
Chapter 597

Chapter 597

This boy is not a spy sent by Taixuanzong, is he?

Shan Lingqing stared at Fu Henghua, muttering in his heart.

Back then, we saw the rise of the Jupai in Taixuanzong, and only a few true disciples left to establish branches. There is no serious inheritance of Taixuan Tianshu at all. Where did this kid get it?

Moreover, the Taixuan Tianshu does not match his five-element creation system.

Sensing a familiar aura appearing beside him, Shan Lingqing asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

After Bu Xuan rushed over, he didn't show up directly, but hid himself in Xingzang, and sat beside Shan Lingqing: "What he said was the chapter on refining qi of Taixuan Taoism. Playing the foundation of yin and yang, practicing the two forms is true." Law."

Too familiar!
Back then, they were suppressed by those three unscrupulous people of Taixuanzong from the beginning of the Qi refining period.

When refining the fifth level of Qi, run the positive and negative spiral strength through the three yang meridians of the hand?
His grandma is a bear!Back then, I was tricked by that guy, and I couldn't get out of bed for three days.

When refining the eighth layer of qi, through the resonance of the meridians of the arms, it is refined into a "great shift of yin and yang"?
Get lost—this was the trick back then, I was almost disfigured by the mountain spirit I had summoned!

More and more energy gathered around Shan Lingqing, and he could even feel the anger of these invisible fellows.

Jumping in the face, this is clearly rubbing salt in our wounds.

This kid, he did it on purpose!
Shan Lingqing suppressed his anger, and reluctantly said a word for Fu Henghua: "However, he did not officially use the name of preaching the 'Yin-Yang Heavenly Book', but just hid some important practice formulas and fighting skills in other Yin-Yang Taoist books. .”

It was not a lie back then that Donglai Taoism came out of Taixuan.

After refining and comparing many Taoist formulas, you can find the same details as Taixuan's mental method.This is also the reason why Fu Henghua was able to comprehend the "Tai Xuan Tian Shu".

Fu Henghua would never show the version of the heavenly script that Xuanwei sent Master Hengyuan to comprehend.What he is talking about now is what he summed up when he read the fragments of ancient books when he was in Langhuan Pavilion.

Huang Po Lingshen flew into the air with the vision of two real dragons, and returned to Fu Henghua's body.Heng Hua glanced at Shan Lingqing, noticing the uncontrollable anger of the Jiexians, he changed the content wisely, and began to talk about Zihuang Taoism.


The Jiexians were shocked.

"He even learned the Taoism of the two pavilions? Wait, why not Jade Sage?"

Jade Sage Good Fortune is obviously more suitable for Fu Henghua.

Fu Henghua gave a rough explanation of some pure yang cultivation, the Zihuang Pavilion Taoism practiced within the Jindan, and then transferred to the Jade Sage Taoism of "eating jade to practice, transforming jade to avoid disaster".

After briefly explaining the Taoism of the two pavilions, Heng Hua transferred to the Taoism of the Fufeng, Yunlie, Leixiao, and Jinyu Four Immortal Palaces again.

Needless to say, Fufeng is from the same family.

Fu Henghua took the inheritance of Yun Lie Taoist scriptures and read the original version.

Looking at Lei Xiao's method, Yu Xiaolei and "Zi Dian Jing Mang" can guess it all.

The techniques of the Golden Rain Immortal Palace can be estimated at [-]% to [-]% through the inheritance of Jinxia Tiannv.

"One sect, one sect, two pavilions and four palaces. This kid, the main thing is that the rain and dew are evenly exposed, and every family has to talk about it—it's really Donglai's miscellaneous learning." Wang He was speechless.

With the explanation of various Taoism, the anger that had been provoked in his heart was silently extinguished.

Unknowingly, the moon climbs to the sky.

The stars of Taiqing Peak were lit up with silver light.

Looking at the mountain peak behind the high platform, thousands of lights are like scaled dragons walking around the mountain.The Taoist palace on the top of the peak is like a dragon ball being arched by a "long dragon".

"Ah——it's Uncle Xuange's Star Soul Daoist." Fu Xueke suddenly realized, I also thought that my uncle had achieved success in cultivation, so I changed my temper.Dare to plan to tinker with "visions" after nightfall?
The beautiful scene of the silver dragon wrapped around the mountain can be seen at a glance even from other spiritual peaks hundreds of miles away.

Naturally, some of Chi Yuan's disciples, who had not arrived before daylight, couldn't bear their curiosity and came to watch.

