
Chapter 598 I Know Chi Yuan Better than You

Chapter 598 I Know Chiyuan Better than You ([-] words)
Not long after Chiyuan's first ancestor manifested his holiness, a new Daozhen projection surrounded Henghua's body.

Dressed in white, Ruyi rested on his knees, and the man rested his chin in thought.

Holding a lotus branch, sitting on the back of a six-tusk golden elephant, with a smile on his face.

Standing with a gun, wearing a purple-gold armor, a general with a majestic expression on his face.

In addition, there are the old man who rides the dragon, the fairy boy who plays the flute, the jacquard basket nun and so on.

Grand Master, Uncle Grand Master, and the Patriarch of the Five Generations of Mountain Palms?

Wang He looked at those dao shadows, silently calculating in his heart.

Of course, he didn't know more Daoying in Taiqingjing.Those Daozhen costumes are quite different from those in the eastern and southern continents.

Preaching and preaching, sages appearing.

The manifested existence is the many senior sages who have comprehended this way in nine heavens and ten places.Those Daozhen that Wang He didn't know were naturally seniors who had comprehended the "Great Equator Fruit" from other regions.

"The magical effect of the Taiqingjing can be used as a platform to communicate with the predecessors—"

When a brand new female Taoist figure appeared, he could no longer restrain the waves in his heart.


His mother was also Chiyuan's former Jiexian, the Lord of the Red Dragon Peak.

Mrs. Jinhua watched her master appear, and couldn't sit still any longer.

"Fellow Daoist, can you Daoying..."

Heng Hua raised his right hand lightly, and many Dao shadows disappeared with the wind, returning to Taiqing Realm again, Madam Jinhua's face was full of disappointment.

"These dao shadows are just the voices and faces of senior Gao Zhen who imprinted on the world when he comprehended the Dao. Don't say that they can't be sent to fight with Taiqing Taoism, and they can't even communicate with each other."

Of course, only now.

According to Fu Henghua's speculation, if someone cultivates the "Taiqing Dachishu" to the true immortality.He has the ability of "refining the virtual into the real", turning the Daozhen manifested in the Taiqing Realm into reality, and fighting as a Daoist Daoist and a god general.

Bu Xuan secretly deduced and calculated, and soon confirmed Fu Henghua's words.He nodded with the fellow disciples beside him: "He's right, the Patriarch and the others are just 'Dao image phantoms' and don't have combat power."

But it is only limited to the "Law of Taiqing", Bu Xuan thought.

When he was calculating and deliberating, he noticed another possibility: Fu Henghua was not a pure "Taiqing Taoist monk", his fundamental avenue was good fortune.

If he forcibly keeps a dao shadow by his side and infuses the dao shadow with life, it may make the brand projection without thinking and thinking capable of fighting.

taboo, vigilance...

Thinking that the other party might do something bad to Patriarch Daoying, Bu Xuan was full of resistance.

This kid's method is too evil!

At this moment, a pebble shook a few times on the rocky beach not far from the venue.Then it rolled to the front of the podium, shaking constantly under the gaze of everyone, as if kowtowing to Fu Henghua.

"This—the stubborn stone nodded?"

Can this guy's preaching make an ordinary stubborn stone give birth to wisdom?

This guy is used to arranging visions, could it be that this is also the case—Bu Xuan looked at Heng Hua's expression, and saw that he was also thoughtful and surprised, and understood that this was not a deliberate arrangement.

"Spirituality, Taiqingjing, Great Equatorial Shadow."

Heng Hua glanced at the senior Daoying who had all returned, and once again looked at Taiqing Miaoqi hovering beside him.

Da Chi Tian and Da Chi Tian Zun are the innate Dao fruits that objectively exist in the universe, and they are the laws of Dao.The monks of the past dynasties have been proclaiming the Tao to keep themselves close to the "Great Equator Fruit".Wan Yueshu set up the mountain as the pillar of heaven, close to the great red sky.The book of Taiqing opens up the realm of Taiqing, and the realm of Taiqing communicates with the Great Chitian.

