The land of those six families again? But back then, they were kicked out by the Chiyuan Taoist faction. Where is there any claim of sovereignty? The land deed from that year should be just to test the Fu family, or the Chiyuan Taoist faction?"

The energy of the Chiyuan Taoist school is all in the "Diyuan" below Chiyue.If Diyuan is broken and the underground demon god is born, Nanyan Fuzhou will fall into the hands of the demon again.

"In addition to the fact that the two immortals are in the Jade Dragon Sea, the Chiyuan Dao Sect is in a weak period, so there are various sects trying to try to become the next 'Six Sects of Immortal Dao'."

When Heng Hua was deep in thought, the two sides had already started fighting.


Seeing Fu Tian'er attracting starlight from the sky, and everyone from the Fu family arranging the "Dragon Constellation Formation", Fu Henghua's eyes lit up.

"Although these tribesmen are young, their foundations are solid, and there are still many foundation-building cultivations."

Fu Xuanhe and others have only been here for a hundred years.For a hundred years, most of the spirits conceived and raised from the earth's veins were teenagers in their tens of years.Some tribesmen still maintain the bodies of children.But the Fu family attaches great importance to the foundation. These clansmen have solid foundations, and two clansmen have broken through the real fire realm.

It's just that the Wang family and the Hong family are aggressive, taking advantage of the absence of Fu Hongluan and other principals, they specially came to make things difficult for them by two Golden Core monks.

Fu Henghua sensed the aura and glanced a mile away.


With a light hook of the finger, the invisible chain bound the two Golden Core cultivators, and they were directly trapped in place.

Noticing the sudden weakening of the two auras in the distance, Futian's ear could not help being startled, and he thought to himself: "It's weird, why did the auras of those two people disappear? Could it be that they plan to go to my ancestral land to carry out a sneak attack?"

At this time, Fu Henghua told the cause and effect through voice transmission.

Henghua is here?

Fu Tian's ear moved, but his face remained silent.

Cooperating with Fu Henghua's secret help, he led people to force the Wang and Hong families back, and then led them back to Tianyu Mountain, and activated all the formations.

After returning to the "Xiuzhi Hall" on the mountainside, Fu Henghua was sitting alone drinking tea.

"You came here by yourself?"

Fu Tianer was overjoyed and hurried over.Looking at the young man up and down, although he is a little more mature than the last time he saw him, his facial features can still be seen in the past.

Fu Henghua stood up to greet him, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen my uncle for many years, but his appearance is still the same—but this cultivation base has improved a lot, so we are gratified, gratified and congratulated."

"Hey, it's all a coincidence. It's not as good as your elder brother, he is a genius who is one by one."

Fu Henghua agreed with this very much.

He actually repaired the "Tianfu Jing" in his own mind, and came to this step.This qualification is really eye-catching.

The two sat down, and Fu Henghua asked about Wang, Hong and other cultivation families.

Fu Tian'er didn't take it seriously: "It's all small troubles. The main reason is that our family has a shallow foothold, but it is in the limelight. It is inevitable that those families have shifted their minds, so don't hinder."

"I arrived this morning. Seeing that my uncle was busy with work, I wandered in the mountains by myself. I saw the cemetery..."

Fu Tian's ears dimmed.

"Have you seen it all?"

"Let me see, how many fierce battles has the Fu family had in these years?"

"It's all in the past. Your elder brother has achieved success in cultivation and led us to take revenge on those enemies one by one. Now there are only a few families, and it is inconvenient to continue to entangle because of the intervention of the Chiyuan Dao Sect."

Although the Chiyuan Taoist sect uses the jade law to cut across the immortal way, it cannot eliminate all the struggles after all.They can only do their best to protect ordinary people, and they can only mediate and end the struggle between the cultivation family and the sect afterwards.

