
Chapter 575

Chapter 575

Zhong Ionhan, Li Ruxin and Chi Yuan sent people back to the camp.

Because the "White Fairy" has a good reputation on weekdays, he rescued many immortal monks.The Chiyuan Taoist faction specially held a mourning meeting for him.

After the meeting, Li Ruxin approached Jiexian from the Chiyuan Taoist sect, and said coldly:

"You provide materials and people, and I will help you create a 'Faxiang Puppet'."

Looking at the woman in plain clothes, she looked sad.Cao Zhenren said a few words of relief first, and then asked about the "Puppet of Faxiang".

"I have heard about the communication between Nephew Yang and you. It is said that it takes several months or even a year to complete the construction of your dharma puppet?"

"It is difficult to make a complete dharma puppet. But if you want quick results, there is another way."

She took out a roll of blueprints and handed them to Cao Zhenren.

The real person opened it, and fell into deep thought.

On the drawing, it is a ball mechanism the size of a water basin, called "Tianyuan Xuanling Ball".It has attributes such as yin and yang and five elements, which can be entrusted by yin and gods and increase the power of Taoism.

He is the Lord of Tribulation Immortal, with extensive knowledge.Immediately understand the purpose of the mechanism contained in the drawing.

"Is this a simplified puppet?"

"The essence of the dharma puppet is an 'external body'. It can output high-damage Taoism without damaging the monk's real body. I believe the seniors also understand the shortcomings of us cultivators."

Master Cao nodded slowly.

He came from Donglai with his master back then, and he himself is a monk in Donglai.He is naturally clear about the research of Donglai civilization in the Shenzhou era.

In his early years in Donglai Chiyuan Sect, he wrote many research articles on "Taoism, Spirituality and Aspects".

"Our generation uses Taoism, relying on the power of heaven and earth, and its power far exceeds the upper limit of the physical body. For this reason, monks will suppress the destructive power when casting spells to avoid irreversible damage to the body."

This is also the reason why the Taoism of the disintegration of the demon can break out several times the normal lethality.

"Golden core monks feel the deepest. With the blessing of the Dao Golden Core, the power of Taoism is extremely powerful. But the physical body that has been tortured for thousands of years cannot bear its mighty power. Therefore, there is the way of Dharma."

The Yuanying realm uses the aura of the Dao to condense the dharma outside the body.Every Yuanying master in Donglai can get rid of the shackles of the physical body, so that the combat power will continue to rise.

"My faction has long studied the theory of Dharma appearance. The dharma puppet of your sect and Wuwangzhou..."

Cao Zhenren pondered: "The general idea is the same as ours."

Zhong Ionhan's heart skipped a beat, and he observed Cao Zhenren carefully.

Seeing that the other party had no other allusions, he was secretly relieved.

Isn't it the same idea?
Everyone is Donglai monk.

The theory of comprehension studied is the same set.It's just that under the influence of Fu Henghua, we have shifted from the theory of "Taoism, Dharma and Form" to the research of "external machine body".

Li Ruxin's acting skills were slightly better than Zhong Ionhan's. Hearing this, a sad smile appeared on his face.

"Junior Sister also talked to me a few days ago. The Chiyuan School's Immortal Mountain Method and my Wuwangzhou's external machine body actually come from the same source."

Cultivator Chiyuan will condense a natal fairy mountain after the golden core.

When casting spells, you can use the fairy mountain as a medium.The power of heaven and earth's backlash is borne by Xianshan to prevent himself from being harmed.According to Fu Henghua's theory, this is also an alternative application of "faxiang".

Even the most superficial "application of dharma" is the magic weapon of life.

Through the magic weapon entrusted with spiritual consciousness to perform Taoism, part of the counterattack force is borne by the magic weapon.When casting a powerful spell, it is the magic weapon that will be damaged in the end, not your own body.

"I've been watching fellow practitioners of the Immortal Dao these days. I found out that apart from the Chi Yuan monk, other Jindan monks have no similar means. The 'Tianyuan Xuanling Ball' is prepared for them."

Cao Zhenren was silent.

It is precisely because he understands the beauty of this blueprint and its possible impact on the Chiyuan Taoist faction in the future that he is hesitant.

It has little effect on the Chiyuan Taoist faction itself.

Their golden core monks hold fairy mountains, each of which is stable, and is not afraid of the damage of Taoism backlash.

But for Jindan monks of other immortal sects and families, this product called "Tianyuan Xuanling Ball" has far-reaching significance.

"This 'external machine body' is essentially a magic weapon to reduce costs. I believe Daoist also knows that with prolonged combat, most of the natal magic weapons of your comrades will be damaged."


"The natal magic weapon is related to the fundamental path. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to sacrifice it after it is damaged. There are many fellow practitioners right now, and there is no time to sacrifice the natal magic weapon.

