
Chapter 640 The ancient demon’s immortality brings disaster

Chapter 640 The ancient demon’s immortality will cause trouble for thousands of years

In the underground corridor, Yu Xiaolei and Sword Demon Lord squeezed into the narrow space and ran for their lives.

Behind them, the black liquid squirmed rapidly, as if it had a spirit, biting the two of them and chasing them.

Puff - boom -

The liquid surged like a tidal wave, and palms condensed with waves grabbed the two of them.

Yu Xiaolei didn't even look back. The purple sword flashed and the black wave hand shattered.

"Hey - isn't this the ancestor of your sword demon lineage? I think you might as well sacrifice yourself and take his body for him?"

"You are a man, so you are obviously more suitable for the Patriarch than me -" I saw Yu Xiaolei identifying the direction, the door on one side was wide open, and the Sword Demon Lord bent his fingers to drive the sword.

Yu Xiaolei had already expected that when the Sword Demon Lord made a sneak attack with his sword, two bolts of lightning burst out from his body.


The lightning shattered the demonic sword energy.

"I know that a despicable demon cultivator like you is unreliable."

Yu Xiaolei was not polite, and with a backhand of the purple lightning, he slashed off the Sword Demon Lord's head.

Sword Demon Lord was not to be outdone, and the two exchanged several moves in a narrow space.

You don't want to kill the opponent, just throw the opponent into the "black water", and you can escape with your life.

Ping Pong Pong --

More than half of the mana that the two men had finally recovered was lost again, and the immortal and demonic essence injected into their bodies by the other party began to move again. The two gave up and continued to run away decisively...

Not long ago, Yu Xiaolei and Jian Mojun were exploring the location and accidentally triggered the secret of this place. The "Demon Fluid" left by Emperor Jian Yuan began to chase them.

Because of this, the two of them understood where they were.

Right continent, Di Lingze.

In the past, Emperor Jianyuan's sword was burned by Saint Litian, and the spiritual liquid was thrown into the earth and turned into the earth's spiritual lake.Sword Demon Lord and Yu Xiaolei accidentally fell here.In addition, the two of them are swordsman monks, and the sword element triggers the "Demon Emperor's Sword" induction.

As a result, a drama of you chasing me and escaping was staged underground in Dilingze.

Strangely enough, there are naturally formed caves at the bottom of Dilingze, a large swamp that stretches thousands of miles.While Yu Xiaolei and Yu Xiaolei were running for their lives, they also saw many shovels and porcelain jars.It seems that ancient people dug caves and formed passages through them.

"Hey - let me tell you... wasn't your ancestor's sword melted?"

Yu Xiaolei got into a cave and quickly formed seals with his hands to seal the door.

The Sword Demon Lord quickly jumped into the cave. When Sancai's seal unfolded, a huge amount of black water hit the seal hard.


The three-inch-thick seal was shattered by one inch.

The expressions of the two changed.

Even on the other side of the seal, they can feel that terrifying power.

If you are caught by the "Demon Fluid", your life may be in danger!

"The treasures left by the Demon Emperor are extremely mysterious. It seems that the ancestor's spiritual consciousness was integrated into the sword to create such monsters."

Demon fluid is a strange liquid produced by smelting the Demon Emperor's sword.Relying on the Demon Emperor's divine consciousness, he has collected the essence of the sun and moon and the earth's aura for thousands of years. He has acquired simple intelligence and become a monster that relies on instinct to devour life.

Its survival goal is only one - to resurrect the Jian Yuan Demon Emperor.

"The generation of devil emperors, each of them has endless tricks, and they are in trouble."

Yu Xiaolei held up the compass, turned left and right in the rugged cave, and quickly looked for the exit.

The Sword Demon Lord knew that he had a poor sense of direction, so he followed silently from the side, shooting a sword energy behind him from time to time.

