
Chapter 651 The whereabouts of Dongfang Yunqi

In a hidden valley, Demon Mingxi and a group of two-headed giants were communicating.

Suddenly, the two-headed giants roared.Red plaque appeared out of nowhere on their bodies.

Gudoo - Gudoo -

It was like the sound of boiling water.

Those red parasitic Gus emitted billowing heat waves.

It didn't take long for these two-headed giants to be completely turned into carrion.

"Enemy attack—enemy attack!"

The Mingxi demons rode on the ground lizard demon beasts to be on guard.

These lizard cavalry are the elite of the Mingxi clan, and they quickly formed a formation to resist the parasitic Gu.


A sigh sounded in the sky.

The long silver scroll suddenly rose.

On the scroll are pictures of Mingxi demons wearing armor and riding lizards.


With a flash of golden light, the demons in the battle formation turned into auras and escaped into the cloud axis.

Soon, the cloud axis fluttered back into Fu Henghua's hands.

Looking at the mess of carrion below, Fu Henghua frowned and said to Lord Fu Tong: "I told you to do less killing, but you didn't listen. The calamity of the golden elixir has passed, but the calamity of the immortal will be difficult in the future. , what should you do? If you don’t accumulate virtue and do good deeds, beware of thunder from the sky striking you!"

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Fu Tongjun was too lazy to argue with Fu Henghua.

"Compared to me, how are you a good person?"

Looking at the portrait of Fu Henghua on the cloud scroll, she said disdainfully: "What are you going to do after you capture these demons alive? Could it be that you are going to refine a cave and raise them to be your Taoist soldiers? What else are you going to do? Heavenly palace, heavenly being, right?"

While testing, she secretly took a look at Hengshou's expression.

Hengshou looked calmly, overlooking the environment of this small hollow.

Five people from the Fu family searched fifty caves. Because the distance was not far and everyone was proficient in fighting methods, the five people split up.

Henghua and Hengshou were fast and came first to join Fu Tongjun.

By chance, they ran into a group of Mingxi demons holding an invitation from the demon emperor on earth to seek an alliance with the two-headed demons.

Fu Tongjun didn't say anything, and directly caused the parasitic Gu to kill people.

In comparison, Fu Henghua was much more gentle.

He calculated the flow of Qi of Demon Mingxi and drew the corresponding spiritual diagram.As long as the portrait is taken, the demons will immediately fly into the cloud axis.

"Henghua-Tongjun, how is the situation here?"

Fu Xuanhe came to this hole from another direction.

He looked displeased when he saw the red parasites and rotten flesh piled on the ground.

He looked at the three people present and said to Fu Henghua, "Why aren't you looking at her?"

Fu Henghua spread his hands, his face full of innocence: "I just got here too."

He caught a glimpse of Fuxuan and a string of bronze talismans around his waist.

"These talismans from Big Brother..."

"I searched the ten holes and encountered some blind monsters, so I arrested them. Aren't you going to build the 'Xuanyuan Nine Heavens'? I'll give you teaching materials."

"Thank you bro."

Fu Tongjun silently watched the interaction between the two brothers, and thought to himself: The devil may be sealed in a scroll or a talisman, how can you have the nerve to accuse me of being cruel?

Murder is just a no-brainer.

When a person dies, his soul returns to the stars and can begin the next life.

But being captured by these two people, he was unable to start his next life, and had to live until his life span was exhausted.How much time will this delay?

Especially you, Fu Henghua.

I kill people to protect their self-esteem, let them die with dignity, and start their next life as soon as possible.

But what about you?
You shattered their self-esteem and made them inhumane. You are much more ruthless than me!
But judging from the results, Fu Tongjun's actions will make the spirit of Xingtian bear a grudge, leading to aggravation of the disaster.

Fu Henghua left these people alive, and Xingtian will not record the reasons for the killing.

As long as he takes care of the aftermath, let these people sincerely repent and accumulate good deeds.Afterwards, they returned to the starry sky and entered the next life. Each one of them had unique potential due to Fu Henghua's training and enlightenment.

In this way, they would also like to thank Fu Henghua!

