
Chapter 656: Forging ahead begins with being a human being

Fu Henghua looked at the ancient records revealed by the boulders.

As time goes by, mountains and rivers change.

There are more and more human races, and they gradually form countries and dynasties.

At this time, someone asked a question.

"What is the structure of heaven and earth?"

"Where is the edge of the earth?"

A group of people began to take action amid speculations such as "Dadi said", "Huntian said", "Zhongtian said" and so on.

They built sea ships and tried to sail across the sea to find the end of the earth...

"These people are the ancestors of your family."

Dong Moyang said: "They followed the sea and finally found Tianxu Divine Continent and took root there."


Fu Henghua was shocked.

"So, the fact that my ancestors came from the east is actually..."

"It's Xunzu, and this isn't the first time your ancestors have come back."

Dong Moyang looked at the boulder and clicked on the second piece.

It was an old man who was enlightening while holding a turtle shell created by heaven and earth.

"This is the earliest origin of our cultivation civilization. It is not an innate divine gift, nor a chance from heaven. It is a method created by human wisdom, the first method of refining Qi."

The picture moves quickly.

Not long after the old man created the qi-refining technique, he died due to a catastrophe.

Then the skills were inherited by later generations, studied and passed down from generation to generation.

In the end, the first person to build a foundation, the first person to form a core...

This was the beginning of Tongtianzhou's first cultivation civilization.

At the end of the second boulder, a group of strangers appeared in the sky.

They brought large quantities of cultivation classics, hoping to help Tongtian's ancestors.

Seeing this, Fu Henghua frowned.

Those aliens have different shapes, including pure white people with wings on their backs, ferocious faces with three heads and six arms, and even strangers with snake heads, dragon heads and other weird shapes.

They are not the same force, but people sent by different forces.

They have a request.

I hope that the ancestors of Tongtian will practice their skills and become their clan members.

At this time, Dong Moyang activated the third boulder.

Although the light and shadow flashed rapidly, it was difficult for Fu Henghua to read all the cultivation techniques.

However, there are scenes of several Tongtian ancestors studying and trying alien skills.After they practiced those skills, their bodies grew wings, dragon horns and other strange shapes.

Eventually, they took on the appearance of those alien beings.

Henghua recalled what Feng Yunxing said and understood what period this was.

"History keeps repeating itself."

Faced with these problematic cultivation techniques, the ancestors of Tongtian rejected them.

Then, Dong Moyang activated the fourth boulder.

The aliens with charitable faces immediately showed their fangs and began to slaughter the ancestors crazily.

The sky-high blood energy covered Tongtian Continent for the first time.

"This is Tongtianzhou's first contact with the outside world. As a result... only a million of the forty million ancestors remain."

Blood feud, a world-wide blood feud!
And very powerless.

Facing these strangers from "outside the sky", the ancestors of Tongtian had no power to resist.

Several Jiedan leaders were slaughtered, their bodies cut into pieces, and their bodies were hung in the sky.

Some people escape, some resist, and some surrender to strangers.

In the end, these surrendered people were transformed into alien soldiers and slaughtered their former companions under the alien's orders.

Dong Moyang secretly looked at Fu Henghua's expression.

When he first saw this scene, his mood was completely aroused, as if he wanted to go back to that era and defend his homeland with the ancestors.


Fu Henghua looked calm.

He really didn't know the scene shown in the picture.

But Feng Yunxing told him about the cases that happened to the ancestors of the human race.

Not long after the Xuandan clan first possessed the technique, envoys from the Nine Heavens and Nine Earths came to contact them.They hope that the Xuandan clan will become their vassals, practice their skills, and fight for them in the Nine Heavens/Nine Earths.

The Xuandan tribe refused.

The result was massacre.The human race is stepping down step by step under this high pressure.

According to Feng Yunxing, there is an old saying circulating in Tianxu Divine Continent.

"Kneeling down to the sky and worshiping the earth is a human being. To flatter gods and demons and stain my blood is not a human being."


Dong Moyang continued to activate the boulder.

When the blood of resistance gradually ran out, the ancestors were at their most desperate.

The few people who had left across the sea came back.

Not only did they come back on their own, they also brought reinforcements from overseas.