When the Fu family first arrived, they had disputes with many families.The Fu family suffered heavy casualties, and it was not until Fu Xuanhe succeeded in his practice that he barely gained a foothold.Later, with the momentum of beheading the demon king, he planned to liquidate those families thoroughly.But those families have been rooted for thousands of years, and many clansmen have joined the Chiyuan Taoist sect.

Under the intervention of those Nascent Soul Grandmasters, the Fu family could not continue to pursue the matter.

In order to make up for it, the entire Tianyu Mountain spiritual vein was included in the Fu family.Let the Fu family really occupy a place in Nanyan Fuzhou, and enjoy the power of the Right Continent.

After Heng Hua listened, he slowly shook his feather fan and thought to himself: give up?That's not going to work!But it's inconvenient for me to make a move in my capacity, lest it fall into the eyes of comrade Dong Lai and look like a small belly.Looking back, on the bright side, he dispatched Heng Shou and Xuan Xing to fight and vent their anger.Secretly, let my avatar work hard to lure those hostile families into the magic way, and then...

You don't need to be on the list of all demons, just be the nourishment for this great catastrophe.

As for those Nascent Soul Grandmasters who joined the Chiyuan Dao Sect... Let them be patient and reconcile after their families are destroyed.If they are willing to reconcile, I will also give them a few land boundaries the size of "Tianyu Mountain".If you refuse to reconcile, then you will be turned into ashes in the catastrophe.

"Don't think too much about this matter. Bring our family over earlier, so that I can feel at ease when there are more people. Didn't you say that Xuan Ge and Peng Ming are also here? Xuan Ge is here to sit in charge , are you still afraid of these jumping clowns?"

"It's coming soon, we still need to wait. Looking back, we need a suitable time and identity."

Fu Henghua drank tea slowly, thinking about countermeasures.

Originally, everyone in Donglai didn't know the inside story of Nanzhou, and felt that the Chiyuan Taoist sect was too domineering, so they couldn't help but be a little more careful in their actions.He intends to act independently and avoid too much contact with the Chiyuan Taoist faction.

Right now, a group of people are pretending to be "Wuwangzhou monks" to make troubles, intending to make a third-party position.

It can be learned that the situation of the Fu family is a little troublesome, and the power is empty.Fu Henghua intends to let the Fu family come to town as soon as possible.

However, in doing so, rumors will soon spread.Ruomo Dao learned that someone from Donglai Fu's family was coming.Some smart people link the two groups of outlanders together, and that's not good.

"Even if you want to cheat, you have to wait. When all our dharma puppets are successfully refined..."

Fu Henghua pondered for a while, and asked: "What about Hengshou and the others? If they acted earlier, they should have come earlier, right? Let them put on an identity and help Tianyu Mountain to take care of the place."

"Huh? Don't you know? They have indeed arrived. But they left a few days ago—by being invited away."


You really don't know?

Futian said in his ear, "It's a man named 'Yin Yanqing'."


Fu Henghua was startled.

He sat up straight and hurriedly said, "Senior brother of the Yin family? He is in Nanzhou?"

"Girl Tongjun also has the same expression. They are also very surprised. According to the young man, the Yin family has some business contacts with Nanzhou. So Yin Yanqing and Ouyang Ziming are visiting an uncle in Nanzhou."

Mentioning that uncle, Fu Tian'er had a strange expression on his face.

"Then 'Shibo' you should also know. Shenyue Shuijing, Guanshi with one thought."

"Uncle Mirror?"

Fu Henghua lowered the feather fan and frowned.

Mr. Yuejing is a good friend of Dad.It is repeatedly mentioned in the handbook of comprehension that he is a master who is proficient in the calculation of heavenly secrets.When Fu Henghua was a child, he also visited Panlong Island several times.

I remember that the last time the other party came was before the Battle of Beaulieu Island.The other party came to the island in a hurry and discussed something with his father.

After that, he disappeared without a trace, and he didn't even attend the funeral of his father.

Fu Henghua originally thought that the other party, as the think tank of the "Zhu Guren" lineage, should be hiding in Zhuguren's headquarters like those uncles and uncles.