She and the Jian Yuan Demon Emperor share the same lineage. The sword energy cannot damage the "Demon Yuan Fluid", but will make the black liquid more active.The reason why the liquid that had been dormant at the bottom of Di Ling Ze suddenly came to life was because when Sword Demon Lord and Yu Xiaolei were fighting, the sword energy accidentally stimulated the "Demon Element Fluid".

bang bang-

The sword energy shattered the stalactites at the top of the cave, and each thousand-year-old stalactite quickly hit the fluid, blocking the tracking of the two of them.

About half an hour later, Yu Xiaolei jumped into a cave and stopped.

"Why don't you go?"

The Sword Demon Lord followed, only to see Yu Xiaolei quickly turn around and place twelve seals on the entrance of the cave.

"Dead end."

Yu Xiaolei looked ugly, and carefully looked at the cave space where he was.

The space is only about ten feet, very narrow.

"I use Taoism to find the direction. There should be a way out here."

Yu Xiaolei carefully observed the innermost stone wall.

"Look, the material of the stone wall here is different from that of the surrounding area, there should be a passage."

Purple light shone, and sword energy struck quickly.

However, this stone wall was made of a special material. It had been slashed by Yu Xiaolei's sword for more than ten times, and there were only some slight signs of damage.

The hole behind the two people was constantly attacked by black fluid, and the sealing aura was dimming one by one.

"I'm coming!" The Sword Demon King also knew that the situation was critical, so he quickly mobilized his sword energy to cooperate with Yu Xiaolei to chop the stone wall.

"It's strange. If this is Dilingze, why is there so much cave space underground?"

"There are ore veins at the bottom of Dilingze, presumably the ancient monks excavated the ore veins?"

Yu Xiaolei immersed himself in hacking and said without looking back: "I suspect that the reason why news about the mine here has not spread to the outside world is because those ancient monks have..."

Swallowed by "Demon Fluid".

If they can't find a way to open a new path, the same is the fate of both of them.

The Sword Demon Lord pursed his lips, and his sword energy became more and more fierce.


Before the two of them could break open the stone wall, the seal at the entrance of the cave was completely shattered by the black water.

Large streams of black liquid poured into the cave.

Neither gold nor jade, nor iron nor silver, the liquid is a strange golden fluid containing majestic demonic energy.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Xiaolei and Sword Demon Lord were swallowed by the fluid.


My life is over!

Seeing the black fluid filling up the space, Yu Xiaolei clenched the "Purple Lightning Shocking Light", intending to activate the strongest power and fight to the death.

The same goes for the Sword Demon Lord next to him.There is nothing respectful and filial in Mo Dao, she is not willing to let her body become a seedbed for the resurrection of Emperor Jian Yuan.

Blood light surged across her body, gradually forming demonic flames.

Burn the blood, destroy the essence, and use yourself as a sword to deliver the ultimate blow.


With a flash of golden light, the innate gossip unfolded in Xiaolei Niwan Palace.

He suddenly realized, and the sword moves in his hand gradually stopped.

The black water gradually came closer and spread on Xiao Lei.

When the Sword Demon Lord saw this scene, he felt pity for a moment and then carefully observed the black water again.

Opportunity, this is a chance to get out of trouble.

The black water was spreading on his body. If he burned half of his blood and struck out with a sword, he might be able to find a way out.

Thinking of this, Sword Demon Lord suppressed his will to die and began to wait for Yu Xiaolei to be swallowed by the black water.

But at this moment, a layer of light golden halo appeared on Yu Xiaolei's body, isolating the black water.


Shocked, Sword Demon Lord reacted and quickly grabbed Yu Xiaolei's hand.

Sure enough, the golden light gradually spread from Yu Xiaolei's body to hers, allowing her to be protected from the black water.


"Everything returns to its roots. Returning to the root is called tranquility, and tranquility is called restoration of life. Return of life is called constant, and knowing the constant is called Ming. If you don't know the constant, you will do evil in vain."

In Niwan Palace, Yu Xiaolei listened to the ethereal Taoist sounds, and his mind gradually relaxed and calmed down.

The golden light of the Eight Diagrams circulated and then condensed into a palace lantern.