"Furthermore, the creation of magic weapons takes more time."


Cao Zhenren was still thinking hard.

Seeing this, Li Ruxin looked at Zhong Ionhan.

Zhong Zihan sighed quietly: "My real man, if you are worried that this method will affect the status of the Chiyuan Taoist school, you can only teach the 'Tianyuan Xuanling Ball' to the outside world. And the full version of the machine body fairy art can only be taught in the Chiyuan Taoist sect. Transfer within the pie.

"Junior Sister and I just want to avenge Junior Sister Bai."

Cao Zhenren closed his eyes and said nothing, silently communicating with his fellow disciples in the distance.

Soon, he opened his eyes and carefully put away the drawings.

"The two of you help my faction, and your kindness is as great as a mountain. My faction will not treat you two lightly. Brother Zhang Shan has something to say, let the two choose natural materials and earthly treasures, and upgrade the dharma puppet."

Even if Li Ruxin still put on a mournful face, she couldn't help being shocked.

"The dharma puppets of the two are not yet perfect, and there is still room for evolution. I will send my strength to help the two of you reach perfection."

The Chiyuan Taoist faction is really analyzing our methods in secret.

Zhong Ionhan suppressed his shock and said with a dry smile.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we are not respectful."

Soon, Yang Dai walked in and asked the two to go with him to get the treasures of heaven and earth.

Cao Zhenren took out the blueprint again, and after a moment of consciousness, he passed it on to several fellow disciples in the distance.

Chiyue Xianshan, Shenyuan Hall.

Bu Xuan sat in meditation with several Jiexian juniors.

A strand of mysterious dao rhyme circulated among the crowd.

Their souls are out of their bodies, and they are sneaking into the "Abyss" below Chiyue with the method of fugue, fighting and restraining the underground existence, and trying to repair the seal of "Abyss".

Suddenly, Bu Xuan opened his eyes, and there was an extra blueprint in his hand.

Looking at the composition of "Tianyuan Xuanling Ball", he shook his head and sighed.

"Drink poison to quench your thirst."

"Senior Brother Zhangshan, why worry too much? How can a mere skillful path convince me to be dignified and righteous?" Another Jiexian opened his eyes, "The battle is important now, so pass on this technique first. After the matter is completed, we can wait for it Prohibition again."

"Once this method is opened, how easy is it to ban it?" The third Jiexian said, "Brother, you need to think carefully. Once this method is opened, those who are not deeply rooted will be addicted to heretics, and I am afraid it will be another disaster."

His eyes looked toward the future faintly.

Although during the time of the Great Demon Tribulation, the aura of the calamity permeates and it is hard to see clearly.

But if he chooses to accept the "Puppet Art of Falun Gong", the fate of Chiyuan, no, Nanyan Fuzhou will become even more unpredictable in the future.

Where do the raw materials for the puppet come from?

Fu Henghua and others can use plunder to mine mineral veins that are not under the jurisdiction of the Chiyuan Taoist faction, and unscrupulously create dharma puppets.

But what about Chiyuan?

The Abyss faction does not need it itself, but holds a large amount of ore veins and raw materials.

Ordinary celestial sects and cultivation families need dharma puppets, but the raw materials in their hands are not enough to equip hundreds or thousands of people.They could only watch helplessly as the Chiyuan Taoist faction sat on Qianshan without making any use of it.

Think about it, wait until the end of the Fairy Demon War.

What is waiting for the Chiyuan Taoist sect next?
If the conflict intensifies, there will be internal strife in the immortal realm!

"Now that the Great Demon Tribulation has not defeated the Demon Dao, why think so far? Besides, there are still disasters under the abyss. Brother, use this method to strengthen the combat power first, that's what matters."

"That's right. Judging from the cost of materials, the magic puppet is not as good as the magic weapon of life. Not many people will study this technique."

"It's just not comparable right now. Have you forgotten our calculations a few days ago?"

With the appearance of the six people from Wuwangzhou, Chiyuan Jiexian calculated and studied the "Dharma Puppet".

Seems low cost, but it's just the beginning.

At Li Ruxin's level, the cost paid for the dharma puppet is more than the value of several spiritual weapons.

Of course, the rewards are also substantial.

Li Ruxin's ability overwhelmed all the heroes, and won the fourth seat of Donglai's younger generation. The "Sun Moon Mirror Master" contributed a lot.

And with this Dharma image, it will be more convenient for Li Ruxin to condense her own Dao Dharma image in the future, and the Dharma image is more powerful than the Dharma image of ordinary masters.It can also be used as armor to protect the dharma.

"Brother Zhangshan."

At this time, another Jiexian spoke.

"Have you forgotten? The Bailianmen sect colluded with the Demonic Dao. Even though we have all kinds of speculation and taboos here. But as long as the Demonic Taoist starts to build the 'Puppet of Faxiang', we must engage in an arms race with them."