Although many predecessors failed to prove the Great Equator Fruit, their imprints still appear in the Great Chitian and become part of the "Red God Way".When someone truly proves the Tao in the future, he can master the Great Chitian and resurrect all the seniors who have karma with him.

This is the original intention of cultivating truth.

However, the dao shadows that exist in the great red sky are not just creatures who practice this dao the day after tomorrow!
The Great Chitian is formed by the Dao, and every plant and tree is the embodiment of the Dao.Grass is the elixir of life and the grass of immortality, and the stone is the touchstone and the stone of youth.These things that are generated by the Dao and exist in the Great Chitian naturally have their spirituality.Even Da Chitian itself can give birth to innate and true saints.

"When I was preaching just now, the spiritual stone in Da Chitian accidentally matched with a stubborn stone under Taiqing Peak, causing a trace of aura from Da Chitian to burn on the stubborn stone?"

Heng Hua looked at the stubborn rock constantly shaking in front of his seat, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy in his heart.

This shows that I have preached well!

Even the stones praised and celebrated for themselves, and the spirit stones in the Great Chitian all descended.

For a young man who has only practiced for more than a hundred years and likes to be gorgeous and ostentatious, this undoubtedly satisfies Fu Henghua's vanity and makes him feel radiant.

It's just that after the stubborn stone moved for a while, the brand of the great red sky became weaker and weaker, showing a faint tendency to dissipate.Cracks also began to appear on the surface of the stubborn stone, and the shaking became more and more violent.

"After all, it's just a stubborn stone, unable to carry the aura within the territory of Xiantian Dao."

Heng Hua looked at the stubborn stone with pity.

Although this stubborn stone is not a real sentient being, it is evolving towards a real life because of that wisp of spirituality.

But at the moment, this life that is about to be conceived has not yet formed, and it is heading for destruction.

"Since you and I are destined—"

Heng Hua's Dao heart sprouted, and he slowly stretched out his hand.

Shan Lingqing's eyelids twitched suddenly.

Wang He woke up from his contemplation, staring at Fu Henghua's finger in disbelief.

"Mediate good fortune."

Bu Xuan whispered with difficulty.

Compared with what Yang Dai said back then, it took several days to point out the finger of good fortune.Now Fu Henghua's magical powers of good fortune have indeed improved.

"No, it's not a real mediation of good fortune. This supernatural power has not been formed, and it has not been refined into a magical talisman." After being shocked, Ling Yuanzheng quickly confirmed it with his wisdom.

A little bit, not in one aspect, but in all aspects.

The purity of the true energy is not enough, the state of mind is not enough to control, the way is also weaker, and the strength of the body seems to be unable to keep up?
"If it is a finger of true good fortune, it is enough to transform this stubborn stone into a living thing. But now—"

The stubborn stone stopped collapsing, and that trace of innate spirituality fell into a deep sleep.With Fu Henghua waving his sleeves, the stone fell under the gossip platform, bathing in the aura of his preaching.

"It still needs to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and the aura of heaven and earth to nourish it. It shows that his magical powers of good fortune are not yet at home."

Ling Yuanzheng communicated with his seniors silently, but Shan Lingqing and others gave him a silent look.

Fu Henghua can refine colorful stones and prevent stubborn stones from self-destructing.His art of good fortune is not at home, why do you feel that you are mocking all of us?
With one finger of good luck, touch a stone to become a spirit.

Indeed, that is a serious magical power of good fortune.But in our Chiyuan Taoist sect, only two immortals can perform it!

Heng Hua put the stubborn stone under his seat, and soon stopped talking about the Great Equator Fruit, and switched to the Earth Sha 72 technique again.

"Tiangang has a number of forty-nine, and Disha has a number of eighty-nine. Practicing eighty-nine small magical powers can comprehend the 'magic of good fortune', and reach the same goal as the great magical power of Tiangang."

The great supernatural power of Tiangang studied by Fu Henghua is the first of the 36 methods, "Mediate Good Fortune".Back then, he specially burned incense and prayed to the heavens to select this topic.

The study of the so-called 72 earth magic arts is exactly Fu Henghua's answer to the topic of "mediating good fortune".

