
Chapter 574

Chapter 574
Zhong Ionhan, Xiaoyu, Li Ruxin; Hong Changyi, Tian Daoren, Long Daoren.

Six people pretended to be monks from "Wu Wangzhou" and came and went in the East China Sea theater, competing to kill the number of monks of the magic way.

After a long time, the two demon kings were enraged.

It's just that the six of them have unique methods, and a group of three has both offensive and defensive capabilities, so they can't find a chance to siege.Furthermore, the origin of "Wu Wang Continent" is unpredictable, so they inevitably have some scruples in their actions.

until this day.

As always, giant dharma strikes in the air.

boom -

"Dragon God Treasure Jade" landed on the bone wall.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding demon cultivators took out talismans and pasted them on their bodies, and turned to avoid the bone wall.

Breath-holding phantom talisman.

A spell to prevent the outflow of vitality, which can prevent the "Dragon God Jade" from absorbing vitality.

At the other end, "Sea King Gonggong" descended on the opposite side.A large amount of sea water was moved from the East China Sea and poured on the monks below.

"The Zhenhai soldiers stepped forward."

The demon cultivator who was in charge of guarding this section was fearless in the face of danger, and greeted three hundred strange Taoist soldiers wearing blue rune armor.

Holding shields, they formed formation in front of the "Flood".

The shields lit up with blue water, and the pouring flood was gradually absorbed by the shields.

Water-absorbing hundred-run shield.

It has the effect of taking water and suppressing rivers.Through the increase of Zhenhai Formation, it can resist the flood power of "Flood Demon".

In addition, "Five Elements Xuan Wang" and "Sun and Moon Mingzun" were also restrained by corresponding means, and could not easily kill the enemy as before.

Nanzhou is good at talisman, through this period of fighting, he has a general understanding of the six people's methods, and he has prepared corresponding talisman countermeasures.

The only thing that still kills enemies efficiently is the "Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes Statue" held by Xiaoyu.

Thousands of arms rotated, countless palm prints fluttered like butterflies, and the corresponding Taoism blasted into the magic army behind the bone wall, causing a large amount of damage.

There are too many methods for the thousand-armed idol.

While restraining Moxiu, Xiaoyu is also frequently changing his fighting methods to ensure that he will not be quickly targeted by Mo Dao.The results of killing the enemy in the last half month, Xiao Yu alone is equal to the three of Li Ruxin from the enemy's "Hundred Refining Sect".

This is still Xiaoyu's kindness and softness, and his intention to kill is not serious.The result of not being too entangled with Moxiu.

Even Zhong Zihan and Long Taoist saw Xiaoyu's rich and varied fighting methods with their own eyes, and they had to lament that "there are no mediocrities in the cave of spiritual robbery".

That's right, Fu Henghua, the master of Lingjie Cave.

Compared with Dong Xia's grandson's name, this identity made him more recognized by the sect forces in the three major water regions.

At present, according to the cognition of the sect forces headed by the two pavilions, Lingjie Cave is a blessed place created by Jiexian and temporarily presided over by Fu Henghua.It can be used by Donglai's younger generation of masters to borrow books and give advice on practice.

Cave master Meng Chen, acting cave master Fu Henghua, Dharma protectors He Hengshou, He Xiaoyu, and a few other boys.

It was through this roundabout method of saving face that this group of outstanding monks from the Yanlong water area was accepted by people from the three major water areas.


After forcing back a large army of demons and letting the immortal monks behind take the opportunity to kill them, Xiao Yu turned around and went in another direction.

Over there, the Immortal Dao army is at a disadvantage.Many monks were seriously injured.

The Thousand-Armed God Statue spewed rain for treatment, while moving over there.

"Want to go?"

The two demon masters who surrounded Xiaoyu hurriedly intercepted it.

Qianshouqianyan and Dragon God Baoyu are their most annoying and troublesome dharma puppets.

Because they can not only kill, but also save people.

Especially "thousand hands and thousand eyes", as long as it falls among the injured people, it can quickly heal hundreds or thousands of people through the rotation function of thousands of arms.

In addition, the "Sanguang Shenshui" presented by the Chiyuan Taoist school greatly increased its power of healing Taoism.

