
Chapter 643

Chapter 643


Taking the photo with the giant palm, brilliant and dazzling colored lights erupted underground, like a majestic and violent ancient beast, ravaging a group of stubborn "black water" wantonly.

If it weren't for "Black Water" being the embers essence of Emperor Treasure Demon Sword, it would be extremely tenacious.Just this blow alone can destroy the Demon Emperor's consciousness.

Between the gaps in the giant palm, a black light flashed past.The devil emperor's consciousness was wrapped in "black water" and fled hundreds of feet away.

"This kid—"

"Your Majesty, give me a stick!"

Before the Demon Emperor could take a breath, a black shadow flashed across the sky, and he held up the "Ruyi Golden Cudgel" and slammed it down.

The demonic fluid quickly separated into a body of water waves to protect the body.

The black water fought with the "Golden Cudgel", and in the blink of an eye it dispersed into little bits of sword fluid, which was taken back by the Demon Emperor.

Seeing the "Golden Cudgel" disperse into vitality, the Demon Emperor immediately understood.

"Are you talking about Taoism?"

This is a heaven-level Taoist method that combines the secrets of the "big and small wishful thinking" of Tiangang's magical power.

As for the shadow—

After the black shadow struck a stick, he showed his ape-like appearance and quickly left the Demon Emperor.

The next moment, the Demon Emperor felt alarmed and quickly left the place.

A five-color lotus with a diameter of nine feet slowly rises.


When the flowers bloom, a star seems to rise.

When the lotus petals wither, the starlight dims and turns into a black hole again.


Vitality, earth and stone...all materials were swallowed up by the black hole.

When the Demon Emperor escaped, a few drops of black water had not yet left. They were drawn into the black hole and immediately dissipated into nothingness.

At this moment, the Demon Emperor's expression completely changed.


He understands the nature of Star Lotus.

Isn't it the Taiyin Mansion's "Moon-birth Technique"?
A moon is born and then explodes on its own.It's just that what Fu Henghua created is a simulated star.

This is Henghua's imitation of Dongfang Yunqi's "Moon Lotus".


Being able to burn out the embers of his own magic sword shows that this boy possesses immortal energy, and his spells can interfere with the power of the Tribulation Immortal and True Immortal levels.

In the blink of an eye, the Devil Emperor thought a lot.

With the power Fu Henghua has shown now, it may be possible to fight against that bitch Jin Xia or that lunatic Li Tian.

"Your Majesty, don't be distracted."

The Demon Emperor had just dodged and before he could stand firm, Taoist Bodhi floated over and brushed down a brilliance of seven treasures, and another mass of black water was peeled off by Henghua.

The two spiritual gods Wukong and Bodhi have been away for many years, each with their own opportunities.The two spiritual gods Jin Gong and Mu Mu also practiced the principles of water and fire, and were very powerful.Each statue taken out individually is a being who practices the heavenly book and Taoism and competes with the Tribulation Immortal.


This time, the Demon Emperor was prepared.When Taoist Bodhi was in action, he used his backhand to destroy the immortal sword energy.

Before he could get closer, he saw a green light rising around the Taoist, and thousands of emerald branches, layer upon layer, until the sword energy disappeared.

"It looks like an immortal, but not an immortal. It's not very popular. This 'incarnation' of yours seems to be practicing a strange heavenly calligraphy method? Is it a wood fairy?"

The Demon Emperor's eyes are as bright as a torch, and he can see through the falsehood and reality of the Bodhi Taoist.

"Putting your spirit on wood is a type of spiritual immortality."

Open up the way of Wood Immortal and establish a new practice system, which the Demon Emperor cannot understand.But based on his own knowledge and the several types of immortals he had encountered in other continents, he understood that this was a type of "all-encompassing spiritual immortal".

Since the wood spirit has gained enlightenment, let's use "Taibai's Gold" to defeat it!
The black water condensed three magic swords, and the extremely sharp sword energy transformed into three white snakes, each wrapped around three swords.


The three swords changed in countless ways, directly blocking Taoist Bodhi's retreat.

But Taoist Bodhi didn't dodge either.When the attack comes, it disperses into a ball of good luck.

The three swords hit the vitality, and then the vitality of creation was shattered, and the power of Taibai dissipated.


