
Chapter 657: Creation 1: Thinking about the golden elixir

Chapter 657: One thought of good fortune and some golden elixir
It is not difficult to strengthen the talisman seals for the eight demon gods.The five members of Henghua's team were all young masters with high strength. Although they had some conflicts with the indigenous monks, they successfully completed the seal in just one day and left the ancient battlefield.

"Are we leaving now?" Mr. Fu Tong looked at the "Huntian World" with great reluctance.

The world created by the battles and deaths of fifteen great supernatural beings is filled with countless treasures.In just one day, she collected many thousand-year-old elixirs, wooden hearts, and even an eternal lotus flower.The harvest from this trip is comparable to what I have gained over the past ten years.

If you stay a few more days...

"External items are enough for use."

Fu Xuanhe said indifferently: "If you persist in pursuing external things, you will never be able to get them all in this life. Self-cultivation is the key point."

During this trip to the ancient battlefield, they borrowed the light of the Eastern Mo Yang and got the guidance of the True Lord Liangyi to practice.Not only was the "Sky Talisman Sutra" more complete, but he also obtained many writing methods for the secrets of the Immortal Talisman through Zhenjun's transmission.

Heng Hua smiled and echoed his elder brother's words: "Yes, what he said is absolutely true. Abstaining from greed and thinking carefully are the practices of our generation. There are many causes and effects involved in the battlefield here. When we take the spiritual treasure here, we will be contaminated by great causes and effects. In the future, If I get involved, I’m afraid I’ll get involved in some conspiracy.”

Those true kings and demon gods seemed to be dead.But each one’s consciousness is immortal, and they may come back one day.

Aren't you afraid of burning your hands if you take advantage of them?

Therefore, he did not take any of the heavenly and earthly treasures.Moreover, he, who is proficient in creation and successful in making wooden baskets, does not look down upon collecting treasures from heaven and earth.

Generally speaking, elixirs can be obtained by turning on the Great Way of Creation.

What Henghua gained from this trip was the true meaning of creation expounded by the Yin-Yang method by the True Monarch Liangyi, as well as the Huntian civilization practice system that he had figured out through the indigenous monks this day.

Although it was just a glimpse of the leopard, with his intelligence, he could quickly figure out a general outline.Then it is integrated into today's cultivation system, and then promotes Donglai cultivation civilization to integrate the ancient heritage of the past.

This kind of borrowing from the past to build the present and weeding out the old to bring out the new is precisely why the Donglai Tribulation Immortals are optimistic about and even condone Fu Henghua.

The five people walked out of the ancient battlefield, bowed deeply to the first ancestor of Chiyuan, and then returned to the square along the passage opened by the second ancestor.

Dong Moyang and Fu Xuanhe were in front, and Fu Henghua was behind.

Henghua started to stir up trouble in his mind about Fu Tongjun's greed for heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and found out many allusions and lessons from the Chinese era.

"There was a monk in Qiushan County who was greedy for the red fruit of the immortal tree, causing poisonous snakes to enter his stomach and pierce his intestines to death... The monks from Jiuyang Mountain dug up the immortal grass, connected the cause and effect with the ancient monk, and were taken away by him... The master of Lingyun Palace excavated the immortal mansion , harmed by a bloody corpse..."

Fu Henghua kept telling the past events of the China era.

Fu Tongjun said with a dark face: "Can you remember something useful with your memory? Why do you remember these miscellaneous books and stories so clearly?"

Of course it’s to teach you a lesson!
Fu Henghua pretended to be a brother and reprimanded:
"How do you know that these stories are useless? You must know that the past can be used as a mirror to reflect the present. These bloody lessons are all caused by the greed of our predecessors, and we should learn from them."

Immediately afterwards, there is another large piece of moral speech.

Dong Moyang listened all the way and couldn't help but persuaded: "Your two brothers are right. These heavenly materials and earthly treasures obtained from the fall of the true king and the demon god need to be treated with caution."

"Okay, okay, okay, you are all moral masters, and you are not fake. But don't forget, everyone has extraordinary times. What happened to my grandfather back then, if it happened again. Do we have to panic again, everywhere? Looking for elixirs?"

During this trip, she collected a lot of seeds of the unique spiritual grass, and planting them in Donglai later would give her more guarantees.