In the battlefield, kill the medical first.

It is the primary goal of each major theater.

Ding Ding Ding Dang Ding Ding Ding Ding

As soon as the second master left, he waved a part of the arm of the statue, and the dense flying needles fell like flowers.

"Damn it, it's this way again."

Knowing that the flying needle implies fairy spells, it is incompatible with the magic cultivator.They can only temporarily evade, watching "a thousand hands and a thousand eyes" and fighting and retreating.And use another hundred arms to apply healing methods to the immortal monks below.

"Damn it-"

The two masters had no choice but to give up, watching the group of immortal monks recover from their injuries, and rushed to fight against Moxiu again.

The Five Aggregates Demon Lord looked at that scene from a distance, showing his murderous intent, and turned his head to the disciples beside him.

"I asked you to prepare, are you ready?"

"It's ready—Master, are those people really trustworthy?"

"So what if it's fake? Even if they won a big victory, isn't it still a quagmire of fighting?"

It is still those five who really decide to fight.

Thinking of last night's exchange, the Demon Lord clenched his fist silently.

That blueprint...

"Haha... It seems that I killed more today."

Suddenly, "King Xuan of the Five Elements" let out a maniacal laugh, while provoking "Sun and Moon Mingzun", while chasing several demon cultivators who fled in embarrassment.

it has started!

The Five Aggregates Demon Lord's eyes flickered, and he motioned to the doorman to hurry up and make arrangements.

"Sun and Moon Mingzun" couldn't be provoked, so naturally he followed closely behind.

Seeing that the corresponding talisman Taoist soldiers were mobilized on the Mo Dao side, "Hong Mo" hurriedly called "Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes" to help.

On Long Taoist's side, "Hundred Talisman Profound Crystals" joined "Dragon God Treasure Jade" and approached "Hong Mo" silently.

Seeing this situation, the hearts of several demon masters jumped.

Is it really going according to plan?Could it be that the information from Lord Demon Monarch last night is reliable?

Yesterday, when they returned to the camp, they received a piece of information sent through the Xiandao informant.

The letter from Bailianmen to them.

I hope they can help in the game and kill the three "Lingzhang faction".

Everyone in the Demonic Dao is skeptical about this document.

But the Five Aggregates Demon Lord made the final decision and asked them to act according to the plan.

In the words of the Demon Lord, the situation is not bad anyway.

Even if it is a fairy trap, it can only kill us once.Could it be possible to abolish the entire East China Sea theater?
After thinking about it for a few confidants, this is indeed the truth.

The Heavenly Demon lineage is a powerful force in the Nanzhou Demonic Dao, with masters like clouds.Don't look at the fact that there are now two demon kings and dozens of masters.In the Central Continent, there are still three demon kings and hundreds of masters in town.

Even if he was ambushed once, so what?

Therefore, they followed Bailianmen's plan.I want to kill the three dharma puppets of the Lingzhang Sect today.

Soon, a bright white light erupted on the East China Sea.

"not good--"

"Flood Demon" roared, swung the snake's tail and rushed over there.

"Do it."

The "Hundred Talisman Profound Crystal" was running at high speed, and countless talismans formed chains to bind the python body.Then the "Dragon God Treasure Jade" slammed down hard, smashing the head of "Hong Mo".

This guy is ruthless enough, this is definitely mixed with personal enmity, right?

Zhong Ionhan stood on the jade badge, looking at the incomparably quiet Void of Dharma.

The void he is in is located in the chest and is in a different dimension.Head Destruction doesn't do much damage to it.Moreover, the "Prince of the Sea" has its own water healing ability.As long as there is water, no matter how strong the damage is, it can be healed.

"Water dragon whip."

Stretching out a hand, the huge waves of the East China Sea took a picture, and two water dragons quickly flew over, breaking the spell chains around him.

"You -- joined forces with the Demonic Dao?"

The killing intent spread through the "Prince of the Sea", and both immortals and demons were aware of the changes here.

"Brother, what's going on here? Why did you start fighting?" Two Chi Yuan disciples flew over to ask Yang Dai.

Yang Dai shook his head silently.

