
Chapter 655 2 Yidao Zhensheng Taixuan

Chapter 655 Liangyi Dao Zhensheng Taixuan

"Why are you two here?"

Fu Xuanhe sat up and looked at the two of them and Hengshou who was watching the wind behind them.

"Should we ask you? Brother -" Fu Henghua looked unhappy, "You didn't let us come, but you sneaked over here yourself?"

Fu Tongjun was going to explain, but seeing that Fu Henghua said "the bad guys complain first", he simply shut up and watched the show.

"If sister Tongjun hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that my elder brother had such thoughts!"

Heng Hua was indignant: "Fortunately, I studied some secret teleportation techniques when I was in the Xuanwei Sect. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to bring people down to rescue you."

Okay, just a few words to get rid of the responsibility of secretly following you.He also forged a cause and effect, as well as a list of exercises.

Fu Tongjun was disdainful, but he followed Fu Henghua's words: "Yes, I noticed that my eldest brother has been acting strangely these days. Under the pretext of seclusion, he was actually sneaking into the abyss secretly. So I hurriedly contacted him and worked together to save my eldest brother. "

Fu Henghua had difficulty in doing so: "Now that we have found the person and it looks like everything will be fine, let's go back. Before the fifth uncle and the seventeenth uncle don't know, let's go back quickly."

Humph - you will play the role of an honest person.

When Fu Tongjun saw Fu Henghua's eyes glancing at him, he understood and understood that he was planning to let him step down.So, Mr. Fu Tong immediately said: "No hurry, no hurry. This ancient battlefield is the ruins of immortals and demons. Walking and seeing more here may be beneficial to your and my cultivation. Let's just follow big brother, big brother, you What do you say?"

"But this place is too dangerous," Fu Henghua said with disapproval. "Although the three of us have descended with spiritual consciousness, if we are damaged, we will have to cultivate for a period of time."

With that said, he turned around, lifted his feet and walked out.

Well, I have another piece of news to tell my eldest brother.

We are spiritual beings, so it doesn’t matter if we lose it a little bit. We just need to rest for a while.

Fu Tongjun thought as he looked at Fu Xuanhe with pleading and hopeful eyes.

Fu Xuanhe looked at his younger brothers and sisters and said slowly: "Don't rush to explore the ancient battlefield. You guys are here. Help me find Dong Moyang first."

Dong Moyang is here?
Fu Henghua's pretendedly raised foot immediately fell down, and he turned around in shock: "He is here? How does the elder brother know? Where does the news come from?"

"There is a code between me and him. I saw the mark he left at the bottom of 'Upside Down Mountain'. Otherwise - why would I foolishly come to such a dangerous and unpredictable place?"

Dong Moyang's ancient battlefield in the Fifth Abyss?

Fu Henghua lowered his head and thought, then took out the jade turtle shell to deduce.

However, due to the Taoist charms of demon gods and true immortals filling the ancient battlefield, it is impossible to make calculations at all.

"What does eldest brother mean... should we follow the clues left by eldest brother Dong to find the person?" Fu Tongjun asked.


Fu Xuanhe followed Dong Moyang all the way down.

But when I got nearby, I suddenly had an inspiration. I thought of a way to solve the problem that I and Gongye Mingchan had had for many years, so I sat down to study it.


After a while, the three brothers and sisters came to a conclusion.

Fu Xuanhe led the way, and the three of them flew behind on the clouds.

Following the mark left by Dong Moyang, we finally came to a fairy mountain.

There are jade dragons on the double peaks, and danxia swallows on the top of the clouds.

Seeing the fairy light in the sea of ​​​​danxia clouds, Fu Henghua blurted out: "Tai Xuan fairy light?"

The layout of the mountain in front of me is very similar to that of the Taixuan lineage.The attributes of the fairy light on the top of the mountain are similar to those of the Xuanwei Sect and Liangyi Tao.

Fu Tongjun pointed down: "Brother, look quickly."

At the mountain gate, red clouds formed a large formation, and strips of neon clouds turned into soaring snakes.A dozen monks were waving flags to drive away snakes and jointly besieged a young man.

The young man was calm and leisurely, surrounded by Yin and Yang dragons, with his hands forming seals to control the sword.Facing the attacks of these monks, he still had the upper hand.

"It's Dong Moyang."

Without saying a word, Fu Xuanhe shot out 360 talismans instantly.


The talisman connected the stars in the sky, and then the silver glow lit up, and a giant sword of stars slowly smashed into the Red Cloud Serpent Formation.

"Mo Yang, get out of the way."

boom - boom -

Starlight shot into the sky, and the power of the instant explosion tore apart the red clouds.When the monks saw someone coming to help, they hurriedly carried Chi Yun to escape.

"This escape method is a bit weird."