A hazy figure appeared here, holding a palace lantern and continuing to chant.

The mysterious and mysterious aura spread out from Xiaolei Niwan Palace, gradually flowing throughout the body, forming a layer of protection on the body surface.

"This is……"

Yu Xiaolei's expression became more and more strange.

Fu Henghua?
Why is he here?

etc?Does he have a backup plan in my Niwan Palace?

When did this happen?

Xuanyuan City, Langhuan Library.

Yu Danqing looked at Fu Henghua sitting on the high platform, pointing his hands at the Yu Xiaolei puppet and mumbling something.

And around the Xiaolei puppet, there is a secret method that projects the scene playing out in Dilingze at this moment.

Looking at the situation between Yu Xiaolei and Sword Demon Lord, Yu Danqing seemed to have some realization:
"No wonder this kid wants to ask me if there will be an evil offspring between Sword Demon Lord and Yu Xiaolei."

It's not Yu Xiaolei and Sword Demon Lord who need the evil seed.

But Emperor Jianyuan.

Yu Danqing thought for a while and said to Fu Henghua: "The immortals and demons are at odds with each other. From a common sense point of view, it is absolutely impossible for them to have children."

The opposition between immortals and demons will only cause backlash in each other's bodies.

"But immortals are the yang of the sky, and demons are the yin of the earth. Yin and yang intersect, and immortals and demons are mixed together. There are exceptions. If a sword immortal and a sword demon are used as sacrifices, the innate sword embryo can be forged. This is the art of sword-making. The evil secret method has been banned in Donglai."

Due to Fu Henghua's intelligence, Yu Danqing did not dare to tell about this secret method.

But Henghua's Tiantong wisdom heart has entered the "divine wisdom".

After hearing Yu Danqing's cryptic words, his mind immediately started to turn, and the general idea of ​​a secret technique flashed in Fu Henghua's mind.

With Yin as the mother, it turns into a mysterious female.Taking Yang as the root, it embraces Xuan Yin.

In other words, let the Sword Demon Lord eat Yu Xiaolei.

Eat it in the true sense.

Through the "bone wrapping" method, first let the two people back to back, then pull out Yu Xiaolei's spine, twist it into the body of Sword Demon Lord, and twist it together with her spine into a spiral shape.

Then, with this spiral pillar as the center, Xiao Lei's pure Yang essence was refined into the demon king's body.

Then he sacrificed the Sword Demon Lord, extracted his pure yin sword essence and blended it into the true yang, forming a sword embryo that blended the yin and yang attributes in his body.

It could be a sword or a baby.

The final result was that the two bodies disappeared, leaving only a sword embryo enshrined on the "spiral column".

And this is the opportunity for Emperor Jianyuan to be resurrected.

"Is the innate sword embryo? The idea is similar to the Tianxie Sword."

Henghua lowered his head and thought for a while, and the "Eight Desolate Gods' Protective Seal" formed by his hands dissipated.

"Henghua, what are you..."

Yu Danqing was shocked.He saw in the projection that as Fu Henghua dissipated the power of protection, the protective spiritual light around Yu Xiaolei and Sword Demon Lord dissipated, and they were completely taken down by Black Water.

Henghua picked up Yu Xiaolei's puppet and said with a smile:
"The immortals and demons are mixed together, and the yin and yang merge. Maybe this disaster has other benefits for Xiao Lei."

"Are you going to let him steal the 'Innate Sword Embryo'? This is not easy to do."

Yu Danqing is not stupid, he naturally understands Fu Henghua's thoughts.

It is true that if Yu Xiaolei can get a blessing in disguise, he will not only be able to complete the practice of golden elixir, but he may even reach the realm of sword master in one step!
"Yu Xiaolei's cultivation is too poor, he can't take it away."

"It is precisely because of poor cultivation that we can take advantage of the opportunity." Henghua closed his eyes and tried his best.

To be on the safe side, he secretly activated the Huangpo Spirit God, picked up the "Cloud Axis" and rushed to Dilingze.

Yu Danqing thought about it carefully, revealing a sudden look.

