
Chapter 601

"My brain—how can I be so stupid?"

Wen Rong and Fu Baitang were surrounded by swarms of black-feathered demon crows, Jie Xian could not help but sigh.

He led Fu Bai Tang out of the camp, originally planning to find a few devil cubs to practice and check the progress of Fu Bai Tang's cultivation.

But when Fu Baitang easily burned thousands of Yin demons to death with one hand Nanming Lihuo, Wen Rong was overjoyed, thinking that this son was proficient in Xiantian Li Gua, which was in line with his own Taoism.In order to further prove Fu Baitang's strength and prepare a teaching plan for him, Wen Rong planned to find some more powerful demon cultivators.

As a result, the two traveled farther and farther, and finally entered the encirclement of the magic way.

Originally, Hong Xu, the emissary in front of Young Master Youxuan, led a group of celestial and human masters to surround him, but Wen Rong was not afraid.But when he started to capture these demon cultivators, his mana suddenly stopped running, and he couldn't exert [-]% of his combat power.

Seeing the two of them surrounded by demons, Wen Rong inexplicably had a thought: Weird, it's all right, why should I lead Bai Tang out alone?Looking for Moxiu as a target, you can use the captives of the Immortal Dao Camp?
Wen Rong patted his forehead, could it be that the curse can even interfere with my sanity and thoughts?
"Senior, what should we do now?" Fu Baitang felt the aura of a master, his face turned pale with fright.

"This devil summoned three thousand black crows, and eight Heavenly Generals from the Desire Realm led the formation. The formation around us has not only the demons of the Desire Realm, but also the viciousness of the earth's evil spirits. Unfortunately, I don't have the 'Xuanhuo Banner' in my hand. If not, I won't be afraid to fight with the formation."

"Is it this one?"

The boy rummaged through his pockets and took out eighteen flags.

"Huh? Why do you have it? Your cousin made it for you? It's not that he's not good at refining weapons—ah, this is mine!"

Wen Rong came to his senses: "Wait, why are you holding my demon-subduing formation flag? Did you go to the fire well?"

"My cousin asked me to come to the battlefield to take care of you. I was worried about the safety of both of us, so I took my own initiative to get some magic weapons and secret treasures from the cave. I hope that senior will not blame you."

"Just a set of flags. Well done—"

Wen Rong was overjoyed, and taught Fu Baitang the operation formula: "You operate it, and set up a fire array around us."

As he spoke, he pinched the formula and used the "Nanli Profound Fire Cover" to protect the two of them.It was difficult for him to use his mana, but under the siege of all the guardians of the desire world, he could barely last for a while.

Soon, Fu Baitang planted the formation flag.

"Senior, do you think this is okay?"

Fu Baitang clapped his hands together, and the eighteen Xuanhuo flags in front of him were all lit up.The red flame wrapped around three times in an instant, protecting the two of them.

"Okay." Wen Rong breathed a sigh of relief, and dispersed the mysterious fire mask.

Looking at the circle of fire around him, Wen Rong said with a smile: "You also practice the true method of Li Gua, so you should be able to understand it? My set of array flags is made of Nanming Lihuo, and the earth fire gold spider silk and thousand-year-old red copper essence are used for three hundred years."

Before Wen Rong was promoted to Jiexian, this set of formation flags was one of his strongest methods.It's a pity that this set of formation flags is of little use to Jie Xian and Demon Lord.Before leaving, Wen Rong deliberately stayed in the fire well to warm up in order to protect his spirituality.

"The Xuanhuo Fumo Banner has the mana I sealed up earlier, so it's easy to defend against these puppet masters. By the way, what else did you bring out of the cave? Did you bring the twin swords with bird wings, the Lihuodi Lingzhu, and the magic mirror?"

Fu Baitang rummaged through his pockets for a while, and simply put the magic weapons and secret treasures he brought out in front of him one by one.

"I was in a hurry when I came out, and I didn't know what could help Senior, so I simply brought them all. Take a look? Which one is it?"

Bring them all?

Wen Rong looked at the hundreds of bottles of elixirs, more than 20 spiritual weapons, and fifty secret treasures in front of him...

The corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyelids twitched: "You just moved my family out!"

For Young Master Youxuan, many unnecessary things were left in the cave.Fortunately, Fu Baitang didn't keep a single thing, and moved all of them here.

But judging from the moment, this move happened to save the two of them.

Wen Rong picked two of the many magic weapons that Fu Baitang put out.