Fu Henghua looked at these monks and saw that their methods were different from what he knew.

"Is it an ancient method? The legacy of the true immortal?"

Fu Henghua made a backhand palm, and the energy of the five elements immediately rolled in and turned into a giant five-fingered peak to suppress the monks.

The four Fu family members went straight to the mountain gate to meet Dong Moyang.

Seeing these four people, Dong Moyang was also happy.

"Brother Dong, did you arrange this fairy mountain layout?"

"Of course not. This is the fairy palace of my ancestors."

your home?Taixuan Taoism?
The four of them looked confused.

The time doesn't match, right?

Taixuanzong is the first sect of the Sixth Cultivation Civilization.

This ancient battlefield was created by the fall of the true immortals at the end of the Third Civilization.

Dong Moyang held a golden lantern in his hand, opened the mountain gate passage, led four people inside, and said cheerfully:
"Come on, you are in luck. Maybe you can get some advice from the Patriarch. This is your blessing. Henghua, you should especially seize the opportunity."


Fu Henghua hesitated: "Which immortal from Taixuan Sect has been to the ancient battlefield?"

Maybe the True Immortal Taixuan came to visit and opened an immortal dojo?
"You'll know when you come in."

Dong Moyang pretended to be mysterious and did not tell the truth directly.

The golden lanterns attracted the five-color rainbow bridge, attracting everyone to walk in the air and walk towards the sea of ​​clouds between the two Panlong peaks.

On the way, Fu Xuanhe asked about the origins of the monks in the Red Cloud Formation.

"Those people are monks from Chiyun Palace."

Dong Moyang led the way and said to the four of them.

"Taoist Chiyun was a true immortal in the Huntian Civilization era - oh, he was called the True Monarch in that era. The Huntian Civilization was also called the Hunyuan Civilization. After all, in our understanding, that civilization relied on the "Hunyuan Jin" Chapter "Rise."

The heaven is integrated into one body and can be explored in all directions.

This is the slogan of that civilization.

This is also what later civilizations called it.

"In this battlefield in the Huntian. True Lord fell, and Taoism transformed into thousands... The body of True Lord Chiyun fell into a mountain, and was born in the Yunhai Taoist Mansion. His energy dispersed into Chiyun and others. This group of monks have since She was born in the red clouds and lived to be three hundred years old. When she died, she returned to the red clouds and was pregnant again."

"Spirit man?"

"Yes. If they live a good life and practice well, they can transcend 300 years of life. Form elixirs and transform into babies..."

"If you practice here, there will be no catastrophe, right?"

"Wrong. There is also a heavenly tribulation here. It was created by the Taoist transformation of the Purple Thunder Lord and the Five Thunder Demon Gods."

Dong Moyang slowly told the origins of the seven true kings and eight demon gods in this ancient battlefield.

"These true kings and demon gods were all participants in the last battle of the Huntian civilization in the past. They all died here, and their remains created this 'Huntian World'."

Can the body of a true immortal be transformed into all things?
Fu Tongjun was thinking about Chiyun's lineage, and suddenly looked at the Yin and Yang Double Dragon Mountain in front of him.

"Is this mountain also transformed by the True Lord?"

"Exactly, this mountain is where the remains of my ancestor are. Look, here we are -"

Danxia Cloud Sea is located between Shuanglong Peak.

There are lotus roots growing in the center of the sea of ​​clouds, with twelve lotus flowers blooming.There is a Taoist statue sitting on the lotus, wearing two Taoist robes and holding a fly whisk, which fully shows the high moral character of the immortal family.

Just standing on the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, Fu Henghua heard the sound of Taoism echoing in his ears, preaching the innate Yin and Yang Dao.

Staring at the remains of the True Lord, Fu Henghua looked horrified:

"Tai... Taixuan Taoist Saint? Wait... this is the true king of the third civilization era - Taixuan Taoist Saint's previous life!"

"Yes, this is the ancestor's previous life."

Dong Moyang's face was full of pride, a bit elated.

In Donglai, as Taixuanzong's sect rose to prominence, and the two pavilions came up later, rumors gradually spread among the three major waters.

Taixuan Taoist Saint has the ability to open the way, but he is not a native of Donglai.Therefore, the Chiyuan Taoist sect once dominated the calendar and controlled the orthodoxy of the calendar.Therefore, Taixuanzong ascended to the nine heavens and gave up the world of Donglai, which was the fate of heaven, and his luck was exhausted in Donglai.In the world of Donglai, there will definitely be an indigenous monk who attains Taoism in the future, and only the indigenous orthodox can rule Donglai.

Of course, everyone knows the little thinking behind such rumors.

But now Dao Zhi can break this rumor.

Taixuan Dao Sheng was originally a monk in this land.

