
Chapter 650 Beidou accumulates good deeds and reaps blessings later on

Chapter 650 Beidou accumulates good deeds and reaps blessings later on

Fu Beidou points his five hearts upward, holds his breath and concentrates, and uses the elixir to push the immortal energy to flow through his meridians, removing toxins from his body.

After 36 weeks, he slowly stopped the exercise and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

“This time it’s a blessing in disguise, I’m closer to the realm of the Grandmaster.”

He was accidentally poisoned while rescuing Chiyuan's disciples. Fortunately, the monks from Chiyuan Tianyue Tower worked hard to treat him and even obtained many fairy medicines from Chiyuan for his recovery.

Not only is his realm stable, it seems that the foundation for his future grandmaster has also been laid.

Originally, Fu Beidou was among the top [-] people on the Donglai Gold List.After being a blessing in disguise this time, he is confident of hitting the top [-].

"My current state is comparable to my uncle's state back then."


"You are so proud of such a terrible method that you have the nerve to show it off. It's so ugly——"

"Hmph, that's better than your random tricks. How are your paintings and buildings better than mine? My Gu skills are of the lineage of creation."

Hearing the bickering between a man and a woman outside the tent, Fu Beidou's heart moved.

Why are they two here?

I heard the two arguing outside the door. They seemed to be discussing Mr. Fu Tong's voodoo?

Fu Beidou stood up and walked out of the tent. He saw the three brothers and sisters talking jokingly, and Hengshou standing at one side with his hands down.

There was joy on his face: "Are you all here? Are you okay... are you all safe? Are you okay?"

"I'm waiting for you. I just heard that your uncle is here, so I came here to say hello." Fu Xuanhe winked at Fu Tongjun, and she quickly walked to Fu Beidou's side.

While holding Fu Beidou, she took his pulse without leaving a trace.

At this glance, Mr. Fu Tong showed a strange look.

"The Chiyuan Taoist sect was willing to give up the book, and even brought out the elixir."

This so-called "immortal medicine" is not a false praise from ordinary monks, but a real elixir refined by immortals.

Fu Xuanhe: "So, it's okay?"

Fu Henghua observed Fu Beidou's complexion, and then silently used the Shenluo Heavenly Book to deduce, and roughly estimated Fu Beidou's luck speed, and nodded secretly.

From this point of view, my uncle is not seriously injured, and he can just rest for a few months - but it is a blessing in disguise... Well, I may have some difficulty in deducing my uncle's swordsmanship.

Seeing the behavior of these three nephews, Fu Beidou smiled and said: "Looking at your actions, people who don't know would think that your uncle is about to die! Don't worry, it's okay. The poison in my body has been cured." "

"It was just removed from the face, but there is still residual poison in the body." Fu Tongjun gently touched the back of Fu Beidou's hand, and a strange true energy penetrated into the body.

Fu Beidou frowned, resisting the urge to fight back with sword energy, and allowed the true energy to flow through the three yang meridian in his hand.

Soon, Fu Tongjun's Gu God Dan Yuan activated the remaining poison in Fu Beidou's arm and turned it into a poisonous Gu.

Gugu - Gugu.

As Fu Tongjun scratched the back of Fu Beidou's hand, the toad-like black Gu worm jumped out of the blood vessel.

With another touch of his hand, a burst of vitality healed Fu Beidou's wounds.

Fu Beidou looked at Fu Tongjun in surprise: "I didn't realize it, but you girl actually formed a pill? And you have this method..."

Use the remaining poison in my body as a poison?
There are enough wicked ones.

Mr. Fu Tong held the black toad, observed it for a while and then squeezed it gently. The voodoo dispersed into a ball of black air and dissipated in the air.

"The toxicity is not strong, but it is a bit weird and difficult to eradicate. Generally, it takes three to five years for medical practitioners to completely detoxify. The Chiyuan Taoist sect is generous and directly takes out fairy medicine to violently detoxify. Even if I don't take action, it will take three to five months. It can also be completely removed.”

"What about you taking action?"

"A cup of tea is enough."

Full of confidence, Mr. Fu Tong injected a stream of Gu God Dan Yuan into Fu Beidou's body again.

The way of the Gu God is to turn all things into Gu.

The remaining poison in Fu Beidou's body was aroused by this elixir, turning into poisonous insects wandering in his meridians.In the end, they were summoned out of the body one by one by Fu Tongjun and transformed into a black toad the size of a palm.

Before she could study the poison carefully, a talisman suddenly appeared on Black Toad's back.


The black toad turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

Fu Tongjun looked at Fu Xuanhe silently.

"Henghua said that you have eleven Gus, and it will take a long time to adapt to and study them. The other Gus will not be used for the time being, right?"

