
Chapter 642

Facing Henghua's invitation to fight, the Demon Emperor shook his head and laughed: "I've heard you preach a few times, but I didn't know you had such a bellicose personality."

It is true that by listening to the Tao through Xuan Python, he could not sense the actions and plans of Donglai cultivators.But from the perspective of Taoism, Fu Henghua's wonderful way of creation is full of fraternity and compassion for the creatures of heaven and earth.No matter how you look at it, he is not a murderer.

"Death is just a part of the creation of heaven and earth. Why does your majesty think that I am the kind of compassionate person who is afraid of killing?"

Henghua sat on Wuzhi Mountain and said with a smile: "I have not been wary in the past, but I have no interest in entangled with those who are not qualified to be my opponents - but your Majesty is different. An opponent like you is qualified to make me go all out."

"I'm sorry - I don't intend to fight you."

The Demon Emperor was quick and sharp, aiming a sword light at his "flesh body".

In an instant, the yin and yang mixed body burst out with billowing demonic energy.

"I know that you are using my hands to increase this boy's strength. But do you think that I will not tamper with this new body?"

The Demon Emperor's own family understands their situation.

If you can't grasp the glimmer of vitality in the wake of reflection.What's waiting for him is to be extinguished like a candle, with no way to survive.

At this time, where is the thought of fighting with Fu Henghua?
Only by surviving can there be everything.

The "flesh body" braved a huge amount of demonic energy, and was forced to activate the fairy sword to protect it. The purple lightning protected the spirit god, and the body shaping process became slower and slower.

"You'd better save people quickly."

The Devil Emperor stared at the "flesh body", secretly said a pity.

Using the blood sacrifice of two people to possess the innate sword fetus of the Great Demon Lord level in one fell swoop is undoubtedly the best strategy.

And if this path fails, through the means reserved in his "physical body", he can force Fu Henghua to stop fighting and take care of Yu Xiaolei.You can still choose the Sword Demon Lord as your seedbed and give birth to a sword fetus at the Demon Lord level.

"Tao divides yin and yang to become immortals and demons. You take the immortals and I use the demons. We will talk about the battle later."

As he spoke, the Demon Emperor's consciousness walked towards his "physical body".

bang bang-

The Five Elements Mountain stood in front of it, and Huang Poling God stopped it with a palm.

"There is something that your Majesty may have thought wrong."

Huangpo Lingshen changes.

Wearing imperial robes, sitting in a nine-dragon chariot, surrounded by countless star kings and Tao gods.

Behind him, the energy of creation surged, and a layer of heavenly palace loomed.

"Immortal? Demon? In creation, there is only the beginning of yin and yang. How can we distinguish between immortal and demon?"

Huangpolingshen held Ruyi in his hand and knocked it gently.Puffs of aquatic plants with small white flowers spread in the black water.

The demonic realm created by demonic fluid is gradually disintegrating.

"In your eyes, do you think I am a fool who is obsessed with immortality?"

The opportunity Fu Henghua prepared for Yu Xiaolei was not a "sword fairy" at all.

"The sword is a murderous weapon, a royal weapon, and the body of the great road. How can it be divided into immortals and demons? The sword immortal is a sword, so why is the sword demon not a sword?"

The Demon Emperor's expression changed. He saw that the demonic energy and fairy light emerging from his "flesh" began to be confused again. Even the Demonic Soul of the Sword Demon Lord was undergoing a strange change that he had never seen before under the protection of the Huangpo Spirit God.

His tone was cold: "Boy, are you planning to steal someone from me?"

Not only did he save Yu Xiaolei, this kid also planned to poach himself and pull the Sword Demon Lord away from the devil's path?

The Demon Emperor burst out with a backhand move, and the Sword Demon Lord immediately knew something was wrong.

It turned out that she and Yu Xiaolei worked together to control the "physical body", and each chose the yin and yang pole to reshape the physical body.After the Demon Emperor's demonic energy detonated, a massive amount of demonic energy surged toward him.

It is indeed accelerating my body shaping.But this kind of body shaping is not to adapt to one's own spiritual god, but to use oneself as a seedbed to shape the sword embryo for the Demon Emperor.

"Tao is born, virtue is the animal, things are shaped, and potential is formed. Therefore, all things respect Tao and value virtue."

Suddenly, the sound of Dao came to the spirit god.

"Fu Henghua?"

Sword Demon Lord suddenly calmed down.

She carefully examined the blue light that appeared out of thin air in her body.