On Five Fingers Mountain, a deep bell rang.

Taoist Wukong performed the Dharma and recited the mantra, and a ball of creation energy condensed, and Taoist Bodhi appeared again.

"Taixuanzong's 'Yin-Yang Coexistence Technique', Tiangang's magical power 'Resurrection from the Dead', and a Taoist method that blends the five elements?"

Wukong and Bodhi Ding, the paths of metal, wood, water and fire, are yin and yang to each other.Unless both are destroyed, another spiritual spirit can revive the companion.

And Wuzhi Mountain gathers a large amount of vitality of the Five Elements, as long as Wuzhi Mountain's domain is not destroyed, they don't need to consume their own mana to revive their companions.

"If you want to defeat this kid, you must overturn this Five Fingers Mountain."

The Demon Emperor raised his head and looked at Wuzhi Mountain in the distance.

His eyes changed, and wherever he looked, demonic energy grew, gradually gathering into the ocean and approaching the Five Elements Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Henghua holds a feather fan and is using the five elements of vitality to breed colorful lotus flowers on the top of the mountain.In the center of each lotus flower, there is something similar to a "star core".

Dense lotus flowers bloom on the top of the mountain, and the arrangement is exactly the same as the stars in the sky.

This is to construct the celestial horoscope in the underground space and win the right time and place for yourself.

Seeing the lingering demonic energy, he smiled slightly and waved his feather fan again.

The stars are like bright lights, and a formation takes shape in an instant, purifying all the evil energy.At the same time, the immortal energy also began to reverberate among the five peaks, gradually raising the power of the five mountains.

Seeing that formation, the Demon Emperor smiled bitterly.

"Although I know this kid knows a lot, but..."

The things that are on display now have countless Tiangang supernatural powers and heaven-level Taoisms.

Fortunately, he has the support of immortal energy and immortal weapons, otherwise how could ordinary monks squander their magic power like this?
"It's very similar to the style of Jinxia's cheap maid."

There are thousands of spells in every gesture, which is the habit of Jinxia Tiannv.


Next to Heng Hua's deity, Huang Po Ling Shen transformed into the "Jade Emperor", holding a "Cloud Axis" and chanting words.

Heavenly Taoism—The Jade Emperor’s Instructions.

As Huang Po Ling Shen chants the mantra, Wuzhi Mountain continuously decomposes the earth's Lingze veins and transforms the earth's energy into the energy of the five elements.

A red text appeared on the left and right sides of the spirit god.

——Five Elements and Nine Dragons Method.

This is Henghua's own unique technique, which is very popular among the younger generation in Donglai.From Long Daoren and Zhong Ionhan to Hong Changyi and Yuwen Chunqiu, they have all dabbled.

——Dragon Cave Snake Head Technique.

The inspiration came from watching the snake head cave when rescuing Zhang Xuan and others in the previous episode.

Strange to say.

Since Fu Henghua's "Hui Xin" was truly promoted to "Sacred Wisdom", he has gained a more wonderful understanding of mantras.

Writing red texts has always been Fu Henghua's shortcoming.

He didn't have the time or energy to spend too much time on Chiwen.I have always relied on the deductions of others or Shenluo Tianshu.

But with the awakening of the "spiritual heart", when he looks at the red text again, he doesn't need to understand its principle, and the inspiration in the dark will tell him which arrangement is more appropriate.So after seeing the "Snake Head Cave" before, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and a "Dragon Cave Snake Head Technique" specially used to protect the cave was born.

By arranging this Taoist method in the Xianjia Cave, the energy of the earth veins can be condensed into the "head of the dragon and snake" to deal with the enemy.And this mastery of Taoism can even turn the dragon of vitality into a living being.It has the same effect as Jinxia Tiannu's "Creation of Red Dragon".

At present, the "Five Elements Nine Dragons Technique" and "Dragon Cave Snake Head Technique" are integrated into the heaven-level Taoism "Jade Emperor's Instructions".

Just like the effect of speaking the law, the laws in the Wuzhishan domain change accordingly.

The vitality of big stocks gathers on the five peaks.

Each mountain peak has nine groups of vitality, and dragon whiskers and dragon horns gradually appear from the vitality.