He didn't read the script, so he was in a daze the whole time.

Why is this an infighting?
I remember that in "Dragon God Treasure Jade", it is the Dragon Taoist of Yushengge, right?
Is it because of the dispute between the two pavilions that there is now a fight?
Not so much, right?

Wait, could it be that the Demon Dao took action, and the Heavenly Demon lured the evil thoughts, causing them to fight among themselves?

Seeing that "Dragon God Treasure Jade" attacked again, he hurried over.

While recruiting Xianshan to help the "Flood Demon" resist, he shouted at the "Dragon God Baoyu".

"Fellow Daoist, guard your mind and don't be tempted by the demons. My own, this is my own!"

"Hmph - who is with you? Today, kill this evil seed of the Yuzhang faction -"

"Dragon God Treasure Jade" made a cold sound, and the puppet of the dragon egg immediately split open, revealing the body of the real dragon inside.


Dragon Claw pounced on Yang Dai and the "Hong Mo" behind him.

Yang Dai felt something was wrong at this time: If he was disturbed by the demon, why did he still use the name "Yuzhang faction"?

While thinking about it, the movement inevitably slowed down.

"Fellow Daoist, be careful."

Behind him, "Flood Demon" reminded Yang Dai, while urging the sea water to form a water wall to block the dragon's claws.

"They are all capricious villains in Bailianmen. Damn it, they must have betrayed! I'm going to save Junior Sister!"

As he spoke, Hong Mo rushed towards the East China Sea in a hurry.

Seeing this, Yang Dai realized in his heart, he called two masters of immortality to accompany him, and followed them.

In his heart, he was full of worries.

This... I didn't review the script in advance, what if I can't act well?Why can't you give me a message in advance?


East China Sea.

Near the deep sea, thousands of miles of water turned into ice crystals.

The Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes method is shattering step by step, accelerating the formation of ice crystals.

click - click -

One arm was broken, and the vitality gradually dissipated.


"Sun and Moon Mingzun" let out a sharp cry, and the Sun and Moon Mirror continued to catch the light from the sky, and attacked the three dharma puppets frantically.

That's right, five.

In addition to King Xuan of the Five Elements, there are two other puppet statues.

One is a weird palace giant, and the other is a white cloud giant composed of vast clouds.

Not far away stood two golden core demon cultivators.

Looking at the puppet of Faxiang who suddenly appeared, he couldn't hide his surprise.

Helping lay out the trap to attract people to step on the trap, those few well-informed demonic masters naturally refused to come in person.

What if it's an immortal conspiracy?
After shirking each other, two golden core demon cultivators came over to help.

Even if it's a conspiracy, they can afford to pay for just two golden elixir demon cultivators.

"Hurry up, spread the news to the ancestors and the others. There is an ambush here at Bailianmen!"

Seeing the "Flood Demon" rushing over from the battlefield, and countless torrents surging along with it, the second demon cultivator shrank his head and hurriedly fled away.

"It's you!"

"Sea King Faxiang" roared wildly, controlling the huge waves of the East China Sea to attack the two giants on the field.

"Junior Sister—you hurry up and save someone."

Sun Moon Mingzun seemed to have just reacted at this moment, and went down to rescue the damaged "Thousand Arms and Thousand Eyes".

The three of Yang Dai chased after him, seeing what had happened to Qianshouqianyan, his pupils shrank immediately.

Well, it turned out that Xiao Yu had an accident?

You acted in this play.

"So it's 'Jade Palace Golden Temple' and 'Thousand Images Baoyun'? It's the two of you? So you escaped from the hands of the third elder?" On the jade chapter, Zhong Ionhan held the script and was full of emotion Performance.

"Haha—unexpected, right? Not only are we not dead, but your junior sister... Hehe."

According to the script, Fu Danyu tried his best to play a villain while being embarrassed.

Watching the two sides fight again, Yang Dai sighed.

Okay, got it, got it.

"Two, let's help the Yuzhang faction."

He wiped away the fairy mountain, and immediately stepped forward to help.

Seeing this, the two masters behind him also helped "Hong Mo".


Really sneak attack?Not a trap?