Bu Xuan felt a sudden change in his heart, and his face changed.

Information about Wuwangzhou, Lingzhang Sect, Bailianmen, etc.The other fellow apprentices don't know, but he doesn't know?

Yang Dai told him the root cause long ago.

This is the layout made by Fu Henghua.

The so-called death was probably a fake death escape, and the maid Xiao Yu returned to her side.


What is he going to do by deliberately dividing people into two waves now?
arms race...

Is his purpose——


"War is the best driver of technological progress."

Fu Henghua was sitting in the gazebo by the pool, slowly feeding the fish with the dough.

The returned Xiaoyu sat behind him, quietly listening to him explain his next plan.

"Through the dissemination of dharma puppetry, we can use the wisdom of Nanyan Fuzhou immortals and demons to deduce this system to perfection. How much effort can we save Donglai with this experimental site?"

"The wisdom of the crowd?"

"That's right, combining the wisdom of everyone has achieved my way."

Although Fu Henghua was arrogant and conceited, he never underestimated the wisdom of other monks.

Because he is erudite, he knows that the research results of other monks are of great significance to him.

He is not shy about passing on knowledge to outsiders.Because he knows that those knowledge will help him even more through the refinement and feedback of others.

For example, "Tianyuan Xuanling Ball", that was not Fu Henghua's idea.It is a simple mechanism puppet developed by Li Ruxin after years of research on the law puppet.

It is low in cost and easy to operate.

It is not only suitable for Jindan monks to get started, but also suitable for Foundation Establishment monks to save their lives.

Fu Henghua absorbed this knowledge, intending to contribute to the flames, and take a look at the results with the help of the Chiyuan Taoist faction.

If it is used properly, it can be deployed on the Dao soldiers in the Yanlong Waters to contribute to the Dragon Slaying Plan.

"Don't talk about that, how do you feel now?"

Xiaoyu smiled slightly, holding up the Yunchao bottle in his hand.

Bits of brilliance rose from the bottle, turning into a mighty galaxy.

Fu Henghua's eyes lit up immediately.

"Three Lights Divine Water?"

"Just one drop."

Xiaoyu said softly: "Mr. Yang asked for it. It is said that Chiyuan Immortal picked and practiced it above Nine Heavens."

"Okay - good!" Heng Hua clapped his palms and laughed, "With this drop of congenital divine water as a guide, after you gather the sun, moon and starlight to sacrificially refine the spiritual water, you can evolve into divine water by yourself. Good - it's really great! "

Chiyuan Taoism's move will undoubtedly save Xiaoyu a hundred years of hard work.

Fu Henghua lowered his head to ponder for a while, then nodded and said: "Alright. In this way, helping them do that matter, I can put more heart in it."

Fill the abyss.

Although Fu Henghua has a big idea.But because the matter has nothing to do with me and there is not much sense of crisis, I just plan to make a fuss.

But seeing Xiao Yu's achievements in the Chiyuan Taoist School, he was naturally happy to return the favor.

And with the Sanguang Shenshui, it may be more convenient for him to refine the "colorful stone".


One month later, the East China Sea theater.

The immortals and demons are still at war.

However, people from "Wuwuzhou" have not shown up since the attack and killing before January.

Without the help of the six dharma puppets, the momentum of the immortal side was once again suppressed by the magic cultivator.

until this day.

When several masters led the yin demons in the sky to besiege the Immortal Dao Camp, five hundred Foundation Establishment cultivators rushed out.

"The formation."

500 people quickly separated.

They are dressed in five colors, and a ball appears above each head.

When 500 people surrounded a master, another five Golden Core monks rushed out.They also have a mechanical ball above their heads.


The demon master was surprised, and silently summoned the Yin demon to his side, forming a circle of walls.


The lower ball exerted force at the same time, and the wooden pillars, golden knives, fireballs, soil spikes, and water guns shot into the air at the same time.

The master stared.

From these attacks, he felt that the strength was far greater than that of the foundation-building monks he had seen before.

"Amplification? Is this a new type of magic weapon?"

Five kinds of attacks are superimposed in the air, gradually forming five beams of light.

And the five Golden Core cultivators also shot at the same time, using the same simple means of the five elements such as wooden pillars and golden knives.

boom -

The Yin Demon Wall was torn apart by five kinds of forces, the Grandmaster immediately performed the magic power, and 24 magic beads appeared around him.


The five-element offensive was offset by the black barrier formed by Yuanzhu.

The five monks looked at each other and summoned the subordinates below again.

"Knot the Five Elements Mountain."

The 500 people quickly lined up and performed the five-element Taoism again.

Through the increase of the "Xuanling Ball" above the head, the power of Taoism has increased by [-]%.