The Demon Emperor has plans in his "physical body", and Heng Hua also makes small moves in the Sword Demon Lord.

When Henghua used the Bagua Golden Lantern to protect Yu Xiaolei, he secretly put a brand on Sword Demon Lord.He studied under the two leaders of the Thief Alliance, and his actions left no trace. Not to mention the Sword Demon Lord, even the Demon Emperor's divine consciousness was not aware of him.

The demon king looked at his demon soul being illuminated by this blue light, and his true spirit and soul were undergoing a wonderful change.

The combination of yin and yang, the distinction between immortals and demons?
The Sword Demon King's heart moved, and he listened carefully to the sounds echoing around him.

A trace of coolness clings to the spirit spirit, and the fairy spirit bred by the anode is slowly flowing in.While helping yourself to purify the demonic energy, it does not damage your spiritual spirit.

"The great road is vast, and you can control it. All things rely on it to survive without giving up, and success is achieved without success..."

The sound of the Tao echoed, and her mind was gradually drawn by the mysterious aura, and her vision slowly changed.


The haze disperses colors and the auspicious clouds flow.

The spirit god entered a peaceful Taoist realm.

Golden dragons and colorful phoenixes soar in the sky, and graceful celestial maidens dance.

There is a vast expanse of lush forest below.

There was a path in the forest, and the devil walked along it, feeling that the demonic nature in him was gradually disintegrating.

With every step, a trace of demonic energy peels away, leaving a black lotus on the path.

As she moved forward, there were more and more black lotuses behind her.And her shape gradually changed from a woman wrapped in black clothes to a girl in a white dress.

The age has also gradually changed from more than [-] years old to the jade years.

When they reached the end of the Linhai Trail, there was a man sitting under the Bodhi tree and smiling slightly to himself.

"All phenomena are empty, but the mind is not empty. All freedoms are in one thought."

The Taoist stretched out his hand and pointed directly at the woman.


The Sword Demon Lord heard the sound of a sword in his ears.

Looking back at myself, I look like a child, as if I have returned to the carefree mountain village era.

And there was a dark shadow under his feet.It exudes sharp sword energy, constantly struggling to merge with the main body.

"The sword of wisdom kills demons?"

The Taoist smiled and said: "Is the sword of wisdom a tool for slaying external demons? This is a tool for slaying inner demons."

The Sword Demon Lord suddenly recalled the outline of the Heavenly Escape Swordsmanship in Xiaolei's memory.

Fu Henghua, or the kendo advocated by the Fu family's ancestors and grandsons, is not about fighting fiercely with a sword.

The sword of Tao is stored in the heart and cultivated within.

The Dharma sword stands in the body and protects the Tao.

The Sword Demon King seemed to have some realization and murmured: "To cultivate the sword, you must also cultivate the mind."

Thinking back to the Donglai sword cultivators, because of their fierce fighting, the catastrophe was more severe than that of ordinary cultivators.Many people even become possessed by demons and become mad, even to the point of death.

And in the Nanzhou Sword Demon lineage.The Sword Demon Lord has long been tired of seeing examples of his fellow disciples who became obsessed with sword practice and went on a killing spree at the mountain gate as soon as they came out of seclusion.Which of my brothers and disciples is not like this?

The devil is obsession.

Only by being extremely passionate about the sword and obsessed with the sword can one walk out the path of the sword demon.

"The way of the sword and demon is not the right path of the sword. Now that the immortals and demons are united, yin and yang are in harmony, don't let it down."

After the Taoist finished speaking, his figure slowly dissipated.

Using the "Spiritual Heart Reflection Technique" to forcibly instruct a great demon king, even if Fu Henghua's own spiritual god comes in person, it is a bit too much.Not to mention having to carve out a mental world and put on all kinds of scenes.

Now that he saw Sword Demon Lord moving with a thought, he immediately left.

"Thank you, Saint."

The Sword Demon King solemnly bowed to the bodhi tree where the Taoist had disappeared.

This "sage" can be described as heartfelt and sincere.

She has the memory of Yu Xiaolei and knows the "holy" in the Donglai people's perception.

If you know how to do well, you can be holy.

Knowing the world, you can be holy.

Omnipotent, holy.

Deze all things, can be holy.

Educating all living beings can be revered.

If you follow the Holy Path, you will be blessed by the Qi of the Holy Path, which can turn misfortune into good luck and suppress calamity.

If you want to survive the calamity, the path to sainthood is the path that "holy seekers" must practice.