How do you look, he is actually in Nanzhou?
Fu Henghua shook his feather fan, and suddenly asked: "Uncle, do you know where they went?"

Hearing that he didn't know, Futian was a little strange: "Aren't you in contact with Hengshou? I saw that they sent news to you specially? I thought that's why you came here."

Hearing Fu Tianer's words, Fu Henghua's eyes flickered.

He used the excuse of "retreating" to sneak out of the underground blessed land by himself without telling others.

Naturally, Hengshou will not contact him specifically.Instead, pass the relevant information to Fu Pengming who is still on the white dragon boat.The original intention was that after Fu Henghua left the customs, Fu Pengming would inform him.

So right now, Fu Henghua doesn't know the current situation of Hengshou, Xuan Xing and his party at all.

"By the way, the poison of my foster brother..."

"Understood, it is said that I met a reclusive expert on the way. I helped him force the poison out. Let me tell you, you are not in that blessed land at all, are you?"

"I have something to do, it came out a few days ago. Our hidden plan, few people know about it."

Fu Henghua passed vaguely, and did not stay too long in Tianyu Mountain, and left in a hurry.

But before leaving, he did not forget to turn to the Wang family and the Hong family, and petrified most of the golden core monks of those two families, which was a lesson.

At night, Fu Henghua rushed back to the underground blessed land.

Seeing that everyone didn't notice it, they got the news from Hengshou from Fu Pengming under the guise of "exiting customs".


Hengshou and his party were dispatched from Chiyuan Road.While cruising, he rushed to Tianyu Mountain.On the way, when they were in a Mingxiu valley, Fu Xuanxing stopped suddenly.

Mr. Fu Tong hurriedly asked: "What? Your arm started to hurt again?"

"No," the young man in red sniffed hard, "Have you noticed that there is a smell of wine here?"


Several other people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yuwen Chunqiu tried his best to search from the air, and then looked at the mountain spring on the left side of the valley.

"It seems to be from there?"

Mr. Fu Tong released the Gu worms directly.

But as soon as the Gu worms got there, they all fed back their fear, and they didn't dare to approach there again.

"It's dangerous there, my Gu worms don't dare to approach it—it seems to be above the level of Jiexian."

Even in the face of his grandfather, his Gu worms would not tremble like this.

"Everyone, can you come over and have a talk?"

Fu Yaozhen performed "Xuanguan", and above the sloping down Yuquan, there was a raised boulder.There was a man in red sitting on it, drinking and tasting alone.

As soon as Fu Xuanxing's eyes lit up, he was about to fly over immediately.


Seeing this, Fu Henghua frowned and asked Fu Pengming: "They didn't leave any images or anything? Why is there only Hengshou's writing?"

"It's said that the brains in that area are chaotic, and it's impossible to use the technique of taking pictures."

After Heng Hua listened, he continued to look down.

Seeing that Fu Xuanxing was about to attend the appointment, Hengshou and Mr. Fu Tong hurried up to stop him.

But Fu Yaozhen observed the secrets of the sky, and saw that Fu Xuanxing had no ominous omens, so they approached silently.

The man in red had broad shoulders and narrow waist, he was very heroic, with a mahogany sword on his waist.

According to Hengshou's description, when he walked up to the rock, he immediately felt a momentum like a mountain and a sea, and he almost lost his footing.Several other people were in a similar situation, but Fu Xuanxing had no fear on his face, and sat directly opposite, begging for a drink with a smile.

Fu Pengming saw Heng Hua reading and meditating, and asked tentatively: "Brother Xuan Xing has a scabbard to protect his body, so he will not be afraid of his aura when he is idle. But it is a bit reckless to act so hastily."

"Everyone is different in life. Some people like to look at everything with skeptical eyes at the beginning. Some people like to face the storm with a cautious attitude. And some people like to treat people with sincerity at the beginning. You call him stupid, but he doesn't know how to treat others with heart. It’s a kind of wisdom in dealing with things.”