As soon as you arrive, you will see the rosettes on Gaotai's glow discs, and the five-color brilliance shines brightly.There are nine dragons surrounding the lotus seat, reciting mantras, and praising the great sages for teaching the Dharma.

Anyone who sees this scene can't help but praise "Residing in the world with high truth, the world of mortals is exiled to immortals".

Fu Henghua became interested, looked up at the silver plate, and said again: "The moon is the innate rule. The moon is dark and bright, and it is also the practice of yin and yang..."

Well, you won't let go of the Taiyin Mansion's Taoism!

The immortals were speechless, and for a moment they forgot to pursue and blame Taixuan Taoism.

In the final analysis, it is just to explain the secret essence of qi refining in the yin and yang Taoism.He didn't even teach the foundation building technique, so he didn't take it seriously, he didn't take it seriously.

It's just that the dark history of the past was revealed, so angry!
All the Jiexians held back and listened quietly to Fu Henghua's explanation of the Taiyin secret method.

The moon wheel surveyed the sky, and Yinhua swayed from the void, which made it easier for Fu Henghua to demonstrate the secret art of Taiyin.

For a time, the cloudy, sunny and dark moon, in the hands of Fu Henghua, turned into the evolution process of a golden elixir.From a yang, to a yang and yin, and then to a cathode and a yang.

Wang He's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Mrs. Jin Hua who was under his hand.With a smile on her face, she held her right hand empty, filled the palm with moonlight, and swallowed a condensed pill.

Immediately, the golden elixir in her body washed away the lead, and directly completed the function of one turn.

"Thank you buddy."

Mrs. Jinhua bowed deeply and continued to sit down and listen to the sermon.

Today, she is not the first Chi Yuan monk to benefit.Fu Henghua preached in three parts, benefiting countless Chiyuan disciples.

Wang He and Shan Lingqing looked at the disciples in the venue and sighed in their hearts: Let's talk, let's talk.As long as the Taixuan Tianshu is not officially brought out, some fragments can be left to him.

At most, at most, we pretended not to hear!
With so many favors, they are too embarrassed to make things difficult for a junior because of a little grievance from the past.


At Xushi, Fu Henghua rang the golden bell again.

"This is the end of today's sermon, and we will continue to speak tomorrow at Chenshi."

After saying that, the whole person disappeared from the pulpit.

In an instant, Shan Lingqing noticed that there were several hidden auras around him chasing after him.

"These people, they won't really go and beat people up?"

Shan Lingqing muttered a little, and beckoned Wang He to follow closely.


Because when Fu Henghua, Bu Xuan, and Shan Lingqing inquired, they did not limit the content of their sermons.

As a result, Fu Henghua's youth became psychic, and deliberately brought out some yin and yang methods to bluff people.

After the sermon was over, he saw many immortals surrounding him, so he resolutely ran back to the Xingyuan Hall on Taiqing Peak.

"Cousin, the door is closed!"

Greeting Fu Xuange to send battle spirits to block the gate, Fu Henghua hid directly inside.

"Little friend, please stay."

Behind, several air machines were locked.

Manman Chixia stood in front of Fu Henghua first.

Heng Hua didn't hesitate, and quickly sacrificed the "Great Chi Yuanzhu".

"Taiqingjing, open!"

As the air flowed, a Dao Domain opened up in front of him, and all the red clouds collapsed.

boom -

Several air machines behind had no time to dodge, crashing into the Taiqing Realm one after another.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fu Henghua entered the Xingyuan Hall and closed the gate.

"The preaching is too tiring, so take a break for now. I have something to say, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Hang up a note and ignore the people outside.

Seeing his youthful temper, Bu Xuan immediately shouted to everyone behind him: "You must not act recklessly, and you must not wantonly destroy his Dao domain."

A grandmaster who relies on the secret treasure Yuandan to condense the Dao domain is no different from a paper window in front of a high-level Jiexian like them.

But it's just some jokes, small fights, it's not worth hurting peace.

As the head of a faction, Bu Xuan is mature and prudent, so of course he won't let his fellow disciples really hurt Fu Henghua.


"Brother, look quickly!"

A robbery immortal behind him exclaimed and pointed to the Taoist palace in the center of the Taiqing Realm.

"The patriarch is here!"


Bu Xuan looked at it, opened his mouth, and stood there in a daze.

The clear air flows, and the red palace is majestic.

There is a Gaozhen standing in front of the Dachi Palace, wearing red clothes and holding a dragon staff, and participating in the "Tianzun Daoguo" with a group of colleagues.

There was a bang in Bu Xuan's mind, leaving only one thought: "Why is the first ancestor here?"