Why did Dongfang Yunqi build Xuanyuan Ice City?
Why is Fu Xuanhe doing chivalry and upholding justice?
Intentionally or unintentionally, they embarked on the holy path, and they also practiced their holy path under the guidance of others.

Doing good, eliminating evil, and subduing demons are all virtues of enlightenment and promotion of good.With his own virtue, he benefits all things and benefits all living beings.

What Fu Henghua did was different from the other two. He preached to the world, educated all living beings, and understood all things.

This is the holy path he practices for himself.

Know and teach.

This is the path Henghua understands and practices.

In the view of Sword Demon Lord, Fu Henghua is loftier than the other two on the road to the Holy Path.

From descending into the black water to save the two of them, to freeing himself to enlightenment.These methods are extraordinary and ordinary, not immortals, demons and ghosts, but the methods of saints. The Bodhi tree dispersed, the forest sea disappeared, and the dragons, phoenixes and goddesses in the sky retreated.

Only a path covered with black lotus remains.

The Sword Demon Lord turned around and waved his sleeves, and a white light sword energy swept towards the black lotus in the forest path.

These black lotuses are all manifestations of her demonic nature.

The sword of wisdom swept across and the demonic nature was destroyed.

As the saying goes, "Put down the magic sword and become enlightened immediately."


The Demon Emperor's consciousness was blocked by the "Jade Emperor" transformed from Huang Po.

Watching helplessly, the two qi of the "flesh" immortal and demon merged again and became one body.

Immediately afterwards, a sword light opened up the world and split the body open again.

This sword was made by both Yu Xiaolei and Sword Demon Lord.

"I see, thank you Henghua!"

Yang Qi breathed out thunder, wrapped in a fairy sword and jumped into the air.Suddenly, the pure Yang energy transformed into a man.

The deep yin energy below also transformed into a woman.

Although the two of them have the energy of yin and yang, they do not have the true essence of immortals and demons.

The attributes of immortals and demons have completely disappeared from the two of them.

Only Tao becomes yin and yang, the innate way of swordsmanship.

The "Jade Emperor" smiled slightly, waved his sleeves and raised a gust of wind, sending Sword Demon Lord and Yu Xiaolei out of the black water.

"Go outside and tell the Chiyuan Taoist sect for me. There are some damages, and I will help them repair them later."

"The Jade Emperor" said this and directly blocked the Demon Emperor's consciousness, which became angry and planned to kill people.

"Your Majesty, please do your best."

Yu Xiaolei wanted to say something, but was grabbed by Sword Demon Lord and rushed straight out of the black water.

The two of them reshaped their bodies, and all the immortal and demonic essence was gone.The only sword energy that currently exists in the body is the innate sword energy.Almost all of their original skills were useless, but now they went to help, only to cause trouble for Fu Henghua.

When the two returned to the surface, they saw the ground tremble and the mountain shake, and the five-finger sacred mountain pressed down on the ground Lingze.The huge water lake was filled with fairy mountains, and Heng Hua himself came straight to the black water.

Soon, monk Chiyuan came to investigate.

Sword Demon Lord panicked, secretly thinking that trouble was coming.

"Two fellow Taoists, what is happening here?"

Sword Demon Lord and Yu Xiaolei were stunned at the same time.

Through Yu Xiaolei's surprised eyes, Sword Demon Lord saw himself as a girl.

The true appearance of the Sword Demon King is rarely known in the demonic realm, let alone the immortal realm?

As for the Sword Demon Lord in her girlhood, she was reborn before the Chiyuan Taoist sect established its foothold in Nanzhou.How did Chi Yuan's sect know.

"My lord, Yu Xiaolei, monk Donglai. This... this is..."

"My surname is Yue and my given name is Jinghan. Together with fellow Taoist Yu, we fell here during the great upheaval in Dongyang Plains. We don't know what happened below Dilingze."

Chiyuan's disciples did not ask any more questions, but hurriedly reported to the sect.

Yu Xiaolei stared at Sword Demon Lord with a suspicious look on his face.

Yue Jinghan?
Is this your real name?Or a pseudonym?

The woman rolled her eyes at him and said nothing.

Yue Jinghan was her childhood name.

After her family was destroyed, she gave up this name.

After becoming the Sword Demon Lord, even his name was erased, and only the three words "Sword Demon Lord" were spread among people.

Looking at his green and white hands, there are no finger calluses.And there are no scars on his body from practicing swordsmanship or fighting.