Fu Xuanxing is an optimist who is kind to others.

Looking at a good-looking and handsome young man with a cheerful smile and greeting, unless it is someone who is malicious and resistant from the beginning.Otherwise, ordinary monks who are unfamiliar will never be able to go out and hit people with smiling faces.

Fu Henghua continued to look down.

Sure enough, under Fu Xuanxing's familiar greeting, the other party was not stingy with a glass of wine, so he drank with Fu Xuanxing.


According to Hengshou.

When that glass of wine was drunk, Fu Xuanxing suddenly felt charcoal burning in his body, and the circulation of his true essence intensified, directly increasing his mana for 30 years.

"Fu Xuanxing's 30-year mana...his pure essence...the wine is pretty good."

"Wine is good wine, but it's a pity that you don't have a chance with Sixth Brother—oh——"

After being hit by Fu Henghua, the boy quickly ran away with his head in his arms.

When he was about to go out, the little head poked back again: "You can see for yourself. By the way, about that Mr. Yuejing. You'd better discuss it with Brother Dong, and don't act on your own."

"Fizzy." Fu Henghua shook his head and continued to look down.

According to Hengshou, after Fu Xuanxing's mana increased, the senior also let them drink a cup each.


"One cup is enough, one cup is enough. Your cultivation base is not deep, this 'Return to Dream Millennium' only needs one cup, and you can enjoy it well. But you, you can drink two more cups."

"Two cups?" Fu Xuanxing smacked his mouth.

He had never tasted the taste of this wine in Donglai.

His eyes fell on the wine jug beside him: "I think I can drink all of this wine."

The man laughed suddenly: "This jug of wine? Do you know how many glasses this jug of wine can hold?"

But Fu Xuanxing relied on his protection with the fairy sword and scabbard, and he did not show any weakness.

"Forget it, you can drink this jug of wine. If you can drink it up, I will give you the sword at my waist."

The monk in red patted the mahogany sword on his waist.

Fu Xuanxing stared at the sword, and couldn't help blurting out: "This sword is destined for me."

As soon as these words came out, the four people around looked sideways.

Mr. Fu Tong snorted softly: "I told you not to hang out with Fu Henghua. Look, try to learn some incomprehensible things."

Hengshou looked sideways at her, and decided to write down this sentence and show it to the young master.

Seventh girl came out to fly for a while, and her temper became more and more wild.It's time to fight, it's time to manage.

Yuwen Chunqiu laughed and said: "Brother Fu, why would you say such a thing? It's not Daoist Zhongli and the others."

Fu Xuanxing smiled and scratched his head.

He really felt that this mahogany sword was very suitable for him.

After all, back then, I ran out with a mahogany sword to save my uncle.

"That's fine. You drink up this pot of wine, and this sword will be given to you."

"It's a deal." Le Zizi, a young man in red, picked up the jug and poured himself a glass of wine.

The rich aroma of wine spread above the Yuquan, slowly drifting down with the water vapor.I saw that many fish and shrimps in the pool below were drunk.

After drinking the first cup, the mellow wine power turned into fairy air and quickly flowed through the meridians.Even the poisoned arm that was sealed by the bandage felt a burst of numbness.

The four of them stared at Fu Xuanxing's arm with worried expressions.

Alcohol can increase luck, if it triggers the spread of toxins, it can...

"Well, is the little brother's arm poisoned?" The man flicked his finger lightly, and a celestial light covered his arm.Some poison that was about to move was suppressed again.

"How about this, if you can drink ten cups. I will help you cure this poison."

"Ten... ten cups?"

After drinking the first cup, combined with the cup just now, Fu Xuanxing's face was flushed with blush.

The wine was delicious, but it was too strong.Ten cups... If ten cups...

Fu Xuanxing was a little dizzy, shook his head, and poured himself wine again.

(End of this chapter)

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