"Proving the Tao and establishing the sage can resurrect all the predecessors who have cause and effect in this Tao."

Hearing the muttering of a Jiexian next to him, Bu Xuan came back to his senses.

Why are the sects committed to cultivating the younger generation?

Isn't it just that after the fall of oneself, the orthodoxy was passed on to future generations.Will one day the younger generations prove the Tao, thus resurrecting themselves, and ascending to heaven?

"If someone comprehends the Great Equator Fruit, he will be able to revive many seniors in the lineage of the Great Chi Tianzun. If he becomes attached to the Patriarch, the Patriarch himself will of course be able to be resurrected."

Is there any connection between Fu Henghua and Chi Yuan's first ancestor?

The ancestor who opened Chiyuan Taoism is the pioneer of today's mountain law.Fu Henghua has studied many Taoism methods, dare to say that he has never touched his own things?

This cause and effect has naturally fallen down long ago.

Therefore, if Fu Henghua comprehended the Great Equator Fruit, he would be able to revive the first ancestor, no, many predecessors from the Chiyuan Shenzhou era.

Thinking of this possibility, the aroused temper of everyone dissipated.

"Brother, don't be fooled—"

Shan Lingqing and Wang He chased after them, seeing the Jiexians staring blankly in the direction of the Great Red Palace, they inevitably slowed down a bit.

"You are this?"

Wang He walked up suspiciously, but when he saw the first ancestor in the Great Red Palace, he was also stunned.

Compared with Chiyue Mountain, Taiqing Realm is more convenient to resonate with "Great Chitian".

Think back to this guess, and then look at the scene in front of you.

He couldn't help but start to wonder which one was the orthodox "Da Chi Tian Shu".

Shan Lingqing is not a disciple of Chiyuan who practiced the "Great Chitianshu", so his psychological pressure is relatively small.He leaned forward and took a look, then stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Taiqing Realm turned into a myriad of clear lights and collapsed.

Everyone stood in front of the Xingyuan Hall, and Shan Lingqing looked at the note at the door, speechless: "I heard Ling Tianchou said that he behaved. It is said that there is also a sign in his Langhuan Pavilion, and his grandfather is not allowed to break free. Let’s go. Let’s leave for now, and wait until tomorrow when he preaches, and then we’ll make up our minds.”

The Jiexians were silent, and they were not in the mood to return to the cave.He simply found a hidden place to meditate under Taiqing Peak.

But Dongfang Changyun and others benefited from Fu Henghua's preaching, and they cultivated diligently one by one, but they had no way to build a foundation.Since he refused to leave at will, he sat in the sermon hall and meditated, waiting for the next day.


The next day, dawn broke.

Fu Xuange got a message from Fu Henghua, summoning the war soul Taoist soldiers to rearrange the venue.

Shan Lingqing saw his subordinates laying out the futons one by one in the venue, he couldn't help asking: "What is this for?"

"My cousin said that the Dharma should not be passed on lightly. The number of attendees at Taiqing Peak today is limited to 3000."

Three thousand?

Shan Lingqing glanced around, many people did not leave after yesterday's sermon.Those who left spread the news, and if other people heard about it, the venue would indeed be crowded.It is reasonable to arrange the quota.

Dongfang Changyun, Yang Dan and others did not leave last night, and now they naturally received futons and seized a good position.But they knew how to measure and did not go to the front few rows.Especially in the first row, the seven futons specially placed out by Fu Henghua's care, they naturally dare not sit on them.

Among the seven futons, Shan Lingqing and Wang He naturally occupied two seats.Mrs. Jin Hua also took a seat, leaning on Wang He.After Ling Yuanzheng arrived, he also occupied a seat by virtue of his peer status with Shan Lingqing.In addition, Bu Xuan and the others did not really show up, but questioned Fu Henghua from a hidden side.

As soon as Fu Henghua came out of Xingyuan Hall, he was surrounded by a group of people led by Bu Xuan.

"What? Patriarch Chiyuan? I don't know?

"Taixuan Taoism? You are overthinking it, it is the Taoism of the Donglai Yin-Yang system, and has nothing to do with the Taixuan Heavenly Book."

Heng Hua asked three questions, and put aside all relations.

Finally, in order to change the topic, I specifically asked about Wen Rong's current situation.

"How is Senior Wen? Can Senior Song treat him?"

"Yesterday, Junior Brother Song went to the war zone and was ambushed by the Demonic Dao. Although he repelled the demons and successfully entered the Immortal Dao camp, he is recovering from meditation at the moment, and he has not had time to rescue Junior Brother Wen. But today and tomorrow, Junior Brother Wen will be safe. If you After the sermon is over, let Fu Baitang go to serve the master, so as to improve the relationship."