Fu Henghua murmured as he watched the large ships appear in the sky and the Tribulation Immortals and True Immortals descending one after another.

"Tianxu Divine Continent?"

"Yes, this is the place."

Dong Moyang glanced at Fu Henghua unexpectedly.

"Yes, your family still retains this part of the inheritance."

Tianxu Divine Continent, the ancestral home of the human race.

Under the protection of a group of strong human beings, all the aliens were killed, and the ancestors survived.

And those ancestors who returned from crossing the sea also made an agreement with their former tribesmen.

In the future, when a sufficiently powerful cultivation system is born in Tongtian Continent, they will come to guide and communicate.

"You should understand why they didn't teach the techniques of Tianxu Divine Continent, but let the ancestors create them themselves, right?"

"Blindly copying the skills of Tianxu Divine Continent is just replicating the civilization of Tianxu Divine Continent in Tongtian Continent. The only way for the human race to expand is to go its own way. And... the human race's skills are inherited from generation to generation and created by themselves. To blindly copy and accept it is to tarnish the 'human ancestors'."

Human Ancestor, it was only through human intelligence and the efforts of generations of ancestors that the Xuandan clan gained a firm foothold in the wild land.

The ancestors of Tongtian were protected by their ancestral continent, and their innate conditions had improved so much. Could it be that they were still unable to find their own way?
As a result, the first cultivation civilization flourished for tens of thousands of years.

And under the influence of its legacy, two civilizations, Chiting and Huntian, were born one after another.

Even if Tongtian Continent collapsed, Yuxian and Longju appeared successively in Donglai Continent, until now the sixth civilization.

These are passed down from generation to generation by Tongtian’s ancestors and developed step by step.

"The ancestor said that your ancestors crossed the sea and entered Tianxu and became one of the Feng clan in Tianxu Divine Continent. They made an agreement with the ancestors of Tongtian Continent that whenever the cultivation civilization grows to a certain level, they will come back to communicate and help. Chi Ting is like this , Huntian is like this, and people from Yuxian and Longju will also come later. And in our era..."

Feng Xian traveled eastward.

This is the ancestral teaching and inheritance.

After the civilization has its own characteristics and its own core concepts, come to guide and help it grow.

"So, my family is also Donglai orthodox?"

"Not only is Donglai orthodox, your eldest brother's eyes are 'double pupils'."

Why is double pupil inherited as a blood talent in the Fu family?

Because this is a kind of "atavism".

When the light of the boulder dimmed, Henghua looked at the boulder behind him.

Dong Moyang waved his hand: "Those things are inconvenient to read. The recorded things are a bit uncomfortable. I will tell you in detail later. Calculate the time, the three of them are almost ready, let's go back."

Henghua didn't say much and followed him back to Yunhai.

Fu Xuan and the three of them have reached the end of their enlightenment.

Looking at the three people's high spirits and awe-inspiring auras, one can tell that the three of them have gained a lot.

Fu Xuanhe also held eight talismans in his hand.

"Hey, where is the Patriarch?"

Dong Moyang looked towards the sea of ​​clouds.

Taoist corpses and lotus flowers have all disappeared.

"Senior said that we would meet again in the future. Right now, he asked us to do something."

Fu Xuanhe shook the eight talismans.

"He ordered us to use these eight immortal talismans to suppress the remains of the eight demon gods in the ancient battlefield."

"Be prepared for the resurgence of the demon gods?" Heng Hua raised his eyebrows, "Don't you need to be prepared for those true monarchs?"

"No need. Senior said that those fellow Taoists might have another chance. Moreover, he asked me to tell you, let those monks go. So as not to ruin True Lord Chiyun's chance."

Fu Henghua made a casual move and the Five Elements Mountain dispersed.As soon as the strong wind swept away, all the Chiyun monks fled.

"Senior, do you really hope that another True Lord Chiyun will be born among these people?"

True Lord Chiyun transformed into "Chiyun Spiritual People". These spiritual beings were all transformed by his spirit god and can be regarded as his incarnation.

If one person understands the true nature, he can restore the true origin of the king.

It can also be regarded as a way of resurrection for true immortals.

Zhenjun Liangyi ordered a few people to suppress the remains of the demon god to prevent them from being resurrected in a similar way.

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