
Chapter 556

Chapter 556


After several glasses of wine in succession, Fu Xuanxing's stomach felt like it was on fire, and he became dizzy and unconscious.

Seeing this, Fu Yaozhen turned her head and whispered something to Hengshou. Hengshou immediately took out cooking tools from the storage space and cooked in front of the man.

Mr. Fu Tong's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "If you have good wine, you need delicious food to match it."

The men were noncommittal about their small gestures.

"Refine the hangover meal to help him? That's fine, you can do whatever you want."

Soon, a burst of aroma came from the pot.

Looking at the golden pancakes rolling in the golden oil pan.The man is thoughtful.

"It seems to be fried with jade lotus root? The spell that this kid is chanting is spiritual cooking?"

Soon, a plate of lotus root cake appeared in front of Fu Xuanxing.

Holding the flagon in his arms, he stared foolishly at the golden pancake in front of him.

"Stupid!" After drinking like this, can't even eat?

Mr. Fu Tong hurriedly sat beside him, picked them up with chopsticks, and fed them one by one.

Jade lotus root is cooked once in a hundred years, clearing away heat and detoxifying.Cooperating with Xiaoyu's specially created "Heart Purification Mantra", the golden shortbread made from it has anti-alcoholic properties and has an excellent effect.

As for why Xiao Yu deliberately researched things for hangovers, everyone on Panlong Island knew it.

After eating a lotus root cake in a few bites, Fu Xuanxing shook his head, and his consciousness seemed to be a little more clear.

"Huh? It's six cups, and you can still eat? I was thinking, you need to feed it mouth to mouth."

Seeing Mr. Fu Tong's embarrassing and murderous gaze, the man chuckled, stopped talking, and just glanced at Fu Yaozhen next to him meaningfully.

It was rare for Fu Yaozhen not to intervene in the intimacy between her sister and Fu Xuanxing, but kept staring at the man.

"This elder sister, could it be that she likes me? Although I am old, I would feel shy if I am stared at by a little girl like this."

"Dare to ask what the senior is called?"

"The title... is right. People must have a name when they walk outside. You can call me 'Yan Lingzi'. Shuang Huo Yan, Bing Ling."

Fu Yaozhen recalled it in her mind for a long time, but did not find any information related to this title.

After eating five or six lotus root cakes in succession, Fu Xuanxing let out a mouthful of alcohol silently, and finally regained consciousness.

"This wine is really powerful!"

Drinking six cups will save you 200 years of penance.

The majesty of his magic power has almost caught up with Zhong Ionhan and Long Taoist.

"So, do you want to continue?"

"of course."

Fu Xuanxing poured wine for himself again, and when he was about to drink it, Hengshou brought up the second spiritual meal.

It is a kind of tea cake, full of emerald jade, which whets the appetite.

Before Fu Xuanxing could attack, Yan Lingzi took a piece of tea cake and threw it into his mouth.

The strong tea fragrance spreads on the tip of the tongue, and after the bitterness, there is a hint of sweetness, which can just hangover.

"It's interesting? Kid, can your cooking skills be passed on to the outside world? How about letting me learn it?"

Hengshou glanced at Fu Yaozhen, but she didn't express anything.

"Yes." Hengshou made another piece of tea cake and handed it over.


After eating the second piece of tea cake, the relevant cooking techniques are automatically imprinted in my mind.

"Mysterious spirit imprinting technique? There are still some traces of too mysterious spirituality?"

Too mysterious inspiration?

The eyes of the two women flashed, and Heng Shou and Yuwen Chunqiu's hearts also moved.

"Well, I don't want to take your secret formula for nothing. I might as well teach you some sword skills—I see that although you don't often hold a sword in your hand, you still have your own set of sword formulas in your bones. Come, let me give you pointers." .”

"Hold on."

Hengshou finished the third spiritual meal, which was a five-color bowl.Strands of filaments are evenly stacked into tall buildings.Five-color double building, a strange snack made by Mrs. He in the early years to relieve her husband from alcohol.

Seeing this food, Yan Lingzi grinned.

"I know this stuff, I've eaten it before. The taste is bland, but it's suitable for meditation. Alright, let's use the sword."

"excuse me."

Hengshou stretched out his right hand, then slowly held it, and threw it forward.

Although it was a fist, everyone could feel the sharpness like sword energy.