"Nine-five dragon heads."

Huang Poling God solemnly looked at the 45 "forts" he had built.

The vivid dragon head plays various poses.

"We can't let this kid continue to control the rhythm!"

The Demon Emperor saw the danger of those "45 air masses" and decisively drove Black Water to bypass the entanglement of Wukong and Bodhi, turning the "Demon Element Fluid" into a sea that shook the sky, and blasted the majestic demonic energy towards Wuzhi Mountain.

This is not the "sea of ​​demonic energy" that was transformed from the previous demonic gaze, but the pure demonic energy ejected from the embers of the demonic sword.This kind of demonic energy has gone through endless years, and although it is few in number, it is extremely pure.

A wisp of demonic energy can transform into a demonic sea.

"The law of chasing the universe and the sky."

Without thinking, Henghua waved his feather fan three times, and 360 treasure wheels were quickly placed around Wuzhi Mountain.

The high-speed rotating light wheel continuously resists the evil energy, ensuring that the power of evil cannot corrode Wuzhi Mountain.

"Sure enough, although this Five Elements Mountain is your support, it is also your biggest weakness."

The Demon Emperor has rich experience and has already figured out the way to defeat Fu Henghua: knock him down from Five Elements Mountain.

"A heavy and immovable Five Elements Mountain, how dare you put it out in the open? Boy, the fighting methods outside are so polite nowadays, no one will destroy the foundation of your Dao Domain Mountain?"

Heng Hua didn't take it seriously: "Everyone knows that I like to set up the Five Elements Mountain in battle. But there are not many people who can force me to walk down from the Five Elements Mountain."

Seeing the Devil Emperor driving the waves and controlling the sword, and thousands of flood waves formed a huge sword of hundreds of feet in the sky, Heng Hua quickly threw the turtle shell into the air to suppress the "starry sky" instead of himself.

"Tai Xuan Jun Tian." Heng Hua stood with his left hand in front of his chest and drew a circle with his right hand to make a Tai Chi shape.

The two qi of yin and yang circulated, and thousands of Tai Chi diagrams appeared around him.


The beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, and then plunged into the "Black Sea".

In the waters around Wuzhi Mountain, the shadow of the Tai Chi diagram rotates, and an unbreakable golden wall of light rises.


Thousands of hundred-foot demon swords were thrown at Wuzhishan, and were offset one by one by the golden wall of light.

But when the magic sword dissipated, the golden light of the light wall also diminished.


While blocking Wukong's entanglement, the Demon Emperor pointed his finger, and those demon swords turned into various ferocious monsters, flexibly avoiding the attacks and constantly hitting the golden wall of light.

"Boy, although my spells are not as good as those of Jinxia, ​​my transformation skills are still useful."

After thousands of magic swords were smashed down, only a thin layer of the golden wall remained.

Henghua looked solemn, hung the feather fan on his chest, and folded his hands.

"Star screen."

Silver starlight circulates, and the lotus stars in the sky are arranged according to mysterious routes.

The starlight gradually intertwined into curtains and tents, slowly covering Wuzhishan.


The golden wall of light shattered, and several monsters hit the starlight curtain.Before being driven by the Demon Emperor, they dispersed on their own in the wail.

If there are monks from Donglai here who see Fu Henghua doing this, they will definitely understand what this "star curtain" is.

——The "Yuan Ping Technique" of the acting master of Yusheng Pavilion.

As the Donglai Great Wilderness Ancient City project begins to advance, the combination of Yuan Ping Technique and Fu Henghua's Spiritual Architectural Mind Scenery Technique has become one of the exclusive Taoist techniques of the Spiritual Architect.

"The Heavenly Palace of Creation is established!"

It was not a virtual image projected from Xuanyuan City, but relying on Wuzhi Mountain and the starry sky, Henghua once again established a "Celestial Palace of Creation" underground in Dilingze.

The starry sky is the dome, and the five mountains are the beams and pillars.

This is the practical application of Donglai Dahuang City!

It is the highest embodiment of Dongnai Jinfa!
The Demon Emperor watched helplessly as Wuzhishan transformed into a palace of creation enveloped by the energy of the five elements and the energy of the stars.