The Demon King of Wuyun rushed to the battlefield with his people, wanting to take the opportunity to destroy all the dharmas of the "Yuzhang faction".

At the very least, that Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes must be destroyed!
But just as they approached, they happened to encounter cracks in the Qianli Crystal Domain.

"Senior brother, my soul has been severely wounded, and there will be no chance of survival this time. I hope you leave quickly and reunite with the elders before avenging me."

The Demon Lord watched the phantom of the Thousand Hands rising slowly.

In the crystal domain, thousands of Dharma Eyes were shattered at the same time, and an incomparably terrifying aura exploded in the crystal domain.

And using the wonderful amplification effect of the crystal domain, its self-destruction power is superimposed, and even the devil is faintly aware of a threat of death.

No, run!
There was no time to speak, and the Demon Lord teleported away in the next moment, only taking away two nearby disciples.


Zhong Ionhan, Li Ruxin, Yang Dai and two Immortal Dao masters were wrapped in blisters made of Sanguang Shenshui.

When "A Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes" blew itself up, they were able to escape from the center of the explosion.

"Damn Demon Cultivator, damn Bailianmen!"

Hearing the scolding around him, Yang Dai turned his head silently.

The faces of the two masters were flushed, staring at the undissipated phantom of the "Thousand Hands".


"We must take revenge." The grandmaster on the left said seriously.

"Not to mention Fairy Bai's help to us these days. Just because she protects us now, I can't let her die in vain—"

"That's right. Fairy Bai must be avenged."

Yang Dai sighed, and then said with a heavy face, "That's right, to avenge the fairy. These three bastards from Bailianmen must be killed!"

All right, all right, your script, it's okay for me to follow along, right?
Suddenly, the pupils of the three contracted.

They saw that in the center of the explosion where the "Thousand Fingers" self-destructed when the crystal domain was shattered, there was a palace standing there firmly.

A man covered in clouds and mist, plus a flirtatious young man in five-color clothes, are hiding under the protection of the palace.

"Such a strong explosion, they are all right?"

"That palace—is it the special function of the dharma figure puppet?"

"That's the Golden Temple of the Jade Palace, a Dharma statue dedicated to defense."

Behind the three of them, came a low voice.But for some reason, the voice trembled a little?

The second master looked back, "Flood Demon" and "Sun and Moon Mingzun" were landing behind them, and the water bubbles were slowly shattering.


The blisters of the three of them are also disappearing.

Instead, it was tiny bubbles that disintegrated into froth all over the sky.

Against the backdrop of the sun, the last protective force from the "White Fairy" is gradually dissipating.

The voice in "Hong Mo" trembled: "Those two people are from Bailianmen. Among them... the person who controls the 'Jade Palace and Golden Gate' is the grandson of a... elder of Bailianmen."

Hearing the vibrato, the second master sighed secretly.

One person stepped forward and said, "Fellow Daoist, please forgive me."

Another said: "I know you are sad, but don't worry, we will avenge Fairy Bai!"

Yang Dai: "..."

grief?what do i thinkHe was covering his mouth and holding back his laughter. He couldn't continue acting?

But when the two masters looked over, he still took a step forward, and said solemnly to the two surviving and damaged images: "Don't worry, you two, we will definitely help the Lingzhang sect's enemies."

Seeing the reappearance of the Five Aggregates Demon Lord, the crowd fled in a hurry, holding back their "sorrow".


The devil waited for the explosion to stop, and brought people back again.

He saw "Dragon God Treasure Jade" and "Hundred Talisman Profound Crystal" coming to meet, and then the palace turned into giants, and cloud giants and peacocks also appeared in the sky.

Well, it's so strong that I can feel a threatening explosion, are you all alright?
Look around yourself again.

Leaving aside the two gold core demon cultivators who were used as bait, and the few confidant masters who rushed over with him, there are only two left now.

That explosion abruptly killed several confidantes!
The Demon Lord held back his anger, and stepped forward to congratulate the five members of the "Hundred Refining Gate".

After thanking his fellow disciples, Long Daoist saw the change in Mojun's face, and smiled without even a trace of grief: "Young fellow Daoist plotted against the Yuzhang faction, I thought it was a trap targeting us. I'm still wondering where you got the confidence to Dare to turn against the Chiyuan Taoist faction. It turns out that your companions have arrived. It seems that even if the Chiyuan Taoist faction pursues it, you are not afraid."

