
Chapter 641

Chapter 641

The two spirits and gods are connected with each other, and the two extremes of yin and yang are integrated into one body, and they work together to cut out a sword.

This sword is not a sword of vitality, nor a sword of killing, but a sword of wisdom and knowledge.

It is the embodiment of the spiritual power of the two people, and the manifestation of their Taoism and character.

Yu Xiaolei and Sword Demon Lord are aware of the tyranny of the "Devil Emperor".

They had no intention of destroying the "Demon Emperor's Divine Consciousness" with this sword.


A dark golden light group emerged from the "demon fluid" and slowly floated towards the "new body".

But at the moment when it was about to touch the body, attacks from two spiritual gods followed.

boom -

The light group shattered on the spot.

"It's ruined so easily?"

Yu Xiaolei was very surprised.

"Be careful."

The Sword Demon Lord reminded him from the side, and without saying a word, Yu Xiaolei slashed out a sword of wisdom again.

The golden light group shattered, and dense black mist covered the "black water" and spread in all directions.Although part of the black mist was destroyed by the Huijian, a large amount of black mist still spread, drowning the spirits of Xiao Lei and Sword Demon Lord.


"Help, help!"

In the black water, an old man in red disappeared while wailing.

"Immortal Master, please forgive me, Immortal Teacher, please forgive me."

A group of ragged miners kowtowed on the ground and were swallowed one by one by the black water.


The Spirit Bull looked at the black water with vigilance, and thousands of green lights emerged from its body to greet it.Later, it was also engulfed by black water.


All kinds of illusions unfolded in front of Xiao Lei.

"These are the creatures that died in the black water!"

The two suddenly realized.

There was one thing they were wrong about.

The Demon Emperor's consciousness does exist, but the will of the "Demon Fluid" is not only the "Demon Emperor's consciousness", but also all the living beings that have been devoured and assimilated by the "Demon Fluid" over the past thousands of years.

The will to live in the hope of rebirth, in the hope of a new body.

Not only the Demon Emperor's consciousness, but also all the creatures swallowed by the black water.

"So, the opponents we are facing are all living things for thousands of years?"

The Spirit God slashed out a sword of wisdom again, and the projection of the spirit bull in front of him was shattered by the sword of wisdom.There was a flash of spiritual light in the black fog.

Sword Demon Lord is firm: "What about the resentment of all the victims? If you take my body, they will all die!"

That's right.

There is only one way to survive.

Either the two of them survive, or they succeed in seizing the body.

Although Yu Xiaolei didn't know how the two of them would share this "fused body".But right now, other opponents must be dealt with first.

The two spiritual gods leaped forward and swung the Hui sword vigorously.

The resentment projections condensed by the black mist are constantly crushed and dissipated.But in the face of massive projections, this amount of dissipation is not worth mentioning at all.

On the contrary, Yu Xiaolei's consciousness gradually weakened.


Silver stars suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Then the second and third.

The dense starlight formed a bright light, unfolding a formation in the black water.


Yu Xiaolei was shocked.

Thousands and tens of thousands of bright lights are arranged neatly, and the formation is like a long dragon, quickly projecting the resentment that is approaching.

"The soul returns to the stars. People who like to play like this..."

"Fu Henghua." Sword Demon Lord took over his words.After peeking into Yu Xiaolei's memory, she naturally knew Fu Henghua's deeds in Donglai.

"Is this the use of Taixuan's fate-reversing technique?"

"Yes. This is the application of Taixuan Taoism."


The sound of Qingyue echoed in the black water.

The two felt a ball of light falling from above.

The black water is dispelled and the resentment is purified.

The two spiritual gods and the "body" below were shrouded in auspicious light.

Gradually, the two spiritual gods shaped their bodies in the light.

At the same time, they also saw that at the core of the black water, the disintegrated dark golden light group also had residual power condensed to form a man in green.He had a sword on his waist and a bamboo hat on his head, but he looked like a lonely swordsman.

"You concentrate on putting your spiritual spirit into the 'sword fetus' and reshaping your physical body. Leave the rest to me." In the light, the patchwork clothes shook slightly.

The Sword Demon Lord looked at the handsome young man with high spirits and remained silent.

Compared with the Fu Henghua in Xiaolei's impression, he seems to be more detached and has a fairy-like demeanor.

Throughout my thousands of years of experience, I have never seen such a cultivator in Nanzhou.

"Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and rushes into harmony."

Huang Polingshen's clothes were fluttering, and he lightly stroked the lower part with his finger.

The "physical body" disperses into a mass of Tao embryos condensed by the yin and yang energy.