The demonic sea and evil water that he summoned were dispersed by the auspicious cloud fairy light, and the black sea area became smaller and smaller.

"Your Majesty, how about another round of sword energy just now? Let's see if this palace can defend itself."

The Demon Emperor looked at the "starry sky" above Fu Henghua's head and let out a long sigh.

Can't wear it.

The arrangement of the stars is very ingenious.

The star dome, which looks like a tent, seems to have only defensive capabilities, but it hides a "Tai Xuan Fate Reversing Technique".When the starry sky shatters, the Taixuan Fate Reversal Technique is activated, which can revive Fu Henghua who is seriously injured and dying.

Therefore, it is impossible to kill Fu Henghua in the instant of penetrating the starry sky with the intention of "killing with one blow".

And the base of the Five Elements Mountain, relying on the resonance with the energy of the earth veins, is also difficult to overturn easily.

The Demon Emperor could vaguely feel that in addition to the "Five Elements Mountain Technique", Fu Henghua also used another heaven-level Taoist method to strengthen the foundation, and borrowed the power of the Red Abyss Ten Thousand Mountains Realm from the "You Continent".

He secretly thought: This should be "building a mountain", right?Chi Yuan, who played with mountain methods, created his own heaven-level Taoism.This kid has mastered more than ten heaven-level Taoism and supernatural powers, right?

Fu Henghua built the Heavenly Palace and its defenses were impregnable.The Demon Emperor had to give up his offensive and instead contained the black water, thinking about the next step.

At this time, the two spiritual gods Wukong and Bodhi came to kill again.

"Your Majesty, look at the stick!"

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel was smashed down again, and at the same time, a set of armor appeared on Wukong Spirit God's body.

Phoenix wings, purple gold crown, chain gold armor, lotus root silk walking shoes...

Looking at the young man's appearance, the Demon Emperor didn't know why.

"Curse Clothes? It doesn't look like it...it just looks like a showpiece, and has no ability to curse the clothes at all. Moreover, I didn't see which spell the curse clothes are derived from...but there are seven black flags stuck behind his back, look. It looks a little weird.”

The Demon Emperor was suspicious and swung his sword to hold the golden cudgel.


The light of the Seven Treasures shines all over the place, and Taoist Bodhisattva sneaks up on him.

The glow of the Baoshu split the "black water", and Wukong Spirit God took the opportunity to throw the "Emperor Demon Flag".

"The devil emperor was hindered by the law of the demon, and was forced to stay where he was."

When the Demon Emperor heard these words whispered in his ears, he suddenly realized: Illusion?Sound illusion method?

Before he could think about it carefully, he realized that his consciousness could not move and was imprisoned in place.

"Your Majesty, look, this is the giant sword!"

On Wuzhi Mountain, the Jade Emperor, who was transformed into the Huangpo Spirit God, laughed.

He shook the cloud axis, and one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals appeared, standing around the Nine-Five Dragon Head and performing the "Nine-Dragon Law".

The nine giant dragon heads on each mountain peak are connected in a line, and the energy continues to condense until it turns into a giant sword of a hundred feet.

Metal, wood, water, fire and earth, five giant swords stand on the mountain with five peaks.Driven by the combined force of hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals, they aimed at the Demon Emperor and slashed him down.

"All demons gather in the sea."

The black water spread out again, and another black sea of ​​surging devil waves wrapped up the devil emperor.


The next moment, the pure white sword struck with brilliant light.

The Black Sea splits in two.

Immediately afterwards, the red and black giant swords stabbed, and the black sea's devilish energy dissipated, only the "demonic element fluid" returned to its original shape returned to the devil emperor.

Taking advantage of the imprisoning power of the Emperor Demon Flag to loosen, the "Demon Essence Fluid" swallowed the Demon Emperor's consciousness and fled in embarrassment.

bang bang-

The yellow giant sword missed, but the cyan giant sword passed by the Demon Emperor.

In an instant, the source of his spiritual consciousness was damaged, and one-third of his mental power was directly lost.

This is not over yet.

The five giant swords were decomposed again, and nine sacred and solemn dragon heads stood on the five peaks.

The dragon chant resounded through time and space, and 45 dragon heads aimed at the devil emperor at the same time.