"It's not confidence, but it has to be so."

Taoist Long sighed, put away the "Dragon God Jewel", and revealed his real body in front of the demons.

The Demon King of Wuyun raised his brows: "You should know that without the protection of Dharma, your combat power would be just..."

"In order to show sincerity, we must have an open and honest talk," Taoist Long said solemnly, "According to my junior brother's news, the Lingzhang Sect's army is coming soon!"

The Demon Lord looked at him quietly.

"One Jiexian and twelve grandmasters. If they join these three, not only will we die, but you will also be in trouble, right?"

"Jie Xian?" Wuyun Mojun didn't think so, and continued to look at him.

"The dharma appearance at the level of Jiexian is not a method like ours."

Taoist Long said with a bit of horror in his eyes and a trembling tone.

"If the younger brother's information is correct, it should be the 'Emperor Xiang' who descended here. Even though you have two demon kings, when the time comes...hehe..."

Elephant Emperor?

"Is this the name of the dharma figure puppet?"

"Emperor Xiang, the Lord of the Great Dao. It is the Dao God Dharma of the founder of the Lingzhang School, covering everything in the world. The real fairy-level Dharma Aspect. It is a dharma puppet made of countless heavenly materials and earth treasures after refining the Tao. The Lingzhang Sect pursues soldiers Here, there is an elder who is the direct descendant of that one, and although his 'Elephant Emperor' is not as good as a true immortal, he can mobilize and kill a few demon kings."

Fu Danyu in the Golden Palace of the Jade Palace agreed.

"You should understand that the creation of our dharma puppets requires countless treasures from heaven and earth. Can you think about it, can a divine continent accommodate [-], or millions, or tens of millions of high-level dharma figures?"

Killing, looting, invasion of China.

Nouns flashed through Mo Jun's mind.

A Divine Continent that relies heavily on foreign objects, if its own resources are insufficient, it will naturally choose to invade.

"It just so happens that you are in the midst of a war here. The two sides are evenly matched. Frankly speaking, this is the most familiar and best-operated situation for us in Wuwangzhou."

"Pull one hit one?" Mo Jun's face was cold, "Mercenary?"

Taoist Long was silent.

But in his eyes, it is undoubtedly an admission.

"So, you plan to take refuge in our magic way?"

"No, it's a joint venture. We need your help before we confirm the arrival of the chasing troops. At the same time, we will also provide some assistance to you."

"From what you said, you don't plan to fight the Yuzhang faction again?"

The master on the left side of the demon king asked.

Long Taoist looked towards the coast of the East China Sea, the backs of the Immortals leaving.

Facing the sea breeze, he put his hands behind his back and said: "You don't understand, you don't understand the power of the 'Elephant Emperor'. We five brothers and sisters have no fear against these two people. But once the pursuers arrive, we will definitely not be able to leave. Therefore, We need supplies. We can trade for you, and even give you the most core blueprint."

He turned around and said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty the Demon Monarch, we, Bailianmen, can help you create your own demon puppet. Even, immortal-level—no, demon emperor-level Shenzhou puppets."


"here we go."

Fu Henghua breathed a sigh of relief, and picked up the blueprint of the mechanism in his hand.

Fu Yaozhen's trip to the Immortal Mansion has come to a successful conclusion.After getting a few magical talismans and a few talisman books that were still preserved in the dilapidated fairy mansion, the Fu family sisters went to Tianyu Mountain to join other Fu family members.

Fu Henghua led Hengshou and Yuwen Chunqiu back to the underground blessed land, and began to actively prepare for everyone's organs.

Knowing what happened in the East China Sea, Xiao Yu escaped by feigning death, Fu Henghua was secretly delighted.

Come to think of it, it would be too strange for one of the six people to survive.

Let Fu Danyu and Zhang Xuan pretend to be Bailianmen's reinforcements, so that they can take advantage of the situation and send the blueprint of the "Nine-faced Xuantian Demon God" to the Wuyun Demon Lord at the right time.