"Sword intent crushes rocks."

Hengshou threw the boulder directly under the crowd.

"You—" Yuwen Chunqiu's complexion changed, and he quickly cast the Cloud Soaring Technique to protect everyone.

I saw that the boulder was shattered inch by inch, and under that punch, it turned into a well-proportioned stone of 1000 yuan.But under Yan Lingzi's secret casting, the stones were still suspended in the air, supporting everyone firmly.

The outside ball, because of its irregular surface, still has some differences in shape.But those in Shi Xin are square dodecahedrons.

"Oh? Interesting, interesting? This is how you usually practice swords?"

"The young master said that swordsmanship is not about the size of the power, but about the control of strength."

Punch down and turn the stone into dust?
That's not called success.

Be able to grasp the strength, so that the stones are not too many and not too little, and they are just split into 1000 yuan.And it can carefully control the stones inside to make them appear in exactly the same shape.

This is the beginning of the "Crushing Stone Sword Intent".

After Yan Lingzi listened, he remained silent.

He looked at the stone that Hengshou shattered, shook his head and said: "Your sword intent has reached this point, and I have nothing to help you improve. Your young master's teaching level-something. Another sword."

Hengshou then used his second sword intent, Broken Steel.

With his hand like a blade, he chopped down a stone below.

The other 99 stones remained unchanged, except for the dodecahedron in the center of the group of stones, which was evenly split from the middle.

"Good method!" Yuwen Chunqiu's eyes lit up immediately.

This move involved such subtle means as "moving strength across mountains", which shows Hengshou's attainments in sword intent.

After all, he was born on Panlong Island, although he usually looks not good at swordsmanship, he only relies on brute force.But in the final analysis, can the people of Bai Huangtang be bad at swordsmanship?

Yan Lingzi stared at the split stone.

He didn't care much about subtle luck and the like.

He can also do it in the Jindan stage.

It's just that face to face...

"Is this what your young master taught you?"

Hengshou nodded.

Although he doesn't understand molecules, atoms, and the like.

But he understands, according to Fu Henghua's philosophy.

Everything in the world has its smallest unit of matter.

The requirement of Broken Steel Sword Intent is to split objects evenly without damaging the smallest atomic unit.

"This sword has nothing to teach."

Although Yan Lingzi had already heard about Fu Henghua's deeds from others.

But the real person didn't see it, he only saw a protector and attendant of the other party, and he could get a glimpse of the kid's erudition.

This is really going to grow up smoothly, the evil emperor has really met his opponent.

"The third sword, open the mountain."

It was still a fist, and it was still the gravel beneath him.

"Mountain-opening sword intent? A sword that splits mountains, what tricks can you do with these stones—"

Yan Lingzi suddenly lost his voice. He watched the broken rocks under him being pulled by the sword intent and gathered into a miniature mountain structure.

"The young master said that opening a mountain is not just splitting the mountain, but raising the land into a mountain, it is also a means of this sword."

Create a mountain, create a mountain.

Can this sword be understood in this way?

"There is the heaven-level Taoism of the Chiyue Taoist School, and it is the fur of the mountains and mountains. This sword, which way is it?"

Yan Lingzi was silent for a while, and gave advice to Hengshou according to the supernatural powers of the Chiyuan Taoist school.

After Hengshou was taught, he used the fourth sword.

Even there?

Yan Lingzi was a little speechless.

This kid is only around a hundred years old. In terms of swordsmanship attainments, I didn't have the level when I was three hundred years old.

The fourth sword is named "Fenjiang", and together with the fifth sword "Crack the Sea", it is the swordsmanship that Hengshou has studied in recent years.

Dividing the river and splitting the sea can be combined into a great supernatural power, or it can be used separately as two sword intents.

However, because Hengshou didn't know much about water techniques, even if He Xiaoyu consulted and studied many times, he still couldn't perfect the second sword technique.

Seeing this, Yan Lingzi immediately smiled.

"The great accomplishment of these two swords is enough for you to overcome the thunder disaster. If you can use it perfectly, if your young master can help you become a master, we sword immortals should be ashamed and angry."

He pointed out the tricks of these two sword qi.

"Swinging a sword in the air is a completely different feeling from swinging a sword in the water. These two sword intents involve water, and naturally more involve positive and negative currents. Especially splitting the sea, how to follow the sea trend, how to split with the sword intent the sea..."