"You put on this set of armor, it can resist the attack of the Nascent Soul level. You also take this mirror, which can shoot the golden light of subduing demons and dispel the magic mist."

After choosing some secret treasures for him to defend himself, Wen Rong picked up a pair of flying swords himself.The whole body is red, the hilt is like a wing, and the blade is slightly curved.

These two sparrow wing swords were refined by Wen Rong after he formed the alchemy, imitating the appearance of the Vermilion Bird.It has been used to the level of a master, and then replaced with the three flying swords of immortal energy bestowed by the master.

Picking up the old sword again, Wen Rong sighed.

"Old friend, this time I have to rely on you to defend the way again."

The scattered magic power poured into Feijian, and he shouted: "Go."

The two swords let out a loud cry and joined together.The two sword hilts turned into wings, and with a fierce wave, it was like a giant firebird colliding with three thousand magic crows.

boom -

The raging fire collided with the black mist, and the crows were scattered by the scorching fire waves, scattered and defeated, and it was difficult to form an army.

"Hurry up."

Hong Xu waved his wings to fly into the air, and at the same time called for other Gods of Desire Realm to contribute.Those celestial and human masters brandished divine weapons and surrounded the Xuanhuo formation to attack violently.

A knife to the left, a sword to the right.Relying on the magic power of the celestial beings in the Desire Realm to continuously counteract the demon-subduing power of the mysterious fire formation, the outer wall of fire became thinner and thinner.

Wen Rong was worried that the wall of fire would be broken, which would affect Fu Baitang, who had a low level of cultivation.The Sparrow Wing Sword had to be recalled, and the weapons of many generals were erected around the wall of fire.


Although it is difficult to condense mana, Wen Rong firmly gained the upper hand in the fight by relying on his Taoism and realm.

Hong Xu flapped his wings and flew up to the sky, looked at Wen Rong below, and thought to himself: This Jiexian is indeed difficult to deal with.However, there is absolutely no reason for the adult's order to return home without a feather.

A third magic pupil appeared on his forehead, and he shot Wen Rong fiercely.

"Sleep for me!"

The red light shot into the mysterious fire array, and was weakened by layers of fire wall.When Wen Rong was touched, there was less than [-]% left.

Wen Rong was stained by the red light, and suddenly became tired.

All the dense talismans on his body lit up, and a coolness circulated throughout his body, regaining clarity.

"Is this how you cursed me?"

Looking at the monster with "black wings" in the air, Wen Rong's gaze was serious.

Very good, I was still worried about how to break the curse.Now it seems that as long as I kill you——

Suddenly, there was a stabbing pain in his soul.

No matter how difficult it was for Wen Rong to control his mana, the two swords fell to the ground.


Wen Rong held his head and staggered a few steps inside the fire wall.

"No, it's not him. It's Youxuan!"

Gritting his teeth, Wen Rong scolded Young Master Youxuan thousands of times in his heart.


Fu Baitang hurried forward to help Wen Rong who fell down.

"Don't worry about me, pay attention to the wall of fire. If there is a flaw in the wall of fire, don't bother me. Use the 'God's Talisman' I gave you just now, and run back immediately."

"But you, senior?"

"I have my own measure. Don't worry, I'm a robbery immortal, they can't kill me."


On the mountain behind Yuanhu, Young Master Youxuan sat on an altar.

Seven-faced magic banners fluttered around, the wind was howling, and the black mist was billowing.

A puppet was placed in front of the boy, plus a small dish of sharp black feathers.

More than a dozen black feathers had already been inserted into the puppet's body, and the young man was muttering something while holding a new black feather with both hands.

Then aim at the puppet and stab it hard.

Somewhere, a wave of cause and effect locked onto Wen Rong.

"Wen Rong knows that he is the target, and Fu Baitang will be affected. I hope he can escape."

The young man muttered, and the seven-faced demon banners around him kept turning, and the weird six-desire demonic energy kept polluting and eroding the way of heaven.

The reason why Heng Hua was able to manipulate Wen Rong's actions was naturally by relying on the heaven-level Taoism that came with the "Book of Six Desires" - the Emperor's Demon Banner.

The seven Emperor Devil Banners are enough to control the Jiexian in the Tianshou Realm.In addition, Hong Xu's cursed black feather tainted with the evil spirit of the Nine Earths, and Fu Henghua seized the opportunity.