"Haha - it's not the same time now. Now that the method of wooden urn has been spread, do you want any elixir? Furthermore, the elixir extraction technology has matured. The elixir prescription has entered a higher level of application. You, these treasures of heaven and earth, Take it back and use it as raw material for extraction.”

Most of the monks knew the elixir recipes passed down by their predecessors but didn't know why. They just refined them according to the elixir recipes.

Why is it necessary to use dragon snake flower and nine-turn resurrecting grass as medicine?Why do we need nine kinds of spring water, each of yin and yang?What is the purpose?
Most monks don't think about it or think deeply about it.

But Ge Liu can think, Xue Kai can think, and Yu Yuyu can think.

They will study the principles of each prescription to find improvements and even inspire new prescriptions.

This is the difference between alchemy masters and ordinary alchemists.

Combining this method with Fu Henghua's scientific knowledge from his previous life, they jointly concluded a set of higher-level elixir applications.

When spiritual herbs are used as medicine, we do not use all of them, but extract some of their essence.Those complicated techniques are just to remove other unnecessary substances.

As long as such substances are extracted artificially, no whole herb can be used as medicine.Even if you switch to another herb, you can look for similar substances.or other alternatives.

Before Fu Henghua came, Yanlong Dandao, driven by the joint efforts of several masters, had already embarked on a path that the three major waters could not understand.

In nine cases out of ten, the recipes using Ganoderma lucidum have been modified into "Ganoderma quenching liquid·A" and "Ganoderma lucidum quenching liquid·B"...and the prescriptions using ginseng as medicine have been refined into twelve completely different types. of the extract.

Just using these extracts can not only exert the same effects as the original ginseng, but also save manpower and materials.Let the cost of Yanlong elixir be further reduced.

Under Fu Henghua's advice, the Cheng family and the Bao family have transformed from raw material suppliers to spiritual liquid processors.They collect the raw materials, extract the extract themselves and give it to the alchemists.

Not only can the two companies make money from it, Yanlong Alchemist can also drive down the price of elixirs in other waters through the low cost of the extraction solution.

After Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Liuhui and others arrived, Fu Pengming specifically inquired about the market situation in this area.When he learned that the three major water bodies had begun to accept it and purchased the extraction solution technology from the four Fufeng companies, he was so angry that he hammered his chest with both hands and kept lamenting that he had missed the opportunity.

If it were him, he would definitely be the first to suppress the alchemy industry in the three major water areas, thus further promoting the prosperity of Yanlong Alchemy Way.

"After all, they are all people who have no business knowledge! Without me, a business genius, sitting in charge, they have no idea what good opportunities they have missed."

This is a technological innovation led by Yanlong that can overturn the Dandao production chain of the three major water bodies in one fell swoop and unify and systematize the Donglai Dandao system!

They didn't seize the opportunity, but instead allowed the alchemy paths of the three major water bodies to innovate independently?
Ridiculous, ridiculous!

Of course, Fu Jia, Ge Liu and others are not real fools.

The reason why they made some of their technologies available to the public was because when Fu Henghua left Donglai, he left behind an article on the Creation Xuan Liquid Method (first draft) that combined the wooden urn method.

Convert the extraction formulas of various extraction liquids into various types of vitality.It can be synthesized through different vitality, and no molded plant materials are needed.

This synthetic elixir is more advanced than artificial gold essence.Because not only the elixirs of the immortal way, but also the elixirs of the demonic and evil ways that use living beings as sacrifices, you can also find "synthetics" with similar effects to replace them.

Because of this, Fu Henghua looked down upon the treasures in the world of Huntian.

Except for a few truly precious treasures, other things were just random things for him.

As for those real treasures, the cause and effect involving the true kings is too heavy, and they dare not touch them.


Suddenly, Fu Henghua heard a low voice from the front: "You three, get back quickly!"

Before Fu Henghua and the others could react, Fu Xuanhe threw a hurricane talisman behind him with his backhand.boom--

A strong wind suddenly rose, and the three of them were forced to roll upwards from the passage and flew back towards the ancient battlefield again.

problem occurs?
Fu Henghua quickly probed downwards.