Mr. Fu Tong was silent.

She misses her days in Dongnai urgently.

Although the old man is here, he hardly leaves the island and has no control over himself.Although the third brother is a gentleman, he is easy to bully.

But brother...

"Brother is right. The most important thing for my sister to practice next is to cultivate the eleven incarnations of the Gu God. The rest of the Gu... don't be distracted. This is for your own good."

Seeing that Fu Henghua was still echoing, Fu Tongjun murmured in his heart: It is indeed for my own good, but why do these words coming out of your mouth make people so uncomfortable?

The remaining poison was eliminated, and the true energy flow in Fu Beidou's body became smoother.

The wisps of fairy spirit flowed with the Dan Yuan, and his muscles and bones were refined accordingly.

He was full of energy and praised Mr. Fu Tong: "Your current skill in treating Gu is comparable to that of Ge Xianweng and Senior Xue. Moreover, you have entered the Tao through the technique of Gu, and your Taoism is pure and there is no trace of any evil or evil deeds." . In the future, he can be regarded as the Patriarch of Gu Dao and open up another authentic sect for the Immortal Dao."

Finally, he mentioned that many people under Chiyuan's sect were poisoned.

Fu Tongjun knew what he meant and immediately ran to "make a good relationship" and sell favors.

She left her front foot, and Henghua moved his back foot to the same position, picking up Fu Beidou's arm again.

"You brothers and sisters——"

Fu Beidou looked helpless and allowed him to study his own techniques.

"My Xinghe Kendo is almost complete. But the remaining step can only be done by myself. No one else can help."

This involves the personal understanding of Zhou Tianxingchen.

Compare your own natal star with the North Star position to form a ruler.Then use this ruler to measure the distance between the stars in the sky and calculate the principles of your own star field.

Under this calculation method, there are slight differences in the starry sky perceived by Fu Beidou and Fu Henghua.

"Bai Yutang is an expert in star exploration. I will never do anything in front of my uncle."

Fu Henghua calculated that after Fu Beidou practiced, he also knew that he didn't have much to adjust.

Sword fighting in the East China Sea, swordsmanship masters in the world discuss the Tao, and Fu Beidou is a great inspiration.Coupled with the teachings of Fudanwei, who is usually at the level of "half-step sword master", his mood is already enough.

Now, with the help of Chi Yuan, another link of mana has been added.

There was no place for Fu Henghua to contribute.

Not surprisingly, within 50 years, the Fu family will usher in a new grandmaster.

All Henghua could do was to hand Fu Beidou the star mirror that Fu Tongjun had given him not long ago.

"This mirror records the principles of Nanzhou's astrology. Uncle, let's take a look at it first."

Fu Beidou took it and touched it with his spiritual consciousness, and immediately fell into a vast and boundless star sea world.

"This...this is..."

"It's the celestial astrology evolved by the Demon Emperor. My uncle has studied it, and maybe he can break through it directly in Nanzhou."


Reunited with Fu Beidou, everyone in the Fu family has been determined to be safe.

What Fu Henghua has to do next is to ensure the safety of other comrades in Donglai.

So after visiting Fu Beidou, Fu Xuanhe stayed to talk to Fu Beidou.Fu Henghua went straight to the center of the stronghold, looking for Shan Lingqing.

Their current stronghold is located on the second level of the abyss.It was a camp built by Immortal Chiyuan himself, and it was built on a hill.

When he came over, Yu Xiaolei, Fang Dongyuan and others were all here.

Shan Lingqing stood in front of a screen and was explaining to them.

"The second level of the abyss is very vast. According to our intelligence and the map of Star Luo Demon Emperor, there are hundreds of demon settlements here."

The screen projects large and small spaces, connected by rugged wormholes.

This is the environment of the Second Abyss.

All monsters live in the holes in the earth's crust.Some of these holes are closed, and some are connected to the outside, just like caves and heavens.

No, this is the Paradise of Cave Heaven.It is a space created from the ground by the devil with great supernatural powers.Over time, the space merged into the ground, forming large and small hollows.The holes created by these gods and demons are far more numerous than the natural holes.

According to Chiyuan's records, the underground hollows in Nanyan Fuzhou were mostly created by the demon god's disaster in the past.

"Based on the information comparison between the immortals and demons, we have now determined the location of two blessed places in the 530 holes. The lost people should be located in these holes."

Fang Dongyuan asked thoughtfully: "What if no lost people are found in these holes?"

"We can only look for the First Abyss and the Second Abyss in these holes. The holes in the First Abyss have long been opened, and it is a vast underground world. There are only these more than 500 open holes in the Second Abyss. If not in these places..."