Even though Wen Rong is proficient in the spell killing method, it is difficult to get rid of the restraint for a while, and he has to follow Fu Henghua's script.

Now Heng Hua arranges for Hong Xu to intercept and kill them, in order to let the master and apprentice share weal and woe and enhance their relationship.

He knew that with his cousin's character, he would definitely not leave Wen Rong alone.


In the Xuanhuo formation.

Fu Baitang fed Wen Rong a few pills.

Seeing the weakening firewall, the boy took a deep breath.I buried my head in picking the magic weapon of Wenrong Dongfu.

Wen Rong took pity on the old magic weapon and sealed up his mana for it to offset the erosion of the years and damage to the magic weapon.This move is just convenient for Fu Baitang, and there is no need to inject extra mana.As long as it is driven by spiritual consciousness, it can exert the corresponding power.

He first chose a fire bowl.After trying to fight with the generals outside, seeing that he was really incapable, he simply blew up the magic weapon and destroyed the bodies of several generals.

Sensing that several demon souls returned to the gourd, Young Master Youxuan raised his eyebrows as far away as Yuanhu Mountain.

"This damage is expected, it's not a problem."

Seeing that this move was feasible, Fu Baitang simply started bombing himself with a magic weapon.One after another, the demon souls returned to the Wanmo gourd, not to mention that Young Master Youxuan was not happy, even Wen Rong was in a hurry.

"Slow down, don't throw all your brains out. Maybe we will have reinforcements in a while. You come one by one, spaced out. By the way, I will pass on the secret of controlling treasures to you."

After Wen Rong taught the unique formula, he was worried that Fu Baitang's magic power was not enough, so he once again instructed him to cultivate his mind...

During the crisis, the two of them did look like mentors and apprentices.

Young Master Youxuan, who was paying attention from a distance, nodded secretly.

"In this way, although there are many losses, it is still worth it."

Compared with the cannon fodder on Mo Dao's side, he naturally prefers his own family.

Just when Young Master Youxuan was about to issue an order to withdraw the team, a dazzling golden light erupted above the Xuanhuo Formation.

Accompanied by the roar that resounded through the sky, the golden claws ruthlessly poked down from the sky.

"Golden Crow?"

Wen Rong and Fu Baitang spoke in unison.

The steel god bird with red wings appeared, and the great sun fire was burning, and even the surrounding land and mountains began to crack and destroy.

"It's the Akabane Golden Crow. The envoy of the Lingzhang Sect."

Wen Rong was overwhelmed with surprise, and quickly looked to the opposite side.

Also as an envoy, Hong Xu, the "black crow", seemed to be at odds with the "three-legged crow", unwilling to confront him head-on.


The Beichen star scroll slowly unfolded, the silver starlight echoing the golden sunlight, dispelling the demonic atmosphere.

"Brother, hurry up. The uncle is in a hurry, we have to go to the Immortal Camp."

The Golden Crow moved again, and Duan Xun cooperated with Bao Mufeng to drive away all the demon cultivators.

Afterwards, two young men appeared outside the Xuanhuo Formation.

"The two of us are disciples of the Lingzhang Sect. Senior, you are safe now."

After the Xuanhuo formation dissipated, Wen Rong walked forward, clutching his head: "Aren't you in the South China Sea? Why are you here?"

"Headmaster Chiyuan asked me to transfer to the central war zone to help. On the way here, we saw that senior and this little brother were besieged by demons. Uncle Master ordered the two of us to come to the rescue."

Fu Baitang walked with Donglai and his party for many days, and Yu Danqing naturally knew this junior of the Fu family.So, let Duan Xun and Bao Mufeng, who are close friends with the Fu family, come to help.

But on the bright side, everyone has to pretend to meet for the first time.

Fu Baitang looked at the two dharma puppets and blinked.

Of course he understands the foundation of Lingzhang Sect.

But my own "cheap master" may not be clear.

So, after exchanging eyes with Duan Xun, he pretended to be grateful.

"Senior, let's go back quickly. In case the Demon Dao reacts, it will attract pursuers."

"They won't," Wen Rong said shaking his head, "The Lingzhang faction shifted their battle lines, how can Youxuan still take care of us? But, it is true that we will go back soon."


"Yes, this favor was taken by the Lingzhang Sect."

Young Master Youxuan was a little speechless.

I have spent a lot of effort, and I planned to communicate with others.Unexpectedly, a group of people from the Lingzhang Sect suddenly appeared.