Yes, there is a huge gap between Yu Xiaolei's cultivation and Sword Demon Lord.

The golden elixir has one or two turns, and the golden elixir has seven or eight turns.

The difference between clouds and mud.

It seems that Yu Xiaolei is at a disadvantage.But it is precisely for this reason that the first step of "melt tire refining" needs to be for Yu Xiaolei to improve his cultivation.


Without the blessing of Henghua's spell, Yu Xiaolei was bound by a large amount of "black water".The robe gradually disintegrated, and the purple lightning returned to Xiao Lei's body, turning into a beam of lightning to protect his mind.

Relying on the blessing of the fairy sword, Yu Xiaolei was barely able to control his consciousness in the "black water" and observe his current situation.

The sword liquid is much thicker than ordinary water.Large strands of demonic fluid resembled dark tentacles, tightly binding his limbs and pouring crazily into his body from his seven orifices.


Stinging pain.

The "black water" entered the body from the seven orifices and flowed throughout the body along the meridians, wreaking havoc on and reorganizing his body.

There was severe pain in every meridian and blood vessel.

The brain is completely reshaped by the flow of this "black sword liquid".

Just the pain...

How many blood vessels does the brain have?
Every fine blood vessel in the brain room was violently destroyed by the black sword liquid, and reorganized with another more powerful sword substance.

The pain of splitting his brain rushed into his spirit, almost breaking Xiao Lei's mind.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the fairy sword, a trace of electric light was injected into the spiritual spirit, allowing a faint purple spirit to float in the black water.The consciousness gradually transcends the physical body, overlooking the other "self" imprisoned in the black water.

"The spiritual god is so powerful that he overlooks the physical body?"

Yu Xiaolei had a flash of enlightenment.

He could see that his reorganized body was tougher, sharper, and more in tune with the way of the sword.


"Is this Demon Emperor planning to help me strengthen my physical body before taking my body?"


Perhaps this is his only chance to resist.

"When the Demon Emperor's consciousness comes into my body, use the power of the fairy sword to severely injure him."

Yu Xiaolei thought of this possibility and looked around carefully with his spiritual consciousness.

There is no "core" in the large black water, only another struggling female nun who is tenaciously fighting in the black water.

The experience of Sword Demon Lord was very different from that of Yu Xiaolei.

Yu Xiaolei's body is weak and his level is low, so he needs to be strengthened.

Sword Demon Lord's Dao body is too powerful, and his realm is far higher than that of Yu Xiaolei.So in the black water, her mana was constantly being extracted, swallowed and refined by the black water, and then converted into extremely pure sword energy and injected into Xiao Lei's body.

Only by balancing the two can the next step of blood sacrifice be carried out.

"It's hateful——" Sword Demon Lord felt very aggrieved in his heart.

She was imprisoned in the black water and had already seen the reality of the "demon fluid".

Relying only on a broken spiritual consciousness from thousands of years ago, the Demon Emperor Jian Yuan may no longer be sane.

"This black fluid" is just an inferior existence with biological instincts.

Not to mention when he was in his prime, even if he recovered [-]% of his mana, he could easily suppress the fluid and then recast the Imperial Sword.

It's a pity that he had sex with Yu Xiaolei.Not only was there no benefit, but the two of them fell into a state of decline. Their bodies were each controlled by the strange energy of immortals and demons, and their strength was greatly reduced.

The "Demon Fluid" relied on the same source of restraint to easily manipulate the Demon Lord's body, continuously drawing power from her body and injecting it into Xiao Lei's body.

The delicate body trembled.

The Sword Demon Lord sensed that a cold and vicious will had descended upon him, and then imprisoned his own sword fetus.

She was frightened and angry, watching helplessly as the demonic sword fetus in her body, which was about to be completed, decayed little by little. The pure sword energy was continuously peeled off, absorbed by the black water, and transferred into Xiaolei's body.

Yu Xiaolei was extremely angry as he watched Heishui inject "Sword Yuan" into his body.