Shan Lingqing looked at everyone present.

Except for a few young people from Donglai, they are his own disciples.

He sighed: "There is nothing we can do."

Are there other holes in the Second Abyss?

Is it possible that the missing person is there?


But with the current manpower, it is simply impossible to survey.

"Even if we join forces with the Demonic Way, we will never be able to look for those places again."

The strata are vast in territory, tens of thousands of miles apart.In such a vast soil layer, how to find the coordinates of a possible cave sky? It may not be possible to completely inspect those confined spaces in 100 or 200 years.

"Since it is a sealed cavity, there is actually no need to search. The big explosion of space compression will throw all the colleagues away. If they encounter the thick space wall, they should be blocked. They should be outside the sealed space."

Fu Henghua reminded.

"The only possibility of falling into a sealed void is that they are thrown to the abyss by the power of time and space, and then hit the outside of the space walls of those sealed voids. Then they run in stupidly one by one."

At this time-

A thick, domineering consciousness swept across the abyss of the earth.

Darkness and starlight coexisted, Fu Henghua and Shan Lingqing said in unison: "Devil Emperor?"

The Xingluo Demon Emperor has come to the Abyss!

Shan Lingqing did not hesitate and immediately contacted the master.

The starlight flows, forming nebula patterns among the holes in the abyss.

"He is simulating space vibrations and surveying the hidden holes in the abyss?"

When the starlight was blocked by layers of thick barriers and a wave of sinister aura erupted, the starlight immediately retreated from those closed spaces.

"He should have similar thoughts to you, thinking that it is impossible for anyone to fall into those airtight holes."

The Demon Emperor's consciousness avoided those sealed cavities and focused on searching among the more than 500 cavities and insect passages.

Soon, a ray of fairy light hung down from Chiyue.

"I am undoubtedly in trouble with you, and the nine-day agreement is still in effect."

Faced with Huo Xianren's stalking, Xingluo Demon Emperor took the initiative to surrender.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for traces of the divine concubine? Your Majesty, please rest assured that if we find your whereabouts, we will return it to you intact."

Immortal Huo knew where Xingluo Demon Emperor's bottom line was, so naturally he did not dare to do anything to Jin Huanyu Concubine.

With the divine concubine here, the Star Luo Demon Emperor would have a level of restraint.If the divine concubine really died, the Demon Emperor might not immediately have thoughts of annihilation.

After the exchange between the immortal and demon bosses, Shan Lingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

He continued to discuss with Fu Henghua and others.

At present, what they have to do is to follow the path of the Star Luo Demon Emperor and re-check these holes one by one to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

"When the inspection is completed, regardless of whether there are others underground, we must return to the surface."

Shan Lingqing said seriously to everyone: "The abyss is dangerous, and we cannot devote our energy to it without limit."

Fu Henghua: "So, what about the alliance between the Mingxi clan and the Puhe Demon Emperor? How will your faction respond?"

"In the First Abyss, our senior brothers have gone to deal with it. If they dare to form an alliance, we will dare to massacre the clan!"

Shan Lingqing's murderous intentions are revealed.

Abyss Demon Clan?

This is a fundamental battle concerning the sovereignty of the human race.

The Puhe Demon Emperor released the demons from the Abyss to come to the world. Is he really not afraid of internal strife among the demons? Will the other two demon emperors fall out?
Chi Ling and Xing Luo are both human-certified emperors, and their bottom line is slightly higher than that of the Puhe Demon Emperor.

"The Xingluo Demon Emperor has just arrived, and I believe my uncle has also communicated with him. He understands what to do."

Henghua heard the hint, nodded thoughtfully, and stopped asking about the matter.

Next, he asked for the coordinates of fifty holes from Shan Lingqing, and the Fu family and his team explored and inspected them.

"In these fifty holes, there are two strongholds of our Chiyuan Taoist sect. If necessary, you can rest here. In case of emergency, you can also contact us."

Shan Lingqing handed the two keys to Fu Henghua.

Then he also handed the keys to several other strongholds to Yu Xiaolei, Fang Dongyuan and others.

When everyone was working in teams, Fu Henghua took the initiative to get close to Yu Xiaolei.

"What about her? How is she doing?"

Yu Xiaolei hesitated and looked around.

After realizing that Fu Henghua had set up forbidden laws, he nodded silently.

"Follow me."

"What's his attitude? Can he be won over?"

Yu Xiaolei shook his head silently.

"She only plans to follow your nine-day alliance and find people underground together. As for what happens next, I don't dare to ask."

There may also be people with demonic ways in the abyss of the earth.

Although Yue Jinghan had a bad relationship with the demons, after being enlightened by Fu Henghua, a trace of kindness arose in his heart.I plan to take this opportunity to save some demon disciples back.