After communicating with Yu Danqing through the ring, Fu Henghua understood the movements of the Lingzhang Sect.

In the final analysis, in one sentence, Bu Xuan gave too much.

Something happened to Wen Rong, and Bu Xuan was very concerned about it.Specially increased the price to let the Lingzhang faction come to support and snatch the "cursed psychic" together, so that Wen Rong can recover.

"My dear brother, are you free? Come quickly—"

The four-dharma demon king transmitted the sound to Yuanhu Mountain, and the young man seemed to have realized something, and immediately traveled thousands of miles with his spiritual consciousness, and came to the camp of the demonic way.

Immortals and demons confront each other, and there are thousands of immortal lights a hundred miles away.

Towering fairy mountains, majestic statues, and dragon heads looming in the clouds and mist.

"Demon rat, do you dare to come to fight?"

If the water is gurgling, the condensed Tianshui Xuanzun stepped on the Tianhe River and shouted wantonly in front of the magic camp.

Mojun Wu Yao glanced at the person beside him, and that Moxiu bit the bullet and flew into the sky.

The mighty Tianhe swept lightly, and in a blink of an eye, the demon fell into the water and was killed by Xuanzun Tianshui.

"Don't use these weak cannon fodder, where are your masters. Come out and have a look!"

Young Master Youxuan's spiritual consciousness was condensed into a human form, and he walked to the side of Wu Yao and Sifa Ermojun.

"What? Did that one go to meditate again?"

Wu Yao pointed to the side of the guide.

On a hill two hundred miles away, Lord Sword Demon and Master Defeng faced each other across the mountain.

"Okay, it's the two of them again." The young man shook his head, "Then Song Yuan presides over the Immortal Dao? And the elders of the Lingzhang Sect—huh?"

The boy pretended to be surprised: "Why can't I feel his breath. Not good——"

He quickly lost consciousness.

The two demon kings also suddenly came to their senses.

Oops, the target of the other party is the "cursed psychic" of Yuanhushan!
Fu Henghua had already learned about the plan from Yu Danqing.

When Lingzhang sent a group of people to confront the demon, Yu Danqing and Cao Zhenren went to Yuanhu Mountain to steal the "spiritual medium".

Fu Henghua deliberately asked Young Master Youxuan to pretend to be careless, just to let them take the "psychic medium" away.

In Yuanhu Mountain, Shaojun stood up angrily.

"Damn it, how dare two mere people invade my Demon Palace?"

How to do?How to do?
Cao Zhenren and Senior Yu teamed up, and they may not be able to defeat me, Jige Mojun puppet, and Jiuyin Xuanjun.How to release the water so that they can succeed without losing the face of our three demon kings?
In the mid-air of Yuanhu Mountain, Cao Zhenren stood side by side with a "eye pupil" as tall as a person.

Elephant Emperor's Eye.

Similar to Fu Henghua's Hand of the Elephant Emperor, it is the medium used by Yu Danqing to evolve the "Elephant Emperor's Dharma Form".It is also a brand new dharma puppet that he has improved recently.

"Fellow Daoist, is it difficult for you to hold the three of them alone?"

"It's okay. Just stop it for a while. Fellow Daoist quickly snatched the psychic, and we will go back immediately. If necessary, I can detonate this puppet."

It is not necessary, it must be detonated.

Only after it is destroyed can you continue to take money from your family.

Cao Zhenren was obviously very polite: "Daoist friends, don't worry, if your puppet is really damaged because of rescuing the Jiexian sent by me, we will definitely thank you with a great gift."

After speaking, he turned into green smoke and drifted away quietly.

"Three against one, isn't this our chance of winning?"

Youxuan Shaojun sighed, greeted Jiuyinxuanjun and Jige Mojun, and flew into the air together to encircle the "Elephant Emperor's Eye".

Well, let's see what this eyeball is for.

As soon as he had a thought, the expressionless Mojun Ji Ge took the lead.A beam of magic light blasted into the void, and the space where the Eye of the Elephant Emperor was located was immediately filled with violent vitality.


The pupils of the eyes flickered brightly, and the space around him was once again covered by the power of the Elephant Emperor.

Elephant Emperor, the body of the Dao, the symbol of the order of heaven.

It is the opposite of the demon.


Next to him, Xuanjun Jiuyin stretched out his hand and made a move, and the Qi of Jiuyin condensed into a magic sword and pushed it gently.

Seemingly slow but really fast, after a flash of cold light, it came to the eyes.