And he is a true immortal from an even more ancient era.He once fought with the devil and died of exhaustion while protecting the island.

After death, he was reincarnated in another divine continent. After successful cultivation, he returned again for enlightenment and opened the sixth civilization.

Fu Xuanhe looked at his friend with a proud face and said with a smile: "It seems that your family is really orthodox in Donglai?"

"More than just orthodoxy? According to the founder, Donglai Divine Continent was hurriedly built by him and several other True Lords."

Dong Moyang: "Back then, Tongtianzhou was defeated and the battle line collapsed. Eighteen demon gods came to the world, and all the true kings were robbed one after another.

"After discussing with several other survivors, the Patriarch cut off the earth's veins and cut off the mountains and rivers. He took away the unyielding areas of Tongtian Continent and established three more Immortal Continents overseas.

"When the three continents are settled, the true kings will return to the occupied areas and engage in a final fight with the demon gods." At that time, the eighteen demon gods also suffered heavy casualties.There are only eight remaining demon gods and seven true kings including the Patriarch fighting here. "

After this battle, the seven true kings became Daoist and the eight demon gods perished.

When Liangyi Zhenjun returned to the stars and reincarnated again, Taoist Taoist Taixuan came into being.

Dong Moyang told the story of the cause and effect, and all four of them remained silent.

Fu Henghua was the first to take a few steps forward and salute the Taoist corpse of the ancestor in the sea of ​​clouds.

"Junior Fu Yuandao, I would like to meet the Taoist saint and ancestors."

Although Hengshou didn't react, his body had already formed a habitual instinct.After Fu Henghua saluted, he also followed suit.

Fu Xuanhe and Fu Tongjun looked serious, and after tidying up their clothes, they also bowed respectfully to their seniors.

The mere fact of "the establishment of Donglaizhou" was a great gift from them.


A sudden loud sound rose from the sea of ​​clouds.

The corpse opened his eyes and slowly said to the four people:

"It's fate that we meet each other. If you have any questions, we can help you solve them."

The sound of Dao suddenly rang in the ears of the four of them.

Fu Xuanhe saw each Tai Chi diagram split into talismans, and then intertwined into hundreds or thousands of innate talismans in the form of red text.Then all the talismans were unified and evolved into a fundamental talisman of heaven and earth that was intertwined with the principles of yin and yang - a Tai Chi diagram.

"Heaven and earth are one talisman? One picture?"

Laughter echoed in Fu Xuanhe's ears, and the Tai Chi diagram split the ten thousand talismans again and evolved one by one.

"Your Taoism involves a fundamental talisman. This is the true Taoism. You need to understand your original mind, think carefully, and think carefully..."

Fu Tongjun saw the Yin and Yang Tai Chi diagram transformed into two dragons, interpreting the distinction between Yin and Yang, life and death, good and evil, and good and evil in front of him.

"Gu is a foreign object from heaven and earth, but it is still within yin and yang. Using yin to refine yang is also the way of immortality."

Zhenjun Liangyi also admired the "Seven Gu Jue Immortal Book" practiced by Fu Tongjun.

Use the Gu Dao to understand Yin and Yang and get a glimpse of the wonders of the Great Dao.

Excellent, excellent immortal calligraphy and Taoism.

Hengshou saw the Tao of Yin and Yang being performed in front of him.

"The Duke of Gold is not the Mother of Gold. He takes the yin of the five elements to produce yang, and refines the fire to obtain the Tao. Good, good. If you practice with the Wood Mother, the method can be accomplished."

During the Taoist explanation, Hengshou felt that his body was being cleansed by the yin and yang qi, and it seemed to become more stable...

Only Fu Henghua stood in front of Yunhai and listened to the Taoist sound, his face full of confusion.

"Senior, why do you talk about Taixuan Heavenly Book? At this moment, you already know the future?"

"The way of a saint, there is only one thought in the past and future." Under the misty clouds, Fu Henghua glimpsed the Taoist getting up and strolling towards him.

"How about entering my gate and passing on your Taixuan Heavenly Book?"

Dong Moyang stood on one side and was shocked when he heard this, and then looked very strange.

Okay, all my seniors like Fu Henghua.

From the master to the master, grand uncle, and now even the one at the top has taken a liking to him.

But...according to Dong Moyang's understanding of Fu Henghua, he would definitely not agree.


Fu Henghua shook his head slowly, bowed and thanked him for his kindness, but asked curiously: "Senior knows what's going to happen in the future, but does he know that we are here?"

The Taoist smiled and said nothing, gently swept the dust away, and evolved the principle of "yin and yang create creation".

do not know!
I never expected you to show up here!

Since Taixuan attained enlightenment, before he ascended and left, he had already arranged the cause and effect of his previous life properly.

He foresees that his descendants will visit this place in a future life.