Select a few from the Tiangang Taoism, and even refine all the other 35, you will naturally know how to "mediate good fortune"?
That's too hard.

The energy put in is so great that Fu Henghua's wisdom may have been five or six hundred years, or even thousands of years of hard work.

That's why I found another way to organize what I have learned into "72 small skills" and practice "small magical symbols".Compared with great supernatural powers, the power reduction of these small supernatural powers is naturally not the same.But it also has the instant ability, and it contains the magic of the Dao.

As the pioneer of this way, Fu Henghua has summed up all the things he has learned into 72 skills, and condensed all of them into small magic symbols.

Through the combination of 72 small magical talismans, he can temporarily simulate some of the magical effects of the "mediation of good fortune" magical power.

Compared with yesterday's general explanation, Fu Henghua's 72 skills are obviously more attentive today.And with his finger just now, the Jiexians present did not dare to underestimate the supernatural powers of Earth Sha, and began to think and scrutinize one after another, condensing the Taoism and knowledge they had accumulated for thousands of years into their own 72 Earth Sha arts.

"There is no fixed pattern for the 72 earth magic spells, and it varies from person to person. But as long as you perfect your own 72 small magical talismans, you can hope to understand the wonders of good fortune and understand the highest supernatural powers."

Heng Hua struck the golden bell, and at the same time as yesterday, he finished the second part of the sermon and started the third part "Donglai Miscellaneous Studies".

It's still the yin and yang Taoism mixed with other exercises to talk about private goods.Like the Great Red Book, yesterday we talked about refining Qi, and today we talked about building foundations.

"Okay, have all the foundation chapters of Taixuan been moved here? The law of life and death, the spirit and spirit will return from the nine seclusions, and the book of life and death will be refined for the fundamental magic weapon?"

"Eh? There's also the Sun-Moon Joint Practice, practicing the Sun-Moon Magic Mirror?"

Bu Xuan deliberated on the yin-yang foundation-building method explained by Fu Henghua.

It is not the same as the method of Taixuanzong in the past, but it is also the path of sublimation of the innate Taoism.

"Refining Dao as a treasure, his self-created method of building a foundation in heavenly scriptures?"

Heng Hua took it at his fingertips and explained one by one the various foundation building methods he had deduced for Fu Baimin that day.

"Light is dark and dark, how to refine the sword of Liangyi to open the sky?"

"Water and fire are mixed together, cultivated into Kanli orbs, and can imitate the method of golden elixir at the beginning of foundation establishment?"

Shan Lingqing and Wang He murmured more and more in their hearts when they heard the foundation building method.

You could say it was unintentional yesterday, but today you moved out a dozen chapters of the foundation-building method of Taixuan Tianshu.It is also deliberately placed behind the "Big Red Book". Is this intentional?

Definitely intentional, right?
"Brother Zhangshan, don't let him go on messing around. Yesterday we talked about refining Qi, today we talked about building foundations, and tomorrow we're going to talk about Taixuan alchemy?" Wang He seriously transmitted his voice to Buxuan.

"That's right. But he has been very kind to my family, and today he also helped several disciples build foundations."

"It's just foundation building, and I'll find a chance to repay this favor in the future. But when I preach tomorrow, I absolutely don't allow the emergence of the Taixuan Jindan method!"

"He sacrificed five-colored stones for us."

"The Five Elements Mountain method is just that, we can do it ourselves."

Wang He panicked.

That's a sect that is serious about the heavenly book's luck.

Compared with the heavenly script Taoist method deduced by human wisdom, the yin and yang Taixuan method really comes from the Tao, and has really walked out of a Taixuan Daoist who has truly proved it.

In terms of competitiveness, he doesn't think his own "Chiyue Ji" can win.

If Taixuan Taoism really spreads in Nanyan Fuzhou, can the family still have the current dominant position?
"No matter what, we must not let him continue to indulge. Today's sermon is over, and we will look for him again. This time, we will not give him a chance to escape!"

"Junior brother is so brave. So if he summons the first ancestor and your mother to the door, what should you do?"


Wang He opened his mouth and remained silent.

when - when -

"Today's sermon is over, please wait for your enlightenment. At the same time tomorrow, we will start the lecture again."