Does he care about this kind of sword essence extracted from other people's bodies?

Can’t you practice on your own?

The sword embryo is similar to the golden elixir. With the blessing of external force, Yu Xiaolei's sword embryo can rotate three, four, and five times.

After surviving the third turn of the Golden Pill, the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation becomes the Heavenly Shou Tribulation Immortal.

After passing through the sixth level of the Golden Core, the Heavenly Fire Tribulation becomes the True Spirit Tribulation Immortal.

Now, with the help of "Demon Fluid", Yu Xiaolei's sword embryo has reached the sky in one step, directly reaching the level of the sixth-level sword embryo.

Looking at the three great sword masters of Donglai, they are only at this level.

When the Six-Revolution Sword Fetus appeared, Yu Xiaolei felt that he had completely lost control of his body.

It was good, but his state was simply unable to control the body of this extremely powerful sword master.

The Sword Demon Lord stared at Yu Xiaolei with a cold expression.If killing intent could be turned into a sharp blade, Yu Xiaolei would have died tens of millions of times at this moment.

Her level eight sword embryo dropped to level six, transforming her from the Great Demon Lord into an ordinary Demon Lord.

The only thing worth celebrating is the immortal essence in his body.At this moment, it was also refined by the "Demon Fluid", and the Sword Demon Lord no longer had any shackles in his body.

But it was too late at this moment, and her realm had fallen from the level of the Great Demon Lord.

Not far away, the physical aura full of masculine power became more and more powerful.

Sword Demon Lord stared at Yu Xiaolei.


His Majesty the Demon Emperor plans to use me to achieve his goal, and use my Demon Lord Dao Fruit to reshape an innate sword body.

As the gap between the two of them gradually balanced, Heishui pushed the two naked bodies closer and closer.

The two of them darkened their faces at the same time.

The torment he went through not long ago was enough to make people sick.

Do it again now?
But the situation was far beyond their expectations.

When their skin came into contact, Yu Xiaolei's body began to melt.

A trace of red mist floated out from Chunyang's body.

First the limbs, then the body and internal organs.

Yu Xiaolei's body turned into wisps of mist, gradually integrating into Sword Demon Lord's body.

dong dong... dong dong...

Sword Demon Lord could feel that Yu Xiaolei had not been swallowed by him, he had just completely integrated into him.In addition to his own heartbeat, he could actually feel Yu Xiaolei's heartbeat, and could even touch the spiritual spirit protected by the electric light.

"Are you still conscious?"

"Aren't you too?"

Seeing that there is only one head left in his body, and the head is gradually shrinking and melting, and finally completely integrated into the body of Sword Demon Lord.

"He plans to use you and me as sacrifices. Instead of using a single individual to seize the body, he will use you and me to melt into a brand new body."

Although Sword Demon Lord didn't understand the principle, this evil art looked very familiar to her.Over the long years, who seems to have heard of it?
"Your demon soul has the level of the Great Demon Lord, and I have the protection of the fairy sword. Even the 'Black Water' can't easily refine the two of us. All he can do is shape the body."

"But he can expel your consciousness and mine, and even refine it into a set of swords."

Sword Demon Lord had a flash of inspiration.

She remembered!
There is a pair of magic swords in the hands of the Great Demon Lord Wonsan. It is said that they were designed and smelted by a pair of lovers who practiced pure yang and pure vagina methods.

"The moment he expels you and me is our only chance to fight back."

This is not the time for internal fighting, but after the two bodies merge, they can clearly perceive each other's thoughts.

Between the spirits, they understand that only cooperation can have vitality at this moment.

So, the two waited patiently.


As time passed, the body of Sword Demon Lord gradually changed from a purely female body to a bisexual and weird figure.

Sensing the anger emerging from Sword Demon Lord, Yu Xiaolei was speechless.

The close contact between the two spirits put a huge burden on him.

Under the protection of the Immortal Sword, the Sword Demon Lord was unable to investigate his experience.

But he could clearly see the life of Sword Demon Lord.