When he saw the Chiyuan Tribulation Immortals on both sides of the Dao Corpse confronting the Xingluo Demon Emperor, his expression changed instantly.

"Did the Demon Emperor find this place?"

Henghua stretched out his hand to call, and Futongjun and Hengshou turned into two figurines and put them into his sleeves.

"Fix the wind."

With a flick of the spell, the hurricane dispersed from around him.

Fu Henghua's clothes were fluttering as he came to the square again from the passage and came close to Fu Xuanhe and Dong Moyang.

The two young men were ready and on full alert.

Sensing Fu Henghua coming up behind him, Fu Xuanhe angrily shouted:

"Why are you here?"

"I'm just an incarnation of a spiritual god. What are you afraid of? Brother, you should retreat if you want to retreat."

Fu Henghua stood on the other side of Fu Xuan and looked at the increasingly tense atmosphere on the court.

Mainly because Bu Xuan, Master Nine Fishes and others were nervous.Star Luo Demon Emperor looked calm and glanced at everyone present.

When he saw the three young people, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But thinking about the current situation, he stopped thinking about attacking the Fu brothers.

At this time, Fu Henghua took a few steps forward, raised his hands and asked with a smile: "Is your Majesty's trip here to save people?"

The Demon Emperor nodded slowly: "She is in this sealed mountain. I can sense...Bu How about you wait?"

He is also someone who knows about that past event.

Maintain a certain respect for Shan Lingzi and the first ancestor of Chiyuan.

These two are like their former teachers, they are true moral immortals.

However, Demon Emperor Xingluo is one of the three Demon Emperors in South Continent after all. He is assigned by the great masters of the Earth Abyss to break the seal and sacrifice the Demon God.

How could Bu Xuan and others dare to believe his words?
"Your Majesty, please be patient. We will search for your Majesty's traces. You can rest assured that we will not interfere with this matter."

"I have to find it myself."

"Your Majesty knows what is behind this. Changing location, is Your Majesty willing to let us go to the forbidden area at the core of Xingxiu Sea?"

This is where the two sides are targeting.

Not giving in to each other.

At this time, Fu Henghua rolled his eyes and took the initiative to come closer.

"Your Majesty. We have just been to the ancient seal behind this passage. I can guarantee that the concubine is definitely not in the fifth abyss. If your majesty has the secret method of sensing, he will realize that the empress is in the 'Upside Down Mountain'. Maybe in other parts of this mountain. Land boundary?”

Upside Down Mountain is no ordinary place.

The place where Shan Lingzi sat and the ancient battlefield were just a secret passage inside the mountain.

In addition, there are other hidden places in the hollowed-out mountain.

The Demon Emperor looked at Fu Henghua and seemed to be thinking about whether his words were credible.

Suddenly, a starlight lit up, and a terrifying demonic power pressed towards Fu Henghua.

"Heng Hua!"

"Little Six!"

"Little friend!"

The Tribulation Immortals, Fu Xuanhe and Dong Moyang changed their expressions at the same time and rushed to Fu Henghua's side.


Henghua's physical body collapsed and turned directly into a ball of spirit.

He took the initiative to push the two figurines into Fu Xuanhe's hands.

"Senior, if you can't believe it, then take me, the spiritual god, with you. If what I say is false, the concubine cannot be found in other realms. She was lost alone in the core seal of Chiyuan. Then I will be dealt with by the Demon Emperor. .”

Hearing these bold words, not only Fu Xuan and the two were worried, but the Tribulation Immortals were shocked.The Demon Emperor was also very surprised.

"You, a person from another continent, are actually willing to pay so much for Nanzhou?"

"Although I am an outsider, I, Senior Donglai, have done so much for Nanzhou. How can I, the junior, be content to be inferior to others?"

Huang Po Spirit God exudes layers of dream power.

Fu Henghua's dream is about to awaken.

At this time, the cloud axis fell from above the Chiyue seal.

It was like a meteor passing through several layers of abyss, and finally came to the side of Huang Po Spirit God.

The stars are flowing, and the heavenly palace is creating fortune.

Huang Po Spirit God once again reshaped his human form, cupped his hands and said: "I also have comrades in Xuanyuan City who have not yet been found. I am willing to go with your majesty to find each other's relatives and friends."

(End of this chapter)

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