After Heng Hua finished speaking, he went back.

"Wait a minute!"

Although Wang He hadn't figured out how to face Dao Ying of his mother and patriarch.But thinking of the threat of Taixuan Taoism, he couldn't help but rushed forward.

"Shen Xing—Fixed body—Go away."

Heng Hua used three earth magic techniques in a row to close the door of Xingyuan Hall before Wang He rushed up.


After taking a bite of his nose, Wang He cursed angrily:

"You kid—"

He subconsciously wanted to summon the three mountain spirits.

The red energy was moving, the Daoist rhyme of Taiqing was flowing, and two Taoist shadows, a man and a woman, appeared in front of the gate.

The old man with the red dragon staff.

A woman with a basket of flowers.

Wang He quickly reaped the power and moved the three mountains that had been summoned.

"Damn it! You bastard! Brat! You have the ability to open the door!"

Shan Lingqing, Bu Xuan and others also followed.

Looking at the angry Wang He, Bu Xuan frowned and said: "Little friend, you are not an unwise person. You have no enmity with me Chi Yuan in the past, why use such means to disadvantage me Chi Yuan?
"I'm talking about some yin and yang Taoism, just to fight against Chiyuan? Will it damage the Chiyuan Taoism?"

Accompanied by Wang He's "Don't hide inside and keep quiet", a reply slowly came from inside.

"The Chiyuan Taoist sect passed on the method of Hunyuan, Xiantianli Gua. The orthodoxy is so empty, can it be broken with only a few Yin-Yang Taoism books?"

"What you are talking about is not an ordinary Taixuan Taoist book. It is clearly a Taoist method of the heavenly scriptures. Your methods of refining treasures and building foundations are clearly corresponding to the heavenly Taoist methods of Taixuanzong."

Taixuan's life-defying technique, the method of reversing yin and yang, and the method of opening the sky with two ceremonies...

They have all been taught in those years.

"So? Are you worried that I will establish the Yin-Yang Taoism in Nanzhou? I don't have that much free time. It takes time to refine colorful stones, and I still have the mind to toss about those?"

"Then why do you spread this kind of Taoism?"

You don't spread it yourself, but seduce a few members of my family to inherit Taixuan Taoism.

That's even more embarrassing!
"These are the yin and yang Taoisms that I have realized by myself, and they are not evolved from the Taixuan Tianshu. When I preach, I teach others and instruct others to practice the Yin and Yang Dao, and it doesn't involve the difference between orthodoxy. What's more——"

The clear voice inside was a little puzzled: "Even if you practice these yin and yang Taoism, could it be that your disciple changed his surname to Taixuan? The philosophy of the Chiyuan Taoist school, not everything based on mountains, can be regarded as your family way Dharma? Every mountain in your family can accept so many lines of Taoism, so why not have one more line of Yin-Yang Taoism?"

"Hmph—you also said that the foundation is based on mountains. But what you spread has something to do with my family's Taoism! The Yin-Yang Taoism and the Mountain Calendar Taoism are two distinct paths."

"I don't agree with that—" Before Fu Henghua in Xingyuan Hall could refute, an old man rushed over from outside.Behind him followed Fu Xuange with a calm expression.

Seeing this old man, the hearts of several Jiexian present jumped, and they all showed ugly expressions.

How did this guy escape?

Seeing Fu Xuange, Bu Xuan seemed to realize something, and sighed, "Little friend, you did this on purpose."

"Nephew Divination."

The old man stroked his beard with an old-fashioned look: "Tell me, is there anything related to yin and yang in our family's mountain methods and spiritual peaks? Lingqing, Xiaohe, you also talk about the Taoism practiced by the old man. What?"

Shuangyan Peak is one of the Chiyuan Daolines passed down in the Shenzhou era. It advocates "learning from the strengths of yin and yang, and controlling the law of Taixuan."

At that time, there was a Chiyuan patriarch who was defeated by Taixuan's contemporary chief.He learned from the pain, and after nine days of hard thinking in the mountains, he recruited his disciples and said, "The Yin-Yang Dao is not unique to the Taixuan Sect, and we can also understand it. Only by using the Yin-Yang Dao method can we control the Taixuan Taoism."