Handing the dozen copper talismans worn around his waist to Henghua, Fu Xuanhe said:
"Tongjun's side should be the last, right? Come on, let's go find Uncle Seventeen."

After the four of them reunited, they headed to the stronghold outside the two hollows.

This stronghold occupies a hollow.

The empty underground world has a radius of five hundred miles and a height of three hundred feet.This is the space that Chiyuan True Immortal opened up with great magic power when he was searching for it in the abyss of the earth.

There is a fairy formation here, which turns the power of the earth's abyss into the spirit of fairy spirits, and uses the spiritual energy to cultivate a medicinal field.

Shan Lingqing lent the key, naturally acquiescing to their use of Lingtian herbs.

But Fu Beidou kept his status as a well-known and upright man, and consciously obtained a lot of benefits from the Chiyuan Taoist sect, and had no intention of continuing to take advantage.The four people he led only used this place as a stronghold to breathe out spiritual energy, but did not pick the Chiyuan medicinal field.

When the four returned, they saw that Fu Beidou had brought a comatose young girl to the stronghold for treatment.

Fu Henghua smiled and said: "It seems that the luck of the four of us is still not as good as Uncle Seventeen. This saves another one-eh?"

His expression changed slightly: "A member of the Star Demon Sect?"

"Yes, this girl has the power of the stars and should be from the Xingluo Demon Palace."

Fu Beidou was a little confused. He briefly treated the injury and stood up.

"When I searched the ten holes, I didn't find anything originally. But when I was about to leave, I vaguely noticed the power of a star evil. After searching carefully, I found the girl in a fire well. I suspect that this girl came from the first He escaped from Sandiyuan."





The four looked at each other.

Finally, Fu Henghua took two steps forward and injected the true essence of creation into the girl's body.

"Xingyuan Demonic Pill, this is the directly inherited technique of the Star Demon lineage. It was reversed by the Demon Emperor by referring to the Immortal Dao and Star Dao."

Fu Henghua used his incarnation to wander among the demons, so he naturally dabbled in it.

The true essence of creation transforms into the evil element of the star, helping the girl sort out the messy demonic essence in her body.

"Did she fall into the third abyss? This is unfortunate enough."

After a while, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing the Fu family in front of her, her expression suddenly changed and she summoned the flying sword without thinking.

If others don't recognize him, how can he not recognize Fu Xuanhe?

Fu Beidou snorted heavily, and the girl's face suddenly turned pale. She was possessed by the evil spirit of the Sword Immortal and could no longer hold the sword.

"We saved you, not to kill you! Don't worry, the immortals and demons are in a truce now. When we turn around, we will send you back to Xingluo Demon Continent."

Fu Beidou swept his sleeves and robe, and the starlight restriction suddenly spread inside the girl's body, imprisoning her whole body with magic power.

After all, the girl was the direct descendant of the Star Demon. She quickly calmed down and said in a deep voice: "Fu Xuanhe, please contact the Demon Palace. I want to talk to the master."

"Is your master the Star Luo Demon Emperor?"

After hesitation, the girl nodded silently.

Is it?
The master’s husband is naturally considered the master.

Fu Xuanhe did not act, but looked at the girl carefully.

After a while, he suddenly realized.

"I remembered you. I recognized you. You were with the concubine. You are the concubine's disciple."

The girl's face darkened and she spoke openly.

"Yes, my name is Song Yunying, and I am my disciple. I hope you can help me get in touch with His Majesty."

"Because you know the whereabouts of the concubine?"

Suddenly, Mr. Fu Tong next to him suddenly asked.

At the same time, a strange power emanated from her body.

Song Yunying subconsciously blurted out: "Your Majesty and I were living in the Fourth Abyss. She spent a lot of effort to get me -"

She quickly bit her tongue and glared at Fu Tongjun.

"You cast a spell on me!"

A trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Fu Henghua looked at Song Yunying in surprise.

This witch is not simple, she is quite cruel.

"The Fourth Abyss? That space storm can actually send people that far down?"

Fu Xuanhe paid attention to another point.

The Fourth Abyss is already the end of Chiyue's seal.

According to the information Mrs. Yun told him.