"If you want to create this Demon Emperor's Dharma Aspect, you can't get it without the efforts of all demons."

Looking at the drawing, the demon god with nine faces is roaring in the painting.

Gently shaking the drawing, the demon god on the painting broke free from the restraint and jumped out of the painting.

Nine-faced Xuantian Demon God Venerable.

Eighteen arms danced back and forth, and many magical weapons such as golden bows, vases, magic wheels, and scepters shone fiercely.

According to Fu Henghua's vision, the magic weapons held by the "Nine-faced Demon Emperor" are all the treasures of the Demon Emperor.It is equivalent to the material of a dozen or so fairy artifacts.Just gathering these things together can drain the foundation of the three great demon palaces.

The Demon God walked out of the picture scroll with great power, and waved his magic soldiers at Fu Henghua, the painter.

I saw Fu Henghua lightly smiled, and lightly pressed down with his left hand.


The five-color male mountain descended from the sky, pressing the nine-faced demon god on the table.

Then, Fu Henghua began to make new revisions to the two-foot-sized painting spirit.

Demon God Nine Faces was furious and ferocious, watching the brush scribbling back and forth on his body, but there was nothing he could do.

Holding a pen in his right hand, Fu Henghua carefully stippled on the body of the model, outlining the internal organs and circuits of the body, and correcting some mistakes and omissions.

For someone like him who is proficient in the "Danqing Lingtu Technique".

The design drawing is a dynamic and experimental model.This creative method, which is different from ordinary people and demonstrates the means of good fortune, is the key to Fuheng Huaneng's frequent handover of design results and making dharma puppets for everyone.

When the daubing was completed, the Demon God returned to the picture scroll again, completely different from the form when he jumped out just now.

But with such a face, it is still not finalized and is still in the design stage.

It's just that Fu Henghua has no interest for the time being, and plans to change to another design drawing and continue to alter it.

Putting away the drawing of the Nine-faced Demon God, Fu Henghua took out another manuscript from the pile of drawings.

The yin and yang mysterious furnace is the master of life.

The body is bloated, like a huge furnace, with two slender arms.

That's right, another dharma puppet without legs.

This is for Fu Xuanxing.

Still the puppet on the blueprint flew out, and Fu Henghua slowly sketched and modified it with a paintbrush.

Then, he took out the "Nanli Crystal Sword" and sent it into the furnace core after it became smaller.

boom -

In just an instant, the puppet exploded and the blueprint shattered.

The impact shattered and almost knocked Fu Henghua from his seat.

Outside the door, Hengshou rushed in.

Seeing that Fu Henghua was safe and the items on the table were protected by the forbidden law, he was secretly relieved.

"Don't worry, it's okay. It's just that the furnace exploded. I'll draw a new one later."

Fu Henghua laughed and said: "Xiaoyu feigned death and escaped, and will soon come back with Sha Jinchang. You go and meet her."


Hengshou was dubious, and scanned the various furnishings in the study.After finding no problem, he turned and left.

After he left, Fu Henghua took out the blueprint of the "Nine-faced Devil Emperor" again, and conceived the heart of its central furnace.

He has something in common with Fu Xuanxing's dharma puppet.

power energy.

One is to rely on the "Swallowing Demon Gourd", and the other is to rely on the "Nanli Crystal Sword".

But how to make these two treasures containing powerful mana output at the same time without damaging the puppet itself is a technical difficulty that needs continuous improvement.

"Forget it, you can ask Senior Yu later. Let him and Xuan Xing figure out the matter of refining the weapon."

Fu Henghua put away the drawings.

All he had to do was to borrow the Hundred Refining Sect to send the blueprint to the Five Aggregates Demon Lord.

Then promote the magic way of the mainland to create a "magic emperor".

Finally, cut off the law and control it with the magic gourd.

 I saw someone asking why the last chapter didn't display comments.

  I don't know, it's not from my side.My background display is normal, but I can't see the comments from the front desk of the text, and it is also displayed as 0.

  Anyway, in this general situation, either the starting point is drawn or the understanding is understood.

  You can continue to leave a message, I can reply in the background.

(End of this chapter)

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