From an innocent mountain village girl, to the whole village being killed by bandits.

The girl who escaped by chance learned swordsmanship, came back to seek revenge on her enemy, and massacred hundreds of bandits.Then he was noticed by the sect of Immortal Dao, and fled into the realm of Demon Dao in embarrassment, and worshiped under the sect of Sword Demon.

Life in the Sword Demon lineage is cruel, and every fellow sect member is a competitor.A lonely girl struggles among a group of sword madmen.

If you want to win, you must be more cruel than them and crazier than them.

In order to reduce trouble, she had to hide her original gender and appearance.

Finally, she snatched the title of "Sword Demon Lord" from the previous generation of Sword Demon Lord.

And her peers, those who knew her origins, were also slaughtered by her.

After that, she would recruit new disciples and, with the permission of Demon Emperor Puhe, train new members of the Sword Demon Sect.


There was a roar in his ears, Yu Xiaolei's spirit was shaken, and the telepathy between the two was shut down.

Thousands of years of experience poured into the spiritual spirit, and it took Yu Xiaolei a lot of thought to get rid of these distracting thoughts.

If he doesn't get rid of these thoughts, I am afraid that his shallow experience will be assimilated into the life of Sword Demon Lord, and he will completely become a part of "Sword Demon Lord".

Noticing that the spirit god next to him was getting angry from embarrassment, Yu Xiaolei was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry..."

"How about I also let you see my experience?"

Yu Xiaolei carefully sealed his experiences after Nanzhou and only passed on his experiences in Donglai.

"Do not care!"

Even so, when that memory was transmitted to him, the spirit of the Sword Demon Lord automatically assimilated it and understood his century-old life in his heart.


In the ice and snow, the boy swung his wooden sword and tried hard to chop the stake in front of him.

The three characters "Fu Henghua" are written on the wooden pile.

The boy's name had been broken by countless sword marks as he struck again and again.

"Go on—five hundred more swings today."

Not far away, stood a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

He said solemnly: "Fu Henghua comes from a famous family and has a profound family education. Under the guidance of Fulong Sword Fairy, his swordsmanship must be among the best in the world. If you want to fight with him, you must rely on acquired hard work."


The boy was soaked in the magma, and the man in green stood on one side and pointed.

"Fu Henghua most likely possesses the sword bone inherited from the Fu family. If you want to defeat his innate physique, you need to work harder. I will train you into a thunder spirit body. First, temper the earth fire, and then become a father. I will lead you to draw thunder from the sky."


A hundred years of memories passed by in a hurry, and finally ended on the day when the sword was born.

The Sword Demon Lord was silent.

For hundreds of years, he has lived almost all of his life for Fu Henghua.

Even if the sword fetus was formed in the end, he would still be defeated by Fu Henghua's hands. Fang Dache had a great realization and took that step.

Compared to myself, who entered the demonic path due to family feud, and had to struggle and wallow in the sword demon lineage.

Yu Xiaolei's life is tragic in another sense.

But one thing is the same.

Without your own life, you are completely pushed by others and fate.

Thinking of this, Sword Demon Lord couldn't help but feel a trace of pity in his heart.

Of course, thinking of the harm he did to himself.This pity disappeared in a flash.

After getting out of trouble this time, we must find an opportunity to kill him!

"Hey, we're not out of trouble yet? Are you planning to kill me now? Are you too impatient?"

Sensing the change of the Sword Demon Lord's mood again, Yu Xiaolei was also angry.

"You have the nerve to blame me for the trouble your ancestor caused? Also, how did we get into trouble? It was clearly because you demons had evil intentions and tried to harm Fu Xuan, which made you and I unlucky. If you have the ability, you can use the elixir to Are Demon Lord Nettle and Demon Emperor Scarlet Ling killed?"

"Hmph - of course I will go back to look for them. But you can't even hope to survive!"

Suddenly, the two stopped bickering and drew their swords in a certain direction at the same time.

The ray of divine consciousness of Emperor Jianyuan finally arrived in this yin and yang body!

(End of this chapter)

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