There are five layers of seals in the Red Abyss. In the fifth abyss, there is only one ancient battlefield suspended above the abyss.

Upward from the ancient battlefield is the core sealing place located in the Fourth Abyss.

The Chiyuan sect has strengthened Chiyue's seal over the years, always going to the seal altar of the Fourth Abyss.

If the concubine was there...

What if the seal is directly destroyed...

How could Fu Xuanhe dare to tell the Devil Emperor the information? He directly informed the Chiyuan Taoist sect.


The concubine is in the fourth abyss?
Shan Lingqing was immediately confused and quickly contacted Bu Xuan.

save people?

Absolutely.Once the divine concubine dies, the Demon Emperor will definitely be furious.

How can it be saved?
Let the Demon Emperor go to the Fourth Abyss?

Didn't that take the initiative to expose the forbidden land seal to him?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
After consultation with the top management of Chiyuan, they finally decided to go to the Fourth Abyss in person to save people.

By the way, I also went to see if there are any fellow immortals here.


Hong Chang-eul wakes up from a coma.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my left eye.

He wanted to reach out and touch it, but was held down by the person next to him.

In the haze, he heard an urgent exclamation: "Don't move, your eyes haven't healed yet."


not good?

Hong Changyi was conscious and immediately planned to open his eyes and get up.

The left eye was completely dark and unable to see.

When he tried to open his eyes, he felt a stinging pain in his left eye.


He covered his left eye and almost fell off the couch.

"I told you, don't move - don't open your eyes, your eyes haven't grown yet."

The man helped Hong Changyi lie down again.

He gasped and regained his composure.At this time, the identity of the speaker was also heard.

"Little Li?"

"Yes, it's me." Jiang Xiaoli took the elixir again, turned it into a ball of spiritual energy, and slowly injected it into the eye patch on Hong Changyi's face.

"Where are we?" Hong Changyi looked around with his right eye.

This is a simple tent, or in other words - a portable blessed place.

Judging from the decoration inside the tent, it is clearly Fu Henghua's style.

"Henghua is with us?"


Jiang Xiaoli shook his head slowly.

"But this tent..."

"Sister Dongfang brought this from the Fu family when she came here."


Dongfang Yunqi?

"Is she with us?"

"And Brother Yuwen, Brother Duan, Brother Fu..."

Brother Fu, not Senior Brother Fu?

Hong Changyi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered: "Fu Danyu?"

"Yes, he is there."

Jiang Xiaoli said: "Sister Dongfang found us one by one and brought us to this camp - there are many monks here in Nanzhou."

On the Donglai side there are Duan Xun, Fu Danyu, Hong Changyi, Yuwen Chunqiu, Qi Longjiao, Yu Linshan, Jiang Xiaoli and Dongfang Yunqi.

On the Nanzhou side, there are the Chiyuan sect headed by Zhang Xuanchu and Ying Ruhong, as well as Nanzhou family monks and ordinary casual cultivators like Shen Ping and Ke Xiaohong.

"Together, there are about fifty people on both sides of us, and half of them are Zhang Xuanchu's guards."

Hong Changyi's face changed slightly and he asked hurriedly.

"Who set up this camp?"

"Sister Dongfang."

Jiang Xiaoli whispered: "I understand what you mean, Brother Fu specifically asked me to take care of you."

There are too few people in Donglai.

Even if each one is powerful, they cannot be easily compromised.

Danyu Fu understands that at this critical moment, the two sides may be able to work together.But if there is a road to kill or survive later, the Nanzhou monk may choose to push himself and others out to die.

Hong Changyi thought about it and naturally refused to continue sitting.

He stood up and said, "Take me out and have a look."

He must grasp the current situation and must not let Donglai and his party fall into a disadvantage.

Jiang Xiaoli obediently helped him out of the tent.

The pale moonlight illuminated the camp lawn, making it look silver.

Hong Changyi was startled and looked up at the sky.

Probably due to the loss of an eye.

The deep sky was hazy, making it difficult to see clearly.

Even if I peeked with my spiritual sense, I could not see any trace of the sun, moon and stars.

"Where is this place?"

"We don't know either."

Jiang Xiaoli smiled bitterly.