Therefore, he used the Taoist corpse to help him practice the righteous Dharma of the Heavenly Book, continue the Taixuan Taoism, and put an end to the public case that year.

Not to mention Fu Henghua, he didn't expect the other two Fu family members and Hengshou to come here.

But when he saw Fu Henghua for the first time, Liangyi Zhenjun quickly realized that this son was favored by the "Devil Lord Zhu Yin Tian".There is hope that one can attain sainthood from evil demons and heretics!

Therefore, he specially explained the "Innate Taixuan Method" in the hope of drawing Fu Henghua into his sect and trying to make a profit.

But he also understands, which one who cultivates the holy way does not have a strong and persevering heart?
In the past, someone taught me the entire "Golden Chapter of Hunyuan", but didn't I refuse it?
"The holy path is difficult, so difficult..."

Seeing that the younger generation is still the same as before, Zhenjun Liangyi couldn't help but sigh.

Fu Henghua stared at the wonders of yin and yang created by the Taoist evolution, and silently wrote it down in the form of Shen Luotian.

"Thank you senior for your pointer."

Then, he stood aside and waited for the other three.

The Taoist nodded slowly, said something to Dong Moyang, and returned to the lotus platform again, becoming a dead corpse.

The clouds dissipated, and the Taoist corpse sat quietly on the lotus platform.

Looking at the Tao corpse quietly, Fu Henghua had no way of knowing.The Taoist who appeared just now is the remaining obsession of the former "Liang Yi Zhenjun", or perhaps the "Tai Xuan Taoist Sage" is here in person.

"The ancestor said, let me take you to see the Fu family's inheritance. Let's leave first. It will take time for them to realize the Tao."

Dong Moyang first attained enlightenment here and stayed there for three days.

That is to say, Fu Henghua's creation path has its own system. It is not convenient for the Taoist to interfere too much, so he simply mentioned some creation experience and clicked on the path.

"Fu family inheritance? My family also has ancestors here?"

"It's not that I've been here before, but it's a 'stone record' left over from the ancient times of Tongtian Continent. It's said to be an ancient civilization found by the ancestors during their ancient exploration."

An ancient civilization before the Third Civilization?
Fu Henghua was a little surprised and followed Dong Moyang towards the dragon peak on the left.

There is a stone forest in the back mountain, and each boulder is condensed with the "mark of time". They are arranged from left to right.

Dong Moyang clicked on the boulder on the far left.

A burst of golden light rippled, and mist drifted in the stone forest.

The two of them were immersed in the scene and saw the opening of the Tongtian Divine Continent.



The sea rolled with huge waves, and thousands of divine lights burst out.

Seeing the large vortexes densely forming in the sea, Fu Henghua suddenly thought of a familiar scene.

"Spiritual Qi Spin?"

It is similar to the spiritual energy whirlpool of the East Laiwan Island era.

It's just that this vortex is even bigger.

A divine continent slowly rises from the ocean.

It swayed in the huge waves, and then the roots slowly formed.After being connected to the ground, the huge floating island became a stable continent.

"Is this how the Divine Continent was built?"

Fu Henghua's expression was subtle: "This doesn't seem natural, more like..."

"The ancestor said that this is the great wish of Earth Mother Shen Dan. Look down and you will know."

I don’t know how many years have passed since the completion of Shenzhou.

Greenery gradually dotted the desolate land.

The brilliance of the sun and moon is pulled by it, the stars in the sky gather around, and a little light forms in the clear sky.

Henghua seemed to have an epiphany: "This is the prototype of the Soul Sea Star Sky."

It was at this moment that new movements appeared on the earth.

The soil exudes the breath of life, and birds and animals fly away from the soil one by one.

It does not evolve from microorganisms one by one, but it is a complete life form from the beginning of its birth.

Chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep are all available.

Even at the end, people emerge from the dirt.

They were naked people with yellow skin and black eyes.

After they appeared, they looked at this new world with curiosity.Then running around...

Then he was eaten by wild beasts, fell off the cliff to death, and drowned in the water...

Finally, under the leadership of some smarter people, they gathered together and began to live in groups.

"This is the origin of the Donglai people."

Fu Henghua once mentioned that people emerge from the soil.

Now that I see this scene, I have a more real feeling.

"The blood of human ancestors rests on the earth. As the earth rises and falls, the blood of human ancestors transforms into humans and multiplies in every divine continent supported by the Earth Mother Goddess."

"Henghua, pay attention, your ancestors are about to show up."

The picture changes abruptly, and the prototype of a primitive tribe appears.

Thatched houses, simple rice fields, and animal pens.

As the leader of these ancestors who reach the sky, he is a strange man with the phenomenon of "double eyes".At the same time, the people of Tongtian initially took Feng as their surname.

(End of this chapter)

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