He carefully explained the important points.

Yuwen Chunqiu was listening and silently recorded his words one by one.

As for Mr. Fu Tong, he was busy taking care of Fu Xuanxing and drinking the eighth glass of wine.But Fu Xuanxing himself was in a daze, and when he heard Yan Lingzi's explanation, a sword image flashed in his mind, and he pondered the movement of this sword in his chaotic mind, confirming his own "Nanli Thirteen Swords Art".

This set of sword formulas is divided into six swords for inner training and seven swords for outer training. It was specially compiled and improved for Fu Xuanxing after Fu Henghua observed and studied the swordsmanship of the Litian Saint.

The internal six swords focus on the practice of sword qi, which increases mana: Yuanhuo, Lingxi, Danyan, Liaoyuan, Zhuyao, and Fentian.

According to Fu Henghua, these six swords are also the realm of Nanli swords.Yuanhuo corresponds to Qi refining, Lingxi corresponds to foundation building, Danyan corresponds to real fire, Liaoyuan corresponds to Xuantai, Zhu Yao corresponds to Jindan, and Fentian corresponds to Yuanying.

This is the six swords defined according to Donglai's current Nascent Soul Dao system.But apart from the Nascent Soul Dao system, whether it is the ancient Jindan Jiuzhuan system or the Heavenly Book Transcendence system, it is impossible to perfectly compare this system.

Only in terms of strength, probably one or two benchmarks.

At present, Fu Xuanxing will master the fifth sword "Zhu Yao", and has the ability to fight against Jindan stage monks.

As for the seven sword moves and sword intentions of external refining, Fu Xuanxing has learned them all.

Feixian, Hongque, Duanshui, Poyue, Zhandao, Juelong, Nanli.

Among them, the Juelong Sword and the Fulong Sword of Panlong Island are fused together. Under Fu Danwei's guidance, Fu Xuanxing has created his own "Fulong Sword".

Right now, following Yan Lingzi's explanation to Hengshou.

The Fenjiang Liehai Sword was rehearsed in Fu Xuanxing's mind. Compared with Nanli Sword Immortal's "Duan Shui Sword" and the tricks explained by Yan Lingzi, there was a sense of enlightenment.

"This kid's comprehension is not bad."

Yan Lingzi noticed that Fu Xuanxing was also secretly learning the sword, and secretly admired it.

It's similar to what that boy Yin Yanqing said, this kid's swordsmanship talent is not bad.No wonder the person from Panlong Island was willing to give him the Fulong Sword.

"The ninth cup!"

Fu Xuanxing drank while pondering about sword skills.

At first it was gluttonous, but now it is like a punishment as it is hard to get off the tiger.The power of alcohol spread in the body, agitating through the meridians, as if pierced by thousands of golden needles.

Although there is a spiritual meal for hangover to maintain sobriety, the pain in the body cannot be avoided.

Suddenly, he felt a tingling pain in his fingertips.

Looking down, there was a fat yellow worm sucking on the tip of his index finger.Part of the alcohol power in his body was forcibly transferred into the body of this Gu worm.

This is--

Seeing the blushes on Fu Tongjun's charming cheeks, Fu Xuanxing suddenly realized.

This is her method of transferring to absorb part of the alcohol in her body.

But soon Fu Xuanxing smiled wryly again.

What Fu Tong-jun absorbs is only the alcohol in his body, which can reduce stamina and prevent himself from going into a coma.But she didn't take away any of the indigestible spiritual power in her body!
Enduring the difficult operation of mana in his body, Fu Xuanxing tried to inject the mana into Nanli's scabbard.

Yan Lingzi squinted his eyes, and didn't care about Fu Xuanxing and Fu Tongjun's little tricks.

After Fu Xuanxing drank the tenth glass of wine, before he could fully digest it, Yan Lingzi immediately sent out a burst of immortal energy.

Fu Henghua's bandages were untied one by one, and seeing the black and purple arms wrapped in immortal energy, Yan Lingzi smiled and said: "Good fortune, good fortune, your boy's good fortune is here!"

While the immortal energy was slowly pulling out the poison, wisps of cool air slowly flowed into Fu Xuanxing's dantian.

Fu Xuanxing was startled for a moment, then came to his senses, and quickly performed the "Kan Yuan Golden Gate Technique".