"We were thrown away here, and then Sister Dongfang found us one by one and settled in this camp. The camp is a blessed place she established. Look at the moonlight in the sky -"

It was a mirror floating hundreds of feet above the ground.

Chan jade mirror.

Dongfang Yunqi used the mirror to imitate the moonlight and built a moonlight paradise to protect the fellow immortals she saved.

Hong Changyi observed the outside of the camp.

Outside the moonlight barrier, any trace of demonic energy was blocked by the moonlight and could not invade this blessed land.

"Are we in the Demonic Land?"

"It should be. That's what Brother Chiyuan said, but the stars and the moon are hidden in the sky, and Sister Dongfang's Taoism can't calculate the direction."

I have no idea whether this is the left continent or the middle continent.

"Moreover, the Qiankun Ring in our hands cannot contact Xuanyuan City."

Hong Changyi was stunned for a moment and tried to activate the ring in his hand.

ding ding-

Waves of spiritual light echoed in the air, and he vaguely sensed the existence of several other rings.

Look at the nearest ring.

In the hands of Jiang Xiaoli.

"We have tried all these methods. At present, we can only ensure the contact between us, and the rest..."

Jiang Xiaoli took Hong Changyi to the rice field not far away.

There are three acres of green bamboo and rice fields as tall as one person, and the vegetable fields next to them are planted with bamboo shoots, potatoes, melons, leeks, and artemisia, onions, and mustards.

"Sister Dongfang said that the demonic energy outside is so strong that it is difficult for us to absorb the external spiritual energy. We have to use spiritual food to restore our mana."

Hong Changyi felt heavy.

Black Moon Reef Underground Blessed Land reappears?
But there are only a few people in his group right now?
There is no group of experts such as Fu Henghua and Zhong Lihan sitting in charge.

Just rely on oriental girls...

Hong Changyi sighed.

Now I understand why Fu Danyu asked Jiang Xiaoli to look after him carefully.

Duan Xun and Qi Longjiao seemed to be a head weaker than Hong Changyi in terms of cultivation.Not to mention Yu Linshan and Jiang Xiaoli, one is good at refining weapons and the other likes spiritual food, but they are not good at fighting.

Only Fu Danyu and Yuwen Chunqiu's combat prowess is worth watching.But the two of them assisting Dongfang Yunqi obviously cannot withstand the threat of dozens of Nanzhou monks.

"I understand. By the way - where are they? The Oriental girl is not in the camp?"

"She and Brother Fu went outside to find someone..."

At this time, Jiang Xiaoli's ring lit up with yellow light, and he looked happy.

"They're back!"

The two of them stood by the rice field, looking at the silver light rising in the distance.

Dongfang Yunqi flew over slowly on the "Moon Boat".

Fu Danyu was standing on the side of the cloud, whispering something to her.

But it was obvious that Dongfang Yunqi did not agree with his words, her expression was cold and she rarely responded.

When the two of them entered the Moonlight Blessed Land, Ying Ruhong also led many Chiyuan disciples to greet them.

"Fairy, is there any news when you go out this time?"

Dongfang Yunqi slowly shook her head: "We still haven't found our people, and we haven't been able to find out where we are now."

"Fairy, you have exhausted your mana during this trip, why don't you take a rest early?" Fu Danyu spoke with concern from one side, interrupting Ying Ruhong's inquiry.

Dongfang Yunqi glanced at the sky.

A ray of moonlight hangs down from the Chanyu mirror, restoring her magic power.

Unable to sense the lunar direction, Dongfang Yunqi can only rely on a few "moon tools" to restore her strength.

"Fellow Daoist Ying, I'm sorry to be with you. If you want to ask about specific matters, later..."

"No, I told him."

Dan Fu took it all in stride and took it over directly.

"Fairy, just restore your self-cultivation. The maintenance of this camp cannot be separated from you."

He looked at Ying Ruhong thoughtfully.

Ying Ruhong smiled bitterly, "The person who plans to compete with you for sovereignty is Senior Brother Zhang. What does it have to do with me?"
All he wants is to protect his fellow disciples as much as possible and prevent any more casualties in this crisis.

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