"The two of you have a good chance, hurry up and train your gods!"

After being urged by Huang Po's spirit spirit, Yu Xiaolei's spirit spirit escaped into the physical body first.The Sword Demon King was worried that the opponent would seize the opportunity, so he hurriedly followed.

As the two spiritual gods shaped the physical body, the "flesh body" that was originally mixed together began to separate again.

From one to two.

Seeing this process, the projections of resentment were enraged and rushed towards this side frantically.


Thousands of bright lamps swayed, and the spiritual sea bathed in starlight purified the resentful spirits one after another.Follow the earth's spiritual river upward and return directly to the starry sky.

The blue-robed swordsman quietly watched Huang Po's spiritual operation, and slowly looked up to the Five Fingers Mountain above the Lingze Lake.

Henghua himself is sitting on the peak of the middle finger, overlooking the earth.

"An external avatar can descend into the demonic realm to save people. Your strength is stronger than I expected."

“Sure enough, His Majesty knows me and our origins.

"Thinking of His Majesty being entangled by all these grievances but still maintaining his sanity, I have a bold guess.

"Are the creatures bred in Dilingze related to His Majesty?"


Xuanyuan City, Langhuan Pavilion.

Yu Danqing looked at the darkness projected on the high platform.

As the black water swallowed up Xiaolei, the inside situation could no longer be seen.So Yu Danqing sat on one side and counted with his fingers.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and told Hengshou: "Go and find Wu Cuifeng. Bring the Xuan Python as well."

Hengshou went down to make arrangements, and soon Wu Cuifeng came holding the Golden Spirit Black Python.

The black python has been cultivated by the cultivators of Donglai, and now it has dragon horns.

Together with Wu Cuifeng, he respectfully greeted Yu Danqing.

Yu Danqing stared at Xuan Python and sighed softly.

"The eyes are right next to me, but I haven't noticed them yet. Fortunately, fortunately, it's just a mark..."

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and the aura of all things enveloped the mysterious python.

Xuan Mang had no time to resist, and he didn't know why Yu Danqing suddenly took action.

When his body trembled, he became completely stiff.

"Senior, this is—" Wu Cuifeng turned pale with shock.

"Don't worry, I won't harm him, just help him solve a little trouble."

Yu Danqing practiced the method and recited the mantra, and soon the python's skin turned gray and then gradually shriveled up.

A tiny, resembling golden snake crawled out from inside.

The little snake has four legs and a dragon horn on its head. Only a slender tail shows that it is still a snake.

"Okay, it's alright."

Yu Danqing reached out and flicked the snake's slough away with the wind.At the same time, a trace of demonic energy also dissipated in the wind.


"I really want to say thank you to you. Especially you. Without your sermon, I would have completely lost my consciousness and no longer have my true self."

The swordsman in green spoke calmly to Fu Henghua on Wuzhi Mountain.

"Thousands of years have passed, even though a ray of my spiritual consciousness has been protected by the magic sword. However, thousands of years of evil energy and blood-eating have made this spiritual consciousness constantly dirty and worn out."

"Fortunately, when the golden spirit bred in the Lingze of the land left, it carried a trace of my brand. As I listened to your sermons, I regained my consciousness and was able to arrange this resurrection ceremony."

Demon Emperor Jian Yuan spoke calmly and with a bit of politeness: "I accept your favor. So, as long as you leave well now, there will be no conflict between you and me."

"It seems that Your Majesty is watching us and only listened to a few sermons, and doesn't understand me as a person?"

The Demon Emperor acquiesces.

There was no way, his mind was sinking, and he merged with the resentful spirits that had been devoured for thousands of years, and he couldn't maintain himself at all.If Xuan Mang hadn't listened to several high-level sermons.The aura of creation affects him along with the "Demon Seed Brand", and he may not be able to wake up from his sinking.

And this awakening is also the Demon Emperor's only chance.

That little bit of aura of good fortune could only keep him a little clear-headed at this moment.

After a while, his consciousness will sink again due to the influence of the evil spirits in the Great Demonic Tribulation.

Although the resentment has been purified by Fu Henghua, he will no longer be manipulated by resentment.But again, without the support of a huge amount of resentment, his spiritual consciousness is like rootless duckweed, and it will be difficult to sustain it for a long time.

Complete destruction may be his next fate.

The demonic fluid will truly solidify into gold essence, forming a mineral vein under the Earth Spirit Lake.

"So, it's about your Majesty's life and death. It's also about the life and death of my fellow Taoist, so let's do it directly."

(End of this chapter)

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