Bu Xuan's words were also to inquire about the time of Fu Henghua's preaching.

If it's okay for three to five days, if he preaches the Yin-Yang Taoism here every day, he won't be able to sit still.

"That's okay. Today I will talk about the foundation-building Taoism, and tomorrow I will talk about the secrets of knotting pills. There are three days of lectures. How much you can understand depends on chance."

Fortunately, in just three days, there should be no moths.

--I guess so?


As the hour approached, Fu Henghua appeared again on the podium.

He deliberately came earlier this time, and carefully looked at the [-] guests at the venue.

Especially the people in the front seven futons, he paid more attention to take care of them.

Shan Lingqing, Wang He, and Ling Yuanzheng took the first three places, and Wang Yu, Tian Shishan, and Mrs. Jin Hua sat in the fourth, fifth and sixth places.The seventh peak master is also their peer.

Fu Henghua carefully watched the seven people, then looked away.

Shan Lingqing seemed to be aware of it, and carefully checked the futon under him.

Although the futon is purple, there is a hint of inspiration, but there seems to be no other secrets?

It was said that the audience was full, and the venue had been sealed off by Fu Xuange's battle spirit.Although many monks outside wanted to come in, they were invited away one by one by the fighting spirits.There were a few Golden Core cultivators who were furious and wanted to do something, but when Bu Xuan secretly released an energy mechanism, they retreated silently one by one.

"After the sermon, be sure to give us an explanation."

"Good talk, good talk."

Heng Hua's sound transmission responded, and then spoke seriously.

"Today we will talk about the Nine Methods of Foundation Establishment."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the Dao sound boomed again.

Thousands of red clouds filled the venue, just like a wonderland.

The foundation building chapter of "Taiqing Dachishu" is roughly the same as "Wanyue Dachishu", both refining Daoji into mountain shapes.

Yesterday, Dongfang Changyun was in the breakthrough stage.Now that he is taught by Fu Henghua, he has directly taken that dreamed-for step.

Finally, I——established the foundation!

Dongfang Changyun endured the ecstasy in his heart, and silently guided the sublimated true essence into his dantian.

Shan Lingqing glanced at him, then looked up at the sky.

A cloud of catastrophe loomed on Taiqing Peak, but the vision of Heng Hua's preaching was shrouded, and the calamity of foundation building could not be resolved for a long time.

"The Heavenly Tribulation of the Great Red Book, is it a practice at the level of the Heavenly Book? This kid surnamed Dongfang has a good chance. It's a pity that the method of Taiqing is too subtle."

In the future, it is okay to switch to the "Wan Yue Da Red Book", but if he continues to practice the "Tai Qing Da Red Book", Chi Yuan Dao Fa will not be able to find him a teacher at all.The best result is that the Chiyuan Taoist sect recognized his practice, and after Fu Henghua returned to Donglai, he was allowed to inherit Taiqing Peak, and studied the "Great Equatorial Fruit" according to the "Taiqing Dachishu" orthodoxy, which was passed down by the first ancestor. Continuation of another channel of Dao fruit inheritance.

Shan Lingqing understood that he saw the projection of the first ancestor in Fu Henghua's Taiqing Realm last night.It is enough to make the fellow disciples make concessions on some insignificant matters.

Even though the influence of the first ancestor began to fade in the Chiyuan Taoist sect, as the ancestor of the sect.Without the foundation laid by the first ancestor, there would be no current Chiyuan Taoist sect.For the sake of the ancestors, they can tolerate Chiyue's lineage that purely studies the "Great Equatorial Fruit" and diverges from the "Shanfa".

Only for the Taiqing Peak lineage, it can be tolerated.

Shan Lingqing silently drew the bottom line in his heart, and even made preparations.In the future, if Dongfang Changyun insists on practicing the "Taiqing Dachishu", this junior can also give Fu Henghua to inherit the orthodoxy.

According to the sermon, Dongfang Changyun did not build the foundation alone.Several other outer disciples also got this opportunity and succeeded in building foundations one after another.

On Taiqing Peak, several calamity clouds condensed, gradually suppressing Fu Henghua's preaching vision.

Dongfang Changyun stood up at this moment: "Senior, junior dare not disturb the venue, so go out to cross the tribulation."

Several other disciples also got up quickly.

"For such a trivial matter, why should you delay the opportunity to hear the sermon?"

Fu Henghua put on an air of superiority, but he was clapping inwardly.

That's it, I've been wanting to play with this for a long time.