Before attacking, the five elements of vitality gathered by just accumulating force made the Demon Emperor look sideways.


The dragon's breath was spitting out, and the black water that was about to be shaped was shattered by Fu Henghua again.

The Demon Emperor dodged again.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you once slaughtered a true immortal. Now, please show your true skills!"

The Demon Emperor kept dodging his attacks, making Fu Henghua very dissatisfied.

He deliberately used the names of Jinxia Tiannu and Litian Saint to reveal that he had a grudge against the two.I just hope that Emperor Jianyuan, who also dislikes them, can give me some guidance because of this "same hatred of the enemy".

But what now?
He had just opened the mountain to set up his formation, but before the attack was over, the Demon Emperor dodged in a panic, losing one-third of his consciousness?

Is this a plan to use bitter tactics, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, to kill him with one blow?
Thinking of this, Henghua felt awe-struck.

The "Tiansu Formation" arranged by this deity rotates accordingly.

The stars in the sky gather like a long river, and the Taoism slowly takes shape.

"Another Tiangang supernatural power appears!"

Embarrassingly dodging the offensive of the "Nine-Five Dragon Heads" and looking at the starry sky above Wuzhi Mountain spreading slowly, the Demon Emperor couldn't even make a wry smile.

He has been silent for several demonic kalpas, unaware of external things.

But when did heaven-level Taoism and Tiangang supernatural powers become so worthless?
The second star Taoism compiled by Fu Henghua in the starry sky is obviously "moving stars and changing fights".After resuscitating him from a dying state, he can be teleported directly to a safe area.

Looking around again, the "Jade Emperor" stood on the top of Wuzhi Mountain, constantly directing the heavenly soldiers and generals to drive the Nine Five Dragons to launch attacks.Every dragon's breath is the result of tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers sacrificing themselves, and its power is comparable to the catastrophe of heaven.

After the heavenly soldiers disappeared, the cloud axis cooperated with the vitality of Wuzhishan to summon new heavenly soldiers again.

The Demon Emperor secretly estimated that if only the energy in the cloud axis was used as support.Even if it's just a piece of rag used to make heavenly clothes, it can still allow Fu Henghua to fire ten rounds in a row.

The power of ten rounds of heavenly tribulations is beyond the reach of even the tribulation immortals!

On the top of Five Fingers Mountain, brilliant lights danced wildly, and the next round of attack from the Nine-Five Dragon Head arrived.

The Demon Emperor tentatively used "black water" to raise the barrier.

With only one encounter, more than ten large holes were punched out by the five-element light beam.

"I'm so strong?"

"He's too strong."

Henghua and Demon Emperor were both surprised.

In their imagination, the challenge launched by Fu Henghua should have been a wonderful and evenly matched battle.

These are some pointers given by the seniors to the juniors before they died.

But after the real fight, they realized that this was completely crushed by Fu Henghua unilaterally.

Only relying on the Huangpo Spirit God to drive the "Nine-Five Dragon Heads", the Demon Emperor was forced to flee in embarrassment.

Not to mention that there is Wukong Lingshen holding a golden cudgel next to him, driving the emperor's magic flag to keep it in check; Taoist Bodhi swipes a "Seven Treasures Brilliant Light" to sneak attack from time to time.

Can't beat it!
The Demon Emperor asserted in his heart: He is no match for this boy now!
Fu Henghua himself and the three spiritual gods can be regarded as four descendants of the Heavenly Book joining forces.

He alone can match thousands of troops.

Huh?Wait, where is his true self...

The Demon Emperor's face turned dark when he caught a glimpse of Henghua's current appearance.

The three spiritual gods joined forces to fight against the enemy.

Heavenly Demon Kungfu, Wooden Immortal's technique, Nine Five Dragon Heads attacked one after another.

After Henghua himself recorded "The Stars Move", he sat on a precious chair surrounded by stars, holding a glass of fruit drink in his hand and slowly waving his fan to watch the show.

"This boy, is he really going to eat me up?"

"Boy, I admit that you are the stronger one now. This powerless consciousness cannot be cured by your hands."

The Demon Emperor simply admitted defeat.

"However, if you plan to pry into the secret of the true immortal from me, it may be useless to oppress me with mana alone."