For the eye pupil, this sword is like a piercing needle, firmly locked on the core of the pupil.

"Xiao Dao'er." The brilliance of the pupils became deeper and deeper.

The inside of the pupil seems to contain a vast world, which is more distant and mysterious.And in the Great Thousand World, there is another eye looking at the sword of Nine Yins.In that eyeball, there is another Great Thousand World...

Repeatedly overlap 32 worlds.

When the sword intent pierced the eyeball, it was immediately cut down by the power of the first world.When entering the second level, the strength decays again.

When 32 heavenly powers are washed away.When the sword intent entered the most core 33 days, the power of destruction was running out.With a slight stir of Xiangdi's power, the sword intent was destroyed on the spot.

Jiuyin Xuanjun said in a low voice: "Young Master, the power of this eyeball is the same as ours. Don't take it lightly, let's use our full strength together."

Young Master Youxuan pretended to be deep, and nodded.

It's okay, take your time.Just wait for Master Cao to succeed.


There is no defense at the altar, only the seven-faced magic banner is swaying.

Cao Zhenren sneaked into this place, and when he saw the puppet on the altar, he immediately reached out to grab it.

At that moment, the Supreme Demonic Light hangs down from the void, hitting the back of Master Cao.

"No, there is fraud here."

Cao Zhenren had no time to dodge, and watched the Supreme Demon Lord who was hiding in ambush appear.

Even Fu Henghua, who was paying attention secretly, was shocked.

When did the Supreme Demon Lord come?
If it was him who made the move, regardless of whether the psychic could be taken away, Cao Zhenren would be in danger!


Before the magic light approached, another hand protruded from the ground to block the Taishang magic light.

"Song Yuan?"

There was an old laugh in the air.

"Sure enough, you at the Demon Camp are distracted."

"For Senior Brother Wen, I naturally have to come here in person."

Song Yuan appeared, and a jade ruler moved the universe, pulled the whole altar to his side, and pushed it towards Cao Zhenren.

"Come on."

Cao Zhenren made a decisive decision, took the altar and ran away.

Song Yuan saw that the Supreme Demon King was about to pursue him, so he immediately set up his natal fairy mountain to stop him.

"Your opponent is me—"

"Okay," Taishang Mojun smiled happily, "Yes. Then you will come with me and watch your family members die before your eyes. Madam, do it."

As soon as the sky darkened, Qiongtian Xinghua was paved again, as if the incomparably gorgeous Milky Way captured Cao Zhenren.

No, that is a giant hand condensed with stars.

"God concubine?" Song Yuan lost his voice unconsciously.

The head of the Seven Demon Lords and the consort of Emperor Xingluo.How did she escape?

Realizing that the concubine Shen made a move, Heng Hua was stunned.

"This—how did this escalate the war?"

In his imagination, it was just the demon kings on both sides, Jiexian Duizi, letting the subordinates fight around.As for the psychic medium, just try to give it to Xiandao later, so that Wen Rong can be saved and escaped.

But right now, the concubine Shen and the Supreme Demon Monarch rushed over.Even though Song Yu and Master Defeng are masters in the real spirit realm, they might not be able to fight against the third of the Seven Great Demon Kings.If you add Hei Jiaojun, the big boss behind the central theater.Four of the Seven Great Demon Lords are staring at this side, who can resist this?

"Could it be that Chi Yuan's eight sons are all coming? Is Bu Xuan coming in person?"

The concubine is sitting thousands of miles away, and the divine mind is invited by the Supreme Demon Lord, and the manifested star falls into the sky to trap Daoist Cao.

The altar fell from Cao Zhenren's hands, and was swept towards Young Master Youxuan by a starlight.

"Take it, don't throw it away."

The young man showed a wry smile, his mood was very complicated.

Since you are all here, take this hot potato, why give it to me?
Heng Hua's mind raced, quickly thinking about how to hand over the psychic to Xiandao smoothly.

Suddenly, he sensed a familiar aura in Yuanhu Mountain.

etc?How can it be?Why is he here?
Henghua immediately urged Young Master Youxuan to reach for the altar.And when he was about to succeed, when the talisman in the distance shot over, he quickly withdrew his hand and dodged.

When the talisman appeared, the concubine and the emperor were also surprised.

When a hole in the sky slowly unfolded in Yuanhu Mountain, the Taishang Mojun showed shock.

"You actually came back from the Central Continent?"

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