This is the fairy fate that Fu Xuanxing obtained in the "Chijiao Jinyan", and it is the secret method of water attribute immortality passed down in the Yuxian civilization era.

After improvements and adjustments by Fu Henghua and the elders of the Xuanwei Sect, it is specially matched with Fu Xuanxing's Lihuo Kungfu to achieve the goal of the balance of water and fire.

Now with the help of Yan Lingzi's immortal wine, the power of the wine combined with the toxicity in his body turned into a wave of yin-type spiritual power to gradually increase Kanyuan's true power.

And when each Kanyuan true power is successfully refined, a corresponding Lihuo mana will appear, and the two will reconcile the dragon and tiger to form a precious orb in the dantian.

One, two, three.

In Fu Xuanxing's dantian, more than a dozen clusters of Yin-Yang orbs soon appeared.

It is illusory and unpredictable, but it is the real Taixuan's method of passing on Taoism.

As long as in the end, all the yin and yang orbs are refined and united, a supreme golden elixir can be created.

Now only one-third of my Lihuo mana has been activated, and I need more immortal wine.

Seeing the wine on the table, Fu Xuanxing suppressed his discomfort and continued to pour himself wine.


Fu Henghua watched the whole story of Hengshou's record.

After reaching this part, the Hengshou record came to an abrupt end.

In the end, he only mentioned that Fu Xuanxing fell into a coma because of drinking too much, and was thrown into a mountain spring to sleep.As for the pot of wine, there is no shortage at all.

On the back, Hengshou's handwriting disappeared, replaced by Fu Yaozhen's elegant handwriting.

"After Xuan Xing fell into a coma, senior Yan Lingzi chatted with us. Mr. Tong borrowed the sword at his waist and was convinced that it was a flying sword made of mahogany.

"His clothing is not the current Nanzhou monk's outfit, nor is it Donglai monk. I asked Mr. Tong, and she said that his appearance was suspected to be the ancient cultivator style of the Shenzhou period."

peach wood sword.

Mahogany Sword...

Although Hengshou also described it, but Fu Yaozhen mentioned this word again, which inevitably reminded Fu Henghua.

Donglai Shenzhou, what is the most famous mahogany sword?
In the history of Shenzhou, there was a Suzaku holding a peach branch and passing through Donglai.Falling into the world from the fire, life from the valley.Inside there is a sword made of peach wood, which is called Nanming Lihuo.Eighth of the Divine Sword.

"Sister and Xuan Xing once went to Yangu to search for a sword, but in the end it was fruitless."

At the beginning, Fu Xuanxing blocked Fu Henghua's sword fight with Yu Xiaolei.In order to win, Fu Yaozhen took him to Yangu to find a sword.But the real Nanming Lihuo Sword was not found.

Looking at it now, maybe that sword...

Reminiscent of the means of resurrection reserved for him by the Demon Emperor Jianyuan in Mitsui Cave, Fu Henghua inevitably had a guess in his mind.

"However, the Devil Emperor has not returned after thousands of years of planning. Is there... someone to help?"

And those who help each other must know Nanming Lihuo Sword, maybe it has something to do with Dad and his gang?

"Jing Shibo?"

Thinking of this, Fu Henghua couldn't help but move a little bit.

And Fu Yaozhen mentioned later that the reason why they delayed going to Tianyu Mountain was to wait for Fu Xuanxing to wake up.

Although there is no real alchemy, the two mana powers of Kan and Li in Fu Xuanxing's body have completely reached a balance.Fu Xuanxing's water channel cultivation finally caught up, and he jumped out of the influence of Nanming Lihuo's scabbard.

What I said later was the address of a villa.It was left by Yin Yanqing, and it is Mr. Yuejing's current residence.

Look, Fu Henghua understood what Fu Pengming meant.

Fu Henghua will definitely go to that villa.

But he acts alone, how can Fu Pengming rest assured?So I plan to let Dong Moyang go with me.

But now there are not many people in the underground blessed land, and there are not many people who are suitable for managing affairs.Take Dong Moyang away again?

Forget it, let that idiot go with you.He is also faster.

After thinking about it, Fu Henghua greeted Yu Danqing, called Yu Xiaolei, and went straight to Cangshui Villa.

(End of this chapter)

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