Henghua himself, who was sitting on Wuzhi Mountain, raised his eyebrows.

The Demon Emperor is right.

After fighting until now, he also discovered it.

The Devil Emperor is weaker than he imagined.

Such regrets cannot allow me to pry into the reality of the true immortal.

"Let's do this. I will use all my strength to use three swords before they are destroyed. From these three swords, you can get a glimpse of the reality of Jin Xia and Li Tian. Of course, I will also show you the highest level of my magic power."

After putting the fruit drink into the Qiankun Ring, Henghua lowered his raised legs and solemnly said: "Your Majesty, please——"

He reached out and made a move, and the "Jade Emperor" returned to the form of Huang Po, and then returned to his body.

The cloud shaft floated to the side and turned into a scepter surrounded by stars.

Shaking the star staff, the Nine-Five Dragon Head raised its head again and shot.The Tiansu Formation also has thousands of densely packed sword shapes.

"The first sword, I imitate Jinxia's humble servant. Look at it!"

Seeing that Henghua was no longer aggressive, the Demon Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

The black water turned into a sword, and he recalled Jinxia Tiannv's old style.

Frankly speaking, he had not had much contact with Jinxia Tiannu in this life.

But in their previous lives, they had fought many times.That bitch’s spell is really a headache.

"If it were her, she would do it."

The sword changes the sky.

Although it was underground, Henghua clearly felt the vibration of the surrounding laws.Countless types of sword energy are manifested in this dense space.

Xuanhuo, Ice, Tianfeng, Raging Waves, Gengjin, Shenmu...

Sword energy of countless attributes surrounds the "Celestial Palace of Creation".

"That lowly servant girl is proficient in ten thousand magic spells, and likes to play combined spells the most. Look at it—Wan Jian Tian Yu."

The Demon Emperor Jian Yuan uses a sword as his body to imitate all phenomena and curses.

Thousands of ways evolved, and countless sword intentions rained down like torrential rain.

Henghua sat quietly on the star chair, looking at the violent rain of swords.

Sighing softly, the young man shook the star staff and said, "This is the sword of acanthus wood."

Aoi wood is big and useless.

What Henghua refers to is the acanthus tree mentioned in "Zhuangzi Xiaoyaoyou".The trunk is swollen but not straight, and the branches are curled but not regular.

When used here, it means that the Demon Emperor imitated the Taoism of Jinxia Tiannu. It seemed that thousands of swords were coming out, but they were of no use at all.

The star sword in the starry sky is ready, and the power of the five elements of the Nine-Five Dragon Head is launched simultaneously while the star staff is shaking.

Five torrents continued to attack the sword rain falling from the sky. The originally orderly sword rain suddenly became chaotic and began to collide with each other in the air, and the offensive was greatly reduced.

When the Starlight Sword fell, the power of Wanjian Jianyu was weakened even more.

When they fell into the "Celestial Palace of the Five Mountains and Stars", only half of them were left.

During the collision of the starlight swords, Henghua Huixin had quickly analyzed and deciphered the essence of its swordsmanship.

Henghua could find more than ten methods to restrain each sword energy.

"Since it's the Great Desolate City Law, then use spiritual building methods to deal with it."

The star staff shakes, the Heavenly Palace evolves corresponding solutions, and buildings such as the Xuanhuo Tower and the Heavenly Ice Palace appear automatically.

Meteors flashed across the starry sky and fell into the building complex. The star kings led the heavenly soldiers and generals to rely on these restraint buildings to fight against the sword intent of Tianbing and Yuanshui...

The rain of swords did not cause any damage, but instead caused a wave of vitality to the Creation Heavenly Palace.As the sword energy was refined, another large palace appeared in the Heavenly Palace.

At this moment, the Demon Emperor struck with his second sword.

Hot and bright.

Like a sun rising slowly.

"This sword is the way of Li Tian."

Fu Henghua clearly saw the "darkness" rising on the other side, and saw the brilliance of the heavenly palace being swallowed up by the other side's "darkness".

But even in this situation, he had to admit that the other party was the "sun".

The giant energy body that cannot emit light continuously devours the brilliance and vitality.

At this moment, the positions of light and darkness are reversed.