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

Only by studying and analyzing Yin-Yang Taoism can we find the flaws in Taixuanzong's skills.

Under the suggestion of this patriarch, Shuangyanfeng collected all kinds of yin and yang Taoism, and continuously analyzed them into the "mountain method".

The old man flicked his sleeves and said loudly: "Mountains also have a distinction between yin and yang. When the sun shines on the south of the mountain, it is yang, and when the sun is hidden in the north of the mountain, it is yin. The mountain is the middle string, dividing yin and yang, judging dryness and wetness, and cutting off cold and warm. Why is there no concept of yin and yang? "

A "mountain ruler" protruded from the sleeve, watching Bu Xuan and others retreat one after another.

In terms of origin, Gongsun Qing is still the uncle of Bu Xuan, Wang He and others.

Back then, Chiyuan entered Nanzhou and wrestled with local heroes.He showed his face for the sect, and finally died in the hands of Demon Emperor Puhe.Simply immortal, able to reincarnate and re-cultivate, and re-enter the Chiyuan Taoist school.And when he came back, he found that the Shuangyan Peak Taoist lineage he took over back then no longer had many disciples.Counting the cats and dogs on Manfeng, there are only ten panting people.However, under the overt and covert suppression of Shan Lingqing, Bu Xuan and a large group of monks who hated Taixuan Taoism, Shuangyanfeng couldn't recruit new people at all.

Gongsun Qing'a could only lead the remaining disciples and grandchildren to study "Mountain Law of Yin and Yang" behind closed doors.Therefore, the news of Fu Henghua's sermon spread all over the mountains yesterday, but none of them came down the mountain.But the news of Fu Henghua's yin and yang Taoism was suppressed by Bu Xuan and others, and no one went to Shuangyan Peak to spread it.

It wasn't until Fuxuange went to ask for it that Gongsun Qing'a learned that Donglai came to teach Yin and Yang Taoism in Taiqing Peak.

"What's wrong with Taixuan Taoism? To put it bluntly, his family's Taoism is also a discussion of the Yin-Yang Dao of heaven and earth. We can learn it and study it as our own Yin-Yang Taoism."

Bu Xuan, Shan Lingqing and the others remained silent.

What Gongsun Qing'a said seems to be okay, but there is a fatal point, which is also the key to the tacit understanding of Chiyuan peaks to suppress Shuangyan Peak.

Whether it is Chishen or Yueshen, both of them can revive the ancestors who have a relationship with their own family.So what is the ultimate Dao fruit of the lineage of Shuangyan Peak?Is the last revived patriarch of his family his own senior Chi Yuan, or someone else's Tai Xuanzong's senior?
Taixuan Daosheng cultivated Yin and Yang to prove the Tao, and the future Dao fruit of Shuangyanfeng's branch, would he abduct into their house after practicing it, and become a "Taixuan Daosheng"?

Gongsun Qing'a looked at the crowd, saw that they were silent, and understood their thoughts.

"Don't worry, although I haven't thought of it now. But when I become an immortal in the future, I will think of it and delineate a new Dao fruit for the Shuangyan Peak lineage. Proving the Dao is not exclusive to the Dao. No one said that the Taixuan Taoist will generalize the Yin-Yang Dao Occupy, do not allow other people to practice, right?
"And to get out of the yin and yang of the mountain method that is completely different from Taixuan's yin and yang, we need to understand the other party's philosophy to find the difference."

Gongsun Qing'a tried to persuade Nephew Zhang Shan.

There is no way, the housekeeper, without his permission, the resources that my Shuangyan Peak gets every year are the least batch.Several monks in his family have no shortage of pills and spirit stones to practice kung fu, but if they want to study the yin and yang Taoism in depth, Bu Xuan will never let go of those yin and yang attributes of heaven and earth treasures.