Why did you suppress the breakthrough of Dongfang Changyun and others yesterday?Just for today, let Fu Henghua display his magical powers and show off.

Scanning the audience, his eyes fell on Bu Xuan and other hidden people.

Holding the jade crown in Fu Henghua's hand, a stream of Taiqing Qi rushed out of the Heavenly Spirit, and the big Chi Yuanzhu circulated in the air, forming a Taiqing Realm immediately.


The Dao Realm rose into the clear sky, gathered several robbery clouds in an instant, and then fell into Heng Hua's hands.

He held his right hand empty, and smiled at Dongfang Changyun: "Look, what is this?"

The young man looked at Heng Hua's empty hand carefully. Although he knew that Fu Henghua had used his power to help him capture Jieyun's inspiration, he couldn't see the Jieyun corresponding to him with his naked eyes.

At this time, Shan Lingqing quietly sent a voice transmission: "Since the foundation has been established, why not observe it with the eyes of your heart?"

The young man's heart moved, and he took care of him silently with his mind and eyes.


He felt a scorching sky fire burning in Heng Hua's palm.

That was the punishment that heaven and earth blessed him with, and it was a trial that prevented him from living forever against the sky.

Unknowingly, the sky fire in his eyes gradually turned into a long and thin thing.

Dongfang Changyun hesitated, and whispered: "Stand?"

Fu Henghua smiled, a red light flashed in his hand, and the sky-tribulation fireworks condensed into a three-foot walking stick.

The whole body is red, and there is a raging golden flame at the end of the stick.

"This stick was transformed by your heavenly calamity. After returning home, sacrifice your heart and blood, and suffer the calamity of being burned by the fire of the sky. One is to overcome the cause and effect of the calamity, and the other is to sacrifice and refine the magic weapon."

Point robbery is treasure!

Shan Lingqing was silent.

Although he cooperated a little, seeing Fu Henghua playing tricks, refining Jieyun into a magic weapon with the secret method of good fortune, and giving it to Dongfang Changyun, his mood was still tumbling.

In terms of mana power and morality, Fu Henghua at this moment is still not comparable to these Jiexians.

But in terms of good fortune, Shan Lingqing had to admit that Fu Henghua at this moment was enough to stand at their same level, and even had advantages over them in some aspects.

Creation is indeed his strong point.

Soon, several other disciples also obtained the "Jie Luck Spirit Treasure" from Fu Henghua.

Heng Hua continued to preach, and the Taiqing Realm did not disappear after it unfolded.The Great Chi Yuanzhu rotated in the sky, and the Taiqing Realm gradually merged with the preaching venue.

Yushu Qionghua, fairy palace towers...

Every plant and tree in the Taiqing Realm replaces the present world, pulling three thousand listeners into a realm of illusion.

The Taiqing Peak behind Henghua turned into a big red palace.Countless real phantoms appeared beside him, one of them was dressed in red, with a dragon staff lying flat on his knees, listening to Fu Henghua's explanation of the "Great Equator Fruit" with a smile.

Patriarch manifests himself!

Wang He, Mrs. Jinhua and others shouted in their hearts.

It is a high-standard preaching vision to arouse the resonance of the Dao through preaching, so that the incarnation and projection of this Dao sage appear on the scene.

In the thousands of years of Chiyuan Taoist records, there are a total of [-] sermons showing the appearance of the first ancestor, all of whom are Chiyuan True Immortals and Jiexians.

Right now, an outsider preaching preaching has attracted the attention of the first ancestor...

Is it really the "Great Equator Fruit" of fellow practitioners, the person who pioneered the "Taiqing Great Red Book"?

Shocked, Wang He silently took out the jade slips and recorded every word Fu Henghua preached about the "Great Equator Fruit".

After all, he has now figured out the beauty of Taiqingjing.

"Taiqingjing" is more suitable for connecting to "Great Equator Fruit" than Chiyue Mountain.After the Taiqing Realm is unfolded, you can communicate with the "Da Chi Tianzun" in the dark, and receive some seniors who practiced this way to descend and project.In the battle, you can even invite these shadows to help.

Think about it, my first ancestor will be dragged into the human world by Fu Henghua to fight every day in the future.

Who is the orthodox of the Chiyuan Taoist sect!

Think about it, if there is a conflict with Fu Henghua in the future.People only need to summon the projection of the first ancestor - oh, he has the blessing of the Great Way, maybe he can also embody the first ancestor in flesh and blood.

Then, if they fight, if they do anything, they will bear the name of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors.

Who can stand this?
(End of this chapter)

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