I am like a kite struggling in front of the sun.

The wings were burned and wax was dripping.

He wanted to escape, but was pulled by the "sun".

I can only rely on the "sun" to get closer, and the kite is teetering.

"Simulate the movement of the sun, no, create a flame that burns the world and burns the Tao to death? An advanced version of Nanming Lihuo?"


The pure black flames reveal a pure white appearance.

Like a pure fire without any impurities, it faintly ignited the Heavenly Palace of Creation.

The sword strike just now is completely incomparable.

Heng Hua looked at the Devil Emperor.

There were no traces of Nan Ming Lihuo on the "Black Water Sword" in his hand.

"This is the flame of the madman, and it is also the pure fire that smelted my sword in the past."

The Demon Emperor couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the tiny flame floating towards the heavenly palace.

His strength is by no means weak among devil emperors and true immortals.

In Nanzhou, several true immortals besieged them, but they were all killed by me calmly.

But facing that madman, he could kill himself in a one-on-one sword fight.

Nanli colored glass purifies fire.

A more advanced version of Nanming Lihuo.

Erasing Tao Yun and Yuan Neng is similar to innate element energy.But one is to assimilate the original energy, and the other is to burn the original energy, which are very different in nature.

The Heavenly Palace was invaded by the "Dark Sun", and every palace and star was swallowed up by the pure fire.

Henghua looked at Jinghuo and pondered.

"It seems that Saint Li Tian is more than a step above Jinxia Tiannu."

Taking a step back, he disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, the three spiritual gods Wukong, Bodhi and Huang Po formed a triangle and surrounded him, once again setting up a Five Elements Mountain.

The Demon Emperor's eyes flashed and he said nothing.

"This sword is really powerful, I can't stop it."

Henghua looked out and saw that the Heavenly Palace of Creation was ignited by pure fire and was slowly collapsing.

After all, the Pure Fire was just a trace of the Taoist charm of the former Litian Saint, and it was soon completely wiped out under this massive amount of energy.

Fu Henghua said seriously: "The saint conquers demons and slays gods. His magical power is so great that he deserves the word 'saint'. Your Majesty, what about the third sword -"

The dead air that rushed to his face suppressed his next words.

As the charm of Nanli Sword Immortal dissipated, the power that suppressed Black Water collapsed.

The Demon Emperor restored the embers of his sword to the state of the Imperial Sword.

The dark golden one-handed thin sword has countless mysterious magic patterns on its surface.

Demon, sword demon, the demonic nature gathered from all kinds of swordsmanship is condensed into this sword.

"The third sword is my way."

After saying that, the Demon Emperor's consciousness collapsed.

His spiritual power was completely integrated into this sword.

"The name of this sword is Chongquan."

Dark colors once again fill the underground space.

It is different from the dark "sun" just now.

No heat, no energy.

Pure silence and coldness.

Henghua's expression completely darkened.

The power demonstrated by the first sword is the "one body of ten thousand mantras" that fits Jinxia Tiannu.

The power displayed by the second sword is the Heaven-burning Pure World Sword of Saint Litian.

The third sword is filled with heavy demonic meaning and is the "Sword of Destroying Immortals" used by Emperor Jianyuan in the past.And for thousands of years underground, the Immortal-Destroying Sword conformed to the will of death and touched the most taboo and hated method of Fu Henghua.

Death Book!

Heng Hua completely changed his face.

On the Five Elements Mountain, the Nine-Five Dragon Head appeared again, and at the same time it sprayed wildly at the dark emperor sword.

The five-color torrent resists the "pitch black".

But black is approaching little by little, dimming the five-color glow that just lit up.

Even in the "pitch black", Henghua saw an abyss gradually taking shape.

A demon god was conceived in the darkness... ferocious, ferocious, terrifying, strange, mysterious... all kinds of perceptions disturbed Henghua's thoughts, making it difficult to deal with them properly.

Henghua knew the trouble with this sword.

He had to sacrifice the Heavenly Evil Sword, and use all the magic power and vitality of the three spirit gods, the cloud axis, the Five Elements Mountain, etc. to chop out a "Good Fortune Heavenly Sword" with all his strength.

Combined with Mu Shansheng's Heavenly Sword, his own Heavenly Book of Creation.