Under the guidance of the five monks, the five hundred five elements of Taoism combined to form five continuous mountains.

"Dao formation, five elements and mountains. Town—"

As soon as the five-color mountain came out, the master turned around and left without saying a word.

He is well aware of the "Five Elements Mountain Method" of the Chiyuan Taoist School.

It is said that it is improved from the heavenly Taoism.Through five Golden Core monks with different attributes, a special domain that seals the Five Elements Taoism can be established.


Before the master left, the Five Elements Mountain had already sealed off the surrounding space.

"So fast?"

Immediately afterwards, his shoulders sank, and he felt the pressure of the mighty mountain force.

Wait... How did the power of the Five Elements Mountain increase so much compared to what I felt before?

Not [-]% or [-]%, but tripled.

This power is enough to trap the Grandmaster for a period of time.

Seeing the round balls on the heads of the five monks, the Grand Master understood in his heart.

Is this a new method of Immortal Dao?

The message must be delivered quickly.

Even if he was trapped, the master didn't worry that the other party could kill him.

He made seals with both hands, and countless yin demons hit the Five Elements Mountain, and formed characters in the air with the body of yin demons to warn his companions in the distance.

The Five Aggregates Demon Lord saw the warning, and silently looked in another direction.

Similarly, another master was also trapped by three hundred monks.

Over there, eight Golden Core cultivators teamed up, and there were also a group of strange balls hanging above their heads.

"Is this your Wuwangzhou method?"

Taoist Long walked up slowly and sighed softly.

"This is a method of the Yuzhang Sect, junior brother, you go and help break it."

Hong Changyi responded, and the five-colored rainbow light suddenly soared into the sky, sweeping fiercely in the direction of the Five Elements Mountain.

The moment a flaw appeared in the Five Elements Mountain Formation, the master of the Demon Dao took the opportunity to escape.

But on the other hand, the Grandmaster who was trapped by the Yin-Yang Bagua Formation was not so lucky.

More than 300 mysterious balls are spinning in the air, resonating with the "Sun and Moon Mirror" descending from the sky.Countless rays of sun, moon and divine light shot from the sky, shuttling back and forth among the three hundred light spheres.

Hearing the frequent screams in the formation, the demon energy gradually subsided.

In the end, the demon master was killed by Li Ruxin with the "Xuan Ling Amplification Technique".

Long Taoist's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself: Is this the art of uniting people that Li Ruxin has been studying recently?That mysterious spirit ball, did she really talk about Chiyuan faction?

The Xuanling Ball is a simple puppet that can be docked with a higher-level dharma puppet.In particular, Li Ruxin's "Sun Moon Mirror Venerable", by manipulating the power of many puppets, can continuously increase the lethality of the Sun Moon Divine Light.

"The dharma puppet is the external body of the monk. And those mysterious balls are the external sub-machines of the sun and moon mirror."

Taoist Long understands that through this battle, Li Ruxin has really researched a brand-new and tyrannical fighting mode.

However, thanks to her, we should have some results here.

In the Immortal Dao camp, there are monks who bring Xuanling balls to fight.

Some people choose to form an army, while others choose to fight alone.

But no matter which one, the cultivator wearing the mysterious spirit ball seemed to have an extra life, and the power of Taoism increased by [-]%, and quickly killed the magic army back to the Skyscraper Bone Wall.

Seeing this, the Five Aggregates Demon Lord humbly asked Taoist Long for advice.

Taoist Long said with a smile: "That's a trick used by the low-level monks of the Yuzhang Sect. Don't worry about it. As long as the Lord Demon King can sacrifice the 'Nine-faced God', why are you afraid of mere mysterious spirit balls?"

"But according to your blueprints, that thing can't be completed in a year or so. If there are problems in the battle during this period of time, I'm afraid we don't have the resources to build the 'Nine-faced Demon Lord'?"

Long Taoist looked embarrassed and was at a loss for a while.

At this time, Fu Danyu pretended to be a younger brother, and whispered something in his ear.

Taoist Long sighed: "Forget it, since that's the case. We will also do Lord Mojun a favor. But... for the cost issue, we—"

"It's easy to talk about destroying these things on the opposite side."

 It seems that I really can't read this chapter these days.

  My side has started to display garbled characters.

  If you have any comments, you can post them in the book review area.It still works over there now, and can help me suppress that misleading demining comment.

  An additional question, regarding the so-called demining, I will explain the usefulness of that paragraph below.But how many readers actually see it?Is it true that the writing is too cryptic?
  Frankly speaking, when the article was opened, the editor had to review the first few chapters.So in the first few chapters, the amount of thought and attention paid to deducting sentences is definitely different from the content uploaded every day in the following chapters.

  The first few chapters can really produce a lot of things.

(End of this chapter)

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