"Our current achievements are not small. We practiced the Yin-Yang Mountain, and combined the water and fire methods into Shanyin and Shanyang. We used the secret art of the mountain to control temperature changes and light and dark changes. We have incorporated the Yin-Yang Taoism into our' Xianshan system'. As long as I go further, I am confident-"

"Seniors think that the method of mountain to divide yin and yang is to separate the yin and yang in a fairy mountain?"

In Xingyuan Hall, Heng Hua spoke suddenly.

"That's right, this is our idea after incorporating Yin-Yang Taoism into the Immortal Mountain system. At the time of Dacheng, we can even refine the sun and the moon into the Immortal Mountain. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west."

"Sounds a little tricky."

"Do you think so, too?" Gongsun Qing'a said with a smile, "I'll take part in the cold and heat, breathe out the essence, observe the changes of water and fire, and form the Danli Dao Dan. Understand the rise and fall of the sun and the moon, and practice the way of the true immortal. "

"The mere way to become a fairy, Xiao Dao'er!"

The voice in the hall was interrupted directly, and then the door opened.

As the young man walked out, he evolved a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram with his hands.

"I can only think of cold and heat, north and south, water and fire, sun and moon? Your Tao has stopped here!"

Gongsun Qing'a stared, and was about to scold: "What knowledge do you have, my son?"

You can see the yin and yang diagram of Henghua's evolution, and swallow the words silently.

"Shanfa naturally has the way of yin and yang, and it is orthodox in yin and yang! No one is more suitable for practicing the way of yin and yang than Chi Yuan. People who don't understand this are also worthy of practicing Yueshen?"

Heng Hua looked indignantly, and glanced at the other cultivators outside.

"I originally planned to save some face for you. You don't know the true way, so I'm fine if I don't talk about it. But there is still an old man talking nonsense outside, preaching about the yin and yang mountain becoming immortals.

"Thousands of years of painstaking practice, only to see Yin Yang Mountain become immortal. It really disgraces Senior Shan Lingzi."

Gongsun Qing'a didn't speak, and stared at Fu Henghua's Tai Chi diagram.

It's not that yin and yang fish are circulating with each other, but that Jiuzhong Qingxiao and Jiuzhong Earth are echoing each other.

What Fu Henghua evolved was the Grand View of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

In the big sphere of the whole sky, the nine layers of the earth's crust, the earth's surface, and the nine layers of clear sky constitute the entire grand view of the universe.


There is a central axis Taiji string running through this universe.

It is like a mountain piercing into the nine heavens, and its roots connect to the nine lands.

The young man sneered and said, "Mountains are clearly the most orthodox manifestation of Yin and Yang in the universe. If you don't understand this, it is also suitable for Xiao to think of 'Yue Shen Dao Fruit'?"

In the grand view of the universe of nine heavens and ten earths, mountains are natural phenomena dominating the earth.But if it is integrated with the earth and the deeply buried roots.Then the "mountain" is located between the nine heavens and the nine places.Connecting the nine worlds below, touching the nine heavens above to clear the sky, the mountain is the central axis of the Tianzhu that supports the clear and turbid.

From this point of view, the mountain is the Taiji string, which separates the pure and the dark, the Yin and the Yang, isn’t it the most fundamental and important natural phenomenon of the heaven and the earth?
"Senior Shan Lingzi delineated the 'Yue Shen Dao Fruit'. Why is Yue Shen the innate Dao fruit, and is the same as the 'Great Chi Tianzun'? It is because this is the most essential manifestation of heaven and earth. It should be noted that the Chiyuan Taoism comes from the Hunyuan Metal Chapter. When you study the fundamental Taoism, you don’t start with the nine heavens and nine earths that unite the heavens and nine earths, and regard the mountains and the nine heavens and nine earths as one. You really think that the mountains are just the raised surface of the earth—you won’t really see it On a superficial level, you only think that 'people living together are immortals' is the principle of Patriarch Chi Yuan?"

"And you, since you have comprehended the way of yin and yang, don't you know that water and fire are yin and yang, the sun and the moon are yin and yang, and emptiness and reality are also yin and yang? Mountains, although they are the embodiment of natural reality, but in Chiyuan Taoism, they should also Possess a 'mountain of virtuality'."

Bu Xuan and Gongsun Qing'a resonated in their brains, staring at Fu Henghua's evolved Taiji Diagram.