This is a flawless body, as if the traces of thousands of years are just a dream.

Maybe the saint meant that he wanted me to start all over again?


"Okay, very good. It is indeed the way a saint preaches."

The Demon Emperor's consciousness became angry from shame. Seeing that he failed to pursue the Sword Demon Lord, he collected the black water and condensed it into a demon sword.It's just that this sword burns a layer of dark red flames and cannot truly condense the form.

The traces of Nanming Lihuo still exist.

Destroyed by Saint Li Tian, ​​the Emperor Sword could no longer be condensed.

Only gather its image, not see its body.

The Demon Emperor split the air with his sword, and the "Jade Emperor" drove away in the Nine Dragon Chariot.

boom -

The underground cave was detonated by the sword energy, countless rocks were broken, and the earth shook.

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment. This is the You Continent. I can't afford to pay for the damage to Chiyuan."

Henghua himself came and swept away the true essence of creation.

All the caves where the sword energy was destroyed were restored.

The Jade Emperor quickly restored Huang Po's appearance and returned to his body.

Cloud shafts float around Henghua, stars move around, and formations follow.

Henghua summoned the Tianxie Sword with his other hand.

"I also have a sword, but no blood has been seen yet. Excuse me, Your Majesty, please sharpen the sword for this purpose."

As the top swordsman in the Four Continents, the Devil Emperor's Divine Sense could see the true nature of this sword at a glance.

"Heavenly Evil Sword, Evil Emperor's Sword? No, no, there seems to be other changes. Have you refined it using Taoism?"

"Saint, the saint's method. Not only the devil, but also the evil treasure can influence it?"

"Boy, it seems that I have underestimated you. Your current methods and morals are indeed qualified to say that those ants are not worthy of letting you use your full strength."

The power displayed by Fu Henghua now was enough to make the Demon Emperor go all out.

"Forget it. You blocked my resurrection. Now the remaining consciousness is about to disappear. Just before I leave, I have a good fight with you. Let you understand what the Demon Emperor is!"

The Demon Emperor has a free and easy personality, and knowing the current situation, he simply lets go and plans to fight with all his strength.

Henghua nodded heavily: "What I want to see is your full strength. Only in this way can I measure your level. After all, I have several enemies who are serious immortals."

True fairy?

The Demon Emperor's expression paused, and he immediately thought: "Who are those in Donglai?"

"Golden Xia Heavenly Girl counts as one, Litian Sage should count as half, and maybe there are several others? Only by taking a look at my appearance can you understand the real gap."

"Then you may be disappointed. Now I am just a piece of spiritual consciousness, and my full strength is not even as good as that of back then. And you..."

The power displayed by Fu Henghua is indeed very strong now.

But want to challenge the immortal?

It's early!

"Practice for another 1000 years!"

At this time, the shadow of Five Elements Mountain appeared again on the left and right of Henghua, and a door opened on each side.

A treasure gourd appeared on the left door, and a spiritual spirit escaped into Fu Henghua's body.

The door on the right holds an alms bowl, and the vast ocean is rolling around.Then thirteen water projections appeared, and thousands of islands were like pearls.A bodhi tree slowly rose from the water, and escaped from the door into Fu Henghua's body.

In an instant, Henghua's mana increased again.

The Demon Emperor's expression completely changed.

"Transmitting magic through the air?"

The one on the left came from another continent in Nanzhou, which is not surprising.

And the one on the right——

Transmitting the Dharma from Donglai through the air?
This magical power...

Strong, too strong.

Fu Henghua's mana reserve has now reached the middle stage of Tianshou Tribulation Immortal Stage.

"Let me reiterate, after 500 years, your strength should be able to challenge the true immortals."


It's finally complete!
Heng Hua stretched.

Wukong and Bodhi all returned to their places.

Jin Gongmu Mu and Huang Po's three spiritual gods bring together the five elements, and the deity's spiritual gods harmonize Tai Chi.

Fu Henghua could feel that the Great Red Yuan Pearl was enlightened by the innate Five Elements Qi at this moment, as if it had evolved into a more complete Tao embryo.

The Five Elements Mountain rumbled, and behind Henghua himself, a giant god slowly rose.

"The law of heaven and earth?" The Demon Emperor turned his sword and pointed it directly at the center of the giant god's eyebrows.


The giant hand slowly struck down, and the sword and the Demon Emperor were unable to withstand even a single blow, and were directly suppressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

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