Henghua was convinced that this was the strongest sword he could wield at the moment.

One side of the sword is engraved with the Tao of heaven and earth and all phenomena comprehended by Heng Hua, and the other side is engraved with the secret of the three realms contained in the Tao of Creation.

boom -

Two sword intents clashed in the underground space.

The restrictions that Henghua had reserved earlier in Dilingze's underground space completely collapsed.Countless terrifying sword energy shot out in all directions.

The Dilingze leyline was destroyed on the spot, and the surface of the earth was also knocked out of thousands of caves by the sword energy, and a large amount of swamp water poured downwards.

On the surface, many Chiyuan monks have come to investigate the situation.

Seeing the water collapse and a huge basin appearing, everyone was shocked and grabbed Yu Xiaolei and fled quickly.

Half an hour later, Chongquan's sword intent was destroyed.

Henghua was floating in the inverted swamp in embarrassment, dusting off his body.

"Senior, I have learned a lesson from this sword."

But at this moment, the Demon Emperor's consciousness was dissipated and he was obviously unable to respond.

Looking down, it was a pitch black abyss with no bottom.

Chongquan split the abyss with a sword, directly piercing through the strata!
Henghua watched silently for a while, then took out a ball of pitch black metal.

This is the embers of the Demon Emperor's sword.It is undoubtedly the best material that has been subjected to pure fire for thousands of years without damage.

Henghua put away the embers of the Imperial Sword and returned to the ground to join them.


His blood surged, and he sensed a trace of the same origin from the abyss beneath his feet.


The dark and unpredictable abyss has its own kindred.

"Jun Tong? Brother?"

Are they both underground?

Wait, the abyss...

Are they in Jiu Di?
Without hesitation, Fu Henghua used the body-holding technique to calm his surroundings.

Immediately after the two spiritual gods Bodhi and Wukong left, only the Huangpo Spirit God controlled the cloud axis and turned into the stars in the sky and merged with the Sky-Mending Clothes on his body, forming a defensive power comparable to the Immortal Family's Heavenly Clothes.

Then he took a step forward, and five-color lotuses appeared under his feet, and Henghua fluttered down to the nine worlds.


On the surface, Yu Xiaolei and others waited for a long time, but Fu Henghua did not come up.

Sword Demon Lord couldn't leave, so he could only pretend to be a casual cultivator and wait with them.

Sword Demon Lord felt quite unhappy about his current state.

The demonic element is washed away, and the demonic soul enters the Tao.

The originally narrow path of the sword demon widened into a broad future.


Her current strength is only the fifth turn of the ancient nine-turn golden elixir path, which is equivalent to the Demon Lord and Tribulation Immortal at the Tianshou level.Although relying on the special nature of the realm and the unification of immortals and demons, he still has the ability to fight against the seventh-turn tribulation immortal.But compared to his original self, he is still a lot weaker.

Now that Shan Lingqing is by her side, she is terrified like a light on her back.

As you can imagine, facing the increasingly turbulent demonic calamity would be very disadvantageous for her.

Two hours later, Shan Lingqing said impatiently:

"That's weird, he seems to be fine?"

Frowning, Shan Lingqing pinched his fingers and calculated, "He survived, so he should be able to come up—quick, go back and report, Fu Henghua has gone to Jiudi!"


Yu Xiaolei, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly stood up.

Hearing this, he couldn't sit still.

The Sword Demon Lord frowned and questioned: "Nine places? Is Dilingze connected to the nine places?"

"Of course not. But with that movement just now, they descended three thousand feet and opened a passage to the first place..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yu Xiaolei jumped down directly.

The Sword Demon Lord had quick eyes and quick hands and quickly grabbed him.

"Of course I went down to save people!"

"If you go down now, you will just add another dead person," Sword Demon Lord looked at Shan Lingqing and said in a deep voice, "Your sect has a stronghold in the Nine Lands, can you tell me something?"

 I saw a friend say that I miss the [-]-character chapter.Well, let’s see next month.Tenosynovitis now causes pain in my left arm, making it difficult to write.

  The right hand bears everything.

  The voice is really unreliable.

  Still need to think of other ways.

(End of this chapter)

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