"Then, you and her should spend more time together these days. Even if it doesn't work out in the future, you can still leave a good relationship. When we meet on the battlefield in the future, maybe we can be a little more merciful."

Yu Xiaolei looked very embarrassed and looked at Fu Henghua in confusion.

"You... what are you talking about?"

What is meant by failure is that there is absolutely nothing!

Henghua waved his hand, obviously not interested in asking these matters in detail.

"In short, you have to control yourself. But don't cause a 'son-in-law' thing. Your father has a good reputation and cannot afford to embarrass this person."

The man named Yu had a grudge against his father and godfather for defeating him when they were young, so he gave birth to a Yu Xiaolei to embarrass him.

If he learned about Yu Xiaolei's side, wouldn't he be so angry that he would come directly from Donglai to kill him?

"If it works, let her cut off her connection with the devil and get a false identity. Otherwise, you and your son will be denounced by the heroes of the immortal world."

"If it doesn't work, then clean up the traces, don't tell anyone, just pretend it's nothing."

After Fu Henghua gave some advice, he left to find Mr. Fu Tong.

"Fairy, come on, let me toast you."

"Miss Fu, thank you for your life."


When Fu Henghua came to find him, Fu Tongjun was surrounded by more than a dozen Chiyuan disciples.

They were having a banquet and drinking together to celebrate their recovery from illness.

Seeing the smell of alcohol rising to the sky, Fu Henghua said something in a voice message and turned around to find Fu Beidou.

Fu Beidou and Fu Xuanhe obviously said something. When Fu Henghua entered the camp, they looked a little strange.

"Uncle, eldest brother. I have negotiated with the Chiyuan Taoist sect. We will help find fifty holes and then return to the surface."

Fu Beidou frowned and said, "I heard from your brother that Dong Moyang, Hong Changyi and Jiang Xiaoli are still missing?"

He doesn't have to care about other young people in Donglai.But these three people have a close relationship with the Fu family, so it is not easy for anything to happen.

Fu Henghua nodded silently.

"Dong Moyang has great magical powers, so there is no need to worry. But the other two..."

Fu Xuanhe thought from their perspective.

"If there is no earthly abyss, and there is no demonic path, where else could it be? Ghosts? The sea?"

"Anyway, after checking these fifty holes, we will return to the surface. I plan to scan the human world again."

The four of them waited for another two hours before Fu Tongjun walked in from outside.

Smelling the quiet orchid fragrance, Henghua raised his eyebrows and squinted.

"Look at what?"

Mr. Fu Tong glared back, and then placed in front of him one by one the various heavenly materials and earthly treasures presented by Chiyuan's disciples for inspection.

High-grade gold essence, fourth- and fifth-grade elixirs, wood hearts and spiritual herbs that have been heated for thousands of years...

"Chiyuan is really rich."

Fu Beidou looked indifferent: "It should be like this if a continent supports a faction."

Those who should be surprised have already been surprised.

Being able to take out the elixir to heal one's own injuries, which one of the Donglai sects has the confidence?

Fu Henghua stared at the golden spirits and spiritual trees bred by spiritual veins, and suddenly said:
"After we go back, the Buxianzhou plan should be on track."

Fu Beidou's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Henghua's words.

"Can Si Ruizhou proceed to the next step?"

Isn't the reason why Bai Yutang supported Fu Henghua just because he created a big pie and Bai Yutang also benefited greatly?

He glanced vaguely at Fu Xuanhe.

Fu Xuanhe took the initiative and said with a smile: "That's good, Xiao Liu'er, when you turn around and lead the promotion to Buxianzhou, send a message to the elder brother. The elder brother will also go back to watch the ceremony."

Fu Henghua was stunned for a moment, and Fu Tongjun was also a little surprised. Suspicion swept across Fu Beidou and Fu Xuanhe, and both of them fell silent.

"Okay, Mr. Tong is back too. Henghua, call Hengshou, let's go investigate the cave."

Fu Beidou obviously did not intend to continue this topic.

Let me give you a hint, everyone is smart, just understand in your heart.

In the current situation, although Baiyutang is still at the bottom of the three halls.But the situation was much better than it was a hundred years ago, and he didn't want anything to happen again.

When Siruizhou is completed, Baiyutang will usher in a new round of development, and may be able to catch up with Xugutang.

Fu Xuanhe: "Uncle Seventeen is right. Let's leave as soon as possible. Find everyone as soon as possible and we will return to the surface as soon as possible. Xiao Liu'er, as the city lord, you can't be outside all the time. Sometimes, you have to take the initiative to take responsibility."

(End of this chapter)

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