Under Fu Henghua's philosophy, what is Yueshen?
Is it just an innate immortal mountain god?
The reality of Yueshen is an immortal mountain, a sacred mountain that records everything forever and never wears out.

And its virtual form is the central axis force field that supports the separation of heaven and earth and maintains the nine heavens and nine earths.

In other words, it is the cosmic explosion, the invisible force that promotes the separation of yin and yang.

After the separation of voicing and turbidity, they are pulling each other again.But why did the clear sky and muddy earth not close in the end?It is because there is a force to achieve balance and maintain the pattern of heaven and earth.And this force is the "mountain of virtual appearance", the pillar of the universe.

Even, it can be regarded as the pioneering god of this universe.

"God Yue is the God of Kaitian! If you don't understand this, you are also worthy of practicing Chiyuan Taoism? Shame on you!"

After Heng Hua finished cursing, he quickly pulled Fu Xuange into the door, and then slammed the door hard.

Well, beautiful, this scene is well acted, I give myself full marks.

Ignoring the group of people outside, Fu Henghua took his cousin to sit down and drink tea.


Outside the door, a group of Jiexian stared with wide eyes.

In the end, Wang He couldn't help but said, "A few compliments to you, are you still out of breath?"

What does it mean that we are not worthy of practicing Chiyuan Taoism?
Look at your words, we are all robber immortals who have practiced for thousands of years!
"Brother, let me teach you a lesson, do you have any objections?" Wang He rolled up his sleeves and was about to knock on the door.

Suddenly, his eyes went black.

Gongsun Qing'a took the mountain ruler and swung it over, scaring Wang He to dodge quickly.

"Stay honest!" The old man frowned, and kept calculating with his right hand.

The mountain is the Optimus Prime, which controls the universe and distinguishes the clear from the turbid.

This concept is indeed superior to our own Shanyin and Shanyang, and it can also be connected with the current Taoism of Shuangyan Peak.

During the Qi refining period, one can understand the cold and heat, during the foundation building period, one can understand water and fire, during the Jindan period, one can understand the sun and the moon, and after being a true immortal, one can understand clear and turbidity, and evolve into a Yin-Yang Tianzhu.

What is this celestial pillar? It is the central axis of the nine heavens and ten earths when it is divided into yin and yang.With this Dao fruit, it is enough to advance one's own practice philosophy to the Dao level.

Moreover, this is a concept of yin and yang that is completely different from Taixuanzong's yin and yang daoguo.

Shuangyanfeng practiced according to this concept, and in the future, he would no longer be questioned as a legend of "Taixuan Daosheng".Because the Dao fruit they practice is not "Yin Yang Dao Zun" and "Yin Yi Hierarch", but the "Sacred Mountain and Tian Pillar" that stands upright and suppresses the universe, and is the god of pioneering.

Isn't this better than Taixuanzong?

If Shuangyan Peak followed this path, who would dare to say that his family was not the direct descendant of Chi Yuan?
Who dares to despise himself as a side branch of Taixuan?
Moreover, for the God of Yue that Fu Henghua said, only his own Taoism is the most suitable.

Looking at it this way, my family is Chi Yuan's most direct descendant, the most caring heart of the second generation patriarch Shan Lingzi.The other unworthy disciples and grandchildren have clearly gone astray!
Looking at the group of nephews and nephews in front of him, the old man suddenly became full of energy, and said loudly: "Shanfa Yueshen, who said that Yin and Yang Taoism can't work? My lineage of Shuangyan Peak is Chi Yuan's orthodox, the second generation of ancestors! Bu Xuan, in the future If you dare to question the correctness of my family's orthodoxy, you are deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, and disrespecting the second-generation patriarch!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands to the gate of Xingyuan Hall.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be angry with these juniors who don't understand Chiyuan's orthodoxy. You can continue to preach tomorrow, and I, Shuangyan Peak, will all be there to protect you!"

Finally, he glanced around at his nephews.

Thinking of all kinds of doubts in his past and present lives, Gongsun Qing'a said: "This old man knows Chi Yuan better than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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